“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”


A shot of Kelcey Wallace nailing Bree Lancaster with the Perfect Ending, followed by a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator off the top rope on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness, before turning a shot of Jake Starr pumping up the crowd on his way to the ring, before turning into a shot of Ravyn Taylor sitting in the corner, waiting for the start of a match. We then see a shot of Katie Steward holding the Women’s Championship before cutting to a shot of Selena Frost hitting Vixen Cain with the Defying Gravity at Supreme Saturday: Just Desserts.


“The leading force in sports and entertainment today....”







The opening bars of “The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire play as the Breakdown logo flies across the screen.
I'm thinking about the old me
'Cause I've been feeling empty
I never used to be so dead inside
Shots of Syren celebrating with the World Championship start before we see a shot of the Beauty Factory standing tall in the ring. Following this is Aaron Blackbourne hitting the Unchained Creativity on an opponent. Katie Steward hitting the Save the Queen on Ace Marshall follows.

I think I lost my memory
I can't remember carefree
And all my days turn into fight or flight
Owen Cruze hitting the Cruze Stomp on an opponent follows before we see Selena Frost hitting the Glass Shard on Bree Lancaster. Bree Lancaster hitting the Classifier on Aaron Blackbourne follows before we see Scarlet Grey walking to the ring.
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
Giovanni Aries dragging Jason Helms into the Wonderland hole at Cold Blooded 2020 follows before we see Kandis and Tommy Valentine holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship. Asher Hayes standing on the ropes follows before we see Jordan Majors hitting a Cash Out on Sienna Swann. Derek Adonis holding up a copy of the KABLAMA Sutra follows.
Say it again, say it again, tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me that I'm gonna be fine and there's nothing left to fear
'Cause I've been losing sleep (losing sleep)
Trying to get back to who I used to be
Where is the old me?
Chris Cannon spearing Kennedy Street and Owen Cruze follows before we see a shot of Alistaire Allocco on his way to the ring, and then a shot of Regan Street and Datura swinging chairs at one another. The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen and remains on it for a few moments.

We then cut to a live shot of the inside of the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The cameras pan across the crowd for a few moments.


Sharper: “We are in the Canadian capital, Ottawa, here for a special Canada Day edition of Breakdown on the Road to Rise to Greatness! And we’re already kicking things off!”


Knots: “Giovanni Aries and the Wonderland hit the ring. They’re ready to fight. Blake came out and well, you see it! Chris Cannon out too!”


We cut to the stage to see Blake Mason, fists taped up, and wearing jeans and a Kelcey Wallace t-shirt, standing forward as Jaxson Sullivan has a baseball bat, tucked under his arm, presumably having grabbed it from Chris Cannon who is out and yelling at them. The crowd roars as we cut to the ring as Giovanni Aries is laughing in the ring, cackling, as Cain Adams, Alice Ames, Zach Hoffman and the other affiliated, though unnamed woman, stand in the ring with him.


Sharper: “Giovanni Aries undoubtedly knew there would be a reaction after last week. We ended last week’s show with Giovanni Aries taking one of the pictures the Wonderland stole from Mr. D’s office in Toronto, one of Kelcey Wallace and Mr. D and broke it over Kelcey’s head!”


Knots: “Still shocking. The broken glass. And everyone…everyone stunned by it. And he’s now just taunting them!”


Sharper: “Blake Mason is supposed to face him tonight. Sasha reluctantly making that match. But Chris Cannon is out here?!”


Knots: “Why? I thought they divorced! He’s with Sienna! Why the hell?!”


Chris keeps yelling at Blake.


Blake: “Get the hell out of here! You don’t give a damn about her!”


Chris: “I’m not going to let her get any sympathy for this. She should be at home and I need to clean up this mess since you ballless assholes can’t do anything. So Blake…get out of my way because I’ll drop you now!”


Blake: “Oh now you’ll face me. Screw off. I’m going to take care of this-“


Chris then spins Blake around and nails him with a hard right, letting go for the baseball bat. Jaxson Sullivan throws the bat down as Blake nails Chris with a shot and Jaxson tries to break them up. Blake and Chris trade a few blows before Jaxson pushes Chris back and Chris nails him with a hard right. Jaxson falls back before we see Josh Hudson running out from the back. Chris backs up a step before a few steps behind, we see Xiomara Diaz and Sienna Swann coming out from the back, both dressed in street gear, almost ready for a fight too. Officials follow, reaching the scene as things quickly grow in tension. The fans start to chant for Blake. Giovanni remains in the ring, smiling.


Sharper: “Giovanni Aries watching this as Cannon and Mason, rivals to the end, are going at it.”


Knots: “Now Hudson’s out here. And Sienna too!”


Sharper: “I don’t know if she’s angry or wound, but she’s standing by Cannon!”


Sienna steps up and gets in the face of Josh and Blake as Jaxson steps up, joining the officials in trying to break up the two. The crowd looks on, continuing to chant. Josh and Blake stand on one side as Xiomara, Sienna and Josh stand on the other. We then see Jordan Majors step out from the back as the crowd erupts in more cheers. The chants switch to “Majors!” as Sienna turns and immediately a few officials get between Sienna and Jordan. Jordan moves to be closer to Josh and Blake as Sienna, Xiomara and Chris remain a unit on the stage.


Sharper: “And now Jordan! Jordan may be taking what Josh Hudson said to heart. They’re all working together to help her. To get her to Rise to Greatness!”


Knots: “And after last week, Jordan’s going to step up to be where Sienna is. To make sur she doesn’t go too far! This isn’t her kingdom by any means!”


A few moments pass before Glory Braddock comes out, joining her Beauty Factory compatriots as the crowd boos some before the chants for Majors continues. Officials keep trying to keep Chris away from Blake and Josh. Xiomara stands with him as Sienna and Jordan keep trying to get to one another. Jordan backs up and watches her before turning to Josh and Josh nods as Sienna keeps trying to get past. She has a bit of a back and forth with an official before she shoves him back and steps back. The official falls into Jordan who then steps back and falls off the stage. She lands on her feet and rolls through as Sienna turns and smirks, turning to Glory.


Sharper: “Wait! Jordan! Jordan knocked off the stage!”


Knots: “Sienna pushed the official into her!”


Sharper: “Look at that smirk! She knew what she was doing? Even when people standing up for Kelcey Wallace, the pettiness!”


The crowd boos as Josh turns and heads to the floor. Blake and Jaxson remain on the ramp. Josh checks on Jordan who just turns, looking up. Sienna turns back and shakes her head as Chris tries to get through. The crowd boos loudly. Giovanni Aries just continues to look on, no moving to his knees and just looking out. He keeps looking out before yelling out.


Giovanni: “Their personal greed on display!”


Giovanni laughs as Cain nods and laughs as does Alice. Josh starts to help Jordan up as Jordan looks up and Sienna and Xiomara keeps getting pulled back. Chris steps back. Just then, we hear another roar from the crowd. We then see Owen Cruze hopping the barricade and sliding into the ring, behind Giovanni. He gets up and runs over and nails Giovanni from behind with a vicious tackle. The crowd erupts in cheers as Owen nails Giovanni in the back and the head with repeated blows. Giovanni covers up as we see Cain, Alice, Zach and the unidentified woman all swarming Owen. Owen gets as many shots in as they pull him off. Blake and Jaxson turn and run to the ring. We then see Josh Hudson checking on Jordan briefly before he goes over and climbs up onto the rampway. He runs down. Some officials run down to the ring as Chris remains with Sienna, Xiomara and Glory.


Sharper: “Owen Cruze from behind. He came from the crowd. Teeing off on Giovanni before the Wonderland swarms!”


Knots: “And here comes Blake with Jaxson. Josh Hudson a few strides behind. Beauty Factory aint going to help!”


Sharper: “Watching from the stage as the fight is on!”


Officials reach the ring just after Josh and Blake do. They enter and Cain turns and Josh nails him with a couple of shots as Blake grabs Alice and hip tosses her down. She rolls out of the ring as Giovanni rolls out of the ring as Zach and the woman leave too. Owen starts to get up and reaches over as officials enter the ring and quickly keep Josh, Blake and Owen away from the ropes. Jaxson enters the ring, but largely watches. Chris just shakes his head and turns as Sienna and him talk briefly. Jordan starts to head over to the rampway again as officials stop her. Giovanni then backs up to the floor. They start to move to the crowd, to exit through it, the Wonderland protecting him.


Sharper: “A short skirmish, but Josh and Blake, helping Owen!”


Knots: “Kelcey’s not here though. I think Owen did that himself!”


Sharper: “This match, Blake to face Giovanni. It still may happen. But we know the fire that’s all wrapped up in this! What a start, here on Canada Day!”


The crowd cheers as Owen gets up and looks around. The chants turn to “Owen!” Owen keeps his eyes on Giovanni as he starts through the crowd, the Wonderland protecting him. Giovanni has a smug smile on his face as the cameras focus on Owen, Blake and Josh as the scene cuts to black.


Christy Matthews vs. Chris Cannon

SCW United States Championship Tournament Semi-Finals


We cut to see Chris Cannon standing in the ring, pacing.


Sharper: “Welcome back to Breakdown. Sasha making a quick decision. Chris Cannon already ready to fight. We were supposed to see the US Championship tournament matches the other way around. But here we go.”


Knots: “He wants to fight. He wants to get going. Sasha’s going to let him. I don’t know if he likes that or not.”


Sharper: “Officials managing to clean up the situation we just saw. Emotions high quick here tonight.”


The camera cuts to the crowd where we see a group of red-shirted security walking in through one of the ground-level entrances. They line up in front of the fans for a moment and seem to be holding them back. Then the lights go out leaving the arena in complete darkness. The screen fills with images of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address.


“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is—”


There’s a record scratch before a deep voice fills the arena.




The opening “King of the World” by Porcelain and the Tramps hits the PA system. The fans boo loudly as we cut to the back. In the back we see Christy Matthews with taped fists and a red ring jacket with the hood pulled up over her head. She flexes her wrists for a few moments before looking behind her where we see Christopher Richter joining her. They then start to head to the ring.


...E B D O N E N T E R T A I N M E N T P R E S E N T S...


...C H R I S T Y M A T T H E W S...


The music keeps playing as we see Christy appear in the doorway that security previously opened. She pauses, her head down for a moment before extending her arms in the mock crucifix pose. After a moment she starts walking to the ring. When she approaches ringside, she doesn’t even break stride, simply vaulting over the guardrail and toward the ring apron where she jumps up, quickly ascending the turnbuckles and extends her arms again in the mock crucifix pose.


Phillips: “The following contest is a semifinals match in the SCW United States Championship Tournament, scheduled for onefall with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing, from the City of Angels, representing Infamous, she is accompanied to the ring by Christopher Richter, this is Christy Matthews! Her opponent, already in the ring, from London, England, he is Chris Cannon!”


She steps up onto the top turnbuckle and then jumps down to the ring, taking off her jacket and throwing it into the corner. Richter reaches the ring and Christy turns and the official checks her and then Chris before calling for the bell. Chris then runs across and spears Christy back into the corner. The crowd ohs. Christy then gets up and nails her with another shoulder thrust and then another!


Sharper: “Chris Cannon immediately firing out!”


Knots: “Taking after his name. I didn’t realize he hated Christy!”


Sharper: “Or he’s looking to blow off steam. The added benefit – he wins quick, more time to rest for later. Semi-finals and finals for the US Championship tonight. We will crown a new champion!”


Cannon hits a third shoulder thrust. He steps out and pulls Christy in and hoists her up onto his shoulders. He turn and steps forward and rolls forward with the Lion’s Bite. He turns and goes for the pin.






Christy kicks out. Christy rolls over and starts to stir and crawls to the corner. Chris gets up and follows and shoulders her in the ribs again. He grabs her and whips her across the ring. Christy this the opposite corner and Chris runs after and spears her again.


Knots: “Jesus Christ! Did someone put out a bounty on Christy Matthews’s ribs?!”


Sharper: “Chris Cannon cutting off the air supply. Making it harder for her to breathe. Christy and Chris happy to dissect an opponent like that!”


Christy grimaces and staggers out. Chris gets up and knees her in the ribs again. He then whips her across the ring. Christy bounces off and Chris clotheslines her down. He then drops down for the pin.






Christy kicks out. She turns and Chris grabs her. He pulls her in by the head. He then goes for a vertical suplex, but Christy spins through and lands behind him. Chris goes for a back elbow. Christy ducks and stops. She hits a straight kick to the stomach and then one to the head before jumping up and hitting a spinning heel kick. Chris rolls over, holding his jaw in pain. He slowly gets up and Christy turns and grabs him and forearms him in the back of the head. Chris falls to the ropes and Christy doesn’t stop, stepping in and forearming him in the back of the head over and over. The referee calls for the break.










Christy pushes Chris in the back and then steps off. She walks around the ring, wincing, holding her ribs before looking at Chris Cannon.


Sharper: “Christy now just pounding on Cannon. The referee forcing the break!”


Knots: “Oh boy. We got ourselves a bit of an ass-kicking for both!”


Sharper: “Hard hitting affair in this one.”


Chris gets up and Christy runs over and hits a running dropkick to the jaw. Chris hits the ropes and falls forward to the mat. Christy turns and runs into the ropes and bounces off and hits a running leg drop. She goes for the pin.






Chris kicks out. He turns and Christy gets up. Chris turns to her and Christy hits a shoot kick to the thigh and then kicks him in the ribs. She backs up to the ropes and bounces off and hits a running dropkick. Chris falls back down. Christy then grabs him and pulls him up and then hits a jumping gamengiri to the face. Chris falls back. Christy gets up and hits the Little Red Press. She hooks the leg.






Cannon pushes her off. Christy rolls off and gets up. Cannon starts to get up and sits up and Christy jumps up and hits a senton backsplash, forcing him to lean back and take the hit. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Oh God! Christy looked to maybe fold Chris up. That backsplash. Chris forced to lie down to take it a bit better.”


Knots: “Yeah. I don’t tend to like Christy Matthews’ falling on my neck!”


Sharper: “You’ve had it happen?”


Knots: “No. But I don’t think I need the experience to find out!”


Christy gets up as Chris rolls over. He starts to get up and Christy moves over and forearms him in the jaw. She follows up with a hard chop. She then grabs him and pulls him in, but Chris fight and lifts her up and throws her forward, dropping her chest first into the mat. She starts to get up and Chris jumps up and hits a leg drop bulldog. He goes for the pin.






Christy kicks out. Chris rolls off. He gets up and Christy rolls over. She gets up and Chris runs at her and clotheslines her down. Christy rolls over and stirs and Chris scoops her up and hits a back suplex. Christy rolls over, holding her head and neck. Chris rolls her over and hooks the leg.






Christy gets her shoulder up. Chris sits up and starts to get up. He grabs her and pulls her up. He then places her head between his legs. He hoists her up for a powerbomb, but Christy suddenly counters with the Far, Far Away! The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Christy counters! Cannon driven face first into the mat!”


Knots: “And Christy made sure to get the impact!”


Chris rolls over and starts to get up. Christy watches him and runs to the ropes, jumps to the middle rope and dives back with a springboard gamengiri. Chris hits the mat. Christy for the pin.






Cannon gets his shoulder up. Christy rolls off.


Sharper: “Oh! Nearfall! Cannon gets that shoulder up!”


Knots: “After Christy got him right in the face!”


Christy gets up and walks around the ring. Cannon rolls over. He stirs as Christy walks around. She then elbows him in the back of the head and then again before grabbing him by the head and running forward. Cannon shoves her into the ropes. She bounces off and Cannon hits a back elbow. Christy hits the mat. She rolls over and gets up and Cannon runs into the ropes, bounces off and nails Christy with the Cannon Fodder. Christy hits the mat and Cannon hooks the leg.






Matthews gets her shoulder up. Cannon rolls off. He gets up and shakes his head. He then grabs Christy, slowly dragging her up.


Sharper: “Cannon almost exasperated.”


Knots: “This has been going on for what? Six minutes? Seven minutes. Just hard hitting and both are pulling whatever they can out of the other!”


Chris drags Christy to her feet and then wrenches her arm and whips her into the corner. Chris Cannon runs after and clotheslines her in the corner. He then steps out and flips her forward, causing her to roll to the middle of the ring. Chris runs into the ropes, bounces off and lunges for the C4. Christy spins out of the way. Chris goes throat first into the middle rope. He pops back and staggers back and right into Christy Matthews who plants him with the Happily Never After. The crowd ohs. Christy turns and hooks the leg.








The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Christy Matthews!”


Christy rolls off. She takes a moment and starts to get up, her arm raised. She pulls away and rolls over to the ropes. Richter helps her out of the ring.


Sharper: “And after an intense contest, Christy Matthews hits the Happily Never After and moves on.”


Knots: “Chris Cannon when he comes to is not going to be happy!”


Sharper: “Not at all.”


Christy drops down to the floor. She starts to head to the back as the scene cuts away.

Backstage, we see Gavin Taylor, in his wrestling gear, wearing the SCW Intercontinental Championship, and walking over to Aubrianna Powers. Powers turns and smiles.


Power: “Oh hey! Most Valuable Friendship friend! Your belt…I should be a champion….I should get one!”


Taylor: “Oh…this? Yeah, that’s right. SCW Intercontinental Champion. You…I think we can get you a title. I mean you’re a champion anyway. But first…uh…we should probably talk about last week.”


Powers: “Last week? When we beat up Jake Starr for ruining my debut.”


Taylor: “And my Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Powers: “Was great, right?”


Taylor: “Yeah…but after…He…helped Jay Gold…”


Taylor pauses and gags.


Taylor: “Jay Gold attacked me.”


Powers: “Oh, that’s terrible!”


Taylor: “I know! But uh…where were you?”


