“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”


A shot of Kelcey Wallace nailing Bree Lancaster with the Perfect Ending, followed by a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator off the top rope on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness, before turning a shot of Jake Starr pumping up the crowd on his way to the ring, before turning into a shot of Ravyn Taylor sitting in the corner, waiting for the start of a match. We then see a shot of Katie Steward holding the Women’s Championship before cutting to a shot of Selena Frost hitting Vixen Cain with the Defying Gravity at Supreme Saturday: Just Desserts.


“The leading force in sports and entertainment today....”







We open up with the sound of a rattle of a rattlesnake. A camera slowly pans across a wooded area before we see the rattlesnake. It keeps rattling more and more before we see a shot of Jake Starr walking out from the back before we see Sienna Swann, Xiomara Diaz and Chris Cannon running up behind him. They throw him into the entrance set before stomping away on him.


Sharper: “Give me a break! Come on! Sienna Swann, Chris Cannon, Xiomara Diaz! And they’re mugging Jake Starr!”


This cuts to a shot of Glory Braddock sliding into the ring as Selena Frost pulls Madison Steward up. Selena is taken down before we cut to see Swann, Diaz and Cannon stomping away on her before Glory nailing her with the microphone.


Sharper: “Glory Braddock! The Beauty Factory down here, just stomping away.”


We cut back to the rattlesnake before we hear whispers in the background.


“When is it going to strike? Did you want to get this close? Are you ready for what awaits?”


This cuts to shot of Jason Helms nearly getting run over by the tuk-tuk by Giovanni Aries at Retribution before cutting to show David Helms hitting the Genesis Shift on Cain Adams through the barbed wire board.


Knots: “Jesus! They’re in the barbed wire right in front of us! That’s one way to get rid of the big bastard!”


We then cut to show the rattlesnake again as the rattling gets louder. A shot of Gavin Taylor and Alistaire Allocco attacking Damian Angel follows before we cut to see Tommy Valentine nailing Blake Mason with the SCW World Tag Team Championship as Kandis flirts with Jaxson Sullivan. This continues to show Shilo Valiant in the crowd as Datura goes to nail him with a weapon, only for Shilo to duck. The rattling returns. The shots continue more and more in quick succession to show Shilo Valiant attacking Aaron Blackbourne at Retribution, then Chris Cannon spearing Ace Marshall on Breakdown, and then Konrad Raab striking the official in his match with Katie Steward. The rattlesnake is shown again. More quick cuts follow: Regan Street diving off the top rope into Xander Valentine follows before cutting to show Jake Starr snapping at Jordan Majors backstage and then cutting to Shaun Cruze nearly hitting Owen Cruze with the Morality before stopping short.


The rattlesnake then strikes.


We then cut to see Bree Lancaster sliding into the ring and nailing James Evans in the back of the head with the SCW United States Championship. We then see it again and again from different angles.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster! I thought she wasn’t here!”


Bree: “James, trust me…I’m going to get my receipt!”


We then cut to Retribution to see James Evans nailing Bree in the back with the steel chair in the Thunderdome match. This cuts back to Bree Lancaster smirking as she walks backstage. We then cut to see James Evans in the ring, holding his head. The rattlesnake is shown striking again before we cut back to James.


James: “I hope you remember last week. Internalize that moment. That moment where you took that US Championship and struck me in the skull with it. Because that’s the moment that you made sure that you’re not walking out US Champion.”


The rattlesnake is shown striking one more time before the scene fades to black.

“We Will Rock You” by In This Moment (featuring Maria Brink, Lzzy Hale and Taylor Momsen” plays as we cut to a shot of a bayou before the camera sweeps into some of the trees before cutting to a series of snakes, before cutting to a timber rattlesnake before the Cold Blooded logo comes up on the screen.


“Supreme Championship Wrestling now presents Cold Blooded!”


The logo remains on the screen for a few moments longer before cutting to a shot of the inside of the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. The crowd roars as pyro shoots out from the entrance way and high into the air before sparks go off all around the big screen and more pyro shoots from the floor. Spotlights start to circle the arena as the crowd cheers. Cameras pan across the crowd before cutting briefly to show the steel cage hanging over the ring, and then cutting back to showing the crowd.


Sharper: “A night where with personal rivalries and issues are at the heart of so much, we are here live for Cold Blooded in New Orleans!”


The cameras then cut to ringside where Adam Sharper stands next to Jonathan Knots, both holding microphones.


Sharper: “Hello again everyone. I’m Adam Sharper here with Jonathan Knots, at ringside. And tonight, we have a huge title for title match. James Evans puts his World Championship on the line. Bree Lancaster puts her US Championship on the line.”


Knots: “Yeah and we’re in Bree’s hometown. I’ll be curious if they’re behind her or not. But either way, James Evans is looking to send a statement. The Beauty Factory is done on top. Bree Lancaster meanwhile wants to finally walk out World Champion!”


Sharper: “Not only that, the Wonderland match returns. Jason Helms is heading to the location as we speak.”


Knots: “Starting location you mean. It ends here. You see the platform back there.”


The scene cuts to the entrance way to show the Wonderland platform, with the hole in the center.


Knots: “Gio or Jason are going to get stuffed down there!”


Sharper: “Of course, also the Tag Team and Adrenaline Titles on the line. Owen Cruze will face Shaun Cruze in his return for one night only. But also, Xander Valentine and Regan Street will meet in a street fight.”


Knots: “So much on the line. Whether its pride, whether its something personal, whether it’s a title.”


Ace Marshall vs. Chris Cannon


A countdown starts on the big screen in fast progression from five to one before "Adrenalize" hits the speakers and the spotlights start to spin and focus in on the stage. The fans erupt in cheers as on-stage Ace Marshall steps out with Oakley shades and a black reflective jacket. Cassidy Carter comes out to join him by his side.


He pauses before raises his arms up for the crowd as strobe lights break out throughout the arena for the crowd in different shades of red, blue and green in rapid succession. Smoke erupts from underneath them and along the ramp way. He snaps his fingers and bobs his head before pointing out to the crowd. Cassidy smiles broadly while stepping in a rhythm around the stage to match the beat.

Phillips: “The opening contest is scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, making his way to the ring, from Houston, Texas, accompanied by Cassidy Carter, The Bird Slayer, mud slinger and first of his title, Ace Marshall!”

The two make their way down the ramp. Reaching the ring Ace slides in before standing up and running his hands through his hair, singing along with the song. Cassidy climbs up on to the apron. Standing along it she raises her head up to the rafters while leaning fully into the top rope. She sways her hips seductively before flipping over it, landing inside the ring on her feet before turning and throwing her arms up and walking toward the center of the ring just as Ace makes his way to the corner. He climbs up it before looking out into the crowd while thrusting an arm up. Dropping down after a moment he turns his back to the crowd before removing his jacket and shades. He sets them to the side of the apron for an official to grab just as the match is about to be underway.


Sharper: “Ace Marshall has been taunting Sienna Swann as of late. The Trios Tournament contract that he holds is part of it. It’s gotten Glory Braddock’s attention but now Chris Cannon’s.”


Knots: “And Cannon has just been much more direct and to the point. A C4 spear tends to do just that!”


The big screen above the entrance springs into life as the lights darken, the only image we see is that of a glistening perfect world logo. We then hear a woman’s voice that sounds a lot like Sienna Swann over the P. A System next as she addresses the arena.

“Ladies and Gentleman, Introducing...”


The opening guitar to “Prometheus” by Audio Machine hit’s over the P.A system next with an explosion of sound. There’s a sudden pause and then a spotlight shines down onto the stage where we see Chris Cannon, he stands proudly on the stage with an aura of confidence about him.

Phillips: “His opponent, hailing from London, England by way of Hermosa Beach, California, he is Chris Cannon!”

The crowd has a negative reaction for the British superstar as he begins to walk down towards the ring with a confident stride in his step. Once at the bottom of the ramp Cannon then slides into the ring and then climbs the nearest turnbuckle and then raises his arm above his head holding a fist. The crowd boos him and he turns around and immediately Ace Marshall nails him with a hard right. Chris hits the mat and rolls over, getting back up as the crowd roars.


Sharper “And Ace Marshall not going to wait! Hard right hand! Here we go!”


Knots: “Let’s start tonight off with a bang!”


The bell sounds as Chris staggers into the corner and Ace runs over and nails him with another hard right hand. Chris snaps back and Ace kicks him in the ribs. He then chops him. Chris reaches up and rakes the eyes. The crowd boos. Ace stumbles back. He turns around and Chris nails him with a hard right and then another. Ace falls to the ropes and Chris grabs him and whips him across the ring. He bounces off and Ace jumps up and nails Chris with a diving forearm smash. Chris hits the mat. Ace crawls back and nails him with a couple of hard rights, but Chris pushes off and rolls away. He gets up to the ropes and Ace gets up and runs at him, clotheslining him up and over the top rope to the floor. Chris lands, barely, on his feet and stumbles off to the barricade. (1)


Sharper: “Hard clothesline and Chris Cannon goes up and over and is nearly sent for a loop!”


Knots: “And Ace is following. Looks like Ace is riled up tonight!”


Ace rolls to the floor. He follows up and grabs Chris and knees him in the ribs. (1) Chris stumbles off to the corner of the ringside area. (2) Ace moves in and kicks him in the ribs and then again and again before grabbing him and pulling him out. (3) He double underhooks him and goes to lift him up, but Chris fights and lifts Ace up and back drops him on the mats. (4) Ace rolls over in pain and grabs at the ring. Chris grabs him and pulls him up and drives him face first into the ringpost. (5) Ace spins off and falls to lean on the ring apron.


Sharper: “Chris sending Ace hard into the steel.”


Knots: “He’s hardheaded though. He’ll bounce off!”


Sharper: “His head did and now Chris following up on Ace.”


Chris nails him in the back. He then lifts Ace up and pushes him into the ring. (6) Chris turns and steps toward Cassidy. Cassidy snaps at him before Chris turns and rolls back in. Ace starts to get up and Chris lunges and clubs him in the back of the head, knocking him back down. Ace rolls over. Chris follows up with a dive and mounting Marshall, hammering away on him with repeated right hands to the jaw. Ace takes them and Chris then starts to choke him.


Chris: “Want to mess with us, huh?!”


Chris keeps choking Ace as Ace struggles and the referee calls for the break.










Chris lets go and gets up and Ace rolls over, gasping for air. He grabs at the ropes and Chris grabs him and pulls him up, turning him around, and blasts him in the jaw with a hard right. Ace falls to the ropes. Chris then kicks him in the ribs and grabs Ace by the head and runs him across the ring and into the far corner, driving him face first into the top turnbuckle. Ace turns around. Chris then nails him with a series of hard right hands to the ribs. The crowd boos with each shot. Chris then looks up and grabs Ace by the jaw and pushes it up, but Ace writhes free before biting Chris’ hand. Chris pulls away. Ace spits and kicks Chris in the ribs.


Knots: “That’s one way to counter!”


Sharper: “Ace Marshall biting Chris Cannon to get free and now fighting back!”


Ace grabs Chris and spins him around before kicking him in the ribs and then throwing him back first hard into the corner. Chris stumbles out and Ace then grabs his head and runs out with a bulldog. Chris rolls over. Ace gets up and Chris starts to get back up. Ace then kicks him in the ribs, double underhooks him and throws him back with a suplex. Ace goes for the pin.






