“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”


A shot of Kelcey Wallace nailing Bree Lancaster with the Perfect Ending, followed by a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator off the top rope on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness, before turning a shot of Jake Starr pumping up the crowd on his way to the ring, before turning into a shot of Ravyn Taylor sitting in the corner, waiting for the start of a match. We then see a shot of Katie Steward holding the Women’s Championship before cutting to a shot of Selena Frost hitting Vixen Cain with the Defying Gravity at Supreme Saturday: Just Desserts.


“The leading force in sports and entertainment today....”







The opening bars of “The Old Me” by Memphis May Fire play as the Breakdown logo flies across the screen.
I'm thinking about the old me
'Cause I've been feeling empty
I never used to be so dead inside
Shots of Syren celebrating with the World Championship start before we see a shot of the Beauty Factory standing tall in the ring. Following this is Aaron Blackbourne hitting the Unchained Creativity on an opponent. Katie Steward hitting the Save the Queen on Ace Marshall follows.

I think I lost my memory
I can't remember carefree
And all my days turn into fight or flight
Owen Cruze hitting the Cruze Stomp on an opponent follows before we see Selena Frost hitting the Glass Shard on Bree Lancaster. Bree Lancaster hitting the Classifier on Aaron Blackbourne follows before we see Scarlet Grey walking to the ring.
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
I wanna get back, tell me how to get back
Giovanni Aries dragging Jason Helms into the Wonderland hole at Cold Blooded 2020 follows before we see Kandis and Tommy Valentine holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship. Asher Hayes standing on the ropes follows before we see Jordan Majors hitting a Cash Out on Sienna Swann. Derek Adonis holding up a copy of the KABLAMA Sutra follows.
Say it again, say it again, tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me that I'm gonna be fine and there's nothing left to fear
'Cause I've been losing sleep (losing sleep)
Trying to get back to who I used to be
Where is the old me?
Chris Cannon spearing Kennedy Street and Owen Cruze follows before we see a shot of Alistaire Allocco on his way to the ring, and then a shot of Regan Street and Datura swinging chairs at one another. The Breakdown logo comes up on the screen and remains on it for a few moments.

We then cut to a live shot of the inside of the SAP Center in San Jose, California. The cameras pan across the crowd for a few moments.


Sharper: “We are live in the Shark Tank as Breakdown is eleven days away from Taking Hold of the Flame!”

The scene cuts down to ringside to see Adam Sharper and Jonathan Knots standing at ringside, microphones in their hands.


Sharper: “Hello again everyone. Adam Sharper here with Jonathan Knots. Fatal Fortunes definitely shook a lot up and we’ll see if fate sees our new World Tag Team Champions…”


A still comes up on the screen showing The Jackass and Big Ass Connection vs. Owen Cruze & Blake Mason for the SCW World Tag Team Championship.


Sharper: “Owen Cruze and Blake Mason can hold on in the rematch against the former champions.”


Knots: “And a lot of people will be watching. Tommy Valentine and Kandis have a laundry list of people who want to face them and ideally for the titles. All to help Regan Street get the one title she’s never held!”


Sharper: “Speaking of Regan Street…”


The Breakdown logo comes up and the still changes to show Jake Starr vs. Regan Street for the SCW Television Championship.


Sharper: “She’ll be continuing the grueling schedule of being the Television Champion. You defend it every week. Tonight, she defends it against a hall of famer, Jake Starr.”


Knots: “Looking to get some more gold to his resume. He’s always a tough match and Regan Street better continue to be at a high level.”


Sharper: “And we also have a very personal match. Chris Cannon, after last week, attacking Derek Adonis, forcing him to declare himself the winner, he faces Derek Adonis tonight. A lot going on here in San Jose.”


The sound of a whip cracking gets everyone's attention, followed by the heavy bass riff of “More Human than Human.” The sounds of a female in the throes of passion seem to have been replaced with Kandis' voice.. When the moaning stops, the heavier music kicks in, then Kandis and Tommy Valentine come through the curtain. Both smirk as they look around.


Sharper: “The former World Tag Team Champions will have their rematch later tonight, but I think right now, they’re planning to have some fun.”


Knots: “Tommy Valentine is a marked man. Everyone wants to kick his ass!”


Tommy Valentine and Kandis head to the ring and Kandis walks up the steel steps as Tommy smirks, watching her. She steps into the ring, again, with Tommy enjoying the view. He steps in after and walks around the ring. The crowd boos them as Tommy heads over to corner. He’s handed a microphone. He takes it and walks back over to the middle of the ring. The crowd continues to boo as his music fades out. He walks around, listening to the response.


Tommy: “Always great to hear people boo me in my own backyard, but that’s fine. The two of us don’t really care what you all think because tonight, we’ll get our Tag Titles back. But that’s later.”


Tommy stops as he walks over to the ropes and leans on them.


Tommy: “But see, I think we need to have a little bit of a sit down. I had hoped to have some chairs out here and maybe even get Jerry Springer himself to waddle out here to deal with this all, but SCW wouldn’t fly him in, but damn I’m popular. Right?”


Tommy smirks.


Tommy: “Everyone wants to kick my ass because I just happen to stand by this woman right here.”


Tommy walks over and wraps his arm around Kandis. Kandis just smirks before Tommy smacks her ass for good measure. He looks around.


Tommy: “And a few people don’t like it. They also don’t like that I’ve stopped putting myself second. They don’t like the fact that I have no problem calling Regan Street out for being the raging bitch that she is!”


The crowd ohs and roars.


Knots: “There we go!”


Sharper: “Tommy is now trying to set someone off!”


Tommy: “And in the process, it’s cost me my best friend, well, someone who apparently is a judgmental piece of crap and well, I get to break Selena Frost’s heart so it aint all bad, right?”


Kandis nods as Tommy turns to her.


Sharper: “You’re forgetting someone else.”


Tommy: “But well-“


We then see David Helms storming out from the back. The crowd roars seeing the hall of famer. He gets to the ring as Kandis turn and Tommy turns as David Helms gets up in the ring and steps forward and shoves Tommy back. Tommy staggers back and David snaps at him.


David: “Really! You want to air your dirty laundry!”


Tommy then steps up.


Tommy: “Hey! I’m not the one who’s getting their ass kicked by Xander while he’s trying to get you out of the way. The bastard cost us the tag titles-“


David shoves him back again. The crowd roars. Tommy slowly starts to get up as Selena Frost runs down to the ring. She hops onto the apron and enters the ring. David steps forward again as Selena stops him. Tommy just laughs.


Tommy: “Oh, not Regan? What? Are you trying to step in on her territory in other ways?”


Selena then steps up and nails Tommy with a forearm shot. The crowd roars and Kandis steps forward, getting in the face of Selena. David then starts to pull Selena back. Tommy starts to get up, reaching up to Kandis.


Tommy: “Nah…they just know that unlike either of them, we’re gonna get the Tag Titles back tonight. And they can’t decide who gets to fail Regan next! But you have a good extra option in Xander Valentine. Maybe you can make him the patsy! You both love him. He’s not trying to give Regan another option.”


Tommy starts to get up.


Tommy: “For all the talk about Kandis, maybe you should be looking at Regan and all the people looking to be nice to her!”


David and Selena then both turn and nail Tommy with forearm shots. Kandis then gets up and shoves Selena back before turning to David as we see officials coming to the ring. Tommy gets up.


Tommy: “Get your shots in. Then trying to figure who loves Regan more because then you can go down in flames with them because we’re going to show you, you can’t beat this!”


Tommy throws the microphone towards David and Selena as the crowd boos. Officials get up, getting between Helms and Frost and the Jackass and Big Ass Connection. Kandis keeps looking ready to attack Selena and David as Tommy pulls her away. They then exit to the floor. They walk around the ring. The crowd boos as David turns back to him. Tommy smirks and they walk around, starting to head to the back. Kandis walks over to Tommy and Tommy wraps his arm around her and they head to the back. “More Human Than Human” plays.


Sharper: “Tommy Valentine getting under everyone’s skin. His relationship with Kandis only looks stronger, but will it be enough to win the Tag Team Championships back from Cruze and Mason later tonight?”


Knots: “We’ll find out!”


Tommy and Kandis continue to head to the back before Kandis looks up and stops, getting Tommy’s attention. The crowd roars as Xander Valentine is on the stage. Tommy looks up at him as Kandis watches him. Tommy steps forward. Xander just glares at him.


Tommy: “Well aren’t you going to take a cheap shot too? Huh?!”


Tommy throws his arms out as Kandis tries to get him to back up.


Tommy: “What? You a bitch too?”


Xander grits his teeth, clearly wanting to haul off and hit him but not.


Sharper: “Xander Valentine standing across from Tommy Valentine.”


Knots: “No relation! But why isn’t Xander hitting him!”


Tommy just looks at him, laughing. He turns back to Kandis.


Tommy: “He won’t hit me? Really? After you cost us the titles?”


Tommy turns back and gets in the face of Xander. Xander looks at Tommy as a faint “Xander!” chant begins before Tommy smirks. He then backs up. He goes to throw a hard right. Xander doesn’t flinch as Tommy pulls short. He then turns back and laughs before Regan Street suddenly runs out from the back and nails Tommy with a hard right hand. He falls back. Kandis then steps up and starts to try and grab at her as the crowd roars. David and Selena turn as Xander pulls Regan away from Kandis and steps between them. Kandis just looks at Xander as David stops briefly, confused, before Selena runs up. Kandis quickly pulls away as officials run up to get between everyone too.


Sharper: “Regan Street just levelled Tommy! Xander pulling her away from Kandis!”


Knots: “What is going on?!”


Sharper: “And this fiery situation, to kick off Breakdown, still smoldering!”


Tommy starts to get up, ready to fight as officials stop him. Regan turns and heads off, annoyed as David turns and slinks past everyone to follow her. Selena looks at Xander before heading off after Regan as Xander watches Tommy and Kandis. Kandis looks at him as officials remain in between everyone as the scene cuts away.


Backstage, Jessica Winters stands at the SCW interview area.


Jessica: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Jessica Winters and please welcome at this time, Jordan Majors.”


The crowd cheers as Jordan walks into view. Jordan looks out and smirks.


Jessica: “Another week, Jordan, and another clash with Sienna Swann and the Beauty Factory. Last week, it was against Chris Cannon. You took him down after he manipulated that match.”


Jordan: “Is that going to count? Nah, let’s let him have it. I mean they’re already down aren’t they? I mean Bree is doing well. Glory, hell of a talent. But Sienna and Chris, maybe it’s being high strung narcissists who manipulate everything and run out of plays, maybe they’re just getting what they deserve. I mean everyone was talking about fate the last two weeks, maybe we should add karma?”


Jessica: “To that end, we are heading toward Taking Hold of the Flame and it’s quite clear you will be a target of the Beauty Factory in that match, while both you and them, along with so many others hope to secure the main event of Rise to Greatness and a shot at the SCW World Championship.”


Jordan: “And the good news there is that I know they’re coming for me and I’m looking forward to it. Last year, I played defense for Sienna. Do people remember that? Helping them out with Selena Frost? Well, this year, I can focus on me and trying to win it myself. I wonder whether they’ll have enough to hold back. Will Glory put things aside for Sienna? Chris may, but at the same time, maybe he wants that title shot he’s been clamouring for. For me? I’d love to win. I’d love to have Sienna Swann have to watch as I have all of the success I’ve wanted and she had nothing to do with it besides motivating me to not be manipulated by her or anyone else. And in the process, maybe I’ll give her another Cash Out for good measure. You know…just so she knows that she’s a falling angel….not a fallen one…We’re still waiting for the crater.”


The crowd roars.


Jessica: “Thank you for your time.”


Jordan: “Anytime.”


Jessica: “Breakdown returns after this!”


The scene fades to black.


Breakdown returns as we see Tommy Valentine and Kandis walking through the backstage area and Tommy keeps holding his jaw, stretching it out, as they walk right into the office of Sasha.


Tommy: “Okay, boss lady. We need you to get off your ass and take care of this.”


Sasha: “Excuse me?”


Kandis: “Do you want the Tag Team Championship still all up in controversy?”


Sasha sighs.


Tommy: “Did you see what happened? I was practically mugged. All because they don’t agree with how I carry myself or that I’m happy with Kandis here.”


Sasha: “Sounded like you were goading them.”


Tommy: “Just because I can play them all like fiddles….Kandis knows.”


Kandis smirks.


Sasha: “I don’t want to know. But Tommy, Kandis, I have no problem ensuring that we don’t have any unwanted interference tonight. Tag Titles tonight, no interference. I’ll suspend anyone who gets involved.”


Tommy smirks.


Tommy: “Great. See, you’re not so bad.”


Tommy goes to walk off, but Kandis stops her.


Kandis: “Quick other question – Xander Valentine?”


Sasha: “What about him?”


Kandis: “Is there something else going on with him? He didn’t hit Tommy.”


Sasha: “Nothing I’m going to talk about. Take it up with Xander.”


Kandis smirks and nods before Tommy looks at her and smirks himself. They head off.

Jason Helms vs. Christy Matthews


The lights in the arena cut and the darkness remains for a moment before the intro of “Hated” by Beartooth starts to play over the PA system, the lyrics appearing on the big screen in time with the music.
The crash of drums and the wail of guitars kick the song in properly and as the volume doubles a spotlight appears on the stage to show a smirking Jason Helms standing there with his arms out wide and the fans cheer at the sight of him as he throws his head back to look up at the ceiling. Jason lowers his head again and he removes his jacket before tossing it to the side of the stage before sprinting to the ring. Lucas Knight walks out behind him, taking his time as he heads to the ring.
Phillips: “Your opening contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, on his way to the ring, accompanied by Lucas Knight, originally from the great state of New Jersey but now fighting out of the Hollywood Hills, California and New Orleans, Louisiana, he is the Jackass from New Jersey and one third of The Handsome Devils Club, Jason Helms!”
Helms hits the ring and slides under the ropes, popping straight back up to his feet and scaling the turnbuckles to throw a finger gun at the camera trained on him. He 'shoots' the gun, mouthing his brother's catchphrase - BANG! - before hopping back where he plays to the fans for a couple seconds and then settles back into the corner to wait for the start of the match. Lucas Knight heads over to the corner to watch him.


Sharper: “Jason Helms has been a focus of many for the last couple of weeks. Since Cold Blooded, he’s been suffering migraines and it’s apparently related to the Wonderland Match.”


Knots: “Something happened to him when Aries forces him down the Rabbit Hole and Giovanni Aries said it was to make him remember his betrayal.”


Sharper: “It’s just odd. There’s nothing physically wrong with him. He’s been checked by doctors. He’s cleared to compete and Jason Helms has refused to stay home. Lucas Knight out here to keep an eye on him.”


Knots: “And I don’t think that’s a coincidence, given who he’s facing!”


The lights dim in the arena as the screens all cut to black and for a few seconds and there’s nothing but the reaction of the fans heard all around the arena. After a few moments the opening “King of the World” by Porcelain and the Tramps hits the PA system as spotlights begin to flick on and off around the arena. The fans boo loudly as the camera pans through them all and back to the cheap seats in the back of the arena where we see Christy Matthews standing on the guard rail with her arms outstretched in an eerily familiar mock-crucifix pose. Her fists are taped, and she looks more than ready for the task ahead. She’s wearing a red jacket the hood pulled up over her head in a style similar to the classic fairy-tale.


Phillips: “And his opponent, accompanied by Christopher Richter, from Overland Park, Kansas, representing Infamous, she is Christy Matthews!”


As she jumps down from the guard rail the screens around the arena begin to display familiar wording once more...

...E B D O N E N T E R T A I N M E N T P R E S E N T S...

...C H R I S T Y M A T T H E W S...

As she begins to push her way down to ringside, and security line the steps down through the crowd, holding back the fans in the way, we see that she's joined by her manager, Christopher Richter. Christy ignores every one of them as she walks past them, focusing on the ring. She makes her way down to the barricade, leaping over and begins climbing the outside of the turnbuckles, standing on the middle rope, pulling down the hood of her jacket and striking the mock-crucifix pose once more. As the second chorus of “King of the World” hits Christy sings along with the lyrics, continuing to strike the crucifix pose before finally leaping over the top rope and spinning around in the ring, throwing her ring jacket to the outside and collapsing to a seated position in the corner of the ring as the fans cheer. She sits in the corner, looking out at the fans occasionally as Richter collects her belongings from her corner and stands on the outside of the ring nearby. Christy looks across at Jason before turning to Lucas. Lucas just looks at her.


Sharper: “Christy Matthews looking to get the taste out of that loss to Derek Adonis out of her mouth.”


Knots: “There are a lot of things I’m sure people would like to lose taste of around Adonis.”


