“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”


A shot of Kelcey Wallace nailing Bree Lancaster with the Perfect Ending, followed by a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator off the top rope on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness, before turning a shot of Jake Starr pumping up the crowd on his way to the ring, before turning into a shot of Ravyn Taylor sitting in the corner, waiting for the start of a match. We then see a shot of Katie Steward holding the Women’s Championship before cutting to a shot of Selena Frost hitting Vixen Cain with the Defying Gravity at Supreme Saturday: Just Desserts.


“The leading force in sports and entertainment today....”







The opening bars of “The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire play as the Breakdown logo flies across the screen.
I'm thinking about the old me
'Cause I've been feeling empty
I never used to be so dead inside
Shots of Syren celebrating with the World Championship start before we see a shot of the Beauty Factory standing tall in the ring. Following this is Aaron Blackbourne hitting the Unchained Creativity on an opponent. Katie Steward hitting the Save the Queen on Ace Marshall follows.

I think I lost my memory
I can't remember carefree
And all my days turn into fight or flight
Owen Cruze hitting the Cruze Stomp on an opponent follows before we see Selena Frost hitting the Glass Shard on Bree Lancaster. Bree Lancaster hitting the Classifier on Aaron Blackbourne follows before we see Scarlet Grey walking to the ring.
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
Giovanni Aries dragging Jason Helms into the Wonderland hole at Cold Blooded 2020 follows before we see Kandis and Tommy Valentine holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship. Asher Hayes standing on the ropes follows before we see Jordan Majors hitting a Cash Out on Sienna Swann. Derek Adonis holding up a copy of the KABLAMA Sutra follows.
Say it again, say it again, tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me that I'm gonna be fine and there's nothing left to fear
'Cause I've been losing sleep (losing sleep)
Trying to get back to who I used to be
Where is the old me?
Chris Cannon spearing Kennedy Street and Owen Cruze follows before we see a shot of Alistaire Allocco on his way to the ring, and then a shot of Regan Street and Datura swinging chairs at one another. The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen and remains on it for a few moments.

We then cut to a live shot of the inside of the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. The cameras pan across the crowd for a few moments.


Sharper: “We are live in Indianapolis as the road to Rise to Greatness is here! David Helms and Bree Lancaster are on the collision course! Adam Sharper and Jonathan Knots here at ringside!”


The cameras pan across the crowd for a bit longer before we cut to the ring where Jason Phillips stands, microphone in his hand.


Phillips: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, the winner of the 2020 Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal, David Helms!”


The crowd cheers. The arena's lights cut and the room falls into complete darkness as a buzz spreads through the crowd, the screens suddenly lighting up with one single solitary word...

As the crowd react, the entire stage lights up with a brilliant white light and the opening riff of an SCW remixed version of "All I Want" by A Day To Remember hits the pa system. The crowd erupt into cheers again as they spot the silhouette of David Helms standing there, his arms held aloft and his hands throwing the Self High Five, all framed by the brilliant white light behind him.


The intro gives way to the chorus and the lyrics of said chorus flash up on the screen as Helms suddenly jumps into the air and breaks his hands apart, pyrotechnics exploding on either side of the stage as he lands and the house lights raise again as the curtains part and Jason Helms and Lucas Knight, holding a metal briefcase, walk out onto the stage to join David there. David grins at the fans, soaking up the cheers before suddenly bolting towards the ring, leaving Lucas and Jason to head down after him.


Sharper: “David Helms has knocked off another item from his bucket list.”


Knots: “He retired a hall of famer. Since returning, he’s won the Trios Tournament. He’s now won the Taking Hold of the Flame. One thing left – main event Rise to Greatness!”


Helms slides into the ring and looks around before getting up. He then walks over to the corner and looks around before hopping down. Lucas and Jason reach the ring and step up the steel steps. They enter the ring as David is handed a microphone from Jason Phillips. David looks around and smiles before the music fades out.


David: “Well I guess there’s a few surprises left in me, huh?”


The crowd roars.


David: “If you had told me I would be standing here, going to Rise to Greatness, the winner of the Taking Hold of the Flame, I’d have told you, you were drunk. Right Jason?”


Jason looks around.  David smirks.


David: “But here we are and now I head to Rise to Greatness to face Bree Lancaster for the SCW World Championship!”


The crowd roars and some boo, hearing Bree’s name. David looks around.


David: “It’s been a while since I stood here gearing up for Rise to Greatness but this is all new. I’ve never walked out there for the main event. I’ve never walked out there knowing that in front of that crowd knowing I could walk out World Champion. This is all new.”


David pauses as he looks around as the crowd starts to chant “You deserve it!” David smirks.


David: “Well, some may disagree. There’s a lot of good young talent there that probably aren’t crazy I’m standing here. We all let it hang out in that ring. Even Sienna Swann and Chris Cannon who I tossed over to end it-“


The crowd boos loudly. David smirks. Lucas and Jason just chuckle.


David: “They disagree too.”


David smirks.


David: “But damn if I’m not going to go balls to the wall as I try to see if I can get one more thing off that bucket list! BANG!”


The crowd cheers. Lucas then walks over and asks for the microphone. David turns and nods, hanging it to him.


Lucas: “Now, David…first off, before we get to that, I figured we should do something else here. I mean we didn’t really celebrate Trios. And well, Taking Hold of the Flame, that’s even more impressive, you lucky son of a bitch!”


The crowd roars.


Lucas: “And well, Jason?”


Jason drops down to the floor. He looks under the ring and grabs a steel chair. He then slides in. He unfolds it and places it down on the mat. Lucas then hands Jason the briefcase. Jason unclips it and pulls out, inside three shot glasses and a bottle of Infamously Dangerous Rum. The crowd cheers. David laughs.


Lucas: “And well, let’s have a drink to your luck, to your success.”


Jason then places the three shots on the chair before taking the bottle of rum and pouring some in each. Lucas then grabs one and hands it to David before turning and grabbing another for himself. Jason places the bottle down and grabs the third.


Sharper: “Going to have a little toast!”


Knots: “Damn it! Didn’t get me any!”


They step up and go to toast. But just then “Natural” starts to play and the crowd boos loudly. Jason shrugs and takes the shot before stepping back as David and Lucas turn, still with theirs. Bree Lancaster then walks out from the back, holding both the SCW World and US Championships. Scott Burnside walks out with her. The two then head to the ring. Jason goes to pour another shot.


Sharper: “The World Champion on her way to the ring.”


Knots: “At least it’s not the whole group, the whole Beauty Factory. If they aren’t just waiting. Who knows with how petty they all are.”


Bree reaches the ring and walks up the steel steps. She then walks along the apron. She steps in as Scott Burnside follows. Lucas hands the microphone back to David. Scott walks across and asks for a microphone. He’s handed one and he turns back, hanging it to Bree. Bree takes it and smiles as she looks around.


Bree: “Well isn’t this nice. You and your pals having as hot when you have a date with me.”


The crowd boos. Bree looks at David as David steps up.


Bree: “Aren’t you going to take your shot? Celebrate? I mean you’re going to celebrate now before you fall short in seven short weeks. You get that right?”


David smirks.


Bree: “You know what, Jason…pour me a shot. You probably shouldn’t have that one. You need to deal with Glory later. And well, given Glory’s skill, you need to be as strong just to have a chance. Then again, you can maybe make it hit home for your brother here.”


David: “Good to know you’re so confident.”


Bree: “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m holding the two top singles titles in SCW. I just beat Aaron Blackbourne. Everyone wanted me to stumble and fall…nope…And I didn’t get it done by luck, like you did at Taking Hold of the Flame. Don’t get me wrong David, but you did get lucky at Taking Hold of the Flame. That’s the only way you beat people like Sienna or Chris.”


David: “Believe what you want Bree.”


Jason extends the shot. Bree motions to Scott who holds it for her.


Bree: “Sorry. I need to make sure these titles are easy to see for everyone. So they know what a champion looks like.”


David: “Good. They’re seeing what arrogance looks like too.”


Bree scoffs.


Bree: “Well David, believe that. But I’m going to fight for myself along with my friends and family. Regan can say how happy she is for you, but you standing here?…there goes that dream of husband and wife holding the tag titles. And well, Dom, he already has let me know who he’s cheering for. You and him don’t talk anyway so shows how you treat your blood? What about Tommy? You burned that bridge if the reports are anything to go by and given how much Tommy wanted to throw you over the top. That leaves Jason there. Right? Is he right in the head? Headaches all gone? Glory can find out later. Lucas….is there anyone you two haven’t shared? Trinity, right?”


The crowd ohs as Lucas just chuckles as David nods, not doing much than just smirking.


Bree: “Oh…Jordan? Newest recruit at Ante Up…she’s going to probably tell you all of the dirt…let her. She never knew me in the first place as is clear by her lies.”


The crowd boos.


Bree: “You’ve laid waste to everything you hold dear in this return…and you can act like this is checking things off your bucket list. There’s one you won’t be checking off. While you’ve not main evented Rise to Greatness, well, me…I may not have either, but you’ve not been dominant like I have for the last three years. Dominant just like Sienna. And Rise to Greatness won’t change that.”


David: “We’ll see Bree. Because at Taking Hold of the Flame, Sienna and Chris found out that their feeling of being owed…didn’t matter. They both went over the top. And you…you’ve been fighting to stand here. Good on you. I’m proud of you. But I’m fighting to do something I never thought I’d have the chance to do…and here we are. And I’ll drink, not to winning Taking Hold of the Flame, but to winning that World Championship from you!”


The crowd roars. Bree just nods. Helms extends his shot. Bree turns and grabs the shot from Scott.


Bree: “Convenient you say nothing about your recent history with who is close to you. But I’ll drink to you trying…and failing…”


Bree then takes the shot. David and Lucas clink their shots and takes a shot. Bree grimaces a bit.


Bree: “Hope you try hard than making a good rum…”


Bree then hands the shot glass to Jason. Jason takes it and feigns throwing it at her as she turns away. Bree then turns and steps through the ropes. She drops down as Scott follows. They head to the back. “Natural” plays as the crowd boos. David then looks at her as Jason shakes his head.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster couldn’t resist the cheap shot.”


Knots: “Funny enough, her career is the TMZ Fodder.”


Sharper: “But David Helms has come back and she did mention one thing we should talk about, he planned to team with Regan Street to face the Big Ass and Jackass Connection. And Tommy Valentine, you think he’s going to stand off for this? He tried to screw David over in the battle royal.”


Knots: “Regan stopped him. Bree knows that. She’s trying to play off the concerns there. The egos of everyone involved. But she has her own group. Sienna Swann isn’t stable. And Chris, he may be gone!”


We cut to ringside as we see a shot of Adam Sharper and Jonathan Knots at the announce position.


Sharper: “Hello again everyone, Adam Sharper here with Jonathan Knots and as we were saying, Chris Cannon may be gone.”


Knots: “And he may say as much later. He’s asked for time. But Sienna Swann will be with him. So who knows what train wreck that could be. They were THIS close to winning a match the Beauty Factory has wanted for years. Bree Lancaster against Sienna Swann!”


Sharper: “We’ll also not only hear, but see Regan Street in action. She defends her TV Championship later. And we have a huge tag team match. Owen Cruze and Aaron Blackbourne, both hoping to rebound from Taking Hold of the Flame, they face Las Bandidas de Gata Negra.”


Knots: “And a big match and a Rise to Greatness rematch – Ravyn Taylor faces Xander Valentine. That, and as Bree pointed out, Glory Braddock faces Jason Helms.”


Sharper: “We’re just getting started.”


Knots: “And it’s already getting personal!”


We cut back to see Jason trying to get David to have another shot before he chuckles. The scene then opens backstage.

Backstage, we see Aubrianna Powers looking around.


Powers: “Won’t anyone speak to me? Hello! I’m your new MVP around here! I’m the new star. I was even supposed to come earlier this year, but I knew that SCW needed to EARN a star of my caliber, so I made sure to come now, Rise to Greatness time. And my debut was ruined by Jake Starr and his chair-swinging. Ugh!”


Powers looks around. Jessica Winters walks past.


Powers: “You! You may matter around here. Do you know who I am?”


Jessica Winters looks around.


Winters: “Well, yes. You’re Aubrianna Powers.”


Powers: “Good! Finally! Someone. And after my debut was RUINED, now I am here, the MVP of SCW, and I’m being forced to wait for airtime.”


Winters: “Well that’s not something I’m not exactly responsible for.”


Powers: “Well who is because I’m getting very concerned that I’ve made a terrible decision to come to this company. I mean-“


Just then, Gavin Taylor walks up to Jessica Winters and steps in front of Powers.


Taylor: “Jessica! You know how important I am. I was THIS close to winning and if some over the hill chair swinging maniac didn’t fall on me, I would’ve taken the whole thing. Could you imagine, the All-Star, the Franchine Player, the Real-World Jedi, the MVP of-“


Powers: “Whoa, whoa…whoa there. The only MVP here is me.”


Taylor just gasps.


Taylor: “Do you not know who I am?”


Powers: “Do you not know who I am?”


Taylor: “Australia LOVES me.”


Powers: “Everyone LOVES me.”


Jessica looks at both.


Taylor: “Okay, well, I’d be main eventing SCW’s greatest event if Jake Starr didn’t screw it up.”


Powers: “I would be main eventing SCW’s greatest event if Jake Starr didn’t screw it up.”


Jessica looks at both.


Jessica: “You realize you both have the same problem.”


Taylor: “Jessica, please…we don’t! Totally different. One involves her. One involves me!”


Powers: “You know what…I’m going to find someone who can actually help me with my problem.”


Powers walks off.


Taylor: “Good…now Jessica-“


Jessica walks off.


Taylor: “Jessica?!”


Taylor looks around.


Taylor: “She’s going to put in a formal complaint for me. Good…Now we wait.”


Taylor rubs his hands together as the scene fades to black.


Breakdown returns as we see Jaina Lancaster standing in the SCW interview area with Konrad Raab.


Jaina: “Welcome back to Breakdown. Jaina Lancaster here with Konrad Raab and Konrad, you’ll be in action later tonight, but I understand you wanted to speak on something that occurred at Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Raab: “Yes I do, Jaina. That night, we saw a man named Ridley Ellis cross a line. After Dylan Howell beat him, outwrestled him, in his return match, Ellis then attacked him and potentially ended his return. I saw earlier that he’s thinking of returning as a manager, which is great, but the fact is that Ellis overstepped. All of this while those with him, these Damrons, talk of planting the seeds…”


Raab shakes his head.