Powers: “Oh, I wasn’t involved so I kinda checked out-“


Taylor leans in.


Taylor: “Aubrianna…I don’t want to alarm you…but we’re targeted.”


Powers: “What? I’m the MVP!”


Taylor: “And people know that. They want to derail you before you get going and me…they’ve always been jealous. I need you eagle-eyed out there. I win tonight…and well, I think I know who will be the next SCW Neo-Cruiserweight Champion…”


Taylor walks off as Powers watches him go before thinking about the offer and nodding approvingly.


Sharper: “Gavin Taylor will be in action, next, against Selena Frost as the US Championship Tournament continues!”


The scene fades to black.


Gavin Taylor vs. Selena Frost

SCW United States Championship Tournament Semi-Finals



The SCW Universe are on their feet as  “The Truth About Our Time” by Allen/Lande as plays throughout the arena, snow “falling” along the electronic floor and screens as, out from the back walks the Snow Queen, Selena Frost, taking in the crowd of the SCW Universe.

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall, has a thirty minute time limit and is a semifinals match in the SCW United States Championship tournament. First, from Nome, Alaska, she is the Snow Queen, Selena Frost!”

Slowly, Selena shifts her head, her sapphire eyes locked towards the ring as she lifts her front hand gracefully, extending it towards the ring, palm upward, her back arm lifted behind her to the sky. With a lift of her right foot, she suddenly slams it down into the ground, causing a crack like ice to form and sprint down the ramp and towards the ring! Reaching the ring, Selena slides under the ropes to enter it. She gets up and lifts her hand up to give a twirl as the lights form to make a massive snowflake under her. Stopping her spin and lowering her hand back down, towards the audience, once again palm upright, a smirk graces her lips, her other arm lifting to the sky once more. With a slam of her foot, Selena caused the snowflake at her feet to “crack” as the rampway did, the shards of ice streaking out to all four corners of the ring to shoot out blue sparkles of light as the lights return to normal. She looks around as the crowd roars.


Sharper: “Selena Frost about to face Gavin Taylor here in this second semi-finals match.”


Knots: “Think it’s going to be as hard-hitting as the last one?”


Sharper: “Selena can throw kicks with the best of them, but there’s not the sudden aggression and anger that’s underlying this one.”


The lights around the arena begin to flicker as "Whoa Is Me" by Down With Webster starts to play over the arena.

Whoa is me
I'm so whoa
See me decked out from my head to my toe
Whoa is me
I'm so whoa
Everywhere I go I'm a one man show

The crowd boos as "All Star" Gavin Taylor steps out from behind the curtain onto the top of the ramp. He is wearing the SCW Intercontinental Championship this time. As he stands in place, posing with his arms outstretched, the chorus of the song plays.


Phillips: “His opponent, from Los Angeles, California, he is the All Star, Gavin Taylor!”


Gavin walks forward and walks over to the camera.


Gavin: “Still holding it! Gotta keep reminding the world I’m a champion!”

Gavin begins to walk down the ramp with swagger. He smirks as he gets to the ring. Pulling himself to the apron, he hangs out off the ring while holding onto the top rope. Gavin pulls himself through the ropes and steps onto the second ropes on the opposite side of the ring from the ramp. He opens his jersey, sliding it off his shoulders as he stretches his arms out. He then takes off his title and places it in the corner.


Sharper: “Still holding the SCW Intercontinental Championship!”


Knots: “He’s not the champ!”


Sharper: “He claims he is. I thought he was wearing that to get under Jay Gold’s skin. Just doing it because he can. And you wonder how closely Aubrianna Powers or Jake Starr will watch this. After Powers and Taylor had their meeting of the minds moments ago.”


Gavin turns to Selena as the crowd roars. The bell sounds. Selena and Gavin walk out and circle a bit before lunging and locking up. They push on one another and Gavin spins around Selena and takes her down with a Greco-Roman takedown. Taylor hops up and pumps his fist in the air. Selena looks up and Gavin quickly moves into a side headlock. He smiles as Selena gets up and reaches around. She gets Gavin into the ropes and fires him off. Gavin bounces off and shoulders her down. Gavin runs into the ropes, bounces off. Selena rolls toward him. Gavin hops over and bounces off the other side and Selena jumps up and leapfrogs over. Gavin bounces off the other side and Selena goes for a Glass Shard. Gavin jukes back and drops down to the floor. He backs up, tapping his temple.(1) He walks around, smiling. Selena however watches him and runs into the ropes. (2) She bounces off and times it perfectly so as Gavin walks around the ring, she dives through the ropes, taking Gavin down with a pescado! (1)


Sharper: “Gavin thought so much of dodging that he forgot Selena will fly!”


Knots: “And she wiped him out!”


Gavin rolls over as Selena gets up. (2) She turns and stomps Gavin in the chest and then again. (3) She pulls him up and turns and rolls him into the ring. Selena slides in as Gavin staggers up and falls into the fall ropes and runs forward only for Selena to jump up and hit a dropkick. Selena goes for the pin.






Gavin kicks out. Gavin rolls over and moves to the corner as Selena gets up and follows and chops him in the chest. The crowd woos. Selena hits a shoot kick to the chest. Gavin grimaces in pain. Selena then grabs him and pulls him out and manages to hit a snap suplex. Gavin winces and starts to pull himself up.


Sharper: “Selena all over Gavin here. Snapping him off.”


Knots: “Maybe trying to knock him around to get him to stop grabbing old titles!”


Gavin turns and Selena forearms him in the jaw and then again before getting him to the ropes. Selena grabs him and pulls him over to the corner. She then chops him again and grabs him and goes to whip him across. Gavin spins through and sends her in. Selena runs up the corner and dives back with a crossbody. Gavin catches her and rolls through into a pin, pulling on the tights too!






Selena kicks out. Both get up and Gavin hits a back elbow and Selena falls to the ropes. Gavin grabs her and whips her across. Selena bounces off and Gavin lifts her up and hits a flapjack. The crowd ohs and boos.


Sharper: “Gavin hoists Selena up and drives her back down!”


Knots: “Just splat! Right to the mat!”


Gavin gets up and grabs Selena from the hair and pulls her up before then dragging her back down with a neckbreaker. He goes for the pin.






Selena kicks out. Gavin gets up and hits an elbow drop. Selena rolls over, holding her chest. She stirs and slowly gets up before turning and Gavin grabs her and whips her into the corner. Selena bounces off and Gavin runs at her and drops her with the Gavin Taylor Lariat. He turns and goes for another pin.






Selena kicks out again. She rolls over and Gavin grabs her from behind with a reverse chinlock. He pulls back and looks around. Selena reaches out. She winces a bit as the official checks on her before she starts to get up. Gavin holds on and Selena gets to her feet and Gavin elbows her in the back of the head. He then turns and runs into the ropes, bounces off and suddenly Selena runs at him. Gavin ducks. Selena jumps to the top rope and dives back with a springboard into a frankensteiner. She turns and hooks the leg.






Gavin gets his shoulder up. The crowd ohs. Selena rolls off and gets up.


Sharper: “Nearfall! Selena just snapped him off. Great frankensteiner, but only two!”


Knots: “Only two, but a wake up call for Gavin!”


Gavin starts to get up and Selena grabs him and pulls him back and hits a reverse DDT. Selena gets up and exits to the apron. She climbs up to the top rope and looks at Gavin before diving off and connection with a guillotine leg drop. She turns and hooks the leg.






Gavin gets his shoulder up. Gavin rolls over. Selena gets up and grabs Gavin. She clubs him in the back and then again. She then runs into the ropes, bouncing off and Gavin suddenly hits a sweep kick. Selena falls to the mat. She gets up to her knees and Gavin gets up, runs into the ropes, and hits the All-Starmaker! The crowd ohs. Gavin turns and hooks the leg.


Knots: “Gavin just connected. Selena just learned Gavin has kicks too!”


Sharper: “All-Starmaker. Into a pin!”






Selena gets her shoulder up. She rolls over and starts to get up, reaching out to the ropes. Gavin gets up and looks at her before stalking behind her. She gets up and Gavin locks in a sleeper hold. The crowd roars and boos. Selena reaches out and tries to get to the ropes. Gavin keeps her in the middle of the ring. Selena continues to fight as Gavin squeezes. Selena falls to a knee. The official checks on her and Selena grits her teeth and stands up before dropping down with a jawjacker. Gavin staggers back, falling into the ropes. He bounces off and turns back and Selena jumps up and hits an enziguri. Gavin falls to the mat.


Sharper: “Selena not giving up. She wants to hold the US Title. Gavin had the sleeper locked, but she fought and fought!”


Knots: “And then dropped Gavin with that kick!”


Gavin rolls over and holds his head in pain. He then staggers up to his feet as Selena goes up and Gavin lunges, attempting another Gavin Taylor Lariat, but Selena ducks and jumps to the top rope and dives back with the Defying Gravity. The crowd ohs and cheers. Selena turns and crawls onto Gavin, hooking the leg.








The crowd cheers.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Selena Frost!”


Selena rolls off and gets up. The referee raises her arm. She looks around as her music plays.


Sharper: “Selena Frost moves on. She’s to the finals to face Christy Matthews later tonight!”


Knots: “And closer to regaining the US Championship!”


Gavin holds his jaw as he rolls over. The referee checks on him as Selena continues to celebrate.

Backstage, we see Blake Mason in one of the locker rooms. Jaxson Sullivan stands off to the side as Owen Cruze walks over to him.


Owen: “Look, thanks for the help. But I’m getting sick of all of this.”


Blake: “You know as well as I do, he needs to be knocked down a few pegs.”


Owen: “You got the lucky shot tonight…”


Blake just looks at Owen.


Blake: “Look, I didn’t ask for anything. This was all booked out of my hands.”


Owen: “I know…just with Gio…did he ask for this? Just a coincidence-“


Blake: “You need to get him out of your head. Just like me and Sienna and Chris…let them say what they want. I’m focusing on Josh. You need to focus on Giovanni when you get your chance.”


Owen: “Yeah…well…there’s a line up forming. And frankly, there’s one other person who may deserve the shot.”


Blake: “Who?”


Owen looks at Blake.


Owen: “Kelcey.”


Owen starts to walk off. Blake steps forward.


Blake: “Owen…you’re not going to let her. She can’t-“


Owen stops and turns.


Owen: “That may not be something I can promise.”


Owen walks off as Blake stops and turns back. He looks at Jaxson before sighing as the scene fades to black.


Breakdown returns as the scene opens up to see Jessica Winters standing outside of the locker room of the Beauty Factory.


Jessica: “Welcome back to Breakdown. I’m Jessica Winters and I am just waiting for Sienna Swann to join me here-“


The door opens and Sienna Swann steps outside, smiling.


Sienna: “Hurry up, because I have more pressing matters, like tending to my husband who deserved better.”


Jessica: “Well Sienna, I wanted to come out here as it looked pretty obvious that you were trying to injure Jordan Majors out there, pushing an official that caused her to fall off the stage-“


Sienna: “Looked like? How about I make this clear for you. I damn well did. It’s unfortunate that Jordan didn’t snap her ankle. She could then at least be spared the embarrassment of falling to me at Rise to Greatness. I considered it my last gift to her. I’ve already knocked her out. Eliminated her from the battle royal. Proved she was never on my level. She responds with cheap shots and attacking Xiomara. No…I tried to do her a favour. And now, well, she seemed ready to keep fighting…fine…Josh Hudson and Blake Mason won’t be protecting her. She’s just going to fall flat on her face, knocked out from a Kiss of an Angel by the IronAngel of SCW…that’s right…don’t bother bringing up how long she was in the battle royal…means NOTHING to me.”


Jessica: “That’s right. She lasted longer-“


Sienna: “You shut up. She had her opportunity to turn back. Now…I’m going to have to do what she’s accused me of. Just it won’t be manipulation. It will be a complete torpedoing of her career!”


The crowd boos. Sienna then turns and returns to the locker room as Jessica watches her leave and we cut to ringside.

Adam Sharper and Jonathan Knots are shown at the announce table.


Sharper: “Sienna Swann flat out admitting to her actions tonight.”


Knots: “Just adding another layer of personal to that rivalry. Then again, we’re finding just what type of person Sienna Swann is each and every week.”


Sharper: “Well folks, while we can condemn Sienna for her actions, we can applaud the actions and past greats.”


Knots: “Hall of Fame!”


Sharper: “And tonight, we will reveal two new members of the SCW Hall of Fame, Class of 2020. And we start off with someone who in a short time made a big, big impact.”


The SCW Hall of Fame logo comes up on the screen.


“Relentless” by New Year’s Day starts to play as we see a shot of Amy Chastaine heading out from the back and posing on the stage. We then see shots of Amy Chastaine locking in the Torniquet on repeated opponents. We cut to see Amy Chastaine cradling Regan Street into a pin.








The bell sounds as Regan rolls her shoulder up. We then see Amy Chastaine holding up the SCW World Championship.


Sharper: “We have a new World Champion!”


Knots: “Oh my God!”


We cut shots of Amy Chastaine hitting the Blackout one some opponents, including facing Syren, Regan Street, Christy Matthews, Shilo Valiant and Alexis Quinne. We see Shilo Valiant running forward and goes to run up for the E-Factor, but Chastaine hooks his leg and rolls back with a school boy.








Phillips: “Here is your winner and NEW SCW Television Champion, Amy Chastaine!”


A shot of Amy Chastaine proudly holding the Television Championship follows before we cut to see Amy Chataine jumping off the top orpe and hitting the Blackout on Finnegan Piper before holding the SCW United States Championship. We then see shots of her fighting with Vixen Cain, William Hush and Andrew Raynes. This is followed by a shot of Christy Matthews tapping out to the Torniquet as Amy Chastaine holds the SCW Adrenaline Championship over her head after.


Sharper: “She holds her four different championship in SCW since the start of last year! World, TV, US and now Adrenaline! Another great victory!”


We then see Kennedy Street and Amy Chastaine in the ring before cutting to see Kennedy Street hit Tommy Valentine with the Apple of my Eye before he walks into Amy Chastaine hitting the Blackout. We cut to see Amy Chastaine covering Tommy.








We see the crowd cheering as Kennedy Street and Amy Chastaine celebrate with the World Tag Team Championship!


Sharper: “History made, and we have new World Tag Team Champions and another Supreme Champion to add to the list!”


We cut to shots of Amy Chastaine holding SCW titles and standing in the ring victorious before cutting to a slowed down shot of her celebrating in the ring.


The SCW Hall of Fame logo comes up on the screen as “Hall of Fame” by The Script as a still of Amy Chastaine appears next to it. We cut to the crowd who is cheering and applauding.


Sharper: “The first member of the SCW Hall of Fame, Class of 2020, the quickest Supreme Champion in SCW history, Amy Chastaine!”


Knots: “Talk about someone deserving. She’s done it all. She’s still passing it on.”


Sharper: “And she’ll be enshrined in immortality in just over three weeks, at our Hall of Fame presentation on Rise to Greatness weekend! And she’s our first of two we’ll announce tonight.”


Knots: “Two for one tonight!”


Sharper: “Congratulations to Amy Chastaine!”


The cameras continue to pan across the crowd as they continue to cheer the newest member of the SCW Hall of Fame.

The camera fades in on a view of New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty coming into view. 


Ladies and Gentleman, a partisan message from Ricky James, and the Official Press Secretary of SCW, Lucy Huckabee Sanders.”


We are now taken to a bustling backstage area with a large crowd of reporters clamoring, calling out to Ricky and Lucy, hoping to have their questions answered. 


LHS: “Ladies and Gentleman, thank you so much for being able to join us on such short notice. We called this Emergency Press Conference because this announcement could not wait any longer. Again, we must stress this is an EMERGENCY.” 


The reports now begin to look around to each other, each more confused than the last face we see. Lucy then clears her throat loudly, calling for the crowd to quiet down. 


LHS: “As the OFFICIAL Press Secretary of-“


“Miss Huckabee Sanders, with all due respect, we have been informed by SCW Officials that you have bestowed that title-”


LHS: “Excuse me! That is correct, I have been bestowed with this title.”


“Ma’am that’s not-“


Lucy, visibly upset, has to be held back on stage by Ricky, who uses this as an opportunity to speak.


Ricky: “Again with the nasty comments! You see, this is exactly why we are here. You people are disrespecting us, and have been treating us unfairly since we signed with SCW. You are just like Sasha, Shady Shady Sasha - you have an agenda against beautiful, successful people. You are clearly JEALOUS of Lucy and want to take her down for no reason.”


By this point, Lucy has regained her composure and continues.


LHS: “I couldn’t have said it better myself. We have been unfairly treated since arriving in SCW. But we aren’t here to talk about dishonest media today. We are here to talk about someone much more evil - Shady Sasha.”


Ricky: “First, she strips Bree Lancaster of her United States Championship. BREE LANCASTER! A woman of the people, and a very patriotic person! She is loved by everyone! Everyone except loser Shady Sasha and her loser followers.”


LHS: “So then she decides to have a tournament to crown a new champion, and completely neglects to include us! The two most Patriotic Americans on the SCW roster! Yet, WE are excluded from the United States Championship Tournament. VERY unfair.”


Ricky: “As we tried telling you last week, Sasha hates America, with her and her father Alaska’s clear Canadian agenda. In fact, she hates America so much, we have heard, from some people, some very fine people, that at the end of this tournament, she is going to crown the winner as the new Canadian Champion.”


Lucy shakes her head in disgust as another wave of confusion sweeps over the reporters.


LHS: “Unbelievable....and unacceptable. This cannot and will not continue.”


Ricky: “We know our rights.”


LHS: “And THE SILENT MAJORITY are not afraid to exercise them.”