Sharper: “But Christy has already noticed Lucas and I’m not sure if it’s a good look or not.”


Knots: “Could be a look between exes. Could be a look between former tag partners. Also could be a look that Lucas Knight hates CHBK and everything he’s stood for and Christy now stands with him!”


The bell sounds. Christy steps out as Jason steps out and the two circle for a moment before locking up in the middle of the ring. Christy quickly drops down and tries to go around, as Jason then grabs her arm and starts to run in a circle before spinning her off. Jason smirks as Christy stops at the ropes. She turns back and goes for a hard right, but Jason blocks it and then pulls her into a headlock takedown.




Christy rolls her shoulder up and starts to get up, Jason holding on. They get to their feet. Jason smirks as he is pulled back to the ropes and Christy goes to fire her off, but Jason holds on, falling to a knee. Christy grits her teeth as Jason holds on. He starts to get up and then grabs the arm and spins around and into a hammerlock. He pulls up. Christy reaches down and then up before grabbing Jason’s head and jumping up, using the momentum to take Jason over with a snapmare. Jason rolls through and Christy gets up, ready to throw a kick, but Jason backs up and nods.


Sharper: “First back and forth and Jason mostly in control, but Christy fighting out.”


Knots: “Jason looks good, right now.”


Sharper: “So far.”


The two watch one another and Jason goes in for a grapple. Christy kicks him in the ribs. She chops him. The crowd woos. She then grabs Jason and runs him into the corner. Jason turns and Christy chops him in the chest before kicking him in the ribs. She then grabs him by the head and goes to step out, but Jason lifts her up and throws her forward. Christy hits back first. She rolls over and gets up and Jason runs out and clotheslines her down. She gets back up and Jason hits a dropkick. He goes for the pin.






Christy kicks out. Jason rolls off and gets up. Christy turns and moves to the ropes. Jason grabs Christy and whips her across. She bounces off and Jason goes for a back drop. Christy spins through and lands behind him and knees him in the back. She then pulls him down with a fall forward reverse DDT. She hooks the leg.






Jason kicks out again. Both get up and Jason moves back to the corner. Christy follows up and Jason kicks her in the ribs and then again and again before spinning her into the corner.


Sharper: “So far, Jason Helms holding his own. No issues as far as I can see.”


Knots: “Maybe he learned his lesson. But Christy, she’s still fighting and wants to hope something goes bad for Jason!”


Jason then chops her. The crowd woos. He then pulls her out and scoops her up and slams her down. Jason moves to the corner, pulling himself to the middle rope. He jumps forward. Christy gets her boot up, but Jason blocks it, catching it. He uses her leg to roll her back. Christy ends up on her knees and Jason hits a basement dropkick. Christy falls back. Jason goes for the pin.






Christy kicks out. Jason gets up and grabs Christy, pulling her up. He then hooks her up and hits a snap suplex. Jason gets up and smirks before running into the ropes, bouncing off and hitting a running jumping knee drop. He rolls through and goes for another pin.






Christy kicks out. She rolls over and Jason grabs her. He pulls her up and Christy nails him in the ribs and then again. Jason clubs him in the back. He then places her head between his legs. He hoists her up for a powerbomb, but Christy counters with a sunset flip.






Jason kicks out. Both get up and Jason turns to Christy who nails him with a dropkick. Jason hits the mat, holding his jaw as Christy gets up.


Sharper: “Jason Helms feeling good there, but maybe too good!”


Knots; “Probably just happy he can get something going without whatever has been ailing him. Christy then kicked him in the face!”


Christy gets up as Jason rolls over and Christy hits a shoot kick to the thigh. Helms winces and Christy hits another dropkick. Jason hits the mat. He rolls over and starts to get up and Christy kicks him in the ribs and then goes for the Happily Never After. Jason lifts her up and throws her forward. Christy lands on her feet. Jason goes for a clothesline. Christy ducks and Jason stops and turns and Christy keeps running, bouncing off and hits a spinning heel kick. Jason hits the mat. Christy gets up and goes for the pin.






Jason kicks out. He rolls over and starts to get up and Christy runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits a running bulldog. Jason rolls over and Christy gets up before hitting the Little Red Press. She hooks the leg.






Jason gets his shoulder up.


Sharper: “Nearfall as the Little Red Press only gets two.”


Knots: “Jason’s fighting and Christy Matthews…I wonder if she thought she’d have an advantage with those now, seemingly, non-existent migraines!”


Jason rolls over and Christy runs over and hits a shoot kick to his chest. He falls back to the ropes and Christy forearms him in the jaw and then again and again. She then grabs Jason and goes to whip him across, but Jason spins through and pulls Christy in before hooking her up and hitting a back suplex. Christy rolls over and starts to get up. He grabs Christy and Christy, from her back, kicks Jason in the head. Jason falls through the ropes to the apron. He starts to get up and Christy runs at Jason and Jason gets a pump kick up. Christy stumbles back and Jason uses the ropes to hit the Another Chance. He goes for the pin.






Christy gets her shoulder up.


Sharper: “Another Chance. But only two!”


Jason slowly gets up and grabs Christy. Jason drags her up and whips her into the corner. Jason runs after and clotheslines her in the corner. He then steps out and jumps back and hits the Wake-Up Call. Christy falls back into the corner. Helms gets up and looks around as the crowd cheers. He then grabs her and pulls her out before whipping her into the ropes. Christy bounces off and Jason goes for a clothesline. Christy stops and spins through and rolls up Jason with a school boy. She then pulls on the tights.








The crowd boos as Christy rolls through and Jason too. Christy rolls out of the ring and backs up the barricade. The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Christy Matthews!”


Sharper: “Christy Matthews steals it. She had no just a handful but the whole tights.”


Knots: “She really wanted that win!”


Sharper: “And she stole it. Christy Matthews the victor tonight in our opener!”


Christy smiles a bit before turning and wincing a bit, holding the back of her head. She walks around. Lucas enters the ring as Jason is up on his knees. He smirks at Christy before turning to Lucas and saying something. The crowd boos Matthews as she walks over to the entrance and heads to the back.

Backstage, David Helms looks relieved at the screen.


David: “He got through it. Got through it…”


David turns back as Regan Street comes into the locker room and heads to the back of the room. David turns.


Regan: “Just grabbing my phone. Left it in here before I was getting to change.”


David: “No problem…look, mind clearing up what happened out there?”


Regan grabs her phone and turns back.


Regan: “What? I popped Tommy. Didn’t think there would be an issue there?”


David: “No…you stood up for Xander. I get the respect thing was big for you. I know you want another match with him. But…”


Regan: “What?”


David: “You tend to get involved in a lot. Even Selena is looking over her shoulder for the Beauty Factory? I’ve got Gio. But this is a bit more. You’ve got the TV title, you want the Tag Titles. Datura even said something there. Xander…He wants to team with you.”


Regan: “Xander can say what he want there. I’m only teaming with two people…you and Selena. And you and Selena talked it out. As for Xander…well, I stood up for me. Tommy ran me down. He deserved to be punched. Xander took too long.”


Regan walks over and kisses David Helms.


Regan: “Giovanni has rotted your brain.”


David: “May have for Jason…trying to avoid it myself.”\


Regan: “Keep trying.”


David: “Go get ready for Jake. He’ll be an ass in a different way.”


Regan: “You know it.”


Regan walks off as David watches her leave and the scene fades out.


Backstage, we see Sher-Lexy Holmes (Lexy Chapel) backstage, in her detective’s outfit, now with a can of bear mace.


Lexy: “Alright people. Keep moving. Bears don’t like movement….wait…you’re supposed to play dead….WAIT….oh God…I need to look things up.”


Lexy pulls out her phone and starts to search, but it slips and it drops.


Lexy: “Eeek! No! That’s how I was going to get my Uber….now I’m going to be eaten by a dancing bear…a SUPER INTELLIGENT BEAR…”


Lexy looks around and then starts to take a few deep breaths. She then stops. Her eyes widen. Wait…wait…OH GOD NO!”


Lexy storms over to whatever she saw. The crowd immediately cheers as its revealed to be a San Jose Sharks logo on the wall.


Lexy: “Sharks….there could be sharks too…wait….bears….sharks….DANCING BEARS AND OH GOD…HOW DID I NOT KNOW?”


Lexy runs over to her phone and grabs it. She starts to tap on it. She looks around before throwing the phone down. She then runs over to a crew member and grabs their headset right off their head. She starts to run, pulling the pack off their belt.


Crew member: “Hey!”


Lexy puts on the headset, running down the hall.


Lexy: “Call Katy Perry now! It’s hyper urgent. The fate of SCW is at stake!”


Lexy continues to run off as we cut back to the ring.

Selena Frost vs. Katie Steward


Phillips: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall… introducing first!”

Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

The arena lights dim down and pink light shine on the stage. “Sweet but Psycho:” by Ava Max plays as The Queen of Queens and Goddess of Desire Katie Steward steps out on the stage. She walks her beautiful white and gold religious ring robe that is popelike and spins around in a circle showing it off the crowd. TJ Johnson walks out onto the stage with Katie and the two nod to on another before Katie continues her walk to the ring with her arms out and his hands at shoulder length.

Phillips: “Making her way to the ring, the Goddess of Desire, the Blonde Bombshell herself… KATIE STEWARD!”

Katie walks around the ring and up the ring steps carefully and across the apron. TJ runs up after her and holds open the ropes for her to enter the ring. Katie walks to the center of the ring and she disrobes for the crowd. She shows off her wrestling attire. TJ takes her robe and exits the ring and Katie to her corner.

Sharper: “Katie Steward looking confident as always. Her comments heading into this match shows as much.”

Knots: “Katie Steward has taken offense, as some others have, about Selena’s role in helping Regan become the Supreme Champion.”

Sharper: “She did mention as well about how in the past, Selena has always rubbed her face in the losses after she defeated Katie. I’m sure Katie is looking for some revenge.”


The SCW Universe are on their feet as “The Truth About Our Time” by Allen/Lande as plays throughout the arena, snow “falling” along the electronic floor and screens as, out from the back walks the Snow Queen, Selena Frost, taking in the crowd of the SCW Universe.

Phillips: “And her opponent, weighing in at 135 pounds, she is the Snow Queen, SELENA FROST!”

Slowly, Selena shifts her head, her sapphire eyes locked towards the ring as she lifts her front hand gracefully, extending it towards the ring, palm upward, her back arm lifted behind her to the sky. With a lift of her right foot, she suddenly slams it down into the ground, causing a crack like ice to form and sprint down the ramp and towards the ring!

Sharper: “Both women are accomplished wrestlers. Katie paved the way you might say for the Selena Frosts to make a name in this business.”

Knots: “Like her or not, Selena Frost is one of the most decorated wrestlers currently on the roster. She has done it all.”

Sharper: “Supreme Champion. All that is missing from her resume is the Taking Hold of the Battle Royal, but you never know, she might enter and win it this year. She is definitely capable.”

Lowering her arms, the Winter’s Knight walks down the ramp, her steps leaving footprints in the “snow” under her feet. Reaching the ring, Selena slides under the ropes to enter it. She gets up and lifts her hand up to give a twirl as the lights form to make a massive snowflake under her. Stopping her spin and lowering her hand back down, towards the audience, once again palm upright, a smirk graces her lips, her other arm lifting to the sky once more. With a slam of her foot, Selena caused the snowflake at her feet to “crack” as the rampway did, the shards of ice streaking out to all four corners of the ring to shoot out blue sparkles of light as the lights return to normal. She looks around as the crowd roars. She is suddenly pulled back by the shoulder by Katie who screams in her face.

Sharper: “You would expect some respect between two former World Champions, but Katie’s not in the mood to let Selena indulge in her fans’ affection.”

Knots: “Maybe Katie knows that Selena has built a loyal fanbase who accounts for a massive amount of merchandise sales. She wants those sales!”

Selena shoves Katie back. Katie responds with a slap across the face. Selena turns her face, holding her fist to her busted lip. Referee tries to intervene with this pre-match aggression, but Selena shoves him aside and throws herself at Katie, taking them both down with a flying elbow. Selena mounts Katie, raining down a series of rapid-fire elbows and forearms. Referee gives up trying to control the chaos, and calls for the bell. Selena stands up, waves her arms up in the air to receive the crowd’s roar.

Knots: “Katie with a cheap shot but that didn’t pay off. That just triggered Selena!”

Sharper: “Selena showing her edginess. We’ve seen her time after time meet pure aggression with pure aggression. She fights fire with fire as they might say.”

Katie pulls herself up using the ropes, holding a hand to her face. Selena marches over to her to continue the attack, but Katie grabs the referee and puts him in between her and her opponent. Annoyed, Selena pulls back on the referee, who takes offense being manhandled. He starts to give Selena a stern lecture. Katie pops up around the side of her, driving a punch right to the throat. Selena grabs her throat in pain, wide eyes and she falls back against the corner. Katie throws back Selena’s arms, throws in some open palm strikes to the face before stepping back, placing her foot on the throat. The referee immediately counts. Katie lets go after five. Selena drops to her knees, holding her throat upon release.

Sharper: “Talk about playing dirty.”

Knots: “Katie is going to search for everything that might give her advantage.”

Sharper: “She’s targeting that throat! Closed hand to the throat followed by a blatant choke. Both are illegal, Jon!”

Selena climbs to her feet, still in the corner. Katie comes in with a clothesline. She takes Selena by the hair, leads her forward, brings her down with a bulldog. Katie pops up, proud and triumphant, flips her hair over her shoulder. She begins to issue some words to the downed Selena. Selena rolls onto her back. She nips up. Katie reaches forward to grab her from behind but there’s a mule kick right to the sternum. Selena follows up with a pele kick the connects across the forehead. Katie is launched back into a corner. Down on one knee, Selena shows a smile, before running forward, connecting with a high knee to the upper body. Katie staggers out forth from the corner, Selena hooks both arms, full nelson bulldog.

Sharper: “Selena exploding with offense now. Kicks, knees, and a full nelson bulldog to boot.”

Knots: “She is going for the pin!”



Sharper: “Katie gets the shoulder up.”

Knots: “Both women are not pulling their punches. They’re striking. They’re striking nasty.”

Selena runs up the turnbuckle, gracefully like a ninja. She the turns, quickly tightropes across the top rope as Katie stands. She leaps off for a dragonrana, but Katie drops her on head with a sloppy powerbomb count, almost throwing Selena off her shoulders more than planting her into the canvas. Crowd loudly groans at the site.

Sharper: “Woefully ugly counter there. Selena coming down awkwardly.”

Knots: “Katie might like everything to be pretty, but in the case, I think she would take that dangerous powerbomb every time against Selena.”

Sharper: “Katie hooks the leg!”



Knots: “Just two. Just two. Selena still has a lot of fight left in her.”

Selena is still down on the canvas, holding her neck. Katie takes away her hand, while still holding it, she stomps down onto the throat. Referee issues her a warning, Katie throws down the arm against the canvas. She reaches down, mails in a few elbows before leading Selena to her feet by the hair. Selena fights back, elbows to the gut. She breaks free, runs past Katie, but Katie catches her with a hip toss. Selena rolls through quickly onto her feet, she runs towards Katie. Katie sidesteps her, trips her and Selena falls into the corner but catches herself with the top rope. Katie turns her around, connects with an elbow to the jaw. Once again, she puts her boot on the throat.

Sharper: “Again, Katie targeting that throat, that neck.”

Knots: “She’s literally going for the jugular, Adam.”

Sharper: “Katie’s holding onto that choke for a little more than five. Referee’s threatening disqualification.”

Referee pulls back on Katie. Katie screams loudly into his face. Katie backs up away from the corner, comes in with the Most Beautiful Superkick, but Selena ducks underneath it, tosses the extended leg onto the top turnbuckle. With Katie’s leg trapped on the to rope, Selena grabs her flailing arm, right into the Paydirt! Katie comes down awkwardly due to her positioning and the crowd roars for approval of Selena’s attack. Katie holds herself on the canvas while Selena falls backs into a corner, watching her.

Knots: “Both ladies are wrestling a dangerous game here.”

Sharper: “Little remorse shown by either woman. They’re just beating each other up!”

Knots: “Shows how little respect there between each individual.”

Sharper: “Selena might be a little more on edge after taking offense to Xander’s insinuation last week that she might be holding Regan back in achieving her dreams.”

Knots: “I don’t know why anyone would take anything that man has to say seriously! He’s scum!”

Katie Steward staggers, falling onto the ropes. She turns, Selena leaves her corner, stomping over to her. Selena swings in elbows into Katie before whipping Katie across the ring. Katie hits the turnbuckle, Selena’s there with a big splash. She steps out of the way, letting Katie Steward stagger out. Selena runs up the turnbuckle, then she runs along the ropes again!

Sharper: “Alaskan Dragonrana hits home this time!”