Raab: “Those are seeds that don’t need planting and while Ellis is at home, enjoying his suspension, I hope that the entire Damrons reconsider ever coming to SCW. Because if they show up, next week, after his return, whenever, I will be waiting. Dylan was always good to me…and I’m going to be good to him.”


Raab nods.


Raab: “And tonight, I face Alexis. Don’t cross a line, and we’re good. Compete, we’re good. If not…you’ll learn a lesson about SCW. We’re done with people who refuse to respect.”


Raab looks at Jaina.


Jaina: “Thank you for your time. Good luck tonight.”


Raab: “Thank you.”


Raab walks off.


Jaina: “Back to the ring.”

Erica Eden in action


The opening of “Faith” by Ghost fills the arena as smoke obscures the entrance. A few seconds in Erica Eden walks through as the smoke disperses. She wears a black leather jacket over her gear, black tights and halter top, black boots, all trimmed with silver studs. Josh Hudson steps out a few strides behind her.

Phillips: “Your next contest here on Breakdown is scheduled for onefall and has a ten minute time limit. First, on her way to the ring, accompanied by Josh Hudson, from Brooklyn, New York, she is Erica Eden!”

Erica makes her way to the ring as her music jumps to the chorus, the words appearing on the Tron:

I am all eyes
I am all ears
I am the wall
And I'm watching you fall

Erica goes up the ring steps and steps through the ropes. Hudson follows her over to the ring. She removes the jacket as she goes to the center of the ring, then slings it over her shoulder, posing with the other hand on her hip. She then slowly smiles and turns, swishing the jacket around before tossing it to the outside. The music fades as she goes to her corner where Josh greets her.


Phillips: “Her opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, she is Emilia Galaxy!”


We cut to see a blonde-haired woman, wearing a mask, and running her hand across her frace. The crowd boos her as Erica looks across.


Sharper: “Erica Eden about be a nice footnote in the history of SCW. About to compete in our first match on the Road to Rise to Greatness against local talent Emilia Galaxy.”


Knots: “Hey and imagine if Galaxy knocks her off. This could be huge for her.”


Sharper: “SCW always looking at new talent. Josh Hudson meanwhile in the corner of Erica Eden this week. Last match, he watched from backstage.”


Knots: “Maybe taking a great interest.”


The bell sounds as Erica looks at Emilia. The two circle and lock up in the middle of the ring. They push back on one another and Erica turns and ducks under and grabs the arm, locking in a hammerlock. Hudson looks on as Emilia reaches up and then down before Erica pulls up. Emilia staggers forward, getting to the ropes and hooking them with her other arm. The crowd looks on as the referee calls for the break.










Erica lets go and backs up. Emilia shakes out her arm. She walks out as Erica looks on. Emilia looks around and the two lock up again. Erica, this time, moves into a side headlock. She then grabs the arm and spins around and moves into a hammerlock. This time though she hoists Emilia up. She yells out and Erica then throws her down, causing her to land on her arm. Emilia rolls over in pain. Hudson applauds.


Sharper: “Eden keeping this simple. A hammerlock doing all the damage.”


Knots: “Hudson likes it. Then again, this is what he likes. The mat wrestling.”


Sharper: “Even got a taste of that at Taking Hold of the Flame when he, Alistaire Allocco and Matt Hodges had a bit of a go.”


Emilia gets up and runs at Erica and Erica hits an arm drag. She then turns and moves into an armbar, but Emilia moves to the ropes. She hooks them.










Erica rolls over as Emilia Galaxy moves to the apron. Erica turns and walks over and grabs at her, but Emilia shoulders her, with her good arm, and Erica stumbles back. Emilia then slingshots in and boots Erica in the jaw. Erica hits the mat and Emilia goes for the pin.






Erica kicks out. She rolls over and moves to the corner. Emilia moves in and forearms her in the jaw and then again and then grabs her and goes to whip her across, but Erica spins through, stops and kicks her in the ribs. She grabs the left arm, the arm she was working on, wrenches it and hits a kick to the shoulder. Emilia yells in pain. Erica then spins her around before reaching up, grabbing her and hitting the Sudden Wrath! The crowd ohs and Emilia rolls through as Erica sits up. Hudson just smiles as Erica slowly gets up.


Sharper: “Erica Eden just manipulating Emilia Galaxy into position and snapping her back.”


Knots: “Didn’t go for the pin. Just made her regret everything!”


Emilia Galaxy slowly rolls to her knees and Erica pulls her in and places her head between her legs. She looks around before hoisting her up and into a crucifix position. She looks around before throwing Galaxy forward and dropping her with the Fall from Eden. She remains down into a pin.


Sharper: “Fall from Eden!”








The crowd applauds. Erica rolls back. She gets up to a knee. Hudson pulls himself onto the apron and then enters the ring.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Erica Eden!”


Erica has her arm raised.


Sharper: “Erica Eden with an impressive victory. Dispatching this young hungry talent from Chicago.”


Knots: “Two matches, two wins. Erica’s going to be going places and with Josh guiding her, definitely.”


Hudson enters and replaces the position of the official as Josh raises her arm. Erica smiles as she looks around, her hands on her hips as she walks around the ring, cooling down. Hudson turns over to the corner and asks for a microphone. He’s handed one and he turns back to the middle of the ring.


Hudson: “Ladies and gentlemen, you should all keep your eye on this woman right here as Erica Eden is going to be taking the wrestling world by storm.”


The crowd cheers a bit as Erica smirks and Hudson points to her.


Hudson: “And while I focus on training the future of this sport…I also am worried about the future of this sport with me in it.”


The crowd roars.


Hudson: “And well I’m not main eventing Rise to Greatness. Neither is Blake Mason.”


The crowd cheers.


Hudson: “And we set this all up many months ago. One match in this ring, between you and I. Right Blake?”


We cut to a shot of one of the luxury suites in the Bankers Life Fieldhouse. The crowd continues to cheer. We see Blake Mason standing up and doing up his suit blazer.


Hudson: “Blake, please tell me someone had the good sense to give you a microphone, because I think we should make this official. Sasha can sign it, but this is between you and I…One on one at Rise to Greatness!”


The camera cuts to a closer shot inside the luxury box as Blake Mason looks around before Jaxson Sullivan points to something. Blake heads over and going for the microphone.


Hudson: “Come on Blake. You know you want to do this. Even if you have to give a thumbs up or some damn thing.”


Blake grabs the microphone and turns it on before turning.


Blake: “Josh…”


The crowd roars.


Blake: “Well I guess we can stop acting like something else is available to us.”


The crowd cheers.


Blake: “Neither one of us are going to the main event. And maybe that’s the only thing that would distract us from something we’ve been gearing to for a long time-“


Just then, there’s a thump at the door. Blake turns back.


Hudson: “Come on Blake. You just have to say the magic words!”


There’s another thump as the door is pushed open and we see Jaxson Sullivan step up as Sienna Swan tries to break in. We see Chris Cannon behind her. Blake turns.


Sienna: “Let me at him. I said I’d finish this! You said you’d be ready for me! Call him off! Call him off!”


Sharper: “Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann are tyring to get to Blake Mason!”


Knots: “He even called them out, but this…they have time!”


Sharper: “They’re looking for results then. Taking Hold of the Flame only radicalized them.”


Knots: “But Chris’ contract. This won’t help anything?”


Blake no longer has the microphone next to him. Josh sees this and turns and motions to leave. Josh drops down to the floor and Erica follows. They head to the back as Sienna Swann starts to be pulled away by officials as Blake Mason looks on. Jaxson Sullivan keeps the door blocked. Chris says nothing, just tries to push through. Security stops him as he tries to get through.


Chris: “Get off me!”


Sienna: “Chris!”


Chris: “Get off me! Coward!”


Blake just looks on as security keeps pulling them away. Sullivan glances at Blake as Blake nods. Sullivan remains in place, stopping them. The scene slowly cuts away.



We see a still of Sienna Swann trying to break into the luxury suite of Blake Mason.


Sharper: “Welcome back to Breakdown. This was moments ago. Sienna Swann trying to go after another object of her ire.”


Sienna keeps being held back by Jaxson who shoves her back. Chris steps up and shoves Jaxson. Jaxson steps back, but stops and stops him. The crowd roars. We then see security coming over and starting to pull Sienna and Chris away from the room. The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen.

Sharper: “Sienna Swann and Chris Cannon have been taken away from Blake’s luxury suite. Escorted back to their locker room.”


Knots: “Yeah, but just shows their mindset. They’re not exactly in the right frame of mind!”


Sharper: “Bree already hinted at it that David Helms got lucky eliminating both at Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Backstage, Josh Hudson can be seen talking to security.


Josh: “So the raging Queen and her Jester back?”


Security nods. Josh shakes his head and turns back as Erica Eden looks at him.


Eden: “How nice of them to get involved.”


Josh: “Don’t worry about them. They’re not your concern yet-{“


???: “May be mine though.”


The crowd roars as Jordan Majors walks into view.


Josh: “I was wondering when you’d show up.”


Jordan: “Well give that last time we talked, you told me my investment was a bad one.”


Josh: “Sorry about that.”


Jordan: “Well, either way, don’t try to make it up for me. Sienna Swann just proving again that she’s the problem around here. People tip-toeing around her because they’re afraid of her rage. She’s just finding out that a lot of people are sick of her.”


The crowd roars with cheers.


Josh: “You need to be careful yourself.”


Jordan: “Don’t need to remind me. She gave the Kiss. After I last for nearly eighty minutes.”


Josh: “That’s going to piss her off.”


Jordan: “Good…Because frankly, she needs to get shoved out of the way. Bree can kiss her ass. I’ll kick it.”


The crowd roars. Josh just smiles.


Josh: “Well I look forward to it.”


Jordan: “And I’m serious. It’s my fight.”


Josh: “May not be your choice.”


Josh nods to Erica and the two walk off as we cut way.

Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. Owen Cruze & Aaron Blackbourne


The lights straight to flicker in the arena as “The show must go on” the SCW / Maserati Remix kicks in over the PA system, the opening beats bringing a huge cheer from the fans.

“Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?”

Owen steps out onto the stage to an even louder outpouring of noise, looking left and right at the fans and nodding in acknowledgment of their support. Kelcey Wallace walks out with him.

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, accompanied by Kelcey Wallace, from Los Angeles, California, he is Owen Cruze!”

He drops to one knee and punches the stage, as a huge burst of pyro erupts behind him. Owen getting to his feet and walking down the ramp, only focussed on the ring. Kelcey Wallace walks down with him.

“The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah
Inside my heart is breaking
My makeup may be flaking
But my smile, still, stays on”

Owen slides into the ring, and climbs a turnbuckle, raising his arm as his music fades, and he jumps backwards into the ring. Kelcey enters and joins him in the ring.


Sharper: “Owen Cruze said himself that he was disappointed with his showing in the battle royal.”


Knots: “To be fair, he did get Gavin Taylor screw him over.”


Sharper: “Not good enough for him though. Hoping to rebound here.”


All of a sudden, the lights go out, prompting a surprised pop from the fans. The tune of “My Name” by From Ashes To New begins, the lyrics starting about eight seconds into the song. White lights slowly begin to envelop the stage as we see that smoke has also begun to engulf it. The Tron also comes to life with clips of Aaron Blackbourne in action, both as himself and as his various demon incarnations, as well as clips of his various artistic endeavors including writing, painting, drawing and digital art. During this, we see a figure standing in the smoke, but that and the lighting make it impossible to tell who the silhouette belongs to. When the song hits the chorus, pyro suddenly goes off on the sides of the stage in sync with the silhouette throwing his arms in the familiar raised and outstretched pose, the smoke clearing almost as if on command to reveal the creative soul himself, causing the fans erupt into cheers. The lights start to come back on, although they're both dimmed and rotating between every color in the spectrum to the beat of the song, as Blackbourne begins making his way down to the ring, happily accepting high fives from the fans with a smile.


Phillips: “His opponent, from Seattle, Washington, he is Aaron Blackbourne!”


As he reaches ringside he suddenly leaps onto the apron and quickly climbs so that he’s got one foot on the top turnbuckle, and in tune with the chorus kicking in a second time he briefly crosses his arms across his chest before throwing them out in the same raised and outstretched pose as before, the lights going out again as white spotlights suddenly come on and converge upon him as he closes his eyes and basks in this moment, also letting the lyrics of the song serve as a reminder of exactly who he is and why he does this. When the chorus ends, Blackbourne leaps from the top into the ring as the lights completely return to normal, removing his black jacket and setting it into his corner before he begins doing some light warm-ups for the match ahead.


Sharper: “He may be disappointed, but the fact is that Aaron Blackbourne took the fight to Bree Lancaster and was nearly World Champion on multiple occasions.”


Knots: “But close doesn’t count. Only in horseshoes and hand grenades.”


Sharper: “And Blackbourne undoubtedly feeling that exactly same principle. But after he lost, the spotlight, Shilo Valiant’s spotlight, was shining down on him.”


The lights dim a bit as Nada Como Tú begins to play, a bit of fog slowly beginning to form on the stage as golden orange lights pulse in rhythm with the guitars. Slowly, we see a figure crawling through it, almost like a cat trying to remain hidden before it pounces on its prey. When the main beat of the song kicks in, the figure picks up the pace until she reaches the end of the stage, crouching as she's far enough away from the fog to reveal herself to be Maria Vencejo. Not too far behind her is Valeria Garcia,  her eyes slowly roaming over the fans with a cold, emotionless look. She looks down at Maria and a smile forms on her lips as she reaches down and helps her partner to a stand as the lyrics begin.


Phillips: “Their opponents, they are the team of Valeria Garcia and Maria Vencejo, they are Las Bandidas de Gata Negra!”


The two of them begin making their way down to the ring, Maria staying ahead of Valeria and moving quicker as though she were energized by the song while Valeria maintains her slow, calculating approach. Maria slides into the ring before rolling into a kip-up, and Valeria slides in right behind her, pausing as she and Maria smile at one another before Maria helps her partner to her feet before twisting her around so the two are both facing the same way, Valeria in front of Maria. The two slowly back into their corner like this before separating to discuss strategy.