Lucy and Ricky step aside and open their suit jackets; the reporters can be seen looking at one another.




Lucy and Ricky look down at their waists.


Ricky: “Damn it…stupid border and second rate country!”


Lucy: “Doesn’t matter! We know our rights! And remember, I am Lucy Huckabee Sanders, the Official Press Secretary of SCW...”


Ricky: “And I am Ricky James.”


Together: “For a better...SCW.”


The camera slowly focuses in on Lucy and Ricky, an American flag in the background. 




We see a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator on CHBK from the top rope at the first Rise to Greatness before cutting to see Kelcey Wallace, Lucas Knight and Trinity Street holding the SCW World Championship from Rise to Greatness 2015, and then cutting to show the Real Speed getting thrown off a scaffold at Rise to Greatness 2006.


“It’s now time for your Rise to Greatness moment…”


We go back to Rise to Greatness 2008 where James Exeter and Hurse are in the ring, battling for Exeter’s Extraordinary Championship. Exeter bounces off the ropes and Hurse attempts a clothesline. Exeter manages to duck it before bouncing off the opposite ropes. Hurse turns around and attempts a back drop of some sort, but Exeter lifts himself up and spins around Hurse before grabbing Hurse by the head and pulling Hurse back and into the Exoskeletal Extermination! The angle causes Hurse to back flip over Exeter and end up on his stomach. Exeter rolls over as the crowd erupts in cheers.


Dawson: “Exoskeletal Exetermination! Hurse’s back is compacted over the knees of Exeter!”


Sharper: “And that was out of nowhere too. Exeter is capable of some of the most magnificent counters and there’s another one.”


Exeter crawls over to the ropes before sliding under the bottom rope. He then falls to the floor and flips up the ring banners. He then smiles before he reaches underneath and starts to pull out a ladder.


Johnson: “Wait a minute! This isn’t a ladder match.”


Dawson: “I guess Exeter thinks it is. Could this be for that move…Move…ah….1537?”


Exeter slides the ladder out before turning and sliding it into the ring. The referee walks forward and Exeter rolls into the ring. Exeter immediately steps in and tells the referee to get back. The referee backs off. Exeter then grabs the ladder and lifts it up. He then opens it up and sets it up in the corner. Hurse slowly starts to move and Exeter walks over only to grab him and drive him down with a second Exoskeletal Extermination. Hurse arches his back in pain and rolls over. Exeter then rolls over and walks over to the corner. He climbs the corner and then stands on the ropes. He turns to the ladder and starts to climb all the way to the top. Exeter gets near the top and then yells at the referee to hold the ladder. The referee shakes his head no and Exeter snaps at him. He then runs over and holds the ladder. Exeter then smiles before climbing to the top. He squats on the top of the ladder.


Dawson: “This is suicidal!”


Exeter slowly stands up and then takes a deep breath. The crowd is all standing on their feet and Exeter dives forward and performs a 630 Spiral Tap, but Hurse rolls out of the way and Exeter crashes into the mat hard. The crowd ohs and a huge “Holy Sh*t!” chant begins coming from the crowd. Hurse then rolls over as Exeter yells in pain and Hurse throws his arm over the chest of Exeter. The referee goes down and counts.








The referee calls for the bell, but the crowd is still going nuts over the failed move attempt.


Phillips: “The winner of this match, Hurse!”


Sharper: “My God! That was crash and burn in every sense of the phrase! Exeter damn near killed himself!”


Johnson: “That was insane!”


Dawson: “But he missed…and Hurse picks up the win! What an ending!”


Hurse rolls off of Exeter and the referee walks over and holds up his arm. Robin celebrates on the outside. Hurse then slowly rolls to the ropes before falling off the apron and goes over to Robin. Robin holds him up and Hurse holds his arm up. The two start to move from the ring and start going up the rampway. Exeter remains in the ring and the referee goes down and starts to check on Exeter. Exeter starts to stir, clearly in pain.


Dawson: “This crowd is still buzzing from Exeter’s move. He got his Rise to Greatness moment but now how he wanted.”


Johnson: “I just hope he’s fine. And I just realized…Hurse is the Extraordinary Champion!”


Sharper: “You’re right. And he’s leaving the ringside area without his title. The referee is more worried about Exeter’s well-being than the title.”


The Rise to Greatness XVII logo comes up on the screen.

Backstage, we see Jaina Lancaster standing in one of the hallways.


Jaina: “Jaina Lancaster here and we just saw another classic moment from Rise to Greatness. There are sure to be some this year. But there are some intriguing stories and well, mysteries. We’ve seen Lexy Chapel and the situation with the Dancing Bear, but we have another. A few people backstage have been noticing scrolls placed in rather obvious places. One by catering, another, this one, was just placed to Sasha’s office door.”


Jaina then holds up a scroll. She unfurls it and turns it to the camera.


Jaina: “And as you can see, it has a specific message in English. Warning! To the demons here! And this one specifically adds in brackets, especially for you Jason Helms! There is Japanese lettering and a quick pass with Google Translate suggested it was from a Subarashi. I hope I’m pronouncing that right.”


Jaina pauses.


Jaina: “We saw an odd man approach Jason Helms last week. Could this be connected? We’ll let you know, but it’s Rise to Greatness season and things always get a bit weird, along with personal, tense, but exciting all at the same time! Back to ringside!”


The scene cuts away.

Neegan Redfield in action


Breakdown returns to ringside as we see Alex Drake waiting in the ring. He looks around as the crowd buzzes. The lights switch off around the arena causing the crowd to buzz with anticipation when the opening to “Miseria Cantare” by AFI begins to play. Suddenly a quote appears on the big screen above the stage.


Suffering does not break us. It helps us find out who we truly are.

Verity 7:13


On the screens around the arena as well as the big screen above the stage we see a large image of a neon pink smile with x’s for eyes. The image lingers on the screens for a moment before we then see the same form on the mask of a woman standing on the stage, two neon pink rods illuminate the surrounding area to reveal a hulking figure behind her who wields them... She rips the mask off and throws it to the ground with a smirk, the song kicks, the lights come back on.


Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a ten minute time limit. First, hailing from Camden, New Jersey. He is being accompanied to the ring by Aadya Verity!! He is the BRUTALIST, NEEGAN REDFIELD!!”


The focus on the stage is then on Aadya Verity who slowly walks down towards the ring, in her hand now is a black leather book. Following behind her is Redfield who rests the neon lights on his shoulder. Once at ringside, Verity walks around to a corner ignoring the fans while Redfield turns off the light tubes and leans them against the steps before leaping onto the apron and entering the ring.


Redfield paces the ring for a moment, glancing over at the official menacingly. Aadya will whistle and the big man heads to the corner she stands by and kneels with his head pressed against the top turnbuckle,she opens the book and begins to speak its words whatever they may be as he listens.


Phillips: “And his opponent, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, he is Alex Drake!”


The crowd boos a bit. Redfield steps out and turns.


Sharper: “Neegan Redfield has been impressive since coming into SCW. He’s got a bit of a tougher challenge here in the man known as Alex Drake.”


Knots: “Alex Drake may be regretting standing there though!”


Redfield looks on as the bell sounds. Drake runs across and lunges with a jumping kick. Redfield calmly sidesteps. Drake stops and turns and Redfield grabs him by the arm and pulls him in before catching him with a forearm. Drake is dazed. Redfield then spins him out and holds on before pulling him right into the New Jersey Knockout. The crowd ohs. Drake does a backflip from the impact. Redfield then steps forward and calmly walks over to the corner, taking a deep breath. The official checks on Drake before quickly getting up and calling for the bell. The crowd roars. The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, via knockout, Neegan Redfield!”


Sharper: “Good lord. Just caught him and then caught him again. That lariat is devastating!”


Knots: “Drake will realize that when he comes to. Jesus!”


Verity then enters the ring and the official keeps checking on Drake. Neegan then comes over and grabs him and pulls the official away as Verity leans over Drake and starts to draw tow black x’s over his eyes. The official tries to stop her, but Neegan shoves her back before Verity then draws, in pink, using her make-up market, a pink smile. Verity then looks down and gets up. Neegan then stops obstructing the official.


Sharper: “Marking their faces again!”


Knots: “Three victims!”


Neegan then steps over the ropes and down to the floor. Verity follows and she then walks to the back, Neegan slowly walking as a few more officials come down to check on Drake.

The scene opens up backstage to see Jessica Winters standing next to Jordan Majors who is fired up.


Jessica: “I’m here with Jordan Majors and earlier tonight, you came out to stand with two people who have been trying to help you, Blake Mason and Josh Hudson. But in the process, you had another meeting with Sienna Swann and ended up pushed off the stage to the floor and she openly admitted she intended to do it.”


Majors: “Because Sienna Swann can’t do anything straight up. She always needs to have her angle. Have something to give her an out. She keeps talking like I don’t want to face her. That I’m making a huge mistake. Sienna! You’re proving every second that I need to kick your ass at Rise to Greatness. So try to injure me. Try to make it look like barely an accident. The world knows who you really are. A vain person who needs everyone to follow you or you get your hair flustered, cry, moan, bitch and manipulate until you get what you want. The difference…I saw through it all and at Rise to Greatness it will end not with you standing tall but with me dropping you on your face again and giving you every reason to cry.”


Majors then smirks.


Majors: “So keep trying! I’m not going anywhere. And you know what, let just make it better. What I’m doing…oh, it’s for myself…but let’s do it FOR THE PEOPLE!”


The crowd roars as Jordan then turns and storms off.


Jessica: “There you have it. Jordan Majors isn’t stopping her pursuit of facing and defeating Sienna Swann on the biggest stage in wrestling. We’ll have more, here on Breakdown, to come.”


The scene fades to black.


Breakdown returns as we see Adam Allocco and Bison Jones standing backstage with Jaina Lancaster.


Jaina: “I am here with the newly formed team of the Golden Boys and Adam, Bison, last week, you said you were going to take the tag division by storm-“


Adam: “Oh that’s because we’re the best team. Period.”


Jaina: “That’s a bold statement.”


Adam: “I think we proved it last week. Riggs and Rosenburg or whoever it was, they’re fine. But let’s face it. We were flawless, perfect, Infamous, all of it. As I said, Bison here, he aint gonna let me down. That simple. And well, we’re the best, so it’s only fair we take Frozen Hell’s place as the next tag team championship contenders.”


Bison shakes his head as Jaina looks at Adam.


Jaina: “You’ve won one match.”


Adam: “AMAZINGLY! EXTRAORDINARILY. I can use every adjective that was used by someone in this promotion. We did it. And well, if anyone wants to doubt us…they can try us. So Sasha…we’re waiting. Title shots and glory!”


Adam turns to Bison and lifts his hand up. Bison half-heartedly high-fives him as they head off. Jaina just looks at them dumbstruck as we then see Valeria Garcia and Maria Vencejo watching them from afar. Maria lets out a scoff before we cut away.

Back at ringside, we see Konrad Raab walking out from the back. The crowd applauds him as he makes his way down to the ring. He walks over to the steel steps and runs up them. He walks along the apron and then enters the ring.


Sharper: “Konrad Raab coming down to the ring. Joining us here.”


Knots: “You know who he’s looking out for. He wants to deal with Ridley Ellis. Ellis is back tonight. Suspension over after piledriving Dylan Howell at Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Sharper: “Raab not wasting time.”


Raab asks for a microphone. Phillips hands him one and he takes it, walking back to the middle of the ring.


Raab: “I know you’re here. All of the Damrons. Ridley Ellis. You want to plant seeds? I am here and I’m going to stop you!”


Raab brings the microphone down.


Knots: “You’re right. Didn’t waste time.”


Raab looks at the entrance way before "Fake It" starts playing and Ridley's Manager Lester Damron comes out first. He looks down at the ring before smiling slightly. He turns and glances behind him. A few moments pass before Ridley Ellis walks out with Ali Damron. The crowd boos. Konrad perks up, cracking his knuckles and getting ready to fight. Lester Damron leads them to the ring before turning and stopping Ridley and Ali. Ali talks to Ridley as Lester walks up the steel steps and enters into the ring. Raab looks at him before pointing to Ridley. Lester holds his hands out to stop him.  He then asks for the microphone. Raab looks at it and Lester requests it again. Raab tosses it aside. The crowd roars. Lester sighs and Raab then shoves Lester back. Lester stumbles back to the corner. Ali just says “go!” before Ridley Ellis runs over to the ring and slides in. Raab runs over and grabs Ridley and clubs him in the back. The crowd erupts in cheers.


Sharper: “Raab didn’t come to talk! He came to fight!”


Knots: “He’s taking it right to Ridley Ellis! Ellis trying to get into the ring. Raab’s all over him!”


Raab then grabs him and pulls him up and nails him in the ribs with a series of hard rights and the left before he goes for a huge haymaker, but Ridley Ellis blocks it and then spins through and snaps Raab over with a spinning arm drag. Raab rolls through and gets up and Ellis jumps up and hits an enziguri kick. Raab stumbles over and to the ropes. Ellis then runs over and pushes him through, manhandling him through. He the steps through the ropes before dropping down. Raab gets up and reaches up to Ridley’s face, but Ellis fights him and then runs him back hard back first into the steel steps. The top half bowls over. Ellis backs up as Raab slowly rolls over, using the steps to get up, leaning over it as Ellis looks at him and then runs over and jumps up and drives him down with a curb stomp into the steel steps. Raab goes face first and just falls to the mat. Lester then walks over to him.


Lester: “Enough…enough!”


Ridley backs up as the crowd boos.


Sharper: “Ellis driving Raab into the steps!”


Knots: “Lester Damron calling off Ellis. Yeah, after the damage is done!”


Lester looks back at Raab. He then turns back and walks over to Raab who is down on the mat.


Lester: “Consider that ya warnin’. Your move. Nothin’ says you can’t just turn around.”


Lester Damron steps back as “Fake It” starts to play again. The crowd boos as Ridley seethes and looks at Raab as Ali motions for him to head to the back. Lester turns and starts to head to the back as the crowd boos. Raab remains down at ringside before we cut away.

Backstage we see Alistaire Allocco, with crutches, standing next to Peyton Rice in one of the locker rooms.


Alistaire: “Konrad shouldn’t have gone out…they don’t listen.”


Peyton: “Well you couldn’t do anything. And Konrad…he wanted this. I know it’s tough. We’re all fighting these fights…”


Alistaire: “Yeah, but you’re fighting mine tonight.”


Peyton: “Next, Ali. And you’re in no condition. I know you’re going to be fine. This is a precaution, but you need to stay back here.”


Alistaire: “He’s going to mess with you Peyton.”


Peyton: “Let him. He needs to pay for what he did to you. We’re not about injuring people!”


Alistaire: “I know.”


Peyton: “You need to rest. You’ll be facing him soon. I’ll see what I can find out for you. See if that knee really is injured. See what we know or don’t know. So you can then face him, one on one in the ring.”


Alistaire: “Alright….just be careful.”


Peyton: “I will be. I may not know against who, but I know I will be defending my title at Rise to Greatness. I need to be at my best.”


Alistaire: “Of course….love you.”


Peyton: “Love you too.”


Peyton give a quick peck to Alistaire before turning and heading off.


Sharper: “Peyton Rice faces Matt Hodges, next, here on Breakdown!”


Peyton Rice vs. Matt Hodges


The arena goes dark before a lone spotlight shines on the entrance, suddenly the opening beats to “All The Days" by Mammoth play throughout the arena as the beautiful Peyton Rice walks out in wrestling gear and jacket. Her long sandy blonde hair hanging down. She looks around at the crowd before getting to one knee and making a line across the entrance, she crosses her arms and lowers her head for a moment before standing up and pointing to the ring as the crowd roars.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, from Glendale, Arizona, she is Not Another Pretty Face, Peyton Rice!”
Peyton starts to walk to the ring. She continues to head to the ring soaking up the reaction before hopping into the apron and pointing the crowd before flipping over the top rope as the crowd roars. Peyton hopes on the second rope, pointing at the sky as the cheers continuing. The crowd roars as she flips from the second rope on to her feet and does a cartwheel. She takes off her jacket and ruffles her hair a little, standing in the corner.


Sharper: “Peyton Rice out here alone. No Kelcey Wallace – she’s focusing on matters with Giovanni Aries and Owen Cruze.”


Knots: “No Alistaire either. He’s here, but backstage, his leg taped up all thanks to Matt Hodges last week.”


Sharper: “Peyton’s out here alone against the hall of famer about to join us.”


I Want It All!
I Want It All!
I Want It All!
And I Want It Now!

The opening guitar riff of Queen’s “I Want It All” and Matt Hodges makes his way out from behind the curtain to momentous boos from the crowd. He pays no heed as he walks down to the ring, smirking.


Phillips: “Her opponent, from Miami, Florida, he is World Class, Matt Hodges!”


The fans sing “Matt Hodges sucks!” in unison with the chorus of the song. Hodges slow moves up the steps, wipes his foot on the apron, and gets into the ring. He walks into the opposite corner and pulls on the top rope. “I Want It All” dies out as the fans continue to chant “Matt Hodges sucks!” Hodges walks around, limping only slightly.


Sharper: “And look at Matt Hodges. You can tell he’s got a slight limp, but now I wonder about everything else.”


Knots: “Is he playing it off as nothing to get in Peyton’s head? Is it all a ruse and done to get in Alistaire’s head? This is some next level mind games here!”


Sharper: “And Peyton has to deal with it, while Matt Hodges knows exactly what he’s doing. The sixteen year pro.”


The bell sounds. Peyton looks at Matt as Matt smiles. He then taps his left leg.


Matt: “All good, princess!”