Knots: “Both legs pulled back for the pin!”




Sharper: “Katie Steward gets her shoulder up!”

Knots: “This match continues.”

Selena begins to stalk Katie. Katie flails about after taking a moment or two to recover. She is on her feet. Selena comes flying in with the Glass Shard attempted but Katie spins out of the way. She immediately stomps down on the back of Selena’s knee to hyperextend. Selena is brought to her knee. Katie swings around with a kick to the throat and jaw area. Selena is launched back up onto her feet. Katie connects with the Most Beautiful Superkick!

Sharper: “Most Beautiful Superkick!”

Knots: “War of Two Superkicks! Katie’s landed.”

Sharper: “The hook of the leg! This could be it!”




Sharper: “Selena Frost gets her shoulder up!”

Knots: “So this grueling match continues, both women really are delivering some heavy blows.”

Katie Steward pushes Selena over onto her stomach. She underhooks the arms and forces Selena up to her feet. She seems ready to hit the Save the Queen but Selena slips out from the double underhook. She shoves Katie back. Katie screams in her face. Selena seems stunned for a moment. Katie takes both arms, going for the Platinum Blonde this time! Selena slips out again, shoving Katie forward. Katie turns around and Glass Shard connects. Katie drops like a bag of bricks.

Sharper: “Glass Shard! Glass Shard!”




Sharper: “Selena Frost brings home the victory. She was challenged all the way but as always, few can match Selena’s resolve.”

Knots: “And how long has she been there?”

Sharper: “Who?”

Knots: “Glory Braddock is on the stage. How long has she been watching?”

Glory Braddock is standing there on the stage with an intense look on her face. Selena Frost looks up and notices her. Despite being sore from the match, Selena labors to her feet. She starts waving Glory down, inviting her to meet her in the ring.

Sharper: “Despite having wrestled that brutal match, Selena Frost is still willing to fight Glory!”

Knots: “Glory is not having any of that! Don’t bite off too much, Selena.”

Glory doesn’t react. She simply turns her back on Selena and goes through the curtains as Selena’s music plays.


Breakdown returns to see Lexy Chapel muttering to herself while in a small room. She throws a suit cover out and we see Kelsai Adamson-Mason walking up to her.


Kelsai: “Uh…Lexy?”


Lexy yelps. Kelsai jumps back too.


Kelsai: “Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry! Did I scare you? I…look, just wanting to help-“


Lexy: “Help…wait…you are…”


Kelsai: “Kelsai! Nice to meet you! I was told you wanted to see me!”


Lexy thinks for a moment.


Lexy: “Oh yes! The second victim. Wait….you came willingly to speak to me. That’s new. Most people want me to leave…but okay, clearly brain damage is part of the-“


Kelsai: “Oh no…I can see you mean well. Amy told me that I should ignore this, but well, you seem bothered by it and well, we can’t have that!”


Lexy: “Amy? Is that the bear’s name?”


Kelsai; “No, Miss Amy is my trainer and manager!”


Lexy: “Hmmm….the bears manage people now…this is interesting.”


Kelsai: “So what are you doing? I think you’d know if someone dressed like a bear was in there.”


Lexy: “Oh no. I’m looking for A REAL BEAR! First you have a name, now you think it’s a ruse! I tried to call that wench Katy Perry, but she wouldn’t tell me where Left Shark was so here I am trying to next best thing. ALL ANIMALS DANCE TOGETHER. HOW DIDN’T I KNOW?”


Kelsai: “Like there’s a dancing school or everything?!”


Lexy: “Totally. It’s so obvious!”


Kelsai: “I see…Are you sure you’re okay. I know things are a bit odd out there. Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath-“




Lexy then stops.




Lexy then looks in and grabs a suitcase from the bottom. She starts to pull on it.


Lexy: “You need to go to safety. FLEE! FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE.”


Kelsai: “Are you sure you’re okay?”




 Kelsai: “Alright. Well, if you need me, just ask!”


Kelsai walks off, smiling as Lexy continues to struggle with the luggage she’s found.

“Take Hold of the Flame” by Queensryche plays in the background as the Taking Hold of the Flame logo comes up on the screen. A still for Aaron Blackbourne vs. Bree Lancaster for the SCW World Championship follows.


Sharper: “In eleven days, Aaron Blackbourne and Bree Lancaster will face in a rematch from last year’s classic at Rise to Greatness. This time, though, the World Title is on the line.”


Knots: “Aaron Blackbourne is a very different person than he was a year ago. More importantly, he’s in better physical health. But Bree Lancaster…she may have just perfected her formula as much as it pains me to say.”


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster is as confident as ever. The Beauty Factory firmly behind her. But Aaron Blackbourne has plenty of support and SCW interviewed many of them as we take a look at this rematch of a classic.”


The Taking Hold of the Flame logo comes up on the screen.


A shot of Bree Lancaster walking to the ring at Rise to Greatness 2019, proudly holding the SCW United States Championship is shown. This is followed by Aaron Blackbourne drawing in the air with a pen as part of his entrance. Bree hands off the title to Aaron Demitra, the official for the match, who holds the US Title over his head. The bell sounds before cutting to grey as Aaron Blackbourne appears on the screen.


Blackbourne: “People still talk about that match…”


We cut to a shot of Bree Lancaster nailing Aaron Blackbourne with a dropkick before cutting to show Blackbourne hitting an inverted hip toss on Bree and then Blackbourne hitting a blockbuster on Bree.


Blackbourne: “I see it as a night where I had everything stolen from me.”


The scene cuts to show Bree Lancaster sitting in her house, laughing a bit.


Lancaster: “Stolen? No…I just beat you because that’s what I do.”


The scene cuts to show Adam Sharper.


Sharper: “It was no secret going into that match, Aaron Blackbourne had a serious rib injury.”


The angle changes.


Sharper: “And I think that’s what stopped Blackbourne from winning the match.”


We then see shots of Blackbourne wincing as he moved, a shot of Bree Lancaster knocking Blackbourne off the apron and ribs first into the announce table. This is followed by a shot of Blackbourne missing a moonsault, landing right into Bree’s knee. We see Bree hitting a small package on Blackbourne. Blackbourne kicking out.


Sharper: “Aaron back in the ring. Bree with a brilliant decision. Immediately testing those ribs with the small package.”


Knots: “The ref was thinking about it then, but Demitra letting it go. He knows how big this is. Only two though and Aaron’s going to try and keep fighting!”


Aaron Demitra keeps talking to Blackbourne as Blackbourne can be visibly seen shaking it off.


Lancaster: “The ribs stuff. Just him trying to cover up a loss. The fact was that he was beaten.”


Producer: “Are you accusing him of making an excuse?”


Lancaster smirks.


Lancaster: “Yes.”


We cut back to Blackbourne.


Blackbourne: “I was attacked in my hotel room by someone who had an issue with my family. I fortunately survived the attack, but he intentionally caused enough damage that I would be in pain.”


We see more shots of Blackbourne writhing in pain from the back, taking deep breath and even covering his ribs up. Sienna Swann then appears on the screen.


Swann: “Bree Lancaster is a talent that’s once in a generation. The fact that I’m here, shows how blessed this company is. Add Chris, add Glory, you have four of the best. And we’ve proven it. Look at someone like Aaron…he comes close, but against those of our talent, his record isn’t there.”


Lancaster: “I understand the need for coping mechanisms, but at Rise to Greatness, the biggest night in the sport, I was better. Just as I intend to be better at Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Glory Braddock is then shown.


Braddock: “There’s no question. At some point, excuses don’t help. He’s come close, how many times?”


Lancaster: “And last he failed against James Evans. Someone I beat right in the middle of the ring. To win the title.”


Producer: “What about Sienna? Are you better than her?”


Lancaster: “Are you suggesting I said anything like that?”


Lancaster shakes her head and turns off camera.


Lancaster: “Can’t even have a proper interview without trying to show their pettiness.”


Jaina Lancaster comes on the screen.


Jaina: “Bree is as driven as they come. She finally had the moment so many people in this sport dream of. She won the title in her hometown. And she’s a double champion.”


Sienna: “She’ll be holding it for a long while. I just hope we don’t hear of more excuses.”


Braddock: “Even if we grant him the benefit of the doubt, Bree will craft her own opportunity to exploit. Ask Amy Chastaine, going for the knee…


Swann: “Sure, Bree did not injure and effectively end Amy’s career. Another narrative SCW put out there to break up their family again.”


Donnatella, Bree’s dog, is shown. She promptly barks.


Braddock: “But she will find a target and exploit. Blackbourne will fall.”


Chris Cannon then appears, looking annoyed.


Cannon: “And we can maybe get to giving someone who deserves an opportunity. He gets a contendership match. I get the bull[bleep]?”


Producer: “Chris, we’re talking about the World Title match.”


Cannon: “Yeah…and I’m giving you blunt honesty.”


We cut to show Bree Lancaster hitting Matt Hodges with the Classifier, before cutting to show her hitting it on James Evans and finally Aaron Blackbourne at Rise to Greatness. She covers him before getting the win, rolling off and smiling.


Lancaster: “I’ve fought monsters, people who were World Class, and I’ve beaten them, just like I did Blackbourne. He’s a great young talent. He’s just got a ceiling. That’s all. Nothing wrong with that. Works well for so many others.”


Producer: “Any examples?”


Lancaster: “They knew who they are.”


Cannon: “He should be facing Shilo Valiant or whatever name from the past he’s annoyed by and allowing us to do what do.”


Braddock: “What’s he going to do if Valiant comes out? Huh? Another excuse.”


We then cut to show Blackbourne.


Blackbourne: “They can say it’s an excuse all they want. To me…it’s a regret. That I wasn’t 100% at Rise to Greatness.”


We then cut to show shots of Shilo Valiant and Aaron Blackbourne in the ring before showing Valiant laughing while down on the mat, and then showing Valiant leaving the ring as Blackbourne tries to get to him.


Blackbourne: “Shilo, he can play his games. The thing is that I’m not going to let another opportunity slip through. Not against Bree. Bree says that I’ve got a ceiling. Too bad I’m driven to always punch through them.”


Kelcey Wallace is shown.


Wallace: “There’s a reason I’m trying to stand with this crop of talent, Aaron included. They have the skill. That there’s no doubt of.”


Alistaire Allocco is shown, notably seated with Peyton Rice.


Allocco: “He’s one of the few I know that when he goes out there, I know he’s focused on the win, but not the win at all costs.”


Rice: “Too many of those. Too many of those standing around Bree Lancaster. She tossed her friend aside because she couldn’t see the forest for the trees.”


Wallace: “These are a driven group, a group that wants to get the sport back to its roots, of competition.”


Allocco: “Lancaster conveniently leaves out that Syren’s interference got her the title. She’s a talented wrestler. I can’t deny. I watched every moment of that ironman match with Matt Hodges.”


Wallace: “They want to give the fans the competition they’ve come to expect. Best wrestlers in the world, competing in the best promotion in the world.”


Allocco: “She’s good. But heart and skill can mean a lot more.”


Rice: “I just wonder what excuse we’ll see from her. Did she lie down again? Let him win?”


Sharper: “There’s no doubt in my mind that Bree Lancaster is a credible and could be dominant champion. But I add the caveat that this roster has more talent than ever. And add the creativity to go along with the talent of one Aaron Blackbourne, Taking Hold of the Flame could very well be his night.”


We then see Gavin Taylor. He looks around. He’s got the SCW XIC Championship over his shoulder now.


 Taylor: “Make sure the chyron is right. XIC Champion.”


The chyron is updated to reflect that.


Producer: “We asked you to speak on Aaron Blackbourne.”


Taylor: “He beat me. What more needs to be said. He’s clearly a once in a lifetime talent. Bree Lancaster better be concerned! He beat the SCW Canadian and XIC Champion!”


Owen Cruze then comes up on the screen.


Cruze: “They can spin whatever story they want. There’s a story here that they need to understand. This isn’t about redemption or retribution. This is about Araon Blackbourne getting a second chance at a match he knows he could’ve won.”


Blackbourne: “My ribs…they’re 100%. My knee…don’t worry. That too. My mind…people question that a lot now.”


The scene cuts to show Datura smirking as she sits ready to be interviewed.


Datura: “I’ll handle Shilo Valiant. But just remember, I’ve seen it firsthand…Bree Lancaster is as good as advertised. But let’s make a deal…you take care of her…we up the stakes when we finally meet?”


Datura smirks.


Datura: “Sound good?”


Jordan Majors then comes up on the screen.


Majors: “She will try to get in your head. She will try to make you see it from her way. That’s what makes her dangerous. She only sees it one way…and unfortunately, that may be Sienna’s way.”


Majors sighs before we cut back to Cruze.


Cruze: “If the Beauty Factory get involved, there are many of us ready to make sure this match ends how he should.”


Allocco: “Not through interference.”


Rice: “Not through unnecessary attack.”


Wallace: “In the ring…”


Blackbourne is shown and leans forward.


Blackbourne: “I’m 100%. I’m focused on you Bree. No excuses. Either you’re better than me on May 31st or I am.”


We then cut back to Bree Lancaster.


Lancaster: “Oh that’s easy. I am. Next question?”


We then cut to show Blackbourne hitting the forward jump back superplex on Bree Lancaster at Rise to Greatness before showing Lancaster just getting her shoulder up. before The scene cuts back to Blackbourne.


Blackbourne: “And you won’t see it coming.”


The scene cuts to black.

The scene opens up backstage to see Chris Cannon shirtless, while grabbing his gear. Sienna Swann smiles, looking at him from behind. Chris Cannon then stops and leans forward, looking up. The camera turns to show him looking at the mirror. Sienna then walks over to him.


Cannon: “I’m getting sick of this.”


Sienna: “We both are.”


Cannon turns to Sienna.


Cannon: “I will make him pay.”


Sienna: “Damn right you are! I’ll then focus on Jordan. One of us, Glory in that too, we’ll walk out winning Taking Hold of the Flame…”


Cannon turns back to look at his reflection in the eyes before there’s a knock at the door. Sienna heads over and opens the door. We hear a voice, but don’t see it as Chris keeps looking at his reflection.


Male voice: “I’m here to present Mr. Cannon with the award as the first winner of the KABLAMA-“


Sienna: “Shove it up your ass, pervert!”


Sienna slams the door. She then steps back over. Xiomara can now be seen in the background. Sienna turns to her.


Sienna: “It’s fine!”


Sienna turns to Chris and smiles as the scene fades to black.


Alistaire Allocco & Peyton Rice vs. Las Bandidas de Gata Negra (Valeria Garcia & Maria Vencejo)


The lights dim a bit as Nada Como Tú begins to play, a bit of fog slowly beginning to form on the stage as golden orange lights pulse in rhythm with the guitars. Slowly, we see a figure crawling through it, almost like a cat trying to remain hidden before it pounces on its prey. When the main beat of the song kicks in, the figure picks up the pace until she reaches the end of the stage, crouching as she is far enough away from the fog to reveal herself to be Maria Vencejo. Not too far behind her is Valeria Garcia, her eyes slowly roaming over the fans with a cold, emotionless look. She looks down at Maria and a smile forms on her lips as she reaches down and helps her partner to a stand as the lyrics begin.
Phillips: “The following contest is a tag team match, scheduled for ONE FALL! Introducing first at total combined weight of 240 pounds! Maria Vencejo and Valeria Garcia, Las Bandidas de Gata Negra!”
The two of them begin making their way down to the ring, Maria staying ahead of Valeria and moving quicker as though she were energized by the song while Valeria maintains her slow, calculating approach. Maria slides into the ring before rolling into a kip-up, and Valeria slides in right behind her, pausing as she and Maria smile at one another before Maria helps her partner to her feet before twisting her around so the two are both facing the same way, Valeria in front of Maria. The two slowly back into their corner like this before separating to discuss strategy.
Sharper: “A premiere tag team in the Bandidas and they are looking to make a statement tonight against two of the hottest wrestlers who are looking to soar to the top, Maria and Valeria though have other plans.”
Knots: “They may have other plans but Peyton and Alistaire are on top of their game, the Adrenaline Champion and last year’s Taking Hold of the Flame winner, are going to show the Bandidas they maybe a tag team to watch in the future as well.”
The arena goes dark before a lone spotlight shines on the entrance, suddenly the opening beats to “All The Days" by Mammoth play throughout the arena as the beautiful Peyton Rice walks out in wrestling gear and jacket. Her long sandy blonde hair hanging down. She looks around at the crowd before getting to one knee and making a line across the entrance, she crosses her arms and lowers her head for a moment before standing up and pointing to the ring as the crowd roars.
Suddenly Kelcey Wallace walks out to an even bigger roar of the crowd as she looks around and smiles. Turning to Peyton they both nods. With her gorgeous and contagious smile, Peyton points to the entrance when suddenly….