Chris kicks out. Chris turns and starts to get up and Ace nails him with a hard right again before kneeing him in the ribs. He whips Chris into the ropes. Chris bounces off and Ace hits a back elbow. Chris hits the mat and Ace runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits a running knee drop.


Sharper: “Ace making sure his knee goes right into the head of Chris.”


Knots: “Trying to flattened it out a bit.”


Chris rolls over, holding his head and Ace grabs him and knees him in the head before rearing back and kneeing him again. He gets up and double underhooks Chris before hoisting him up and hitting a backbreaker. Chris hits the mat. Ace hooks the leg.






Chris gets his shoulder up. Chris stirs and Ace gets up. Chris grabs at the ropes and Ace pulls him by his tights and forearms him in the back. He then grabs him, spinning him around and forearms him in the jaw once, twice and then spins around for a third, but Chris ducks and Ace hits the ropes. He turns around and Chris kicks him in the ribs, hooking him up and lifting him up for a vertical suplex only to drop him hard stomach first. Ace hangs up and down and Chris looks at him and blasts him with a European uppercut. Ace falls back and onto the apron.


Sharper: “And Cannon just nearly took Ace’s head off with that uppercut.”


Knots: “How Ace is on the apron and not down on the floor, I don’t know.”


Chris then reaches over and grabs him, pulling him in. He hooks his head and throws him back with a vertical suplex. Chris then swivels his hips and gets up and hits a snap suplex before swivelling his hips again before dragging Ace up. He then hoists him up and yells out as he holds him up for several moments before dropping him down with the brainbuster. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Spiking Ace. The Three Lions!”


Knots: “Chris made sure to spike him right in the middle of the ring!”


Chris turns and hooks the leg.






Ace just gets his shoulder up. Chris looks up and then grabs Ace by the hair. He pulls him up with a double handful of his hair before then throwing him back down, hard, back first. Ace rolls over. Chris then looks around before stomping him in the shoulder and then the head before the shoulder again. Ace rolls over to the ropes. Chris grabs him and places him on the middle rope, just starting to choke him by leaning on his back with his knee.










Chris steps off. Ace turns. Chris then runs across the ring and bounces off and goes for a running dropkick. Ace however moves out of the way. Chris slides to the floor. He then ends up on the feet. He hops back up and Ace suddenly jumps to the middle rope and dives back with a springboard dropkick to the head of Chris. Chris hits the apron and drops to the floor.


Sharper: “Marshall hits that dropkick. Narrowly missed getting taken out by Chris.”


Knots: “But now Ace back on the floor. Back how this started out.”


Ace grabs Chris. (1) He clubs him in the back and then again. (2) Chris swings back with a hard right to the ribs and then another. (3) Ace then knees him in the chest and then the head. He then places his head between his legs before hositing Chris up. (4) He then throws him with a powerbomb into the apron. The crowd ohs. Ace grabs him and rolls him back in. (5) Chris rolls over and Ace slides in and goes for the pin.






Chris pushes him off. Chris rolls over and starts to stir as Ace walks over and grabs him. He then scoops him up and slams him down. Ace turns and exits to the apron. He climbs up to the top rope and looks at Ace. He then dives off with the Air Marshall, but Chris rolls out of the way. Ace hits the mat. He rolls over in pain. He starts to get up and Chris runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits the Cannon Fodder. Ace hits the mat.


Sharper: “Ace’s head the target as Chris got all of that kick!”


Knots: “Ace’s head in the fifth row!”


Sharper: “Cover!”


Chris drops down and hooks the leg.






Ace shoots his shoulder up. Chris looks up, a look of annoyance on his face. He then gets up and stomps Ace in the back and then the head. Chris walks over to the corner. He then looks around and starts to climb up to the top rope. The crowd roars, but Ace fights to his feet. He runs over and nails Chris on the back as he gets to the top rope. Ace then steps up to the middle turnbuckle and nails him again and again. He then tucks his head under Chris’s arm and steps up before hoisting Chris up and spins him down with an Olympic Slam off the middle rope to the middle of the ring. The crowd cheers.


Sharper: “Chris Cannon made a mistake. Ace Marshall capitalizes and drives Chris to the middle of the ring.”


Knots: “Got some extra height to make sure it would sting!”


Ace rolls over and starts to move toward Chris, hooking the leg.






Chris gets his shoulder up. The crowd boos and Ace looks at him. He then starts to get up and slowly pulls Chris up. He nails him with a forearm shot and then another. He grabs him and whips him not the corner. Ace runs after him and Chris gets an elbow up. Ace stumbles back and Chris runs out and goes for a C4. Ace sidesteps him and Chris slides down. He gets up and Ace walks over and grabs him and tries to lock in the Pagliacci. Chris fights and elbows him in the ribs twice before throwing him down with a snapmare. Chris then walks over and grabs Ace and drags him up before pulling his head, but Ace nails him in the leg. He then throws him back with the Aces Wild. The crowd roars. Ace goes for the pin.








The crowd cheers.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Ace Marshall!”


Sharper: “And Ace Marshall pins Chris Cannon to open up Cold Blooded!”


Knots: “This was a scrappy one to the end!”


Ace slowly gets up and steps forward. He has his arm raised as the crowd cheer. Cassidy enters the ring and walks over to Ace and celebrates with him. Chris rolls to the ropes, wincing as Ace celebrates a bit. He then steps forward and plays to the crowd as Chris pulls himself up. He then comes over and spins Ace Marshall around, blasting him with a hard right. Ace falls back into Cassidy as Chris steps back. The official tries to stop him and Chris shoves him down.


Sharper: “Come on! Chris Cannon with a cheap shot and now assaulting the official!”


Knots: “Just more of this downward spiral!”


Chris walks over as Ace starts to get up, blood coming from his nose as Chris grabs him by the hair and drags him up and goes to throw him into the corner. Ace stops and hits a back kick before lunging and nailing Chris with a hard right and Chris nails him with one back. They trade blows as the crowd cheers as Ace dodges a last shot. Chris falls to the ropes and turns around as Ace hits a pump knee to the face. Chris falls through the ropes to the floor. He staggers up, his nose appearing to be busted and he falls over to the barricade. Ace starts to get up to keep fighting as Cassidy rolls to the floor and grabs a steel chair. The crowd roars as officials come to the ring and start to break the two up.


Sharper: “Looks like nothing solved!”


Knots: “And if not, more broken. Two broken noses maybe! Both going for something to remember the other by!”


Sharper: “We’re seeing a more fighting Ace Marshall too as a result of this all!”

The scene switches to show Erik Holland, standing and applauding, as Lyric sits next to him, a few rows up in the crowd.


Sharper: “And you see Erik Holland who has been given a seat on a floor to watch the action.”


Knots: “He seems to like what he saw!”


Sharper: “The man has a love for fighting, for violence. And just saw something there.”


Chris is pulled back as officials try to get between him and the ring. Ace touches his nose. Erik Holland looks on, smiling as the camera focuses on him a bit more. Chris heads to the back. Holland is shown then sitting down, talking to Lyric.


Sharper: “Holland going to be in action when we roll into Providence for Breakdown next Wednesday. But he’ll be enjoying the action tonight.”


Knots: “Probably itching to get involved. Seemed to want more and more of a challenge.”


Sharper: “He’ll find that here. That’s for sure.”


We cut to see Ace starting to walk to the back with Cassidy, with the situation under control.

Gavin Taylor & Adam Allocco vs. Alistaire Allocco & Damian Angel


Indistinguishable echoes, sounding awfully like church choir echoes out as a single bright spotlight shines down upon the stage. On the screen, narrated by the voice resembling that of Morgan Freeman:

“Blasted is thee who sin within the ring. God called upon the messiah, delivering an edict of reckoning upon the ignorant primitives with their lackluster wrestling. The messiah set forth to enlighten all those before him, and enlightened they shall be. (Adam 13:21)”

As his voice trails off, gold pyrotechnics explode on the stage as “Save Me” by Shinedown blares over the PA system. As the display stops, by now the song starting to pick up pace, Adam Allocco emerges from behind the curtains. He poses as he is doused in boos from the crowd.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a fifteen minute time limit. First, from Rochester, New York, he is Wrestling’s Enlightenment, Adam Allocco!”


After a moment of soaking in the hate, Allocco moves down to the ring, shouting several insults to the crowd before rolling in underneath the bottom rope. Adam Allocco steps up onto one of the turnbuckle and starts shouting random rants and insults As the song begins to fade away, Allocco tries to take the referee aside to dispense with a few words of guidance before clapping his hand and hopping back.


Sharper: “Adam Allocco returning to the ring for the first time since the End of the Year Special when everything fell apart in his relationship with his son. But this is different. They’ll be facing one another.”


Knots: “Alistaire had it with his actions. Adam’s getting in the ring. And he needed his own entrance.”


Sharper: “But of course. Team Ego on one side of the ring.”


The lights around the arena begin to flicker as "Whoa Is Me" by Down With Webster starts to play over the arena.

Whoa is me
I'm so whoa
See me decked out from my head to my toe
Whoa is me
I'm so whoa
Everywhere I go I'm a one man show

The crowd boos as "All Star" Gavin Taylor steps out from behind the curtain onto the top of the ramp. As he stands in place, posing with his arms outstretched, the chorus of the song plays. Gavin begins to walk down the ramp with swagger.


Phillips: “His partner, from Los Angeles, California, he is the Archangel Michael of Supreme Championship Wrestling, Gavin Taylor!”


He smirks as he gets to the ring. Pulling himself to the apron, he hangs out off the ring while holding onto the top rope. Gavin pulls himself through the ropes and steps onto the second ropes on the opposite side of the ring from the ramp. He opens his jersey, sliding it off his shoulders as he stretches his arms out. Turning around, he bounces back off the ropes as he talks to Adam.


Sharper: “Gavin already taunting Damian Angel in his entrance. Referring to Archangel Michael who kills the Devil in Revelations.”


Knots: “Yeah and think about this…Alistaire Allocco is teaming up with someone who calls himself the Devil. And they don’t fully see eye to eye. Only in SCW!”


The opening lines of The Rasmus' "Lucifer's Angel" begin to play over the crowd suddenly, without the introduction of the song.

Behind those eyes lies the truth and grief
Behind those beautiful smiles I've seen tragedy
The flawless skin hides the secrets within
Silent forces that secretly ignite your sins

During that verse, Damian Angel steps out onto the top of the ramp , inciting a mixed reaction from the crowd. He looks at the crowd. The lights in the arena all turn off, leaving the sight of pitch black. As the chorus strikes up, a red spotlight begins to follow Angel to the ring...


Phillips: “Their opponents, first, from Hell, Michigan, he is the Hellbound Messiah, Damian Angel!”

After a few moments, Angel has rolled toward the centre of the ring, pulling himself to one knee. Damian runs his hand over the canvas before pounding his right fist down upon the SCW logo, immediately springing to his feet thereafter. Damian unfastens the clasps of his rope, letting it drop down to the mat behind him. He glares out over the crowd. Angel climbs onto the middle rope and outstretches his arms, bringing them together in an 'X' formation as he looks down towards the pits of hell. He repeats this process on the other three sides of the ring, and after the last one he hops off the turnbuckle. He then turns to his opponents.


Sharper: “Damian Angel coming out first. He’s had plenty of interaction with both. But last Wednesday, on Breakdown, we saw how close Alistaire and Adam were to coming to blows, but didn’t.”