Peyton just looks at him as Matt smirks and walks around. He then lunges and Peyton lunges for the leg. She goes to take him down by it. Matt drops down and rolls over and Peyton tries to hook the leg, but Matt pushes her off with his legs. Peyton rolls over and gets up and Matt gets up. Peyton runs at him. Matt blocks her and hits a single leg takedown. He then moves into a side headlock. Peyton slides out and turns and moves to Matt’s back. Matt tries to for a back elbow. Peyton dodges and then Peyton grabs him by the head and tries to roll through into a rear naked choke. Matt Hodges, now on his side, struggles, blocking it before pushing her arm up and elbowing her in the ribs. Peyton rolls over and Matt rolls over too. Peyton runs at Matt and Matt lifts her up and goes for a back drop. Peyton however turns and grabs the top rope and floats to the floor. Matt turns and grabs her and goes to run her into the corner. Peyton blocks it with her boot. She pushes back and then hits a pump enziguri to the head of Matt. Matt staggers back. Peyton springboards to the top rope. Matt drops down and rolls to the floor. The crowd boos. Peyton hops forward, dropping down to the mat and stepping forward.


Sharper: “Matt dropping down. Matt wanting to keep it on the mat. Peyton expected it.”


Knots: “She also went for the leg. Matt protected it. So maybe it is legit!”


Sharper: “Hodges’ leg issues are documented. But are they as dire as he’s said?”


Matt walks around. (1) He smirks as he turns back to the ring. Peyton runs at the ropes and Matt moves out of the way. (1) Peyton slides to the floor. Matt turns and Peyton hits a drop toe hold to the mats. (2) Matt holds his face in pain. Peyton then gets up and grabs the leg of Matt. Matt yells out and frantically starts to move. (3) He keeps fighting and fighting before pushing Peyton back and Peyton falls back into the steel steps, just turning enough to catch the side of her face into the steps. (4) Matt smirks and rolls over.


Sharper: “Oh no! Peyton face first into the steel steps!”


Knots: “Hodges’ is proud of himself! He’s thrilled!”


Matt starts to get up. Peyton is checked on by the official. Peyton rolls over. Matt moves to the ring and rolls in. He snaps at the official to count. The official turns and slides back in and continues his count. (5) Peyton winces and rolls over. (6) She grabs at the ring apron and starts to pull herself up as the crowd cheers for her. Matt looks over and walks around the ring. (7) She gets up to her feet. (8) She rolls in and Matt heads over and stomps her in the back and then again. The crowd boos. Matt stomps her in the side and then places the sole of his boot against the face of Rice, just grinding it down and into the mat. The referee calls for the break.










Hodges steps off and walks around the ring.


Sharper: “Rice showing great heart to get into the ring. But Hodges was waiting.”


Knots: “And quickly made her regret that.”


Hodges turns and heads back to Peyton who grabs at the ropes and Hodges clubs her in the back and then again before looking at her. He then smirks before hoisting her up by the knee and throwing her knee first into the top turnbuckle. Peyton falls back and rolls over. Hodges heads over and looks at her before grabbing at the leg. He starts to drag her over toward the ropes, but Peyton keeps fighting and not its her turn to fight, kicking at Hodges and even catching him in the leg. Hodges steps back, letting out a yell, and a swear, before Peyton gets up and Hodges limps out and gets a burst of speed, clotheslining her down.


Sharper: “Peyton taken down, but Hodges is limping.”


Knots: “I think we know. He’s been hiding it. Peyton got a good shot in.”


Sharper: “After he tried to get her in the corner. I think he was thinking of the figure four!”


Peyton stirs and gets up and Hodges turns and walks over to her and grabs her. He then spins her around and goes for a German suplex, but Peyton jumps up and pushes off the middle rope to backflip through. Hodges rolls over and gets up and Peyton runs at him and jumps up and spins through with a Sling Blade. The crowd cheers. Hodges slowly gets up and Peyton hits a dropkick. Hodges falls back to the corner. Peyton then stops at the middle of the ring and turns, handspringing toward Hodges and hitting a back elbow. Hodges stumbles forward. Peyton runs into the ropes, bouncing off and hits the Snowbird. The crowd roars. Peyton goes for the pin.






Hodges gets his shoulder up. The crowd sighs.


Sharper: “Oh! Two! Just two. After spearing the hell out of Hodges!”


Knots: “Hodges may be now suffering two debilitating injuries!”


Hodges rolls over and Peyton gets up as Hodges moves to the corner. Peyton runs over and climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and nails him with a couple of hard shots before jumping up and hitting a dropkick to the head. Hodges stumbles forward. Peyton then gets up and runs into the ropes. She bounces off and jumps up onto his shoulders. She goes for a victory roll, but Hodges shifts his weight and pins her!








The crowd roars and then boos. Peyton looks up, stunned as Hodges rolls out of the ring, clutching his knee. He then winces on the floor. The official drops down and raises his arm.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Matt Hodges!”


Sharper: “Hodges shifted his weight and got the win!”


Knots: “Peyton Rice can’t believe it! He was getting his ass kicked, and he figured out a way.”


Sharper: “And sending a message to Alistaire Allocco that injured or not, he’s quite dangerous. He just pinned the SCW Adrenaline Champion!”


Hodges turns and limps off, smiling. Peyton looks up and turns to the official as the scene cuts away.

Backstage, in a split-screen shot, we see a shot of Christy Matthews talking to Rey Anillo backstage side by side with a shot of Regan Street and Selena Frost chatting, and Mikaela Street and Delilah in the background.


Sharper: “You see the two finalists in the SCW US Championship tournament. They’re planning and figuring out their strategy.”


Knots: “Matthews is going to be sure for sure. But this is going to be a hard fought one.”


Sharper: “But it also means Christy is focused on that. We expect to hear from Dark Fantasy next. All this and more to come, here on Breakdown!”


The scene fades to black.


Backstage, we see Gavin Taylor pacing backstage. Aubrianna Powers walks down the hallway and then stops before heading over.


Powers: “Gavin…why are you pacing?”


Taylor: “Pacing? I L….Lo….I was cheated out of a win! Selena Frost used her Snow Witch ways and bubble, bubble, cauldron bubbled her way to a win!”


Powers: “That sounds disturbing!”


Taylor: “Where were you?!”


Powers: “I was taking care….of stuff. More figuring out what the Neo-Cruiserweight Title was about and well, I’ll pass. I have bigger plans.”


Taylor: “Well we all have bigger plans…all just started with Jake Starr. He’s ruined everything!”


Powers: “It’s true.”


Taylor sighs.


Taylor: “Alright. We need to develop a plan. Destroy Jake Starr, get revenge on Jay Gold, figure out how to stop Selena Frost and her witchy ways and figure out how to get you a title too.”


Powers: “Yeah, we need to work on the order.”


They walk off.

We then open up to ringside to see Simon Lyman and Donovan Kayl seated a few rows back in the crowd. The crowd cheers seeing them.


Sharper: “Well as Gavin Taylor and Aubrianna Powers continue to develop their friendship, two long-time friends are in the crowd enjoy the show. Simon Lyman and Donovan Kayl!”


Knots: “Ottawa loves them too!”


Kayl and Lyman play to the crowd, waving as the crowd cheers them a bit longer.

There is then a loud click as the lights around the building flick off and darkness consumes the arena, with nothing but a few flashes from cameras in the crowd lighting the arena. Without warning we see black and white footage spring to life on the screen of Winston Churchill giving one of his most famous speeches, all the while the chilling sound of air raid sirens and war can be heard in the background...
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall NEVER surrender!"
The video suddenly burns away to reveal a second hidden image of the devious ex-president George H. W. Bush giving a speech of his own...
"When we are successful, and we will be, we'll have a real chance at this new world order..."
“Indestructible” By Disturbed hits over the P.A system causing the crowd to erupt into a sea of boos as they know who is about to make their presence felt. We then cut to see CHBK walking out from the back. Syren steps out too. Ravyn walks forward and leads as Alexander Crowe follows. The four make their way down the rampway to the ring. The crowd boos them loudly. They reach the ring and Ravyn pulls herself onto the apron, wipes her feet and steps in. Syren runs up the ring steps and walks along the apron. She enters the ring. CHBK is next, followed by Crowe. None of the members of Infamous pose or play to the crowd. Ravyn instead heads to the corner and demands a microphone.


Sharper: “Almost a repeat of last week just with a few less bodies. Christy Matthews focused on the US Title tournament.”


Knots: “And this is between Dark Fantasy and Asher Hayes and Cid Turner. I can’t believe I just said that. Hayes and Turner!”


Sharper: “Ravyn Taylor making the challenge. Syren on board. Dark Fantasy will team up at Rise to Greatness to face Hayes and Turner. But they wanted Turner to come out to this ring to accept the challenge himself.”


Knots: “Yeah and remember last week? They beat the hell out of Hayes!”


Jason Phillips hands Ravyn Taylor a microphone. Ravyn takes it and walks over to the middle of the ring. Syren steps up and this time, stands with Ravyn.


Ravyn: “I hope you all waited with baited breath! While a battle over reptiles and delusions has led to collateral damage, a legend has apparently returned to Supreme Championship Wrestling after years away to engage in cowardice.”


Ravyn pauses and turns to CHBK.


Ravyn: “You had to take several cheap shots…to Alex….to Syren…and yet, I have so far unscathed. I am unsure if I should feel upset by this slight, but then again, it seems to be something personal. Of what? Or why? I do not know nor care. I see one thing…you stopped Infamous from doing what they will do and that is take Asher Hayes and cause him great pain to help him understand why his bellyaching is misplaced, for it is not our fault that we are experts at the game we play in this ring to ensure our collective success.”


Ravyn shakes her head.


Ravyn: “Oh no. You instead just walked into a battlefield that will cause you to regret ever remembering your past exploits in SCW and return to one of their arenas.”


Ravyn then stops before Syren takes the microphone.


Syren: “I don’t care what you did. You were King America…the Masta of Speed or something stupid like that. But to go after CHBK not once but twice. I don’t even care about me…but for you to come back and try to make a quick buck…”


Syren shakes her head, chuckling in anger.


Syren: “That’s a problem. But here we are, Cid! Ravyn and I are in the ring. Joined by our husband, Alexander. Oh yeah, and with the man who built this company with his talents in this ring, CHBK!”


Syren looks at the entrance way.


Syren: “And we’re waiting for you. Ravyn made the challenge. Asher Hayes and you can have the golden ticket to face Ravyn and myself…the greatest tag team in SCW History, Dark Fantasy, at Rise to Greatness XVII!”


Syren pauses.


Syren: “No need to run. You want to start a fight. You want to help Asher. And Asher, you want to shut us up…here it is silver platter!”


Just then, the opening riffs of "Awake" by Godsmack echo throughout the arena. A few moments pass before Asher Hayes walks out from the back, this time, though, carrying a pipe in one hand, a microphone in the other. Hayes starts to head down the rampway, leaning the pipe against his shoulder.


Asher: “Alright, I think we’ve had enough of this. Coming out here like you’re some sort of gatekeeper-“


Syren: “Asher, we’re not here to talk to you. We want to talk to Cid.”


Asher: “And what? Jump him? Yeah, you told me I was invited too. I’m just coming out, and I brought my own backup in case you want to do what you did last week.”


Ravyn then takes the microphone.


Ravyn: “Ever ask yourself why a former World Champion was happy to leave you to head to the ring…running from you?”


Asher: “Not something I’m really worried about. What I know is that I see a team that is looking to lure him down here to attack him and while I may have signed up for that, running my mouth, just like I can’t wait for the moment I can return the favour to you two, I can’t say the same about him and I’m not going to let you manipulate him-“


The crowd then roars and Asher stops and turns as we see Cid Turner walking out from the back. He steps out, still looking quite disshevelled, his blonde hair now grey, with a long bear, and long hair. He looks around before stepping back a bit. He meekly waves as Asher stops and turns.


Ravyn: “There we go. Mr. Turner, your presence is requested in the ring.”


Asher stops him, bringing the microphone down. Cid Turner walks over to him and takes a deep breath, almost unsure as he then heads to the ring. He reaches it and grabs the ropes. Asher starts to pull himself up and stops as Cid just looks at the ring and his hand on the ropes.


Ravyn: “Would you like me to hold the ropes open for you? I mean someone of your stature…”


Ravyn walks over and Cid steps back. Asher drops down. He looks at Cid and talks to him. Ravyn sits on the middle rope, holding it open for him. Syren then looks around as CHBK just watches him. Syren motions for him to get in. Ravyn then steps back.


Ravyn: “It seems the man who had no problem committing unprovoked assault three times now has a problem with the consequences of his actions. Maybe we should help with this!”


Ravyn then steps forward as Crowe drops down to the floor. Cid looks around. CHBK does too, but Syren drops down first. She walks around as Crowe comes from one side, Syren the other. Asher then turns and moves Cid out of the way before swinging the pipe toward Crowe. Crowe jukes back. Cid looks at Syren and then to Asher as Asher turns and swings at Syren. Syren steps back. Cid then looks around before yelling in the ring.


Cid: “Fine! I accept! I’ll face you! Him too!”


Asher stops and turns and Cid steps back and looks around, his eyes darting around the arena. The crowd cheers.


Ravyn: “Hold it, hold it…what was that?”


Syren looks at Cid and smiles as Hayes watches Syren and Crowe. Just then, Cid takes the microphone from Hayes. He then looks at the ring.


Cid: “Yeah! I accept! Us versus you!”


Cid looks down, almost as if experiencing immediate regret. The crowd cheers though. He then thrusts the microphone back to Hayes. Hayes takes it and looks at Cid before turning back. Cid starts to head to the back, shaking his head and talking to himself. Ravyn turns to CHBK as CHBK steps forward and says something to her. Syren steps forward.


Syren: “Hey! Come back here!”


Hayes turns and fends her off, moving toward her. Syren backs up as Crowe looks on. Hayes then starts to back away from the ring. He glances back to Cid before turning and jogging after him.


Sharper: “Cid Turner accepting the challenge. He didn’t get in the ring though and he didn’t seem to want to!”


Knots: “That’s not the Cid Turner I remember!”


Sharper: “Almost like he regretted everything already. Ravyn and CHBK have been talking since. But he accepted the challenge. Hayes and Turner against Dark Fantasy at Rise to Greatness…”


Knots: “But what are we really getting?”


Syren walks to the base of the entrance way, joined by Crowe. They look on as Hayes disappears to the back, going after Cid as we cut away.


Breakdown opens up backstage as we see Aaron Blackbourne standing in front of a black backdrop. He steps forward as he looks forward, the lighting shining down on him.


Blackbourne: “This is what this is about Shilo…the spotlight. The spotlight that you crave…your spotlight that shines on me…the reminds me of my failures.”


Blackbourne pauses.


Blackbourne: “All I’ve gotten is laughter. But I’m not laughing. No…not because of myself. But because your actions, your games with the spotlight…they led to someone getting hurt. Someone who is trying to help drive something better. Not someone who is judging based on whatever foolish perspective they have.”


Blackbourne stops.


Blackbourne: “But in all of this, two weeks ago, I made a challenge. For you Shilo, at Rise to Greatness. But I realized something this last week. Last year, when Rise to Greatness was over, the world was buzzing. They were talking about a lot, but one thing that was constant…they were talking about me. Win or lose, the world talks about me. Just like they did you. The problem, Shilo. Is anyone talking about you right now? They may because they blame you in part for what Giovanni did. But otherwise, you didn’t win Taking Hold of the Flame. That night, they weren’t talking about your win, they were talking about me. And it hit me…You need me right now to matter. So Shilo, I’m not challenging you. I’m telling you. At Rise to Greatness, I will come to the ring. You’re welcome to come. But whether you show up or not, the spotlight will be mine. Never yours again.”


Blackbourne pauses again.


Blackbourne: “But if you do show up, I’ll at least let you fight for it…they’ll still be talking about me though. Because I plan to make you regret EVERYTHING for the last seven months, especially what happened last week. Why? Because that’s the least I can do!”


Blackbourne then steps back and into the darkness. The Breakdown logo then comes up on the screen.

The Canadian Crusader vs. Cookie Dreams

SCW Television Championship

Super Spectacular Canadian KABLAMtastic Celebration


We open up to the ring to see Canadian flags draped over the corners along giant posters that advertise the new Canadian KABLAM Cooling product.


Sharper: “Well uh…trust the extracurricular entrepreneurs to come up with a way to use Canada Day and the TV Championship to promote their products.”


Knots: “I can say, as someone who tested it, it’s surprisingly effective!”


Sharper: “I don’t want to know Jon.”


Knots: “Well she better have more than a new product! She’s got the Canadian Crusader after her! And he’s not being very Canadian!”


he lights dim as Nickelback’s “Something In Your Mouth” hit’s over the P. A System, all eyes focus to the stage where various colors of lights begin to flash.
Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and is the Super Spectacular Canadian KABLAMtastic Celebration! First, hailing from the mythical land of Candy Mountain by way of the Cookieverse, accompanied to the ring by the #GelatinSexMachine, her #KABLAMAPOTAMUS… Derek Adonis!! Here is your Television Champion... The one, the only… COOKIE DREAMS!!”
The crowd pops upon hearing the buxom blonde’s name, and even more so when she steps out onto the stage in her ring gear, the SCW TV Championship over her shoulder. She grins from ear to ear before skipping to one side of the stage and poses by blowing a kiss to the crowd. She then repeats the process on the other side of the stage before then returning to the center and looks to her TC Championship while we see Derek Adonis saunter out in a pink suit and blue shirt combo. The crowd cheers once again as the husband and wife couple kiss each other with a peck on the lips and lifting a leg each.
Afterwards Cookie begins to skip down and slapping hands with some fans before sliding into the ring as Derek walks down doing his best her majesty the queen wave. She then begins climbing the nearest corner and raises the TV Championship. She then turns as Derek goes over to a table in the ring and grabs the microphone on it.


