“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”


A shot of Kelcey Wallace nailing Bree Lancaster with the Perfect Ending, followed by a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator off the top rope on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness, before turning a shot of Jake Starr pumping up the crowd on his way to the ring, before turning into a shot of Ravyn Taylor sitting in the corner, waiting for the start of a match. We then see a shot of Katie Steward holding the Women’s Championship before cutting to a shot of Selena Frost hitting Vixen Cain with the Defying Gravity at Supreme Saturday: Just Desserts.


“The leading force in sports and entertainment today....”







The opening bars of “The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire play as the Breakdown logo flies across the screen.


I'm thinking about the old me
'Cause I've been feeling empty
I never used to be so dead inside


Shots of Syren celebrating with the World Championship start before we see a shot of the Beauty Factory standing tall in the ring. Following this is Aaron Blackbourne hitting the Unchained Creativity on an opponent. Katie Steward hitting the Off with her Head on Giovanni Aries at Retribution 2018 follows.

I think I lost my memory
I can't remember carefree
And all my days turn into fight or flight


Owen Cruze hitting the Cruze Stomp on an opponent follows before we see Selena Frost hitting the Glass Shard on Bree Lancaster. Bree Lancaster hitting the Classifier on Aaron Blackbourne follows before we see Scarlet Grey walking to the ring.


I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back


Kennedy Street hitting Dante McCaffery with the Touch of Class follows before we see James Evans and Angelica Jones holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship. Marie Jones standing on the ropes follows before we see Kandis swiveling her hips as part of her entrance. Derek Adonis holding up a copy of the KABLAMA Sutra follows.


Say it again, say it again, tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me that I'm gonna be fine and there's nothing left to fear
'Cause I've been losing sleep (losing sleep)
Trying to get back to who I used to be
Where is the old me?


Chris Cannon spearing Kennedy Street and Owen Cruze follows before we see a shot of Cassidy Carter dancing on her way to the ring, and then a shot of Regan Street and Datura swinging chairs at one another. The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen and remains on it for a few moments.


We then cut to a live shot of the inside of the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, California. The cameras pan across the crowd for a few moments.


Sharper: “It’s the final Breakdown of 2019 and a feeling of tension is in the air as SCW comes to you live from Los Angeles!”


Breakdown cuts to ringside to see Adam Sharper and Jonathan Knots standing in front of the SCW announce table, microphones in their hands.


Sharper: “Jon! It’s been a wild year. Hello again, everyone. I’m Adam Sharper alongside Jonathan Knots and we are in Los Angeles. Your home away from home, Jon. And tonight, a huge main event. Owen Cruze will face off against Ravyn Taylor.”


Knots: “He’s got his fight against all those who don’t fight within the rules. The ones who refuse to do anything honourable. Tonight, she faces off against the Bad, Bad Girl, one half of the World Tag Team Champions, and I have to think he may be needing to figure things out. The good fight is coming up short!”


Sharper: “Not only that, but we know we’ll see Xander Valentine in action, for the first time on Breakdown, live, in months. He’ll face off against Konrad Raab.”


Knots: “Konrad Raab is always ready for a fight, but Konrad, this may be a fight you don’t want!”


Sharper: “Meanwhile, we also expect to see Kellen Jeffries, the man who changed everything. He used his Trios Tournament contract to make the Open Invitational at End of the Year Special 2019 for the World Title. Sienna Swann called him out on social media. He’s here and they’ll be face to face later tonight!”


???: “Did you expect to see me?!”


Sharper and Knots look around.


Knots: “I know that voice!”


Sharper: “Where is it coming from?”


The cameras cut to various shots of the crowd before we see Giovanni Aries walking down one of the upper deck stairs, holding a microphone.


Giovanni: “I’m not a ghost of Christmas past, but James, I am one from your past and after letting you have your moment where you showed you were as materially motivated as anyone else, proving you are not special, and yet a continuing failure…I needed to remind you of your potential!”


The crowd roars as Giovanni looks around.


Sharper: “Standing in the crowd, in the upper bowl, Giovanni Aries! The man who returned last week, attacking James Evans and stopping Syren and Infamous from extracting more revenge!”


Giovanni listens to the crowd.


Giovanni: “You sold your soul to the Lizard King, and while you may claim to act differently, wanting to fight, wanting to deal with things your way, when you talk about the World Championship, you prove you are NOTHING special. And James, you could be so much more. I thought you had gotten the hint at Rise to Greatness, but instead, you’ve proven to just be a disappointment. You could be an instrument of destruction. To destroy the Lizard Kingdom. To allow clarity to reign free! An event named Clarity…please…”


Giovanni chuckles starting to laugh to himself.


Giovanni: “This is getting so clear. She is laughing to us. The Queen is LAUGHING at you James. Even holding the World Title. Hanging it in front of you like a prize when you have no chance. And now with how many…tens? Hundreds? All able to run to the Invitational, fighting over the trinket as the Lizard Princess made clear, everyone can dance for the money to line the pockets of the Board and all of you sheep LAP it up!”


Giovanni looks around.


Giovanni: “Why I needed to return? Why I needed to remind James of what he is capable of? Fighting Infamous on their terms. Luring them to the ring…Please…you cut off the head and the body dies. EVEN true for the Lizard Kingdom…and most of all true for the cockroaches!”


Sharper: “Giovanni Aries still on this!”


Knots: “Clearly taking issue with the Open Invitational.”


Giovanni looks around.


Giovanni: “And I will make sure we start swinging for the neck!”


???: “Oh would you please cut his mic and just drag him out of here?!”


A female voice cuts Giovanni off as on the stage, Syren walks out from the back, holding a chain, with CHBK, Ravyn Taylor and Alexander Crowe. The crowd boos loudly.


Syren: “Now one wants to hear from the raging lunatic. What they do want to see is me beating James Evans with this chain?! And especially here in a city that recognizes talent, where I call home, LOS ANGELES!”


The crowd roars and some cheer, but many boo. Syren looks around.


Giovanni: “These sheep won’t jump off that cliff!”


Syren: “Like I care what you think. You stopped me from being able to end this all in one fell swoop. James Evans tried to end my career with the stunt he pulled. He cost me the World Title. So I made sure he’s not standing out here. It doesn’t involve you. But now you come back and get involved in MY business. James Evans is MY business Lizard boy.”


Giovanni: “There are no scales on me. I am exactly who I am. I am not a snake in sheep’s clothing. But you try to be a wolf when you’re merely a puppy!”


Giovanni continues to look down at Syren as Syren walks up the steel steps and into the ring. CHBK, Ravyn Taylor and Alexander Crowe follow. Crowe walks over to the ropes, yelling out at Giovanni.


Syren: “Shut up! You want a fight so badly. You want to cut off the head. How about you come out here and I use YOU as my message to James Evans? Is James even here? Or is he trying to find another weapon that he can hold for seconds before Infamous wipes him out!”


The crowd boos.


Syren: “Giovanni…you left! And the world rejoiced!”


The crowd boos. Syren looks around.


Syren: “James doesn’t need you to open his eyes. SCW doesn’t need you to stop anything. And no one buys into your Lizard Kingdom crap. All that matters is that James Evans gets what he deserves…and at the End of the Year Special, the World Championship is off the waist of Sienna Swann and returns to where it belongs! Now…if you have a problem with that, you’re welcome to come down here…don’t jump! We don’t need to spend more time on you. Just walk into the breezeways, run around and come down here and I’ll happily show you that the only beheading will be the end of your fantastical ideas of some BS Wonderland! And you can then watch at home, rambling to yourself and the others in the psych ward as I become World Champion again!”


The crowd boos. Giovanni just chuckles as he looks around.


Giovanni: “The problem Syren…My attention is not on you. But if you want a fight, I will take you down with James. The Lizard Kingdom needs to be set back and this time, I will make sure it happens and James…if you refuse to see reality, I will simply ensure you will always be blind!”


The crowd roars as Giovanni looks down. Syren keeps focusing on the upper deck as does Crowe.


Syren: “Stop with the damn riddles and get the hell out of my way!”


The crowd continues to cheer before we cut to a wide shot to show James Evans in the ring and with a bat in his hand. He kicks Ravyn in the ribs and she rolls over and down to the floor as James turns and nails CHBK in the ribs with the bat. CHBK falls over and down to the mat, holding his ribs in pain. Syren turns and runs at James.


Sharper: “James Evans in the ring! Bat to CHBK!


Knots: “Sights set on Syren!”


James swings at Syren. Syren drops down, dropping her chain at the same time, and rolls to the floor. Crowe pushes on Syren to get her out and then rolls through too. James Evans then turns and looks at Giovanni Aries before CHBK rolls over and Evans drops the bat and pulls CHBK up and onto his shoulder before dropping him down with the Middle Finger to the Establishment! The crowd erupts in cheers. CHBK rolls over and holds his ribs and back as Giovanni Aries turns and walks up the staircase. Evans looks at him before turning back as Syren grabs the chain and Ravyn uses her title and both slide in. Evans turns and exits the ring. He then walks around, lifting his arms in the air. The crowd cheers loudly.


Sharper: “Evans glancing at Giovanni the entire time. And dropping CHBK with the Middle Finger to the Establishment! Syren! Ravyn Taylor! Incensed!”


Knots: “Syren still clutching that chain! Listen to this crowd!”


Sharper: “This crowd loving that Infamous got caught this week! Giovanni Aries watching from the upper deck. James Evans with a message to all of his enemies!”


Evans walks around and points to the upper deck where Giovanni was and then points to Syren. Syren gets up and walks forward, swinging the chain. Evans backs up and laughs before turning and heading to the back. The crowd roars as James heads to the back. CHBK writhes in pain as Ravyn and Crowe check on him. Syren keeps yelling at James as the scene fades to black.





We see Syren standing in the ring, looking up at Giovanni Aries.


Sharper: “Welcome back to Breakdown. Moments ago, James Evans struck while some of his enemies were jousting amongst themselves!”


Syren: “Stop with the damn riddles and get the hell out of my way!”


The crowd continues to cheer before we cut to a wide shot to show James Evans in the ring and with a bat in his hand. He kicks Ravyn in the ribs and she rolls over and down to the floor as James turns and nails CHBK in the ribs with the bat. CHBK falls over and down to the mat, holding his ribs in pain. Syren turns and runs at James.


Knots: “While Syren and Giovanni Aries were insulting each other, James Evans saw his moment to get a shot in on Syren!”


Sharper: “After Giovanni Aries attacked him last Saturday and Syren cost him the World Title, James Evans with a simple bit of revenge to remind them that he’s not backing down and he’s going to go right for them all!”


James swings at Syren. Syren drops down, dropping her chain at the same time, and rolls to the floor. Crowe pushes on Syren to get her out and then rolls through too. James Evans then turns and looks at Giovanni Aries before CHBK rolls over and Evans drops the bat and pulls CHBK up and onto his shoulder before dropping him down with the Middle Finger to the Establishment! The crowd erupts in cheers. CHBK rolls over and holds his ribs and back as Giovanni Aries turns and walks up the staircase. Evans looks at him before turning back as Syren grabs the chain and Ravyn uses her title and both slide in. Evans turns and exits the ring. He then walks around, lifting his arms in the air. The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen.


Sharper: “And if there was any doubt, cameras caught up with James Evans during the commercial!”


James Evans walks throughout the backstage area and he notices the camera following him and he turns to it.


James: “Giovanni! You can hide in the crowd all you want. If you want to come after me, I’m not going to be hard to find. And Syren, I hope your crippled mentor, screaming in pain makes it clear. You want revenge. I’m going to leave a trail of bodies in the wake!”


James turns and walks off as the crowd roars. James turns down one hallway as the scene cuts back to the ring.


The arena goes dark and the opening riff of “Escribe Una Canción” starts to play. As the intro pauses, the sound of a shotgun being cocked is heard. As the music kicks back in, the camera angle changes to under the stage where El Lucho Grande is seen shaking his head profusely while pointing at the contraption that sends him into the air. Instead he leaps up and grabs onto the sides of the hole in the stage and pulls himself up instead in a far less endearing way… We can see Venti throwing his arms up into the air underneath the stage while Grande rolls onto the safely and leaps into the air on his own accord to a small pop of pyro, the TV Championship firmly around his waist…
Grande looks back down the trapdoor and shakes his head again talking to someone before realizing he has a match entrance to finish.  Grande spins around and looks surprised at the fan turnout for this show.  But this does not deter him, and he immediately bursts to the ring. He hits the ring and slides in, rolling to a knee and spreading his arms with a bicep flex and pointing to the sky pose. He jumps up and throws his arms in the air and walks around the ring excitedly and waits for the match to begin, his manager Nate Patrick now somehow mysteriously stood at ringside from wherever he turned up from and motions to Grande to hand him the TV Championship which he does...