Look deep into his eyes!
Look deep into his eyes, that's where the fire lies!

The spotlights shine forth from the stage, bathing the entire arena in blinding white lights corresponding with a verse of “Eyes Like Fire” by Collision of Innocence. A figure stands in front of the curtains, his arms are extended horizontally, and his legs spread. His back is turned to the audience. His presence incites a chorus of cheers from the crowd. As the bright lights starts to dim, you can tell the man is wearing pure white tights. A blood red sleeveless coat stretching from his defined torso down to his equally bright white boots. Alistaire kicks out his leg to turn to face the crowd as the chorus of his theme kicks in:
Descending on a cloud, For all the world to see
Dressed in white with strength and majesty
Robe dripping red with eyes like fire
Sword held up high behold the white horse rider
Cries of the martyrs he has heard your voices
Now the day nears they will pay for their choices
Look up until the day and don't ever be afraid
For vengeance isn't yours, In time they will face their grave
He and Peyton kiss, then begin to walk down the ramp with Kelcey leading the way….
Phillips: “Their opponents! From Glendale, Arizona and Rochester, New York! At a total combined weight of 335 pounds!  Accompanied to the ring by their manager, “The Perfect Ten” Kelcey Wallace! She is NOT another “Pretty Face”, Peyton Rice and Alistaire Allocco!”
They continue to head to the ring, Alistaire slides in, opens the ropes for Peyton as Kelcey stays on the outside. She claps as the two hold hands and stand on the second turnbuckle, raising their arms to the delight of the crowd.
Descending on a cloud, For all the world to see
Dressed in white with strength and majesty
Robe dripping red with eyes like fire
Sword held up high behold the white horse rider                 
Once in the ring, Alistaire discards his coat by tossing it to the referee, he then helps Peyton take off hers. He’s in the center of the ring, he’s hops up and down, switching his weight behind his feet as he stands. Peyton stretches, they are seen talking strategy, looking across at the opponents. As the song begins to fade out, Alistaire and Peyton stare at his goal.
I can hear it, I can hear it, I can hear it now
I can feel it, I can feel it, I can feel it now 
Sharper: “The hot young duo, an engaged couple and two fine people and individuals where we look to see big things come from both at Taking Hold of the Flame and beyond heading into RTG season. This will be a test tonight.”
Knots: “It is and nothing more can be said about these two, former two time World Champion and THoTF winner last year, the current Adrenaline Champion and one of the longest reigning TV champs we have had, the future is bright with those who have aligned themselves with Kelcey Wallace!”

Peyton and Allocco talk amongst themselves and the Adrenaline Champion exits to the apron with Allistaire starting off this match against Garcia. The bell sounds and both come out of their corner with a pace, Allistaire stopping for a moment to extend his hand to Valeria Garcia. She glances at Vencejo who just laughs shaking her head. Garcia contemplates and looks to shake his hand but instead slaps him across the face to an “ooh” from the crowd. Peyton looks on shocked as Allistaire rubs the side of his face, Garcia extending her arms proudly as she talks trash at Allocco.

Sharper: “Valeria not interested in shaking hands, it wasn’t the smartest move there form Allistaire.”

Knots: “It’s how he is isn’t it, he can’t help himself. One day he’s gonna learn not everyone wants to touch him.”

Allocco nods and says something back to Valeria, she immediately lunges forward and the two lock up with Allocco getting the upper hand and turning it into a hammerlock. Valeria winces a little and quickly throws an elbow with her free arm, but Allocco jukes out the way avoiding it. Garcia then manages to shift gears and reverses the hammerlock into one of her own, Allistaire however moving to the near by ropes and holding on forcing a break. Garcia however keeps hold for a moment before pushing him into he ropes and backing away. She points over to Peyton which gets a roar from the crowd and the Adrenaline Champion shrugs her shoulders and sticks out hand, Allistaire tags in his fiancée.

Knots: “And Allocco not one to hog the glory, letting his fiancée get in on the action this early on!”

Peyton enters the ring and Garcia smirks, the two circling with a lock up following. Garcia grabbing her arm and twisting it into an arm bar before driving an elbow into the Adrenaline Champions shoulder, Garcia hits another elbow to the shoulder before Irish whipping Rice into the ropes. Peyton connects with the cables and rushes back and leaps into the air before connecting with a leaping forearm smash taking Garcia off her feet. She is quick to get up however and there is when Rice connects with a chop to the Bandidas members chest, she hits another and goes for one more but Garcia stumbles back to her corner where her Partner Vencejo waits.

Sharper: “Garcia thinking Peyton might be easier pickings, but the Adrenaline Champion proving otherwise.”

Knots: “She’s the Adrenaline Champion, the only difference between these two is one team has worked together longer.”

Garcia holds out her hand and Vencejo tags herself in, the former exiting to the apron while the latter now enters in her stead. Peyton nods and motions for her to come at her. Vencejo smirks before looking for a lock up, but Vencejo drives a forearm to the face of Rice. She follows up with a rake of the eyes which gets a warning from the official, but it already was enough having stunned the Adrenaline Champion where she then grabs her hair and yanks her to the canvas hard! The crowd boos when with a full set of hair pushes it across the throat of the Adrenaline Champion, Peyton Rice stomping her feet as the official is quick off the mark to warn her again and starts Counting Vencejo.





Vencejo releases the hair and steps away with a confident swagger, Allistaire looked like he was about to enter the ring but refrained when the official was counting. Peyton coughs while moving her hair out of her face and holding her throat. Garcia applauding her partner while smiling which only get’s more boo’s. Peyton begins to get to her feet with Garcia motion towards her, Vencejo quickly runs across the ring and knocks Peyton down before she could get to her corner and tag in Allistaire. The crowd boos more when Vencejo begins to stomp away at the back of the Adrenaline Champion while shouting at her in Spanish. 

Sharper: “No idea what she is saying but I can imagine it isn’t anything nice.”

Knots: “You got that right. Peyton not looking like she’s in good shape, team engaged look like it needs to regroup.”

Peyton rolls away towards a neutral corner which sees Vencejo rush over and start stomping on the Adrenaline Champion once again. She does this repeatedly with Allistaire shouting at the official to do something. Eventually Vencejo pushes Peyton under the bottom rope to the outside with a thud. The SCW Crowd boos as Maria exits the ring with Peyton looking to pull herself up with the apron. A “Peyton Rice” Chant starts up with the fans firmly behind young woman. Maria turns her nose up at the fans and grabs Peyton by the hair, but the champion breaks her grip and connect with a right-hand shot. She hits another before grabbing the head of Maria and dragging her across and throwing her into the Security barrier!

Knots: “Peyton having enough, Kelcey Wallace watching on intently here a hint of concern on her face.”

Sharper: “Seeing one of her protégé not in control of a match must be difficult to watch.”

Peyton grabs Maria and drags her across and throws her ribs first into the ring apron before slamming her face first onto it afterwards. The Crowd roars as the Adrenaline Champion is fired up now and rolls Maria into the ring before she slingshots herself over and hitting an elbow drop across the chest. Here she then covers hooking the legs.


Peyton wastes no time getting up and pulling Maria up with her, she then drags her over to where Allistaire is and tags him in. He enters the ring as Peyton holds her arm up and gets a stiff boot to the side from Allocco. Peyton smiles before exiting with Allistaire pushing her into their corner and hitting a chop. Peyton along with he crowd “Wooos” and does so again when he hits another chop, he then applies a front face lock and hits a snap suplex with a float over into a mount and hits a few right hands before pulling Maria up and sending her into the ropes where he catches her on the return where he scoops her up and hits a mat slam into the canvas. A quick cover follows.

1… NO! Garcia breaks the pin fall with a stomp!!

Sharper: “Garcia not risking anything it looks like, a quick break up of that pin fall attempt.”

The crowd boos, Garcia stomps away again at Allistaire some more with Peyton entering the ring but getting stopped by the official. Now both Maria and Garcia are stomping at Allistaire before dragging him to their corner. Peyton is fighting with the official trying to help but only making matters worse. Garcia exits the ring and holds Allistiares throat across the bottom rope while Maria pushes down. Garcia letting go once the ref turns around but Maria continues. Where once again the official tries to force the break and then begins to count.



Sharper: “Come on referee!”



Maria steps back and laughs before running at the corner and leaping into the air and hitting a double stomp to the back of Allistaire Allocco. He rolls away holding his throat and back with Peyton watching on with real concern now. The referee shouting at both Bandidas members, warning them the next time they do anything he WILL disqualify them!

Knots: “The official laying down the law now, not that will likely stop them.”

Allistaire starts to push himself up but Maria now rolls him over and quickly covers with an elbow into his face for good measures….


Maria throws another elbow into his face and then leans into the throat with another cover. The official not noticing that and counts…



Maria shouts at the official to count faster before pulling Allistaire up and kicking him in the gut, from there she rakes his back which gets a wince of pain from Allocco as Peyton extends her arm wanting back into this match. Maria then kicks out the back of Allocco’s knee forcing him to drop onto them and form there she hits the ropes and hits a basement drop kick knocking the former THotF Winner and 2-time World Champion down. She covers quickly after that once again.


The SCW crowd roars as the Adrenaline Champion had enough and pulled Maria off her, Maria throws up her arms as Peyton walks back to her corner and the apron. Things looking dicey for Adam Alloccos son.  Maria Pulls Allistaire up and he throws an elbow to try and fight back but he gets another shot for his trouble before being dragged back to the Bandidas corner. Maria tags in Garcia who enters and hit an elbow of her own to the side of Allistaires face. She hits another but he blocks it and fires off an elbow of his own, he turns and throws a right hand at Maria next, and another elbow to Garcia, this crowd going insane now at the fight back from Allocco. Garcia goes for a clothesline which he ducks under and she hits Maria instead as he rolls forward  and dives to make the tag to Peyton who leaps onto the top rope and spring boards off as Garcia and Maria both come charging at her and she connects with drop kicks on both! Maria rolls out of the ring while Garcia starts to get up.

Knots: “Peyton makes the tag, she’s in this thing now and is fired up!!”

Sharper: “Garcia now on the ropes, this could be the moment they were looking for.”

Garcia is up and getting chopped to the chest as she is forced back to the ropes by Rice who is in full control. She hits one final chop to “Woos” from the crowd before sending Garcia across the ring with an Irish whip only to stop her and pull Garcia back into a hip toss which she turns into a neck breaker she calls the Rice-a-Roni! The crowd roars when the Adrenaline Champion rolls onto Valeria Garcia for a cover.



The crowd ooohs while Peyton sits up holding her head, but the Adrenaline Champion does not lose anything as she goes right back on the offensive. She pulls Garcia up and whips her to the ropes and looks for a spinning wheel kick which Garcia rolls to duck under. Peyton spins around is caught with a Belly to back Suplex which knocks the wind out of her sails briefly. Garcia sits on the canvas catching her own breath as Maria watches on from the apron. Allistaire starts to clap to get the crowd to support his fiancée and they do just that as Garcia pulls her up and looks to hit a suplex, but Peyton twists her body and lands behind Garcia on her feet, it’s here she rolls her up with a school girl pin.


Too weak of a pin attempt on the Champions part, but that does not deter Peyton from going on the attack again with a knee to the chest of Garcia.  Maria shouts at Peyton but she ignores her as Garcia starts to get up once again. Peyton runs and looks for another spinning wheel kick, and again Garcia ducks under it however Peyton spins through and leaps into the air before hitting a Bolley kick to the side of Garcia’s head knocking her out!!! The crowd erupts!!

Knots: “7-4-7!!! She’s been practicing that move all week she’s been telling us!!”

Sharper: “It looks like it’s paid off!! Kelcey’s screams with excitement as does Allistare! This has to be over now.”

Peyton drops to her knees and covers Valeria Garcia.




The crowd boo’s loudly as Maria continuously stomps away at Peyton, Allistaire quickly enters the ring and runs at Maria who ducks under his clothesline attempt. The former 2-time world champion spins around but as he does, Maria swiftly kicks him right in between his legs!!! Allistaire drops to his knees as the official watches and immediately calls for the bell! Straight after that Maria goes back on the attack of Peyton as Garcia begins to stir. Kelcey Wallace immediately rolls into the ring next and Maria sees this is quick to roll Garcia to the apron and get out of the ring. Allistaire now back to his feet feeling winded with Peyton being checked on by Kelcey

Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of this match as a result of a DISQUALIFICATION… THE TEAM OF ALLISTAIRE ALLOCCO AND PEYTON RICE!!!”

Sharper: “Bandidas just robbed these two of a victory!”

Knots: “You have to think that is going to grate on Allistaires conscience now give how he conducts himself.”

Sharper: “And Peyton.”

Despite the ending the crowd roars as “All the Days" by Mammoth hits over the P.A System, Peyton wincing a little as the official hands her the Adrenaline Championship. Allistaire Allocco helping her to her feet now as Kelcey continues to check on her. From the ramp Maria Vencejo and Valeria Garcia smirk even in defeat.


Sharper: “Now let’s go backstage where Jessica Winters is with Syren!”

Breakdown opens up to see Syren standing next to Jessica Winters, and with her is CHBK and Alexander Crowe.


Jessica: “Thank you Adam! I am indeed with Syren and Syren, in mere moments, we’ll see Derek Adonis face Chris Cannon. He’s had Infamous’ number as of late. But you have had a hate-hate relationship with the Beauty Factory. You did help Bree Lancaster win the title to injure James Evans. Would you hope the same tonight for Chris Cannon and Derek Adonis?”


Syren looks at Jessica with pure vitriol in her eyes.


Syren: “What the hell is wrong with you? Given that Chris has even gone after Alex here…I’m going top suddenly want to see Derek Adonis lose to him. Or maybe I want Adonis to win. You know what I want…I want to see both knock each other out in the ring so we can get two people who frankly I don’t care a damn thing about out of the ring. What the hell kind of question is that? That’s what you’re asking when we’re less than two weeks away from when I’m going to win the Taking Hold of the Flame? How about that? How about focusing on that?! How I’m going to finally get the shot back at MY Title. Bree Lancaster is just holding it for now. First was taking out James. Get the revenge I should’ve had at Retribution. The revenge I was prevented from getting. Now it’s to become World Champion and continue to establish a new level of greatness!”


Syren turns away for a moment before turning back to Jessica.


Syren: “But no…we’re giving legitimacy to some lucky fat asshole who actually managed to do the impossible. Beat me. Yeah. It happened. Now his wife, Cookie is saying she’s going to win. They were right to laugh. Hell, if I’m Derek, he should laugh now. Maybe Chris will wire his jaw shut. I don’t care. I care about one thing…getting back to where I should be…I wasn’t even on Cold Blooded. I lost at Retribution. And it all goes back to last year….People are so happy to see some new stars. Some upsets. Well I’ll be damned if they keep happening at my expense…”


Syren looks around.


Syren: “Make them happen at Sienna and Chris’ expense. Screw them. Screw everything about them. Come fine me after I win the battle royal. Maybe then you can make up for this crap!”


Syren turns to CHBK and Crowe.


Syren: “I’m getting the hell out of here.”


The trio walk off as Jessica watches them leave.


Chris Cannon vs. Derek Adonis


Sharper: “Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, a hell of a night so far and things are only going to get wilder now.”

Knots: “You got that right, for some reason there is a podium being set up in the ring and now a bag being placed on it…”

Sharper: “I am being told a presentation is next…”

That is exactly what is happening, in addition to the small carpet being laid out in the ring as well. The SCW fans buzzing with excitement and that only elevates tenfold when…


The opening horns of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s “Wanna B Ur Lovr” begin to play out over the crowd, meaning the crowd is about to be “graced” by the presence of a living love machine – the man known as Derek Adonis! The curtains part ways and out walks Derek Adonis standing with him is Cookie Dreams, the two grinning from ear to ear as this sold out crowd roars.

Sharper: “And there is Derek Adonis, last week at Fatal Fortunes introduces us to the Kablamathon match which involved Jordan Majors, Datura, Gigi Steward and Chris Cannon…”

Knots: “Ha yeah, and the look on Cannons face was priceless a lone. Until he forced Derek to declare him the winner.”

Sharper: “That he did, and they’re set to face later on tonight.”

The KABLAM couple of SCW begins to saunter down towards the ring, both greeting fans at the barriers before stopping at the foot of the ramp and looking at the contents of the ring. Cookie jumps around excitedly as Derek looks distracted by his wife. The two then entering the ring via the steps and ropes. 

Knots: “I have such a bad feeling about this now these two are out here… It’s going to be hilarious but so bad…”

Sharpe: “I’m beginning to think that also…”

Derek is smiling inside the ring as is Cookie who waves to the fans excitedly. The buxom blonde turning around to inspect the podium and what sits upon it. She takes a small peak inside the bag and grins excitedly as Jason Phillips hands Derek the microphone.