Knots: “That may be it. Alistaire has always said to honour his father and mother. Good Christian boy. He has to effectively trample on that in this one.”


Sharper: “A problem I’m sure Damian won’t have. And let’s not forget – Matt Hodges is here and Alistaire Allocco told Hodges to watch tonight.”


Knots: “Claiming he was World Class!”


Look deep into his eyes!
Look deep into his eyes, that's where the fire lies!

The spotlights shine forth from the stage, bathing the entire arena in blinding white lights corresponding with a verse of “Eyes Like Fire” by Collision of Innocence. A figure stands in front of the curtains, his arms are extended horizontally, and his legs spread. His back is turned to the audience. His presence incites a chorus of cheers from the crowd. As the bright lights starts to dim, you can tell the man is wearing pure white tights. A blood red sleeveless coat stretching from his defined torso down to his equally bright white boots. Alistaire kicks out his leg to turn to face the crowd as the chorus of his theme kicks in.
Phillips: “His partner, from Rochester, New York, he is Alistaire Allocco!”
He begins to walk down the ramp with his dark eyes staring intently upon the ring before him. He marches down with purpose, waving and smiling to the children in the crowd. He stops at the bottom of the ramp for a moment, before launching forward, sliding into the ring. Once in the ring, he discards his coat by tossing it to the referee. He’s in the center of the ring, he’s hops up and down, switching his weight behind his feet as he stands. As the song begins to fade out, Alistaire stares at his goal.


Sharper: “And Alistaire Allocco in the ring. Siding with Damian Angel. All focus now.”


Knots: “Wait if they get in the ring at the same time.”


The bell sounds as Alistaire and Damian talk and Alistaire starts in the ring as Adam immediately exits. Adam then starts to cheer on Gavin as Gavin steps in and the crowd looks on. Alistaire and Gavin circle the ring before locking up in the middle of the ring, pushing back on one another. Alistaire quickly turns and locks in an arm wrench. Gavin winces and pushes up. Alistaire jerks on the arm. He then ducks down and takes him over with a fireman’s carry takedown. He moves into a reverse chinlock. Gavin starts to slide his head out and moves into a side headlock of his own. Gavin smiles. Alistaire starts to get up and then pulls him to the ropes and fires him off. Gavin bounces off the other side. Alistaire steps up and arm drags him down. Gavin rolls through. He gets up and Alistaire takes him over with another fireman’s carry takedown and moves into an arm lock. Alistaire holds on as Gavin starts to get up.


Sharper: “Alistaire quickly keeping this to the mat. That’s his bread and butter.”


Knots: “And controlling Gavin. Keeping him where he can hold onto him.”


Gavin gets up and pulls on Alistaire’s hair. The referee reprimands him and he lets go and Alistaire then knees him in the ribs and whips him into the ropes. Gavin bounces off. He ducks a clothesline attempt and Gavin bounces off the other side and Alistaire grabs him and hits an exploder suplex. Gavin hits the mat and pops up and falls over and near his corner. Adam looks at him as Gavin reaches up for the tag. Alistaire turns to his father. Gavin tags him in. Adam looks at him and then enters the ring. The crowd roars as Alistaire looks at him. Damian looks at him. Adam steps up and starts to pour on the cockiness.


Adam: “Come on kid. Take a shot!”


Alistaire continues to look at his father. Adam taps his chin.


Adam: “I’ll even close my eyes. Come on!”


Alistaire steps back and shakes his head as Adam leans forward. Damian meanwhile reaches over and tags himself in. He enters and immediately steps up and nails Adam with a hard right hand. The crowd roars as Adam hits the mat. Alistaire looks at Damian before he’s asked to leave, and promptly exits to the apron. Adam gets up and Damian chops him. The crowd woos. Damian nails him with another hard right. Adam falls into the corner and Damian kicks him in the ribs and then again and again and again.


Sharper: “Damian Angel coming in. He’ll happily go after Adam!”


He grabs Adam and whips him across the ring. Adam hits hard and runs out, trying to counter Damian, but Damian hits a back elbow and then jumps up and hits an elbow to his jaw. Adam rolls over and moves to the corner and tags in Gavin. Gavin climbs up to the top rope and Damian looks up as Gavin dives forward, but Damian nails him with a shot to the ribs. Gavin falls to his knees. Damian walks over and grabs him and runs him over, face first into the neutral corner.


Sharper: “And now Damian Angel working over Gavin!”


Knots: “He came to fight. He came to knock out some of this cockiness!”


Gavin turns and Damian kicks him in the ribs and then again and again. The crowd cheers as Gavin gets stomped away by the Devil Himself. The referee calls for the break.










Damian backs up and walks around the ring. Gavin reaches out to Adam and Adam reaches too as Gavin starts to pull himself up and Damian runs at him and nails him with a running clothesline. The crowd ohs and Gavin stumbles out and Damian throws him down and goes for the pin.






Gavin kicks out. He turns and starts to get up and Damian grabs him, but Gavin quickly reaches up and rakes the eye. Gavin falls back to his corner and Adam tags himself in. Adam enters and runs over and clotheslines Damian down. The crowd boos. Alistaire looks on and shakes his head as Adam dives onto Damian and hammers away on him.


Sharper: “Adam Allocco diving on Damian. Like a wild dog with a kill!”


Knots: “Saw an opening and not going to give it up. Adam Allocco and Gavin Taylor have been going after Damian. Adam wants to take him out. He’s trying to do something good for Peyton!”


Sharper: “When as of late, Damian Angel, arguably, has been changed thanks to this. He listens to her!”


Knots: “It’s all about the ulterior motive. To win over Peyton or Alistaire I guess! Clearly that’s going well!”


Damian covers up as Adam gets a few more shots in before he gets up. He plays to the crowd a bit as they boo. He then stomps him in the face and then again. Damian rolls to the ropes and Adam grabs the ropes and steps on Damian’s head, grinding the sole of his boot into his face.










Adam steps off. He walks around the ring. Damian rolls over and Adam walks over and grabs him and hits a vertical suplex. He holds on and swivels his hips. He then throws him over with a second vertical suplex. He turns and tags in Gavin. Gavin climbs up to the top rope. Gavin looks around and dives off with a splash onto Damian. He hooks the leg. Alistaire looks on.






Damian gets his shoulder up. Gavin gets up and stomps him in the face.


Sharper: “And Gavin and Adam are dissecting the former World Champion.”


Knots: “Damian may have now found out that these two work well together!”


Sharper: “Similar attitude. It all comes together.”


Gavin then grabs Damian and pulls him up. He then looks at Alistaire before turning to him.


Gavin: “Don’t worry! We’ll take him out for you!”


Alistaire shakes his head as Gavin whips Damian into the ropes. Damian bounces off and Gavin hits a dropkick to the face. The crowd boos. Gavin turns around and grabs Damian and drags him up before kicking out his legs. He runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits the All-Starmaker. The crowd ohs. He goes for the pin.






Alistaire breaks it up. The crowd cheers. Adam gets into the ring, going to taunt Alistaire as he’s already backed up. Gavin rolls over. He turns and tags in Adam as he exits. Adam enters and Damian crawls toward Alistaire. Alistaire reaches out and Adam hits a running elbow drop to Damian’s back. Adam gets up and shakes his finger in his son’s face.


Adam: “Not yet. Just like I taught you. You keep your opponent down!”


Adam then turns and grabs the head of Damian and drives it back into the canvas.


Sharper: “Adam taunting his son. Alistaire trying to just focus on winning this match.”


Knots: “He may need to focus on dealing with Gavin and more importantly his father. Adam knows he won’t take a swing.”


Sharper: “But will Adam do the same to Alistaire?”


Damian rolls over and Adam grabs him and drags him up and whips him into the ropes. Damian bounces off and Adam hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He goes for the pin.






Alistaire pulls him off. Adam turns and smirks. Adam starts to get up as Alistaire backs away and exits to the apron. Adam then turns back and grabs Damian. He then drags him up.


Adam: “Just because I’ll actually do what needs to be done. He’s in your way!”


Alistaire: “No he’s not dad!”


Adam: “Fine! I’ll do it for Peyton!”


Adam then scoops Damian up and hits another backbreaker. Damian winces. Adam turns and steps over and grabs his legs. He then looks around and then hoists Damian’s legs up. The crowd roars as Alistaire looks on, annoyed. Adam smirks and Damian then starts to fight. He manages to get a leg free before kicking Adam in the ribs and then the head before pulling him in and into a small package attempt.






Adam kicks out. Both get up and Damian suddenly hits the Bitter End. Adam stumbles back and falls into his corner. Gavin reaches for his hand and tags himself in. Damian then dives and tags in Alistaire. Alistaire enters and Gavin runs over and goes for the Gavin Taylor Lariat, but Alistaire ducks and stops. Gavin stops and turns and Alistaire hits a powerslam. Gavin starts to get up and Alistaire hits a dropkick. The crowd cheers. Gavin rolls over and turns around and Alistaire grabs him and hits another exploder suplex. The crowd cheers. He holds on and hits a second exploder. Gavin manages to pull his arm away as Damian gets up and runs over to Gavin and kicks him in the ribs. Alistaire gets up and turns as Adam runs at him and Alistaire catches him. The crowd erupts in a roar.


Sharper: “Alistaire caught his father! He caught him!”


Knots: “And Damian going after Gavin! Take him over! Take him over!”


Alistaire looks at his father and takes him over with an exploder suplex. The crowd erupts in cheers. Adam rolls over and slowly gets up to his knees only for Alistaire to immediately nail him with the Sins of the Father!


Sharper: “Sins of the Father!”


Knots: “Yes! Aptly named!”


Damian holds Gavin into the corner as Alistaire goes for the pin.








The crowd roars as Alistaire rolls off. Damian steps off and walks over as the bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here are your winners, via pinfall, Alistaire Allocco and Damian Angel!”


Sharper: “Alistaire Allocco pins his own father to win the match!”


Knots: “And Damian Angel kept Gavin Taylor away. They’re now standing tall!”


Sharper: “Angel and Allocco. Unbelievable that they’re a victorious team tonight, but they are!”


Alistaire has his arm raised as he turns to his father. Damian then walks over and places his arm around him. Alistaire turns to him. Damian nods before stepping past him and dropping down before rolling to the floor. Alistaire backs up and steps through the ropes and down to the floor. He backs away as the crowd cheers him. Alistaire turns and walks off with Damian Angel as the scene cuts away.


Sharper: “Now let’s go backstage where Jessica Winters is standing by.”

The scene cuts backstage to see Jessica Winters standing backstage with the SCW Adrenaline Champion, Jordan Majors.


Jessica: “Thank you Jordan. I am here with the SCW Adrenaline Champion, Jordan Majors. Tonight, you have an interesting night for you to say the least. You will be defending your Adrenaline Championship against Peyton Rice and a theme since we heard that match announced is wondering where you head was at.”


Jordan cuts her off.


Jordan: “It’s where it needs to be. I am coming to that ring to defend the SCW Adrenaline Championship and against someone who we’ll say I have a bit of a competitive rivalry with. It was always a rivalry, but now, at least there’s some respect involved as Peyton and I have been through a lot and realized we’re more than our first impressions held. But I’m going to be fine to defend this title. I didn’t win it at Retribution to just let other matters distract me. I’ve had other matters involved all this year and I’ve been knocking it out of the park.”


Jordan pauses.