Sharper: “On Saturday, El Lucho Grande was successful in his title defence against Gigi Steward.. However, that was NOT who he was scheduled to face originally...”

Knots: “It wasn’t, not sure what happened to Casterillo, but Katie Steward stepped out and brought Gigi with her to challenge instead and we had ourselves a match.”

Sharper: “That isn’t all what happened, Venti and Trenta drove out with the Tuk Tuk,to even the odds…”

Knots: “Which they did and later this happened…”

Trenta and Venti hold their hands their heads in shock as the Tuk Tuk begins to shake from side to side as steam begins to fire out from it from all sides… Katie slowly beginning to back up but Trenta and Venti hold her in front of themselves as a human shield while Security begins to evacuate the front row area. Grande turns around and rubs his eyes and gasps at the Tuk Tuks vigorous shaking and quickly grabs Gigi and throws her towards the ropes. A few fans begin to scream now as does Katie who is being held still as a shield, the Tuk Tuk exploding with a barrage of cream which hits Katie and some members of the crowd!! Gigi looks on shocked at what just happened as Katie stands there covered both Trenta and Venti slowly backing away from the angry Goddess who is now screaming louder than she has ever screamed before!! Gigi says something to Katie but doesn’t have much time to hear the response if there ever was one with El Lucho Grande rushing up behind Gigi and rolling her up with a schoolboy of his own.




The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen.

Sharper: “As you can see from the replay a lot happened, notably Katie Steward getting covered in that Crčme from the Tuk Tuk.”

Knots: “Tonight she will face El Lucho Grande for that belt in Nate Patrick’s hands and you know after what happened she is going to want to kick his ass.”

Inside the ring we see Jason Phillips step forward and raise the mic with a smile on his face, the SCW fans roar a little more but that quickly changes to boos as “That Girl’s a Genius” blasts through the arena and the camera pans a wide shot and to show the crowd’s booing for the youngest of the Steward clan. 

Phillips: “And his opponent… Hailing from Riverside, CA! Being accompanied to the ring by Katie Steward… IT IS MADISON STEWARD!!”

Sharper: “…What?!”

The camera changes as it switches to the stage entrance where Madison walks out dress in her dark black ring attire and wearing a steampunk white rabbit mask. She turns and looks back to show Katie Steward walk out and motioning for the music to stop which it does… She then raises a mic of her own and looks out at the crowd before glaring down at the ring where El Lucho Grande stands…

Katie: “Silence! QUIET I SAID, QUIET!!!!”

The crowd grows louder just to antagonize the Goddess. 

Katie: “See it’s people like you why I refuse to compete tonight, it’s because of people like HIM!”

Katie points down to the ring, where El Lucho Grande stands and helps himself to Phillips mic and raises…

El Lucho Grande: “Moi?! I did nothing!”

Katie: “NOTHING?!”

El Lucho Grande shrugs his shoulders and slaps his ass which gets a chuckle. Katie scrunches up her nose in disgust.

Katie: “It is because of him I can’t compete tonight; my doctors will not allow me to take part in tonight’s proceedings due to the emotional stress brought on from almost DYING thanks to that contraption on Saturday!”

Sharper: “She CAUSED it to happen!”

Knots: “Let’s not play the blame game here, Sharper…”

Katie paces back and forth a little and continues to glare at the ring, El Lucho Grande throwing his arms up in the air.

El Lucho Grande: “You owe Grande money for TUK TUK AND CAFÉ MACHINE!!!”

Katie: “I do not!!”

El Lucho Grande: “Oui!”

Katie: “NO!”

El Lucho Grande: “OUI!!!!”

Katie: “NO!!!!!!!”

El Lucho Grande: “OU-“

Katie: “SHUT UP!!! I would love nothing more than to come down there and beat you for that Championship TONIGHT! But doctors won’t allow me to, but this doesn’t give you a reprieve! NO IT DOESN’T!! FOR where Gigi might have failed, Madison here will SUCCEED!”

Maddy raises her arm in the air which only gets boos from the crowd…

Katie: “So tonight you will face Madison and she will leave this dump as your NEW SCW TELEVISION CHAMPION!!!” 

Katie smirks confidently as boos continue form the crowd. Maddy stands on the stage and feeds off the crowd’s energy that gets her pumped. She takes off down the aisle sprinting to the ring and slides inside it and immediately makes a beeline for El Lucho Grande with a running Dropkick which takes him off his feet, the crowd BOO but the official  waves his hands and the bell sounds from the time Keeper much to the surprise, but we see Gigi there ringing the bell!

El Lucho Grande© vs Madison Steward
SCW TV Championship.

Knots: “Oh wow now Grande is outnumbered here…”

The official looks confused but lets things go on as Grande rolls to the corner, Maddy now removing her mask and jacket and tosses them to the side. Katie continues to watch from the ramp proudly with her arms folded while Madison runs across the ring and hits a basement drop kick into the face of El Lucho Grande… The fans continue to boo, and a “Grande” chant begins to form much to the chagrin of Katie Steward who tells some fans to shut up. Grande is pulled out of the corner and sent across the ring where he hits the corner and rests. Madison smirks and runs at him only for Grande to rush out and hit a lariat taking her off her feet hard!

Sharper: “Strong lariat from the TV Champion, letting Maddy know he’s still there.”

Grande pulls Madison up and scoops her up and slams her down into the canvas before looking around offering thumbs up to one of the fans in the front row. He then runs to the ropes and leaps onto the middle ropes before moonsaulting off and landing on Madison and covering.

1… Kick out by Maddy!!!

The crowd sighs and Grande rolls to his feet, Maddy begins to roll away and get to her feet as she does Grande looks for a running knee, but she steps back with Grande catching nothing but air. She quickly grabs hold of his back and leasp up with both knees before falling back to the canvas, a sweet back cracker for his trouble, the air pushed out of his lungs. Madison is quick to cover after that.


Sharper: “Will take a lot more to beat the champion than that, but its’ a sure-fire start that is for sure!!”

Knots: “Madison has a huge opportunity tonight; this should be Katie but she’s letting Maddy do it.”

Grande rolls over and fights for some air before rolling further away towards the ropes, now Katie is seen slowly walking down to the ring with Nate looking concerned for his client… Grande pulls himself up to the ropes with Maddy distracting the referee and it’s here we see Katie rush over and clock him in the head with the but of the Microphone!!! The SCW Crowd boos LOUDLY as Grande falls back to the canvas with his arms outstretched. Nate is shouting at the official who sees this and rushes over to where Katie stands, and she throws her arms up innocently. Madison grins before walking over and covering the motionless El Lucho Grande…

Sharper: “You got to be kidding me, this is robbery!”

Knots: “Well it was good while it lasted, he had a good run!”



The SCW crowd roars loudly with an array of cheers as Grande throughs his arm up into the air. Maddy looks shocked but none more so than Katie who is screaming for Madison to get this match over with!! Grande rolls over holding his head as Nate continues to shout support for Grande now. He shakes the cobwebs out a little as he forces himself to his feet and looks still a little woozy, Madison goes behind him and grabs an arm to Irish whip him to the ropes, but Grande reverses his fortunes and sends Maddy instead. She comes back on the return only to get pushed up into the air and as she falls back down to the canvas is caught with a thunderous European uppercut for her trouble!!

Sharper: “Listen to that impact, he caught her GOOD!!”

Knots: “What a European uppercut, only a few people have hit them better than that!”

Madison holds her chest now and rolls away while Grande stumbles back to the ropes, he continues to catch his breath with Maddy rolling to her feet. Nate watches and begins to motion to Grande with his hands as he kneels in the corner waiting for her to get up, he is shaking his head but El Lucho Grande isn’t paying attention to Nate. Maddy now on her feet stumbles towards him and gets a running knee to the back which gets “ooohs” from the crowd before she drops to the canvas holding her back. Grande standing over her almost menacingly… He then pulls her to her feet and is quick to hit the “Atrapasueńos”, an inverted back to back neckbreaker  to an “ooh” from the crowd, Nate breathing a sigh of relief for some reason. Grande then covers while looking at Katie…




The bell sounds surprisingly but that is because Gigi has left the time keeping area to go to the ring, Grande quick to exit as her and Katie slide in to check on Maddy who continues to hold her back. The SCW crowd cheers as Grande raises the championship high above his head as his music hits over the P.A System.

Sharper: “Not the match Grande had prepared for the second time, but he is now three defences in with his title reign as TV Champion and unless he’s booked at the EOYS, he is going to walk into 2020 as SCW TV Champion.”

Knots: “Not bad for a short time here in the United States and in SCW. But he along with others could become SCW WORLD Champion, if he enters the Battle Royal on that night, and he’d be a FOOL if he didn’t, anyone would.”

Sharper: “He would, but we’ll see… Right now He holds the TV Championship.”

Grande is seen holding the belt tight to his chest as Nate whispers something into his ear, and the two head up the ramp as SCW goes backstage…


Backstage, we open up to see CHBK, holding his lower back and sitting down on the couch in the Infamous locker room. Ravyn Taylor, Christy Matthews, Christopher Richter, Alexander Crowe and Syren are all present too.


CHBK: “God damn it.”


Syren: “He had to go after him! He had to go after Alex!’


Ravyn: “Zoe, we’ll take care of it.”


Syren: “No…he wants a war. I’ll give it to him. I got distracted by that Lizard Kingdom spewing jackass while James Evans attacked one of the most important men in the history of this sport!”


Syren yells out as she turns and grabs a bag and throws it across the room as CHBK grimaces in pain. The sound decreases.


Sharper: “Syren incensed and James Evans may have the war he’s looking for. Infamous even more motivated to go after him!”


Knots: “We’ve seen it a few times. CHBK gets hurt and Syren loses it. Syren sees her as like a father figure!”


Sharper: “What is going to happen tonight? We’re just getting started!”


The scene fades to black.




We hear an instrumental version of “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” in the background.


Adonis: “KABLAM!”


Adonis’ reaction almost ruining the soft scene as Christmas lights are shown, followed a tree before we see Adonis sitting in a rocking chair next to the tree.


Adonis: “Good evening. Christmas is a time of giving…a time of sharing…”


Adonis looks under the tree and grabs one box before looking at it and throwing it into the fireplace behind him. The gift is to Chris Cannon. He then continues before grabbing another gift. He starts to unwrap it as he gets up.


Adonis: “And always make sure, with your consent of course, to be a very enthusiastic recipient.”


Adonis smiles.


Adonis: “KABLAM!”


Adonis walks over and unwraps the gift, the new KABLAM Labs KABLAMddle, a paddle for sexual play. He walks over as we see Cookie, in the same lingerie as last week, tied up to a heart shaped bed. She can be seen giggling giddly.


Adonis: “Merry KABLAMas to you all.”


The scene cuts away.


Glory Braddock vs. Tommy Valentine


The arena's lights cut out completely, plunging the whole room into darkness for several seconds before the screens light up to display a countdown.








The screens show static for a few seconds before going dark once more. The black screen starts to pulse now like a heartbeat and on each pulse that reverberates round the arena, a shot of Thomas in various poses is shown before reverting to the blackness until the next pulse that sounds like a bass drum beat with increasing volume until a final shot of him holding the SCW Title aloft after winning the match at Taking Hold Of The Flame is Shown and remains until two green fireworks shoot from the rafters and explode on the ramp. The explosion drifts across the ramp before the beginning chords to "Cut The Cord" by Shinedown, hits.

Phillips: “The following match is scheduled for one fall… introducing first, weighing in at 205 pounds, the wrestler formerly known as Thorn… THOMAS VALENTINE!”
A shot of "Thorn" going for the Swanton from the top of a chamber pod at Under Attack 2009 is shown in slow motion as he misses it and hits nothing but canvas. A shot now of him hitting the Socially Unacceptable Moonsault stomp from the top rope onto Justin Davis is shown, the impact punctuated by the last word of the verse before a shadowed figure can be seen standing in front of the curtain at the top of the ramp.


As the last word echoes, the lights start to strobe again briefly as the song reverbrates throughout the arena now, causing the fans to start cheering.

Knots: “Where’s Kandis?”

Sharper: “Last week, Kandis, Tommy’s tag team partner and more, was none too happy.”

Knots: “They failed to take home the tag team belts at Clarity, but Tommy doesn’t look disheartened. Tonight’s going to be different.”

The lights finally flicker back on and Thomas Valentine can now be seen on top of the arena's ramp as he looks out into the audience that are now cheering loudly, chanting his name in some cases. He stops and smiles a little before spinning around away from the fans and holding his arms outwards with his palms upwards, he then stops and then shakes his head before smirking and shrugging. Fireworks then shoot out at the top of the ramp in a burst before he resumes walking down to the ring. As he walks past the barrier he looks out into the crowds and goes to high fives a few fans before moving on down the ramp, the smirk still on his face before he slides underneath the ropes and immediately runs to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle, simply nodding before smiling at all the fans in the crowds. He jumps down and does the same to all the turnbuckles before standing still in the centre, cranking his neck. Thomas then stands motionless in the corner before waiting.