Sharper: “Meanwhile, Las Bandidas figured that Taking Hold of the Flame would be their opportunity, but they were overwhelmed.”


Knots: “So they have something to prove here.”


The bell sounds. Valeria starts in the ring for her team as Owen starts off for his. The two circle and lunge at one another. Valeria somersaults past and then turns and grabs the arm of Owen. Owen winces as she wrenches it. Valeria jerks on the arm. Owen flips forward and nips up before stepping forward and snapping Valeria over with an arm wrench of his own, taking her down. Valeria reaches up and nips up and Owen moves into a side headlock. Valeria reaches around and Owen takes her down with a headlock takedown. Valeria counters with a headscissors. Owen nips out and gets up as Valeria goes for the eyes, but Owen blocks it and pushes her back before hitting a dropkick. Valeria hits the mat. Owen gets up as the crowd cheers him.


Sharper: “Owen takes down Valeria with a nice dropkick as right now, he’s outquicking quite a quick wrestler in herself, Valeria Garcia.”


Knots: “Well right now, he’s winning the battle for a better night!”


Valeria slides back and tags in Maria. Maria enters and looks at Owen. Maria then lunges and Owen knees her in the ribs. He whips her into the corner. Owen runs after and Maria gets a boot up. Owen stumbles back. Maria runs out and slides under his arms. Owen steps forward and turns around and Maria jumps up and hits a dropkick. Owen hits the mat. He rolls over and gets up and Maria snapmares him over. She then grabs him the head and then jumps up and hits another dropkick, this time to the back of Owen’s head. Owen hits the mat. Maria goes for the pin.






Owen kicks out. He starts to get up and Maria grabs him. She tries to whip him into the ropes, but Owen spins through and sends her in. She bounces off and Owen hits a hip toss. Maria rolls through and gets up and Owen kicks her in the ribs and turns her around before hitting a snap back suplex. Owen rolls over and tags in Aaron. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “And here comes Blackbourne, right off a hard fought defeat against Bree Lancaster!”


Knots: “Nearly World Champ, but as I said, not close enough.”


Blackbourne climbs to the top rope and Maria gets up and Blackbourne dives forward with a knee. Maria hits the mat. Blackbourne lands on his feet and rolls through. Just as he does, the lights dim and a spotlight shines down on the ring again. Aaron looks up and then around. Owen turns and looks at the crew members.


Sharper: “Not this again?”


Knots: “This happened after he lsot. Shilo’s spotlight shining down on him!”


Sharper: “And it’s immediately taken him off his game.”


Aaron turns and goes to Maria who rakes his eyes. Maria then forearms him in the jaw and then again before grabbing him and hitting a kick to the thigh and then a jumping kick to the chest. Blackbourne hits the mat. He starts to get up and Maria tags in Valeria. Maria and Valeria then run in opposite directions and connect on Blackbourne with the Emboscada. The crowd ohs. Valeria follows up with the pin.






Blackbourne kicks out. Valeria gets up and grabs the head of Blackbourne, dragging him up and dragging him into the corner.


Sharper: “Blackbourne completely taken off balance by the spotlight and the offense of Las Bandidas.”


Knots: “Sudden and impactful.”


Blackbourne looks on as Valeria kicks him in the ribs twice before leaning in with a choke.










Valeria then steps back and runs into the ropes. She bounces off and runs at Blackbourne, going for a running boot, but Blackbourne sidesteps and hoists her up and steps forward and drops her down with a leg trap powerbomb. Blackbourne rolls through for the pin.






Valeria kicks out. Blackbourne rolls over. He then looks up at the spotlight again as he turns as Valeria gets up and wrenches her arm and hits a short-arm clothesline. He then moves to the corner and jumps to the middle rope and then to the top rope and dives back with a corkscrew moonsault, but Valeria rolls out of the way. Blackbourne hits hard and winces. He starts to get up and jumps onto the back of Blackbourne and hits the Crimson Slippers!






Blackbourne kicks out, just in time. Valeria rolls back and tags in Maria. Maria climbs up to the top rope. Blackbourne starts to get up and Maria dives off with a missile dropkick. She crawls over for another pin.






Owen pulls her off. He backs up as the crowd roars. Blackbourne rolls over as Maria glances at Owen. She then turns and grabs Blackbourne. She clubs him in the back and then again and again. She runs into the ropes, bounces off and then jumps up onto the shoulders of Blackbourne. She tries to go for a frankensteiner, but Blackbourne holds on. The crowd roars as Maria looks around, waving her arms, upside down and Blackbourne stumbles back and sandwiches her in the corner. The crowd ohs. Maria drops down. Blackbourne leans on the ropes. Owen asks for the tag.


Sharper: “Maria Vencejo tried to take him down, but Blackbourne! Blackbourne! He countered!”


Knots: “He’s not going to let this get to him. Get Owen in there!”


He then turns and dives and tags in Owen. Owen slingshots into the ring as the crowd cheers. The spotlight disappears as Owen looks around briefly. He runs over as Valeria enters and Owen clotheslines her down. Maria gets up and steps forward, but into an Owen dropkick. Valeria gets back up and runs at Owen and Owen hip tosses her over. Maria starts to get up and Valeria staggers up as Owen grabs Maria by the head and then Valeria before driving him head first into one another. The crowd roars. Valeria falls over and Maria staggers to the ropes. She bounces off and Owen then kicks her in the ribs and hoists her up for a vertical suplex before turning her into his knee. Maria rolls over. Owen then turns and exits to the apron. He climbs up to the top rope. Valeria fights off and runs over and Owen dives off and hits the Cruze Missile. The crowd ohs. Owen then gets up and turns to Maria, who rakes his eyes. Owen staggers back. The crowd boos.


Sharper: “Cruze Missile drops one! Valeria down! But Maria! To the eyes.”


Knots: “That stopped him. Can’t do much if you can see!”


Owen squints and steps up before Maria lunges and spins around Owen, dropping her with a sling blade. Maria then gets up and runs over and grabs at Aaron, who is on the apron. Aaron however blocks her. The spotlight returns. Blackbourne looks around and Maria then forearms him. He falls to a knee. The spotlight goes off as Maria turns back to Owen who suddenly blasts Maria with the Morality! Owen looks around as Blackbourne pulls himself up as Valeria starts to get up and runs over. The spotlight returns. Blackbourne then runs and tackles her down. Valeria rolls over and down to the mat. Maria starts to get up and Owen looks at Blackbourne. Maria then runs at Owen and clubs him in the back. Owen falls over. Maria turns and Blackbourne shoulders her in the ribs. Maria staggers back and Owen recovers, runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits the Cruze Stomp. The crowd roars. Valeria gets up and Blackbourne stops her as Owen goes for the pin.








The crowd cheers. Owen rolls off as Blackbourne pushes away from Valeria. Valeria rolls out and shows some frustration. The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here are your winners, via pinfall, Owen Cruze and Aaron Blackbourne!”


The spotlight disappears as Owen looks up as Blackbourne starts to as well. Blackbourne looks around before Owen Cruze and him have their arms raised. Kelcey Wallace walks up the steel steps and enters into the ring.


Sharper: “Cruze and Blackbourne may have had some hiccups with that spotlight.”


Knots: “Yeah, but they just took out a team that’s been clicking!”


Sharper: “Garcia and Vencejo just outwrestled by the heart of Cruze tonight. Blackbourne looks a bit miffed, but that has to be by the distraction, that spotlight. Shilo Valiant’s games.”


Owen Cruze and Aaron Blackbourne continue to celebrate as Kelcey walks over and raises their arms, taking the place of the official. The crowd cheers before we hear the sound of someone tut-tutting. Owen looks around.


???: “How nice…the Golden Child returns to his winning ways, hailed by the imperfect one. All just days after they show true colours?”


Sharper: “That’s Giovanni Aries!”


Owen starts to look around.


Owen: “Show yourself! Come on!”


Kelcey glares. We then see Giovanni Aries saunter out from the back, holding a microphone. He leans on his cane and looks down.


Giovanni: “I’ve heard it all Owen, but now, through arrogance, the façade breaks down. People claim that my words are delusions, but the reptilian ways of all of you are laid bare by the MINUTE!”


The crowd boos.


Giovanni: “And I’ve just gotten started….Oh…things will not be the same anymore. Not after tonight…Enjoy the easy life because Owen, you and your Perfect Pack, you will go down in flames! There will be no convincing, no understand, just DESTRUCTION!”


Aries just laughs as he then takes a cigarette out of his pocket, pulls out a flip lighter and lights the cigarette. He then looks at the lighter and throws it down in front of him, leaving it lit as it sits on the steel rampway. Aries takes a drag of his cigarette and starts to walk to the back. Owen Cruze watches Aries leave as Kelcey stands in the background with Aaron Blackbourne as the scene fades to black.


Breakdown returns as we see Sienna Swann, Chris Cannon and now Xiomara Diaz in the office of Sasha. Dean Black is in the back corner.


Swann: “Not our fault that Blake, like every other time, finds a way to weasel out of it. So we took it upon ourselves!”


Sasha: “Sienna…he was eliminated. You had a chance for this long-standing vendetta. I’m not however going to let this continue just because you’re becoming increasingly unstable. I’m of the good mind to force you to go home. This is getting ridiculous.”


Swann: “You’d love that! Your biggest star forced home because you can’t handle that we think for ourselves. We’ve done everything for the people, for SCW, and gotten spat on because you’re all jealous. Well no more!”


Xiomara steps forward.


Xiomara: “Alright…alright.”


Chris: “Come on Sienna. This is a waste of time.”


Dean then steps in front of the door.


Sasha: “Given that right now, Chris, you’re standing there without a contract. Given that you tried to attack an SCW star, I should toss you out.”


Chris smirks.


Chris: “Do that and I make sure that I go somewhere else and make them all the money in the world as I expose you.”


Sasha: “Threaten me all you want, Chris. But how’s that going to look when you’re in the midst of a custody battle.”


Chris: “You don’t have the right-“


Sienna: “What did you say?”


Sienna steps forward and Xiomara stops her again.


Sasha: “I’m not saying anything. More that instability won’t help anything.”


Sienna: “You wouldn’t know a damn thing about helping anything as you’ve been twisting in the ring since you got in power. You want to see what STABILITY is…give me time in that ring later tonight.”


Chris: “You better give it…or maybe I don’t answer that phone call on Friday about a contract.”


Sasha: “I’ll give you the time. But remember, Chris, you’re a guest. And Sienna, Blake’s contract is back in play. He can make a blanket statement. I need specifics – those are the terms of the contract.”


Chris: “Love it. Specifics in a contract.”


Sienna: “Fine…Blake’s lucky…for now…”


Sienna turns and looks at Dean. Dean steps aside. She leaves the room. Chris stays and turns to Sasha.


Chris: “Be prepared to answer your phone tomorrow morning at 11. I’ll have clauses to discuss if you want me to stay.”


Chris turns and walks off. Xiomara smirks.


Xiomara: “I’ll be on the call too.”


Sasha: “Just keep your clients in line, Xiomara.”


Xiomara: “No, that’s your job.”


Xiomara leaves as she looks at Dean. Chris is out last before the scene cuts away.

“Making A Difference” by UBEM hits the PA system as those in attendance who know the theme from years in Mexican wrestling rise to their feet. Onto the stage walks the masked legend, Rey Anillo, his distinctive black, white and gold mask standing out, while wearing a black suit. He then looks around and holds out his arms, encouraging the fans to cheer.


Sharper: “It was a treat and a surprise to see this man, the legend from Mexico, make his first appearance in SCW. This man is someone synonymous with the sport of lucha libre down south.”


Knots: “You don’t really believe it’s the same person though?”


Sharper: “He’s been active for decades. A lot of rumours, but they call him El Eterno, the Eternal, for a reason!”


Knots:” So why’s he here? It’s Rise to Greatness season. He looking for a match?”


Fans clap with his theme as he walks down the rampway and to the ring. He walks up the steel steps and along the apron before wiping his feet and then entering the ring. He looks around and drops to his knees posing. The crowd cheers for him again as he hops up and walks over to the corner, grabbing a microphone waiting for him. He takes it and walks over to the middle of the ring. Speaking in his notable American voice, he addresses the crowd.


El Eterno: “Thank you for that warm welcome, fans of Supreme Championship Wrestling. For those who do not know who I am, I am El Eterno.”


The crowd politely applauds.


El Eterno: “SCw has been around for nearly two decades, but I have been around for five. I have seen every personality, every skill set, every form of greatness appear south of the border. I have done the same in Japan. But tonight, tonight, I set my eyes on Supreme Championship Wrestling.”


The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Talk about a coup!”


El Eterno: “I had a brief taste of the talent here in SCW in its annual Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. And in the process, I realized with the young talent here, there are people who need guidance to take themselves to the next level. While my legend lives on in many ways, it does not need to at the expense of their future greatness. And while there may come a time where I compete in this ring, at this moment, I would like to extend my knowledge and my legend to help someone here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.”


The crowd applauds a bit.


Sharper: “He’s offering to become someone’s manager!”


Knots: “Talk about a time to be competing in SCW. With the amount of talent here, both in and out of the ring!”


El Eterno: “So if-“


Then the lights go out leaving the arena in complete darkness. The screen fills with images of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address.


“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is—”


There’s a record scratch before a deep voice fills the arena.




The opening “King of the World” by Porcelain and the Tramps hits the PA system. The fans boo loudly. A few moments pass before Christy Matthews walks out from the back. Christopher Richter is not with her, but instead CHBK is. El Eterno, Rey Anillo, turns to the entrance way. Christy walks down to the ring. CHBK is a few strides behind. Christy slides into the ring. She gets up and demands the microphone. Anillo reluctantly gives it to her. CHBK walks up the steel steps and enters next.


Christy: “El Eterno…I get that you’re trying to make a good first impression, but let’s face it. There are a lot of people who don’t have a clue who you are. They may have talent, but they don’t have respect. Just like they don’t respect me or respect Alex or respect Dark Fantasy. See…I don’t know if offering your services to just about anyone here is really a good idea.”


Christy pauses as Anillo tilts his head, unsure.”