Derek: “Ladies and gentlemen, as we stand here celebrating the foundation of the great nation of Canada! Shot from the womb of the Canadian landscape some three thousand years ago!”


Sharper: “That’s not quite right…”


Derek: “We wanted to come up with the most KABLAMtastic celebration. And it kicks oss the launch of our NEWEST product for all your KABLAMing needs…When you just need to cool off after getting too hot….KABLAM! The Canadian KABLAM cooling gel!”


Cookie leans in and grabs the microphone.


Cookie: “It tastes like maple syrup too!”


The crowd roars. Adonis smiles as Cookie bounces.


Derek: “As we celebrate everything that makes this country great…maple syrup….uh….hockey….cool sensations….bears?”


Cookie: “Bears? But…uh…the Canadian Crusader…”


The crowd boos.


Derek: “See, they don’t like him either. He’s not very Canadian. Even if he is right about poutine 7being delicious. He is just someone who doesn’t know the thrill of exploding in joy….KABLAM!”


The crowd cheers. Just then, Lexy Chapel storms out from the back. She has a microphone in one hand and now a net in the other.


Sharper: “Wait a minute. We have company.”


Knots: “Chapel’s connections with Infamous…this could be bad…But why the hell are they out here?”

Adonis: “Now-“


Lexy slides into the ring.


Adonis: “Ah…a customer!”


Lexy pushes him away and then stops before leaning in and smelling Adonis. She turns and gags. She turns to Cookie and sniffs her. She pulls back and sniffs again. She then turns and walks over to a bottle of the cooling gel.


Adonis: “I was right! A customer! You interested to do a test!”


Cookie: “Derek! She’ll need privacy!”


Adonis then looks at it before turning back, grabbing the microphone from Adonis.


Chapel: “None of you smell right! And with the product placement. The extra time to this. How SCW loves you…it was perfect. The perfect end to the conspiracy theory. There was even a BEAR in those damn pictures!”


Chapel looks around. She then walks over to the ropes. Derek and Cookie look at one another. Cookie heads over to Lexy. She tries to comfort her, lightly patting her on the back. Derek meanwhile walks over with a bottle of the cooling gel. Cookie takes the microphone gently.


Cookie: “It doubles as a muscle relaxant and stress relief. Take it. A gift!”


Lexy pushes away and swats the bottle down, getting boos from the crowd. She then turns and grabs the microphone from Cookie.


Lexy: “This isn’t some joke. A super intelligent dancing bear will KILL US ALL and you’re giving me ice gel!”


Cookie grabs the tube and then asks Lexy for permission. Lexy rolls her eyes. Cookie then rubs some in her hand and starts to rub Lexy’s shoulders, which conveniently are exposed from the shirt she’s wearing. Lexy nods.


Lexy: “Okay…that’s not bad…Hey!”


Adonis runs over to the microphone.


Adonis: “KABLAM!”


The crowd roars. Lexy pushes away.


Lexy: “This is SERIOUS! DO YOU ALL WANT TO DIE! Your cooling gel, which smells lovely, but NOT LIKE THAT BEAR, is-“


Lexy stops.




Cookie: “What?”


Lexy grabs it and starts to squeeze it around the ring. Adonis looks around. Cookie confused.


Lexy: “Come on!”


Lexy grabs a couple of other bottles. She opens them, conveniently not needing to remove the safety seal inside, and starts to pour it around the ring. Cookie and Adonis look at one another.  Lexy finishes before starting to speak.


Lexy: “MR. BEAR! The ring smells like maple syrup. Bears love maple syrup right! Huh! Come on!”


Cookie walks over.


Cookie: “Uh…uh…I think that’s honey.”


Lexy turns. Adonis walks over.


Adonis: “God bless Winnie the Pooh.”


Lexy pulls away when suddenly “Constant Cravings” by kd lang starts to play. The crowd buzzes as Lexy Chapel turns.


Lexy: “I KNOW THAT SONG! The bear is an addict!”


Just then, we see a masked man, dressed head to toe in tacky sparkly Canadian flag adorned clothing, starting to descend from the top of the entrance way and slowly head to the ring. He points to the ring. He is wearing a headset.


Canadian Crusader: “I am the Canadian Crusader, coming to the ring by the greatest song by the greatest Canadian singer. Especially since you already are using Nickelback, you fool! I have come to destroy you and save Canada from your filth!”


Lexy: “You’re not a bear!”


The Canadian Crusader stammers.


Crusader: “Uh…uh…and I’ll fight on behalf of the bear too!”


The Canadian Crusader looks around. He starts to motion for him to get lower. He slowly does, and manages to be gingerly lowered by the rampway.


Knots: “Well this is anti-climatic.”


Sharper: “There are a lot of odd people in SCW these days.”


Knots: “Well this Canadian Crusader…please just shut off the music! PLEASE!”


The Crusader reaches the ring and then starts to fiddle with the harness, managing to undo it. Cookie, Adonis and Chapel all look around. The Crusader then plants his feet and poses before running to the ring. He pulls himself onto the apron and steps in before tripping on the bottom rope.


Crusader: “Damn it!”


The crusader gets up and Chapel non-chalantly walks over and grabs his mask and just pulls it off, revealing it to be Sammy Thomas Davies. Davies looks around as the crowd roars. We then cut to the back to see Clamidiya, dressed in a Canadian-flag inspired cocktail dress, clearly betraying they were behind it as she’s not wearing any sort of covering. Davies looks around.


Chapel: “NOT A BEAR!”


Cookie then takes the microphone. She looks at Davies.


Cookie: “Oh Sammy…”


Sammy looks around and grabs the headset, clearly adding to the patheticness of his attempt. He then holds onto it, talking into it.


Sammy: “You’ve gotten everything…I’ve gotten nothing!”


Adonis takes the microphone.


Adonis: “Well, you know how we feel about STDs…”


Davies looks around. He then throws a punch at Adonis. Adonis ducks and Davies falls into the corner. Adonis turns and runs at him and nails him with the KABLAM. Davies stumbles back and slips on some of the gel. He winces as Cookie climbs to the top rope. She glances back and then dives off, hitting the Cookies and Cream. The crowd ohs. Cookie hooks the leg. The official who has been in the ring the entire time, turns away from reading the contents of one of the bottles and goes for the pin.








The crowd roars.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, and still SCW Television Champion, Cookie Dreams!”


Cookie gets up and smiles. The referee raises her arm. He then holds up the bottle. Adonis smiles before grabbing the microphone. Lexy just looks around, unsure of what to do or say.


Adonis: “KABLAM!”


The crowd cheers as Adonis gives the official the bottle to keep. Davies remains in the ring, writhing in pain. Adonis and Cookie start to celebrate as Lexy Chapel drops to the floor. She sighs as she starts to head to the back. Cookie and Adonis play to the crowd as they walk around the ring.


Sharper: “Well, that was a title defense apparently!”


Knots: “Sammy Thomas Davies was behind this all this last week?”


Sharper: “Seems so.”


Knots: “The bear luring didn’t work, but some people are going to have fireworks on Canada Day or the Fourth of July!”


Lexy gets about half way up the rampway before we see what is clearly a thin, tall woman, wearing a bear mascot head, but not the body, slide into the ring. The shirt of the bear reads “Infamous!” The woman gets up, holding onto the bear head with one arm and steps to the middle of the ring. The official looks at her oddly before she thrusts one way, then the other, before dropping down and doing a brief breakdance type spin. Lexy sees this in the big screen. She then turns.


Lexy: “It worked! It worked! Come back here you hyper-intelligent bear freak!”


Chapel runs down to the ring. The bear, meanwhile, grabs the net Lexy had and turns and dives through the ropes, still holding onto her head. The bear runs past Adonis and Cookie and then into the crowd. She runs off as Lexy runs over to the barricade section before stopping, nearly tripping over her feet and falling into the barricade.


Sharper: “The dancing bear did come out!”


Knots: “What the hell is going on here anymore, Sharper?”


Sharper: “You tell me, Jon.”


Lexy slams her hand on the barricade before turning and running over to Adonis and Cookie.


Lexy: “Give me all of them! All—”


Lexy shakes Cookie even before running into the ring and getting up, slipping on the gel a bit before starting to grab every bottle. She even turns and grabs the one from the official. She then, clutching them in her arms, some bottles falling out through them, rolls to the floor and runs to the back as the scene fades out.


Backstage, we see Lexy Chapel jogging through the hallways, still brandishing her unhealthy amount of the Canadian KABLAMtastic Cooling Gel.


Chapel: “Okay…I got this. It worked once. And I know that it’s now trying to form into a human…not today bear. NOT TODAY!”


Chapel then looks around before running over to a door, labelled locker room. She then kicks at it.


Chapel: “Let me in!”


Chapel waits before the door opens as Jason Helms opens it and Lexy barges in.


Jason: “Ah…the women’s locker room is-“


Chapel: “No time! I have to set the trap. And…”


Chapel stops and turns and sees Jason. She drops the bottles.


Chapel: “You! Wait…you….you’re one of the converted bears. Trying to undo us all! Oh yeah. Well!”


Chapel then starts to turns and grabs the maple syrup scented pseudo-liquid. She then starts to spray it to the corner.


Chapel: “Yeah…you want to go there. You love the smell…you love it!”


Chapel squirts some more. Smiling, biting her lip as she does. Jason just looks at her, blinking. She then throws the bottle down and grabs another one. She starts to squirt it in the same area. She then stops and looks at something by Jason’s things.


Chapel: “And you’re learning Japanese!”


Helms: “What?”


Chapel walks over and grabs the paper and holds it up in Jason’s chest. Jason grabs them and looks at them. He then scoffs.


Helms: “It’s a waiver-“




Helms: “No…for demon removal…”


Helms just laughs.


Helms: “You know…Got a pen, Lexy?”


Chapel: “So you can use it as a straw!”


Helms: “You know…nevermind. Keep just dousing whoever’s gear that is. Go for it. Hope you catch your bear.”


Helms walks off as the camera now follows him. Helms then walks over to an official who going over a checklist. Helms looks at him and shrugs before grabbing his pen.


Helms: “Sorry. Need this for a moment.”


Helms then places the waiver on the wall and signs it. He then hands the waiver and the pen to the crew member.


Helms: “Mind giving this to the demon hunter?”


Crew member: “Demon hunter?”


Helms: “Yeah…Thanks, man.”


Helms walks off as we then pan up to show the Dancing “Bear,” walking down the hallway, trying to wipe off some of the gel from her lower back, as its left wet spots on her t-shirt and pants. She rubs it off with it before turning and looking into the locker room. The camera only hears Chapel muttering to herself.


Chapel: “She won’t be able to resist this! It’s like a slippery hell of maple syrup! COME GET ME BEAR! Oh wait…I don’t have my net…okay, don’t worry…you can…there’s got to be something in here I can use.”


The Dancing Bear then looks in. She coughs, clearly also suggesting it is a female, if the female figure was not enough.


Chapel: “Oh my God! It worked!”


The bear then runs off, past the camera as we just hear a loud thud and a crash. The camera runs over to see Lexy Chapel on the floor, several bags around her. She winces in pain as the camera turns to see the bear calmly walking off as the scene cuts away.

We open with a panning shot of the crowd.


Sharper: “Lexy Chapel may have lost the plot entirely. Jason Helms just signed a waiver.”


Knots: “For demon removal. I think he wants to know what he’ll try.”


Sharper: “Either way, the dancing bear is going down in infamy, no pun on their t-shirt. Probably to taunt Lexy, but we can now note our second name who will go down in fame, in immortality, the SCW Hall of Fame.”


Knots: “Let’s just say that things are going to get fiery.”


The SCW Hall of Fame logo comes up on the screen again.


“Instigator” by Kaci Brown plays as we see shots of tanned legs walking down the rampway before we cut to see Lenne Perez standing between Calvan Greene and Alex Desoubrais Jr. The crowd booing. We then see Lenne shooing some fans around before snapping at the camera. We then cut to see Lenne Perez smacking Katie Steward before cutting to show her hitting the Acuveah on Sheryl Marie Grey, Katie Steward, and Robin Brooks. This is followed by shots of Lenne Perez at ringside, laughing before showing her entering the ring, clearly drawing attention to her body as she does.


Dawson: “Definitely one to make some noise.”


Sharper: “And take any and all shortcuts!”


We cut to shots of Lenne hitting the Popstar knee drop on Katie Steward and showing her celebrating with Calvan Greene. This is followed by a shot of her nailing CHBK with a forearm shot and then cutting to shots of her fighting Rachel Foxx, and hitting a split-legged leg drop on Rachel Foxx. This is followed up by a shot of Apocalypse 2008. Gigi then goes to jump up for the Nirvana, but Lenne lifts her and Gigi spins off of Lenne and drops down to her knees. Gigi starts to get up and Lenne staggers back to the ropes. She bounces off them before jumping up and grabbing Gigi’s head and hitting the Acuveah yet again! The crowd cheers and Lenne rolls Gigi over and hooks the leg, this time, in full view of the referee.








The crowd cheers and Lenne rolls off of Gigi and immediately brings her hands to her face.


Sharper: “Lenne Perez is the new Women’s Champion! She’s finally the Women’s Champion!”


Johnson: “No! How? Oh God! It’s out of the hands of the greatest wrestling dynasty!”


The referee walks over to the corner and is handed the belt. He then turns and Lenne starts to get up before the referee hands her the title. Lenne then gets up and looks at the title for a moment before smiling. She then looks around at the crowd before holding it up as a few tears come down her face.


Dawson: “A huge moment for her. She’s finally won it!”


We cut to more shots of Lenne Perez hitting the Acuveah on Elizabeth Fortune, Rachel Foxx, Katie Steward, and others, before cutting to shots of her posing in the ring with the SCW Women’s Championship. We see her pinning Taylor Summers before rolling off.


Sharper: “Lenne Perez has reclaimed the Women’s Championship and is now a three time Women’s Champion!”


Knots: “Stewards...eat your hearts out. Lenne Perez is starting a dynasty of her own!”


Lenne Perez posing with Model Behaviour as they hold the SCW World Tag Team Championship before cutting to show Lenne Perez laughing as she walks to the ring and then dropping down on the apron and doing a splits before entering the ring. She gets up before we cut to shots of her standing tall in the ring, including one holding the SCW Women’s Championship as the scene slowly starts to slow down.


The SCW Hall of Fame logo comes up on the screen before cutting to a still of Lenne Perez before showing Model Behaviour on the screen too. The crowd cheers before we cut to the crowd. A couple of male fans are cheering, pumping their fists before a few female fans are shown happy too before cutting to the crowd standing and applauding.


Sharper: “That’s right. Lenne Perez…long overdue! One of the pioneers of the SCW women’s division and one of the most notable names from late last decade.”


Knots: “She won’t be alone.”


Sharper: “That’s right. Calvan Greene and Alex Desoubrais Jr., Model Behaviour, they will return to induct their former manager into the class of 2020!”


The cameras continue to pan around as the crowd cheers, appreciating the career of Lenne Perez before we cut away.

Backstage, Matt Hodges is seen, shaking his head backstage, a towel around his head. We then see Jaina Lancaster standing with him.


Matt: “Go ahead.”


Jaina: “I was going to.”


Matt: “Well go.”


Jaina: “Matt, you won earlier tonight, albeit it barely and you tried to do to Peyton what you did to Alistaire-“


Matt: “I wrestled, female reporter who I don’t recall.”


Jaina: “Jaina, my names Jaina.”


Matt: “Great. Good for you. But I was wrestling out there. Am I not supposed to win? I did that. Am I not supposed to take advantage of my skills? Of course. I am a superior technical wrestler. Now, did I go too hard with Alistaire last week, sure, but I need to level the playing field. My knee, it’s barely holding on. His…it’s fresh as a daisy…minus some other past injuries I’ve heard of. The point is that now, Alistaire, you and I can have our big match and it’s a level playing field. Both one-legged men in an ass-kicking contest. And well, you call yourself world class in that ring…That’s MY title. Well, Alistaire…you can now prove it.”


Matt pauses.


Matt: “Sorry about Peyton though. Tough break for her. But I have another question to ask. Alistaire…I thought you were a competitor. You’re now walking around hurt. I get it. But I fought through the pain and competed. Why not you? Why am I risking my career in tune-up matches, and one against the Adrenaline Champion, while you sit on your ass and eat bon-bons. Someone make this a bit more even. Then again, Alistaire, if you want to prove you’ve lived a lie your wehole career, go for it. I’m just saying…I’m here to compete. I evened the score. I got in the ring earlier with my knee screaming in pain. What’s your excuse?”


Jaina: “Well you had to have been cleared by SCW doctors-“


Matt: “Had to have been cleared by SCW doctors. I know that. And well, I know what I did last week…That’s how good I am. So I know Alistaire is good to go.”


Matt then turns and heads off. The crowd boos as we then see Matt stopped as Bison Jones stands watching him. Matt Hodges smirks and heads over to him.


Jaina: “Wait a minute…”


The scene then fades to black.


The camera fades in from black to the sound of RuPaul’s “Might Love (Runway Remix),” with the words “We’ve Got a Might Love,” in distorted text playing across the screen, with a digitized distortion of a runway in the background behind the words. We are quickly shown scenes of a blonde woman delivering a swift kick to an opponent trying to vault back into the ring, followed by a replay of the same kick from a different angle, this time inside the ring. We see a mane of blonde hair falling forward, before snapping back violently as this woman delivers a devastating DDT to her opponent.


The next shot, we see the blonde whipping her hair back sensually out of her face, revealing it to be Holly Adams. 


“Just look at me!”


A shot of Holly is shown walking to the ring with the Majestic Women’s Title, before switching to a scene of her on the ring apron, blowing a kiss into the camera.