Sharper: “At least, we don’t have to suffer through of those relative ridiculous public displays of affection.”

Knots: “Sex sells, SCW knows how to bump up ratings.”

Sharper: “Big opportunity nevertheless here against Glory Braddock, a competitor that has been in contention for the SCW World Championship for months now.”

Knots: “Tommy might be thinking much bigger than Tag Team gold.”

The first chords of "When Legends Rise" begins to play over the PA system...

Phillips: “From London, England, she is The British Bombshell GLORY BRADDOCK!”

Glory Braddock steps out onto the stage, wearing her ring gear consisting of purple spandex pants, boots, and a purple top. She really does look like a million bucks and grins from ear to ear, gazing out at the crowd for a moment before making her way down the entrance ramp.

It's burning down, it's burning high
when ashes fall the legends rise
We burned it out oh my oh why
When ashes fall the legends rise

Throat is dry, my vision's fading
I'm paralyzed and left here waiting
Taking time just one step forward
Won't lose my mind, I'm here to stay

The British Bombshell steps up the steel steps and then onto the ring apron. She poses momentarily on the apron, allowing people to take snapshots before stepping through the ropes and into the ring. Once in the ring Glory heads to the center of the ring and poses once more. Then the music dies down slowly... from behind Tommy Valentine attacks, clubbing Glory in the back of the head.

Knots: “Tommy’s jumping Glory!”

Sharper: “Maybe he’s doing his best Clyde Sutter impersonation.”

Knots: “Glory’s done with Clyde. Peyton Rice and her took care of business at Clarity.”

Sharper: “Only if it was that easy. Valentine is giving a real good stomping on the down Glory. The referee is intervening. The bell hasn’t even rung yet.”

As the boos start to hail Glory is taken aside to the corner and is asked if she wants to continue. She nods eagerly. The bell is rung. The referee is pushed out of the way by Valentine but Glory catches Tommy with a drop toe hold. She leaps forward, locking in a side headlock. Tommy proceeds to stand up, pulls himself free by wrenching the arm. Glory rolls forward to escape the pressure being exerted. She circle around, yanking Tommy’s arm up in a hammerlock. Tommy Valentine whips Glory into the ropes and on the rebounds he’s flatten to the mat by a crossbody takedown.

Sharper: “Crossbody takedown brings Tommy to the mat. Glory with a few extra forearms to the side of the head for good measure.”

Knots: “She’s angry now. Tommy took a cheap shot against her and now she’s raging.”

Tommy tosses Glory aside and fights to his feet. She grabs him by the neck and tosses him back against the corner. She drills a few chops to the chest before leading him out. She signals for a DDT but he lifts her up, bringing her back over him with a northern lights. He doesn’t bridge, rolling to the side. He immediately drops some elbows to the lower back before hugging her tightly, pulling her up to the canvas. He shoves her, she backpedals into the ropes and comes back but she responds with an elbow to the jaw. He’s staggered. She boots him in the midsection next before rebounding off the ropes with a scissors kick.

Sharper: “Scissors kick. Glory pushes him over onto his back. Hooks the leg. Pin!”



Sharper: “Tommy Valentine gets the shoulder up.”

Knots: “Glory would love to score a pin over another former SCW World Champion. On twitter, she was vocally upset Syren is gonna have an opportunity at the End of the Year show to take home the top prize, but I say… show up and stop her if you’re that upset!”

Sharper: “I have a feeling she will try to do just that.”

Knots: “Good.”

Tommy Valentine fights to his feet. He sidesteps a dropkick from Glory. Glory rolls to her feet and swings again, he ducks underneath. He delivers a hard right followed up with a European uppercut. Glory bounces off the ropes and Valentine lifts her up, pumphandle slam right into the center of the ring. In the center of the ring, Tommy drapes the arm across the chest:

Sharper: “Pumphandle Slam! Pin Attempt!”



Knots: “Not enough. Glory can take a lot more than that.”

Sharper: “Tommy Valentine needs to stay on top of Glory here.”

Tommy sits Glory up with a chinlock, torqueing away at her neck. Glory stands. Locks her fingers in and begins to hammer her elbow into the midsection. She goes to run but Tommy yanks her by the hair. T-Bone Suplex right into the center of the ring.

Sharper: “Tommy Valentine with a massive T-Bone Suplex!”

Knots: “Some hairpulling going on there.”

Sharper: “Hook of the leg! The pin!”



Knots: “Rinse and repeat.”

Sharper: “Tommy Valentine has been throwing his power around against Glory. He’s trying to bully her.”

Tommy Valentine doesn’t seem fazed by Glory’s resilience. He stands up onto his feet and marches to the ropes. He hops up. Shooting Star Press attempted but Glory gets the knees. Valentine is launched into the air, holding his gut. She stumbles to her feet as Valentine staggers towards her. She ducks underneath a sloppy clothesline attempt. He turns. Boot to the midsection. She springboards off the middle rope and takes him down with a dropkick. Tommy scrambles to get back to his feet but turns right into the Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Knots: “Major turn in this match!”

Sharper: “Glory drills Tommy Valentine with the Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”

Knots: “Can she get the cover? She does!”



Sharper: “Tommy Valentine gets the shoulder up. This match continues.”

Glory Braddock shakes her head, drops down to the side, slaps on the crossface. Tommy Valentine begins to yell in pain but rolls her over for, pressing her shoulders onto the canvas. She rolls throw though but Tommy slips from her grasp. Both find their feet. Tommy Valentine blocks her attempt to strike him with a forearm and drills her in the gut with a toekick. Twist Of Fate brings Glory down for a moment but she scrambles up. They both run at each other. Glory ducks underneath a clothesline, but on the rebound, Tommy Valentine catches her with a spear!

Sharpers: “Tommy Valentine ran right through Glory Braddock. She’s in trouble here!”

Knots: “And he’s going for the pin.”

Shaper: “Is this it?”



Sharper: “No! Glory escapes. Wait, is that Clyde Sutter out here. With an iron pipe?”

Knots: “He took out Alistaire Allocco over a month ago with a pipe.”

Clyde Sutter: “Want some help, Glory!?”

Glory is still recovering to realize Clyde Sutter is now at ringside. She fights to her hands and knees, looks up and stares at Clyde. Tommy Valentine dives down onto her low back with a double stomp. She fights still to her feet, gritting her teeth but she’s dumped over the top rope. She spills to the outside right besides Clyde.

Knots: “Is Clyde going to attack her? Or help her? What’s going on here?”

Sharper: “Clyde is trying to tempt, corrupt Glory Braddock. Nowhere she’s going to let Clyde help her.”

Knots: “Right now she’s on the losing end of this bout.”

She starts to search for her feet but she is helped up by Clyde, who seems to ask again. Tommy Valentine in the meantime comes charging forward. Suicide dive but Glory pushes off of Clyde and avoids the attack. Tommy Valentine crashes and burn. An argument ensues on the outside where Glory is demanding Clyde to leave. Clyde offering to use the pipe to take out Tommy Valentine. The referee is looking on concerned as if he wants to put a stop of this conversation.

Knots: “Clyde is only trying to help!”

Sharper: “Clyde needs to go back. Leave Glory Braddock alone and let her finish this match.”

Tommy Valentine crawls away. Glory shoves Clyde backwards. He seems to contemplate using the iron pipe. The crowd begins to pop as Alistaire Allocco marches down from the back. He steps right up to the pair arguing on the bottom of the ring ramp. Clyde seeing he’s out number raises his arms and starts up the ramp.

Sharper: “Alistaire Allocco has unfinished business with Clyde Sutter from the aforementioned attack. Clyde Sutter deciding it’s wise to walk away.”

Knots: “But all this distraction the referee has finally started the count out. Tommy Valentine has recovered from the failed suicide dive attempt and he’s stalking Glory.”

Tommy Valentine stares from around the ring post. He comes charging, Alistaire points to warn Glory. Glory turns right at the perfect moment, gets her foot up as Valentine tries to use the ring steps as a launch pad for an attack, but he’s shot down midair with a superkick. Glory manages to roll Tommy Valentine into the ring and slides in. Tommy Valentine holds his jaw, crawling deeper into the center of the ring.

Sharper: “Glory shot Tommy Valentine out of the sky there!”

Knots: “He’s jaw might be broken!”

Glory stands at the top of his body. He waves no more but she snatches the wrist and drops down into the Shekhinah Glory! He doesn’t last long. He taps. Glory Braddock rolls off and she stands up, tall in victory. Alistaire Allocco applauds as he backpedals up the ramp.

Sharper: “Glory Braddock secured the victory with that brutal Shekhinah Glory!”

Knots: “She got some measure of revenge. Maybe Tommy Valentine should go jumping his opponents before the bell.”


Sharper: “Let’s now go backstage where Jessica Winters is standing by with Xander Valentine.”


Backstage, Jessica Winters is standing next to Xander Valentine. Artemis stands off to the side.


Jessica: “Thank you Adam. I am here with Xander Valentine and Xander, you asked for a match with Konrad Raab, taking place later tonight. Some would say you are upset that he placed so much emphasis on a match with Regan Street in recent months. Given your disrespect for others, am I off-base?”


Xander: “Naturally, because of your friendship with Selena, you would be disgusted by my mere presence, but all of this is more than simply that. At Clarity, despite my defeat, I feel victorious! Selena Frost had to let the veneer drop, reminding everyone of the rotten core within, but in the process, again earned my respect by not only taking the fight to me, but causing my body to fail me. With Regan…there is no veneer. She is pure rage. White hot. And I wish to snuff it out. We owe each other a fight, going back to last spring. But where does Konrad fit in? There is no jealousy. Instead…Konrad is merely a vessel for my message.”


Jessica: “And what message is that Mr. Valentine?”


Xander: “I will not be forgotten. Have your wars with lesser, so-called Hellcats. But if you want to test yourself, you have now someone worthy of testing you…me.”


Xander looks at Jessica before turning back to Artemis. He and Artemis walk off as Jessica watches him leave, disgusted as the scene fades to back.




Breakdown returns as Spirit Dansby is seen standing by with Aaron Blackbourne.


Spirit: “Welcome back to Breakdown. Spirit Dansby here with Aaron Blackbourne and you put out a challenge, a message, whatever you want to call it, to Shilo Valiant. Have you heard anything from the Necro-Merchant?”


Aaron: “Nothing yet. And of course, this turns into another game. I said it last week and I’ll say it again. I want something fresh. I want something different. He’s the one who every hailed as a creative genius. The one I’m compared to. We are nothing alike as I wouldn’t make one wait. I would step up…but at the same time, with Kellen’s announcement, I’m sure that’s also weighing in the back of his head. This is a man who took pleasure with being the main event, the showcase piece of this company. To say he wouldn’t want it again…Maybe that’s all this is. He’s waiting…”


Aaron sighs.


Aaron: “I’ll be there then. Just in case I’m right.”


Spirit: “Speaking of that, would you like to go on the record to join the chorus of those who feel that this End of the Year Special Open Invitational, among other issues, is a clear example of Sasha’s inability to run this company?”


Aaron: “You’ve got some stones…and no, I won’t say that. It’s an opportunity. It’s what Kellen was entitled to. And no matter what Sasha says or does, I know she’s got her reasons. Just like we all do.”


Aaron turns and walks off. Spirit watches him leave before turning to the camera.


Spirit: “Back to ringside.”


The lights dim as a voice backed by piano music fill the arena.

{That's the price you pay.... Leave behind your heartache, cast away
Just another product of today.... Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge, face up... 'cause you're a NATURAL}

As the heavy music of “Natural” by Imagine Dragons kicks in the lights come back up and Bree Lancaster is standing on the stage, her arms spread wide, the United States Championship belt around her waist. Bree looks up as white sparks shower down behind her from the top of the set to the stage. Scott Burnside appears behind her. The crowd boos heavily.


Sharper: “Your United States Champion on her way out here. She’s got a date with Rachel Tatum Lee. It’s going to happen whether she likes it or not.”


Knots: “My US Champion? To hell with that! Not my champion! Now Rachel…that could be fun.”


Sharper: “Rachel Tatum Lee send a clear message that she plans to brawl with Bree. Not exactly Bree’s strong point. Rachel already preparing for her challenge, wanting to dictate the match.”


Bree Lancaster heads down the rampway and over to the steel steps. She walks up the steps as Scott Burnside follows her from behind. Bree steps into the ring Scott follows as Bree steps forward, posing in the middle of the ring with the title around her waist. She looks around and smiles before turning over to the corner as Burnside is handed a microphone. He turns and hands it to Bree. Bree looks around as she smiles.