Derek: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be back in San Jose!!!”

The SCW fans cheer once again as Cookie bounces up and down excitedly, fully doing her part to hype up the SCW fans. 

Derek: “And what a time we have all had, especially I… Nay especially my wife right there who made her first step back into active competition since that fateful day at Rise to Greatness in two-thousand and nineteen! A match might I add she won for her team against a Supreme Champion in Jake Starr and someone else…”

A few fans chuckle as Cookie puts fingers in her ears as he seemed he was going to mention her name and when he sees Cookie ready, he does... Derek looks around shiftily and whispers into the microphone…

Derek: “Sienna Swann…”

Boos fill out the arena now upon the mentioning of the fallen angel. Cookie now removes her fingers…

Knots: “Cookie acting like Sienna’s name is much like Voldemort it seems. She who must not be spoken.”

Sharper: “I’m surprised you even know about Harry Potter.”

Knots: “Kinda had to once Kennie broke into Hollywood, you never know what roles are around the corner.”

Back in the ring Derek Is slowly walking around the podium with a smile. 

Derek: “But alas that is not ALL what happened my fellow fans of KABLAM! I got to unleash my vision, my concept of a match types all thanks to Fatal Fortunes! THE KABLAMATHON!!”

The Crowds reaction is mixed, mostly favourable though as cheers fill out parts of the arena. Derek nods understanding the mixed reaction of the crowd.

Derek: “Of course I fully understand your trepidation, a new concept isn’t without it flaws. But dare I say that night in the main event, we see something special! Something so entertaining that it could be one you see take place at Rise to Greatness! That was until someone took it upon themselves to ruin all the fun…”

Cookie stands next to Derek and speaks into the microphone.

Cookie: “Yeah! A real Superdouche!!”

The crowd roars and a Superdouche chant starts up briefly before disappearing. Derek grins however and continues.

Derek: “Yes! And later tonight I face that very same Super douche, Chris Cannon!!! Because not only did you ruin our night, but you attacked my wife, and no one does that!!! But that horrible series of events aside… Cookie and I, we got wondering just why you might have been so upset… It can’t have been because you were embarrassed last week… That has been a standard for your career lately hasn’t it… No… No… No…”

The SCW crowd “oooohs” at that remark.

Sharper: “What is he doing?! Purposefully antagonizing Cannon now?!”

Knots: “I think this is great! Ha!”

Derek: “We’ve heard you claims of being owed rewards, championship opportunities… So we thought what can we do, what can KABLAM do for Chris Cannon… The inaugural winner of the KABLAMATHON!!”

Derek emphasized the last part and steps away from the podium with a shuffle and points towards the bag. Cookie skips over to it and opens it to reveal a golden award shaped lie a Penis. Emblazoned on a plaque is “Inaugural Kablamathon Winner, Chris Cannon”. The SCW crowd roars as it shows up on the big screens, before immediately getting blurred out… Derek smiles as does Cookie who point to it like it was a prize on the price is right. He then looks like he is about to say something else when… The big screen above the entrance springs into life, the only image we see is that of a glistening perfect world logo. We then hear a woman’s voice that sounds a lot like Sienna Swann over the P. A System next as she addresses the arena.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing...”


The opening guitar to Prometheus by Audio Machine hit’s over the P.A system next with an explosion of sound. Immediately the curtains part and out walks Chris Cannon in his wrestling gear. He stands on the stage and is looking down at that ring with pure disdain…

Sharper: “Oh my, here we go… Cannon has had enough of this…”

Knots: “The super douche bang on cue!!”

Cannon walks down keeping his focus on the ring as Derek and Cookie stands there watching, he leaps onto the apron and stands there. Derek now backing up some with his arm out to protect Cookie. Chris enters the ring and looks at them both as the SCW crowd now begin their “Super douche” chant. He is ignoring it though, Derek pointing to the award on the podium… He is handed a microphone by Jason Phillips and raises it to speak…

Chris: “Do you think this is a joke? When you look at me, do you see a god damn Joke?”

Derek looks to raise his mic buy Cannon snaps back immediately startling Adonis and cookie…

Chris: “THAT WAS RHETORICAL!!! You are just a long list of people who grate me Derek, and don’t get me started on that tart of a wife of yours either. This company has disrespected me long enough and adding pissants like you two to the list, well I have had enough! This moment it ends.”

Derek whispers something to Cookie and she begins to leave the ring fearing the worst is about to happen… Cannon turns to the entrance, however.

Chris: “I’m not waiting any longer, get a god damn referee out here. We’re going to do this sh*t right now!”

Cannon throws the mic out of the ring s the crowd roars, Cookie is now at ringside with Derek shrugging his shoulders as he removes his jacket n such. A moment passes and a referee is seen jogging down as SCW goes to a commercial…


Sharper: “Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, they have cleared the ring and that podium is sat right besides us now where Cookie sits next to it. We now have an official and both men are ready to go ahead.”

Knots: “Cannon livid at the disrespect, he should have thought about that before he started this crap with his ex-wife while she was in a damn coma! Karma is a bitch!”

The bell sounds and Cannon walks out and starts talking trash to Derek who walks out of his corner and returning the talk in kind. The moment they get face to face, Cannon pushes Derek but the King of Kablam throws a right-hand catching Cannon off guard. He hits another and another with Cannon stumbling back into the corner he once stood. The crowd roars as a Derek chant builds up with more shots from the former two-time TV Champion. Cannon tries to block best he can, but he leans through the ropes to create some separation and now the referee forces his way through to break up the assault, much to boos from the crowd. Derek is looking to find a way to get at Cannon but to no avail as the referee keeps stepping in the way…

Sharper: “Cannon hiding between the ropes there, not like him at all.”

Knots: “He didn’t expect Derek to come out swinging, you attack a man’s wife that is what happens!”

Cookie is seen cheering her husband on from her position, Cannon slowly moving back into the ring as Derek walks off with his back to Cannon. Cookie points at him thought, Derek turns as Cannon charges out of the corner and hits the C4 right off the gate to “ooohs” from the crowd only to follow by loud Boos! Cannon is now on his knees as Derek lays on the canvas, Cookie covering her face as the Brit covers…



Cannon holds the hair of Derek and shakes his head before dropping it and getting to his feet, he walks over to the corner and looks down at the podium and then at Cookie while pointing at her.

Chris: “This is on you.”

Cookie watches on with worry now as Cannon turns around and stomps at Adonis, he drags him to his feet roughly and leads him into the corner were Cookie will best see and throws a stiff right hand to the gut, he hits another and a European uppercut with Derek falling down into a seated position… Cookie is now on her feet with concern as Chris snaps at the official who tries to tell him to do something. He then rolls Adonis throat onto the bottom rope and drops a knee across the back of his neck. Adonis starts to kick his legs frantically as the official demands Cannon get off him. Cookie doing the same now…





Cannon steps away from Adonis as Cookie reaches out to her husband and holds his face. He coughs a few times before rolling over and starting to pull himself up. Cannon turns and ready’s himself for what looks like another C4, soon as Derek is up on his feet the Brit charges at Adonis for another C4, but the King of KABLAM! Side steps and guides Cannon into the corner, his shoulder hitting the steel ring post!

Sharper: “Oooh, it doesn’t matter who you are that will hurt, and Derek just changed things in this match!”

Knots: “KABLAM!”

Cannon winces holding his shoulder while Cookie screams excitedly like a groupie at a stones concert. Derek shakes the cobwebs a bit before grabbing Cannons trunks and rolling him up with a schoolboy.



Cannon rolls away and starts to get up, Derek does the same with both on their feet. The two lock up but Cannon is caught with a chop to the chest. Derek Chops him again before whipping him into the ropes and doubling over which is when Chris drives a boot into his chest! From there he lifts Derek onto his shoulders with a fireman’s carry and hits the Lions Bite rolling senton to boos from the crowd. Chris walks over to a corner and slaps it in frustration before rotating his shoulder which hit the post. Cookie slaps the mat trying to get her hubby to get up. 

Chris: “Yeah Derek, GET UP!!!”

Cannon paces around Adonis and pushes his head with his foot to boos from the crowd, Derek swats away what he can but Cannon drops to a knee and throws an elbow to the face. He hits another as he drags Derek to his feet once again and sends him towards a corner with an Irish whip. Derek winces before stumbling out but that turns into a sprint and he charges into Cannon with a battering ram to a roar from the crowd. Cannon drops to a knee as the wind is pushed out of him, Derek shaking out the cobwebs once more before applying a front face lock and lifting Cannon up into the air for a stalled Suplex. The longer he holds Cannon up there the louder this crowd gets before he drops the Brit with a brain buster which he called “Ooops”.

Sharper: “Derek showing off that strength he has, he might be big but that doesn’t mean he still can’t pack a punch.”

Knots: “People forget he is a seventh Dan in Kablam Maga! He does Kablam Yoga.”

Both men lay on the floor, the exertion taking a lot out of Derek while Cannon holds his head as he rolls away. Derek though rolls after him and pulls him back before covering.



Sharper: “Another near fall here, Derek keeps up this kind of pressure he might win this and add another name to the list.”

Derek is the first to begin getting to his feet, Cookie is getting more and more excited as are this San Jose Crowd. Cannon lays on the canvas but is dragged towards the corner where Derek scales to the second rope. He looks at Cannon and thrusts his pelvic region before leaping off for a Splash, but Cannon rolls out of the way at the very last moment causing Derek to catch nothing but canvas! The crowd “oohs” from the impact but begin to boo with Cannon now getting to his feet, he holds the back of his neck as Derek starts to get up and from there Cannon charges at him and hits another c4!

Sharper: “C4! That must be it, Derek is out.”

Knots: “Get up Derek! KABLAM! KABLAM!!”

Cannon drops to his knees and hooks both legs of Derek Adonis, the official drops down and counts.




The bell sounds and Prometheus hits over the P.A System, the SCW arena booing loudly as Cannon gets to his feet and looks down at Adonis as the official raises his arm…

Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this match as result of a pin fall… The inaugural KABLAMATHON WINNER CHRIS CANNON!!!”

Soon as Cannon hears that he yanks his arms and looks for where Phillips is and quickly exits the ring as some of the crowd laugh. Cookie immediately rolls into the ring to check on Derek along with the official…


Phillips holds up his hands innocently as Cannon lets go of him, and paces around, he sees the podium and knocks it down to boos from the crowd. The Award rolling to his feet, Cannon picks it up and stares at it in his hand for a moment and then looks back to the ring where Derek is coming to. The official is helping him up while Cookie watches and its that image which has Cannon roll back into the ring with some fans screaming for Cookie and the ref to take notice. Cannon through stands right behind her just waiting for her to turn around. 

Knots: “Don’t turn around Cookie, don’t do it.”

Sharper: “We’re gonna need more help out here I think…”

Cookie realizes something is up and turns around only to scream and back up a second, she puts her dukes up ready to fight which only leads to Cannon pointing at her.

Chris: “I’ll see you at Taking Hold of the Flame. I’ll end your dream there.”

He sneers before exiting with the award and starts to head up the ramp, the final shot being that of Cookie and Derek who has himself a few “owies”…

Knots: “Cookie lucky he didn’t try something there.”

Sharper: “You’re right, but he may well be saving it for Taking Hold of the Flame. For her sake he isn’t in the ring when her number comes up…”


Blake Mason in his locker room, laying out his gear when the door is opened by Jaxsom Sullivan. Blake looks up and Josh Hudson walks into the room. The crowd cheers seeing him.


Blake: “Josh…good to see you.”


Josh: “Good to see you. Congratulations. Got one monkey off your back.”


Blake: “Only one I cared about. A big match and came through.”


Josh: “Still not going to be in the battle royal?”


Blake: “Not worth the extra headache.”


Josh: “Shame…then it’s on you if I win it.”


Blake: “Still going to be in the match?”


Josh: “Of course. Always driven to be champion again. No matter what I promised you for a match.”


Blake: “I see. Your call. But tell me, you’re not here just for this. To talk to me?”


Josh: “No, you’re not that special. Here to watch my protégé, Erica, in action.”


Blake: “Another protégé?”


Josh: “James was one. He won the title. Others have had success.”


Blake: “This one isn’t just the success that you’re interested in.”


Josh smirks.


Josh: “Good luck tonight. I would hate to see you trip and fall face first one week into your reign.”


Josh turns and walks off. Blake watches him leave before turning back and glancing at the SCW World Tag Team Championship as the scene cut to the ring.

I Want It All!

I Want It All!

I Want It All!

And I Want It Now!


The opening guitar riff of Queen’s “I Want It All” and Matt Hodges makes his way out from behind the curtain to momentous boos from the crowd. He pays no heed as he walks down to the ring, smirking. The fans sing “Matt Hodges sucks!” in unison with the chorus of the song. Hodges slow moves up the steps, wipes his foot on the apron, and gets into the ring. He walks into the opposite corner and demands a microphone. “I Want It All” dies out as the fans continue to chant “Matt Hodges sucks!”


Sharper: “Matt Hodges is coming off an impressive effort last week. He lasted thirty minutes against the World Champion.”


Knots: “He says he’s World Class and he proved it.”


Sharper: “All while still directing that all to Alistaire Allocco.”


Hodges is handed a microphone as the chants continue. Hodges walks back to the middle of the ring and looks out to the crowd. He puts his hand on his hip and listens for a few moments longer before bringing the microphone to his mouth.


Hodges: “Really? After taking the World Championship to a thirty minute draw. She held onto the World Championship by the skin of her teeth. She may be the only person in wrestling that could be a step ahead of me and you still chant that.”


The crowd roars, yelling out “yeah” before starting to chant again. Hodges smirks and nods.


Hodges: “Well that’s why no one really cares what the group of you here in San Jose think. Because the fact is that I’ve been out of this ring for a while. And even last week, Bree Lancaster went for my knee and it was tweaked. I wasn’t happy. I limped for a bit, but right now, perfectly fine. And when I came back here, I made clear that I was coming back to bring some World Class to wrestling. And I was met by Alistaire Allocco. Well, Ali, sorry, but I think you may have to wait. Because after last week, I realized something.”


Hodges looks around.


Hodges: “I realized that quite simply…I can aim bigger. I don’t need to remind a kid that he can claim to be King around here when I frankly around and I think instead, I want to test our World Champion, whomever it is, at the bigger stage. I think I want to relive a great moment, when I won the Taking Hold of the Flame and then won at Rise to Greatness!”


Hodges smirks.


Hodges: “Quite simply, I know, two matches in. Aiming for the World Title is exactly what I should be doing and Alistaire, while you won it last year, frankly, I think you need to a reminder of how it’s done. I think everyone around here does and so, it’s official, I’m one of the forty walking down to this ring.”


Hodges sighs.


Hodges: “Sorry Alistaire and Adam…you too. I know you were hoping that I could help you out. Teach the kid some humility. But I got bigger plans…and it involves returning back to the top, where I belong!”


Look deep into his eyes!
Look deep into his eyes, that's where the fire lies!

The spotlights shine forth from the stage, bathing the entire arena in blinding white lights corresponding with a verse of “Eyes Like Fire” by Collision of Innocence. The crowd cheers as Alistaire Allocco walks out from the back, dressed in work-out pants and a t-shirt.


Sharper: “Alistaire Allocco coming down. Matt Hodges just brushing him off.”


Knots: “He had to run from the shower it looks like.”


He heads down to the ring. Hodges looks at him as Allocco reaches the ring and walks up the steel steps. He wipes his feet on the apron and enters. Hodges just looks at him before smirking and saying virtually the same thing to him as Alistaire Allocco goes to the corner and asks for a microphone. Phillips hands him one. He turns back as his music fades out.


Hodges: “Sorry, man. Gotta bigger and better things now. I realized I can aim bigger.”


Alistaire: “Well there’s a problem Matt. Because we both think we can be at the top of this company. But you want to move on. You want to keep going. Think you can be where I was a year ago, winning Taking Hold of the Flame and then the World Title at Rise to Greatness. In your case, to be the first person to do that twice.”


Alistaire nods.


Hodges: “Is there any doubt?”


Alistaire: “Plenty, Matt. But I’m not going to stand here and kill your dreams. Instead, I’m going to do see Taking Hold of the Flame for what it can be. I believe I can repeat too. I believe I have that skill. And if the only time we’re going to touch in this ring is at Taking Hold of the Flame, in the battle royal…because I’ll be in there too…then I’m going to hope that we get that chance and we can see in that moment, who is the best!”


The crowd roars. Matt smirks as Alistaire extends his hand. Hodges looks at it.


Hodges: “You don’t get it, Alistaire. I already know the answer. That’s why I’m moving on.”


Hodges smirks and pats Alistaire on the back before walking toward the ropes. He then stops.