Various head shots of Holly are shown, then her doing her signature hair flip during her entrance to the ring. 




We are shown Holly walking to the ring again, in various different outfits, then shots of her at ringside doing commentary in a beautiful gown.


“A little vision of perfection!”


Again we see Holly performing various moves in the ring against different opponents, before finally settling on scenes of her during bikini photoshoots. 


….I love myself and that’s enough.”


As the music in the background goes into a breakdown, we are shown a variety of different highlights of Holly. We see scenes of her hitting her finishing move on an opponent, before showing her using some more dirty tactics of hair pulling, throwing her opponents face first into the turnbuckle and even a shot of her slamming an opponent face first into the mat. 


Sharper: “I wouldn’t want to toy with Holly!”


The final shots come into frame of Holly slapping an opponent roughly across the face , and finally her putting her hand in the face of a referee who was clearly admonishing her before we’re brought to a last few shots of her walking around the ring during her entrance, before one final hair flip. 


“Look at me.”


The screen flashes before we’re brought to the same scene we’ve seen the last few weeks of a woman on the beach, her silhouette being hidden by the twilight casting down on her. 



The scene opens up with a panning shot.


Sharper: “Holly Adams will be coming soon, but sooner than we think.”


Knots: “Yeah…I was just tweeted. Direct message. From Holly Adams. She saw what Sammy Thomas Davies did to Cookie Dreams. She talked about being a Blondetourage Boot Camp pledge or something. They’ve been having some fun on twitter. Regardless, Holly Adams has challenged Clamidiya…just not tonight. Not next week. But in two weeks. I guess she needs to get ready.”


Sharper: “So she’ll be here in two weeks?”


Knots: “Sounds like it!”

Ace Marshall vs. Clyde Sutter


The lights in the arena go out as the opening chords of “Unforgiven” by Metallica begins to play.  As the song picks up its pace a spotlight shines at the top of the ramp and we see “The Assassin” Clyde Sutter standing there with a sinister grin on his face. He is flanked by his agent, Mason Van Stanton, who smirks arrogantly out at the crowd who showers both men with booing and jeering. After a few moments of soaking in the crowd reaction, which he seems to enjoy despite their booing, Sutter begins his slow walk down the ramp, with Van Stanton following closely behind. 


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a fifteen minute time limit. First, on his way to the ring, accompanied by Mason Van Stanton, from Raleigh, North Carolina, he is The Assassin, Clyde Sutter!”


The spotlight follows the sinister sociopath as he approaches the ring; Sutter then foregoes the steel steps as he leaps up from the floor to the ring apron. Mason applauds from the outside as he uses the steel steps to join his client on the ring apron. With the spotlight remaining only on them as one of the few lights in the arena at the moment, Sutter and Van Stanton enter the ring and then stand in the center. Van Stanton applauds his client while the fans continue to show their displeasure. The sound of Metallica dies down and the lights come back on.


Sharper: “Clyde Sutter believes that Xander Valentine has been neutered and he’s looking for blood against Ace Marshall.”


Knots: “We know that Xander Valentine can’t fight anyone without being booked against them or physically provoked. Ace Marshall used that last week to allow Sutter and Valentine to go at one another. He was back seven seconds and pissed two people off!”


A countdown starts on the big screen in fast progression from five to one before "Adrenalize" hits the speakers and the spotlights start to spin and focus in on the stage. The fans erupt in cheers as on stage Ace Marshall steps out with Oakley shades and a black reflective jacket.


He pauses before raises his arms up for the crowd as strobe lights break out throughout the arena for the crowd in different shades of red, blue and green in rapid succession. Smoke erupts from underneath them and along the ramp way. He snaps his fingers and bobs his head before pointing out to the crowd.

Phillips: “His opponent, making his way to the ring, coming in from Las Vegas, Nevada, he is Ace Marshall!"

Ace casually strolls down the ramp. Reaching the ring Ace slides in before standing up and running his hands through his hair, singing along with the song. Making his way to the corner, he climbs up it before looking out into the crowd while thrusting an arm up as the crowd cheers him on. Dropping down after a moment he turns his back to the audience before removing his jacket and shades. He sets them to the side of the apron for an official to grab just as the match is about to be underway.


Sharper: “Ace Marshall may need to get his head in the game fast.”


Knots: “It’s Ace Marshall. He knows this is pissing off Sutter. It’s more if he can avoid the pain to get what he wants!”


The bell sounds and Ace Marshall backs up as Sutter heads toward him. Ace backs up and smirks before Sutter swings. Ace ducks and spins around, but Sutter turns and grabs him. He then pulls him back into the corner. Sutter goes to swing, but Ace thumbs his eye. Sutter staggers back and Ace kicks him in the ribs and nails him with a hard right and then another. Sutter goes to grab him. Ace ducks and runs into the ropes. He bounces off and hits a running dropkick. Sutter hits the mat. Sutter turns, annoyed and starts to get up and Ace sizes him up and Sutter turns and Ace hits another dropkick. Sutter hits the mat. He gets up again and Ace hits a third dropkick, this one sending Sutter up and over the top rope to the floor. Ace gets up to a knee and looks out at the crowd, posing as the crowd cheers.


Sharper: “Ace Marshall toying with Sutter!”


Knots: “So he’s learned nothing and now Sutter is pissed off!”


Sutter gets up on the floor. (1) Ace walks over and smirks and steps out to the apron. Sutter turns back and Ace boots him in the face. (2) Sutter steps back. Ace then backs up and runs along the apron and dives to attack Sutter, but Sutter catches him. (1) Sutter then lets out a yell and runs across the ringside area and drives Ace back first into the ringpost. (2) The crowd ohs. Sutter then grabs Ace and lifts him up onto his shoulder again and runs him back first into the ringpost again. Ace falls down to the mat. (3) Sutter then grabs Ace and drags him up.


Sharper: “Twice, driven into the ringpost!”


Knots: “Ace Marshall caught and Sutter happy to create pain!”


Sutter then runs him into the ring. Sutter slides in as Ace starts to get up and Sutter runs at him and nails him with a clothesline. Ace hits the mat. He turns and reaches up, starting to get up and Sutter grabs him and whips him into the ropes. He bounces off and Ace slides under a clothesline attempt. He then lunges forward and hits a chop block on Sutter. Sutter falls to the mat. He starts to get up and Ace jumps up and hits a leg drop to the back of Sutter’s head, driving him back down. Ace turns and moves to the corner. He climbs up to the top rope and looks back before jumping off and hitting the Air Marshall. The crowd cheers. Ace follows up with a pin.






Clyde kicks out. Ace rolls off and gets up and Clyde starts to get up and Ace clubs him in the back and then again. He turns and sets up for an Olympic Slam, but Clyde just puts his weight on him. Ace struggles once and then again before stopping. He kicks Clyde in the ribs. He then runs into the ropes. He bounces off and Sutter launches him in the air before then lunging and just driving his shoulder into Ace’s body as it falls. The crowd ohs and Ace rolls over in pain.


Sharper: “Nothing fancy. Just using his body to cause pain.”


Knots: “Ace now knows how that shoulder feels driven into his side.”


Ace starts to get up and winces and turns and walks into Clyde who grabs him by the throat. He then hoists him up and chokeslams him. The crowd ohs and Sutter hooks the leg.






Ace kicks out. Ace rolls over and gets up and Sutter watches him as Ace turns around and Sutter scoops him up and hits a sidewalk slam. He rolls over and then smirks before grabbing him by the hair. He drags him up and then headbutts him. He rears back and headbutts him again. Ace falls to a knee. Sutter then lifts him up and hoists him up over his head in a military press. Ace however shifts his weight and drops to the mat. Sutter turns and Ace hits a high knee. Sutter is dazed and Ace kicks him in the ribs and double underhooks him before muscling him up and suplexing him over. The crowd roars. Ace rolls over.


Sharper: “Ace using what he had to hoist Sutter up and throw him over!”


Knots: “How did he get him up?!”


Sharper: “Ace realizing he may not be able to entertain his way out of this!”


Clyde starts to get up and Ace walks over and clubs him in the back and then again and again. Ace grabs him, but Clyde lifts him up and throws him forward. Ace gets up and Clyde runs at him and goes for a clothesline. Ace jumps up and goes for a crucifix before moving into a sunset flip. He then pulls Clyde down, before crawling under his legs and pushing them forward, stacking him up.








Sutter kicks back as Ace falls back to the ropes. He then smiles and gets up.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Ace Marshall!”


Marshall throws his arm up and walks over to the corner. Just as this happens, we see Xander Valentine skulking out from the back and heading to the ring.


Sharper: “Marshall returns to the ring and survives Sutter, getting the pin.”


Knots: “Sutter’s not down though and Marshall may just get pissing him off. Xander Valentine coming down.”


Sharper: “He can’t do anything unless provoked!”


Xander Valentine reaches the ringside area as Marshall steps through and to the apron. Ace smirks and looks around. Xander just looks at him.


Ace: “Sorry Xander…already-“


Sutter then runs up behind Ace and just knocks him off. Ace falls right into Xander. Xander doesn’t catch him and instead, Ace hits him and falls to the mats. Ace then turns to the ring and nods. He then nods some more, almost realizing what’s happened and Ace gets up only for Xander to grab Ace and lock in the Fade to Black.


Sharper: “Sutter knocked Ace into Xander. Just as Ace caused the battle last week, Sutter getting his retribution tonight and Ace! Getting choked out!”


Knots: “Fade to Black and Ace can’t fight out!”


The crowd roars and some boo, while others cheer. Ace reaches around, struggling as Xander pulls back on the head. Ace starts to fade as Sutter just watches as Ace struggles. Sutter smirks as Xander waits as Ace goes limp and Xander throws him down. Xander then looks at him as Sutter smirks and steps through. He then walks up to Xander.


Sutter: “Feel good…don’t worry….my wings aren’t clipped. You’re welcome.”


Xander looks at him as Sutter goes to walk past but Xander grabs Sutter by the shoulder. He turns Sutter around. Sutter just smirks.


Sutter: “Ya wanna? Take it…make it so I don’t have to even bother puttinya down as I make clear I’m SCW’s New Executioner!”


Xander and Sutter look at one another as Sutter chuckles and turns his back to Xander. Xander looks down and takes a deep breath before looking up at Sutter. Ace starts to cough as Xander looks at him. Sutter heads to the back as the scene fades to black.


Backstage, Xander Valentine is walking down one of the hallways. The crowd boos seeing him. He takes a few steps before stopping and walking forward with a bit more purpose. We see Artemis leaning against a wall, stepping off and going to Xander’s side as we then see Damian Angel standing across from him. The crowd roars.


Xander: “What are you doing with her?”


Damian: “Waiting for you.”


Xander: “There is nothing I need to hear from you. Nothing especially since you became a blathering fool following a model.”


Damian: “She caused me to have purpose again. Something you lack. You thought you had it with Regan. She made the correct choice. She chose her friend instead a monster who just wanted blood.”


Xander: “And she made the wrong choice.”


Damian: “And now you’re wandering looking for a fight here and there. I saw you…trying to goad others into a fight. This is what YOU have done to yourself.”


Xander: “I don’t need more pep talks. I just need to prove what I am capable of and remind people what I am. It just now requires a ring.”


Damian: “Well you better hope that fight is coming because if not…there may be no revival…no Network that can bail you out…and how many more cries for help can we hear before we just let you cry.”


Xander: “We?”


Damian stops.


Xander: “You actually respect what they stand for.”


Damian: “I do. Amazing when you realize things have changed and open your eyes to something new.”


Damian steps off as Xander glares at him as the scene cuts away.

Giovanni Aries vs. Blake Mason


We return to ringside as we see Cain Adams, Zach Hoffman, the mysterious other woman, and Alice Ames hop over the barricade.


Sharper: “The Wonderland coming out and surrounding the ring now.”


Knots: “They still plan to go after Blake Mason!”


Sharper: “Blake Mason is ready. We know that.”


The crowd boos as we see Giovanni Aries then walk through the crowd, security escorting him to the ring. He then reaches it and hops over the barricade. He rolls down to the floor, before running around a bit and sliding into the ring. He then gets up and looks around. He then spins around.




He starts to laugh.




He laughs some more as the crowd boos. The lights go out. A few moments later, a white spotlight shines at the top of the ramp. In that spotlight we see a man wearing a robe that "Blake Mason Experience" embroidered in white. The lights to the rest of the arena come back on, the chorus to "G.O.A.T" by CF0$ featuring Will Roush echoes through the loud speaker. Blake Mason still has his back turned to the camera. Standing behind him is Jaxson Sullivan, wearing a suit, looking like he is ready to knock someone’s head off.  


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, on his way to the ring, accompanied by Jaxson Sullivan, from Boston, Massachusetts, he is Blake Mason!”


The crowd roars as Blake starts to head to the ring, focusing right on Giovanni Aries.


Phillips: “And his opponent, already in the ring, representing the Wonderland, he is Giovanni Aries!”


Blake heads to the ring at a methodical pace. Reaching the steel steps, he walks up them, on to the apron, steps into the ring. Jaxson isn't too far behind. Blake then steps in and takes off his entrance attire. He then points to Giovanni as the referee tells him to wait. Blake keeps watching Giovanni as the official then steps back and calls for the bell. The bell sounds and the crowd roars. Blake runs across the ring and nails Giovanni with a hard right and then another and another. Jaxson stands at ringside, watching the Wonderland as they space out around the ring.


Sharper: “Blake Mason now in the ring. He didn’t want to wait and he’s going right for him! Teeing off!”


Knots: “Giovanni covering up!”


Blake nails him over and over. The referee calls for the break.










Blake steps back and spins around and runs at Giovanni and nails him with a running knee. Giovanni staggers out of the corner. Blake watches him and then runs into the ropes, bouncing off and then hitting a running bulldog. Giovanni rolls over. Blake turns and moves toward him and nails him with a hard right before trying to mount him, nailing him with repeated right hands. Giovanni, however, uses his body and spins around, keeping some distance, preventing Blake from mounting him. Giovanni keeps covering up as Blake then gets up and stomps him in the face and then again. Giovanni rolls over and crawls to the ropes. Blake walks over and grabs him and pulls him up before placing him on the middle rope. He starts to choke him. Giovanni lets out a brief smile. Blake keeps choking him as we then see Cain Adams and Alice Ames walk over and stand in front of Giovanni and Blake. Jaxson walks around a bit to watch them. Blake just looks at them as the official counts.










Blake steps off and backs up, watching Cain and Alice as Cain just smiles as Alice skips off.


Sharper: “Blake Mason choking Giovanni Aries. The Wonderland just watching.”


Knots: “Like the crazy mafia showing up and threatening a hit, but instead just screwing with you.”


Blake then walks over and grabs Giovanni. He pulls him up and Giovanni throws his head back, and right into Blake’s face. Blake stumbles back. Giovanni then turns and chops him in the throat before grabbing him by the head and driving him face first into his knee. Blake rolls over. He starts to get up and Giovanni walks over and grabs him and drags him up before turning and running him across the ring and throwing him face and chest first into the middle turnbuckle. Blake hits hard and remains in the corner as Giovanni runs back to the middle of the ring and turns out and runs at him and nails him with a running double knee to the back. Blake winces and Giovanni throws him back.


Sharper: “Giovanni right to the back!”


Knots: “Jesus! Turning things around. Blake went at him. Giovanni said, okay, me too!”


Blake rolls over and Giovanni walks over and presses his foot on the side of Blake’s face, grinding it down into the mat.










Giovanni Aries steps off and walks around the ring. Sullivan looks on, getting more concerned, but trying to remain stoic. Blake grabs at the ropes. Giovanni walks over to him and grabs him and hoists him up and hits an atomic drop. Blake falls to the corner. Giovanni walks over and grabs him and Blake hits a back elbow. Giovanni stumbles back. Blake then grabs him and turns and throws him through the ropes, but Giovanni goes up and over and his head and neck get caught between the top and middle rope. Blake sees this and nails him with a hard right and then another before hammering away with repeated blows. The official calls for the break.


Sharper: “Giovanni is caught in the ropes!”


Knots: “And Blake is taking advantage!”


Blake nails Giovanni over and over as Giovanni grabs at the ropes.












Blake keeps attacking him and the crowd roars as the official tries to pull him off. Giovanni drops down to the apron as the official then calls for the bell. Cain Adams and Alice Ames enter the ring and Cain runs over and Blake turns and Cain catches him in the knee. He then clubs him in the back before Alice runs over and dropkicks him in the jaw. Blake falls through the ropes as Jaxson Sullivan enters the ring. The crowd roars. Giovanni turns to Phillips who steps forward to make his announcement.


Phillips: “Ladies and gent-“


Giovanni pulls the microphone away from him. He turns and rolls into the ring. We then see Owen Cruze running down from the back. A few strides behind him is Kelcey Wallace.


Giovanni: “No! No…we don’t need to go further. Go and pull up your source of money and show how pathetic you are.”


Giovanni gets up in the ring, wincing a bit as Cain turns and Alice does as Owen hops onto the apron. He enters the ring.


Giovanni: “Oh Owen…well…now we can chat….Oh no…you have another person. Kelcey Wallace, how about you enter the ring too!”


Owen turns and looks at Kelcey.


Owen: “Why are you out here?”


Kelcey: “I’m not letting you come out here alone. And he and I have some things to discuss too.”


Kelcey then slides into the ring. Owen enters. Jaxson looks at them as Blake gets up. Kelcey looks at Blake as Owen does too and Jaxson turns and exits the ring.


Giovanni: “Oh don’t worry…no one else has to get hurt…at least by my hands…maybe each other.”


Giovanni cackles.