Bree: “Don’t worry. You’ll still get to see Sienna rightfully make Kellen Jeffries pay for what he’s done to her!”


The crowd cheers as Bree looks around. She shakes her head.


Bree: “But for now, you can focus on me, your United States Champion. Yes, STILL, the champion. I beat another hall of famer, another star, as I continue to prove that this title is effectively mine and always will be. Now my number one contender, Rachel Tatum Lee…”


The crowd roars hearing the name. Bree notices this and looks around.


Bree: “Don’t encourage her. She thinks that because she had one good night, she’s deserved this and she can disrespect me. I haven’t forgotten the Boston Bree Party. Sorry for trying to give all of you something to be entertained by. On a night where our President was impeached by the House of Representatives…I…I am a leader you all can look up to. But more importantly, I’m a superior wrestler. I don’t need to rely on threats. I heard you Rachel. You didn’t even have the fortitude to come and say it to my face, needing to go to a close friend of myself and Sienna, Spirit Dansby, to pass along a series of threats?!”


Bree sighs.


Bree: “I get that you came from an era where using weapons was allowed, but today, we actually wrestle. Now, now, don’t worry, I know you had a few wins. Max Kane, Scarlet Grey…but they’re not Hall of Famers. Sure, you beat Katie Steward. But let’s face it, I’m fighting and DEFEATING the best of the best. The greatest in SCW history and you can fight people who are looking to finally step up and you’re just stepping on them, but it’s a shame because I’m going to have to give you a reality check. Your time is gone and you were better off staying retired, working in whatever night club or Walmart you likely were.”


The arena goes dark. A burning Doll House is shown with melting figurines inside it, some hanging in the various rooms of that House. Laughter then can be heard as the chimes of "Blue" by The Birthday Massacre begins to play throughout the arena. The black and white video tron begins to play of a shadowy figure looking into the camera in a grungy feel to the video, a scream is heard as then the face of Rachel Tatum Lee with her eyes widen, smiling while laughing. The crowd cheers as Bree turns to the entrance way. Rachel Tatum Lee walks out from the back, looking down at the ring.


Sharper: “Looks like Bree is going to have to say this Rachel’s face now!”


Knots: “Or Rachel may be restating everything she said last week to Bree’s face!”


Rachel Tatum Lee walks down the rampway and over to the ring. Bree Lancaster looks at her as she reaches the ring. Bree scans the crowd as Rachel Tatum Lee pulls herself up onto the apron. She then steps into the ring. She steps forward. Bree just scoffs.


Bree: “So now you’re going to come to speak to my face-“


Rachel grabs the microphone and pulls it out of her hand. Bree grits her teeth, annoyed by the disrespect as Rachel looks at Bree.


Rachel: “Y’all know that I have no problem saying what I need ta to yer face. I just figured y’all be hiding since ya have been duckin’ me for months.”


The crowd roars and the crowd boos Bree as Bree looks around.


Rachel: “See, there are no more excuses…no more people fer me to jump through. Ya bring up Katie…I’ve gone through everyone else ya have gone through. Jake Starr. Max Kane, and I am now gonna go after you.”


Bree laughs. Bree then responds, not heard by the microphone.


Bree: “Can’t use chairs. How about dealing with one of the greatest in SCW today!”


Rachel looks at Bree.


Rachel: “Keep talkin’ big. Keep talkin’ like you’re the biggest, baddest, whatevah the hell in this sport. I remember ya were doing the same thing last year to Selena. And she beat you…and no, Bree, stop with the bullcrap. She beat your ass.”


Bree laughs.


Rachel: “But as fer me…ya want to know just how quickly I can remind you of what I am capable of?”


Bree looks around, shaking her head, dismissing what Rachel has to say. Rachel suddenly drops the microphone and scoops Bree up and onto her shoulder, dropping her down into a Tombstone position. The crowd erupts in cheers as Bree Lancaster yells out. Scott panics a bit, looking around before pleading with Rachel to stop.


Sharper: “Rachel! No! You can’t! She’s set her up for the Dead in Tombstone!”


Knots: “That’s illegal. The piledriver is banned! Don’t do it or you may lose the title shot!”


Sharper: “I hope she knows that!”


Bree yells out and Rachel then throws her forward, dumping her down on her lower back and Bree rolls over. Rachel turns and grabs the microphone. She turns back.


Rachel: “Maybe Bree I’ll just forget it’s not a couple’a years ago and maybe I’ll dump ya on yer head just so ya shut the hell up. Maybe I’ll forget!”


The crowd roars. Rachel then steps forward as Bree starts to get up, holding her US Championship, Scott helping her to her feet.


Rachel: “Either way…we’ll find our when we meet for yer US Championship. Because frankly, I just wanna shut you up and make ya always remember it!”


Rachel backs up and throws the microphone down. She turns and steps through the ropes and down to the floor. “Blue” by the Birthday Massacre plays throughout the arena as Rachel turns and dusts herself up and continues to head to the back. Bree gets up and steps forward, seething and annoyed as Scott steps forward, checking on her. Bree continues to clutch her title belt.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster looks like she’s seen a ghost.”


Knots: “She’s not been in the ring with someone like Rachel Tatum Lee in a long time, if ever. She’s never been in the ring with someone who may actually do anything and be fine with it.”


Sharper: “We’ve seen in the past that she’s struggled to keep it all together. Could she lose it on Bree when they face each other in the new year on January 26, 2020!”


Backstage, James Evans is walking backstage, seemingly with a purpose.


???: “Hey! James!”


James stops, turns and smirks. Owen Cruze walks over to him.


James: “Owen, nice of you to stop by-“


Owen: “I heard your speech earlier. You know damn well I’m facing Ravyn tonight and you calling out all of Infamous…I know exactly what you’re doing.”


James: “I’ll tell you what I’m doing. I’m starting a war. And I don’t give a damn what you think. They’ll be out there. So will I!”


Owen: “I don’t need you out there. I don’t need you getting involved will anything involving me. You and I…we don’t agree on anything in our styles except we agree with who needs to be taken down a few pegs.”


James: “Great. None of that matters. When you get a bit earlier, you’ll finally get the hint that sometimes things don’t go your way.”


Owen steps up, getting in James’ face.


Owen: “You don’t know what I’ve been through!”


James: “And I don’t care. So we done.”


Owen: “Stay the hell away from my match.”


James: “And if I don’t?”


Owen: “Can you really afford to make more enemies?”


James: “Look like you already decided.”


James turns to walk off and Owen grabs him and spins him around before James shoves him back.


James: “Touch me if you want to make sure you’re not making it to your match later.”


Owen: “Try me James…Try me.”


James: “Don’t tempt me, kid.”


James turns and heads off as Owen sighs and storms off in the other direction as the scene fades to black.




Jaina Lancaster stands backstage with Jake Starr and Jordan Majors as the crowd cheers. Jaina looks at Jordan and Jordan nods as she starts.


Jaina: “Welcome back to Breakdown. I’m Jaina Lancaster here with Jake Starr and Jordan Majors-“


Jake: “The Exclusive Hamsters.”


Jaina: “Wait…what?”


Jordan: “We didn’t agree yet!”


Jake: “It’s a working title. We’ll use it for now. Try it on.”


Jordan: “We’re here to run down Infamous and we’re being called Exclusive Hamsters!”


Jake: “Exactly! Have you dealt with a Hamster? They’re very focused on hiding and waiting for their moment to shine!”


Jordan: “But aren’t we just planning to take the fight to them. I mean we can’t compete for the World Tag Team Championship. Kellen Klaus didn’t give us that!”


Jake: “This is true…Still, Exclusive Hamsters! For now! Try it on. Make sure it works.”


Jordan sighs and shakes her head.


Jake: “And as for Ravyn and Christy, don’t worry. We remember last week. You don’t want to let this die. Neither do we. And we can’t come for your Tag Titles, but we can have some fun at your expense!”


Jake smiles.


Jordan: “Thanks Jay.”


Jordan and Jake head off.


Jaina: “Back to ringside.”


Xander Valentine vs. Konrad Raab


“Cold as Ice” by M.O.P plays over the sound system as Konrad comes out through the curtain just wearing his red, green and blue mask along with his wrestling trousers with his nickname The Iced Rainbow on the front of them with Pit Bull Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands with a side cross necklace on his neck with the blue and black yin-yang tattoo on his right shoulder, Iceman from X-Men tattoo on his back, ice wolf on his left chest and ice bear on his right chest.

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, from Cologne, Germany, he is The Iced Rainbow, Konrad Raab!”

He ignores the fans due to his focus on wanting to fight in the ring. He goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes before sitting down in the corner of the ring with the crowd cheering for him, having a nasty look in his eyes waiting for the match to start.


Sharper: “Konrad Raab seems to be a new target for Xander Valentine and Raab is happy to challenge him.”


Knots: “This all surrounds Regan Street so it seems that Xander Valentine has his new focal point! But he has to deal with Raab tonight.”


The feedback over the PA system, as if a jack is plugged into an amplifier rips through the arena. While the noise attracts the attention of the crowd, spotlights, one after another shine down onto the stage. The familiar chords of "The Fade to Black" crackles on the sound system as smoke begins to hover on the stage. A shadow stands behind an illuminated curtain, by this point the crowd already caught up in a frenzy. The song's interlude cuts shorts as the lyrics begin:

“Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free”

As the final line of lyrics play and the song revs up, Xander bursts out behind the curtain onto the stage. He marches out onto the stage to the top of the ramp. Boos starts to hail down on him, but there is some cheers beneath. Behind him emerges a woman, wearing a coat with fur lining. As she stops and positions herself behind Xander. As if she doesn't exist, he stares down at the ring, regardless if occupied or vacant. A serious glare is painted across his weathered face. He starts marching deliberately down the ramp, continuing to stare at the ring.

Phillips: “His opponent, from San Diego, California, he is SCW’s Executioner, Xander Valentine!”

The song begins to fade out at this point. Xander is at the bottom of the ring steps. He stomps the bottom step several times before moving pass the steps towards the side of the ring. In a single bound, Xander leaps up onto the apron. He poses for a moment, stretching his shoulders as he continues to look into the ring. He raises his arm high into his air, as to promise victory. He garners another response from the crowd. Meanwhile Artemis has left his side, instead moving towards the time keeper to take the position of a watcher. She stands there as if no one else exists but Xander and his opponent. Xander looks over at Artemis for a moment, for the first time acknowledging her existence before leaping over the top rope. He steps over to the corner and prepares for the battle ahead.


Sharper: “Valentine ready to compete. He’s had some time to recover from the brutal Last Person Standing match against Selena Frost.”


Knots: “You wonder how much he wants to just look strong tonight. Selena Frost has had his number. He doesn’t have an official victory against her. But he seems fine with that. I don’t get that at all!”


Sharper: “He has respect for her now or so he claims.”


Knots: “Uh-huh.”


The bell sounds as Xander and Raab look at one another and Raab steps up and swings, nailing with a haymaker. The crowd roars as Xander staggers back. Raab moves after him and nails him in the ribs with a hard right before nailing him with a left and then another haymaker to the jaw. Xander falls to the ropes. The crowd roars. He grabs him and whips across. Xander bounces off and Konrad runs at him and nails him with a clothesline. Xander remains on his feet. Raab turns and runs into the ropes after and Xander suddenly boots him on the rebound. The crowd ohs and boos. Raab rolls over. He starts to get up and moves to the corner. Xander moves in and knees him in the ribs and then again and again. The official tells him to get back as Xander glares at him.


Sharper: “A series of knees and Xander Valentine just making everything hurt.”


Knots: “Konrad wanted to throw the right hands and fight. Xander is obliging!”


Xander then grabs Raab and whips him across the ring. Raab hits the opposite corner. Xander runs after and Raab moves forward and hits a dropkick to Xander’s knee. Xander falls forward and lands on the middle turnbuckle. He grabs at the ropes and pulls himself up and Raab sizes him up and dropkicks him again. Xander this time falls down to the mat. Raab goes for the pin.






Xander kicks out. Raab rolls off. The crowd cheers for Raab as Xander sits up and starts to get up and Raab kicks him in the ribs. He nails Xander with a European uppercut and Xander falls to the ropes. Raab now grabs him and pulls him out and hooks him up. He goes for a vertical suplex, but Xander blocks it. He lifts him up and places him down onto the top rope. The crowd ohs and Raab winces in pain. He remains hanging on the top rope. Xander runs into the ropes. He bounces off and boots Raab in the face. Raab falls back and down to the floor. The crowd boos. Xander walks around the ring. He then drop down to the floor.


Sharper: “Another boot. This one sending Raab to the floor!”


Knots: “Xander Valentine just dominating that ring. He may be forced to be there. Sasha mentioned last week there were limits to what he could do. Well he’s dominating there!”


