“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”

A shot of Kelcey Wallace nailing Bree Lancaster with the Perfect Ending, followed by a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator off the top rope on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness, before turning a shot of Jake Starr pumping up the crowd on his way to the ring, before turning into a shot of Ravyn Taylor sitting in the corner, waiting for the start of a match. We then see a shot of Katie Steward holding the Women’s Championship before cutting to a shot of Selena Frost hitting Vixen Cain with the Defying Gravity at Supreme Saturday: Just Desserts.

“The leading force in sports and entertainment today....”






The SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2018 logo comes up on the screen before then fading out to show a shot of the inside of the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. We see a shot of the crowd and the entire roster of SCW seated in front of the stage. The cameras pan down to show the stage.


“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Hall of Fame, Class of 2018 Induction Ceremony. Please welcome your host for the evening…Jonathan Knots!”


The music fades and Jonathan Knots walks out from the back, to applause. He's dressed in a black tuxedo, with a light blue shirt and black bow-tie. Knots approaches the podium and pulls some notecards out of his jacket pocket, then gives a comically large smile to the camera. The crowd laughs a bit and Knots chuckles, then adjusts the mic to begin.

Knots: “Hellooooo SCW! And welcome to the one night of the year where everyone cleans up as nice as they can for the cameras, attempting to look like actual people... the SCW Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony!”

The crowd applauds, and the camera pans the crowd showing the SCW stars, past and present, in attendance.

Knots: “Before we get started, I want to point out two things. One... how flawless does my champion wife look tonight? Eh? Eh?!”

The camera cuts to a close-up of Kennedy Street seated in the audience, and she smiles big before blowing a kiss towards Knots. We cut back to him, where he pantomimes catching it. The crowd laughs.

Knots: “And two... seated next to Kennie is one of her best friends, in her first televised SCW appearance since announcing her retirement a little over a month ago. Say hi to Amy, would ya?”

The shot goes back to Kennedy, and pulls out to show Amy Chastaine seated next to Kennedy. She smiles and waves a little as the crowd applauds and cheers. Kennedy leans sideways on her affectionately for a second. The shot goes back to Knots on stage.

Knots: “Sorry about that guys, Amy slipped me a Benji earlier to get her on  TV.”

The crowd laughs, and the shot cuts to Amy, bent over with her hand over her face laughing. We go back to Knots and he's shaking his head, mouthing the words “not really.”

Knots: “Alright! Let's get this thing started! Tonight's first inductee is so special, he gets not one, but TWO inductors. I was told it's by request, but I personally think it's because they couldn't actually agree on who would get the honors. So let's get this thing rolling, before they both come out here and push me out of the way!”

The lights darken and Knots backs away from the podium as a video begins to play.

The opening riffs of “Sandstorn” by Darude start to play. We see shots of Starr holding the World Championship, Adrenaline Championship, Tag Team Championship, Underground Championship and Television Championship in rapid succession. We hear the riffs again as we see more shots of the same. The song then goes in full as we see shots of Jake Starr hitting a Shooting Five Star on James Exeter, before showing him hitting one on CHBK, then Ravyn Taylor, then David Helms and others. We see him hit one on Eric Anderson before showing him standing across from Alex Desoubrais Jr. We then cut to see him hitting the Shooting Five Star on Alex Desoubrais Jr. at Retribution 2009.

Sharper: “For the second time tonight, we’ve just seen the Shooting Five Star!”

Knots: “And this time may get him gold. Damn it!”

We see Starr holding the Adrenaline Championship over his head. We then cut to see him nailing Josh Hudson with a dropkick at Rise to Greatness before cutting to shots of him standing across from Tommy Valentine, Dark Fantasy, Shawn Winters and Shilo Valiant. We then see him hitting a Shooting Five Star Frog Splash on James Exeter before showing him celebrating as he wins the SCW World Championship.

Sharper: “Jake Starr is now a dual SCW Champion! He finally is the World Champion!”

We see a shot of Jake Starr smirking before showing him nailing Kennedy Street with a hard forearm and seeing him diving over the top rope onto an opponent. We see him at Taking Hold of the Flame 2009, throwing a forearm at CHBK, and taking out Lucas Knight with a running facebuster.

Dawson: “Jake Starr may not be an official entry, but he’s doing a damn good job clearing house.”

Sharper: “And he’s not discriminating. He’s just causing chaos in there!”

We see him holding the World Championship, while out of it in the Chamber Challenge and looking around as the crowd cheers. This is followed by shots of Jake Starr throwing his arm up in the air while standing on the corner and seeing fans do the same.

Starr: “This will ALWAYS be my house!”

We then see shots of Jake Starr holding the SCW World Championship over his head as the scene starts to fade out.

 The show cuts back to the arena and the screens light up to display a countdown and the cheers begin to roll out automatically as a robotic voice begins to speak the words that appear on the screens.






As the countdown reaches three, the image on the screen begins to distort as if the system is about to crash and the sound of static replaces the robotic voice before both cut completely and the room goes dark again before the screens light up once again.


“The Flood” by Escape the Fate begins to play and after a moment, the former members of The Next Level, Tommy Valentine and David Helms step through the curtains decked out in their finest suits. Helms walks to the middle of the stage and stops, pausing to look around before he does a small Self High Five and many of the fans can be heard shouting ‘BANG’ as he does so. Tommy quickly pushes in front of him, throwing his arms out to another cheer before Helms shoves him and the pair chuckle as they make their way to the podium and their music fades out as they come to a stop in front of the microphone.

David: “So, Tommy… bridesmaid AGAIN, huh?”

The fans can be heard laughing as the camera lingers on Tommy for a moment before cutting to show some of the SCW roster also chuckling. The camera cuts back to the stage and Helms breathes on his HoF ring before shining it on the lapel of his jacket.

David: “Don’t worry broski, I’ll be making fun out of you someday, I’m sure of it… but you’re not the victim tonight, because-”

Tommy elbows David out of the way a little, smirking as he begins to speak.

Tommy: “Nah, tonight... We are all here to show our collective appreciation for some of the greatest athletes to ever grace a wrestling ring. To acknowledge their astounding accomplishments throughout their careers and celebrate those things. Now David and I, we were asked to be the ones who inducted a very special man. Someone who took the world by storm... A person that defied all odds to become a modern day great. This individual became an inspiration to a whole generation that hadn't seen anyone or anything like him before. This man has had countless people uttering his name since the day he was introduced the masses and i for one have been a big fan for a LONG time. Unfortunately, David had to burst my bubble by telling me that Aquaman is actually a fictional character and so we had to go to Plan B…”

The camera cuts to show Ikiro Yoshida who looks a little confused as someone leans in to explain to him. The camera then shifts to show Katelyn Buehler, who IS laughing. The camera then cuts back to the stage.

David: “Though while Aquaman won’t be joining the SCW Hall of Fame tonight, the irony wasn’t lost on me that when you take into consideration the ego of the guy we ARE inducting, the arrogance he’s been known to show, his increased sense of self worth and his questionable at best decision making, we COULD basically be inducting Tony Stark into these hallowed halls tonight, the similarities are that uncanny…”

Tommy cracks a smirk as he leans back into the microphone again.