Giovanni: “To see one of the holy guardians of the lizard kingdom. That picture…how close you are with the Lizard King himself. And you Owen…you could’ve had the world, but you doubled down and now the Perfect Pack are the guerilla forces that hide how vain you all are! Even as you stand for competition, you attack me from behind.”


Owen just looks at Giovanni. Cain and Alice step forward.


Giovanni: “No…Cain…Alice….this is between us three. You can just watch. See how the Lizard Kingdom works. If it was up to Sasha, I would be gone and yet I’m here. Was it her decision? Someone else’s?”


Kelcey looks down briefly before looking up. Giovanni cackles. We see Simon Lyman and Donovan Kayl both in the crowd standing up.


Giovanni: “The Imperfect One speaks through silence. What else did you discuss? Well, Owen… I was hoping to focus on you, but now I have something interesting. I can show you just how bankrupt you all are!”


Owen: “Get to the point or I’ll take you out again right now!”


Owen steps up and Kelcey stops him. Cain steps up. Blake keeps watching, now at the end of the rampway.


Giovanni: “Oh the point…well who wants revenge?”


Giovanni smiles as he steps forward.


Giovanni: “You, Owen….or you, Kelcey.”


The crowd roars. Giovanni then turns around as Owen and Kelcey look at one another.


Giovanni: “Because now I know how BADLY you want it, I’m going to make you see first hand what I always have…and at the end of the day, you’re all so self-absorbed that you would destroy each other for the Lizard Kingdom! To protect Mr. D…to protect YOURSELVES and your fake agenda of competition, when all you want is monotony!”


Giovanni turns back around.


Giovanni: “So who is going to step up? And if you’re wondering why that’s so important, why Sasha doesn’t come out and just order me to this ring. Well, it’s easy! I will only face one of you! I will face one of you at Rise to Greatness and the other one NEVER. And if you think I’m bluffing, I will tell the Lizard Kingdom I am done with them and I will quit tonight. And just think of what I’ll then be capable of. Because I’ll have nothing to lose…Because the Wonderland will win one way or another! It’s just slow or fast…”


Sharper: “This is ridiculous!”


Knots: “He’s putting Owen against Kelcey and vice-versa and threatening to quit. Give Sasha what she wants.”


Sharper: “But he’s threatening he’ll do worse!”


Giovanni cackles.


Giovanni: “So…Kelcey or Owen? Owen or Kelcey? I know what you’re thinking Owen…Rise to Greatness is such a better send off for Kelcey. You can give her that. I’ll make it unsanctioned, since I doubt she’ll get cleared. But Owen, if you give her that, I want you to lose. I want you to promise that you will stay home that night. You will give up the biggest night of your career for a broken down bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone!”


Owen steps forward.


Giovanni: “Maybe that will help with your game with your son. Sienna Swann likes what I do. Maybe I can help her out. Eliminate the competition and in the process kill off the head of this Perfect Pack and let the body slowly bleed out. Mr. D was one…..Kelcey…you got a taste-”


Owen turns to Kelcey. Kelcey steps forward. Owen then stops her.


Giovanni: “Come on, Owen! You already beat your uncle in your last episode of vanity. But can you step in front of mentor against me when it counts? Come on…snuff it out! One of you! Prove one of you matters more than the other…just as the Lizard Kingdom would!”


Blake now is back on the apron. Giovanni turns.


Blake: “You are not going in there-“


Kelcey doesn’t look at Blake. Kelcey is clearly trying to hold in a reaction. Giovanni turns to Owen who is looking to the crowd, trying to gauge them.


Giovanni: “Can you look her in the eye and tell her that she doesn’t matter now-“


Kelcey then grabs the microphone from Giovanni. The crowd roars as Giovanni looks at her, smiling. He just keeps saying yes over and over before changing to “expose yourself” over and over.


Kelcey: “Giovanni!”


Giovanni smiles more.


Kelcey: “Owen Cruze is going to kick your ass at Rise to Greatness and I’ll be at ringside to watch it!”


Kelcey then steps back, dropping the microphone. Blake watches her. Owen just turns to Giovanni. Giovanni just laughs. Owen backs away as the crowd roars, with some buzzing. Giovanni then bends over and grabs the microphone. He stands up as Kelcey drops to the floor as the Wonderland steps around Giovanni. Owen steps through the ropes when Giovanni stops him.


Giovanni: “Owen…Don’t let her down…I wonder what your father Orlando would think about this all.”


Owen then steps back in and steps forward. Cain and Alice step forward. Owen stops. Giovanni starts to laugh again.


Sharper: “Giovanni is all over the place. But trying to tear apart this relationship.”


Knots: “He’s completely nuts and he’s crazy enough to follow through with everything he says.”


Sharper: “But now bringing in Orlando…Owen’s late father?”


Knots: “And that set Owen off. He’s playing them both. Manipulating them both.”


Sharper: “Kelcey didn’t bite. But Owen now knows he’s got Rise to Greatness and Giovanni Aries!”


Owen steps back as Blake watches him. Kelcey looks down as Owen turns and steps through the ropes. He turns to Kelcey who takes a deep breath and heads to the back. Owen and Blake walk with her as Giovanni continues to cackle as the scene fades to black.


Backstage, we open up to see Jessica Winters standing with Kandis. The crowd boos seeing her as she proudly holds her SCW World Tag Team Championship belt.


Phillips: “Welcome back to Breakdown. I am here with one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Kandis. I had hoped to speak to you and Tommy-“


Kandis: “You’re only getting me tonight. No one is going to take him off his game. And you know what. I think I’ll take the time to speak a bit. Tommy and David have been having their tiff and everyone is focused on that for good reason. They’re worried Tommy is going to end David’s little miracle run. They should be afraid. But you know who else should be…Selena Frost and Regan Street. Selena could win another title…good for her. While she’s doing that, Tommy and I are eliminating distractions. Not gaining them and we’re focused right on Selena and Regan. Take tonight. Tommy will destroy his former best friend…all because of you Regan. What are you going to do when you wake up next to him, tomorrow morning, as he’s battered and bruised and wondering if he’ll be able to challenge for the World Title and know it was YOUR fault. All because you’re a judgmental bitch.”


Kandis smirks.


Kandis: “And me…Tommy knows I support him through everything. He’s found someone who is the one for him. I don’t need to keep his balls in a jar either. And after tonight, Tommy will know he’s ready to go scorched earth, ending these failed friendships for good and focus right on Rise to Greatness, when we kill your hope to become Supreme Champion dead. Maybe we’ll celebrate in our own way in the middle of the ring while you cry in the corner, and Selena tries to hope she wasn’t the one who failed you. Because it’s never your fault Regan even though you seem to be in the middle of it all. And we’ll still have the tag titles at the end. So is it worth it?”


Kandis smirks.


Kandis: “Thanks for the time.”


Kandis returns to the locker room.


Jessica: “Back to ringside.”


We cut back to the ring.

SCW United States Championship Tournament Finals


The camera cuts to the crowd where we see a group of red-shirted security walking in through one of the ground-level entrances. They line up in front of the fans for a moment and seem to be holding them back. Then the lights go out leaving the arena in complete darkness. The screen fills with images of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address.


“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is—”


There’s a record scratch before a deep voice fills the arena.




The opening “King of the World” by Porcelain and the Tramps hits the PA system. The fans boo loudly as we cut to the back. In the back we see Christy Matthews with taped fists and a red ring jacket with the hood pulled up over her head. She flexes her wrists for a few moments before looking behind her where we see Christopher Richter joining her. They then start to head to the ring.


...E B D O N E N T E R T A I N M E N T P R E S E N T S...


...C H R I S T Y M A T T H E W S...


The music keeps playing as we see Christy appear in the doorway that security previously opened. She pauses, her head down for a moment before extending her arms in the mock crucifix pose. After a moment she starts walking to the ring. When she approaches ringside, she doesn’t even break stride, simply vaulting over the guardrail and toward the ring apron where she jumps up, quickly ascending the turnbuckles and extends her arms again in the mock crucifix pose.


Phillips: “The following contest is the finals in the SCW United States Championship Tournament, scheduled for onefall with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing, from the City of Angels, representing Infamous, she is accompanied to the ring by Christopher Richter, this is Christy Matthews!”


She steps up onto the top turnbuckle and then jumps down to the ring, taking off her jacket and throwing it into the corner. Richter reaches the ring and Christy Matthews starts to pace in the ring.


Sharper: “Christy Matthews is hoping this will be her return to holding gold. And hoping to hold the SCW US Championship for the first time.”


Knots: “Just has to go against someone she has a long history with. They’ve faced each other multiples time in the past.”



The SCW Universe are on their feet as  “The Truth About Our Time” by Allen/Lande as plays throughout the arena, snow “falling” along the electronic floor and screens as, out from the back walks the Snow Queen, Selena Frost, taking in the crowd of the SCW Universe.

Phillips: “Her opponent, from Nome, Alaska, she is the Snow Queen, Selena Frost!”

Slowly, Selena shifts her head, her sapphire eyes locked towards the ring as she lifts her front hand gracefully, extending it towards the ring, palm upward, her back arm lifted behind her to the sky. With a lift of her right foot, she suddenly slams it down into the ground, causing a crack like ice to form and sprint down the ramp and towards the ring! Reaching the ring, Selena slides under the ropes to enter it. She gets up and lifts her hand up to give a twirl as the lights form to make a massive snowflake under her. Stopping her spin and lowering her hand back down, towards the audience, once again palm upright, a smirk graces her lips, her other arm lifting to the sky once more. With a slam of her foot, Selena caused the snowflake at her feet to “crack” as the rampway did, the shards of ice streaking out to all four corners of the ring to shoot out blue sparkles of light as the lights return to normal. She looks around as the crowd roars. We then cut to the ring where the official holds up the SCW United States Championship over his head. The SCW US championship logo comes across the screen, fading in the corner.


Sharper: “Selena Frost has held this title. She has a big ask here. While Bree Lancaster wanted to focus on the World Championship, she could aim to win the US Championship before challenging for the World Tag Team Championship, with Regan Street, at Rise to Greatness.”


Knots: “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. She has to get through a motivated, a pissed off, Christy Matthews.”


The bell sounds as Selena and Christy circle the ring. Richter looks on as Selena and Christy lock up in the middle of the ring. They push back on one another and Selena turns into an arm wrench. Christy winces and then counters with a wrench of her own. Selena flips forward and nips up and then ducks under and around and into a side headlock. Christy pulls her back and into the ropes before firing her off. Selena bounces off and Christy steps up only for Selena to shoulder her down. Christy winces and Selena runs into the ropes. Christy rolls toward her. Selena hops over and bounces off the other side. Christy jumps up and leapfrogs over. Selena ducks and bounces off the other side. Christy goes for a hip toss. Selena however blocks and knees her in the ribs. She places her leg on the back of Christy’s head and backflips out. Christy goes for a clothesline. Selena ducks and then forearms Christy in the ribs. She then turns and takes her over with a side headlock takedown.




Christy rolls her shoulder up and starts to stir.


Sharper: “Christy showing some of the results of that match against Chris Cannon earlier. She’s got to be sore. Selena trying to make Christy exert herself.”


Knots: “Christy trying to get up though.”


Christy gets her knees under her and Selena gets up. Christy forearms her in the ribs and then again. She lifts Selena up, but Selena drops down and headlock takedowns her down again.






Christy rolls her shoulder up and starts to get up again. She then snaps Selena back, rolling over suddenly. Selena rolls through. Both get up and Christy chops her in the chest. The crowd woos. She chops her again. She then grabs Selena and whips her into the corner. Christy runs after. Selena goes up and over, landing behind her. Christy stops and turns and Selena chops her. The crowd woos. Christy goes for a clothesline. Selena ducks and then grabs her form behind. Christy elbows her in the jaw and then turns and hits a gamengiri, sending Selena to the apron. Selena starts to get up and Christy jumps to the middle rope and then off into a dropkick to Selena’s face. Selena falls to the apron and then to the floor.


Sharper: “Christy with the first big move. Dropkick takes Selena down to the floor!”


Knots: “Both can be so quick. Both love to kick. So expect some hard shots with big consequences.”


Selena starts to get up on the floor. (1) She gets to her feet and Christy runs across the ring, bounces off and dives through with a pescado, taking her down. (2) The crowd roars and boos. Christy rolls over as Selena hits the announce table. (3) She then starts to get up and Christy grabs her and lifts her up and runs her face first into the announce table. (4) Christy grabs her and pulls her up onto the announce table as the crowd roars. (5) Christy grabs Selena and starts to set up for a Happily Never After, but Selena fights and turns and hip tosses Christy off the announce table and to the mats. (6) The crowd ohs and Selena falls to a knee. She sees the count. (7) She drops down to the floor and rolls into the ring and then back out. (8) She walks over to Christy and grabs her, but Christy pulls her by the tights, face first into the steel steps. (1) Selena falls over as Christy smirks. (2) The crowd boos again.


Sharper: “Selena hit the hip toss. Christy landed hard, but now that the adrenaline is going, she has enough to fight through the pain and sent Selena face first into the steel steps!”


Knots: “Christy is scrapping! I’ll give her that. She’s doing what she can, and just being almost like a gnat. She knows she had the harder hitting semifinals match. So she’s trying to make the most with everything.”


Sharper: “Speaking of, Christy now getting up and just getting into the ring.”


Knots: “A countout wins the match and the title!”


Christy gets up and rolls into the ring. (3) She starts to get up as Selena holds her face and uses the steel steps to pull herself up. (4) She gets up to her feet and Christy then runs over to the corner, jumps to the middle rope and twists over with a rounding splash into Selena. The crowd boos again. (1) Christy now grabs Selena and pulls her up and rolls Selena into the ring. (2) Christy rolls in after and Selena starts to get up and Christy runs over and grabs her and hits a facebuster. She follows up with a pin attempt.






Selena kicks out. Christy gets up as Selena rolls over and pulls herself up. Christy follows her and chops her in the chest. Selena staggers back and Christy jumps up and hits a dropkick. This sends Selena into the corner. Christy grabs her and whips her across the ring into the opposite corner. Christy runs after and jumps up and hits a spinning heel kick. Selena stumbles out and down to the middle of the ring as Christy goes up and over to the floor. She turns and slides back in and then runs over and covers her.






Selena gets her shoulder up.


Sharper: “Christy showing that aggression. Perhaps that set something off from earlier.”


Knots: “Or she knows she’s needs to get it done. While the Adrenaline is going!”


Selena starts to get up and Christy hooks her up and hits a back suplex. Christy then exits to the apron and climbs up to the top rope. Selena stirs but Christy dives off with an elbow drop. She goes for the pin.






Selena kicks out again. Christy rolls off and walks around the ring, trying to keep her emotions in check as Selena gets up and Christy runs over and hits a jumping kick to the chest. Selena falls back and into the ropes, falling through them. Christy then lunges toward Selena, but Selena counters with a pump kick. Christy stumbles back and Selena springboards to the top rope and hits the Alaskan Dragonrana, taking Christy down into a pin.






Christy just kicks out. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Oh nearfall! That dragonrana almost caught her!”


Knots: “Forward, back, around, flipped over. Christy had to figure out where she was for a moment!”


Selena falls forward and gets up. Christy rolls over and stirs and Selena hits a straight kick to the stomach before hitting a kick to the thigh and then jumping up with an enziguri kick to the head. Christy falls over to the ropes. Selena gets up and grabs her and whips her across the ring. Christy bounces off and Selena jumps up and hits an hurricanrana into a pin.






Christy kicks out. Both get up and Christy attempts a clothesline, but Selena ducks. Both spin around and Selena kicks her in the ribs and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Selena turns and hooks the leg.






Christy kicks out again. She turns and Selena grabs at the arm. Christy fights and flips forward. She boots her back. Selena falls back. Both get up and run at one another and Christy ducks at the last moment as Selena jumps up and catches the official with a clothesline. The official goes down as the crowd boos. Selena rolls over. She gets up and Christy runs at Selena, but Selena lifts her up and hits a hot shot. Christy falls back. Selena rolls over. She starts to get up.


Sharper: “Selena hit the official. And then caught Christy!”


Knots: “Richter is trying to tell Christy about this!”


Selena looks at the official and checks on him before we then see Chris Cannon running out from the back. The crowd boos. Cannon runs down to the ring and Selena gets up and sees him and kicks at him. Chris jukes back. Selena backs up and Christy reaches up and rakes her eyes. Selena stumbles back as Chris turns and slides in.


Sharper: “Wait a minute! Chris Cannon!”


Knots: “Maybe his deal lets him interfere in the finals!”


Sharper: “I doubt that. He was looking to make a move. But against who? Selena or Christy? Or both!”


Chris Cannon gets up and Selena turns. Christy sees Chris and then grabs Selena and shoves her forward into the ropes. Cannon reaches up and nails her with a hard right. Christy looks at Chris as Selena falls back and Cannon slides in. Richter goes to enter, but Christy tells him to stop. Cannon then looks at Selena as Christy turns and grabs Selena and starts to pull her up.


Sharper: “It’s Selena! Chris doesn’t want Selena to win!”


Knots: “Guess he’s okay with Christy then!”


Christy hold Selena up and Chris then runs at her and goes for the C4, but Selena then pulls Christy in and Chris spears her down. The crowd erupts in cheers. The official stirs as Selena then nails Chris with a dropkick, knocking him up and over. Selena gets up and falls into the corner before climbing up to the top rope. She dives off and hits a moonsault. She hooks the leg. The official turns.


Sharper: “Cannon missed. Christy was willing to take the assist. She just wanted to be champion!”


Knots: “Moonsault, right back on the ribs again!”