The referee counts. (1) Xander walks around the ringpost and Konrad starts to get up and Xander runs at him and clotheslines him down. (2) He then grabs Raab and drags him up. (3) He knees him in the ribs and then spins him around before going to whip him into the steel steps. (4) Raab spins through and sends Xander in. The crowd ohs and Xander falls over, holding his shoulder. The top half bowls over. (5) Xander writhes in pain and Raab grabs him and rolls him into the ring. The crowd roars as Xander rolls over, holding his shoulder. He starts to get up to his feet as Raab climbs up to the apron and then climbs up to the top rope. Xander gets up and Raab dives off with a twisting European uppercut, knocking Valentine off his feet to the mat. Raab goes for the pin as the crowd roars.






Xander kicks out. Raab rolls off and starts to get up as Xander turns and starts to get up. Raab runs over and hits a running bulldog. Xander rolls over as Raab looks around.


Sharper: “Running bulldog! Raab building momentum and keeping the pressure on the former World Champion!”


Knots: “Raab knows he can’t slow down. So age is just a number for him now. He’s looking to beat Valentine!”


Valentine stirs and gets up and Raab runs into the ropes, bounces off and jumps up and lands on the back of Xander as he gets up, splashing him and forcing him back down. He rolls him over and hooks the leg.






Xander Valentine pushes his shoulder up. He turns as starts to get up and Konrad Raab watches him. Xander pulls himself up and Raab runs up behind him. He goes for a German suplex, but Xander blocks it and elbows him in the jaw and then again before grabbing Raab by the waist, forcing him up and hitting a huge sidewalk slam. Xander then pulls back on the legs.






Raab gets his shoulder up. He rolls over as Xander rolls over and gets up to his feet.


Sharper: “Nearfall, but Raab fighting to get his shoulder up!”


Knots: “Xander just getting up. He’s now ready for the second part of his shift!”


Sharper: “Xander Valentine isn’t doing a lot. He’s doing what he needs to. He knows what he’s capable in that ring!”


Raab rolls over and slowly gets up and Xander walks over and clubs him hard in the back. He then grabs him and whips him across into the corner. Xander runs across and nails him with a running clothesline to the corner. Xander grabs him again and whips him across. He watches him before rushing across and drilling him again with another vicious clothesline. Xander backs up and Raab staggers out and Xander scoops him up onto his shoulder and turns and hits a powerslam. He hooks the leg.






Raab gets his shoulder up. Xander looks up and then grabs Raab by the mask. He drags him up by it and then knees him in the ribs. He then hooks his head. He hoists him up and sets up for a delayed vertical suplex. He keeps him up a moment, but Raab manages to shift his weight and slides down behind Xander before waistlocking him and hitting a release German suplex. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Huge German suplex!”


Knots: “He dropped him!”


Sharper: “Konrad Raab got the suplex! His patented German suplex!”


Knots: “Hit another one!”


Xander rolls over and slowly starts to pull himself up. He leans on the ropes before Raab gets up and grabs him again from behind and throws him back with another release German suplex. The crowd roars. Raab turns over and looks at Xander. He looks around as Xander gets to his hands and knees. Raab then walks over and grabs him, pulling him up and dropping to his knees and nailing him with another European uppercut. Xander falls back into the corner. Raab gets up and grabs him and whips him across the ring. He then runs across and goes for a running European uppercut. He catches it and Xander staggers out. Raab looks around and then runs over to the ropes and handsprings in. He bounces off the ropes and jumps up for Ice Storm, but Xander blocks it with a forearm. Raab staggers forward and then Xander pulls him back before hooking him with the Fade to Black. The crowd roars and Raab reaches around, trying to get to the ropes, but Xander moves him around to the middle of the ring.


Sharper: “Xander with a vicious forearm. Raab may be out on his feet! Now the Fade to Black!”


Knots: “Raab is in trouble. Xander just slowly cutting off the air! Right in the middle of the ring!”


Raab starts to fade as Xander keeps pulling back. Raab then starts to tap on the arm of Xander. The official calls for the bell. The bell sounds and the crowd boos. Xander keeps the hold on. The official calls for the break and Xander looks at him for a moment before throwing him down. Raab rolls over. Xander steps forward.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via submission, Xander Valentine!”


Xander looks out at the crowd before glancing back and looking at Raab. The official checks on Raab. Xander steps over him and walks over to the ropes and steps through them to the floor. Artemis walks around and joins Xander. Xander then glances back and scoffs before turning back and starting to head to the back.


Sharper: “Xander Valentine with the Fade to Black causing Raab to submit.”


Knots: “Said that would be a message to Regan. Pretty damn clear message!”


Sharper: “He may have some limits on him but he’s still a very, very dangerous man!”


Xander Valentine and Artemis continue to walk to the back as the scene cuts away.


“The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire plays as the Breakdown logo comes up on the screen. Sienna Swann and Xiomara are shown walking through the hallway. The crowd boos seeing them.


Sharper: “From one statement to another. Sienna Swann wanted Kellen Jeffries here. We saw him earlier tonight. The SCW World Champion will call him out when we return, next, here on Breakdown!”


The scene fades to black.




“Style” by Taylor Swift begins to play throughout the arena, the Tron plays the Video of her various photo-shoots, training, fighting, swimsuits, lingerie and walking through nightclubs with men gawking over her in skin tight dresses. At the entrance way, Sienna Swann walks out, holding the SCW World Championship over her shoulder. She looks around, as the crowd gives her a negative reaction. She just glares at them as Xiomara walks out and stands next to her. Sienna then starts to walk to the ring.


Sharper: “Sienna Swann is now closer to facing an entire field of challengers as the End of the Year Special Open Invitational will be for her World Championship.”


Knots: “And she’s taking it well!”


Sharper: “That would be sarcasm.”


Knots: “Oh just a bit. She’s taking it horribly. Talking about lying, conspiracies and making enemies with everyone. And Kelcey Wallace is even back. She’ll be looking for a client for her skills.”


Sharper: “But right now, Sienna’s focus is on Kellen Jeffries who is here tonight. He specifically came to Breakdown tonight to allow Sienna to confront him.”


Sienna Swann makes her way to the ring and walks up the steel steps. She then walks along the apron, looking out at the crowd. They continue to boo her and Xiomara enters the ring. She turns and holds the ropes open for Sienna who turns and steps in. Sienna walks to the middle of the ring, posing as golden glitter falls throughout the arena. Xiomara meanwhile demands a microphone, Jason Phillips obliging. Sienna refocuses as Xiomara walks over to her. She says something to her and Sienna takes the microphone before starting to pace slightly around the ring.


Sienna: “Last week in this ring, it was revealed the entire world that this company is run by nothing more than a liar!”


Sienna chuckles, shaking her head.


Sienna: “I gave you a chance to actually make a good decision, for a fresh start, extending the olive branch and you not only smacked it away, but proved that this is personal for you. But Sasha, you again disrespect your champion. All the more reason you sat there, using the Board of the Directors as your excuse, when Kellen Jeffries gave you what you wanted… a way to ensure I wouldn’t be your World Champion. It does not matter that I, simply put, am the greatest wrestler to grace this ring. I am the most watched wrestler in this company. News companies around this country run pieces on me because they know I bring eyeballs. It’s who I am. And well, the fact is that Sasha, you’re just jealous that someone else is getting attention when frankly, you never deserved anything and I don’t just accept you in control when you’ve merely proven that being born to the right person is your only skill in life.”


Sienna sighs.


Sienna: “Yet again, you prove you should resign. But you won’t. Instead, you’re just someone else I will need to overcome as I prove to the world that I have surpassed anyone in this sport. But there is one problem still…the End of the Year Open Invitational. A match where ANYONE can enter and my World Championship is on the line.”


The crowd roars as Sienna looks around.


Sienna: “Don’t all of you here in Los Angeles turn on me too. Everything I’ve done for this city, for this community. This is my home! I am ONE of YOU! I should be YOUR hero. I have done EVERYTHING for you, the people.”


Sienna pauses.


Sienna: “But to be fair, holding onto this, is just as much for me. And at the End of the Year Special, to face off against this field of unknowns when I’ve already beaten three of the top contenders…told they would not get a title shot…and they can now re-enter. That’s why I went for the source…I called Kellen Jeffries out. See, I’m not a coward. I’ll call out people who deserve it!”


Sienna looks around, raving as she does.


Sienna: “So Kellen, you’re here. The cameras found out. You made all of this mess. You cost someone their shot. Some newcomer could’ve had the honour to face me to end 2019. They would have lost, but they would’ve had a memory to last a lifetime. But you did all of this…whether it was for what you claim, to give everyone a shot, your little Christmas gift. Or maybe you just want to still get into Kennedy’s pants. That ship has sailed, but you never were that smart to begin with. So you, much like Sasha, I’ll extend another olive branch. A second chance. A clean slate…”


Sienna looks at the camera.


Sienna: “Up to you to agree. So Kellen…please join me.”


Sharper: “Sienna Swann is almost completely unhinged here. As if there’s some conspiracy theory against her?!”


Knots: “Well now she’s offering an olive branch to Kellen Jeffries? She does realize she needs to actually offer something for that to be the case!”


Sienna steps back and looks at the entrance way. Xiomara turns and says something to her again. Sienna stern look returns as she glances to the entrance way. She goes to lift the microphone back up, but Xiomara noticeably stops her before “The Authority Song” by John Mellencamp starts to play. The crowd cheers. A few moments pass before Kellen Jeffries walks out from the back and looks down at the ring. He looks at Sienna and gives a bit of a smile. Sienna smiles with one back before starting to walk down to the ring. He gets about half way when suddenly, Chris Cannon runs out from the back and nails Kellen from behind. Kellen falls over and rolls down the rampway as the crowd boos.


Sharper: “God damn it! It was a trap! Chris Cannon attacking Kellen Jeffries from behind!”


Knots: “Last week they dealt with their problems separately. Tonight, Chris Cannon openly helping Sienna. Making a clear message she stands with her!”


Kellen starts to get up and Chris grabs him and runs him into the ring apron. He then grabs him and rolls him into the ring. Chris turns and rolls in after. Kellen rolls over and starts to get up and Chris grabs his left arm as Xiomara grabs his right arm. Kellen tries to fight before Chris clubs him in the back, dropping him down to his knees as Sienna steps up and holds the SCW World Championship in front of him.


Sienna: “You wanted to make this a gift for EVERYONE! You’ve could’ve been like anyone else and just used it for a shot at me. I could’ve given you your three minutes in heaven. Your fifteen minutes of fame. But you had to pull that. So Kellen, you have a choice now!”


Sienna look at him, putting the title back over her shoulder.


Sienna: “Rescind your contract!”


Kellen tries to pull away as Chris clubs him again.


Sienna: “Rescind it! End this farce! Prove that you’re capable of something truly honourable!”


Kellen looks up.


Kellen: “No! You should be-“


Before Kellen can even finish that thought, Sienna lunges forward and nails him with the Kiss of an Angel. Kellen is held up only by Chris and Xiomara who then dump him forward, Kellen knocked out from the blow. Sienna then walks around the ring. She then looks at the crowd.


Sienna: “I am sick of being told who I should be. I know what I am. I am a champion. And this conspiracy won’t stop it! I will ALWAYS be champion and the Beauty Factory will stand tall on New Year’s Eve!”


Sienna throws the microphone down as she turns and Chris walks over to her and Sienna and him lock eyes. Chris then leans in and kisses her. The crowd boos some more.


Sharper: “A sickening display of megalomania from our World Champion!”


Knots: “And look at this. Chris Cannon kissing Sienna.”


Sharper: “Kelcey Wallace no doubt watching. Chris knows that. Sienna knows that. They know everyone is watching!”


The crowd continues to boo as Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann exit the ring. Xiomara then steps through too as the three start to head to the back. A couple of officials head to the ring to check on Kellen as the crowd continues to boo Sienna, Chris and Xiomara as they head to the back.




Breakdown returns as we see Peyton Rice walking through the backstage area and Spirit Dansby heads over her.


Spirit: “Peyton! Please! Can I get a word?”


Peyton: “Really? Now?”


Spirit: “Well I’m sure you saw what happened to Kellen? And I know you’re close to Kelcey. With her coming back-“


Peyton: “She’s coming back to manage. To keep an eye on them. And-“


Spirit: “And Sienna has been nothing but kind to you outside of the ring. I mean with the End of the Year Special, with your closeness to Alistaire, to Owen-“


Peyton sighs, exasperated.


Peyton: “What do you want?”


Spirit: “Has Kelcey decided on who will be her client? You?”


Peyton: “You can ask her. She’ll be watching at the End of the Year Special and on the first Breakdown of the new year. As for me, I’m spending the night with Alistaire and getting ready to watch Owen Cruze beat Ravyn Taylor. If you have questions on those, I am happy to answer. But after she just attacked someone, like she did…I have no comment there.”