Tommy: “So what can I say about the man we're ACTUALLY going to be inducting tonight that won't be edited out of this induction? Well... He's been a friend... An enemy... A team mate... A brother... A douchebag... Can I say that?”

David: “You? Maybe not… but I’m not employed by SCW anymore so I can say whatever the *beep* I want!”

Laughter can be heard coming from the crowd as the camera cuts to show Regan Helms smirking before we cut back to the stage.

Tommy: “My point is that we've had quite the relationship since I came to Supreme Championship Wrestling... I was one of the first people that met him that didn't want to beat him up... And in return he extended the hand of friendship to me first of all then to David here when we made our respective debuts after our last company went under. I watched as he became the first and only man to unofficially enter and unofficially be eliminated from Taking Hold Of The Flame... We stood by his side for a long time... I betrayed him... David betrayed him... This man betrayed us... We made up... Eventually... We won the tag titles... We lost them... And there's probably a whole lot of other things that happened in between too that isn't television friendly to mention…”

David: “This is a guy who has helped contribute to some of the biggest laughs of my career and also some of my most embarrassing events too… when Tommy and I talked about how we were going to do this, we started talking about all the memories, and that conversation ultimately turned to a certain color of body paint from a now infamous - no pun intended - promo that Jake once filmed many years ago now. I cringe every time my youngest kid watches The Smurfs to this day… but during those years, as The Social Misfits and ultimately, The Brotherhood… we went to war together on so many occasions that I’m sure I’ve forgotten half the memories we created and I’m honored to stand here tonight in order to help induct this man into a place he rightfully belongs.”

Tommy nods his head in agreement before turning back to the microphone.

Tommy: “But throughout all of it there was a respect that was sometimes grudging yet always there. It's a true honour to be here right now to induct Jake Starr into the Hall Of Fame and all I ask in return brosef is to clear your schedule for when I join both you and David in the future!”

David: “Ladies and gents, give it up for the only social misfit remaining… our brother in the Brotherhood.. JAKE STARR!”

Jake Starr walks onto the stage, dressed in a tuxedo and with Roeper Hart holding onto one arm, and his daughter Mara Jade holding his other hand. Jake gives them both a hug and kiss before turning to Tommy and David and giving them both a hug. Tommy and David then escort Mara and Roeper to their seats, and Jake walks up to the podium to a standing ovation. Jake takes a moment to, admittedly, revel in the applause before actually approaching the microphone. The applause slowly begins to quiet as Jake begins to pat the coat pockets, and looks lost.

Starr: ... Crap... Hang on!

Jake runs backstage and begins dragging out a box of old school dot matrix printer paper. He scoots it by the podium and flips the lid off. He then stands back up, at the podium, and begins to speak.

Starr: “Sorry guys, couldn't forget my speech!”

There is a faint laughter from the audience.

Starr: “Oh no, this is my entire speech. So strap in, kids, this could be a while!”

There is more laughter from the audience, as Jake reaches down and pulls out the top piece, which then pulls many pages out behind it.

Starr: “... Thought I was kidding, huh?”

Jake chuckles along with the crowd, before putting throwing the paper down, and actually beginning.

Starr: “Alright so for any of you who know me and actually thought I wrote any of this, sorry to disappoint. But wow... Here we are! SCW Hall of Fame ceremony. Wow...”

There is an applause from the crowd.

Starr: “And let me tell you, the fact I am standing on this stage right now is one of those moments that I truly never believed would happen. It wasn't because of anything but, the list of those who DESERVE to be on this stage and aren't yet is long, and to know that I was even considered among them, and am included among the names I'm included with tonight, is just an honor I didn't think would ever come my way.

So for that, let me start by simply saying, thank you...”

The crowd applauds.

Starr: “You know, ten years ago, I walked into SCW on a mission. It wasn't a mission to "be the best," but more a mission to prove to myself that I could still do this. I say that because I went four years between stepping between the ropes. I had run myself ragged trying to be this persona that I had built for myself. I tried to live up to the hype. I tried to live up to the "bad boy image," and in doing so got myself into a lot of trouble. I won't lie. I have never been the easiest guy to get along with, or work with. Many of my peers in the audience right now can echo that very sentiment. But the fact is, after four years of knowing I couldn't get a job, I ended up getting a call from a buddy of mine, who thankfully is in attendance today, Silkk, himself, Michael Carrington....”

The camera cuts over to the SCW alumni, Mikey C., sitting in the crowd, giving a little salute up to Jake, who points and salutes his friend back.

Starr: “Now let me tell you about Mikey and I... We go back to the early 90s together in another organization that preceded SCW in the top echelon of organization, and I'll be blunt, we didn't care for one another. We fought a LOT in the OWF. Back and forth over the Intercontinental Title, and the funniest part of the story is... We got bored! We faced off so many times, we just kind of went, "umm, ok, so, this is kind of done, want to move on?" So we did. It was a rivalry that actually bred a friendship, and honestly, I can't be more thankful. I love that guy, won't lie...

But, I digress... So... This guy calls me up and tells me about the place called SCW. He tells me the organization, from the top down, is run by people who know this industry better than anyone else. He tells me that this is the place to make my "one last run" in the industry. I won't lie, I didn't know if I had that "fire" anymore, but after watching the organization, watching everything that it did and managed to pull off week after week, month after month, and year after year, I gave Mr. D a call and we met, and he wasn't hesitant in the least of giving a guy who was notoriously difficult to work with a chance. He also had heard of me in the past, and seemed eager to give me a chance to break out and do my thing once again.

So I did...

During my first year in SCW, yeah, I kind of got my name out there. A LOT of people got to know Jake Starr, and a lot of people didn't really care for me. A lot of people gunned for this guy that they didn't know a lot about, but was already surging to the top of the rankings. They didn't like a newbie coming into their yard and beating people left and right. Everyone wanted to take me down, and yeah I've told that story, but what it did for me was pushed me. It was thanks to every one of those people in SCW who stepped out and called me out Each one of you guys, whether you beat me or I beat you, helped me grow as a person and as a performer in that first year. Each one of you gave me the challenge I needed to realize what it would take to sustain success in SCW. And no matter what, whether I was upset over a loss or gloating about a win, each one of those matches mattered to me.

In retrospect, you guys and girls deserve the credit for me being here, more than I do...

And I don't say that to placate you, or trying and get you to like me more than you may or may not at the moment. I say it because it's true. Each one of the members of the SCW roster, past and present, whether we crossed paths or not, YOU are the reason that I got here. Each one of you pushed me to be better. Each one of you pushed me to grow as a performer and most importantly, as a person. Everyday we crossed paths, and every time we squared off, we did so with a collective goal in mind. We wanted to stand out, we wanted to shine, and we wanted to do the best we could for SCW.”

An applause comes from the crowd as a whole.

Starr: “Now while we're on the subject of thanking people, let's talk about the two guys who did me the honor of talking about me like they actually liked me, future Hall of Famer, Thomas Valentine and Hall of Fame Inductee, David Helms...