Christy: “I think you should offer your services to people who could use your wealth of experience and be stronger than ever.”


CHBK steps in and asks for the microphone. Christy looks at CHBK with a bit of disdain before reluctantly giving it over. The crowd boos.


Sharper: “What is this? A hoarding of resources! Infamous is rightfully concerned about him!”


CHBK: “Sorry about Christy’s forwardness. But see, there’s a unique challenge here for you. It’s no secret that Christy here has many more goals to reach and well, I’ll admit it…we’ve fallen short in providing that attention. This is a former World Champion, one of the greatest Adrenaline Champions…and while your exploits are great, there are two things you are known more for in this sport than anything else….resurrection and evolution.”


The crowd roars a bit, while some boo. Rey Anillo just looks at CHBK before glancing at Christy.


CHBK: “If anyone in this promotion deserves that opportunity, it is her. And you can guide her.”


El Eterno asks for the microphone back. CHBK hands it to him.


El Eterno: “I appreciate the kind words. But there is one problem…what you, what Infamous, represents.”


The crowd cheers. CHBK smirks. He turns back to Christy and then to El Eterno. El Eterno holds the microphone out for CHBK’s response.


CHBK: “Sometimes remembering your roots are important too.”


Knots: “What does that mean?”


CHBK then looks at El Eterno’s hand, holding the microphone. He then taps the golden ring on it.


Sharper: “He’s tapping that golden ring on El Eterno’s hand!”


El Eterno looks at his hand as CHBK steps back. He then looks at Christy who steps forward. El Eterno looks at Christy and then his hand before bringing the microphone down. El Eterno then turns and grabs Christy’s arm and holds it over his head. The crowd boos as Christy just smiles.


Sharper: “You’ve got to be kidding me!”


Knots: “Looks like Christy Matthews just got a new manager!”


Sharper: “Infamous only getting stronger! And look at CHBK, leaving the ring, El Eterno, Rey Anillo, holding Christy Matthew’s arm up. Just disappointing! He could have helped someone rise up!”


Knots: “And going to be helping Christy Matthews try to return to old glories.”


The crowd boos as CHBK exits the ring, heading to the back, a smug look on his face. El Eterno continues to hold Christy’s arm up as the crowd boos as “King of the World” starts to play. After a few moments, we cut away.

Backstage, we see Asher Hayes standing at one of the monitors, shaking his head.


Asher: “Yeah, that’ll revive it. Gotta love it. The group that never realizes people have finally caught up to their crap. Christy Matthews can keep being a meatshield. Ravyn Taylor can scheme in the background and Syren, overrated. Finally people realized that she had a good one.”


Asher steps back as Beard stands there.


Beard: “Yeah, but they get people talking.”


Asher: “Yeah, and so did Rachel and I. And the sport moved on. Ace got people talking. But he’s been dealing with nagging injuries. Maybe it’s time for him to call it too.”


Beard: “What’s into you?”


Asher: “Just pissed off, man. Seeing people like Sienna, like Syren, like these people who think they’re hot sh[bleep] running around, trying to dominate. CHBK’s still doing some of the same he did a decade ago.”


Beard: “Look, bro, if you’re pissed off at Taking Hold of the Flame, apply yourself. You came back from a back injury. You came back from drug addiction. Fans should be behind you man. You’ve come back from a hell of a lot.”


Asher: “Yeah…well….who gives a damn about that if you stole the World Title several times. Or who gives a damn if your ugly ass face is hanging from the ceiling.”


Beard: “Hey man, Bree was good to me.”


Asher: “Yeah, because you stole the tag titles thanks to her little Bree show. Just…I’m ranting. I should just get off my ass and do it.”


Beard: “Then do it. Youi went out there to tear down Bree’s think. You went out there and pissed Sienna and Chris off. Don’t like Infamous, take it to them.”


Asher nods.


Asher: “Yeah…we’ll see. I need to grab a snack or something.”


Beard: “Catering is just down there-“


Asher: “Nah…wash this all down with something stronger.”


Asher heads off as Beard watches him go.


Breakdown returns as we open up to see Lexy Chapel standing next to Jaina Lancaster. LExy sighs.


Jaina: “Welcome back to Breakdown. I am here with Lexy Chapel…”


Chapel: “Oh dear, the quality of interviews. Go in with a hook! Grab the audience.”


Jaina: “Alright…”


Jaina takes a breath.


Jaina: “Why are you tracking someone in bear suit?”


Lexy is stunned.


Chapel: “Bear suit?! THIS is why. The misinformation. THAT which I have been tracking is an incredibly super-intelligent DANCING Godless Killing Machine! It ran through the crowd at Taking Hold of the Flame. Thank GOD people weren’t killed.”


Jaina: “Uh…it’s someone in a bear suit.”


Chapel: “How are you spewing these lies? Is SCW behind this? Is this a conspiracy?! Oh God…I…I need to find out…wait…I’m on camera-“


Chapel dives down under the camera. The camera tries to pan down, but Chapel is apparently pushing up on it.


Jaina: “Hey…that’s an expensive-“


Chapel: “Shhhh! I’m not here….this is bigger…oh God….hugely bigger. Hugely bigger huge!”


The camera turns as Chapel can be seen just diving into a side room.


Jaina: “Again…she’s CHBK’s daughter?”


Jaina shakes her head as we cut to the ring.

Alexis vs. Konrad Raab


The lights go out as “Queen:” by Loren Gray starts to play.


Cross my heart and hope to die
I don't need another guy To fight my battles
To overshadow me. 
Don't you know I'm dangerous?
Fire burning in my blood
I got this handled. I don't need rescuing

You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you like to keep me helpless by your side
But it ain't what I want, I'ma show you, I'ma show you
How to treat me like a Queen


A podium rises up spinning slowly. The camera spins around, starting from the figures feet, and rising up, showing the figure’s robe before moving past the person’s face, revealing it to be Alexis. Alexis rolls her eyes. She then starts to walk to the ring as Harry Harris walks out from the back.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and for a ten minute time limit. First, accompanied by Harry Harris, from Astoria Queens, New York, he is Alexis!”


The two make their way to the ring. She blocks some fans out as she walks past them, heading to the ring. Reaching the stairs, she walks up them, ordering Harris Harris to hold the ropes. Harris complies, holding them open for her as she enters. She steps forward and Harry disrobes Alexis. Alexis then looks around as the crowd boos.


Sharper: “Alexis, quite arrogant, but going to be face a tough challenge here. Her second match in SCW, against the Iced Rainbow, Konrad Raab.”


Knots: “Yeah, but that’s not phasing her. She’s already looking down on everything!”


“Cold as Ice” by M.O.P plays over the sound system as Konrad comes out through the curtain just wearing his red, green and blue mask along with his wrestling trousers with his nickname The Iced Rainbow on the front of them with Pit Bull Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands with a side cross necklace on his neck with the blue and black yin-yang tattoo on his right shoulder, Iceman from X-Men tattoo on his back, ice wolf on his left chest and ice bear on his right chest.

Phillips: “Her opponent, from Cologne, Germany, he is The Iced Rainbow, Konrad Raab!”

He ignores the fans due to his focus on wanting to fight in the ring. He goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes before sitting down in the corner of the ring with the crowd cheering for him, having a nasty look in his eyes waiting for the match to start.


Sharper: “Meanwhile, Konrad Raab looking to gear up for Rise to Greatness season. The question for him is whether he’s focused.”


Knots: “Talking about Dylan Howell earlier. We know Dylan is recovering. That….just, Ridley Ellis is gone for a while. Definitely for the best.”


The bell sounds as Raab comes out from the corner, his hands up. Alexis looks at him and walks along the ropes before moving forward. Raab lunges, but Alexis ducks under. Raab turns and Alexis rakes the eyes. Raab stumbles back and Alexis kicks him in the knee and then again. With Raab in the corner, the referee starts his count.










Alexis backs up and snaps at the official to stay away from her. Raab winces as Alexis chops him. He staggers out. Alexis then turns and goes to attack him as Raab blocks it and then grabs her and throws her into the ropes. Alexis bounces off and Raab elbows her down. The crowd roars.


Sharper “And Alexis came in with some fire. Taking a few short cuts.”


Knots: “A few. She needs bits of string to find her way back to where she was.”


Raab turns around as Alexis gets up and moves to the corner. Raab grabs her and whips her across. She hits hard and staggers out only for Raab to back drops her down. She rolls over and gets up and Raab hits a dropkick. He goes for the pin.






Alexis kicks out. Both get up and Raab grabs Alexis and connects with a European uppercut, knocking her down. She moves back to the ropes. Raab runs into the far ropes, bouncing off and Alexis goes low, hitting a basement dropkick, sending Raab forward and into the bottom rope. He coughs a bit as Alexis gets up and stands on the back of Raab’s head, choking him with the bottom rope. The referee, again, calls for the break.










She steps off and backs up again.


Sharper: “Alexis again with a short-cut, but it’s effective. Cutting off the air.”


Knots: “Why not? I’ve always said, do anything you can. She’s doing anything!”


Konrad grabs at the ropes and gets up and moves into the corner. Alexis follows up with a knee to the ribs. She rears back and knees him in the ribs and then again and again. The crowd boos.










Alexis backs up and the official this time, reprimands her more forcefully. Alexis snaps at him and then walks back to the corner where Raab catches her with a European uppercut. Alexis falls back and rolls through. She gets up and Konrad runs into the ropes, bouncing off and grabbing Alexis and hitting a running bulldog. Raab rolls through. Alexis slowly gets up and Raab turns and exits to the apron. He climbs up to the top rope. Alexis looks up and turns and Raab dives off with a flying clothesline. The crowd cheers. Raab follows up with a pin attempt.






Alexis kicks out. She rolls over, crawling to the ropes. Raab gets up and Alexis starts to get up.


Sharper: “Raab turning it around. Going high-risk.”


Knots: “He’s trying to make her work. Trying to make her run around too.”


Sharper: “Tempo can be everything and Raab, he may be older, but he has energy for days.”


Raab runs into the ropes again. Alexis turns and Raab clotheslines her down. Alexis gets back up and Raab runs into the ropes, jumping to the middle rope and diving back with a leg lariat. He rolls through and goes for the pin.






Alexis gets her shoulder up. She turns and starts to get up and Konrad pulls her in and goes for a vertical suplex. Alexis spins through and lands behind Konrad. She kicks him in the back of the leg, dropping him to a knee, and runs into the ropes. She hits a running soccer kick. The crowd ohs. She goes for the pin.






Raab gets his shoulder up. Alexis gets up and snaps at the official before getting up and grabbing Raab. She pushes him into the corner and backs up to the middle of the ring. She turns and runs out, but Raab spins out. Alexis hits the corner and Raab grabs her and hits a release German suplex. Alexis rolls over away from Raab.


Sharper: “Raab caught her! And launched!”


Knots: “Alexis hit hard. She can’t yell at the ref for that!”


Alexis staggers up to her feet, holding her head and Raab then runs past her, handspringing into the ropes and jumps back, grabbing Alexis as she turns back around and drops her with Ice Storm. The crowd ohs. Raab turns and hooks the leg.








The bell sounds. Raab rolls off.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Konrad Raab!”


Sharper: “And Konrad Raab picks up a hard fought win.”


Knots: “Had to deal with Alexis’ attitude the entire time, but it wasn’t enough to rattle Konrad. Not tonight.”


Konrad gets up and looks around. He has his arm raised and turns back as Harry Harris climbs up the steps and enters the ring. He looks at Raab as Raab turns and celebrates in the corner. Alexis stirs as the scene cuts away.

The scene then opens up in the office of Sasha where Aubrianna Powers is pacing along her desk.


Powers: “I came here because you needed something truly exemplary. You know that.”


Sasha just nods.


Powers: “And my debut, the Taking Hold of the Flame, a match that frankly, I should have walked out victorious. I mean, I am the MVP of SCW. But I got attacked by a maniac who came to the ring with a chair. Like, what kind of second rate promotion is this…”


Sasha goes to speak.


Powers: “No need to answer. I just want to know what you’re going to do about it? I represent something else in this promotion-“


Sasha: “Miss Powers…How about a do-over?”


Powers: “Do over? Another battle royal? Well, that would be great, but let’s face it, it just won’t be the same.”


Sasha: “Sure…so how about a proper debut match? Next week, on Breakdown, we can even promote it. Your legions of fans can all rally around you. Sound good?”


Powers smiles.


Powers: “Good. Just make it worth my time. So far….just saying….you need to try harder.”


Powers then walks off. Sasha sighs.


Sasha: “Yeah…sure…”


The scene fades to black.


Jason Helms vs. Glory Braddock


The first chords of "When Legends Rise" begins to play over the PA system...

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, from London, England, she is The British Bombshell, Glory Braddock!”

Glory Braddock steps out onto the stage, wearing her ring gear consisting of purple spandex pants, boots, and a purple top. She really does look like a million bucks and grins from ear to ear, gazing out at the crowd for a moment before making her way down the entrance ramp.

The British Bombshell steps up the steel steps and then onto the ring apron. She poses momentarily on the apron, allowing people to take snapshots before stepping through the ropes and into the ring.  Once in the ring Glory heads to the center of the ring and poses once more. Then the music dies down slowly...


Sharper: “Earlier tonight, Bree Lancaster claimed Glory Braddock would give a taste of what’s ahead for David Helms. Using his brother, Jason, to send that message.”


Knots: “But not just that, Glory Braddock probably has her own aims and goal. Both weren’t in action at Taking Hold of the Flame!”


Sharper: “And Glory was bluffing, I guess, about eliminating Regan. Or she didn’t have the chance. I’m not sure.”


The lights in the arena cut and the darkness remains for a moment before the intro of “Hated” by Beartooth starts to play over the pa system, the lyrics appearing on the big screen in time with the music.
The crash of drums and the wail of guitars kick the song in properly and as the volume doubles a spotlight appears on the stage to show a smirking Jason Helms standing there with his arms out wide and the fans cheer at the sight of him as he throws his head back to look up at the ceiling. Jason lowers his head again and he removes his jacket before tossing it to the side of the stage before sprinting to the ring.
Phillips: “Her opponent, originally from the great state of New Jersey but now fighting out of the Hollywood Hills, California and New Orleans, Louisiana, he is the Jackass from New Jersey and one third of The Handsome Devils Club, Jason Helms!”
Helms hits the ring and slides under the ropes, popping straight back up to his feet and scaling the turnbuckles to throw a finger gun at the camera trained on him. He 'shoots' the gun, mouthing his brother's catchphrase - BANG! - before hopping back where he plays to the fans for a couple seconds and then settles back into the corner to wait for the start of the match.