Peyton heads off as Spirit watches her leave, nodding.


Asher Hayes vs. Cassidy Carter


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, being accompanied by Ace Marshal, she is the Dutchess of Debauchery…CASSIDY! CARTER!”
The lights in the arena go dark for a moment, and the crowd hushes in anticipation.  After a few moments, the baseline to "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish begins thumping through the speakers. The arena fills with a mixture of boos and cheers.  As Billie's voice begins singing, low red lights begin flashing in time with the rhythm.
White shirt now red, my bloody nose
Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes
Creeping around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal
Cassidy's face appears on the big screen, blood streaming down her nose as she flashes a sadistic smile before her face disappears and her name flashes across the screen in blood red letters.  The red lights keep flashing.
Bruises, on both my knees for you
Don't say thank you or please
I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul? So cynical
White strobes begin flashing as Cassidy appears in the entryway.
  The crowd is louder now, mostly booing Cassidy, but there are a few audible cheers mixed in. Cassidy is wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with the hood up and "Bad Guy" sprayed on the back in red spray paint,and a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses.  In her hand she hold a leash which is connected to Ace Marshall's neck.  She grins devilishly posing for a moment before walking down the ramp, Ace following closely behind her.  As she gets to the end of the ramp, she pauses and looks back at her husband, who quickly moves and lifts her onto the ring apron.  Cassidy moves to the corner as Ace climbs the steps before holding the rope open for her.  She enters the ring and he follows.  She continues holding the leash as she moves to the corner, climbing the turnbuckle and blowing a kiss to the crowd with her free hand, as the boos grow louder.  As she steps down from the turnbuckle she hands the leash to the referee as she takes off her sunglasses and sweatshirt.  The ref drops the leash and Cassidy motions for Ace to get out of the ring.  He obeys and leaves as she waits for the match to start.
Sharper: “This next contest is surely going to be an interesting one.”
Knots: “Cassidy Carter is connected to a face from the past of her opponent, Asher Hayes.”
Phillips: “And her opponent, from Chicago, Illinois…he is the rock and roll superstar…ASHER! HAYES!”
The arena lights dim down, as the opening riffs of "Rope" by the Foo Fighters echo throughout the arena. At the 13 second mark, the name "Asher Hayes" blares through the sound system. As the arena lights return to normal, Asher appears on the stage, wearing a long leather jacket and sunglasses.
“This indecision got me climbing up the wall
Been cheating gravity and waiting on the fall
How did this come over me, I thought I was above it all
Our hopes gone up in smoke, swallow your crown
Choke, on a kiss, I thought I'd save my breath for you
Choke, on a kiss, I thought I'd save my breath for you”
He makes his way down the ramp as the cheers of the crowd rain down upon him. He walks up the ring steps and climbs to the top turnbuckle, lifting both fists into the air, slinging the jacket off his shoulders, saluting the crowd before dropping down and running to the opposite side.
“Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm hanging on you
Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm pulling for you now
Give me some rope I'm coming, out of my head, into the clear when you, go,
I, go, noose…”
He stands, once again, on the top rope. He tosses his shades out to the crowd, smirking and a blowing a kiss to the fans before dropping down, removing his jacket and handing it to the ref before leaning into the corner, waiting for the match to begin.
Sharper: “Asher Hayes had a relationship that took a very dark turn many years ago, with Cassidy’s mentor, Rachel Foxx.”
Knots: “I think saying it took a dark turn is putting it lightly.”

The ref calls for the bell, and both competitors step out of their corners. Cassidy smirks as Asher extends his arm, looking for a lock up. Cassidy turns and rolls her eyes before looking at Asher once again, throwing a forearm into the side of Asher’s jaw. Asher stumbles back. He rubs his jaw, keeping his eyes on Cassidy and nods, as Cassidy shrugs.
Sharper: “Asher looking to lock up, but Cassidy showing she doesn’t care for that.”
Asher lifts his arm up again, indicating he wants to lock up. Cassidy goes for another elbow, but Asher blocks it. He shoves her back into the ropes. Cassidy bounces off the ropes, only for Asher to hit a dropkick to her right leg, causing Cassidy to fall to the mat.
Knots: “Cassidy going for another forearm, but Asher made her eat the mat.”
Sharper: “You have to wonder if Gavin Taylor is watching this match.”
Knots: “Hell, you have to wonder if Rachel has shown interest.”
Asher grabs Cassidy and locks in a side headlock. Cassidy begins to land shots to the ribs, but Asher flips her over, taking her back down to the mat. Asher then transitions into a crossface. The ref checks on Cassidy.
Sharper: “Asher showing a bit more of his technical side here tonight. He’s known for his high flying and innovative style.”
Knots: “Could be using those veteran instincts, knowing Cassidy is proficient in submissions as well. His back has been through the ringer. It’d be best to keep her grounded.”
Sharper: “Right you are partner.”
Knots: “Or he knows she may be clinically insane and wants to keep her grounded. The possibilities are endless.”
The ref checks on Cassidy, who shakes her head no. Asher breaks the hold and gets to his feet. He picks Cassidy up, but she fires away with a European uppercut. Asher staggers back and Cassidy follows up with a running lariat. Asher hits the mat. Cassidy begins to stomp on Asher’s back.
Sharper: “This is not the type of situation Asher wants to be in.”
Knots: “Cassidy immediately going for the back.”
Asher rolls toward the ropes. He tries to pull himself up, but Cassidy kicks him in the back again, before beginning to stomp him back down to the mat. Cassidy drives her knee into Asher’s back and grabs Asher under his chin before pulling back. Being near the ropes, Asher reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. Cassidy doesn’t break the hold. The crowd boos as the ref begins the count.
Ref: “1…2…”
Sharper: “Cassidy inflicting further punishment to that back. Refusing to break the hold.”
Knots: “Its sound strategy as long as she doesn’t allow herself to get disqualified. Not that I condone her actions.”
Ref: “3…4…”
Cassidy breaks the hold and gets to her feet. She stomps on Asher’s back once again, as he uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. He gets to his feet and Cassidy kicks Asher in the middle of his back. Cassidy clubs him in the back of the bed, before grabbing him and hitting him with a STO backbreaker, before driving Asher to the mat with a reverse STO.
Knots: “Did she… do what I think she did?”
Sharper: “Taking a page from Rachel Foxx’s book, and dropping Asher with the Suicide Note.”
Cassidy goes for the pin.
Asher kicks out. Cassidy glares at the referee who tells her it was a two count.
Sharper: “Cassidy clearly not happy with the count.”
Cassidy rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she gets to her feet. She grabs Asher by the hair, as he gets to his feet. She hits a forearm to the jaw, staggering Asher. She kicks him in the gut and grabs him by the head.
Knots: “Taking another page from Rachel it seems.”
Asher shoves Cassidy forward.
Sharper: “Going for the Foxx Girl Stunner, but Asher managed to avoid it.”
Cassidy hits the ropes, facing forward and bounces off, going backwards, only for Asher to grab her and hit a belly to back suplex. Asher grabs at his back as he pushes himself up to his feet. Cassidy rolls over and gets to one knee, only for Asher to charge and connect with a running knee.
Knots: “Asher flooring her with that running knee.”
Sharper: “He likes to call that move Dust to Dust.”
Asher goes for the pin.
Cassidy kicks out.
Asher gets to his feet. He nurses his lower back as he steps toward Cassidy. He grabs her, pulling her to feet. Ace jumps on the apron. Asher turns to him.
Knots: “Ace trying to get involved. He and Asher have history from the early days of Greaternity.”
Asher lets go of Cassidy and stomps toward Ace. They begin to jaw with one another. The ref gets involved.
Sharper: “The ref needs to get rid of Ace, and Asher needs to return his attention to his opponent.”
Cassidy is shown getting to her feet. She shakes her head before charging toward Asher, Ace, and the referee. Asher and the referee see her coming and jump out of the way, causing Cassidy to charge into Ace, knocking him off the apron. Cassidy looks at what she’s done and begins to glare.
Knots: “Someone is sleeping on the couch later.”
Cassidy turns and she is shown looking eyes with Asher. She charges. Asher turns and leaps into the air, connecting with a Pele kick. Cassidy is stunned and drops to the mat. Asher gets to his feet, grabbing Cassidy up from the mat. She goes for another European uppercut, but Asher deflects it. He kicks her in the abdomen before hooking Cassidy and driving her to the mat, before locking in a dragon sleeper.
Sharper: “Asher has Cassidy locked in the Dream Killer, and she has nowhere to go.”
The ref checks on Cassidy who struggles to reach out. She is heard shouting no, while clearly in pain, as Asher pulls back a bit more. The ref checks on Cassidy once again, before she ultimately taps out. The ref calls for the bell as Asher breaks the hold.
Knots: “Cassidy taps!”
Asher gets to his feet as Cassidy rolls out of the ring. “Rope” blares through the arena, as the referee lifts Asher’s hand in victory.
Sharper: “Asher with a rebound win after being cheated out of the Adrenaline Championship by Gavin Taylor. He let it be known last week he wasn’t finished with Taylor. I think tonight drove that point home.”
Asher is shown celebrating a bit more, before suddenly, we cut to the big screen as we hear the sound of a shower going. Asher stops and turns, looking at the big screen, confused.


Sharper: “What the hell is this?”


A few moments pass before a figure emerges from the back of the room, walking out of the shower, wearing a white towel, and the SCW Adrenaline Championship, one Gavin Taylor.


Gavin: “Oh! Hey! Asher! Sorry, for the light appearance here. I’m sure you probably thought I would do something nefarious, like attack you from behind. But oh no, not tonight. Not when we’re in the City of Angels, the bright lights, this is a place I can feel at home! And a champion has to look their best! And I always do.”


Asher rolls his eyes.


Gavin: “Now, Asher, I can see that you’re still a bit sour about everything at Clarity. Beaten by a better man and all. But I get it. It’s Christmas time. And while your loss led to the most attractive champion in SCW Today…wait…wait…yeah, Sienna and Bree are tied for second. It’s true. It’s just how it is. I mean, look at me. Ladies…”


There are some women who scream, clearly appreciating what Gavin is doing.


Gavin: “But I digress. We don’t need to cause a tsunami in here with everyone thinking about the All-Star, a moniker that has MULTIPLE meanings, if you catch my drift. Now, you clearly still want to do horrible things to me Asher. I took your title…but while you act unchampionly, yes, I can create words, that’s how good I am, by attacking me from behind, I am going to be the bigger man. It’s the Christmas season. And I’ll tell you this…I think I’m going to get you exactly what you want…Gavin Taylor as a double-champion!”


Gavin nods.


Gavin: “That would look pretty good. And Asher….all for you buddy. Keep on grinding out there. The Wrestling Jedi needs to make sure he looks good!”


Gavin winks and walks off camera as the crowd boos. Asher just shakes his head and turns to the official, almost asking if he’s serious.


Sharper: “Good to know we have another arrogant champion! Gavin Taylor I guess claiming he’s going for the World Title?”


Knots: “Sounds like it. Either that or there’s one of the four hundred awards shows in this town!”


Asher turns and exits the ring, sighing, as he starts to head to the back.




Breakdown returns to see Marie Jones standing backstage with Jaina Lancaster.


Jaina: “Welcome back to Breakdown. Jaina Lancaster here again with Marie Jones now. Last week, Marie, we heard from your sister, Kim, and she made it clear. She wants to you to aim for the top. Aim back for the World Championship. It looks like Twin Magic’s tag run is on pause.”


Marie: “It definitely is. Kim got what she wanted. She could bludgeon Christy. We had a moment we’ll never forget, running through the tag division, finally winning the titles. But now, we have our own goals. She has hers and I have mine and I’ve not forgotten about one goal I’ve had since I’ve come in here. And in 2019, I made some questionable decisions to get close to it. Siding with Katya. Essentially having my services bought off for a shot…”


Marie looks down and thinks about it briefly before looking back up.


Marie: “But time to do it right. There’s an opportunity at End of the Year Special. Maybe I’ll throw my name in the hat. And either way, win or lose, I’ll fight my way to get to the point where I will proudly stands as champion. So I can look in the mirror and say this time…I deserve this.”


The crowd cheers as Marie nods.


Jaina: “All the best in that plan.”


Marie: “Thank you.”


Jaina: “Back to ringside.”


Breakdown cuts back to the ring.


Edgar Allen Pollock in action


The sound of stage lighting is heard as if the breakers have been turned off one by one and by doing so each section of the arena’s lights go off before the puzzle of darkness is complete. SCW fans hold their phones aloft and switch on their torches but as the sea of lights begin to show, another breaker sound is heard as one solitary spotlight shines down onto the stage and with it the beginning of Beethoven’s "Moonlight" Sonata op 27 # 2 Mov 1,2 by Valentina Lisitsa begins to play.