For those of you who may not know, the three of us used to be, as they say, "running buddies" here in SCW. We started out together by Tommy and I befriending one another, and forming a bit of an alliance together to just kind of look out for one another. After a few weeks, he introduced me to David, and because of Brian Kinney leaving, the rebirth of the Social Misfits happened in SCW. We had our ups and downs, and then there came a point when we realized we weren't the "Social Misfits," but we were something more important. We were a family. We were a Brotherhood. Between the three of us, we played hot potato with the World Championship, and we each made names for ourselves. And while it's awesome to talk about the successes we had in the ring together, these two guys made me feel some genuine camaraderie here in SCW. These guys made, for the first time in years, Jake Starr not feel like some outcast who was hated by everyone.

These two guys became the family I will always cherish and look back on here with some of the fondest of memories.

Especially this one...”

On the jumbotron behind Jake, a picture of the trio during one of Jake's most infamous promos, appears, with David Helms dressed up in blue body paint. The crowd immediately laughs, and the camera cuts to David who's head immediately droops. The camera cuts back to Jake as he chuckles.

Starr: “David, I promise this is the LAST TIME this becomes public fodder... Well I think so!


Jake smirks.

Starr: “And let me tell you he had NO IDEA this was going to make a cameo...

The reason I show this to everyone isn't to make David feel like I'm trying to get a laugh, or trying to pull a "Jake Starr," but it's an example of the character of both of these men. When I called them up, they knew I had some goofy idea for a shoot planned. They didn't know what, nor did they ever really, but it was just like, "ok, let's do it." So we get there, and the whole plan begins to start getting ironed out, and David gets told he's going to be painted in this really cheap body paint. He first thought it was a joke, but as it sunk in that this was why I didn't tell them anything, he got a bit perturbed at me. He went ahead and put the paint on, but he couldn't quit giving me the death stare, so THAT is why we put him right next to me. We knew he'd look PO'ed into the camera, and not be able to look at me.”

The crowd laughs.

Starr: “But the thing is, he did it. He did it because that's the stand up person David Helms is. Tommy is the same way. Our falling out was well documented. But Tommy, when push came to shove, was right there with me, proving that we weren't just a "Brotherhood" by name... We were by family. It's these two guys who helped make me feel comfortable enough to be me and be happy being me. They would tell me if my ideas were stupid... Sometimes I would listen... But they would never stop supporting me. They were truly always there, even when I was in a rut. So when they agreed to induct me, it was the perfect ending to this whole saga. So guys... I love you both... And thank you...”

The crowd applauds.

Starr: “Now there are a lot of people I'd like to thank. I won't go through them all here, only because I already assume you all are sick of hearing me speak. Firstly, to my wife and daughter... You two have been the rocks in my corner of this journey, and I couldn't have done it without either of you. You two have allowed me to do something I love and basically never question why I am not home as much as your typical father and husband. Roeper... You have been there through my wildest of rides. You've let me be me, even when being me meant you wanted to kill me. You've been the one person who has always kept me grounded, and you're one of the major reasons my passion for this business has never gone away. You've seen what I feel about this business, and you never let me forget it. Mara... I helped bring you into a world that most wouldn't dream of. But I won't lie in that you've embraced it like you've embraced anything you've set your mind to. Everything I've done, everything I've achieved, everything I've tried to accomplish, and yes, this induction, is because I wanted to make you proud as a father. So I hope I've done a good job. To my Mom and Dad... You guys trained me well. As a performer, a wrestler, and as a person. You encouraged me to find my voice, and be whatever and whoever I wanted to be. Whether I was a knock-off of another wrestler, a guy in blue body paint myself, a bald "street thug," or just Jake Starr, you supported me because you wanted me to be happy. And also you were both right when you told me, "someday people will appreciate Jake Starr for who he is."

Jake looks out at the crowd of current and former SCW superstars.

Starr: “Yeah, I've thanked you as a group, but there are some people for sure who deserve a mention. Mr. D... Thank you for believing in me enough to give me all of the opportunities I've had. I know your response was always, "you earned it," but to see the potential in some loudmouth, and to let me completely have a real chance to prove myself is something I'll never be able to fully thank you for. You've also been there outside of this business to lend an ear during my dark times, and for that I'll be eternally grateful.

To the members of The Infection, Infamous, and Dark Fantasy... Each of you did a lot in helping me become better. Both in the ring, but as a person as well. You challenged me on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level that made me always have to be at the top of my game in order to succeed. My title reigns, my biggest feuds, the majority of them forced me to face each of you head on. Collision courses from the start with the Adrenaline Championship, to the my battle with Lucas Knight in the tunnels of England, to the World Title matches between Syren and I, I cannot stand here and feel like it wasn't because of YOUR TALENTS that forced me to become better. Every one of you who isn't enshrined will be, and rightfully so.

My fellow inductees... It's my HONOR to even be mentioned in the same breaths as you all. We've all crossed paths, both in the ring and in the locker room, and the fact I am a member of the same class as you all means so much. You have all EARNED your spot in this Hall of Fame. You have all scratched, clawed, and created a legacy that nobody will EVER be able to question. And dammit... It was an absolute honor to get to know each of you over the past decade.”

Jake looks up at the crowd.

Starr: “Now to you crazy F'ers...”

The crowd roars, as Jake smiles.

Starr: “See I can censor myself!

The SCW Universe, fanbase, legion of loyalists, cult followers, whatever you are, Jesus, you are the blood that fuels this industry. Every single night, we, as a collective, walk out into that arena with one goal. To entertain. To have you go home talking. To have you HAPPY that you came to an SCW event. And let me tell you, when "Sandstorm," or "Uprising," or "This Fire," or "Sound of Madness" echoed, you guys would send an energy that would take me out of whatever negative mood I was in, and get me ready to go in there and put on a show for you. You guys helped me survive some of the beatings I took. And I took them, not for my own gain, but to make sure you guys remembered a match with Jake Starr that you were happy you got to see. It's plain and simple... You guys made my job easy because you all had my back along the way. I never fought alone. I never didn't have someone there to lift me up. EACH ONE OF YOU did that for me, and I cannot express how much it means.”

The fans pop.

Starr: “You have no idea... I grew up seeing fans cheering my dad the same way. And I wanted that energy. I wanted to see people with their fists in the air, cheering for me, willing me to win. I wanted it and here in SCW more than ANYWHERE ELSE in my career, YOU ARE THE ONES WHO MADE THIS KID'S DREAM COME TRUE.”

The fans pop again.

Starr: “So in conclusion, I didn't do this alone. This wasn't a one-man show, and I will NEVER be ungrateful for what everyone has done to help me. But I want to address something, honestly, as I close this out... I can officially say this is the last thing I can accomplish in SCW. This ends my bucket list. I've done everything I dreamed to do here, and I don't know what else there is to achieve. Honestly, I think that's it. At least for me...”

Jake takes a deep breath and looks down, before looking up with the same calculated grin on his face.