Sharper: “As mentioned, the Helms family has had their issues with the Beauty Factory. But a growing collision course these weeks. Either way, Jason, he was in action a couple of weeks ago. Seemed fine. Seemed to be moving past those migraines.”


Knots: “Yeah. He’s seemed to have turned the corner. So great there. Just now he’s got to focus on something else. Lucas is peddling rum. David is main eventing Rise to Greatness. What’s Jason gonna do?”


Jason looks at Glory as Glory smirks. The bell sounds and the two circle the ring. They lunge at one another and Glory drops down and spins around and into a waistlock. Jason grabs at the clasped hands and pulls up on her arm and wrenches it. Glory winces and flips forward and nips up. She goes to wrench the arm of Jason, but Jason moves through and wrenches her arm. Glory winces. Jason then pushes her into the ropes, firing her off. Glory bounces off and Jason shoulders her down. He then throws his arms up, clearly to mess with Glory. Glory rolls over and gets up and shoves Jason back. Jason turns and shoves her back. Glory hits the mat. Jason turns and runs into the ropes. Glory dives in front of him. Jason hops over and bounces off the other side. Glory leapfrogs over. Jason stops and Glory turns around as Jason nails her with a clothesline. Jason goes for the pin.






Glory kicks out. She rolls over and moves to the corner. Jason gets up and grabs her, but Glory spins him into the corner and chops him. The crowd woos.


Sharper: “Jason may be a step ahead early.”


Knots: “Until then. Now he’s got one less layer of good skin!”


Glory chops him again. More woos. She then grabs him and goes to whip him across. Jason spins through and sends her in. Glory hits and Jason runs after and catches her with a clothesline. He throws her down. He then goes for the pin.






Glory kicks out. She rolls over and starts to get up. Jason walks over and grabs her. He goes for a vertical suplex, but Glory spins through and lands behind him. She cuffs him in the back of the head and then jumps up and hits a dropkick. Jason stumbles forward and through the ropes to the floor. (1) He slowly gets up and Glory gets up and looks at Jason. (2) She then runs at the ropes and hits a baseball slide. Jason falls back into the barricade. (3) Glory rolls to the floor. Jason starts to get up and Glory grabs his head, driving him into the barricade. (4) She turns and rolls him into the ring. She places his head over the apron before climbing up onto the apron herself and then jumping up and driving her elbow into his chest. Jason rolls into the ring, holding his body.


Sharper: “Glory driving herself into Jason.”


Knots: “Point of the elbow to the chest. Jason may be past the migraines. He’s going to have chest pains tonight.”


Glory rolls in. She goes for the pin.






Jason kicks out. He rolls over and Glory grabs him and places his on his chest before jumping up and stomping him in the back of the head. Jason rolls over. Glory looks around as Jason starts to get up. Glory walks over and kicks him in the ribs. She then wrenches the arm and then hits a Russian leg sweep. She rolls through into a pin.






Jason gets his shoulder up. Glory looks over and nails him with a couple of shots to the jaw. She gets up as Jason rolls over. Glory grabs him and runs him into the corner.


Sharper: “Glory making this her. Wearing Jason down.”


Knots: “Just imagine what we’ll hear from Bree. Jason and David are very different. Glory and Bree are very different. That won’t stop bullcrap from coming out of her mouth.”


Jason turns and Glory drops Jason with a drop toe hold. She turns and exits to the apron and climbs up to the top rope. Jason gets up and turns and Glory dives off and hits a crossbody. She hooks the leg.






Jason kicks out. Both get up and Glory runs into the ropes. She bounces off and Jason attempts a clothesline. Glory ducks and bounces off the other side. Jason turns and Glory goes up and tries for a flying headscissors, but Jason counters with a sitout facebuster. The crowd roars. Jason rolls her over and pulls back on the legs.






Glory kicks out. Jason falls forward. Both get up and Glory turns to Jason who jumps up and hits a dropkick to the jaw.


Sharper: “Great extension from Jason Helms!”


Knots: “Glory may have migraines now!”


Jason gets up and Glory remains down as Jason runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits a running elbow drop. He goes for the pin.






Glory kicks out. He gets up as Glory rolls over and Jason kicks her in the ribs. He whips her into the ropes. She bounces off and Helms lifts her up, but Glory spins through. She runs him forward and into the ropes. She rolls him back into a cover.






Jason kicks out. Both get up and Glory walks into a European uppercut. Glory hits the mat and Jason then hits a standing shooting star press. He hooks the leg.






Glory gets her shoulder up again. Jason then gets up and grabs Glory and drags her up. He then turns and hoists her up, placing her on the top rope. Jason chops her. The crowd woos. He then climbs up to the middle rope and grabs Glory. He steps up before hooking her up, but Glory forearms him in the ribs and then again before shoving him back. Helms falls back, landing hard. Glory then stands up and steadies herself. She goes for the London Plunge, but Helms gets his knees up. Glory collides into them and rolls over, holding her head in pain.


Sharper: “London Plunge was into shallow water! Helms got his knees up!”


Knots: “Got them up and she may be out! The ref checking her!”


Braddock waives off the official as he comes over. Helms rolls over to his feet. He comes over to Glory and grabs her and pulls her up. He then hoists her up and hits a brainbuster. The crowd roars. Helms turns and hooks the leg.






Glory shoots her shoulder up. Helms rolls off and looks around before starting to get up. He grabs Glory and pulls her up and pushes her to the corner before whipping her across. Jason runs after and hits a running forearm to the jaw. Glory staggers out and Helms runs out and hits a clothesline to the back. Helms turns and runs to the ropes and slingshots to the apron. Glory starts to get up and Helms springboards to the top rope and goes for the flying forearm, but Glory ducks. Helms rolls through and gets up and Glory falls to the ropes and Helms runs at her before spinning through to the floor. Glory gets up and Jason starts to get up.


Sharper: “Glory sidestepped. Jason to the floor.”


Knots: “He’s not stopping though!”


Glory turns as Jason slides in and clotheslines her down. Glory rolls over. She starts to get up and Jason grabs her and lifts her up, placing her on the top rope. Jason then looks around and forearms her in the jaw. He steps up to the middle turnbuckle and then looks around before smirking and jumping up for the Back from the Dead, but Glory holds on and Jason slides off. He hits hard and rolls over as Glory gets up and then hits the Blaze of Glory. The crowd ohs. She hooks the leg.








The crowd roars and then boos. Glory rolls off and rolls to the floor. She winces as she staggers around before turning back to the ring. The official raises her arm.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Glory Braddock!”


Sharper: “Jason Helms took an extra risk and in the process, it opened things up for Glory.”


Knots: “Glory digging deep into her bag of tricks. The Blaze of Glory.”


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster is hoping David Helms will go down in one and tonight, Glory defeating Jason Helms.”


Glory then turns and starts to head to the back as her music plays. Jason winces and rolls over as the camera focuses on him briefly and the scene cuts away.


We see a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator on CHBK from the top rope at the first Rise to Greatness before cutting to see Kelcey Wallace, Lucas Knight and Trinity Street holding the SCW World Championship from Rise to Greatness 2015, and then cutting to show the Real Speed getting thrown off a scaffold at Rise to Greatness 2006.


“It’s now time for your Rise to Greatness moment…”


The Rise to Greatness moment comes up on the screen. We then open up to see Ace Marshall climbing to the top rope as James Evans is struggling to his feet. Ace gets to the top rope and James stirs before rolling over and falling into the ropes. The crowd ohs and many sigh. Ace winces and grimaces in pain. James then staggers over to him and Ace grabs at him, but James nails him with a hard European uppercut. He then grabs Ace and bends him over. The crowd starts to roar. James then then steps up to the top rope.


Winters: “This…this is too risky. James may cost himself here.”


Knots: “He’s balancing on the top.”


Sharper: “Neither known for going off the top rope often. This is a precarious position for these two.”


James then clubs Ace in the back. He then looks back before looking out and smiling. James then grabs Ace and hoists him up before then instead of falling back, he dives forward, powerbombing Ace off the top rope, and stepping off before driving him back first into the barricade at ringside. James lands hard on the floor too, but rolls through as the crowd just jumps to their feet in awe and roaring. Ace hits the barricade and falls to the mats, rolling over to his back.


Sharper: “Oh my God! No! No! From the top! A Powerbomb from the top rope to the floor, to the barricade!”


Winters: “That’s it…that’s it…”


Knots: “Holy crap.”


Sharper: “James Evans just powerbombed Ace Marshall off the top rope to the barricade. Ace Marshall is broken in half and is a heap on the floor.”


Knots: “And this crowd….they’re in shock.”


We then cut to see Ace crawling for the ring before James grabs him in the ring and locks in the Twinge. Ace Marshall slowly fades. The referee leans in, trying to get a response from Ace. He keeps checking as James keeps pulling back. Cassidy Carter, who is on the floor, just looks on, clearly concerned before the referee gets up and calls for the bell. The crowd roars as James Evans keeps the hold on for a moment. The referee turns back and tells him to let go and James then does. The bell sounds. “Joyride (Omen)” starts to play throughout the arena.


Buffer: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and NEW SCW Champion of the World…James Evans!”


Winters: “Wow!”


Sharper: “James Evans has made Ace Marshall pass out and has won the SCW World Championship at Rise to Greatness!”


We then end with a shot of James Evans holding the SCW World Championship in one hand as he peers out to the crowd. The scene then fades out and the Rise to Greatness logo comes up on the screen.

Breakdown returns as Bree smirks, turning away from the monitor. Glory Braddock enters the locker room.


Bree: “Eliminated that scourge. Ended his second title reign and hopefully forever.”


Glory walks past and goes to her bags.


Bree: “Hey! Glory…good job out there.”


Glory: “Was there any doubt?”


Bree: “Of course not. That’s the thing…we’re just a step ahead of the Helms Family…”


Glory: “And who they spend time with.”


Bree: “Well keep your eyes out…I mean, you were challenging for the World Title last year…no need to do something like that this year. We have a champion to be proud of. But well, we need to make sure we take care of each other.”


Glory: “Sure…”


Glory heads off to the back as Bree smiles as we cut away.


Sharper: “What does that mean?”

Backstage, David Helms and Lucas Knight are with Jason Helms. Jason rubs his back as he walks forward.


David: “So all good? No issues?”


Jason: “I told you. I’m fine. No headaches. No migraines. No little oompa Loompas. Just Glory got me.”


Lucas: “Thank God no more of the BS.”


Jason: “You’re telling me. Not happy that she got me. But at least it’s cause she had to earn it. Not because I had a jackhammer going off in my skull.”


David: “Always nice to make them earn something-“


Tommy: “Oh, look who it is? Jason, better look out. He may toss you aside if you’ve got a problem that he doesn’t like.”


Tommy Valentine walks into the scene with Kandis.


Jason: “Oh good, it’s the Happy Jackass and just the ass.”


David: “Jason…Lucas…I got it.”


Lucas: “Yeah-“


Tommy: “Don’t worry. Lucas, won’t worry about you until you got another World Title to sneak out on.”


Lucas steps back. Jason stops him. David turns and looks at Tommy. Kandis just smirks.


David: “Got something to say.”


Tommy: “Nah…just better know how lucky you are. Got your World Title match. Leaving Regan out to dry. Couldn’t just get it done with me. Hoped to do that on the big stage3.”


David: “And I figured my best friend wouldn’t be a dick, but we don’t get what we ant.”


Tommy: “Hmmm…maybe you won’t make it to Rise to Greatness. Then I can just shut up Regan for good, while we celebrate over her. Not like you’ll stand with her.”


Kandis: “That would be fun!”


David: “Plenty of others who will stand with her.”


Regan: “He’s right about that.”


Tommy backs up as Regan Street walks in and Selena Frost is a few steps behind.


Selena: “Yeah, like me.”


Tommy: “What? Not going to go for Datura? Or Xander? Maybe get someone who won’t grovel for your forgiveness when they fall short. That’s the problem with you Street women. All need someone to have their head firmly up your ass. Does Selena even know what Kandis looks like?”


Regan: “Do you want to remember what she looks like?”


Regan steps up as David stops her.


Tommy: “Take another cheap shot. I still got the title. Still will after this is all over. And all you’ll have is more and more failure. Right Selena…right Jason?”


Tommy steps back and walks off with Kandis. David turns to Regan. Selena then looks at her.


Selena: “He’s right.”


Regan: “About what? I only had two choices to stand there and kick his ass. David, who he made it personal and you. Screw Xander. After what he’s done in the last month, any respect from him is worthless. And if I’m kicking his ass, it’s with family by my side. So Selena…you ready?”


Selena: “Born ready.”


Selena then turns to David.


Selena: “And David…kick Bree’s ass at Rise to Greatness.”


The crowd roars.


David: “Yes, ma’am.”


The scene cuts away.

Asher Hayes is shown at one of the concession stands, where they serve beer. He’s looking around.


Sharper: “Looks like Asher did find what he wanted.”


Knots: “Getting something stronger. Just remember, it’s American beer man!”


Hayes: “Anything more than beer? Like vodka. Can’t just give me a shot.”


Concession operator: “Sorry. Just beer here.”


Hayes: “Jesus. Well, whatever, here.”


Hayes places a twenty down as he turns his back. We see a few fans coming over.


Hayes: “Yeah, yeah, I can give you a autograph. Here…”


Hayes grabs one of their pens and starts to sign a couple of things before Asher turns back and gets the beer thrown in his face. Asher staggers back as we then see Alexander Crowe climbing over the counter. We then see CHBK, Ravyn Taylor and Syren running into view and Syren gets a good shot on Asher, causing him to fall over. Security in the area starts to first work on getting fans out of the way.


Sharper: “My God! Infamous! Infamous!”


Knots: “They heard him! And they’re pissed off from Taking Hold of the Flame too!”


Sharper: “Syren just caught Asher with a vicious kick.”