Jordan: “How about we focus on that? The fact that her and I are the future of this sport, along with others. She was the Rookie of the Year. I was the Star of Tomorrow. And tonight, we test that future. Two people who can go in that ring, fighting for this.”


Jordan holds up her Adrenaline Championship.


Jessica: “Well, with all do respect, Jordan, the reason is another match taking place tonight. Involving your brother and Sienna Swann. And you’ve been caught between all year, but its ratcheted up this last month.”


Jordan: “And that’s their match. I’m going to focus on mine.”


Jessica: “Thank you for your time. Good luck tonight.”


Jordan heads off.


Jessica: “Back to ringside.


Sharper: “Sound like she’s focused.”


Knots: “Oh yeah. But still I think on everything else. How quick was she to dismiss it?”

Konrad Raab vs. Katie Steward

Steel Cage Match


We cut to the ring to see the steel cage set up around it.


Sharper: “Here we go. Steel cage match about to take place. Konrad Raab going to get one thing he wants. Katie Steward one on one. No other Stewards. Katie has to deal with the consequences of her actions!”


Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

The arena lights dim down and pink light shine on the stage. “Sweet but Psycho:” by Ava Max plays as The Queen of Queens and Goddess of Desire Katie Steward steps out on the stage. She walks her beautiful white and gold religious ring robe that is popelike and spins around in a circle showing it off the crowd.


Phillips:” The following contest is a steel cage match, scheduled for onefall and has a twenty minute time limit. First, accompanied by TJ Johnson, from Los Angeles, California, she is the Queen of Queens, Katie Steward!”


TJ Johnson walks out onto the stage with Katie and the two nod to on another before Katie continues her walk to the ring with her arms out and his hands at shoulder length. Katie walks around the ring to the door. She gulps and then steps up the ring steps carefully and into the cage. TJ runs up after her and holds open the ropes for her to enter the ring. Katie walks to the center of the ring and she disrobes for the crowd. She shows off her wrestling attire. TJ takes her robe and exits the ring and Katie to her corner. She looks around.


Sharper: “Katie may have deluded herself into thinking this is a positive.”


Knots: “I remember the last time she was in something like this. She was not happy. Tonight, she’s almost calm, but then again, Konrad’s not in there!”


“Cold as Ice” by M.O.P plays over the sound system as Konrad comes out through the curtain just wearing his red, green and blue mask along with his wrestling trousers with his nickname The Iced Rainbow on the front of them with Pit Bull Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands with a side cross necklace on his neck with the blue and black yin-yang tattoo on his right shoulder, Iceman from X-Men tattoo on his back, ice wolf on his left chest and ice bear on his right chest.

Phillips: “Her opponent, from Cologne, Germany, he is The Iced Rainbow, Konrad Raab!”

He ignores the fans due to his focus on wanting to fight in the ring. He goes up the stairs before entering the cage. He pulls the door closed and then steps into the ring. He looks right across at Katie who now starts to show a bit of fear, looking around, calling out for TJ. TJ starts to rifle through the robe as Konrad continues to have a nasty look in his eyes waiting for the match to start.


Sharper: “And Konrad Raab focused! Just came to the ring and is now glaring a hole into Katie Steward.”


Knots: “Well yeah. Raab’s always said one thing is sacred to him. His family. Katie played with that.”


The bell sounds. Katie yells as she turns and starts to climb up the side of the cage. Konrad runs over and grabs her and pulls her off, slamming her to the mat. Katie rolls over and Konrad turns and swings, going for a clothesline. Katie ducks and turns and starts to climb up the ropes and grabbing onto the cage. She climbs up again and Konrad runs over and grabs Katie. Katie kicks him in the face and then Konrad reaches up and grabs her again and pulls her off. She hits the mat and rolls over. Katie gets up and Konrad nails her with a European uppercut. Katie hits the mat. She rolls over and pops up before falling back to the ropes.


Sharper: “Konrad got all of that European uppercut and now Katie already hurt.”


Knots: “And it’s just the start if you’re Raab!”


Konrad follows up and nails her with another European uppercut. Katie hits the mat. She turns and crawls over to the ropes and starts to get up. She turns and Konrad nails her with a hard right to the ribs and then a left to the ribs and then a back elbow. Katie falls back into the corner. TJ paces on the floor as Konrad then moves in and hits a back elbow to the face of Katie before rearing back and nailing her a second time and then a third time. He then grabs her and whips her across the ring. Katie runs across and flips up the corner and to the top rope before backflipping down and stumbling toward Konrad who blasts her with another European uppercut. Katie hits the mat and rolls over.


Sharper: “And Konrad is just wearing out the SCW Hall of Famer!”


Knots: “Katie always tends to get into these situations. Well she may not be getting out of this one!”


Katie reaches for the ropes and TJ runs around, but Konrad grabs her first and pulls her up and turns and runs her into the steel. Katie stumbles back and falls over, rolling over. The crowd roars. Konrad walks around then grabs Katie again and lifts her up and runs her into the steel again. Katie hits hard face first and falls back before rolling across the ring. TJ runs over toward her. Katie then looks up, a bit of blood coming from her face. TJ tries to talk to her, right up at the cage. Katie is reaching out grabbing something from him. Konrad then walks across and grabs her, but Katie turns, throwing powder right into the eyes of Konrad. Konrad staggers back, holding his eyes, swinging.


Sharper: “And Katie! Powder to the eyes of Konrad!”


Knots: “Well TJ and Katie have some tricks up their sleeve!”


Sharper: “Konrad swinging, trying to catch Katie as Katie is slightly bleeding from going into the cage!”


Katie turns and watches Konrad as he staggers around and swings and Katie runs at him and dropkicks him in the knees. Konrad hits the mat and rolls over. He starts to get up and Katie hits another dropkick, this one to the head. Konrad falls over. Katie then runs over and stomps him in the chest over and over. The crowd boos. Konrad however, at some point, grabs the foot and shoves her back. The crowd roars. Konrad steps up and swings. Katie ducks the haymaker attempt and then hits a superkick. Konrad stumbles back to the corner. Katie looks around and then heads over and climbs up and nails him with a series of hard right hands to the head. Konrad takes each shot as Katie smiles, gaining confidence with each blow.


Sharper: “And Katie hammering away on Konrad! She’s loving this. Each shot, you can see that smile grow.”


Knots: “Yeah, but you can also feel the hate within Konrad grow!”


Katie then smiles and looks out at the crowd, posing. The crowd boos. Konrad suddenly lifts her up and runs out and spears her into the cage. The crowd ohs. Konrad keeps her up and runs across the ring and slams Katie into the cage again before then hoisting up her again and hitting a belly to belly suplex. Katie rolls over as the crowd cheers. TJ Johnson looks on in horror. Raab then lets out a yell before grabbing Katie and drags her up. He then spins around and hits a release German suplex. Katie rolls through and then falls back into the corner. TJ runs around the cage. Raab then walks around before turning we see TJ reaching over, grabbing Katie’s hands and placing something in them. Raab meanwhile just grabs Katie, dragging her up and then pulling her into a short-arm clothesline. Katie hits and Katie’s hand opens, revealing some prayer beads falling out. TJ then looks under the ring. He starts to look around before grabbing a steel cage.


Sharper: “Katie in trouble again.”


Knots: “Those prayer beads didn’t do anything.”


Sharper: “Look at TJ! He’s getting a chair now!”


TJ pulls out a steel chair and then turns to throw it over the top of the cage. It hits the side and falls down. Konrad just looks at him and TJ then tries again and it goes up and over and narrowly hits Katie. Konrad just looks at TJ, who now realizes what he’s done. TJ lets out an disappointed yell. Konrad then walks over and grabs the steel chair. Katie rolls over and grabs the prayer beads.


Sharper: “Konrad Raab just got a weapon thanks to TJ!”


Knots: “You know. TJ’s getting more and more helpful to more people as of late!”


Konrad lifts it up and Raab turns and Katie jumps up and hits the Botox Injection. Konrad falls over. He then starts to stagger up to his feet and tries to shake it off and Katie nails him with a the prayer beads. They go flying and Konrad hits the mat. Katie dives onto him for the pin.






Konrad kicks out. The crowd cheers as Katie rolls over and looks around. She then throws the beads down and goes over to the steel chair, grabbing it. Konrad slowly starts to get up and pulls himself up, a look of anger evident, even through the mask.


Sharper: “Katie thought that may be it. She had that loaded fist. Konrad kicked out!”


Knots: “TJ can be a bit more relieved. She now has that chair!”


Katie then hoists the chair up and slams it into the back of Konrad. Konrad drops to the mat. He rolls over in pain. Katie then slams it into his chest. The crowd boos. TJ smiles as Katie places the chair down. She then looks at Konrad and grabs him, dragging him up and double underhooking him. The crowd boos. Katie looks around and goes for the Save the Queen, but Konrad lifts her up and back drops her. Katie rolls over.


Sharper: “He countered!”


Knots: “TJ is frantically coming up with another plan!”


She reaches out as TJ panics and grabs another set of prayer beads. He goes to give them to her, but Konrad grabs her and hits a release German suplex. The crowd roars. Katie rolls over in pain. She starts to get up and Konrad grabs her and runs her into the cage. Katie stumbles back and Konrad grabs her and sends her into the next set. Katie falls back and rolls over, a cut opening over her eye. The crowd roars as Katie grimaces in pain, holding her face. She then looks at horror at the blood on her hand before Konrad runs to the ropes, handsprings into them and then jumps up and hits the Ice Storm on the chair. The crowd ohs. Konrad turns and covers her.








Konrad then looks down at her and the official turns to raise his arm. Konrad pushes him away. He then gets up, looking at her. TJ is frantically yelling for people to raise the cage.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, Konrad Raab!”


Sharper: “Konrad Raab got his victory!”


Knots: “But he may not be done. He’s just watching her. Glaring at her!”


Sharper: “TJ wants the cage up. And it looks like they’re starting to work on that.”


Konrad then backs up as Katie rolls over, blood coming down her face. Konrad then steps through the door and walks down the steps to the floor. He then slowly starts to head to the back, a calm having come over him. TJ watches him leave for a moment before, when he feels its safe, runs into the cage to check on Katie. Konrad continues to back.


Sharper: “As we check on Katie Steward here, folks, Jason Helms and Lucas Knight went on a drive to the Louisiana countryside. All to find Giovanni Aries for the Wonderland match.”


Knots: “He always has to make them start out there.”


Sharper: “All about setting the tone I guess. They have to get back here and stuff their opponent in that hole.”


The camera cuts to show the Wonderland stage, a circular construction with a hole in the middle.

Jason Helms vs. Giovanni Aries

Wonderland Match


The Cold Blooded logo comes up on the screen as we open up to see Jason Helms driving a pick-up truck to a certain location. He pulls over to the side of the road. He then stops and looks at his phone, the camera focusing in to show the GPS showing “you have arrived.” Jason looks around and then sighs.


Jason: “Looks like we’re here.”


Jason glances back as Lucas Knight sits in the back.


Lucas: “Yeah. Better get ready to smack ‘im around.”


Jason: “Just remember. This is him and I. You’re here in case his other goons show up.”


Lucas: “I’m sure they will. And Dave’s at the arena in case they try something there. Lucky bastard.”


Jason: “You could’ve won the rock, paper, scissors!”


Lucas: “I just hate the damn bugs.”


Jason then steps out as the camera angle cuts to reveal a chase vehicle. Lucas gets out and stands by the car. He then reaches into the vehicle and grabs a tumbler and a bottle of the Infamously Dangerous rum.