Starr: “But if ANY of you think I'm going anywhere, think again, because while I may be a Hall of Famer, myself, now, it doesn't mean I want to ride off into the sunset. No. It makes me want to keep on entertaining and write one final chapter in my own story. One where I go out there, and I have fun. One where I earn what I earn. But simply enjoy every moment as if it's the last. I'm not announcing a retirement date, but I know it'll come sooner than I'd like. But it's not today, and it's not tomorrow at Rise to Greatness. Jake Starr is still here. And I plan on doing whatever you want to call it that I do until I just can't do it again...

I love you guys!

Thank you all!

Thank you SCW!

Now I'm going to change because Jake Starr in a tux just does not work!”

The crowd laughs as Jake Starr raises both hands overhead appears to be trying to wave to the entire assembled audience at once. He turns and walks to the back, giving Knots a brief handshake before going through.


Knots walks up to the podium, and makes a show of flipping the stack of notecards to the next card.

Knots: “Well-deserved, and about time he was done. I can't have someone up here who looks better in a tux than I do!”

The crowd laughs.

Knots: “Our next inductee... well, as was this man's style... let's let the screen do the talking.”

The lights dim again and a video starts to play.

 “This is Kayl TV!”

“Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven plays. We open up to see a shot of Devon Kayl wearing a black helmet as he’s heading to the ring before cutting to show a shot of his view.

Kayl: “The point is…while everyone has said that they are going to win the battle royal, only one will….and if I have anything to say about it, it’s going to be me. And you’ll get to see it live and in colour.”

We then see a shot of Devon Kayl fighting people in the ring in the 2008 Taking Hold of the Flame, including one of Chris Lawler kicking him in the face and then cutting to the view from his camera, before cutting to a shot of Devon Kayl standing with CHBK as part of the Unholy Alliance. We see him then walking to the ring with Skylar Desoubrais and then showing him driving a Reliant Robin before crashing to the ground. We see shots of Kayl at ringside with Adam Sharper from various events before showing him nailing Nathan Kaye with a springboard spear and showing him hitting the Superiority Complex on Katie Steward before showing him holding the SCW Adrenaline and interim US Championships at the same time. We then cut to show him being handed the 2008 Superstar of Tomorrow Award at the 2008 End of the Year Awards. We then see Devon Kayl hitting the Superiority Complex on Shawn Alexander Cage before showing him holding the SCW Adrenaline Championship.

Sharper: “Unbelievable! Donovan Kayl is holding gold yet again!”

We see him holding the Neo-Cruiserweight Championship before showing him holding it and then standing behind an opponent with a bottle and rag in his hand. This is followed by shots of Devon Kayl standing in the middle of the ring as he has his arm raised in victory, complete with shots of him having CHBK raising his arm. This is followed by shots of him holding the SCW Adrenaline Championship, the SCW United States Championship, and showing him running out from the back and heading to the ring for Taking Hold of the Flame. We see Devon Kayl waving from the announce position before Rise to Greatness in the past before showing him walking to the ring at Taking Hold of the Flame 2009.

Knots: “This place has erupted with Kayl coming out here. They’re still standing and on their feet!”

We see more shots of Devon Kayl celebrating in the ring before the SCW Hall of Fame logo comes across the screen. We go back to Knots.

Knots: “And here to induct this individual, someone who not only share's a bloodline with Devon Kayl, but also shared his name... unwittingly, or so we're told. Please welcome, the Cornerstone himself... Donovan Kayl!”

“Tom Sawyer” plays as Donovan comes out from the back. The crowd cheers as he approaches the podium as Knots steps back. He smiles at the cheers, and waits til the noise subsides before speaking.

Donovan: “Tonight, I have the honour of inducting someone into SCW’s Hall of Fame that may not have been anyone’s first choice, but that never stopped him before. From day one in SCW, my cousin Devon wasn’t on anyone’s radar, but that didn’t stop him. Devon fought from the bottom, accomplishing more than anyone ever expected, up to and including today. Who would have seen this coming?”

Donovan looks out over the crowd, gauging their reaction.

Donovan: “Devon… sometimes in my name… always wanted to put out his best for you. He made himself a household name, and was completely self-made from the beginning. Everything he got, he earned. We should all be so lucky.”

Donovan nods his head to the applause of the crowd.

Donovan: “But you don’t want to hear ME ramble… so I won’t keep you much longer. Ladies and gentlemen… possibly the most unlikely addition to the SCW Hall of Fame class of 2018… my cousin, the mind behind “Kayl TV”... Devon Kayl.”

 The crowd applauds as Devon walks out on the stage, dressed in a black suit with a teal shirt. The cousins embrace before Donovan takes a step back. Devon looks out over the crowd, almost overcome with emotion.

Devon: “Wow… thank you.”

The crowd begins to cool off.

Devon: “You know, there was a time once upon a time where I was sure the only way I’d get back into an SCW arena was if I bought a ticket. I never expected to be invited back willingly to one of these things… and yet here I am, joining the Supreme Championship Wrestling Hall of Fame. It’s humbling, to say the least.”

Devon looks out over the crowd.

Devon: “When I signed with SCW, I signed with a dream: To be the best damn professional wrestler I could be. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of competing against some of the absolute best in the world. Xander Valentine… James Exeter… Nathan Kaye… hell, anyone who’s anyone, I’ve faced them in an SCW ring. So many memories… so many ups and downs…”

He smiles.

Devon: “I won the Star of Tomorrow award. I won the United States Championship. I was a two-time Neo-Cruiserweight Champion, and for those of you who are new to the scene, who may not recognize that name, it was the predecessor to today’s Adrenaline Championship. Me and an old friend ran roughshod over the division until the chloroform bottle was empty.”

The crowd laughs, which prompts another laugh out of Kayl.

Devon: “I went under a pseudonym, never expecting to be called on it. Oops? And for the record, you’re going to induct me under my real name, right?”

Devon looks out confused, a smirk on his face.

Devon: “Seriously though, SCW has given me so much. I met the woman who would become my wife here. I got to travel the world and compete in places that most people only dream of. I got to DO things that most people would be arrested for. I made a mint. I got to accomplish everything I ever wanted to… except…”

He smiles, almost bitterly.

Devon: “I never got to be SCW World Champion. I never got to the top of the mountain. But you know what? Never say never… I still got more than few miles left on me, and maybe, when the stars align someday, I’ll find myself back under those lights that the stars of today will bask under tomorrow night, and complete the bucket list.”

The crowd roars in response, which brings another smile to Devon’s face.

Devon: “Thank you for this. I will be forever appreciative of this honour. And THIS. IS. KAYL TV!”

He points to the camera to the applause of the crowd.  Devon then backs away from the podium a few steps before turning to make his exit. He and Knots exchange a nod, and Knots approaches once more.

Knots: “Devon, Donovan... who is really who? How can we be sure that Donovan isn't really Devon? I mean, have they BOTH played us all these years? Who knows.”

The crowd laughs. Knots shakes his head and shrugs it off, flipping his notecards to the next one.