Hodges: “But don’t worry. Had a good match earlier with Peyton. Your dad told me that you two are seeing each other. Maybe focus there. You were cute together. Just guard the little Alis.”


Hodges then steps through the ropes and drops down to the floor. Alistaire Allocco turns and watches him leave. Hodges heads to the back as the crowd boos.


Sharper: “Hodges almost looking down on Alistaire and but that last shot…”


Knots: “We’ll see. I just hope that they meet up in the battle royal. Hodges may realize that he may be aiming too high too quick.”


Sharper: “I’m not saying Hodges didn’t have a hell of a showing last week. It was impressive. I said it when he came out. But that’s quickly gone to his head.”


Knots: “He said as much a few weeks ago when he returned. He’s just accelerating things!”


Sharper: “And Allocco and many others will be in his way.”


Knots: “Just what’s Adam Allocco going to say. He was planning to have Hodges teach Alistaire a lesson! Hodges said as much!”


Alistaire watches as Hodges heads to the back. He gets to the stage before we see Adam Allocco running out and walking over to him.


Adam: “What are you doing?! You’re supposed to be facing him. Teach him that he doesn’t know all.”


Matt smiles and turns to him.


Hodges: “Sorry. I’m above this family crap. Just take care of it yourself!”


Hodges then heads to the back as Adam looks at him stunned before turning to his son. Alistaire just looks at Adam and shakes his head as the scene cuts away.


Breakdown returns as we see Lexy Chapel dressed up like S.J. Sharkie, the San Jose Shark’s mascot.


Sharper: “What in the world…”


Knots: “Welcome back to Breakdown where everyone’s God damned lost it!”


Lexy: “Everyone give me a broad play. The bear has to know I’m a shark. Maybe we can trick him to think I’m the shark that maybe trained with him. We can blow the lid on this dancing animal thing!”


Lexy looks around and walks down the hallway. Lexy continues down the hallway before suddenly, the cameraman walking behind her, is taken down. Lexy stops, looking up as the camera turns to show the Dancing Bear over him. The bear does a hip thrust to the right before we hear Lexy.


Lexy: “BEAR! I thought we were told to dance only for love!”


The bear stops and the cameraman backs up and tries to capture the scene. The bear looks around in their costume. Lexy looks at the cameraman and then back to the bear.


Lexy: “Uh…Grizzly. Has to be your name. You’re ferocious. It’s me…Left….Shark….yeah…”


The bear turns and goes to run off, but Lexy goes to run after him to capture him. Lexy however trips and falls over. She loses her head before scrambling to put it on. She then gets up to her knees and the Dancing Bear shoves her back before thrusting to the left and then the right before running off. Lexy tries to get up.


Lexy: “Come back! Come back!”


Lexy gets up and falls over.


Lexy: “Damn these slippery floors! He’s getting away!”


Lexy looks up and rolls over to her back defeated as the scene fades to black.

Erica Eden in action


Phillips: “The following match is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring.... from right here in San Jose, California.... she is Jazlynn Rocha!”

The crowd applauds and we see a young Latina woman in the ring, wearing dark purple short tights and a matching halter top. She bounces on her feet excitedly.

Sharper: “Always good to see SCW giving local talent a spotlight when it's possible. I'm told Jazlynn here is twenty-two years old and has a background in gymnastics.”

Knots: “We'll find out how flexible she is in moments!”

The opening of “Faith” by Ghost fills the arena as smoke obscures the entrance. A few seconds in Erica Eden walks through as the smoke disperses. She wears a black leather jacket over her gear, black tights and halter top, black boots, all trimmed with silver studs. A second or two later, Josh Hudson walks out behind her. The crowd murmurs.

Phillips: “And her opponent... making her debut tonight, currently residing in New York City and being accompanied by Josh Hudson.... she is Erica Eden!”

Erica makes her way to the ring, Hudson following, as her music jumps to the chorus, the words appearing on the Tron:

I am all eyes
I am all ears
I am the wall
And I'm watching you fall

Erica goes up the ring steps and steps through the ropes. Hudson goes around the ring to near the steps. Erica removes the jacket as she goes to the center of the ring, then slings it over her shoulder, posing with the other hand on her hip. She then slowly smiles and turns, swishing the jacket around before tossing it to the outside. The music fades as she turns to her opponent.

Sharper: “And we have this young lady, Erica Eden, making her SCW debut tonight. Recently signed, a student of Josh Hudson, explaining his presence at ringside.”

Knots: “Josh Hudson getting around tonight. Speaking with Blake Mason earlier. Now out here overseeing the debut of the woman I've heard he's calling his protege. I saw some of her film earlier, it's pretty clear who she trained with.”

The bell rings. Hudson gives his student a few claps of encouragement. The women circle each other, then enter a collar and elbow lock up. Erica quickly gets the upper hand and spins Jazlynn around, then applies a hammerlock. Jazlynn grimaces. Erica pulls harder. Jazlynn spins under and around and gets herself out of the hold. Erica looks at her stunned. The crowd applauds.

Sharper: “There's that flexibility you were wondering about, Jon.”

Knots: “How did she even do that? I didn't see what way she bent!”

Sharper: “Neither did Erica Eden.”

Erica shakes her head and grabs Jazlynn, then sends her into the ropes. On the return Erica catches Jazlynn and lifts her overhead, before spinning around then dropping her with a back body drop. She makes a cover.



Jazlynn kicks out. The crowd applauds. Erica gets up and pulls Jazlynn up. Jazlynn nails Erica with a forearm. She goes for a second but Erica blocks it, grabbing Jazlynn's arm. She turns Jazlynn around and grabs her from behind, before snapping her backwards with a snapdragn suplex. The crowd cheers. We see Hudson grinning.

Sharper: “Erica Eden calls that the Sudden Wrath. Sudden is a good word for it, so quick if you blinked you'd miss it.”

Knots: “And Jazlynn doesn't seem to know what happened.”

Erica pulls Jazlynn up, Jazlynn seems a little dizzy. She shakes her head, and calls for a lock up. Erica nods, and they lock up again. Jazlynn ducks under and around to grab Erica from behind. She attempts a suplex, but Erica resists. Jazlynn has a waistlock in pretty tight. Erica throws an elbow backwards into Jazlynn's ribs. Jazlynn yells and lets go. Erica quickly gets a little distance then nails a spinning heel kick. She then runs the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Jazlynn ducks. Erica hits the other side, but grabs the ropes to prevent herself from bouncing off. She turns and Jazlynn greets her with an uppercut. Jazlynn pulls Erica away from the ropes, then takes her down with an arm drag. Both get up quick, and Jazlynn pulls Erica down with another. They both get up again, but Erica rolls through backwards, creating distance. Jazlynn, frustrated, runs at Erica, and takes her down with a Thez press. She tries to throw punches but Erica shoves her off.

Sharper: “Erica Eden just shoved that young woman off her like a doll!”

Knots: “Looks like we have another lady powerhouse on the roster. Hudson knows how to pick them.”

Erica gets to her feet first and pulls Jazlynn up. She then slings her into a corner. Jazlynn hits the turnbuckles hard. Erica follows, lifting her knee and driving it into Jazlynn's ribs. Jazlynn leans over holding herself. Erica grabs her and lifts her up in a crucifix position, then gets out of the corner, before planting Jazlynn with a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. The crowd oohs as Hudson claps.

Sharper: “Crucifix powerbomb from this strong young woman! She calls that the Fall of Eden.”

Knots: “Cover!”

Erica hooks a leg.




The bell rings. Erica gets to her feet as the crowd applauds.

Phillips: “Here is your winner by pinfall... Erica Eden!”

The official raises her arm, and we see Hudson enter and raise the other one, pointing at Erica. Jazlynn stirs.

Knots: “Not the night Jazlynn Rocha was expecting I'm sure, but a great debut for Erica Eden, her mentor Josh Hudson there to congratulate her.”

Erica reaches a hand out to help Jazlynn get to her feet. Jazlynn takes it, and the women shake hands, drawing applause.

Sharper: “And a great show of sportsmanship right there. You love to see it.”

The two women talk a bit as Breakdown cuts away.

Backstage, Jessica Winters is standing alongside Asher Hayes.


Jessica: “I am here with Asher Hayes and Asher, it’s been a long couple of weeks for you. Not the last month you’ve wanted when I know you’ve been aiming to work up the ladder. Selena Frost beating you and Glory at Cold Blooded. Losing the Six Person Tag on Breakdown. Didn’t win the TV title-“


Asher: “And I should’ve won them all.”


Jessica: “Pardon?”


Asher: “I should have won them all. And during that time, even listening to the crowd…didn’t hear the Asher Hayes! Asher Hayes! Just heard Ace! Ace! Or even We Believe! People don’t even believe in me. They believe in Selena, but not me. And hell, I beat God damned heroine.”


Asher turns away and stops, recomposing himself.


Asher: “Look, I came back to kick ass and take names. I don’t know why I need the names. But apparently, someone was going to make an effin’ collage or some thing. I’m not happy that I’m not standing here TV Champ, getting ready to whomp Jake Starr’s ass. I’m happy as hell we tore down Godzilla’s banner because this damn sure aim some V for Vendetta shit. It’s SCW. And I should be getting what I came back for. The top of the mountain. Every match, someone else in the way. Someone from the shadows…it’s frustrating man….frustrating!”


Asher sighs and turns to Jessica.


Asher: “But it is one thing…good practice for Taking Hold of the Flame. Because if you think anyone is going to be looking around with his head spinning around, making sure Sienna don’t creep up from behind like a druggie in a dark alleyway in downtown…or I don’t have to get ready to see Owen Cruze flip off the top rope, landing for my head or Selena Frost wooshing past me…it’s gonna be me. And best revenge for it all is winning the battle royal and making Rise to Greatness my coronation!”


Asher then looks around.


Asher: “Now where the hell is Ace? Son of a bitch owes me dinner.”


Asher heads off as Jessica watches him leave and the scene fades to black.


Jake Starr vs. Regan Street

SCW Television Championship


The opening chords of "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown begin to echo throughout the stadium. With each opening drum beat, the logo of the Social Misfits flashes on the jumbotron...

Yeah, I get it you're an outcast
Always under attack always coming in last
Bringing up the past no one owes you anything
I think you need a shotgun blast a kick in the ass
So paranoid


With those words, an explosion or pyro shoots high into the air from the stage and in front of the stage in another wall of sparks. Lights start to circle the arena as several spotlights turn to the stage. Jake Starr walks out from the back and looks around. He just smiles and nods. He surveys the crowd, feeling their energy and absorbing it all in. His nameplate comes up as Jake Starr starts to head down to the ring. He makes his way down the rampway before going to the guardrail and fist bumping a few fans and then going to the other side before doing the same.

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall, has a fifteen minute time limit and is for the SCW Television Championship. First, the challenger, from Des Moines, Iowa, he is the Only Social Misfit Remaining, Jake Starr!”

The crowd cheers as Starr runs over to the ring and jumps up onto the apron. He steps into the ring. He immediately makes his way to the far corner, climbing to the top rope. As the chorus hits, a spotlights illuminate Jake and he simply stands there looking around at the fans with a smirk on his face. He points at himself, and ultimately yells the words "I'M NOT DEAD YET!" He looks around, continuing to soak up the energy from the crowd before beating on his chest twice, and raises his "Misfit Revolution Fist" high into the air, a gesture mimicked by many fans in the crowd who have been supporters over the years. After this, he goes camera side and climbs on the middle rope raising his arm one more time. He looks around before hopping down and walking around the ring.


Sharper: “Jake Starr had an eventful night last week. Cookie Dreams and Giovanni Aries defeated him and Sienna Swann.”


Knots: “Yeah and Swann had to take the cheap shot first. Jake Starr caught by the Kiss of an Angel when he wasn’t prepared.”


Sharper: “But now could win the Television Championship again.”


The arena goes dark. The sound of a Hellcat scratching through the screen is seen with a roar. Fireworks blast off the entrance as “Who's Next” by Porcelain Black plays throughout the arena. Regan Street walks out in her cheetah print wrestling gear and ensemble with her younger sister, Mikaela and cousin Delilah behind her. The SCW Television Championship is around her waist. She stands at the entrance way looking out into the crowd as they shower her with cheers and cat calls no pun intended. Regan turns to Mikaela and Delilah, they all nod before she looks around at the crowd, screams and then smirks walking to the ring determined for her next match and starts to make her way down to the ring followed by Mikaela and Delilah.
Phillips: “His opponent, accompanied by Mikaela Street and Delilah, from Santa Monica, California, she is the SCW Television Champion, the Hellcat, Regan Street!”
Regan Street gets to the apron and hops up to the ring as the crowd roars; pointing to Delilah to sit by Knots and Sharper, nodding she does. Regan flips over the ropes back first to cheers from the fans, Mikaela slides after her. Once inside the ring Regan goes to the corner, climbing it and posing in her own confident way as Mikaela claps before dropping down and walking to the middle of the ring where she takes off her entrance attire and nods to her sister, handing her the gear and she makes her way to the corner while the Hellcat stands waiting to start her fight, handing the title over to the official, Steve Hollinsworth. Hollinsworth steps back, holding the title over her head as the SCW Television Championship logo comes across the screen.
Sharper: “Regan Street meanwhile has to focus here on a big challenge. The SCW Hall of Famer across the ring from her. But her tag hopes standing in the middle of a lot.”


Knots: “Well it was part personal, and that plan has brought Xander Valentine and David Helms into it. Along with Selena Frost too.”


Sharper: “We won’t see any of them later in our tag title match. But that whole situation has to be weighing on her here.”


The bell sounds as Regan comes out, ready to fight. Starr smirks and walks around as the crowd cheers. Regan lunges and Starr ducks down and around Regan. He then slips forward and into a side headlock. Regan reaches around and Starr smirks as Regan gets him back to the ropes and pushes him off. She bounces off the other side and Starr steps up and shoulders her down. He turns and runs into the ropes. Regan drops down towards him. Starr hops over and stops. He goes for a stomp, but Regan blocks it. She pushes him back and Regan gets up and forearms him in the jaw. She then forearms him again and then grabs him and runs him into the corner. Regan climbs up to the middle rope and nails him with a couple of hard forearms, but Starr shoves her off. She rolls through. She gets up and runs back over and climbs up again. She hits a couple more forearm shots before Starr shoves her off again. She rolls through and gets up and runs at Starr, jumping up, to climb up, but Starr catches her and spins her into the corner. Starr then kicks her in the ribs.


Sharper: “Regan throwing down with Starr. Starr took what she had and now, it’s Starr’s turn to show what he has.”


Knots: “Regan went back one too many times!”


Starr chops her. The crowd woos. He whips her across. Regan hits the corner. Jake runs after and Regan gets an elbow up. Jake staggers back. Regan turns and climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and dives back with a twisting Lou Thesz Press into a pin.






Starr kicks out. Both get up and Regan forearms him in the jaw before kicking him in the ribs. She runs into the ropes, bouncing off and Starr hits a back elbow. Regan falls to the ropes. Starr walks over and grabs her and whips her across. She bounces off and Starr hits a back drop. Regan gets back up and Starr hits a dropkick. He follows up with a pin.






Regan kicks out. She rolls over and turns and Starr chops her, knocking her down. She holds her chest and gets up and moves into the corner. Starr follows up and kicks her in the ribs. He then goes to whip her across, but pulls her into his elbow. Regan falls to a knee. Starr then hooks her up and hits a back suplex. He floats over for the pin.






Regan kicks out. Starr then gets up and hits an elbow drop. Starr winces and Starr turns and exits to the apron. He climbs up to the top rope and Regan gets up and falls into the ropes. Starr lands hard, crotch first.


Sharper: “And Regan cuts off Starr as he didn’t do enough to keep her down!”


Knots: “He’s now wishing he did. He’s in a lot more pain right now!”


Regan then climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and then hits a knee lift as Starr starts to get up and Starr flips down as Regan falls down, both in a heap. The move, not pretty, but effective, leads Regan to get up as Starr stirs and Regan pulls him up before running out of the corner and driving him down with a bulldog. She rolls Starr over and hooks the leg.






Starr rolls his shoulder up. He rolls over as Regan gets up and forearms him in the jaw. Starr falls over. Regan runs into the ropes, bouncing off and then grabs Starr’s head and hits a swinging neckbreaker. She goes for another pin.






Starr gets his shoulder up. Regan turns and grabs the head of Starr. Starr reaches out and slowly starts to turn to his side, to his knee. Regan holds on and watches him as he starts to get up. Regan then clubs him in the back and then again before stepping forward and going for a snapmare. Starr sits up. Regan runs into the ropes in front of Starr and bounces off. She goes for a running Love Tap, but Starr drops back and rolls over. Regan slides to a stop. She gets up and runs at Starr who hip tosses her down. Regan gets up and Starr kicks her in the ribs and hits a snap suplex. Regan grimaces, holding her back and gets up and Starr kicks her in the ribs and hits a DDT.