Jason: “Jesus. Couldn’t at least wait for the victory?”


Lucas: “Gotta do something while I wait.”


Lucas pours himself a drink and smiles. Jason then steps out and he looks around. Lucas then points forward.


Lucas: “Looks like we’re in the right place.”


Jason looks over as a sign saying “Lizard spawn not welcome” carved out on a plank of wood. Jason then sighs as he walks off the road and into the brush.


Lucas: “Bring me back something!”


Jason: “Plan to! A crazy asshole!”


Jason continues to head off, the sunlight peer through the woods. The cameraman follows as Jason continues to make his way through the brush. The sound of snapping twigs and crickets evident. Jason continues to walk, narrowly stepping into some puddles of water. We then see a quick cut to show a nearby bayou.


Jason: “Gio really loves these places…”


Jason looks around as we get a good look at his shirt saying “I killed the Wonderland!” on the front. Helms takes a few more steps before stopping and looking to see a wooden cross with a plague on it.


Jason: “The hell?”


We see “Katya” on it. Jason looks at it and walks past.


Jason: “Never liked the bitch.”


He continues to walk through before turning and grabbing a larger branch on the ground. He takes it and continues to walk before realizing another grave marked, this one listing “Mr. D.” Jason watches as he continues down the path, seemingly on the right one, seeing another grave, this one listing “Sasha”. Jason looks around, the silence eerily hanging over the scene. Jason then stops before ending up another grave, this one with the name “”.


Sharper; “That’s Mr. D’s late wife.”


Knots: “This is creepy, Sharper.”


Jason then walks over to the bayou’s edge, getting his feet wet in the mud before we see a barge, with several smouldering flowers on it, written next to it are the names Owen Cruze, James Evans, Ace Marshall, Kelcey Wallace and Alistaire Allocco. Jason turns back, looking around. He then hears the snap of a twig and spins around, stopping.


Camerman: “Sorry!”


Jason: “Jesus man. We’re out here dealing with a crazy cult leader and now you’re getting noticeable!”


Jason walks out of the muck and over back onto the trail before continuing to walk through the trail. Jason pushes past some shrubs and forward before swatting away some flies and then stopping. We see another marked grave, this one, however, written possibly in blood, showing Amy Chastaine. Jason then continues as he gets less and less confident and more annoyed, showing then a grave for AJ Helms, then one for Jennifer Helms, before stepping forward to see in the various marked field, David Helms, Regan Street, Mikaela Street and finally one for Jason. Each grave written in blood on wooden signs. Jason smirks and stops.


Jason: “Guess Lucas is lucky. He doesn’t have to worry about this shit.”


We then hear a yell as Giovanni Aries runs out, having been hidden something, wearing a Ghillie suit, and nailing Jason from behind. Giovanni and clubs him again before lifting him up and running him through the Jason Helms grave, causing it to shatter as he falls to the ground. Giovanni walks over.


Giovanni: “How do you like what I’ve done with the place?”


Giovanni runs over and stomps him in the face. Jason rolls over. Giovanni then runs over and kicks him hard in the ribs. Jason rolls over, coughing. Giovanni then grabs the stick Jason hand that he dropped. Giovanni looks at it.


Giovanni: “This place…more pure than anything you’ve been a part of. And to use it against me…vile!”


Giovanni then goes to swing the stick to Jason’s head, but Jason jukes and nails him with a hard right to the ribs and then another. He grabs Giovanni by the throat and nails him with punches to the ribs before grabbing him and spinning him around and throwing him into the nearby tree trunk. Giovanni falls over and rolls over. Jason walks over and grabs his Ghillie suit and pulls it up.


Sharper: “They’re fighting in the middle of this makeshift graveyard.”


Knots: “This is just surreal!”


He drags Giovanni up and spins him around and into another grave, taking out Regan’s.


Jason: “Sorry Reg.”


Jason then runs over and kicks him in the ribs too. Giovanni rolls over and Jason walks over to grab him, but Giovanni grabs some of the forest floor, the dirt, and throws it into the face of Jason. Jason turns back and Giovanni grabs him and nails him in the back of the head. He then nails him again before grabbing him up and just suplexing Jason over. Jason rolls over, holdijng his head and neck in pain. Giovanni gets up and walks over and mounts Jason and just goes for a double choke, pressing down on Jason. Giovanni smiles the entire time.


Giovanni: “Going to choke you out here. Right in the field of the dead. The victims of the Lizard Kingdom that will go down at my hand!”


 Jason struggles as Giovanni keeps pushing down. Jason reaches out, trying to fight, grabbing Giovanni’s arms before reaching up and pushing at his eyes with his thumbs. Giovanni pulls away and rolls away. He then starts to get up as Jason pulls himself up and Giovanni holds his face and Jason grabs him and runs him face first into another nearby tree. Giovanni falls back and rolls over. Jason then stomps him in the face and then again. Giovanni rolls over and moves toward a nearby entrance to a body of water. Jason then smiles as he walks over and grabs Giovanni and lifts him up and nails him in the ribs with a shot and then another before Giovanni knees him. Jason stumbles back. Giovanni runs at him and Jason then lifts him up and back drops him. Giovanni rolls over. Jason backs up and Giovanni gets up and runs at him again and Jason lifts him up and backdrops him again. This time, Giovanni goes into the water. Jason turns.


Jason: “Maybe that’ll clean ya up.”


Jason walks over and then grabs Giovanni. He drags him out and looks at Giovanni. Jason looks at him and then around. He nudges him. Giovanni, however, is completely unmoving. Jason stomps him in the head. Giovanni doesn’t budge.


Jason: “The hell?”


Jason then looks around before reminding himself of the scene Giovanni’s built.


Jason: “Screw it. Let’s just shove you down the God damned hole.”


Jason bends over and drags Giovanni up before lifting him up onto his shoulders. Jason winces as he walks forward and starts to drag Giovanni past some of the graves. He looks around. Jason turns to the camera.


Jason: “Mind calling Lucas so he can do something useful and move the truck closer?”


Jason struggles a bit as he continues to walk through the wooded area, looking around. The camera films him as he continues to walk off, presumably in the direction of the road before the Cold Blooded logo comes up on the screen.


We return to a live shot of the Smoothie King Center. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Giovanni Aries came to fight.”


Knots: “Yeah and turned it into his own cemetery, but he’s now just out?”


Sharper: “I don’t know, but Jason Helms dragging him through the bayou, the forest areas too, and all to get back here.”


We cut to show the Wonderland stage.


Knots: “To shove him down there!”


Sharper: “We have cameras everywhere, so when they arrive. We’ll be ready.”

Jay Gold vs. Aaron Blackbourne vs. Datura vs. Shilo Valiant

“Until the Day I Die” hits the sound system, as a golden hue washes over the arena. As soon as the loud crash is heard a few measures in, Jay Gold appears on the stage. The crowd pops for the SCW Hall of Famer. Jay surveys the crowd with squinted eyes before strolling down the ramp towards the ring.

Phillips: “The following contest is a fatal fourway match, scheduled for onefall and has a thirty-minute time limit. First, from Albany, New York, he is the first ever Supreme Champion, Jay Gold!”

Once there, Jay stands up on the apron, and looks out and smiles. He steps into the ring and once he's in the middle of his ring with his arms held up high, golden pyro explodes out of all four turnbuckles as the crowd continues to cheer Gold. Jay readies himself for the pending battle.


Sharper: “Jay Gold looking to establish a future for the business and he’s jumped into this issue with Shilo Valiant.”


Knots: “He had it with Shilo’s actions. He’s just wanting to get back to that same goal that Alistaire Allocco and Owen Cruze and Aaron Blackbourne want. That’s great. But he’s getting involved in their issue!”

The arena turns black. On the screen, scenes of post-apocalyptic landscapes haunt the darkness. Over the speakers, an eerie synth pad sets the mood as a deep, raspy voice begins speaking:

“The car’s on fire, and there’s no driver at the wheel, and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides, and a dark wind blows…

The government is corrupt and we’re on so many drugs with the radio on and the curtains drawn. We’re trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death. The sun has fallen down, and the billboards are all leering, and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles.

It went like this: The buildings tumbled in on themselves. Mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble and pulled out their hair. The skyline was beautiful on fire, all twisted metal stretching upward, everything washed in a thin orange haze

I said ‘Kiss me. You’re beautiful. These are truly the last days. You grabbed my hand and we fell into it like a daydream or a fever.” 

A chorus of strings play a melancholic tune as a pale spotlight settles at the top of the ramp. There, it falls on Datura, dressed in a pair of tight, dark jeans and a black hoodie. She stops at the top of the ramp and stares out into the darkness of the crowd and sea of jeers that flood her way.


Phillips: “Next, from Tampa, Florida, she is Datura!”

Elizabeth trudges down the ramp, and the light follow.. The silhouette of hands reaching out to grab her can be seen on the outskirts of the light. Datura ignores them as she climbs up the steps. The strings slow. Datura stands upon the apron, cracs her neck, and enters under the top rope. She makes her way to the corner and unzips her hoodie. She extends her arms outward and rolls her neck, casting her gaze to the sky as her hoodie slides off her arms.


Sharper: “Datura here for two reasons: revenge against Shilo Valiant and to have that creative battle she intended with Aaron Blackbourne.”


Knots: “And she’s one who doesn’t like that Jay’s here. Thinks it doesn’t involve him. But Jay Gold has been there and done that and he thinks he should be here! He’s also the only one to actually get a shot in on Shilo!”


All of a sudden, the lights go out, prompting a surprised pop from the fans. The distorted sounds of “10 Inch Nails” by Audiomachine begin to play, and as it does spotlights and strobe lights of all different colors randomly begin turning on and off in random parts of the arena in tune with the song. The Tron slowly comes to life, displaying a chaotic clashing of multiple colors reminiscent of the "video" you'd see while listening to a song in Windows Media Player back in the day, with the exception that various random elemental effects like lightning, fire and ice burst into view on the heavier beats as well.

Through some of the random multicolored spotlights if they turn on close enough to the entrance briefly, we see that a thick fog has overtaken the stage, and the movements suggests that a figure has already strolled straight through it. As the lights continue their random dance across the arena, one in particular that remains a pure white color, while keeping with the beat of the song like all the others, is slowly moving along with a figure that's making his way down the ramp with a grin on his face and a determined look in his eyes. The figure is none other than Aaron Blackbourne, strolling along and snapping his fingers to the tune as he reaches ringside.


Phillips: “Next, from Seattle, Washington, he is Aaron Blackbourne!”

Blackbourne suddenly leaps onto the apron and quickly climbs so that he’s got one foot on the top turnbuckle, taking a moment to gaze out through the darkness and chaotic lighting before suddenly leaping from the top rope and rolling through to a stand as he hits the mat. The second he's back on his feet he extends his arms and violently spins around before stopping and throwing his head back with a laugh, which stops the strobes and spotlights and seems to momentarily bathe the entire arena in every color light available before the scene returns to normal. Now that we finally see Blackbourne properly, he see that his tights are a rainbow of dark colors with the occasional white lightning bolt randomly cutting through the spectrum. His left knee pad is green and designed to look like it's made of snakeskin while his right knee pad is an obnoxious glittery gold. His left arm sleeve is blue and designed with an ice texture while his right arm sleeve is designed to look like it's made of steel. His boots are brown and appear to be lined in tan-colored fur in a few spots. Scattered across his body is various painted designs of seemingly random scenes depicting monsters wreaking havoc in various ways, aside from the largest one on his back that looks more like a black hole with a rainbow spectrum forming its outermost ring. The creative soul's grin slowly fades once the audience has had a chance to take in what he's become for the night as he backs into his corner, looking ready to fight.