Knots: “Moving on.... all of us in this business have our own reasons for stepping into this world. Some crave the physicality, some like to hear their own voice and see their own faces on TV, and some... love to entertain. Our next inductee? Could arguably be called the greatest entertainer of them all.”

The lights dim, and a video begins to play.


“For Your Entertainment” by Adam Lambert plays as we see shots of Shilo Valiant walking down to the ring, pouring some of the “Necro” into fans mouths before cutting to a shot of Shilo Valiant and Masquerade standing in the ring as lights flash over them. We then see a shot of Shilo Valiant holding the SCW World Tag Team Championships with Masquerade as the crowd cheers. Shilo Valiant walking to the ring at Rise to Greatness follows as she looks around. We see Xander Valentine in the ring before hearing Shilo Valiant laughing.

Shilo: “You call this entertainment?!”

This is followed by a shot of Shilo Valiant hitting the Inside Joke on CHBK before showing Shilo Valiant locking in a cobra clutch on Shawn Winters. Winters is down before showing Shilo holding the SCW World Championship, soaking in the moment. We then see him reaching up to the spotlight, as various shots of him reaching up are shown. This is followed by a shot of Shilo Valiant hitting the Inside Joke on Jason Zero at Rise to Greatness 2012 before showing him pinning him before turning and holding the World Championship again over his head.

Knots: “Entertainment reigns!”

This is followed by a shot of Shilo Valiant hitting a cobra clutch suplex over the top rope on Hurse before showing him winning the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal in 2013.

Sharper: “Shilo! Shilo Valiant! He’s going to Rise to Greatness! He’s going to headline for the third straight time!”

We then see shots of Shilo Valiant, wearing a mask and standing in the catwalks of the buildings before showing him holding the SCW Television Championship, US Championship and the SCW World Championship multiple times before showing him walking with Nicole Kinneck and Thirteen before showing him standing with Masquerade and then a shot with him standing with Marina Trent before we cut to a shot of Shilo Valiant again reaching up for the spotlight. The SCW Hall of Fame logo comes across the screen.

We go back to Knots as the lights come up.

Knots: “Here to give the induction for SCW's favorite Joker... the woman who was so entertained by him that she married him, Marina Trent.”

“The Hand That Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails plays throughout the hall as, from the back, wearing a red, Rodarte gown with various embroidery, out walks Marina Trent! The fans cheer and scream for The Black Swan of SCW as she takes to the podium, a bright smile upon her face. She and Knots exchange a few words before he steps back and she goes up to the mic.

Marina: “Thank you! Thank you very much!”

She smiles at the HOF crowd, filled with fans and superstars.

Marina: “What a night it's been, right? What a weekend!”

Cheers erupt for the hometown heroine as she stands at the podium.

Marina: “Personally, it means the world to me and the person coming out next...”

Marina stops as she hears chants of “Shilo! Shilo!” - causing her to smile knowingly.

Marina: “Oh don't worry – he knows we're talking about him. Actually, and I don't care if this embarrasses him – but ever since we received word of his induction – the jester you all know? Well, let's just say that he wore more makeup than me and Syren put together.”

The camera flashes to Syren, who rolls her eyes at the humour.

Marina: “But that's who Shilo Valiant was – and who Shilo Valiant is. You can call him a superstar, a former World Champion, a multi-time Rise to Greatness Main-Eventer and, in a matter of minutes, a Hall of Fame inductee, but the one thing that mattered most to him was being an entertainer. In a business full of people that strive to be called “the best wrestler” and “kings and queens”, Shilo strove to forge his own path as an entertainer and jester.”

The fans cheer and clap their support.

Marina: “And whether that came from swinging off ladders, bringing in crocodiles into the arena, or being silent for months and months on TV – probably one of the hardest things he had to do, believe me, Shilo lived to entertain every person that came to watch SCW.”

Marina looks around before biting her lower lip with a smile.

Marina: “For me, personally, it has been the dream of a lifetime to share that journey with him. Because all of you gave him the chance to grow into the man, partner and father that he is today. And I-”

Quickly, the Black Swan dabs at her eye carefully to remove a tear.

Marina: “I can honestly say that, for all the highs and lows of that journey, I cannot imagine a more fitting moment than this. Ladies and gentlemen of Toronto and the world, please welcome the next inductee of the 2018 SCW Hall of Fame – the Blood-Stained Joker, The Entertaining One... THE NECRO-MERCHANT: SHILO VALIANT!”


The audience shoot to their feet as “Sin with A Grin” blares loudly throughout the arena! Out from the back, in a jet-black suit, comes the smiling jester himself – Shilo Valiant!

Holding out his hands, Valiant reveals a firework-sparkler in each hand. Holding them up to the sides, he shouts to the audience as he walks around the stage, holding out the sparklers, even using them as a baton like a conductor to his theme music! A few more moments of cheering pass before Shilo carefully hands the sparklers to a stage hand before walking towards the podium, where Marina stands with a smile on her face. The two share some whispered words before they share a quick kiss. Releasing his partner, Shilo takes the podium while Marina hands him his HOF ringbox before she walks down the steps to the front row, where she and Shilo's son, Memphis, and their daughter, Gwynplaine sit.

Looking around, Valiant smiles before taking a deep breath.


The audience give a roar of approval as the former world champion smiles with a wink of his eye.

Shilo: “Well, guys...they finally did it. Yep, a landmark has finally fallen upon SCW. Ladies and gentlemen, they found a reason to put me on stage while in a suit.”

Shilo holds his arms out, as if inspecting himself.

Shilo: “Not bad, right? Originally, I wanted a light-bright jacket that also played “We Are The Champions” by Queen, but nooooooo....”

Biting his lip with a grin, Shilo shakes his head, almost in disbelief.

Shilo: “But I mean – this isn't bad, is it? To be here in my hometown, going into the Hall of Fame. To be honest, I-”

Shilo shakes his head.

Shilo: “I still can't believe it. Sorry, Selena!”

Shilo holds his hand up as an apology, the camera focusing to Selena Frost, sitting in her seat, hands over her mouth to hide her mild embarrassment.

Shilo: “But I mean it – when I first came to SCW in late 2009, it wasn't to be a great wrestler, or part of some lineage, or even to be on television. Truth is, I was just some street urchin from Toronto that saw a way to let out some aggression and get paid to do it while working with Marina.”

The Necro-Merchant shrugs his shoulders as he continues.

Shilo: “But two and a half months in, I got challenged by Asher Hayes for the United States Championship on an episode of Breakdown... and I won.”

A moment passes for Shilo to take the memory in.

Shilo: “A few days later, I also became the Tag-Team Champion at the next Pay-Per-View. It was then that I started to realize, not just that I was good at this “wrestling thing” but just how special a place SCW was. Where a nobody like me could literally walk-in and become something more. And, there are so many moments of my career that I was reminded about that. Whether playing the good guy or the bad guy, it didn’t matter to me because SCW was where I could do it and all of you would be entertained-”

Shilo stops as he hears the audience roar their approval. A sudden grin breaks across Shilo’s face.