The music continues playing when a hand is seen breaking through the light, and then again before a figure steps through and stands there basking in it’s glow, his head down and now in hand he holds a skull while his other arm poses just to his left… The man slowly turns and another light beams down and another with each step as he walks down towards the ring as the music continues to play.

Phillips: “Ladies & Gentleman, please rise and give your applause… Hailing from Broadway, New York… He weighs in tonight at two-hundred and four pounds and is here to enamour you with the performance art your lives have craved to see…”

Sharper: In whose world is this art?

Knots: It makes me want to gouge my eyes out a rusty melon baller. What’s next? The main character of someone’s reality television program deciding to run for President and winning?

Sharper: Ummmm?

Knot: Oh yeah, I am trying to forget, nevermind

Boos begin to fill the arena now as the man rolls into the ring and rises onto one knee still holding the Macbeth style skull in hand as the final spotlight shines down into the middle of the ring…


With that finally said, Edgar jumps to his feet and poses as more boo’s roar from the crowd, his arms outstretched and a smile on his face which only turns into a sneer upon the reaction he has gotten…

Sharper: So, here is Edgar coming out to the ring, we don’t know who he is facing, but I am sure this will be a rare and priceless type of performance.

Knots: You are a trooper Sharper I give you that. Trying to sell this as ART? A trooper indeed.

The spotlight disappears and the lights to the arena turn back on as he begins to speak to the skull in his hand before walking back to the corner and asking for the microphone from Phillips, who reluctantly complies.

Sharper: And lovely, Edgar has something on his mind that he intends to share with us.

Knots: Yay, pass me a pillow and blanket please.

Pollock: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

The boos throughout the arena becoming even more deafening, which only causes Pollock to sneer more

Pollock: And so, thy fair brothers and sisters it would seem that barely any of you know how to appreciate good art at its finest!

Sharper: Please….

Knots: This guy wouldn’t know good art if hit him straight in the forehead.

Pollock: Fear not thou simpleton, because I….EDGAR ALLEN POLLOCK….am here tonight to provide one of you with the opportunity of a lifetime. You play a supporting role in my next masterpiece

Pollock starts scanning the crowd while people are still booing loudly

Sharper: What is he doing now?

Knots: Beats the hell out of me…

Pollock: Too young. Too old. Too fat. To thin

Still scanning Pollock finds a member of the crowd who likes..

Pollock: Ah yes, you sir, you are exquisite. Please join me in thy centre of thy squared circle so that we might converse.

The man who Pollock selected is a very average man, dressed is an Ohio State University sweatsuit, and a bright smile. He has a littler trouble getting into the ring but makes it ok, and stands next to Pollock.

Pollock: Now then, thy good brother, what is thy name?

Pollock holds the microphone close to the man’s mouth

Man: My name is Charlie Wilcox!

Pollock: Charlie. Please, tell everyone Charlie, has thou ever wanted to be in a professional wrestling match?

Charlie: Only from the time that I was 6 years old!

The crowd starts cheering Charlie who waves back to them enthusiastically, still smiling. Pollock is very unimpressed by the crowd’s reaction to Charlie and intends to do something about it.

Pollock: Well then Charlie, this is thy night!

Without warning, Pollock takes the microphone and slams it in too Charlie’s skull! Charlie instantly crumbles into a heap, while the crowd becomes electrified with boos, as the opening bell rings.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Sharper: What the hell?! That was entirely uncalled for!

Knots: Hey, Pollock like him or not is giving Charlie a chance. Not much of one, but it is a chance!

Pollock wait patiently for Charlie to get up, rubbing his head and wondering what is going on. Pollock moves quickly and Charlie never has a chance as Pollock shows off some impressive power after a kick in the gut with a double under-hook, followed by a huge sit out powerbomb.


Sharper: Damn, I think that will about do it for Charlie’s debut. Awesome strength from Edgar Allen Pollock.

Knots: We hardly knew him, literally.

Pollock makes the cover….




Sharper: Come on now, you made your point, you didn’t take kindly to the crowd liking this guy, but enough is enough!

Knots: Yeah, this proves absolutely nothing about art or anything else.

Pollock stands a listless Charlie up in the corner and measures him before he backs up and and gets running before his leg is swung around and his heel connects with Charlie’s temple. Charlie is knocked out before he ever hits the canvas and with the crowd booing as loud as ever, Pollock steps on him for the cover, while screaming…NOW THAT’S ART!




Phillips: Here is your winner….EDGAR ALLEN POLLOCK!

Pollock stomps on Charlie a couple more times before leaving to a chorus of boos with a smirk, while paramedics come in to check on Charlie who seems to be alright, but will no doubt be evaluated by the doctor on site just in case.

Sharper: That was disgusting, and Edgar Allen Pollock should be ashamed of himself.

Knots: Just think to Sharper, because of Kellen Jeffries, that could be our SCW World Champion after the End of the Year Special Battle Royal.

Sharper: I am confident there will be enough people who will want to get rid of the “artist” that will not happen. We will be right back with more SCW Breakdown.


The scene fades to black




Breakdown returns to ringside as the sound of a Hellcat scratching through the screen is seen with a roar. Fireworks blast off the entrance as “Who's Next” by Porcelain Black plays throughout the arena. A few moments pass before Regan Street, Mikaela Street, Delilah and Selena Frost walk out from the back .


Jessica: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Regan Street and Selena Frost!”


The crowd cheers as Jessica Winters stands in the ring.


Sharper: “Last week, Selena Frost got herself into some trouble, more because Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine decided to take out some frustrations on her!”



Selena nails her with the Glass Shard. The crowd ohs and cheers. Selena drops down and rolls through for the pin.








The crowd roars. The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Sele-“


Before Phillips can finish his announcement, as Selena starts to get up, Ryan runs over and nails her with a jumping knee drop to the back of the head. Selena rolls through. Ryan gets up. Autumn rolls over as Ryan stomps Selena in the chest over and over.


Sharper: “Just after the match between Selena Frost and Autumn Valentine, Ryan Watson entered and decided to attack her.”


Knots: “Yeah, and they were going to take her out. Likely looking to put a smile on their faces before the end of the year.”


The bell sounds again. The Breakdown logo comes up as we see Ryan grabbing Selena and pulls her up before then hoisting her up onto his shoulders The crowd roars, while boos also come from the crowd as Autumn starts to climb up to the top rope. But just then, the crowd erupts in cheers as Regan Street runs out from the back. Regan slides in and runs over and nails Ryan from behind. Ryan falls forward and Selena nails Autumn as Autumn is climbing up. She rolls to the floor as Selena holds onto the top rope. Ryan turns around and Regan kicks him in the ribs over and over. 


Sharper: “But it was all stymied by the Hellcat, Regan Street, who came out to save her friend.”


Knots: “Not just that, but they did it with impact. CATnap on Ryan Watson. Moonsault from Selena onto him. Zero Effs to Give running out with no happiness gained!”


Regan then grabs Ryan’s head and looks around before hitting the CATnap. The crowd roars. Ryan rolls through to his back. Selena then dives off the top rope with a huge moonsault onto Ryan. She rolls through and Ryan holds his ribs in pain. Regan walks around the ring as Ryan rolls out of the ring. Selena then starts to get up and looks around. The crowd cheers as Regan and Selena look around. “Regan!” chants echo throughout the arena. The Breakdown logo comes up again.


Back live, Regan Street, Selena Frost, Mikaela Street and Delilah are in the ring as Jessica Winters walks over, standing between Selena Frost and Regan Street.


Jessica: “Ladies…last week, we seemed to have seen something a long time coming. Selena Frost, you’ve finished your issue with Xander Valentine, despite the scars, the bruises, the pain, you managed to stand tall. And Regan, well-“


Regan steps in.


Regan: “Before you continue, I think I should say something to Xander Valentine!”


The crowd roars.


Regan: “You want to send you messages. Even using Konrad Raab to do it. I saw your fight earlier. I saw you beat him. If you think I’m impressed, I’m not. You said a couple of weeks ago that you didn’t respect me. Well, Xander, just like Selena, I don’t respect you one bit either. You were a great a while back. Big deal. WE are great now. And if you want another ass-kicking, I’m not hard to find. We’ve been circling around each other all year and Xander, while Selena Frost will make it look good while she takes the fight to you…I only plan to make it hurt and make it last. I at least know you’ll do the same if you ever come face to face with me. And when we get a chance in this ring, I’ll make sure I take you down and leave you with something else that lasts. Not respect…but a God damned limp!”


The crowd roars as Regan steps back and looks around the arena.


Jessica: “I’m sure Xander Valentine heard every word and I’m sure he’ll be face to face with you at some point Regan.”


Regan nods, saying “I know! I know!” Selena just smiles.


Jessica: “But let’s talk about last week because Selena, it seems you got under the skin of the Zero Effs to Give. You seemed to make them quite upset with your victory. And then, as we just saw as you were coming out here, that Regan Street came to your aid.”


Selena: “Well that’s what friends do, Jessica. Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine seemed to want to take me out. Whether it was because I beat Autumn. Whether it was because they were upset about how the last month went. The problem is that I’m not sure what to believe with them. They claim to not have a care in the world, but they seem to be caring a lot. Me…the World Tag Titles. And no matter what I hear, I struggle to believe that what happened with the open challenges a month ago at live events over the tag titles was anything more than collusion. But here we are. And when Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine were going to take me out with the No Effs Given, well….Regan took care of that.”


Jessica turns to Regan.


Regan: “Hey, I’m not going to sit in the back, watching a friend of mine get the crap kicked out of her because two people can’t handle a loss. And if they want to take out a friend, unless she tells me to stay in the back, when my word is my bond, then I’m going to come out, and get ready to kick some ass! It’s that simple.”


Jessica: “Speaking of things being that simple, Regan, you have been quite clear that you intend to turn your attention to the growingly crowded Tag Team ranks in SCW. It’s one title you’ve never held and there have been rumblings over who your partner could be. One name at the top of the list has been Selena Frost for a while, but with you both coming out here together, taking out the former tag team champions, is this as simple as it looks?”


Regan and Selena look at one another as Regan turns to Jessica.


Regan: “I think so!”


The crowd cheers.


Regan: “And frankly, we’ll even let Zero Effs to Give be the first ones to step up if they want. We understand there’s a long line all focused on dethroning Infamous as the champs. But there are very few people that know how to deal with them. We’re two of them. So if you want, consider this the start of something special. And Delilah…”


Regan turns and walks over to her.


Regan: “You should sit back and watch and enjoy. Because you’re going to get a first-hand look at how to kick ass.”


The crowd roars. Regan turns back to Jessica.


Regan: “Because we’re coming for those titles. I’ve been sitting back and thinking about what I’m going to do since I lost the Adrenaline Championship. Since I had to sit back and reconsider my career. After kicking Datura’s ass at Rise to Greatness and coming THIS close to beating Asher Hayes…I stood on the sidelines. I watched as Sienna Swann regained the World Title. I watched as Selena Frost survived her war with Xander…and now…my bookings look pretty full. One Executioner and the greatest tag teams in the world. What do you think Selena?”


Selena smirks as Jessica turns back to her.


Selena: “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun in 2020.  Believe it!”


The crowd roars as “The Truth About Our Time” by Allen/Lande starts to play.


Jessica: “There you have it! Regan Street and Selena Frost aiming for the World Tag Team Championship!”


The crowd continues to cheer as Selena Frost, Regan Street, Mikaela Street and Delilah stand in the ring.


Sharper: “Regan also has her eyes on Xander Valentine, but with Selena by her side, she’s got a hell of a second. The two could be a hell of a team.”


Knots: “Not just that, but they made clear, they’re going to work their way up. So will it be Zero Effs to Give stepping up first, or will someone else.”


Sharper: “The number of teams in the division is as strong as ever and it just got stronger!”


The group starts to exit the ring.


“The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire plays throughout the arena as the Breakdown logo comes up on the screen. A still then comes up of Owen Cruze vs. Ravyn Taylor. The crowd cheers.


Sharper: “We don’t know what to expect. James Evans caused a stir earlier attacking CHBK! Owen Cruze and James Evans even at each other’s throats about tonight. Infamous wants a war. Will it all come to a head in this match, when Owen Cruze faces Ravyn Taylor, our main event, next!


The scene fades to black.




Breakdown returns as we see Kandis pacing backstage as Tommy looks up at her in their locker room.


Tommy: “Relax. We-“


Kandis: “No….that was our shot! That five way…THAT shot that we waited months for.”


Kandis pauses.


Tommy: “And we’ll get another one.”


Kandis: “Damn right we are. To see Gavin Taylor running around as Adrenaline Champion. To see now everyone jumping into the pool when everyone should be focusing on us…”


Tommy: “We have to wait…”


Kandis: “We can wait. But in the meantime, we can mess everyone else’s chances too. They want to enter a division that we should’ve been on top of and never got a chance.”