Asher rolls over as Syren turns around.


Syren: “Don’t like us! Don’t like what we do! How we do it! Well, tough, asshole!”


Syren gets a few shots in as Ravyn heads over. Asher rolls over and throws a punch at Ravyn and then one another CHBK before Crowe grabs Asher’s arms. Syren nails him with a couple of shots.


Sharper: “Now they’re just mugging him.”


Knots: “Security getting fans back. They need to keep them safe, but Hayes getting attacked!”


Hayes: “Come on! Hit me! Gotta be better than you book. Not even good toilet paper!”


Syren’s eyes widen, but Ravyn then nails Asher from the side. Asher stumbles over and into a trash can. Hayes tries to grab it and Ravyn and Syren then grab him and lift him up and run him over into a wall. Hayes falls over. Crowe follows up as we then see a couple of fans move forward. Security keeps them back. Hayes tries to get up and throw a shot, but falls over as Syren stomps him a few more times. Ravyn then turns and snaps at the concession.


Ravyn: “Use that twenty to get him another beer! He may still need something strong. Just for a different reason now.”


CHBK laughs as he moves in and stomps Hayes in the chest a few times before suddenly, he’s pulled back and clocked in the jaw. CHBK goes down as we see a straggly fan, with long hair, pulled back. Security starts to try to get the fans back as we see Dean Black arriving on the scene with some officials.


Knots: “Fans getting involved!”


Sharper: “CHBK got clocked! Fans even getting involved as you said. Can’t cross that line though!”


Knots: “Going to get some arrests here!”


We cut to see the fan getting pushed down and handcuffed as CHBK starts to get up, blinking. Syren heads over and starts to yell at the fan.


Syren: “Who hit him! What cowardly bitch hit him?”


Crowe pulls Syren back as Hayes tries to get up and grabs at Syren. Ravyn heads over and reaches behind Hayes, raking his eyes. Syren then turns and nails him with a shot. Ravyn clubs at him too. CHBK slides back as we see an official checking on him as the camera focuses on Hayes trying to deal with Syren, Ravyn and now Crowe. Crowe gets a few shots in too as Hayes just swings before he’s shoved down and Hayes rolls back as officials swarm at this point. They get between Syren and Ravyn. Crowe backs up. Syren turns back to the fans. Crowe and Ravyn refocus him as Syren turns and heads over to CHBK.


Syren: “Let me get to him!”


Ravyn turns back to Asher.


Ravyn: “Be careful who you complain about, Asher! Don’t forget your beer!”


Ravyn is backed up as the crowd in the breezeways look on, making noise. Hayes has a busted lip and rubs the blood off as he starts to get up. CHBK remains checked on.


Sharper: “What a scene. In our concession area! And all because Asher Hayes said something about Infamous. How petty are you, Syren?”


Knots: “I don’t think they got it done and CHBK…he got caught in this.”


Sharper: “Fans getting involved. Security going to be busy up there keep everyone safe!”


Asher starts to get up.


Asher: “That the best you got?”


Syren turns back and starts to head over as officials keep her back. Hayes chuckles as he leans back against the wall. CHBK starts to be helped up as we see security moving fans back, one man being taken off in handcuffs, while Crowe and Ravyn move to Syren, to keep her from doing anything more as the scene cuts away.



We open up with a still of Asher Hayes turning away from the concession stand.


Sharper: “Moments ago, we just had a fight in the concessions!”


Asher turns back and gets the beer thrown in his face. Asher staggers back as we then see Alexander Crowe climbing over the counter. We then see CHBK, Ravyn Taylor and Syren running into view and Syren gets a good shot on Asher, causing him to fall over. Security in the area starts to first work on getting fans out of the way.


Knots: “Yeah. Asher was buying a beer. Trying to calm down, but Infamous, hearing some of his comments earlier, had something in mind.”


Sharper: “And they struck!”


Asher rolls over as Syren turns around.


Syren: “Don’t like us! Don’t like what we do! How we do it! Well, tough, asshole!”


Syren gets a few shots in as Ravyn heads over. Asher rolls over and throws a punch at Ravyn and then one another CHBK before Crowe grabs Asher’s arms. Syren nails him with a couple of shots.


Hayes: “Come on! Hit me! Gotta be better than you book. Not even good toilet paper!”


Syren’s eyes widen, but Ravyn then nails Asher from the side. Asher stumbles over and into a trash can. Hayes tries to grab it and Ravyn and Syren then grab him and lift him up and run him over into a wall. Hayes falls over. Crowe follows up as we then see a couple of fans move forward. Security keeps them back.


Sharper: “And they made sure to get some good shots in. Asher Hayes attacked.”


Knots: “Yeah, but we should probably talk about the rest. Syren, Ravyn Taylor, they got their shots in. But CHBK was attacked by a fan. A fan got a shot in!”


Sharper: “This is just a reminder that fans, you need to always avoid striking the officials. That fan has been arrested. But CHBK is being tested for a concussion. Just a unique moment.”


Knots: “Yeah. Well people hate Infamous!”


Sharper: “You don’t strike competitors though, Knots. Wrestlers should never attack fans and vice-versa.”

Neegan Redfield in action


The lights switch off around the arena causing the crowd to buzz with anticipation when the opening to “Miseria Cantare” by AFI begins to play. Suddenly a quote appears on the big screen above the stage.


Suffering does not break us. It helps us find out who we truly are.

Verity 7:13


On the screens around the arena as well as the big screen above the stage we see a large image of a neon pink smile with x’s for eyes. The image lingers on the screens for a moment before we then see the same form on the mask of a woman standing on the stage, two neon pink rods illuminate the surrounding area to reveal a hulking figure behind her who wields them... She rips the mask off and throws it to the ground with a smirk, the song kicks, the lights come back on.


Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing from Camden, New Jersey. He weighs in tonight at 288lbs and is being accompanied to the ring by Aadya Verity!! He is the BRUTALIST, NEEGAN REDFIELD!!”


The focus on the stage is then on Aadya Verity who slowly walks down towards the ring, in her hand now is a black leather book. Following behind her is Redfield who rests the neon lights on his shoulder. Once at ringside, Verity walks around to a corner ignoring the fans while Redfield turns off the light tubes and leans them against the steps before leaping onto the apron and entering the ring.


Redfield paces the ring for a moment, glancing over at the official menacingly. Aadya will whistle and the big man heads to the corner she stands by and kneels with his head pressed against the top turnbuckle, she opens the book and begins to speak its words whatever they may be as he listens…


Sharper: “This man…Neegan Redfield and along with Aayda Verity.”


Knots: “They look like fun at parties.”


Sharper: “Verity almost preaching to Redfield. Making his debut here tonight on Breakdown.”


Phillips: “And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, he is Christian Gladstone!”


Gladstone steps up and throws his arms up as the crowd boos. The bell sounds and Gladstone turns and runs at Redfield. He goes for a clothesline, but Redfield catches his arm, spins through, into a full nelson before hoisting him up and dropping him with the Annihilator Slam. The crowd ohs. Redfield rolls over, holding his lower back. Redfield gets up and walks over and then grabs Gladstone’s arm. Gladstone looks around before Redfield falls back and immediately bends Gladstone’s arm back, locking in the Out of Time. Gladstone yells in pain.


Sharper: “He’s pulling back on the arm! Gladstone yelling in pain.”


Knots: “Jesus! They’re destroying this kid!”


Gladstone yells more as he starts to tap out frantically. The bell sounds as Redfield keeps the hold on for a moment longer before letting Gladstone go. He rolls over, clutching his arm.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via submission, Neegan Redfield!”


Sharper: “My goodness. Two moves. The slam, the Out of Time and this is over.”


Knots: “Gladstone didn’t get out of the blocks and now he may have a broken arm!”


Redfield starts to get up as Aayda Verity enters the ring. She walks over to Redfield and glances at him before turning to Gladstone. She walks over, pulling out a pen of some sort and starting to draw a neon pink smile around Gladstone’s mouth. The crowd looks on as Redfield just stands next to Gladstone, just looking down at him as Gladstone, still in pain, tries to ignore it so they leave. Next, Verity switches to a black pen and draws two x’s over the eyes of Gladstone. The crowd buzzes a bit before Verity, satisfied, pushes Gladstone down. Verity then turns to Redfield before glancing down at Gladstone again and leaving the ring.


Sharper: “What in the world? Drawing a smile, crossed out eyes….”


Knots: “First victim here on Breakdown!”


Redfield and Verity then start to slowly leave the ring. “Miseria Cantare” plays in the background. The official checks on Gladstone before the scene cuts away.

Jay Gold can be seen backstage watching the monitor and shaking his head as we then see Dean Black walking over to Jay.


Dean: “Hey, Jay.”


Jay: “Dean.”


Dean: “We need to talk.”


Jay: “Look, I mean what I said two weeks ago. That never should’ve happened.”


Dean: “And it’s something that already has led to some changes in our booking department. But that’s also why I’m here. We got word that the male you apparently injured…he’s suing.”


Jay: “What? He entered the ring. He put himself at risk.”


Dean: “He’s claiming someone convinced him to do it and represented SCW.”


Jay: “So you’re warning me to expect papers?”


Dean nods.


Dean: “We’ve been through a lot. Least I can do.”


Jay scoffs.


Jay: “So what’s the plan?”


Dean: “Don’t know. Legal has been working on it. I do know they plan to have it tossed out.”


Jay nods.


Jay: “Looks like I have a lot to think about. What are they looking for?”


Dean: “I don’t know. I don’t even know if Sasha knows. Her dad is apparently taking care of it.”


Jay scoffs.


Jay: “Well then….Thanks.”


Dean pats him on the back and heads off. Jay looks out before shaking his head and walking off as the scene fades to black.


The scene opens up with an outside shot of the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. The crowd cheers seeing their home arena on the screen.


Sharper: “We are live tonight in Indianapolis. Breakdown emanating from the Bankers Life Fieldhouse and it’s been a wild night-“


We then see the Dancing Bear running in front  and stopping in the middle of the shot, thrusting left and then right, and then left and then right before running off.


Knots: “Was that that damn bear?”


Sharper: “I think it was!”


Knots: “Anyone want to tell Lexy?”


Sharper: “I’m sure she’ll figure it out.”

Void vs. Regan Street

SCW Television Championship


“Scarlet” begins to play as the entire arena in engulfed in red lighting, feeling so much like a thick red veil has overtaken the arena that it's suffocating. Through the smoke that begins to cover the stage, Void slowly walks out onto the stage, snarling at the fans in an almost animalistic fashion. Angel is not far behind her, a hand on Void's shoulder as she says something to her that has the masked woman nodding.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall, has a fifteen minute time limit, and is for the SCW Television Championship. First, the challenger, accompanied by Angel, she is Void!”


The two begin making their way down to the ring, Angel never breaking her contact with Void which seems to be the only thing keeping her from venting her aggression on any of the booing fans around them. Once they reach ringside Angel pulls back her hand, and Void slides into the ring and crouches down in her corner as Angel stays on the floor, giving more instructions to her as the lights return to normal.


Sharper: “This could be the most unique challenge Regan Street could have. The unstable Void.”


Knots: “She did a lot of damage in her short time in the battle royal.”


Sharper: “And she’s just almost animalistic in the ring with this mask on. I don’t get it!”


The arena goes dark. The sound of a Hellcat scratching through the screen is seen with a roar. Fireworks blast off the entrance as “Who's Next” by Porcelain Black plays throughout the arena. Regan Street walks out in her cheetah print wrestling gear and ensemble with her younger sister, Mikaela and cousin Delilah behind her. The SCW Television Championship is around her waist. She stands at the entrance way looking out into the crowd as they shower her with cheers and cat calls no pun intended. Regan turns to Mikaela and Delilah, they all nod before she looks around at the crowd, screams and then smirks walking to the ring determined for her next match and starts to make her way down to the ring followed by Mikaela and Delilah.
Phillips: “Her opponent, accompanied by Mikaela Street and Delilah, from Santa Monica, California, she is the SCW Television Champion, the Hellcat, Regan Street!”
Regan Street gets to the apron and hops up to the ring as the crowd roars; pointing to Delilah to sit by Knots and Sharper, nodding she does. Regan flips over the ropes back first to cheers from the fans, Mikaela slides after her. Once inside the ring Regan goes to the corner, climbing it and posing in her own confident way as Mikaela claps before dropping down and walking to the middle of the ring where she takes off her entrance attire and nods to her sister, handing her the gear and she makes her way to the corner while the Hellcat stands waiting to start her fight, handing the title over to the official, Steve Hollinsworth. Hollinsworth steps back, holding the title over her head as the SCW Television Championship logo comes across the screen.


Sharper: “Regan Street happy to step into the ring to compete. Attention turning to the World Tag Team Championship long term. Also supporting her husband.”


Knots: “But she better be working on keeping her title!”


The bell sounds and Void runs at Regan. Regan steps up to attack her, but Void nails her with a forearm shot and then another and another. Regan falls back into the corner and Void hammers away with repeated blows. Angel looks on as Hollinsworth comes over and calls for the break.










Void steps back and spins around and then runs back at Regan. Regan ducks and Void goes into the corner. Regan turns and forearms Void before turning to hard right hands. The crowd roars as Void thrashes, trying to swat Regan away instead of covering up. Regan gets a few hard shots in.










Regan steps back and spins around. Void shakes it off and runs at Regan. Void then tackles Regan back, sending both across the ring and into the ropes before Void and Regan go up and over the top rope, spilling to the floor by the entrance way. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Void and Regan up and over!”


Knots: “Well if Void wants a fight, the Hellcat happy to give one!”


Sharper: “This may not be a scientific classic. This is a fight!”


Regan and Void roll over. (1) Both get up and Regan and Void lunge and both nail each other with hard right. They each stagger back. (2) They then lunge at one another and Regan and Void both grab each other by the hair and start to hammer away on one another with repeated right hands. (3) The crowd roars as Regan and Void both get shots in. (4) Regan then turns and spins through and throws Void back first into the ringpost. Void drops. (5) Regan walks over and grabs Void, dragging her up and turning and rolling her into the ring. (6) Regan rolls in after. Void actually starts to get up and Regan runs over and clotheslines her down. Regan goes for the pin, but Void starts to thrash.