Sharper: “Coming out identically as at Retribution. Aaron Blackbourne clearly making a statement by doing just that.”


Knots: “Just add Jay Gold and Shilo Valiant to that match last night, but the mindset the same for Datura!”


A twisted form of a merry-go-round tune plays as sounds of rusty gears and chains are heard. A haunting choir of children’s can be heard as well, “La-la”ing to the music before suddenly-


The audience rise to their feet in cheers as "Sin with A Grin" by Shinedown is heard, a spotlight shining down on the ramp
From the back walks Shilo Valiant, half his face pained with the black and yellow-green colors of the Two-Faced Fiend. Valiant slowly locks his arms in the X pattern of "Necro" before thrusting his right hand up to the spotlight, looking up at the raised palm that faces him. As he does, a shower of red sparks rains down upon him, seemingly from the spotlight. He slowly lowers his arm, the colors of his face-paint glowing amidst the red of the rain and white of the spotlights.


Phillips: “And finally, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is Shilo Valiant!”
The eternally smiling one slowly walks down the ramp, the spotlight following him. He walks around the ring and up the short stairs, climbing under the middle-rope to enter the ring. Standing within its center, the spotlight still cast on him, Shilo Valiant slowly raises his arm once more to the source, his spotlight, looking up at it as his fingers reach for it.

With a one last look at such an image, Shilo commanding the spotlight on him, the lights return to normal. He then looks around as Jay, Aaron and Datura all look at him.


Sharper: “Shilo Valiant stands in the middle of the ring. The spotlight on him.”


Knots: “Everyone’s eyes are on him. He’s been the target of all of them!”


The bell sounds as Aaron Blackbourne steps forward and looks at Shilo. Shilo just smiles looking at him. Gold and Datura look on, watching as the crowd roars. Blackbourne just glares at Valiant as Valiant starts to tap his chin. The crowd continues to cheer, hoping Blackbourne will go after him, but Datura then runs out and jumps up, clotheslining both of them. Aaron rolls over and to the ropes as Shilo hits the mat and remains down. Datura gets up and Gold runs over and kicks her in the ribs. The crowd roars as Gold forearms her in the jaw and then again. She falls to the corner and Gold grabs her and whips her across. Datura hits the opposite corner and Gold runs at her and clotheslines her down. He then turns around and Aaron Blackbourne kicks him in the ribs. He knees him in the ribs before whipping him into the ropes. Gold bounces off and Blackbourne goes to send him up and over the top rope to the floor. Gold, however, spins through, landing on the apron. Blackbourne turns and Gold hits a springboard into a crossbody. He lands right next to Shilo Valiant, who remains down, his eyes open, a smile on his face as he looks around.






Aaron kicks out. Gold rolls over and looks at Shilo.


Sharper: “Gold with a nearfall. But now he’s realized that Shilo Valiant hasn’t moved since getting taken down by Datura.”


Knots: “He’s smiling though. He’s conscious.”


Gold looks at him as Datura then comes out and chops him. The crowd woos. She then rakes the eyes and Gold falls to the ropes. Blackbourne gets up and Datura looks at Gold and jumps up and hits a dropkick. Gold falls up and over to the floor. Datura turns and Blackbourne wrenches her arm and jerks on it. He then whips her into the corner. Blackbourne runs after and Datura jumps up and goes to float over, but Blackbourne catches her. Datura holds on and Blackbourne goes to spin her out, but Datura spins through and hits a DDT. Blackbourne rolls through and lands into Shilo. Shilo just rolls over. Datura turns and sees him and then runs over and stomps him in the face. The crowd roars. Shilo turns and winces before chuckling. She then stomps him in the back of the head before turning around and Blackbourne hits a small package.






Datura kicks out. Both get up and Blackbourne hits a throat thrust. Datura falls to the ropes.


Sharper: “Shilo got a couple of shot at him. Datura happy to take the shots.”


Knots; “He’s still staying down. This match is just taking place around him!”


Sharper: “That’s almost more dangerous. For Shilo and for everyone! One wrong step and that could end a career!”


Blackbourne then walks over and grabs Datura and sees Gold getting back up on the apron. Blackbourne spins her around and sends her toward Gold, shoulder first. Gold however steps out of the way and jumps up and hits a leg drop to the back of her head. Datura hits the ropes and rolls back into the ring. Gold gets up and Blackbourne walks over and grabs him and nails him in the ribs and then again before hooking him up and hitting a vertical suplex, pulling him back into the ring. He turns and hooks the leg.






Gold kicks out. Blackbourne gets up and glances at Shilo before turning back to Gold. He then grabs Gold and turns and throws him out of the ring. Blackbourne turns around as the crowd cheers. Shilo remains down, returning to his back. Blackbourne walks over toward him.


Sharper: “Blackbourne sends Gold to the floor. Datura on the other side. And he’s now turning to Valiant.”


Knots: “I don’t know about this. His focus is all over the place. That may be what Valiant wants. But Valiant’s not defending himself! At all!”


Blackbourne looks at Valiant and down at him, a confused look on his face. He then nudges Shilo with his foot and then looks at him before doing it again before shaking his head and then turning as Datura slides into the ring. She runs over and hits a step up enziguri. Blackbourne falls to the mat. Datura then runs into the ropes, bouncing off and hits a running dropkick to the side of Blackbourne. She goes for the pin.






Gold springboards to the top rope and dives forward with a guillotine leg drop. Datura rolls over in pain. Blackbourne rolls over as Datura holds her head. Gold walks over and grabs her and hits a snap suplex. He turns around and kicks Blackbourne in the ribs. He then wrench the arm, kicks Blackbourne in the ribs before running up the corner and flipping through with an arm drag. He turns and sees Shilo down and then walks over and grabs him, but Shilo reaches up, grabbing Gold by the throat, stopping him and Blackbourne steps over and grabs Gold and hits a bridging German suplex.






Gold kicks out. Blackbourne rolls over and looks at Shilo. Shilo just holds up a finger, wagging it as Blackbourne then turns back to Datura.


Sharper: “Shilo’s now…he’s staying down. Blackbourne, Datura and Gold all competing around him. This is nuts!”


Knots: “Clearly, Blackbourne wants Shilo, but is focusing on everyone else. Perhaps to give him the best chance to face him. Maybe he’s trying to figure out what’s going on in Valiant’s mind!”


He grabs Datura and pulls her up, but Datura crawls under and runs into the ropes. She bounces off and goes for a discus clothesline, but Blackbourne grabs the arm and jumps up and hits a crucifix pin.






Datura rolls out. Both get up and Datura jumps up, but Blackbourne catches her. Datura then pulls on his hair to get some leverage and spins through into a snap crucifix slam.






Blackbourne kicks out. She gets up and Gold hits a dropkick to the chest. Datura falls back and to the ropes. She starts to get up and Gold runs at her, but Datura quickly hits a drop toe hold. Gold hits the middle rope and Datura then walks over and grabs Gold by the head, pulling him through the ropes and locking in a dragon clutch around the top rope! The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Datura with that modified dragon sleeper. Gold has nowhere to go.”


Knots: “Can’t win that way though!”


Sharper: “But can do a lot of damage!”


Datura keeps pulling back as the official tells her to break. Datura just keeps smiling as she pulls back, but Blackbourne gets up and runs over and grabs Datura by the head and pulls her back, away from Gold and onto his shoulders before throwing her forward into an inverted Pull the Trigger. Datura hits the mat. Blackbourne goes for the pin.






Datura just gets her shoulder up. Blackbourne rolls off. Gold falls to the apron. Blackbourne turns around and grabs Datura. Blackbourne then pulls Datura up and knees her in the ribs and then again before hooking her up by the head. He goes for a vertical suplex, but Datura kicks her legs and drops down. Blackbourne tries again and this time, she shifts her weight enough, causing Blackbourne to fall back and both go up and over the top rope, falling to the floor below. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Blackbourne and Datura having their back and forth. But at what cost? Both went up and over.”


Knots: “Datura knew what she was doing. She was going to take Blackbourne with her!”


Sharper: “Both down and Gold stirring.”


Knots: “And Valiant is the only one in the ring. He’s probably having a nap!”


Blackbourne and Datura look around and both roll over, but away from one another. They start to stir, slowly starting to pulling themselves up. Blackbourne pulls himself up using the ring apron as Datura gets up using the barricade. They stumble back as Gold climbs up to the top rope and then glances back before hitting a corkscrew moonsault onto both of them. The crowd erupts in cheers.


Sharper: “And Gold dives off the top rope! Corkscrew moonsault!”


Knots: “And everyone is down! Valiant is now the only even touching the ring! And he’s not done anything since the opening bell!”


Gold slowly gets up as Shilo remains down in the ring. Gold grabs Blackbourne and slowly lifts him up. He turns and rolls him into the ring. Gold rolls in after. The crowd roars. Blackbourne slowly gets up and Gold forearms him in the jaw and then again and again before kicking him in the ribs. He runs into the ropes, bouncing off and goes for a tornado DDT. Blackbourne, however, spins through and gets Gold to land on his feet. He then pushes him forward into the ropes. Gold bounces off and Blackbourne scoops him up into a powerslam, only to drop him with a cutter. Gold rolls over. Blackbourne then grabs him and hooks him up for a northern lights suplex, but as he does, we see Datura slide in and see Shilo down still. She then shrugs and runs over and hits a double stomp to his ribs. She turns and goes for the pin. Blackbourne bridges up but the official is already counting Datura’s pin.






Gold kicks out, and Blackbourne rolls over, only to hear the three.




The crowd roars and then the bell sounds as Datura’s music plays.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Datura!”


Sharper: “Shilo never tried to kick out. Datura got a shot in, but that’s about it.”


Knots: “What the hell just happened!”


Shilo rolls to the floor, wincing a bit. He holds his chest and ribs as Datura rolls to the floor and watches Shilo. Blackbourne looks around as Gold turns and looks up.


Sharper: “As Blackbourne and Gold had their back and forth. Datura stole this by taking advantage of Valiant.”


Knots: “Did she figure him out? Or she wanted her parting shot? Is it even for them!?”


Sharper: “Not for Blackbourne and Valiant though! Or Gold for that matter!”


Datura turns and looks at Blackbourne. Blackbourne turns to her as Gold shakes his head. He can be seen showing his frustration as Shilo Valiant turns to the ring and smirks. Blackbourne heads toward him as Shilo backs off, shaking his finger. The crowd continues to look on as Datura heads to the back.

The scene cuts to show Erik Holland looking on with Lyric before we notice Scarlet Grey standing a few steps away. Lyric gets up and walks off, on her phone as Holland continues to look on. We then see Scarlet Grey walk over and sit down next to Holland. Holland turns, thinking Lyric has come back quickly before stopping and turning to her. Scarlet then turns over, clearly drawing attention to her cleavage as Holland pushes her away. He then stands up as Scarlet leans forward and clearly is trying to flirt with him.


Sharper: “Scarlet Grey again…Holland’s just trying to enjoy things here.”


Knots: “Clearly trying hard to get rid of her.”