Sharper: “DDT! Starr made sure to plant her!”


Knots: “Not just plant her. Maybe beat her!”


Starr rolls Regan over and hooks the leg.






Regan shoots her shoulder up. Starr rolls off and the crowd ohs. He starts to get up as Regan rolls over. She slowly gets to her hands and knees and Starr grabs her and hoists her up and hits another back suplex. Starr turns and exits to the apron. He then climbs up to the top rope. He looks at Regan and dives off with a guillotine leg drop. He connects and rolls off. He turns and exits to the apron and then climbs up again. He looks at Regan who remains down, half out of it and dives off hitting a frog splash. He remains down on her for only a moment before getting up and turning back to the corner. He then springboards to the top rope. The crowd roars as he looks at Regan.


Sharper: “He’s trying to make sure she won’t get up. Trying to extinguish that fighting spirit!”


Knots: “He may have it. Regan’s looking half out of it!”


Starr then goes for the shooting five star, but Regan gets her knees up. Starr grimaces and rolls over, holding his ribs. Regan rolls over and slowly goes to the ropes. She starts to pull herself up as Starr starts to get up, holding his ribs. The crowd cheers as Regan turns, sliding down her knee pad, before running at Starr and hitting the Love Tap. Starr hits the mat. Regan turns and hooks the leg.






Starr gets his shoulder up. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Regan tried to get Starr down by taking his head off with the Love Tap! But only a two count!”


Knots: “Starr showing he’s still got a bit more left in the tank! And he’s got a hell of a chin. Kiss of an Angel last week. Love Tap tonight!”


Regan rolls off and starts to get up. Starr stirs. Regan gets up and walks over to him. Starr grabs her and pulls her into the corner. Regan just stops herself. Starr starts to get up and turns around and Regan runs out and forearms him in the jaw and then again. Starr goes for a clothesline, but Regan ducks and spins around. She pushes Jake into the ropes and rolls him up with an Okana roll, but Starr rolls through!






Regan kicks out. Starr falls forward. Regan rolls back. Starr gets up and turns and Regan grabs him by the head, driving him into the mat with the CATastrophe. The crowd ohs and Starr rolls to his back. Regan falls on top of him.


Sharper: “Catastrophe! Starr driven to the mat.”


Knots: “That’s it!”








The crowd roars. Regan rolls off. The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, and still SCW Television Champion, Regan Street!”


Sharper: “Regan Street regains it again!”


Knots: “In the storm of everything else, she’s weathering it!”


Regan starts to slowly get up as the referee hands her the title and she raises it over her head. She remains celebrating as Starr stirs in the ring. Mikaela and Delilah join Regan before we cut away.


Damian Angel vs. Scarlet Grey


“Scarlet” begins to play as the entire arena in engulfed in red lighting, feeling so much like a thick red veil has overtaken the arena that it's suffocating. Through the smoke that begins to cover the stage, Void slowly walks out onto the stage, snarling at the fans in an almost animalistic fashion. Angel is not far behind her, a hand on Void's shoulder as she says something to her that has the masked woman nodding. The two begin making their way down to the ring, Angel never breaking her contact with Void which seems to be the only thing keeping her from venting her aggression on any of the booing fans around them. Once they reach ringside Angel pulls back her hand, and Void slides into the ring and crouches down in her corner as Angel stays on the floor, giving more instructions to her as the lights return to normal.

Sharper: “Void is out here. A lot of people speculate that it’s Scarlet Grey underneath that mask.”

Knots: “It’s all but proven, Adam.”

Sharper: “Regardless of who’s the true identity is beneath the mask, Void is a very dangerous individual. We have seen her with zero compassion towards her opponents.”

Knots: “Towards her would be victims.”

The opening lines of The Rasmus' "Lucifer's Angel" begin to play over the crowd suddenly, without the introduction of the song...

Behind those eyes lies the truth and grief
Behind those beautiful smiles I've seen tragedy
The flawless skin hides the secrets within
Silent forces that secretly ignite your sins[/b]

During that verse, Damian Angel steps out onto the top of the ramp, inciting boos from the crowd. He looks at the crowd. In the slight pause between the verse and the chorus, the lights in the arena all turn off, leaving the sight of pitch black. As the chorus strikes up, a red spotlight begins to follow Angel to the ring. During the chorus, they begin their approach to the ring.

Fly away, fly away
From the torch of blame
They haunt you
The Lucifer's Angels
Never lived, you never died
Your life has been denied
They call you
The Lucifer's Angel

7.By the end of the chorus, Angel has rolled toward the centre of the ring, pulling himself to one knee. Damian runs his hand over the canvas before pounding his right fist down upon the SCW logo, immediately springing to his feet thereafter…

Beyond these clouds you can hide all your tears
Beyond this world you'll be safe from their wicked fears
And in their hearts they fear your demands
You know their minds won't accept you, they'll never understand

As this verse goes on, Damian unfastens the clasps of his rope, letting it drop down to the mat behind him. He glares out over the crowd

Fly away, fly away
From the torch of blame
They haunt you
The Lucifer's Angels
Never lived, you never died
Your life has been denied
They call you
The Lucifer's Angel

Angel climbs onto the middle rope and outstretches his arms, bringing them together in an 'X' formation as he looks down towards the pits of hell. He repeats this process on the other three sides of the ring, and after the last one he hops off the turnbuckle.

Sharper: “Verdict is still out whether or not Damian Angel has undergone a transformation.”

Knots: “You don’t know with Angel. He’s the man who always like to make everyone else out to be a fool. This could be a whole new strategy to get people off their game.”

Sharper: “To be successfully manipulative, you have to be cunning. Damian Angel is as clever as they come.”

Knots: “Very cerebral. Mind games a part of his game, regardless of his acclaimed wholesomeness or his dastardly deeds.”

Angel walks right up to Void. Referee holds them back. Angel yells out ‘SCARLET! WHY HIDE BEHIND A MASK!’ Void turns away from Angel, seeming to ignore the bait.

Sharper: “Right out of the gates, Angel is calling Void out, questioning the need to hide behind the case, if that’s indeed is the case.”

Knots: “Angel’s going to try to get underneath her skin.”

Angel keeps shouting. Void turns, steps forward. Referee holds them back, but Void reaches around and jabs Angel in the face. Angel steps back, laughing as the referee warns both individuals. He proceeds to call for the bell. Angel is jumpy, hopping between feet. Void is flatfooted, her glare fixated on Angel.

Sharper: “Damian Angel is not afraid at all as some might be at Void’s intensity.”

Knots: “He has dealt with the most monstrous members of SCW storied history. He knows how to be a shepherd to the deranged.”

Void darts forward, immediately going for the Void Effect. Angel ducks underneath, boots her in the midsection, blasts her with an elbow across the jawline. Void stumbles to the side, Angel pulls her in, throws her down, kneeing in the gut hard. He hooks the leg, looks for the fisherman’s suplex but Void manages to slip away. She meets Angel with an elbow of her own, knocking him back. He responds with another knee to the midsection. European Uppercut knocks Void back against the ropes. Angel irish whips Void who counters, sending Angel packing instead. She collides with Angel with a spear, taking him down. Void begins to rain down a fury of punches, to the point that the referee has to pull her off to stop her from attacking Angel with such viciousness.

Sharper: “Striking on display in the early going of this match.”

Knots: “Void needs to watch those closed fists. The referee is issuing her a stern warning.”

Sharper: “Angel weathering that storm, getting up onto his feet. He’s loudly questioning “Scarlet’s” seriousness!”

Void comes stampeding forward and Angel catches her with a drop toe hold. He hops over, side headlock. She raises, goes to push Angel forward but Angel circles around with an hammerlock. Angel begins to whisper in her ear, Void swings back with her free elbow but Angel releases, hops back out of the way. Void spins around with another fist, but Angel ducks underneath, grabs her by the midsection. Angel with the Northern Lights suplex, but he holds on, bridges, rolls through for another one, and then a third! The third time he bridges.

Sharper: “Locomotion Northern Lights on display. The pin!”



Sharper: “Void explodes out of that bridge, regardless of how perfect Damian Angel’s form was.”

Knots: “People tend to forget, Damian Angel is a brilliant wrestler. He’s a former SCW World Champion after all.”

Sharper: “I don’t think Void cares about Angel’s accolades. I think she just wants to hurt Damian Angel!”

Void doesn’t say down but as she pushes up from her hands and knees, Angel swings a kick right into her ribs. Void falls over into the corner, but clings onto the top turnbuckle. She turns and immediately, Angel crashes in with a shoulder, with enough momentum to flip out to apron. The Hell Crash leaves Void stunned as she staggers out into the center of the ring. Angel grabs a hold of the top rope, flips himself over into the ring with momentum, takes Void down from the side with a lariat. Void goes down, Angel hooks the leg:

Sharper: “Look at the velocity Angel came in, crashing into Void. Void has to be hurting.”

Knots: “The pin-“



Sharper: “Again, Void gets her shoulder up after two. Now look at this, Angel is tugging at the straps, binding that mask in.”

Knots: “He only tugs on a few times, I think he’s messing with Void here.”

Sharper: “Again, he’s calling out to Void, referring to her as Scarlet, telling her that if this is the extent of her anger, that she should just stop pretending, whatever that means.”

Angel pushes off her masked head and climb to his feet. He stalks her as Void battles to her feet. Angel comes running forward, but Void leaps up, takes down Angel with a crossbody. Angel and Void rolls through onto their feet. Angel throws an elbow but it’s blocked by Void. Void greets him with a savage headbutt. Angel drops to his knee. He stands up, but Void swings around with the Void Effect! Angel is launched back into the corner where he stumps over. Void doesn’t give him a second to recover. She’s in there, knife edge chopping, when Damian goes to cover his chest, Void drills an elbow to the side of the head. She’s grunting loudly, basically screaming as Damian finally drops to the bottom turnbuckle, left in a complete daze from the onslaught.

Sharper: “Void has exploded on Damian Angel.”

Knots: “He tried to goad her, try to incense her, and he’s getting everything he asked for. Void delivering a massive number of strikes in a short period of time. Angel’s reeling.”

Sharper: “Angel might be seeing stars at the moment.”

Void backs up and runs in with a diving knee to the face. Angel rolls out of the ring, holding his head, trying to recover from the rapid fire attack Void laid onto him. Void steps out onto the apron, comes running, diving cross body on the outside but Angel catches her in midflight. Angel with the faraway slam onto the ring ramp. He stumbles away, circling around before getting into the ring. Void slowly gets to her feet, but she immediately heads into the ring. As she goes to stand, she lunges towards Damian Angel. With a smile, Angel blasts her with the Bitter End!

Sharper: “Bitter End by Damian Angel. Void walked right into that one! This is over!”




Sharper: “No! Void kicks out with a lot of force.”

Knots: “She’s battling up onto her feet. She’s not staying down, Adam.”

Damian Angel boots her in the gut. He runs off the ropes to go for the Dead Man’s Drop, but Void steps out of the way. Damian turns and he’s blasted with a second Void Effect. Angel drops to the canvas. Void doesn’t go for the pin, instead, pulling Damian back into a crucifix. She begins hammering in elbows to the side of the head.

Sharper: “Damian is getting the piss knocked right out of him. The referee should check and make sure he’s still coherent.”

Knots: “He’s defenseless right now, Adam!”

Finally, the referee calls for Void to release Damian. Void reluctantly does so and stands. Referee kneels down beside Damian Angel. Damian Angel swoos him away and battles onto his feet, but he’s immediately grabbed, hammerlock, and the Into the Void hits. Void screams down at him before covering!

Sharper: “Into the Void! Pin!”




Knots: “Damian Angel should think twice before provoking his opponent. Void only became deadlier the more angry she was.”

Sharper: “He was hoping to take advantage of her anger, look for mistakes, but Void became berserk. His plan back fired!”


Void looks up and then turns to her handler, Angel, not the wrestler, and drops down to the floor. Void then slowly heads to the back.

Matt Hodges is with his gear, leaving the building. The crowd boos seeing him leave.


Knots: “Looks like Hodges is just getting out of dodge.”


Sharper: “Said his message and is leaving.”


Hodges heads toward the door.


???: “Hey!”


Hodges turns and smirks. Konrad Raab then walks over to him.


Raab: “You’re running from Alistaire.”


Hodges smiles.


Hodges: “I get it. German…English not your strong suit. It’s fine…I’m not running. I’m moving on.”


Raab: “You don’t start that. You don’t call out the best, get the best and then turn around.”


Hodges: “That works for you. But you should probably stop before I have to beat you again.”


Raab looks at Hodges as Hodges glances past him. The camera pans out to see Jay Gold off to the side.


Hodges: “Oh…you going to get involved.”


Gold: “I hear yelling. I’m going to make sure that someone’s not doing something they shouldn’t be.”


Hodges: “You’re good for that. But Jay…don’t worry, you can stay out of this one. Just like you should have in 2008. No Trios Tournament contract for you this year?”


Gold doesn’t react.


Hodges: “Excuse me. I need to train. You both should too. I mean…we’re the previous gen right. Well, gotta do everything.”


Hodges turns and heads off as Gold and Raab watch Hodges leave and the scene fades to black.


A twisted form of a merry-go-round tune plays as sounds of rusty gears and chains are heard. A haunting choir of children’s can be heard as well, “La-la”ing to the music before suddenly-


The audience rise to their feet in a mixed reaction as "Sin with A Grin" by Shinedown is heard, a spotlight shining down on the ramp. Shilo Valiant steps out from the back with a smirk. He then stops and looks around, looking at the stage before bending over and scanning the stage before getting up.


Shilo: “No heads….no smoke…”


Shilo looks around to see the smoke billowing out of the stage.


Shilo: “Oh…lots of smoke. That means fire, right?!”


Shilo chuckles as he heads to the ring. The camera follows him.


Sharper: “So Shilo is here? But why is he coming out now?”


Knots: “And he’s already playing mind games. Nothing is as it seems.”


Valiant reaches the ring and grabs the ropes. He then slides into the ring and crawls forward before getting up to his knees. He looks around and smiles before turning and going over to the corner. The spotlight remains on him and Shilo takes a microphone waiting for him. He then gets up as we cut to a wide shot to show a figure rolling into the ring and sitting down in the corner. Shilo turns and walks over to his spotlight before stopping. He then s miles.


Knots; “Someone’s in the ring!”


Sharper: “That a fan? Do we need security?!”


The lights come up to reveal Datura seated in the corner, looking at Shilo with a smirk.


Shilo: “Well, well, well…”


Datura remains seated.


Shilo; “I had come to see if you would say it to my face. I mean, most want to be creative souls….Aaron Blackbourne for one. But you…you’re someone with a reputation. One I don’t really give a damn about. Because you’re not me…”


Datura keeps watching.


Shilo: “But you’ll take care of me for Aaron Blackbourne….”


Shilo smirks a bit. Datura just nods.


Shilo: “Well given the gift you had of earning this chance to face me…Competition is a funny thing. You hold a win against me. You earned a match against me one on one. But how creative are you… I mean, I could catch you as you headed to the ring. Dressed as you and convinced everyone in here that I was you…That’s greatness!”


Shilo smirks.


Shilo: “And you know what kids?”


Shilo turns to the crowd.


Shilo: “She won’t know what she gets at Taking Hold of the Flame.”


Shilo turns back to Datura who pulls herself up to her feet and starts to clap. Shilo looks at her.


Shilo: “Did you even have a plan? Or are you hear because eight minutes into a match, you realized that I had not moved. I mean this ring will always be my carnival….and Datura…I’m bored of the same or the mimics.”


Datura then reaches behind her and pulls out two items that she had sticking out of the back of her waistband. One item is a lighter as she then lights the other item, tossing the lighter aside, revealing it to be a torch. Shilo just looks on before Datura smiles and then spews a liquid into the torch causing a violent flame to blow up. Valiant jerks back, rolling out of the ring. The crowd ohs as Datura then smirks as she holds the torch at the side. Valiant meanwhile isn’t angry, but more smiling, surprised. Shilo looks in the ring. He then points at her. Datura just smiles.


Sharper: “Breathing fire! Datura spewing the fire into the face of Valiant!”


Knots: “Valiant ducked out of the way. But Shilo and fire have had a hate-hate relationship!”


Valiant then nods.


Valiant: “Okay…okay…maybe this will be fun….”


Datura just keeps smirking. Valiant walks around the ring as the crowd starts to chant for Datura. Others chant for Shilo. Shilo just looks around as he smirks.


Sharper: “Shilo I think is impressed!”


Knots: “Well he didn’t see that coming. Not at all!”