The crowd erupts in cheers. Selena rolls off. She gets to her back as the official is handed the SCW United States Championship. He slowly gets up and hands the SCW United States Championship to Selena. Selena takes it and holds it up as the crowd cheers. Chris Cannon turns and smacks the canvas before turning to get in, but as he does, we see Regan Street jogging down from the back and sliding into the ring. Cannon backs up. Regan glances at him before walking over and hugging her friend.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, and NEW SCW United States Champion, Selena Frost!”


Sharper: “Selena Frost stands tall as champion. Chris Cannon looked to stop her. Christy was willing to take advantage, but Selena managed to foil it and now stands as champion.”


Knots: “And look at Christy, who is still down. She’s glaring at Cannon!”


Christy turns and looks over at Chris as Chris storms around the ring. Christy keeps her eyes on Chris as the crowd cheers Selena. Regan celebrates with Selena in the ring as Richter helps Christy out of the ring. Cannon storms around the ring and over to the rampway.


Sharper: “Regan Street celebrating Selena’s achievement tonight. In just over three weeks, they hope to do that with the World Tag Team Championship!”

“The Old Me” starts to play as the Breakdown logo comes up on the screen. We then see a shot of Tommy Valentine vs. David Helms.


Sharper: “Well they’re hoping to be celebrating more.”


Knots: “Is Helms going to have the last laugh or Tommy Valentine? Tommy wanted David to fight him alone. We’ll see it. Underground rules!”


Sharper: “And this personal matchup, they’ll meet, one on one, next!”


The scene fades to black.


Tommy Valentine vs. David Helms

Underground Rules


The arena's lights cut out completely, plunging the whole room into darkness for several seconds before the screens light up to display a countdown.








The screens show static for a few seconds before going dark once more. The black screen starts to pulse now like a heartbeat and on each pulse that reverberates round the arena, a shot of Thomas in various poses is shown before reverting to the blackness until the next pulse that sounds like a bass drum beat with increasing volume until a final shot of him holding the SCW Title aloft after winning the match at Taking Hold Of The Flame is Shown and remains until two green fireworks shoot from the rafters and explode on the ramp. The explosion drifts across the ramp before the beginning chords to "Cut The Cord" by Shinedown, hits.

A shot of "Thorn" going for the Swanton from the top of a chamber pod at Under Attack 2009 is shown in slow motion as he misses it and hits nothing but canvas. A shot now of him hitting the Socially Unacceptable Moonsault stomp from the top rope onto Justin Davis is shown, the impact punctuated by the last word of the verse before a shadowed figure can be seen standing in front of the curtain at the top of the ramp.


As the last word echoes, the lights start to strobe again briefly as the song reverberates throughout the arena now, causing the fans to start booing.

The lights finally flicker back on and Thomas Valentine can now be seen on top of the arena's ramp as he looks out into the audience that are now booing loudly. The SCW World Tag Team Championship belt is around his waist. He stops and smiles a little before spinning around away from the fans and holding his arms outwards with his palms upwards, he then stops and then shakes his head before smirking and shrugging. Fireworks then shoot out at the top of the ramp in a burst before he resumes walking down to the ring.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall, with TV time remaining, and is underground rules! First, from Santa Barbara, California, he is one half of the SCW World Tag Team Champions, he is Tommy Valentine!”


As he walks past the barrier he looks out into the crowds, the smirk still on his face before he slides underneath the ropes and immediately runs to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle, simply nodding before smiling at all the fans in the crowds. He jumps down and does the same to all the turnbuckles before standing still in the centre, cranking his neck. Thomas then stands motionless in the corner before waiting for his opponent.


Sharper: “Tommy smirking and smiling. He has a chance to face his former best friend-“


Knots: “And ruin his World Title hopes in the process. Then he can focus on ruining his former best friend’s wife’s hopes!”


Sharper: “Has some lofty plans. This one, underground rules, anything goes, but Tommy wanted one thing. No one could come and help David.”


The arena's lights cut and the room falls into complete darkness as a buzz spreads through the crowd, the screens suddenly lighting up with one single solitary word...

As the crowd react, the entire stage lights up with a brilliant white light and the opening riff of an SCW remixed version of "All I Want" by A Day To Remember hits the pa system. The crowd erupt into cheers again as they spot the silhouette of David Helms standing there, his arms held aloft and his hands throwing the Self High Five, all framed by the brilliant white light behind him.


The intro gives way to the chorus and the lyrics of said chorus flash up on the screen as Helms suddenly jumps into the air and breaks his hands apart, pyrotechnics exploding on either side of the stage as he lands and the house lights raise again. Helms looks down at the ring, sternly looking at his former friend. He then starts to walk down to the ring, the crowd cheering him.

Phillips: “ His opponent, making his way to the ring from Red Bank New Jersey but now fighting out of the Hollywood Hills, he is the 2020 Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal winner, he is David Helms!”

Reaching the ring, he stops and looks in the ring.  Tommy smirks and Helms then jumps up and slides under the bottom rope feet first before jumping straight back to his feet. He then gets up and Tommy steps up and walks right over to Helms. The crowd roars as the two get face to face.


Sharper: “And right in each other’s faces!”


Knots: “Just ring the bell and let them go!”


Sharper: “Just think. Tommy gave David his last match before he retired. Now, well…”


The music fades out as Senior official Aaron Demitra, the official for the match, calls for the bell. The bell sounds and Tommy throws a hard right. David blocks it and nails him with one. Tommy throws another and David nails him again. He attempts a third, but David again blocks it and knocks him down. The crowd cheers. Tommy crawls away briefly and gets up and turns and David nails him with a hard right and then grabs him and whips him across the ring. Tommy bounces off and David hits a back elbow. He then spins through. Tommy hits the mat and starts to get up and moves to the corner and David runs over and clubs him in the back before driving him face first into the top turnbuckle.


Sharper: “David ready! All over Tommy! Tommy thrown into the corner!”


Knots: “He’s already discombobulated!”


Tommy stumbles off to the next corner and then steps out and David jumps up and hits a dropkick. Tommy rolls over and starts to get up, crawling away. He then undoes his World Tag Team Championship belt and David walks over to him before grabbing him, but Tommy turns and blasts him in the face with the title. The crowd boos. David falls back. He starts to get up, getting up to his hands and knees and Tommy runs over and jumps up, driving the title into the back of Helms, driving him down. David rolls over.


Sharper: “Tommy had the title around his waist. Taking it off and using it as a weapon!”


Knots: “That was one of the original things this was all about. Regan Street pissed off Tommy with her comments heading into their tag team championship match at Retribution and it’s just gotten more and more personal since!”


Tommy then drives the title into the face of David.


Tommy: “Your wife…she wanted this? Huh? Tell her how it feels. You remember when we held it. Now I’ve surpassed that, friend!”


David pushes Tommy away and Tommy stumbles back. David starts to get up and Tommy turns and nails him in the head with the title again. David rolls over, holding his face in pain. Tommy then looks at the title before kissing it and folding it before respectfully putting it down in the corner. Tommy then turns and sees David starting to stir and runs over and jumps up and hits a double leg drop to the back of his head. David rolls over. The crowd boos. Tommy then rolls over and to the floor. He looks under the ring and grabs a steel chair. He then rolls into the ring as David starts to use the ropes to get up. Tommy just laughs and slams the chair into Helms’ back. Helms staggers off and remains on his feet. Tommy just smirks and then slams it into his back again. Helms collapses. He starts to get up. Tommy shakes his head and jumps up and leg drops the chair into Helms’ back. He then turns and grabs him and rolls him over, covering him.






Helms kicks out. Tommy rolls off and Helms rolls over.


Sharper: “Tommy using the chair. He’s just wearing out Helms.”


Knots: “This is what Helms knew though. The Underground used to be his domain. Tommy’s now happy to use it against him!”


Helms starts to get up and Tommy grabs him and nails him with a hard right and then another. Helms falls to lean on the middle rope. He starts to grab at the ropes to pull himself up and Tommy turns back and goes over to the steel chair. He grabs it and turns and smirks before swinging and going to nail Helms in the face with it. Helms drops down and the chair bounces off the top rope and into the face of Tommy. Tommy stumbles back and Helms jumps up and hits a dropkick, dropkicking the chair back into Tommy’s face. Tommy rolls over and crawls to the ropes. Helms then moves to the chair. He grabs it and gets up. Tommy gets up and Helms throws the chair at his face. Tommy just swats it away and quickly dives through the ropes to the floor. The crowd ohs and then boos. Helms then runs over and grabs the top rope and hits a somersault dive over the top rope onto Tommy!


Sharper: “Helms went for Nightmare on Helms Street. Tommy knew it was coming!”


Knots: “Couldn’t stop the flying Helms though! Twenty hundred pounds to the face!”


Helms rolls over and gets up. Tommy stirs and Helms kicks him in the ribs and then grabs him by the head and chest and runs him back into the steel steps. Tommy winces in pain. Helms looks around as he then walks away. Tommy leans against the steps before Helms runs over and jumps up and hits the hesitation dropkick to the face, sandwiching Tommy against the steps. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Helms now driving himself into Tommy! The steel steps!”


Knots: “That may be an attitude adjustment! The stairs didn’t move an inch!”


Helms gets up and grabs Tommy and lifts him up. He then kicks him in the ribs and hooks him up by the head. He goes for a vertical suplex, but Tommy blocks it. Helms tries again; Valentine blocks it again before then lifting Helms up and turning and dropping him chest first on the barricade. The crowd ohs. Helms grimaces in pain as he hangs over. Security moves some fans out of the way as Tommy backs up and looks at Helms. Then gets a brief running start and kicks Helms in the face, causing him to fall back and into the seated before falling to the side. Tommy climbs over.


Sharper: “Helms knocked into the crowd.”


Knots: “It’s not take a wrestler home night!”


Sharper: “No its not. Thankfully the fans look okay, but Tommy now standing over him, while Helms is in some of the ringside seating!”


Knots: “Only thing stopping him from going down is that the seats are bracketed in!”


Tommy steps over Helms and grabs him and nails him with a hard right and then another and another, hammering away on him with repeated blows. The crowd boos as Tommy then steps up onto the seats of the chairs and looks out at the crowd, flipping them off. The crowd boos. Tommy looks around and smiles before Helms suddenly reaches up and low blows Tommy. The crowd erupts in cheers.


Sharper: “Oh Tommy got caught!”


Knots: “Helms making it more personal. That’s an attack on Kandis too!”


Helms then gets up and grabs Tommy, sitting him on his shoulders before stepping forward and powerbombing Tommy over the barricade and on the mats at ringside. The crowd ohs. Helms leans on the barricade as Tommy’s face is pure anguish.


Sharper: “David Helms just planted Valentine on the concrete!”


Knots: “And those mats did a whole lot of nothing!”


Tommy grimaces in pain as Helms then climbs up to the top of the barricade jumps off, hitting the Social Distortion to Tommy on the floor. The crowd ohs and Tommy rolls over, holding his face. Helms then turns and grabs Tommy and drags him up. The crowd chants for Helms as he turns and rolls him into the ring. He slides in and goes for the pin.






Tommy gets his shoulder up. The crowd ohs. Helms rolls off. He then looks around and nods before rolling to the floor. The crowd roars as he then looks under the ring and then grabs a table. He lifts it up as the crowd roars. He looks around before lifting it up and sliding it into the ring. Helms slides in after. He grabs the table and then lifts it up and unfolds the legs before placing it next to the corner. He turns to Tommy and just then, Tommy low blows him. The crowd ohs and boos. Tommy just smiles as Helms drops to the mat, wincing in pain.


Sharper: “Helms bringing in a table, but then Tommy with the low blow in retaliation.”


Knots: “Just getting him back. Helms dropped!”


Tommy then crawls over to the chair that was in the ring before and grabs it. Helms starts to get up and Tommy turns and slams it back into his back again. He then steps back and unfolds the chair. He places it next to David before running into the ropes. He bounces off and jumps onto the seat of the chair and hits a swanton bomb off the chair. Helms rolls over from the impact. Valentine turns and hooks the leg.






Helms gets his shoulder up. Tommy looks up and then grabs Helms and drags him up before nailing him with a hard right and then another. Helms falls to a knee. Tommy then grabs him and drives him face first into the table. Helms winces and Tommy then throws him back with a mat slam. Tommy then turns and exits to the floor. He looks under the ring and then smiles as he grabs a second table. He lifts it up as the crowd roars. Tommy slides it in and rolls in after. He starts to get up and lifts it up. He places it on the first table, but Helms kicks him in the ribs. He then nails him with another shot. Tommy falls into the corner and then runs out and Helms lifts him up before turning and driving him face first into the back of the chair. Tommy rolls over in pain. Helms dives over and stacks him up in a pin.






Tommy kicks out. Helms falls back and leans on the table. He sees it and then slides it off and unfolds the legs. He places it next to the first table.


Sharper: “Helms is going to use that table Tommy brought in for his own pain.”


Knots: “What’s he thinking? They’re side by side here.”


Helms turns back and grabs Tommy and lifts him up and runs him into the corner. He then nails him with a hard right and then another before grabbing him. He then hoists him up before climbing to the middle turnbuckle. Tommy then grabs him and nails him with a hard right. Helms holds on and nails him with one. Tommy fires back and Helms fires back. Tommy then nails him again and Helms nearly falls back, but then hits a pump kick while leaning on the top rope. Helms just narrowly goes over before holding on. He then grabs Tommy and steps up and hooks him by the head. He then throws him back and both go through the tables with a top rope superplex. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Oh God! Both off the top! Both driven through tables!”


Knots: “Helms sacrificing himself to take out Tommy!”


Sharper: “The extra torque leads to extra impact for Valentine and both in a mess of carnage, and shrapnel, and table pieces!”


Tommy looks up as he slowly rolls over. David then rolls over and starts to stir. David crawls over to Tommy and throws his arm over him.






Tommy gets his shoulder up. The crowd ohs. Tommy rolls over as David starts to get up. David grabs Tommy and drags him up. He then nails him with a hard right. Tommy falls to the corner. David then looks around before grabbing the steel chair and folding it up. Tommy steps up and David throws it at him and jumps up and hits the Nightmare on Helms Street. The crowd cheers. David looks around and then turns and hooks the leg.






Tommy gets his shoulder up. Helms rolls over. He crawls to the ropes and gets up. Tommy rolls over, wincing as he rolls over. Helms then turns and looks around before dropping down to the floor. He looks underneath and then pulls out and grabs a second steel chair. He rolls back into the ring. He then looks over at Tommy. He then places it down next to the first chair. Tommy has crawled over to the table and Helms walks over to him and Tommy swings the table leg, right to the face of Helms. Helms falls back and rolling over. A cut clearly appears over his eye and blood starts to drip onto the canvas. Tommy starts to get up and smiles. He then looks at the two chairs.


Sharper: “Tommy caught Helms in the forehead. He’s opened up.”


Knots: “That’s going to leave a scar!”


Sharper: “And Tommy knows it. Now he’s thinking what else he can do!”


Tommy then grabs the steel chairs and he lifts one up and unfolds it and places it down. He does the same to the second one. He then turns back and David starts to get up and Tommy nails him with a forearm shot. He then pulls him in and then Tommy steps over the seats of the chair before jumping up and pulling Helms down, back first into the two seats. The crowd ohs. Helms grimaces in pain. Tommy then looks at him and then smiles as Helms remains on the seats. Tommy exits to the apron and climbs up to the top rope.


Sharper: “Tommy driving Helms hard into the chairs.”


Knots: “That’s not how you sit on them. Tommy knows that. Helms is finding out!”


Sharper: “And Tommy is planning something more!”


Tommy then gets up to the top rope. He looks around and dives off as Helms turns and just throws one of the chairs up. Helms falls to the mat as Tommy takes the chair awkwardly in the face. Tommy falls over, holding his face in pain. The crowd roars. Helms rolls over. The crowd cheers for him. Helms starts to get up as Tommy holds his face and Helms then gets the other chair, folding it up. He then turns and runs over and slams it into the back of Tommy. Tommy falls to the ropes. Helms then looks around as we then see Bree Lancaster walking out from the back, holding the SCW World Championship. Helms turns to her as Tommy gets up and Helms turns and drives the end of the chair into the ribs of Tommy, causing him to fall over into the corner. Helms then turns around as Bree reaches the ring.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster here! What the hell?”


Knots: “It was only a matter of time!”


She jumps up onto the apron. Helms turns and lunges at her. Bree steps back, looking stunned before Tommy runs up behind Helms and goes for an Okana roll, but Helms rolls through and gets Tommy down.






Tommy kicks out and Helms falls forward and Bree blasts him in the face with the SCW World Championship. Helms pops up and turns around only for Tommy to nail him with the Knee Deep. The crowd roars and boos. Bree smiles as she just waves. Tommy falls back and onto Helms, throwing his arm over him.


Sharper: “Bree with the title and right into Knee Deep. Damn it! Come on no!”


Knots: “Bree turning the tables in this. David gave Tommy what he wanted…straight up a fight!”








The crowd boos as Tommy rolls off.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Tommy Valentine!”


Bree just smiles as she turns when suddenly, the crowd roars as Selena Frost and Regan Street run out from the back. They run down to the ring and Bree runs around the ring. Selena and Regan run down and both slide in. Tommy rolls to the floor. Bree runs around. Regan walks over and goes over to her husband as Selena Frost watches Tommy and then Bree. Bree smiles.


Sharper: “Frozen Hell immediately out here in case Bree wanted to do more! But Tommy Valentine has just pinned the number one contender!”


Knots: “And this personal match…Tommy got the win. Tommy beat David! And you know Tommy and Bree are going to make sure everyone knows!”


Sharper: “Robbery here tonight. Bree Lancaster happy with her meddling. And this just got turned up a notch in the World Championship situation!”


The crowd cheers Regan and Selena as Helms stirs. Bree walks around to the rampway while Tommy Valentine has his arm raised and the scene fades to black…