Holland starts to motion to security who comes over. Scarlet goes to lean in before looking up. She gets up and looks at the security guard. She walks over and leans toward him, trying to flirt with him too as Lyric then returns, her phone down and looking disgusted at Scarlet. Holland just shrugs and Scarlet glances back before turning and heading off. The security guard follows her as Grey storms off. Lyric watches her as Holland does too before we cut back to the ring.

Peyton Rice vs. Jordan Majors

SCW Adrenaline Championship


The arena goes dark before a lone spotlight shines on the entrance, suddenly the opening beats to “All The Days" by Mammoth play throughout the arena as the beautiful Peyton Rice walks out in wrestling gear and jacket. Her long sandy blonde hair hanging down. She looks around at the crowd before getting to one knee and making a line across the entrance, she crosses her arms and lowers her head for a moment before standing up and pointing to the ring as the crowd roars.

Kelcey Wallace walks out to an even bigger roar of the crowd as she looks around and smiles. Turning to Peyton they both nods. With her gorgeous and contagious smile, Peyton starts to walk to the ring with Kelcey behind her, stopping and pulling off some high fiving the fans and taking selfies with them. She continues to head to the ring soaking up the reaction before hopping into the apron and pointing the crowd before flipping over the top rope as the crowd roars, then behind her is Kelcey who slides in the ring much to the cheers of the fans, standing up quickly, Kelcey points to the turnbuckle. Peyton hopes on the second rope, pointing at the sky as the cheers continuing, Kelcey clapping. Peyton then thanks the fans while being announced….
Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a thirty minute time limit and is for the SCW Adrenaline Championship! First, the challenger, accompanied by Kelcey Wallace, from Glendale, Arizona, she is not just another pretty face, she is Peyton Rice!”
The crowd roars as she flips from the second rope on to her feet and does a cartwheel. She takes off her jacket and ruffles her hair a little, standing in the corner, talking with Kelcey who takes her entrance gear and steps outside to the corner, awaiting for the match to begin…..


Sharper: “Peyton Rice is wondering what version of her opponent will show up tonight. The one who is focused on the match, or the one on her friends.”


Knots: “We’ve noticed that Jordan has not been dealing with Sienna or Bree tonight. I’m sure there’s something there tonight. Don’t know from what direction though.”


Sharper: “But Peyton, either way, is looking to walk out the Adrenaline Champion.”


The lights go down and flash purple as "Nightmare" by Halsey starts to play. 

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord, my soul to keep
If I shall die before I 'wake
I pray the Lord, my soul to take

Jordan Majors runs out on the stage and jumps, landing right when the beat hits and looks out at the crowd with a big smile on her face. The SCW Adrenaline Championship is around her waist. She continues to smirk as she starts to skip down the ramp ignoring anything the fans around her say.


Phillips: “Her opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, she is the SCW Adrenaline Champion, Jordan Majors!”


She sprints toward the ring apron and slides under the bottom rope to the middle of the ring, going on her elbows and kicking her feet behind her as she laughs. Jordan jumps to her feet and runs to the ropes and jumps on to the middle rope and leans across the top as she sticks her tongue out. She tosses her head back and forth a few times before hopping off the rope and sauntering around the ring before handing the title off to the official. He steps back, holding it over his head. The crowd roars as the SCW Adrenaline Championship logo comes across the screen. It settles in the bottom corner as Jordan looks at Peyton.


Sharper: “Jordan Majors hands off the title. Her first title defense here and she looks ready.”


Knots: “She better be.”


Sharper: “A match that takes on new meaning. Peyton Rice won the Rookie of the Year for 2019; Jordan Majors was the Star of Tomorrow. Both seen to have big futures in SCW.”


The official, Michael Constantine, hands off the title and backs up. The bell sounds. Peyton and Jordan step out and nod at one another, quickly reaching out and quickly tapping hands, showing some respect. They circle the ring and Jordan throws a kick, but Peyton jukes back. They jockey for a moment before locking up in the middle of the ring. They push back one on another and Peyton turns into an arm wrench. She then wrenches the arm again. Jordan looks up and flips forward and nips up and then wrenches Peyton’s arm, flipping her over to the mat. Jordan holds on, keeping the leverage. Peyton slowly turns and rolls over before flipping forward and then cartwheeling out and then grabbing Jordan and hitting a side headlock. Majors quickly turns into a headscissors. Peyton nips out. Both get up and Jordan hits a side headlock. Peyton counters with a headscissors. Jordan nips out and both get up and the crowd applauds as Peyton and Jordan keep their eyes on one another, circling the ring.


Sharper: “Both up. Both reset. The crowd appreciative, but Jordan and Peyton have not taken their eyes off one another.”


Knots: “They’ve met in the past. But the fact is that there’s a respect between them. Stems from Ace Marshall’s leadership in the Trios Tournament Buy-in of all things.”


Sharper: “Ace Marshall works in mysterious ways.”


They lunge again and Jordan goes low. She tries to lift Peyton up. Peyton tries to fight, before Jordan lifts her up and manages to get her back into the corner. Jordan rears back and goes for a hard right. Peyton ducks and runs along the ropes. Jordan waits her for and Peyton jumps up. Jordan turns and throws her into the corner, but Peyton grabs the ropes and sits on the top rope. Jordan goes for a hard right, but Peyton blocks it and boots Jordan in the face. Peyton steps up to the top rope and jumps forward. Jordan drops down. Peyton lands on her feet and rolls through. Jordan runs at her and Peyton sidesteps and sends her into the corner. Peyton then chops her. The crowd woos. Jordan winces and walks out of the corner and turns around and Peyton kicks her in the ribs.


Sharper: “And the tempo quickening here, but Jordan and Peyton both know each other well.”


Knots: “That training together problem helped and it’s playing out here.”


Peyton whips Jordan into the ropes on the opposite side. Jordan bounces off and Peyton hits a jumping back elbow. She gets up and hits a flipping senton and goes for the pin.






Jordan kicks out. Both get up and Peyton goes for a clothesline. Jordan catches her arm and ducks under before countering with a backslide.






Peyton rolls through. She gets up and Jordan kicks her in the ribs and hooks her head and then goes for a vertical suplex. Peyton spins through. Jordan runs forward, bouncing off and Peyton hits a hip toss. Jordan gets up and Peyton goes for another hip toss, but Jordan blocks it and nails Peyton in the ribs before grabbing her head and spinning her down with a neckbreaker. Peyton rolls over and Jordan goes for the pin.






Peyton kicks out. She rolls over and moves to the ropes. Jordan gets up and follows her and grabs Peyton and forearms her in the jaw and then hits a shoot kick to the ribs. Peyton winces.


Sharper: “And Jordan now using her own kicks and I think she needs to go there more!”


Knots: “The thing is that Peyton wants this to be fast. That plays to her strength!”


Jordan hits a second shoot kick and grabs Peyton and whips her across. She bounces off and Jordan scoops her up, but Peyton spins through and lands behind Jordan and hits a dropkick. Jordan falls forward. She gets up and to the ropes and Peyton runs at her and nails her with a cactus clothesline, but Peyton holds onto the ropes. Jordan goes up and over and lands in front of the announce tables. Jordan rolls over. She starts to get up and Peyton backs up to the corner before running along the apron briefly and hitting a somersault dive onto Majors!


Sharper: “And just a couple of feet in front of us, Peyton Rice hits a dive! Flipping onto Majors!”


Knots: “That’s why she wants to get the pace up. Peyton Rice wants to fly and just did!”


Sharper: “And remember, no countouts in Adrenaline division rules.”


Peyton rolls off and starts to get up and she looks at Jordan before turning and rolling into the ring. She then gets up and gets another running starts as the crowd cheers. Jordan gets up and Peyton runs at the ropes and dives over the top rope, twisting in the air into a rounding plancha onto Jordan. The crowd ohs. Peyton’s legs hit the Spanish announce table and Peyton rolls over in pain. Kelcey looks on with some concern as Jordan is down.


Sharper: “And again! Peyton Rice even making sure she got all of it!”


Knots: “Got a running start! I didn’t know that it was raining wrestlers in New Orleans!”


Sharper: “Two big dives and Jordan Majors is in trouble early!”


Peyton then starts to get up, wincing a bit and grabs Jordan. She lifts her up and rolls her into the ring. Peyton crawls into the ring and hooks the leg.






Jordan kicks out. She turns and sits up and Peyton gets up and kicks her in the spine. The crowd ohs and Jordan rolls over in pain. She starts to get up and Peyton kicks her in the chest. Majors pops up and backs up to the ropes, bouncing off and she steps forward. Peyton goes for another kick. Majors catches it. Peyton then goes for an enziguri, but Majors ducks. Peyton lands on her foot. Majors, however, lets go and quickly steps forward and waistlocks Peyton before hitting a release German suplex. The crowd ohs and Peyton rolls over in pain.


Sharper: “Majors with some urgency as Peyton went to just catch her with that enziguri. But now Peyton her.”


Knots: “And her legs hit the Spanish announce table. She’s taking a beating even while giving it out.”


Peyton grabs at the ropes and starts to get up and Jordan grabs her and hooks her up in a front face lock before hoisting her up and bouncing her off the top rope and hitting a slingshot suplex. She floats over for the pin.






Peyton shoots her shoulder up. She rolls over and crawls to the ropes. Majors walks over and as Peyton gets up, Majors clubs her in the back and then again. She turns and whips Peyton into the ropes. Peyton bounces off and Majors goes for a clothesline. Peyton ducks and bounces off the other side and hits a flying headscissors. Peyton goes for the pin.






Majors kicks out. Peyton rolls off and moves to the corner. Majors moves to the middle of the ring and gets up and Peyton runs at him and jumps up, but Majors leans forward, catches her on her shoulders, before dropping down to her knees with the Argentine backbreaker. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Majors caught Peyton and immediately made her pay!”


Knots: “Peyton’s ribs and back just found out that landing on your opponent’s shoulders sucks!”


Peyton grimaces in pain and Majors turns and knees her in the ribs and then again. Peyton turns and Majors knees her in the back. Majors then turns and grabs the legs of Peyton and lifts them up onto her knee before reaching out and pulling back on her arms. The crowd roars as Peyton yells out in pain and Majors locks in the Scorpio Cross Lock.


Sharper: “Majors pulling out all stops. She knows Peyton is hurt!”


Knots: “This is new!”


Sharper: “Majors not known for her submissions. She must have seen this somewhere and figured why not. But the pain on the face and shown in the reaction of Peyton Rice says it all! This mix of the step over and the double chickenwing, putting all sorts of pressure on the torso of the challenger!”


Majors pulls back as Peyton yells out. The crowd roars as the official checks on her as Majors tries to change the hold, moving gradually to a chinlock. Peyton grimaces and struggles as Majors loses it, holding Peyton against the mat. Peyton however manages to get free enough to get a leg out and Majors moves into a standard stepover chinlock.


Sharper: “And there’s the submission inexperience. Majors wanted more pressure on the ribs.”


Knots: “She helped Peyton get out just by trying to go for more.”


Sharper: “Not out yet. Still fighting.”


Majors steps over and goes to pull up, but Peyton quickly gets her knees under her. Majors pulls Peyton up. Peyton struggles a bit and gets to a kneeling position. Majors clubs her in the chest. Majors then steps forward and hits a hard kick to the chest. Peyton falls back. Majors goes for the pin






Peyton kicks out. Majors gets up and grabs Peyton. Majors drags her up and forearms her in the jaw. She then hooks her head. She hoists her up for another suplex, but Peyton counters with a knee to the face. Peyton drops down and Majors shakes it off and goes for a clothesline. Peyton ducks and stops. Majors turns and Peyton drills her with the Snowbird. The crowd hos. Peyton rolls away. Majors holds her ribs in pain.