Shilo (teasing): “He said it! He said it! But it’s true. I mean, where else can a guy bring in crocodiles, swing off ladders, jump through glass mirrors, get set on fire, all while getting paid to do it to a crowd of thousands live and millions watching around the world? “

The Blood-Stained Joker shrugs.

Shilo: “I mean, let me say these words: Cornerstone, Misfit… Perfect.”

He smiles knowingly.

Shilo: “Where else but SCW? And it was that belief – that anyone can be anything – that SCW taught me that made me believe I could be a dad.”

Shilo’s gaze turns to his family, his smile brightening.

Shilo: “My daughter, Gwyn, and my son, Memphis. You guys were the greatest blessing to come into Marina’s and my life. Watching you guys grow and learn – you were always my biggest fans and made so much easier for me to know when it was time to step away and focus on family.”

A slight mix of cheers and boos come, the audience still wishing for Shilo to stay in SCW.

Shilo: “I’m sorry guys but they did. They reminded me that, as great and amazing SCW is, there is a world and life outside it. We all go to it someday when the cameras stop rolling and our time in the spotlight is done. But my kids… they’ve always made me feel like I was a star in their world. And that just…. Just means so much to me.”

Shilo smiles at his children before turning his eyes back to the crowd.

Shilo: “I know he isn’t here but thank you to Masquerade. My first tag team partner – Stephan Strange helped me push further into the world of SCW. Started out as a simple “Shilo Valiant vs. A Strange Opponent” on Breakdown – not very subtle I know but who am I to judge? And from there we became Karnivale A lot of good memories with that.”

Shilo nods his head as he remembers.

Shilo: “And there’s so many people here tonight and people watching that I wish I had the time and memory here to thank. Shawn Winters, probably one of my best rivals, David Helms, Syren, a majority of the Streets, gods so many people in the back that make the shows and effects all possible. You guys…”

Shilo focuses on the fans watching.

Shilo: “You guys have no idea how much goes into a single show for your entertainment. But everyone is important and everyone deserves to be remembered up here and I hope many others that come here in the years to come will mention them as well.”

The NECRO-MERCHANT pauses before turning his gaze towards one person.

Shilo: “Last person I have to thank is my best friend and partner – And no it’s not Masquerade. It’s Marina.”

Shilo smiles at his partner, one the Black Swan reciprocates through tear-filled eyes.

Shilo: “She came in with me and has been with me basically every step of the way. Not just my partner in crime in SCW, but my best friend, love of my life – everything. Hey! I know it sounds sappy but there was a time where if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able to come back.”

Shilo shakes his head.

Shilo: “One of my more infamous moments, if I say “the Pyro incident” you all will know what I am talking about. Well, she was my driving force. She was the one helping me through recovery and overcoming all the doubt – can I come back? Will I be as good as before? – And she got me through that and inspired me to win the Taking Hold of the Flame from start to finish and then winning the title back at RTG X, one of the proudest moments of my career – standing in that ring with the title and seeing her smiling at me. But…”

Shilo pauses as a genuine smile spreads across his face as he gazes at his partner.

Shilo: “But I think the smile on her face now is even better.”

There a pause from the jester that is filled with the applause of the audience. However, a chant begins to grow from the crowd .

Audience: “Come back, Shilo! (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) Come back, Shilo!”

Shilo’s jester smirk returns as he laughs a little.

Shilo: “Thank you guys for letting me get through that before you started chanting that. And I won’t lie – seeing the future of SCW over the last year, I’m beyond tempted. So, the question of “Will Shilo Valiant come back or won’t Shilo Valiant come back?”

Shilo smiles knowingly.

Shilo: “Well… nothing is for sure here in SCW, but you gotta admit…. Such an idea would be… entertaining.”

The former World champion wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

Shilo: “But if tonight is the end, and what a way to go, I’d wish more than anything for people to remember Shilo Valiant’s career for this…”

Opening the box, Shilo slides the Hall of fame ring over his finger.

Shilo: “Is that anyone can be anybody here. If you work hard, believe hard, anything – no matter how crazy or entertaining – is possible. Just ask the Toronto street rat that became the SCW superstar, who became the world champion, who became a member of the Hall of fame… who became the hometown guy that was able to sneak in a couple hundred bucks worth of fireworks.”

With a sly grin, Shilo jumps away from the podium, shaking his hands and shoulders.

Shilo: “Thank you everyone. And… NECRO!”

Thrusting his hand up, one finger adorned with his new HOF ring, the spotlight suddenly shines on Shilo as several fireworks go off throughout the hall! The audience cheer wildly as the smile of the jester refuses to fade as he stands before them. As the fireworks end, Shilo lowers his arm before taking a showman’s stage bow, the words “thank you” leaving his lips to the audience as his theme music plays – an entertainer till the end.


The show opens back up in the Royal York Hotel and we see Knots on the podium. He flips through the notecards in his hands, and seems to have gotten them mixed up. He flips through them more frantically, then with a flourish, tosses the pile backwards over his shoulder. The crowd laughs.

Knots: “ I didn't need those anyway. There is only one inductee for the Hall of Fame Class of 2018 left, and it's really the only way to cap off tonight's ceremony... perfectly.”

The lights dim once more, and the final video begins.

The scene opens up with a white screen before showing Kelcey Wallace walking out from the back.

Kelcey: “Well I hear of Queens, Goddesses, Swans, Big Girls, Modern Day Gods, Best Women’s Wrestlers in the World, the Glorious Bastards, Satan Himself, Hob-Goblins, Catalysts, Last Shadows of Hope…never Perfection…”

“Exodus” plays in the background as we see a shot of Kelcey Wallace walking to the ring with Shawn Mason and El Cuchillo, before cutting to a shot of her walking with Chris Cannon. We then see her attacking Rachel Tatum Lee in the Tactical Warfare before showing her hitting a neckbreaker/Argentine Backbreaker combo with Blake Mason on Rachel Lee. This is followed by a shot of a DDT on Blitzkrieg before showing her hitting the Perfect Fate on Blitzkrieg and the crowd cheering as she rolls off of him. She is shown holding the SCW World Championship, with Shawn Mason and El Cuchillo.

Sharper: “We have a Perfect Champion!”

This is followed by shots of Kelcey Wallace fighting Ravyn Taylor, Kennedy Street, Shaun Cruze and Selena Frost. We see a shot of Kelcey smiling as she walks to the back before showing a shot of Kelcey Wallace celebrating with Shaun Cruze and holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship and then cutting to show Kelcey Wallace eliminating Regan Street and Syren simultaneously in the 2014 Taking Hold of the Flame before showing her eliminating Ravyn Taylor.

Sharper: “And she did it! From number ten to victorious!”

We then cut to shots of her facing Blake Mason and Bree Lancaster, before showing her standing with Trinity Street and Lucas Knight. We see Kelcey Wallace holding the World Championship with Selena Frost holding her arm before cutting to show Kelcey Wallace looking around at Rise to Greatness 2017, and finally showing her hitting the Perfect Ending on Blake Mason and covering him. Kelcey is then shown having her arm raised before showing several people in the ring, standing with her.

Kelcey: “Remember that every single one of you can reach Perfection, it is that moment that you can smile at your life and know that you made it!”