Tommy stands up and walks over.


Tommy: “You know, you’re getting kinda hot when you’re pissed.”


Kandis: “Only then?”


Tommy: “Always. But we’re not going to get much done tonight.”


Kandis: “Well not on the tag division…”


Tommy smirks as we cut away.


Owen Cruze vs. Ravyn Taylor


Darkness engulfs the arena as we hear the eerie sound of something tapping against glass. After a few moments there comes a whisper in the sound of a woman’s voice of one short, iconic word  NEVERMORE”. With that we hear the opening from “Open Your Eyes” by Guano Apes.

“Hide your face forever
Dream and search forever-ever-ever-ever”

The song gets stuck on the word and is then interrupted by the deep sound of the voice of Marilyn Manson.

“Just lay your head in daddy’s lap
You’re a bad girl!”

“Bad Girl” by Avril Lavigne hits the PA system as the lights come back up and we see the screens playing images of Ravyn Taylor’s various antics in and out of the ring. After a few moments the curtains part and Ravyn steps out on to the stage with a smirk on her face. She’s dressed in ring gear that includes her normal ring jacket covering a small, revealing bra top and a pair of skin tight hot-pants with the words “BAD GIRL” across the back, her SCW World Tag Team Championship around her waist. She stops on the stage, twirling for the camera almost mockingly. Syren, holding her chain, followed by Alexander Crowe, and Christy Matthews step out after.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall for TV time remaining. Accompanied by Syren, Christy Matthews and Alexander Crowe, from Hell, Michigan, she is the Bad, Bad Girl, one half of the SCW World Tag Team Champions, Ravyn Taylor!”

Sinfully Seductive
Captivatingly Corrupt
Dark Fantasy

After a few moments she starts to make her way down to ringside and then steps up the ring steps, wiping her feet on the apron before vaulting over the top turnbuckle and rolling back to her feet. She walks over to the far corner of the ring, stepping on to the middle turnbuckle and removes her ring jacket, looking down at herself with a look of admiration before stepping off the turnbuckle again. She folds the jacket up and places it in the corner before dropping to a seated position, looking up at the referee and shaking her head as he tries to tell her to get to her feet so he can pat her down. Infamous walks around the ring as her music fades out. Ravyn drops down to a seated position in the corner.


Sharper: “Everyone out here but CHBK! They’re preparing for a war here.”


Knots: “And I don’t think they’re planning for a war with Owen. That may be a lucky benefit. They’re focusing on James Evans.”


Sharper: “You wonder if Giovanni Aries is still here.”


The lights straight to flicker in the arena as “The show must go on” the SCW / Maserati Remix kicks in over the PA system, the opening beats bringing a huge cheer from the fans.

“Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?”

Owen steps out onto the stage to an even louder outpouring of noise, looking left and right at the fans and nodding in acknowledgment of their support.

Phillips: “Her opponent, from Los Angeles, California, he is Owen Cruze!”

He drops to one knee and punches the stage, as a huge burst of pyro erupts behind him. Owen getting to his feet and walking down the ramp, only focussed on the ring. Owen slides into the ring, and climbs a turnbuckle, raising his arm as his music fades, and he jumps backwards into the ring. Owen then spins around and looks at Ravyn Taylor as Syren turns and steps out of the ring. Alexander Crowe and Christy Matthews exit too. Ravyn pulls herself up. Owen looks at her and then to the other Infamous members.


Sharper: “Owen Cruze out here alone. I don’t know about that.”


Knots: “What about that last we saw him, prior to this week, he was also stepping up to help Sasha when Sienna Swann looked like she may lose it on her. He talked about making enemies earlier to James. He’s making a number.”


Sharper: “But while James stands alone, Owen has several strong allies.”


The bell sounds as Ravyn looks at Owen and Owen continues to watch Infamous. Owen then starts to follow Ravyn as Ravyn lures him back into the corner. Owen moves in and grabs her by the arm, but Ravyn ducks under and manages to force him forward into the corner. Owen turns and Ravyn kicks him in the ribs and forearms him in the jaw. She backs up as Owen shakes it off and steps forward. Ravyn backs up to the opposite corner. Owen continues to follow and Ravyn then watches Owen sets her up and goes for a swinging blow, but Ravyn ducks under. Owen spins around and Ravyn nails him with a forearm and then a kick to the ribs. She backs up again. Owen turns and then runs at Ravyn. Ravyn ducks a clothesline attempt, as Owen jumps to the middle rope and Ravyn drops down early, but Owen stops and then spins around and clubs her in the back with a double axe handle smash. The crowd roars. Ravyn hits the mat and rolls over.


Sharper: “Owen seems to have outsmarted Ravyn on that one!”


Knots: “Owen picking up the pace and caught Ravyn overthinking!”


Sharper: “Or underthinking. Either way, Cruze, following up!”


Ravyn gets up and Owen pushes her into the corner. He then whips her across. Ravyn hits the opposite corner and Owen runs after. Ravyn gets a boot up, but Owen blocks it and pushes it down. He then kicks her in the ribs and grabs her and hits a beal out of the corner. Ravyn rolls over. She starts to get up and turns to the ropes. Owen runs over and grabs her, grabbing at her tights before pulling her back in and then rolling her up with a school boy.






Ravyn kicks out. Both get up and Ravyn turns to Owen who nails her with a dropkick. Ravyn falls back and rolls out of the ring. Alexander Crowe heads around as Owen gets up. The crowd roars. (1) Syren starts to look at the entrance way, hoping James will come down, before pacing a bit. (2)


Sharper: “Owen send Ravyn to the floor. Syren has her eyes on the entrance way, waiting for James Evans!”


Knots: “He may be playing his own games her. He may just be looking to get into the head of Infamous!”


Owen meanwhile watches Ravyn and Crowe as they get up on the floor. (3) Owen then heads over and grabs the top rope. He goes to dive over. Ravyn and Crowe scatter, but Owen spins through onto the apron. (4) The crowd roars and Ravyn turns and Owen focuses on her, hitting a somersault dive off the apron and onto Ravyn. Owen hits the mats as the crowd roars. (1) Owen turns and starts to get up and grabs her. (2) Crowe starts to head over toward him and the official drops down to the floor to stop him. Owen rolls Ravyn into the ring. Christy, however, going the opposite way around the ring runs over and clubs Owen from behind. The crowd boos and Christy rolls him into the ring. Crowe keeps the official distracted for a bit longer as Owen rolls over and to get up and Ravyn grabs his arm and pulls it across Owen’s throat, pulling him down with a neckbreaker.


Sharper: “Infamous, just too many people out here, cause Owen Cruze to lose sight of who is out there.”


Knots: “While Syren is focusing on waiting for James Evans, Christy Matthews made sure the Tag Champs got the advantage on one man!”


Sharper: “And Ravyn forces Owen down with that unique neckbreaker. The arm hook neckbreaker.”


Ravyn rolls over and starts to get up as Owen grabs at the ropes. Ravyn stomps him in the back and then again and again. The crowd boos. Ravyn then grinds her boot into the back of Owen’s head, pulling on the ropes for extra leverage.










Ravyn steps back. Owen rolls to the apron as Ravyn walks around. Owen starts to get up and Ravyn runs across and nails him with a dropkick to the back of the head. The crowd boos as Owen hits the mat and rolls over. The crowd boos. (1) Alexander Crowe and Christy Matthews cover both sides as Syren is shown pacing. (2) Owen starts to get up when we see Peyton Rice and Alistaire Allocco walking out from the back. The crowd cheers. (3) Christy Matthews and Alexander Crowe notice this and back up. Owen starts to get up and looks at them. (4) Ravyn looks at them and glares as Syren starts to walk around.


Syren: “You all better stay the hell out of my way when James shows up or I’ll kick your ass with this chain too!”


Sharper: “Owen Cruze, his friends, his allies, coming to the ring. They’re not going to let Infamous have their way.”


Knots: “But Syren doesn’t care. She wants James! Where’s James? He wanted to start the war!”


Owen turns and rolls back into the ring. Ravyn runs over and knees him in the ribs and then again and again before grabbing Owen and running him into the corner. Ravyn then runs his face along the top rope. Owen falls to a knee as the official warns Ravyn. Alistaire and Peyton come to ringside as Crowe heads over to Syren as Syren glares at them. Owen starts to get up and Ravyn runs into the ropes, bounces off and goes for the Bust of Pallas, but Owen ducks. Ravyn stops and turns around and Owen lifts her up and hits a Samoan drop. He rolls through and gets up and hits a standing moonsault. He hooks the leg.






Ravyn gets her shoulder up. Owen rolls off. The crowd cheers for Owen as he turns and runs into the ropes. Ravyn rolls toward him and Owen steps over him and bounces off to other side. Ravyn jumps up for the Evolutionary Synthesis, but Owen blocks it and throws her off. He hits the Morality. The crowd ohs. Owen goes for the pin.






Ravyn kicks out again.


Sharper: “Nearfall! Owen Cruze got all of that superkick, but only got two!”


Knots: “Ravyn tried to end it there. Owen said no thanks!”


Owen rolls off and starts to get up and just then, on the big screen. We see a shot of Christopher Richter getting thrown out of the Infamous locker room. Richter falls over and James Evans runs out and nails him with a running kick to the ribs. Richter rolls over.


CHBK: “Hey! What the hell is wrong with you!


The crowd cheers seeing James Evans as Evans turns around and heads back into the locker room and the cameraman follows him as CHBK gets up, begging off.


CHBK: “Hey! You’ve already got me. You don’t need-“


James: “Sorry. But you’re still talking and well, if I want Syren to know I’m serious, I’m gonna go after everyone one by one. And mentor, papa, whatever the hell you are, well, you’re first…AGAIN!”


James runs over and grabs CHBK. CHBK grabs at him and tries to go for the arm, but James turns and runs him into the wall. CHBK falls out and James lifts him up and hits the Middle Finger to the Establishment on the concrete floor. The crowd ohs as CHBK yells out, rolling over, holding his back in pain. James turns.


James: “Hey Syren! There’s one! And Giovanni…next time join me!”


Back in the arena, Syren runs around the ring. Ravyn rolls out of the ring too and Alexander and Christy start to head up the rampway toward the back. They crowd roars.


Sharper: “James Evans with an ambush! Not where we thought, but backstage! He went after CHBK again!”


Knots: “And made sure he’s not getting up this time!”


Sharper: “And Infamous rushing to the back!”


Just as they get to the top, we see London and Paris Truelove suddenly running out and nailing Christy with a kick. She steps out as Paris turns and goes over to Ravyn. The official just calls for the bell, throwing the match out. The bell sounds as the crowd roars.


Sharper: “Paris and London! The Trueloves stepping up! Ravyn and Christy got involved last week to muddy waters. They said so themselves. Trueloves letting them know what they think!”


The crowd cheers as Crowe turns and heads over to London and grabs her, pulling her off. London starts to fight him as Paris and Ravyn trade blows. Alistaire and Peyton head to the ring as Owen looks around, shaking his head, clearly upset with the situation unfolding. Syren meanwhile managed to get backstage as we then see Valeria Garcia and Maria Vencejo running out and Valeria attacks London from behind. Maria attacks Paris. The crowd boos as Maria runs Paris into the set and she staggers back. Crowe and Christy start to get up and Ravyn steps forward and tries to get to the back before Jordan Majors and Jake Starr run out and Jake runs at Christy and Crowe and clothesline both down. The crowd roars. Majors takes Ravyn down with a Lou Thesz Press, attacking her with repeated shots. The Trueloves and Bandidas fight as Jake and Jordan go after Infamous.


Sharper: “This is a brawl and one caused entirely because of Ravyn Taylor and Christy Matthews last week.”


Knots: “Majors and Starr may not be getting a title shot, but they’ll get some revenge. Trueloves and Bandidas going at it.”


Sharper: “And Syren, she got backstage. She managed to get past everyone. We have a camera on her!”


We see Syren storming through the hallway by Infamous’ locker room. Syren steps over and gets right up in the cameraman’s face.


Syren: “Where the hell is he?”


Cameraman: “I don’t know! I don’t know. I got back here because you were heading here”!


Syren: “Useless!”


Syren drags her chain behind her as she turns and heads over to the Infamous locker room and steps in. The cameraman follows after her and Syren steps in and stops, looking stunned.


Syren: “What the hell are you doing?!”


The cameraman steadies himself to show Giovanni Aries sitting cross-legged next to CHBK as CHBK is now unconscious. Giovanni Aries looks at Syren, chuckling. He then chuckles again as Syren runs at him and swings the chain. Giovanni just narrowly rolls out of the way. Syren then stops and turns as Giovanni gets up, laughing as he walks out of the locker room. Syren turns and checks on CHBK, looking quite concerned as the scene fades to black…