Sharper: “And Datura is happy to be direct when she needs to be!”


Datura remains in the ring as Shilo slowly backs up as the scene cuts away.

“The Old Me” plays as the Breakdown logo comes up on the screen. A shot of The Jackass and Big Ass Connection and the team of Owen Cruze & Blake Mason come up on the screen with the SCW World Tag Team Championship logo behind them.


Sharper: “Next, our main event! The Jackass and Big Ass Connection get their rematch to try and win back the Tag Team Championship against the team of Owen Cruze and Blake Mason. It’s next, here on Breakdown!”


The scene fades to black.


Datura is seen walking backstage and she tosses the unlit torch to the side before taking a few more steps as Regan Street is leaning against the wall. Datura walks over and smiles.


Datura: “Enjoy the show.”


Regan: “Always easier when I’m not the target.”


Datura: “But it would be fun to do it again.”


Regan: “I saw your tweets. Getting involved in my business.”


Datura: “Can’t help but think it would be a hell of a chapter if I was in the way at the end of it all to you getting what you’ve wanted. Or standing along side you.”


Regan: “That second one isn’t going to happen.”


Regan steps forward.


Regan: “As for the first, you need to find someone willing to stand with you. And not by random draw…and last time…well, you left Alexis Quinne in a lurch.”


Datura: “Well we’ll find out then. Won’t we.”


Regan: “Apparently.”


Regan then walks off as Datura smirks and watches her leave.

The Jackass and Big Ass Connection (Tommy Valentine & Kandis) vs. Blake Mason & Owen Cruze

SCW World Tag Team Championship


The sound of a whip cracking gets everyone's attention, followed by the heavy bass riff of “More Human than Human.” The sounds of a female in the throes of passion seem to have been replaced with Kandis' voice.. When the moaning stops, the heavier music kicks in, then Kandis and Tommy Valentine come through the curtain. Both smirk as they look around.


Phillips: “The following contest is schedule for onefall for TV time remaining and is for the SCW World Tag Team Championship! First, the challengers, from West Hollywood, California, she is Kandis.... and from Santa Barbara, California, he is Tommy Valentine.... they are The Jackass and Big Ass Connection!”


The heavy music continues as the pair walk down the ramp, Kandis a step ahead, with Tommy clearly watching her voluptuous rear end as they proceed. Once getting to the ring, Tommy hops on the apron as Kandis goes up the steps. He holds the ropes open for her, and she steps through, slowly, making sure all who are interested get a good view (and pics) of her ass. Once in the ring, Kandis walks around showing herself off while Tommy watches. Kandis then walks to their corner, and Tommy follows, giving her ass a light slap as they get to the corner. 


Sharper: “Tommy Valentine and Kandis looking confident. Earlier tonight though, Tommy was getting under everyone’s skin.”


Knots: “A few people got good shots in. David, Selena, Regan.”


Sharper: “Not Xander Valentine though. And we know that this will be straight up two on two. No interference. No questions.”


The lights go out. A few moments later, a white spotlight shines at the top of the ramp. In that spotlight we see a man wearing a robe that "Blake Mason Experience" embroidered in white. The lights to the rest of the arena come back on, the chorus to "G.O.A.T"  (when money comes)  echoes through the loud speaker. Blake Mason still has his back turned to the camera. Standing behind him is Jaxson Sullivan, wearing a suit, looking like he is ready to knock someone’s head off.  Blake heads to the ring at a methodical pace, holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship.


Phillips; “Their opponents, first, accompanied by Jaxson Sullivan, from Boston, Massachusetts, he is one half of the SCW World Tag Team Champions, Blake Mason!”


Reaching the steel steps, he walks up them, on to the apron, steps into the ring. Jaxson isn't too far behind. They reach the center of the ring. Blake turns his back to the main camera. He takes off his robe, hands it to Jaxson. Blake is shown to be wearing black leather pants like wrestling tights. He walks over to the nearest corner. By then, Jaxson is now standing outside the ring, keeping an eye on his surroundings. 


Sharper: “Blake Mason has said he needed that win last week to show he could still win a big match. He did it. His confidence is up.”


Knots: “And it helped that Josh Hudson was even pumping it up earlier too. But now he has to retain and with Owen!”


The lights straight to flicker in the arena as “The show must go on” the SCW / Maserati Remix kicks in over the PA system, the opening beats bringing a huge cheer from the fans

“Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?”

Owen Cruze, holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship, steps out onto the stage to an even louder outpouring of noise, looking left and right at the fans and nodding in acknowledgment of their support. Kelcey Wallace stands behind him.

“Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore?”

Phillips: “His partner, accompanied by Kelcey Wallace, from Los Angeles, California, he is one half of the SCW World Tag Team Champions, Owen Cruze!”

He drops to one knee and punches the stage, as a huge burst of pyro erupts behind him. Owen getting to his feet and walking down the ramp, only focussed on the ring. Kelcey follows.

“The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah
Inside my heart is breaking
My makeup may be flaking
But my smile, still, stays on”

Owen slides into the ring, and climbs a turnbuckle, raising his arm as his music fades, and he jumps backwards into the ring. Kelcey walks over to join Sullivan in the champion’s corner. Owen walks over to Blake and together, they hand their titles to the official, Aaron Demitra. Demitra holds the titles over his head. The crowd roars as the SCW World Tag Team Championship logo comes across the screen.


Sharper: “Owen Cruze arriving with Kelcey Wallace and I have to say this, I’ll admit I’m pulling for Cruze and Mason. It’s a breath of fresh air to see the majority of championships being held by people who have respect for this sport.”


Knots: “What? You don’t like the stifling egos?”


Sharper: “No I don’t!”


The bell sounds as Tommy steps out of the ring. Kandis starts off for the Connection as Mason and Owen talk. Owen starts off. The crowd roars. Owen and Kandis look at one another. They then move up and lock up as the crowd roars. Kandis drops down to the leg and tries to get Owen up as Owen holds on and clubs her in the back and then again before forcing her down with a headlock takedown. Kandis counters with a headscissors. Owen nips out and Kandis gets up. She goes for a shoot kick, but Owen blocks it and throws her leg down before grabbing her arm and wrenching it. Kandis rolls forward and then rolls up and tries to go for the leg, but Owen steps back. He then runs up the corner where Mason is and dives back with a twisting arm drag. Kandis rolls through and over to Tommy. Tommy motions to her to get back in there. Kandis slowly gets up.


Sharper: “Owen takes down Kandis, using his speed.”


Knots: “And one difference from last week – this is standard tag rules.”


Sharper: “That’s right. Last week, underground rules. A lot more available. Now there’s some structure. A different type of challenge.”


Kandis steps forward and Owen watches her. Kandis tries to sweep around, but Owen spins through and then grabs her arm and wrenches it again. He then pushes her into the ropes. He fires her off. Kandis bounces off and Owen goes for a clothesline. Kandis ducks. She bounces off the other side and jumps up for a hip strike. Owen drops down. Kandis landso n her feet andturns back only for Owen to dropkick her down. He goes for the pin.






Kandis kicks out. She gets up and moves to the corner. Owen follows up and forearms her in the chest before whipping her across. Owen runs after and Kandis moves out of the way. Owen runs up the corner. Kandis turns and drops down. Owen backflips through. Kandis then turns and hits a savate kick. The crowd ohs. Kandis dives for the pin.






Owen kicks out. Both get up and Kandis rakes the eyes of Owen before dragging him over to Tommy. She tags in Tommy. Tommy enters and nails him with a hard right. Owen hits the mat. Kandis exits .Tommy grabs Owen and drags him up and chops him back down.


Sharper: “Tommy in now that Kandis thought a bit quickly there. Savate kick got a two. But also control.”


Knots: “Tommy just going to beat the kid now. And there’s a message there. The links to Regan. Owen dating Jennifer Helms!”


Tommy grabs Owen and drags him up and runs him face first into the nearby corner. Tommy kicks him in the ribs and then again before whipping him across. Tommy runs after and jumps up and hits a running leg lariat. He rolls down. He throws Owen down and goes for the pin.






Owen kicks out. Owen starts to get up and Tommy locks in a side headlock. He holds on and drags him up before getting to his feet. Owen pulls him back to the ropes. Blake tags himself in, as Owen holds his hand up. Owen fires Tommy off. Owen then drops down and Tommy hops over only for Blake to nail him with a dropkick. The crowd ohs. Blake goes for the pin.


Sharper: “Owen and Blake showing they’ve been working on that communication!”


Knots: “And removing some of Tommy’s! Another shot to the jaw!”






Tommy kicks out. Owen exits as Tommy gets up and Blake kicks him in the ribs. He then whips him into the ropes. Tommy bounces off and Blake elbows him down. Tommy rolls over and gets up at the ropes. Blake walks over and forearms him in the jaw and then pulls him out and scoop slams him down. Blake runs into the ropes, bouncing off and stomps him in the face. He goes for the pin.






Tommy kicks out. He rolls over and starts to get up and Blake grabs him, but Tommy elbows him in the ribs and then again before just grabbing him and throwing him down with a mat slam. Blake rolls over and Tommy hits a front dropkick. Blake hits the mat. Tommy gets up and tags in Kandis. Blake starts to get up as Kandis steps on the bottom rope, leaning over it. Tommy hits a European uppercut. Blake hits the mat. Tommy turns and gutwrenches Kandis up off the ropes and powerbombs her onto Blake. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Tommy just powerbombing Kandis.”


Knots: “Using her assets as a weapon!”


Sharper: “And Kandis staying for the pin!”


Kandis leans back.






Blake kicks out. Blake rolls over as Kandis gets up. Blake pulls himself up and Kandis hits as shoot kick to the chest. Blake falls to the corner. Kandis moves in and hits a shoot kick to the chest and then another before hitting one to the jaw. Blake staggers out. Kandis turns and grabs him and hits a running bulldog. Kandis rolls Blake over and hooks the leg.






Blake rolls his shoulder up. Kandis gets up and quickly hits a leg drop. Blake rolls over. Kandis then turns and grabs him and drags him up. She then forearms him in the jaw and then again before running into the ropes. Blake suddenly runs forward too and Kandis stops in the middle of the ring, expecting to find Blake. She turns and Blake nails her with a clothesline.


Sharper: “Blake with an interesting counter. Digging deep to fight through the pain to catch her off guard!”


Knots: “Kandis didn’t even realize until too late.”


Kandis rolls over and Blake kicks her in the ribs and hits a vertical suplex. He gets up and drives his knee into her forehead. Kandis rolls over. Blake then grabs her and drags her up and moves her to the corner before tagging in Owen. Blake then hoists her up again for a vertical suplex, but Owen springboards and dives forward, grabbing Kandis and driving her down to the mat with a sidewalk slam position. He pulls back on the legs.






Kandis kicks out. Blake exits as Kandis rolls over. Tommy stirs as Owen grabs Kandis and hits a back suplex. He to the corner and springboards to the middle rope and then the top rope before diving back with a huge imploding splash. He hooks the leg.






Tommy pulls him off. Owen rolls over and Tommy backs up. Kandis rolls over to the ropes and Owen turns back and grabs her, pulling her back up. He whips her across and Kandis bounces off and Owen jumps up and hits a hurricanrana into a pin.






Tommy enters and Owen gets up and nails him with a hard right. The crowd roars. Tommy falls back. He starts to get up and Owen gets ready for him as Blake then warns Kandis as Kandis gets up and Owen turns right into a superkick. The crowd ohs and boos. Kandis staggers back and Tommy exits only for Tommy to tag himself in. He climbs up to the top rope. He then dives off and hits a swanton bomb onto Owen.


Sharper: “Tommy taking advantage of the distraction! Swanton!”


Knots: “Hit it right on Owen! I think I heard a splat!”


Sharper: “And right into a cover!”






Blake pulls Tommy off. Tommy rolls off and kicks at Blake. Blake motions to fight as Tommy goes to step up, but Kandis re-enters and runs across and nails Blake in the jaw with a forearm shot. The referee starts to count. Kandis then grabs Blake and pulls him out and into Tommy who scoops him up and slams him down. Kandis runs over and Tommy lifts her up before throwing her down with assisted Bass Drop. Kandis starts to get up and Owen suddenly nails Tommy with the Morality. The crowd roars. Kandis turns and runs over and clubs him in the back and then again. The referee counts still. Owen stumbles to the ropes. Kandis runs across and bounces off and Owen suddenly lifts her up and back drops her over. Kandis spins through and lands on the floor. She stirs and slowly rolls over and Owen turns and runs to the corner, jumps to the middle rope and hits a rounding splash onto Kandis on the floor. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Owen over the top rope to the floor! Takes out Kandis!”


Knots: “Yeah, but he should focus on Tommy!”


Tommy rolls over as Blake does too. Owen winces. (1) The official turns back and tries to get Blake out of the ring and Tommy sees this and rolls to the floor. He then runs around the ring and sees Owen getting up and Tommy jumps off the steel steps and nails Owen with a diving front dropkick. Owen falls back and rolls through as Tommy lands hard on the mats. (1) He slowly rolls over as Blake starts to walk around. He then stops and climbs up the corner to the top turnbuckle. The referee notices him as Tommy and Kandis start to get up and Blake dives off with a crossbody onto both. The crowd roars. Blake rolls through and lies down on the mats with everyone else. Kelcey just looks on in awe as Jaxson Sullivan continues to watch stoically. (1)


Sharper: “Blake Mason off the top! A calculated risk!”


Knots: “And one that cleared any advantage the challengers have. Now everyone’s down!”


Sharper: “Countout beginning! The champions could retain.”


Knots: “That’s not how they want. Well, Owen at least!”


Blake slowly rolls over. (2) Kelcey looks on as Owen slowly gets up. Blake tells him to enter the ring. Owen rolls in. (3) Blake turns and looks at Kandis and then Tommy and grabs him. He lifts him up and rolls him into the ring.


Sharper: “Blake rolling in Tommy.”


Knots: “Maybe making sure that he takes a fall. Something to make a lot of people happy!”


Owen gets up and watches Tommy, waiting for him to get up. He looks around and just as he goes to run toward Tommy, but Tommy grabs Demitra by the belt and pulls him into Owen. Owen runs into him, knocking him down. Tommy then gets up and nails him with a forearm shot. Owen falls back to the ropes.


Sharper: “Hey! Hey! Owen!”


Just then, we see Owen is pulled down by his legs and pulled out of the ring. Cain Adams is there and he hoists him up and turns and chokeslams him through the announce table. The crowd ohs and boos loudly. Owen rolls over in a heap. Tommy looks around. He then runs over to the ropes and Cain grabs one of the chairs for Sharper and Knots and turns and throws it at Tommy. Tommy falls back, the chair striking him in the arm. Kelcey starts to head around as Blake walks around the ring to help and then stops, and looks around. Alice Ames then jumps to the barricade and dives onto Blake. Blake catches her enough to turn and throw her off. Cain catches her and then moves past her and boots Blake in the face. The crowd boos some more.


Sharper: “Cain Adams! Alice Ames! The Wonderland?”


Knots: “Where’s Gio?”


Sharper: “Where’s Gio? They’re going to get suspended! They’re going to get suspended for this!”


Knots: “Demitra is down! This is chaos. The match I assume has been thrown out…”


Kandis starts to get up and looks over. She turns to the ring to check on Tommy. Tommy rolls over as Alice turns and looks at Kelcey. The crowd roars. Cain turns and grabs Blake and lifts him up and throws him into the barricade, Kelcey dodging out of the way. Jaxson Sullivan then steps up and gets right up to Cain and Alice. Cain then throws hard right. Jaxson throws one back. The crowd roars as they trade blows. Alice then turns and runs at Owen and stomps away on him. Kelcey looks on and starts to climb over the steel steps as the crowd roars. Just then, Alistaire Allocco and Peyton Rice run out from the back. Aaron Blackbourne is a few strides behind. We then see officials coming out from the back, following. Adams turns as Jaxson blasts him. Adam staggers back and then turns around to go grab at Jaxson as Allocco and Rice pull Sullivan away. Officials come in and get around Adams. Kelcey also starts to be pulled back as Alice is pulled away. Kelcey then goes over to check on Owen as Aaron joins her. Jaxson turns to check on Blake. Tommy and Kandis are on the floor on the other side livid. The crowd looks on, just making noise as the chaos subsides. Sasha starts to head down with Dean Black. Tommy turns and heads toward her with Kandis a few strides behind.


Tommy: “What the hell is that? The hell is that?”


Sasha: “It’ll be dealt with. They’re gone though. They’re gone!”


Tommy turns back, throwing his arms up as Kandis turns and watches them. Owen stirs as Cain and Alice start to be subdued by the officials. Black heads over to focus on them. Cain just looks around as Alice smiles. The scene fades to black…