The Hall of Fame logo comes up on the screen.

Knots: “In the minds of the SCW stars and the fans, there were likely many potential choices for who would do the honors of inducting Kelcey Wallace. But for her, there was only one choice. Please welcome... Shaun Cruze!”

 “Face Everything and Rise” plays as Shaun Cruze appears from the back. The crowd cheers and applauds. Cruze and Knots shake hands and Shaun takes the podium as the crowd continues to cheer. As they subside, Shaun smiles around at the crowd before starting.

Shaun: “Thank you for that warm welcome, and can I just say what an honour, pun intended to be stood in front of you on this, the biggest weekend on the SCW calendar. It’s been great to catch up with so many friends, and indeed what were enemies, but every single one of you former colleagues. You are all what makes this company so special, and over the past year the SCW hasn’t missed a beat and is still producing some of the most enthralling action on television. And that’s because of each and every one of you.”

He applauds the crowd that reciprocates back. When the noise dies down he continues.

Shaun: “I’ll try to keep this short, you all know from my wrestling promo’s how much I could go on, and it’s pretty clear that AJ is gagging for the bar to be reopened, and I want to get this over with before Giovanni disappears down his rabbit hole.”

He puts his hand over his eyes, seemingly looking at something.

Shaun: “And I’m sure that’s Greg Cherry hovering near the buffet, and if I don’t get this done, there will be no sausage rolls left.”

He grins, before adopting a more serious approach.

Shaun: “In this business, I’m sure you will all agree, it’s difficult to make friendships. It seems easy enough to find a partner…”

He laughs, and for some reason the camera focuses on Blake Mason, who just smirks a little.

Shaun: “…But actually finding someone you trust, that’s a totally different animal. Everyone wants to be the best, they want to hold the World Championship, and sometimes friendships are put to one side. Sometimes, it takes stepping back, and just seeing things for what they are, and what is truly important to you, a belt, and fifteen minutes of fame, or a friendship that will last a lifetime. The thing is, people are unable to see beyond the person on television. They don’t see the pressures that we are put under, with Kelcey, I saw through all that. Through the troubles with Silas Mason, I knew that the Kelcey I loved wasn’t far away from the surface. I didn’t listen to people telling me she was lost, and I kept on fighting for her, even though I was ridiculed for it. The reason? I knew she would have done the same for me

I remember when I saw Kelcey Wallace as she was then for the first time. Beautiful, charming, funny, those were words that first come to mind. Another word I would use is determined, and she was always determined to be ‘Perfect’, to be the very best that she could be. Not for herself, but for the SCW and all those making their way through the ranks. She wanted to be the marker, she wanted to be the standard bearer and as such, she endured some of the greatest wrestling matches of our time, sometimes by my side, others on the other side of the ring. Sometimes our friendship flourished, other times it floundered, but it never faded. She was my best man, however ridiculous that might sound to people. But I simply didn’t want anyone else to take that place but my best friend.”

He nods his head, placing his hand on the podium.

Shaun: “And that’s why her induction into the Hall of Fame is so special, because as her friend it means everything to me that she is being recognized as someone who shaped the SCW then just by being here, and who shapes some of the future stars of this business today. Young talent such as Peyton Rice, and my nephew Owen, have both benefited from her wealth of knowledge and seem destined for great things.

She remains the perfect wife to Chris, the perfect mother, to Christian and yeah, I’ll say it, the perfect friend to yours truly. And although since I was asked, I’ve tried to find the words to do this justice, I honestly can’t. I cannot express just how much of a privilege to be doing this, for someone who is so, so deserving.”

He looks out over the crowd and smiles.

Shaun: “So without any further delay, as I’m sure many of you are already fed up with the sound of my voice, I really don’t blame you. Allow me to bring onto the stage the latest entry into the Supreme Championship Wrestling Hall of Fame 2018… ‘The Perfect 10’… KELCEY WALLACE!!!”

“Exodus” by Henry Mancini plays as the crowd stands up and cheers. The SCW wrestlers, enemies, friends, allies, it didn’t matter, they all stand up and start to applaud. Kelcey walks out with a smile on her face wearing a long lavender evening gown, silver heels and her hair down. She hugs Shaun for a tender moment before walking up to the podium, taking a deep breath, hearing chants of “Perfect” …..

Kelcey: “Wow…. What a Perfect introduction by Shaun Cruze, thank you so much for that my friend. You know, I had this whole speech written out, I knew what I wanted to say but the more I read it just seemed generic so instead I’m just going to shoot from the hip. First and foremost, THANK YOU for that warm reception, it truly means the world to me being here tonight, this was unexpected. When the SCW contacted me, I was shocked to say the least and yet honored. I look out here at all the superstars who tomorrow night will go out there and put on the greatest show on earth and I ask myself time and time again why am I not there? It was my time to step away. Wrestling is a business where you can accomplish so much on your own and yet it has ALWAYS been a sport where your opponents is the reason we excel so me standing here tonight is owed to every single one of the SCW wrestlers in attendance tonight, the other inductees and others who are not with us tonight. Then there are the fans, it is because of you that we love what we all do every single night and perform.”

The crowd cheers and applauds followed by the SCW stars in attendance.

Kelcey: “Wrestling wasn’t my first choice; modeling and the pageantry was. Wrestling though became my life. I was fascinated by it, watching Trinity and Donovan wrestle in the SWA, I then met up with the McConnel’s, a great wrestling family in Scotland. It was there I walked into Lachlan’s gym, his son Alban was there, he looked at me like I was lost.”

Lachlan and Alban sit there, laughing while Kelcey points to them and smirks.

Kelcey: “I knew that they didn’t take me serious at first. So, I wanted to prove to them I could, I started out as a valet for Alban and within months I started training to be a wrestler while my mother almost had a coronary. My mother, Anna Street who I wish was here tonight always wanted me to be Perfect. She raised me never accepting anything less than perfection, it was a tough pill to swallow. I didn’t understand my mother at first, feeling resentment and wondering why I didn’t get to be raised like the rest of the kids and now as I look back, reflecting on it all, I get it now. I see where she was going with this because you see, Perfection, everyone scoffed at it but let’s be real here, nobody is Perfect but damn did I come close and a lot goes to the McConnel’s and my parents.”

Everyone applauds as some laugh.

Kelcey: “That was the thing though, Perfection was bar, there was nothing less, so each and every time I used it as a constant motivator throughout my career and up until 2015, I had never lost a singles match by pinfall or submission, a record that had spanned almost 7 years. I’m proud of that not because of what it meant but for me to go from the SWA where I was given my first break in a small regional promotion in London to NEWA that grew on a grander scale throughout the United States and Canada to finally making it to the greatest promotion in the entire world, The SCW, it was here where I faced the best wrestlers on the planet, I tested myself, I found the perfect place and it all happened one day on Twitter thanks to Collin Cole so if you want to blame anyone, blame him!”

Kelcey points to Cole who is sitting in the stands. He laughs as many clap. He points back to Kelcey.