Void’s arm goes up as Regan rolls away. She looks at Void trying to make sense of her. Void then crawls over to the corner.


Sharper: “There’s still a lot we don’t understand about Void, but one thing is that she’s got this odd aversion to being pinned.”


Knots: “You almost have to knock her out and drop her senses or something. She just keeps fighting!”


Void gets up in the corner and Regan gets up and runs after her and forearms her in the jaw and then again and again. She grabs Void and whips her across the ring. Regan runs after and Void suddenly runs out and tackles Regan down with a diving crossbody. The crowd ohs. Regan rolsl over as Void rolls over too. She gets up and grunts some before Regan starts to get up and Void grabs her and clubs her repeatedly in the back. Regan drops down to a knee and Void then backs up and lunges, hitting a running knee lift. Regan falls back. Void then dives onto her for the pin.






Regan kicks out. She turns, but Void moves and steps over Regan’s left arm and then starts to elbow Regan over and over in the collarbone. The crowd boos as Regan tries to cover up, but Void nails her over and over. Regan starts to drop to the mat as Void then turns, and mounts Regan, just choking her.










Void gets up and snaps at the official. She then paces around the ring. Regan rolls over, coughing. She grabs at the ropes, starting to get up.


Sharper: “Void, just choking Regan.”


Knots: “Hollinsworth better bail too. Void may go after him!”


Sharper: “It’s for the TV Title, Knots!”


Knots: “You try to convince her that she should focus on the rules!”


Void then turns and runs at Regan and catches her with a running forearm. Regan staggers out. Void then grabs Regan and whips her violently across the ring. Regan hits chest first. Void runs after Regan, attempting a spear, but Regan moves out of the way. Void goes shoulder first between the turnbuckles and into the ringpost. Void falls to the floor. (1) Regan looks over and drops down to the floor. (1) Void rolls over and tries to get up as Regan grabs Void and runs her face first into the ringpost. (2) The crowd ohs and Regan spins her around and rolls her back into the ring. Regan slides in and Void staggers up and Regan grabs her by the head and spins through into the Haywire. Regan goes for the pin. Void thrashes, but not as much.






Void kicks out. Void rolls over and Regan grabs her and knees her in the chest and then again. She whips her into the ropes. Void bounces off and Regan hits a dropkick. Regan then turns and exits to the apron. She climbs up to the top rope. Void kicks her legs, moving ever so much, but Regan then stands on the top and dives off with the Price Tag. The crowd ohs. Regan hooks the leg.






Void pushes her off and rolls over and away, grunting violently. Regan just looks at her, fighting up to her feet.


Sharper: “Only two after the Price Tag. But Void, she may be slowly draining in energy, but she’s still fighting.”


Knots; “Kicks out and rolls away. Regan almost now seeing this as a challenge, I think. To deal with someone like this.”


Sharper: “Not how her road to Rise to Greatness I assume she was thinking would go!”


Void starts to get up and Regan gets up and Void stumbles up and swings, but Regan sidesteps. Void stumbles forward and spins around and Regan kicks her in the ribs. She then grabs her by the head, but Void pushes her back into the corner. Void rears back and shoulders her again before rearing back for another spear, but Regan gets a knee up. Void stumbles back and Regan runs out and hits her with the Love Tap. The crowd roars. Void rolls over, holding her face and Regan walks over to her and grabs her and hits the CATastrophe! The crowd ohs and cheers. Regan rolls Void over and hooks the leg.








The crowd roars.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, and still SCW Television Champion, Regan Street!”


Regan gets up and looks at Void, who moves her leg, but is down. Angel looks on as Regan steps forward and is handed the SCW Television Champion by the official. Regan holds it over her head before going to the ropes.


Sharper: “A hard fought war and one where Regan Street had more in the eye.”


Knots: “Void never stopped moving. Never stopped thrashing. And you wonder if her energy was an issue. Regan Street just had an answer!”


Sharper: “Had an answer and again, retains the TV Championship, here in Indianapolis.”


Regan Street steps through the ropes and down to Mikaela and Delilah. She then throws the title over her shoulder and high fives a few fans as she starts to head to the back.


Sharper: “Let’s now go backstage where Jessica Winters is with Jake Starr. Jessica?”

The scene changes to show Jake Starr standing next to Jessica Winters in the backstage area.


Jessica: “Thank you Adam. Jake, it seems you’ve done it again. You’ve managed to anger a few people. Both Aubrianna Powers and Gavin Taylor have made clear they’re thrilled with your actions at Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Starr: “Aww….did I ruin her debut? Has she found someone who cares?”


Jessica: “She talked with Sasha.”


Starr: “Good for her. How about Gavin?”


Jessica: “Well he’s more still just stewing.”


Starr: “So not yet to be a big boy and come at me. Well, don’t worry, I piss people off. I know it. Which reminds me, I shouldn’t piss David off. I owe the man a steak dinner. They can come take it up with me there…or anywhere. And I’ll even be ready….right Chairee?”


Starr then holds up a steel chair. He smiles.


Starr: “I’m easy to find!”


Starr laughs as he walks off. The crowd roars as the scene fades to black.


The Arena goes dark and silent. The Video package starts, with the lyrics of “Style” by Taylor Swift began to play over the arena, the package shows Sienna Swann in many of her runway walks and shoots, entering the ring with the red carpet rolled out and paparazzi taking pictures on track with the music...

You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye…
And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like….
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time….
The lyrics suddenly stop at the sound of a record scratching, the video turns from color to black and white, showing Sienna pacing the hallways distraught, how she reacted after her losses of the World Championship, screaming from the top of her lungs. The footage then revs back up, in color showing Sienna spreading her golden wings, posing with the World Championship and other numerous titles, then seen with her beautiful smile, along with The Truelove Twins and Laura Steinbeck, then with Chris Cannon…

'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style.
You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt.
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt.
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time….
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style…
Just then the music stops at the scratch of the record. The video distorts one more time. It shows Sienna after the End of the Year Battle Royal, after Taking Hold of the Flame, Retribution, running her fingers through her hair, Chris trying to pull her away, Xiomara jumping in between Sienna and Sasha, when all you can hear is Sienna’s voice….
“Beauty, Allure and Elegance, this is what I wanted to bring to the SCW, but you just wouldn’t let me. The People meant something, it was all for them, yet instead those listening to my voice right now slapped the Angel in the face, falling from the heavens and her perch only to land in this hell you call a sport. I am here not for Fashion, or to make this place any less disgusting. For The People, those in charge and the millions who broke my wings? Vengeance is mine……
Avenge The Fallen.”

Knots: “Do we have to go through this all every time?”


Sharper: “She’s asked for the time. Clearly she wants to milk it for everything its worth!”

The video stops after showing Sienna fallen on the mat. It goes dark, when suddenly the rift of “Fallen Angel” by Three Days Grace begins to play, a lone spotlight centers in the entrance way where Sienna Swann stands, Xiomara Diaz and Chris Cannon with her. Sienna looks around, just glaring at the crowd as the crowd boos loudly. She then starts to make her way to the ring, Chris Cannon walking with her. Xiomara Diaz is a few steps behind her.  They reaches the ring and Sienna Swann walks up the steel steps. She walks along the apron and into the ring. Chris Cannon steps in after as he straightens his suit. Xiomara remains on the floor. Sienna looks around as the boos continue. She then walks over to the corner where a microphone is waiting for her. She takes it and walks back to the middle of the ring.


Knots: “Gotta have the muscle on the floor.”


Sharper: “Xiomara Diaz on the floor. Chris Cannon in the ring. Already these two have been busy.”


Knots: “What’s this stability now that she’s going to claim to show?”


Sienna looks around and then a smirk forms.


Sienna: “We all know that you came to see a few select people tonight. Our World Champion. The Greatest Wrestler in the World. And Chris and I. Now, SCW will not say as much but they continue to insult him with low offers and offers that do not respect what he deserves.”


Sienna stops.


Sienna: “And then there’s me. Chris or I should be headlining Rise to Greatness. We had Taking Hold of the Flame won, but David…David, you got lucky. You always seem to get lucky. You’re held in such high regard. Just like Kelcey….when it should be ME!...and Chris….who get the attention. We raised money to help others. We brought our spotlight to the underprivileged and we were spat on because all of you did not DESERVE what we were doing. And that’s why we don’t give a damn about anyone else.”


Sienna looks around.


Sienna: “If I’m not going to Rise to Greatness to face my best friend in the match that would be talked about for centuries, I am going to do the next best thing. We will get Chris the contract he deserves. And in the process, I will get full custody of OUR son, Nathaniel, ripping away from Kelcey Wallace something she DOESN’T deserve. Something she can’t handle!”


Knots: “Oh yeah…this is stable…”


Sienna turns, a maniacal smile, following.


Sienna: “And maybe I’ll prove to people that they are as LITTLE as I’ve always claimed. I knew there was always a problem with you. I knew you couldn’t stand with us because WE stand for GREATNESS…for PERFECTION. You, Jordan. Claimed I was a manipulative bitch? No, Jordan, I just know when someone can’t hack it with us and I treated you like the sludge you are. YOU though walk around, claiming that I used you, tried to pull you away from your brother, and frankly, that was just for your own self-preservation…that I’m using Bree…no, I’m not the one using US to make themselves a star.”


Sienna laughs.


Sienna: “Star of Tomorrow? Well I know that’s bullshit because SCW already has stars in Glory, Bree, Chris and myself. And if you’re the future, well it’s looking pretty dim. Because the fact is that the only way you could stand over me is when you had to attack me when I didn’t see it coming. After I beat your brother. PROVING your poor genetics wasn’t going to be a difference maker.”


Xiomara looks in, a bit concerned as Cannon can be seen giving her some sort of signal.


Sienna: “I mean look at me. I am an athlete. I am PERFECTION. Look at Chris…PERFECTION. Look at Xiomara, Glory, Bree….we all are a different class of greatness. YOU Jordan…you’re a pawn. And while you can get lucky, trying to outdo me, if you come after me, you’ll be like Kelcey Wallace, a shell of whatever you could be as your best days were LONG in the past.”


Sharper: “Come on…”


Knots: “Chris isn’t stopping this…She’s just ranting!”


Sienna steps forward.


Sienna: “Just like I will beat Kelcey. If you get in my way, I WILL BEAT YOU. And you know what, SCW….GIVE ME JORDAN MAJORS AT RISE TO GREATNESS. I’ll kill your future right at my feet so you DAMN WELL KNOW WE….ARE THE ONLY THING THAT SHOULD GOD DAMNED MATTER!”


Sienna smiles. Just then, “Nightmare” by Halsey starts to play and the crowd erupts in cheers. Sienna smirks and turns.


Sienna: “You want to end it earlier. That’s fine…Face to face, you can’t take me!”


A few moments pass before Jordan Majors walks out from the back. She looks down at the ring. Xiomara Diaz turns to the ring and Jordan looks down at the ring. She starts to yell at the ring. The crowd roars as Jordan looks around before counting and shrugging and running down to the ring.


Sharper: “Earlier tonight, Jordan Majors said this was her fight! And well, she’s out here!”


Knots: “She’s heading to the ring. She is a relative of Starr. This is right out of his playbook!”


Jordan then runs down to the ring. Xiomara goes to stop her, but Jordan blocks a hard right and nails her with one. Jordan then turns and rolls into the ring. Chris and Sienna, however, both immediately lunge at her and nail her in the back. Xiomara starts to get up, annoyed as Swann and Cannon hammer away. The crowd boos loudly.


Sharper: “Yeah! Talk about facing her one on one and now it’s a group attack!”


Knots: “Jordan showing maybe more guts than brains. What the hell are you thinking?”


Sharper: “But she’s fighting!”


Jordan then swings, nailing Chris and Sienna, trying to defend herself as Cannon and Swann switch to stomps before we then see Josh Hudson running out of the back. Sienna looks up as Xiomara rolls into the ring. Hudson slides in.


Sharper: “Hudson! Hudson’s out!”


He gets up and forearms Sienna with a shot before turning and nailing Cannon with a shot and then another and another. Jordan starts to get up as Xiomara runs over and clubs Hudson in the back. Hudson turns and Xiomara kicks him in the thigh. Sienna runs over and nails him. We then see Blake Mason starting to run down from the back, taking off his blazer and sliding in. He gets up as the crowd roars. Chris turns to Blake and the two of them trade blows. Sienna runs over and grabs Blake and clubs him a bit before Jordan grabs her and spears her back into the corner. The crowd erupts in cheers.


Sharper: “First Jordan! Then Josh! Now Blake!”


Knots: “Swann and Cannon turned right to Blake and Jordan is going after Swann!”


Hudson turns and grabs Cannon as Diaz clubs Hudson. Blake nails Cannon as Jordan gets up and Sienna shoves her back. Swann steps forward and Jordan suddenly goes up and goes for the Cash Out. Sienna pushes her away and rolls to the floor. Hudson turns and Diaz quickly dives out of the ring. Cannon is then nailed a few more times by Blake before he’s clotheslined over the top rope to the floor. Blake backs up as Hudson looks around. Jordan then steps forward. She then turns to Hudson and spins him around. She throws her arms up as Hudson looks at her. Mason then steps up and gets between them as Majors turns and walks around the ring, looking at Swann. Swann backs up as Cannon gets up and moves to Diaz. Swann joins them. They back up the rampway.


Sharper: “Majors nearly got the Cash Out!”


Knots: “Now focusing on Swann, but a briefly shot at Hudson. She’s not happy! She wanted this alone!”


Sharper: “Mason playing peace-keeper. Swann angry. Cannon too. Majors fired up. We’re on the road to Rise to Greatness!”


Majors watches her as Hudson and Mason look at one another and then turn to the rampway. Diaz pulls Swann away as Cannon starts to head to the back. We then cut away.

“The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire plays as the Breakdown logo comes up on the screen. Following, a still of Xander Valentine vs. Ravyn Taylor appears.


Sharper: “Next, our main event. Ravyn Taylor faces Xander Valentine.”


Knots: “Ravyn’s already been busy tonight, attacking Asher Hayes. Xander, he’s just going to be pissed off!”


Sharper: “They face next!”


The scene fades to black.


“The Old Me” plays as the Breakdown logo comes up on the screen.


Sharper: “Folks, we’ve had a hell of a show tonight. Chris Cannon involved in that attack by Sienna Swann. He’s being escorted out.”


Knots: “You wonder what that will do for his contract negotiations.”


Sharper: “Either way, we may find out next week, but next week some huge action.”


A still of Alistaire Allocco vs. Kandis comes up on the screen.


Sharper: “Tommy Valentine got in the face of Regan Street. Kandis will have some spotlight next week against Alistaire Allocco.”


Knots: “But Tommy will be in action too and in a big way.”


The still shifts to show Tommy Valentine vs. Peyton Rice for the Adrenaline Championship.


Sharper: “Tommy Valentine will have an opportunity to be a double champion again. He challenges Peyton Rice for the Adrenaline Championship.”


Knots: “I’m sure Regan has to love that. Selena too!”


Sharper: “Regan will be busy in her own way. Defending the TV Title…”


The still then changes against to show Cookie Dreams vs. Regan Street.


Knots: “After a hell of a showing at Taking Hold of the Flame, she’s going for gold!”


Sharper: “TV Title it is. Cookie Dreams challenges Regan Street. That’s next week. But that’s not all.”


We then see the Breakdown logo again before a shot of Syren vs. Asher Hayes.


Sharper: “Our main event…”


Knots: “After the attack earlier, Asher Hayes better be ready. Syren and Hayes are going to go at it!”


Sharper: “Talk about a hell of a night next week! We also expect to hear from Matt Hodges, who is taking an extra week as his knee has been quite painful after Taking Hold of the Flame. So much going on in SCW these days.”

Xander Valentine vs. Ravyn Taylor


The feedback over the PA system, as if a jack is plugged into an amplifier rips through the arena. While the noise attracts the attention of the crowd, spotlights, one after another shine down onto the stage. The familiar chords of "The Fade to Black" crackles on the sound system as smoke begins to hover on the stage. A shadow stands behind a illuminated curtain, by this point the crowd already caught up in a frenzy. The song's interlude cuts shorts as the lyrics begin:

“Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free”

As the final line of lyrics play and the song revs up, Xander bursts out behind the curtain onto the stage. He marches out onto the stage to the top of the ramp. Boos starts to hail down on him, but there is some cheers beneath. Behind him emerges a woman, wearing a coat with fur lining. As she stops and positions herself behind Xander. As if she doesn't exist, he stares down at the ring, regardless if occupied or vacant. A serious glare is painted across his weathered face. He starts marching deliberately down the ramp, continuing to stare at the ring.

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and is for TV Time remaining. First, on his way to the ring, accompanied by Artemis, from San Diego, California, he is SCW’s Executioner, Xander Valentine!”

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this Can t be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he 's gone

The song begins to fade out at this point. Xander is at the bottom of the ring steps. He stomps the bottom step several times before moving pass the steps towards the side of the ring. In a single bound, Xander leaps up onto the apron. He poses for a moment, stretching his shoulders as he continues to look into the ring. He raises his arm high into his air, as to promise victory. He garners another response from the crowd. Meanwhile Artemis has left his side, instead moving towards the time keeper to take the position of a watcher. She stands there as if no one else exists but Xander and his opponent. Xander looks over at Artemis for a moment, for the first time acknowledging her existence before leaping over the top rope. He steps over to the corner and prepares for the battle ahead.


Sharper: “Xander Valentine has to be disappointed. He’s got to be annoyed. Regan Street clearly stating Selena Frost will be her partner going forward.”


Knots: “Yeah, and he’s got an opponent he’s not a fan of either. Ravyn Taylor humiliated him years ago and well, this Rise to Greatness rematch is going to be interesting.”


Sharper: “Infamous already making more enemies earlier, attacking Asher Hayes.”


The camera cuts to the crowd where we see a group of red-shirted security walking in through one of the ground-level entrances. They line up in front of the fans for a moment and seem to be holding them back. Then the lights go out leaving the arena in complete darkness. The screen fills with images of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address.


“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is—”


There’s a record scratch before a deep voice fills the arena.




The opening of “Open Your Eyes” by Guano Apes hits the PA system.


“Hide your face forever

Dream and search forever-ever-ever-ever”


The song gets stuck on the word and is then interrupted by the deep sound of the voice of Marilyn Manson.


“Just lay your head in daddy’s lap

You’re a bad girl!”


“Bad Girl” by Avril Lavigne hits the PA system as we cut to the backstage. We see Ravyn Taylor walking the corridors, accompanied by Alexander Crowe. Ravyn has her ring-gear on, and most notably her ring jacket. As she walks the camera reverses down the corridor, and we see Syren are amongst those behind her as Infamous make their way toward ringside, and we can hear the boos from the crowd even backstage. We then cut to the shot of the doorway again where we see Ravyn Taylor walk through. She pauses, a smirk on her face for a moment, before beginning to walk to the ring.


Sinfully Seductive

Captivatingly Corrupt

Dark Fantasy


We follow the group as they make their way down toward ringside, with security keeping fans back in the aisles. Ravyn doesn’t seem at all distracted by the noise and movement of people around her however, keeping her eyes focused on the ring. She gets to the barricade and pauses. Alexander Crowe and Syren grab her by the arms and lift her up and over. She jumps down the other side and smirks again as she starts to walk toward the ring.


Phillips: “His opponent, representing Infamous and being accompanied by Alexander Crowe, and Syren, hailing from Hell, Michigan, she is an SCW Hall of Famer, an SCW Supreme Champion, and a BAD, BAD GIRL, this is RAVYN TAYLOR!”


Ravyn steps up the ring steps, pausing for a moment before encouraging Jason Phillips to walk over toward her. She points to the ropes, telling him to sit on the middle rope to lower it for her. But just as this happens, the crowd erupts in cheers as Asher Hayes runs down and tries to go after Ravyn. Ravyn turns as Crowe steps up and gets in Asher’s face. Syren moves forward too. Officials jog out after as the crowd roars. Ravyn kicks at Hayes.


Sharper: “Asher Hayes! Hayes coming down. Going to continue the fight from earlier!”


Knots: “And Infamous standing in the way. He’s ready to go!”


Sharper: “CHBK isn’t out here. He’s being checked for a concussion. So the ranks are thinned.””


Officials start to pull Asher back. Syren and Crowe step forward only to be separated by officials. Xander then comes up behind Ravyn and lifts her up and just throws her into the ring. Ravyn hits the mat and rolls over. She then backs up as Aaron Demitra keeps Xander back. Xander paces as Syren and Crowe turn to the ring. Asher keeps getting pushed back.


Sharper: “Xander just pulled Ravyn into the ring. Dumped her in!”


Knots: “He’s ready to compete. Ravyn…better refocus!”


Sharper: “Demitra, trying to make sure this is a clean start. Xander is pacing! He wants to go!”


Ravyn starts to get up as Xander paces. Artemis looks on as Syren and Crowe snap at Demitra. Demitra checks on Ravyn. Ravyn nods as the bell sounds. Xander steps out and moves toward Ravyn. He throws a hard right, but Ravyn ducks under and backs up. Xander turns and continues to follow up. Xander swings again and Ravyn ducks under. She then rolls to the floor. Xander turns and storms over to the ropes. He steps over the top rope to the apron. Ravyn jogs around as Xander drops down. He stalks Ravyn as Ravyn gets over to the ropes. Crowe steps up as Xander walks around and Crowe gets in Xander’s face. Ravyn slides back in and runs across the ring. Xander then grabs Crowe and goes to lift him up before Ravyn hits a baseball slide. Xander falls over to the announce table. Ravyn then slides through to the apron.


Sharper: “Ravyn suckering Xander in. Xander getting blinded by his rage.”


Knots: “And I did not want Xander in my lap!”


Ravyn dives off and lands on Xander’s back. Xander falls to his knees. (1) Demitra tells them to get back in as Ravyn clubs him in the back and then again. (2) She backs up and rolls into the ring. She gets up and gets Demitra’s attention. Xander starts to get up as Demitra tells Ravyn to stay away from the ropes. Syren then runs over and hits a chopblock. Xander falls over. Artemis just looks on as Xander falls to the mats. The crowd boos as Syren gets up. Crowe and her high five before they head around the ring away from Xander. Xander slowly stirs as Ravyn looks on.


Sharper: “Ravyn distracting Xander as Syren and Crowe do the usual Infamous plan. Attack, distract.”


Knots: “And they went for the legs. Xander now has a big target on his leg.”


Xander pushes himself up as Demitra restarts his count. (1) Xander staggers over to the ring. He grits his teeth and slides in. (2) Ravyn heads over and stomps him in the back before going for the head, stomping him over and over before then grinding her boot into the back of Xander’s head.










Ravyn steps back and walks around the ring. Xander fights his way to his knees and Ravyn runs over and hits a basement dropkick to the side of the head. Xander falls over. The crowd boos. Ravyn gets up and smirks. She then places Xander on the middle rope and starts to lean in his back again, choking him on the middle rope.










Ravyn steps back. Demitra goes to reprimand her only for Ravyn to move in and kick the rope hard. Xander falls back, holding his throat. He then starts to get up. Ravyn runs over after and kicks him in the leg. Xander staggers to the corner. Ravyn kicks him again.


Sharper: “Ravyn, intelligently, no surprise there, going after Xander. Right to the leg.”


Knots: “Trying to keep him off balance. But he’s back up to his feet!”


Ravyn kicks him in the leg again and then grabs the left leg and lifts it up to place on the middle rope, but Xander shoves her back. Ravyn rolls back. Xander steps down and Ravyn runs back in to go to the leg, but Xander blocks it and throws her back again. Ravyn rolls back and gets up and runs at Xander who steps up, launches her in the air and then catches her, planting her with a release powerbomb. The crowd ohs and Ravyn remains down on the mat. Xander limps out, clearly annoyed.


Sharper: “Oh my God! Just launching Ravyn Taylor and then planting her!”


Knots: “She’s still down. I don’t think she’s moved!”


Xander limps around and walks over to Ravyn who now starts to turn over and Xander grabs her and lifts her up and knees her in the ribs. Ravyn falls to the mat. Xander walks over to her again and pulls her up. He then whips her into the ropes. Ravyn bounces off and Xander scoops her up and hits a huge sidewalk slam. He pulls back on the legs for the pin.






Ravyn gets her shoulder up. Xander turns and starts to get up. Ravyn rolls over and crawls to the ropes. Xander walks over to her and grabs her and pulls her up before scooping her up and hitting a second sidewalk slam. He pulls back on her legs again for the pin.






Ravyn gets her shoulder up again. Xander rolls over and starts get up. He walks into the ropes, bounces off and then goes for a jumping elbow drop, but Ravyn rolls out of the way. Xander sits up and starts to get up.


Sharper: “Ravyn moved. Xander starting to just methodically dissect Ravyn.”


Knots: “Yeah and Ravyn knows that. Needed to move there.”


Ravyn moves to the ropes and Xander moves toward her. Ravyn kicks his knee. Xander staggers back and then moves in and Ravyn tries again but Xander blocks it. He knees her in the ribs. He then pulls her out and hooks her head. He hoists her up for a vertical suplex and holds her up. The crowd roars, but Ravyn twists and turns and lands behind Xander, and starts to go for a sleeper. Xander tries to grab her head, but Ravyn keeps moving. Xander keeps trying to pull her over, but Ravyn tries to just get him down. Xander then turns and staggers over and falls into the corner, sandwiching her. Xander then steps forward and moves back again and sandwiches her again. She drops to the mat as Xander walks forward, increasingly frustrated.


Sharper: “Ravyn trying to take Xander down. Sleeper had some effect, but Xander countered.”


Knots: “And countered more effectively. He’s like double the size of her!”


Ravyn grabs at the ropes and Xander turns back and goes over to grab at her, but Ravyn pulls herself to the apron and Syren pulls her down. Xander reaches for her, but Ravyn moves away. The crowd boos. Xander then starts to step through the ropes. Demitra tries to get him back, but Xander steps through the ropes and down to the floor. He then goes for Ravyn and grabs her and forearms her in. She falls over. Xander then turns as Crowe runs over to grab Xander. (1) Xander grabs him by the throat. Syren steps up and Xander lifts Crowe up and throws him at Syren. Syren goes down. The crowd roars.(2) Xander then turns back to Ravyn and Ravyn suddenly hits a drop toe hold, driving Xander into the steel steps. The crowd ohs and boos. (3)


Sharper: “And Xander caught Crowe and then dispatched him and Syren! He’s trying to deal with all three of Infamous and then got caught! Face first into the steel steps!”


Knots: “Ravyn’s using her craftiness to take down the Executioner. Too bad for Xander she’s got a lot of it. And it’s rarely used for good!”


Ravyn slowly gets up. (4) She rolls into the ring. She then backs up. (5) She smirks as Xander rolls over, holding his face and revealing a cut over his eye. (6) He grabs at the barricade, but as he gets up, we see Asher Hayes running out again. A couple of officials are running after him and Hayes slides into the ring.(7) Ravyn gets up and turns as Asher clotheslines her down. The crowd roars. Demitra turns and sees this and calls for the bell. The bell sounds. Ravyn gets up and Hayes heads for her again. Ravyn just narrowly rolls out of the ring to the opposite side of Xander. Asher dives after her, but misses. He then is tackled down by officials.


Sharper: “Asher Hayes coming out! He got free from the officials and got his shot in on Ravyn!”


Knots: “Just one though. Ravyn just got out of there. And he wants more!”


The crowd roars and chants for Hayes. Xander starts to get up at ringside as Syren and Crowe head around the opposite way of the ring. Xander looks into the ring, the gash over his eye, causing more blood to trickle down. Ravyn starts to get away.


Sharper: “And look at Xander Valentine. Ravyn did some damage.”


Knots: “He did, but it looks like Xander was not ready for this match to be over and Asher doesn’t even know!”


Xander grabs at the ropes and steps onto the apron and then looks at Ravyn as Ravyn smirks as she is backed away before he looks at Hayes.


Sharper: “Passed over by Regan. Now this match. More frustration for the Executioner.”


Knots: “Seems like Rise to Greatness is always becoming a period of pain for him. And after some of what he’s done…yeah…maybe the son of a bitch deserves it!”


Hayes looks at Ravyn as the camera focuses on him as the scene fades to black…