Kelcey: “It was a funny story. Regan and Trinity, along with Kennedy and myself in 2012 were sitting around in NEWA, my contract was almost up, Regan was a rookie, the plans were to get her into NEWA. I’m on Twitter fiddling around and Collin out of nowhere, didn’t even know the guy tweets me about SCW. I mention something to the girls and a month later Regan starts out, when my contract was up, I showed up in November and my first match was in the Trios Tournament where one of my teammates was another Hall of Famer, David Helms. Kennedy soon followed in January and I knew after the very first night, I made the right decision. I remember looking over at Shawn Mason, after everything we had gone through with the SWA and NEWA, I finally found a place I could call home. The SCW is special and yes, I made my share of mistakes, I did some things that came back to bite me like Silas Mason but at the same time it led to the accomplishment I am most proud of, being the first woman and only one of two ever to win Taking Hold of the Flame.”

She gets an applause, some stand and give her an ovation as Kelcey smiles, she turns and sees Ravyn Taylor nodding.

Kelcey: “Fifteen years, this is huge for the SCW and all it’s superstars. That night, whether it was with Silas or not, didn’t matter, it was a night where things had continued to change for the women in this sport. Looking back, I was in a Thunderdome, Tactical Warfare, Elimination Chambers, won the Trios Tournament with two rookies and I see one out here now, AJ Helms. I won the World Title on three separate occasions, I will say I wanted to do so much more but in life things happen for a reason and I developed Parkinson’s disease, a new battle that I need to be the Perfect 10 all over again and will defeat like the many matches I was in. Throughout the years I fought some of the best including those inducted tonight. I broke the winning streak of Blitzkrieg to win my first World Championship, I was able to wrestler the established talent, the stars of today, tomorrow and yesterday, there is nothing I wasn’t ever to accomplish while in the SCW and I thank one man for it, Mr. D. He was a father figure to me, never giving up on who I was and what I meant for this company. He cares about all his talent, even you Regan.”

The audience starts to laugh, Regan is shown shaking her head with a smirk on her face sitting next to David who is laughing as well. Kelcey with a smile continues to speak.

Kelcey: “He is one of the major reasons I am standing up here right now. He took a chance on a woman that believed in Perfection, a PR nightmare to say the least and believed in what I could do. The day I told him I needed to retire and for what, we both shared a cry. It was hard, knowing that at the peak of my career, 29 then, I had to leave a sport I loved so much, and he was the man who runs the greatest organization in the world bar none. Looking back at all, there are so many wrestlers that I want to thank from Blake Mason who for many years we were either allies, lovers, friends, etcetera., the man who honored my last match, the wars we went through, I will say that whether you hate Blake or love him, in the ring he is one of the best. He may have hurt me and my family at one point but in life we cannot continue to go on grudges, I have forgiven Blake who was instrumental with a lot in my career. Robert Joseph Kelly, Shaya Blackley, Cuchillo and Dunky, all part of the Perfect World which established themselves as a force. Chris Cannon who for some reason I married him….”

She smiles looking at Chris who points and smiles back.

Kelcey: “…. and Harmony Fisher who are early wars brought her to side with me. Taylor Chase, at one point my best friend who stood side by side during the trials of Silas Mason. To Ravyn Taylor and Ace Marshall, two individuals who pushed me to my limits, Kennedy, Regan, Mikaela and Trinity, my adoring family, we have fought against one another and side by side, make me one promise….. find a way to bury this all and work together as a United Front, the world deserves to see the ALL the Street’s on the same page.”

The crowd erupts in cheers. Regan and Mikaela look over at Trinity and Kennedy who both nod. Kelcey smiles and continues to speak.

Kelcey: “To Sienna Swann, Bree Lancaster, AJ and Jennifer Helms, Peyton Rice, Owen Cruze and all the young wrestlers and those who continue to make the climb to the top, it is not easy but NEVER give up your dreams of becoming a World Champion, if you continue to reach towards the top you will one day grasp it and know that it was all worth it, trust me there were times where I hit rock bottom and the notion of Perfection saved my career. I want to thank wrestlers like Vixen Cain, Christy Matthews, David Helms, Syren, Dawn Lohan, Katie Steward, who are or were the core of this profession, kept me on my toes, delivered some of the best matches I was ever a part of. To my family, Chris Cannon and Christian, my father Rory, my sister Kristen and brother, Kraven for helping me now in this transition and allowing me to be a part of your lives. To Shawn Mason who was my rock, kept me sane and always made me remember I was perfect….. and to Silas Mason who because of him, I became a stronger woman and stand here as a Hall of Fame inductee because of it….”

The audience claps as Kelcey nods.

Kelcey: “I have no regrets in this business and I……”

Kelcey stops, she turns and stares at one person, Selena Frost who points at herself.

Kelcey: “It seems like I forgot one person. Yeah, I have no regrets as I defeated everyone except Selena, yeah no regrets at all….”

Kelcey arches her eyebrow as Selena smiles and points at herself, Deanna sitting next to her laughs. Kelcey points at Selena as the crowd starts to chant “One More Time”. Mr. D looks on with a smile on his face, Regan rolls her eyes.

Kelcey: “I hear them chanting one more time Selena, you and I always delivered, last thing I want to do is disappoint right?”

Selena nods and stands up, she walks up to the stage as Kelcey is still on the podium.

Kelcey: “I had this feeling it could happen, so I brought out a referee….”

Shaun Mason comes out in a referee shirt, Selena nods, she takes off her heels, Kelcey does the same as the crowd cheers, the referee calls for the bell as Kelcey flying body-presses Selena, they fall on the stage floor as Shawn makes the count….


Kelcey gets up and starts to jump up and down as the crowd roars and cheers. The SCW Superstars stand and applaud, most laughing at it. Kelcey helps Selena up as they both embrace in a huge hug for a moment before Kelcey gets back to the podium, heels in hand before setting them down next to her feet.

Kelcey: “See? I knew that I could do it and now I am truly Perfect! Everyone, thank you so much for this honor, thank you so much for all the memories from each and every single one of you whether good or bad, you all impacted my life. The SCW is as strong as ever and it’s in good hands with the roster I see here. Rise to Greatness is tomorrow night, make your memories, I made mine and while my last was a year ago, I will be there to watch it live one more time. Toronto, and everyone around the world, it is because of you the fans that I am able to be immortalized. Thank you for making my dream come true even if it was for a short time, we will always have our memories. This isn’t the end for me, it’s a new journey that I will partake in but you can rest assured that it’s going to be Perfect just like this…..

I love you all and remember….

Stay Perfect!”

She holds up her Hall of Fame ring and smiles, the audience stand up and give her a standing ovation. Kelcey Wallace, teary eyed stands there posing as “Exodus” plays. Knots goes up to her and they hug as the crowd continues to applaud. The camera goes to the crowd, scanning  past Kennedy and Amy, then Regan and Mikaela, to Bree Lancaster, who is also applauding,  then to Selena who is back to her seat, and finally Blake Mason, appearing to be applauding the most of all. The shot goes back to the stage where Kelcey is facing the crowd once more, smiling perfectly as the show closes out.