Sharper: “Peyton not going for the pin. More the distance. Trying to probably get some air as those ribs have to be hurting.”


Knots: “Jordan’s are too!”


Peyton starts to get up and Jordan rolls over. She starts to get up. Peyton turns to her and chops her. The crowd woos. She chops her again. More woos. She then grabs Jordan and whips her into the ropes. Jordan bounces off and Peyton hits the Rice-a-roni on the rebound. She follows up with the pin.






Jordan gets her shoulder up. Peyton turns and gets up. She grabs Jordan by the head and pulls her up before forearming her in the jaw. Jordan falls to the ropes. Peyton whips her across the ring. Jordan bounces off and Peyton jumps up and goes for a hurricanrana. She takes Jordan over. Jordan rolls through and into a sunset flip pin.






Peyton pushes forward and pushes Jordan back into a pin.






Jordan kicks out. Both get up and Peyton kicks her in the ribs and goes for a swinging neckbreaker and hits it. Peyton turns and exits to the apron. She climbs up to the top rope. Jordan remains down and Peyton goes for a frog splash. Jordan moves out of the way. Peyton hits hard and slowly gets up and Jordan walks over and grabs her and pumphandles her before throwing her back with a pumphandle suplex. The crowd ohs and Jordan goes for the pin.






Peyton shoots her shoulder up. Jordan looks up. She then gets up and grabs her, dragging her up before hoisting her up and hitting the falcon arrow into a pin.






Peyton pushes her off. Both roll over and start to get up and Jordan turns to Peyton and grabs her, but Peyton jumps up and hits a pump fallback kick to the head. Jordan falls back to the corner. Peyton walks over and grabs her and chops her. The crowd woos. She then hoists her up and places her on the top rope. Peyton then climbs up to the middle rope and then the top rope before grabbing Jordan, but Jordan nails her in the ribs and then again. She pushes Peyton back, but she’s hung up on the top rope. Peyton sits up to try and free herself and Jordan steps up and hits a double foot stomp to her chest. Peyton falls to the mat and Jordan rolls through.


Sharper: “Jordan with the counter that could win this for her! The double stomp and Peyton’s body! My God!”


Knots: “Peyton had something in mind and Jordan instead decided to cave her chest in!”


Jordan turns and drags Peyton out and hits an elbow drop before moving to the corner. She climbs up to the top rope and glances back. She then hits a top rope moonsault. The crowd roars. Jordan hooks the leg.






Peyton shoots her shoulder up. Jordan rolls away and looks out and then back before starting to get up. Peyton rolls over, reaching for the ropes. The crowd cheers both as a “Let’s go Majors! Let’s go Peyton!” duelling chant begins. Kelcey plays to the crowd some as Jordan grabs Peyton and clubs her in the back and then again. She pulls her away from the ropes, setting up for another German suplex, but Peyton backflips through. The crowd ohs. Jordan turns and Peyton runs at her and grabs her head and runs up the corner and spins through with a bulldog. She dives for the pin, hooking both legs.






Jordan pushes her off and the referee emphatically highlights the two. Peyton looks at the official and then starts to get up.


Sharper: “Peyton nearly gets the three, but Jordan gets that shoulder up!”


Knots: “You want to be champion. You want to get through Majors. She’s focused and she’s going to keep fighting!”


Sharper: “Back to the well now as Peyton looks to figure something else out that may work!”


Peyton grabs Jordan and starts to lift her up. She then chops her. The crowd woos. She chops her again. More woos. She then whips her across the ring. Jordan bounces off. Peyton goes for a clothesline. Jordan ducks and stops. She goes for a shoot kick to the head. Peyton ducks and then rolls her up.






Jordan kicks out. Both get up and Jordan hits a palm strike. The crowd ohs and Peyton stumbles back to the ropes. Jordan then walks over and grabs her and lifts her up and places her on the top rope. The crowd roars as Jordan clubs her in the back and then again. She then starts to stand up to the middle rope and turns around, trying to go for an elevated crucifix. Peyton however fights off and elbows Jordan in the back of the head and then again before pulling herself forward, holding the top turnbuckle and hitting a kick to the back of Jordan’s head. Jordan falls to the mat and Peyton looks at her before climbing up to her feet. She steadies herself and dives off and hits the Pretty Girl Drop.


Sharper: “Peyton Rice hits the Pretty Girl Drop!”


Knots: “Jordan made a mistake!”


Peyton hooks the leg.








The crowd roars.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, and NEW SCW Adrenaline Champion, Peyton Rice!”


Peyton rolls over and turns to her side, looking relieved. Kelcey applauds as the official is handed the Adrenaline Championship. He takes it and hands it to Peyton. Peyton gets up and has her arm raised, holding the title in her other hand. Kelcey enters the ring and walks over as Peyton smiles and the two hug. Kelcey then asks for the title and places it around the waist of Peyton.


Sharper: “Tonight, Peyton Rice may have righted the ship. She’s had a tough year!”


Knots: “She has, but she’s holding gold again. This time Adrenaline Championship gold!”


Sharper: “Jordan Majors’ run comes to a sudden halt, but the Rookie of the Year walks out as champion and crowned by her mentor, Kelcey Wallace, placing the title around her waist!”


Knots: “Hell of a match.”


Peyton turns and smiles as she looks up. She turns as we then see Alistaire Allocco heading down to the ring and Kelcey smiles as Jordan leans on the bottom rope. She starts to get up and Alistaire enters the ring. We cut to see Damian Angel standing off to the side on the floor, looking on too. Peyton turns as Jordan pulls herself up. She steps forward as Kelcey and Alistaire turn to her. Jordan just nods and pats Peyton on the shoulder before dropping down and rolling to the floor. She starts to head to the back as Peyton looks on. Alistaire then walks forward and the two embrace as the crowd cheers some more. Jordan heads to the back as Peyton continues her celebration and the scene fades to black.

A slowed down shot, showing Alistaire Allocco having his arm raised by Adam Allocco at the end of last year’s Taking Hold of the Flame is shown. Following this, we see shots of Ravyn Taylor smirking in the ring, before showing Shilo Valiant smiling, and then showing James Exeter looking around stunned. A shot of CHBK winning the first Taking Hold of the Flame is shown before we cut to see Giovanni Aries in the ring, laughing. Static then comes up on the screen.


Sienna: “There’s only one happy-“


Sienna switches to show Chris Cannon finishing her sentence.


Chris: “Happening on that night-“


Chris Cannon switches to Syren.


Syren: “Where I take what I should already-“


Owen Cruze is shown.


Owen: “Have. And restore dignity and integrity-“


We cut to Derek Adonis.


Adonis: “KABLAM!”


Adonis looks arounds.


Adonis: “What?”


Cookie comes in.


Cookie: “It was perfect!”


Kelcey Wallace then walks into view. She just clears her voice. Cookie winces.


Cookie: “Sorry.”


We then see images of each of the members of the SCW roster flash on the screen before the SCW Taking Hold of the Flame logo comes up on the screen.


“SCW presents Taking Hold of the Flame, on Sunday, May 31, 2020, only on pay per view!”

Kelsai Adamson-Mason & Blake Mason vs. The Jackass and Big Ass Connection

SCW World Tag Team Championship


“Let Love In” plays as the crowd roars. A few moments pass before Kelsai Adamson-Mason walks out from the back, with Amy Chastaine. She smiles at the crowd before starting to make her way down to the ring.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall, has a thirty minute time limit and is the SCW World Tag Team Championship! The challengers. Coming to the ring first, accompanied by Amy Chastaine, from Seattle, Washington, she is Kelsai Adamson-Mason!”


Getting to the ring, Kelsai jumps from the floor to the ring apron before she steps through the ropes, reveals her simple all white attire, and goes to her corner, smiling and waving enthusiastically, before she gets ready for her match, with Amy keeping watch from the corner outside.


Sharper: “Kelsai Adamson-Mason looking to win her second piece of SCW gold tonight. She’ll be teaming with her brother in law, Blake Mason. Remember, there was some tension thanks to Blake turning down the Trios Tournament opportunity. But this is different.”


Knots: “No worry about running into Bree Lancaster or Sienna Swann!”


The lights go out. A few moments later, a white spotlight shines at the top of the ramp. In that spotlight we see a man wearing a robe that "Blake Mason Experience" embroidered in white. The lights to the rest of the arena come back on, the chorus to "G.O.A.T" echoes through the loud speaker. Blake Mason still has his back turned to the camera. Standing behind him is Jaxson Sullivan, wearing a suit, looking like he is ready to knock someone’s head off.  


Phillips: “Her partner, accompanied by Jaxson Sullivan, from Boston, Massachusetts, he is Blake Mason! Together, they are the Badass Love Experience!”


Blake heads to the ring at a methodical pace. Reaching the steel steps, he walks up them, on to the apron, steps into the ring. Jaxson isn't too far behind. They reach the center of the ring. Blake turns his back to the main camera. He takes off his robe, hands it to Jaxson. Blake is shown to be wearing black leather pants like wrestling tights. He walks over to Kelsai. By then, Jaxson is now standing outside the ring, keeping an eye on his surroundings. Sullivan stands a few feet away from Chastaine as Chastaine watches him briefly before turning her attention to Blake and Kelsai.


Sharper: “This match coming about as Blake Mason took issue with Tommy Valentine’s lack for respect towards his sister-in-law.”


Knots: “He’s been getting involved in other’s affairs and I’m not sure if it’s a good plan.”


Sharper: “Got a title shot here. Though, but Kelsai and Blake are hardly a battleworn team.”


Knots: “They got a name though!”


Sharper: “That’s half the battle, right?”


The sound of a whip cracking gets everyone's attention, followed by the heavy bass riff of “More Human than Human.” The sounds of a female in the throes of passion seem to have been replaced with Kandis' voice. When the moaning stops, the heavier music kicks in, then Kandis and Tommy Valentine come through the curtain, holding their World Tag Team Championship belts. Both smirk as they look around.


Phillips: “And their opponents, from West Hollywood, California, she is Kandis.... and from Santa Barbara, California, he is Tommy Valentine. Together, they are the SCW World Tag Team Champions, The Jackass and Big Ass Connection!”


The heavy music continues as the pair walk down the ramp, Kandis a step ahead, with Tommy clearly watching her voluptuous rear end as they proceed. Once getting to the ring, Tommy hops on the apron as Kandis goes up the steps. He holds the ropes open for her, and she steps through, slowly, making sure all who are interested get a good view (and pics) of her ass. Once in the ring, Kandis walks around showing herself off while Tommy watches. Kandis then walks to their corner, and Tommy follows, giving her ass a light slap as they get to the corner. The official walks over and asks for the titles. Tommy and Kandis oblige and he steps back, holding them over his head. The crowd roars as the SCW World Tag Team Championship logo comes across the screen and fades to the bottom corner.


Sharper: “The question for the Connection may simply be two issues. Do they respect their opponents enough as a threat? Can Tommy Valentine rebound from losing the SCW Television Championship on Wednesday?”


Knots: “We’ll find out, but I doubt Tommy wants to lose two titles in five days!”


Sharper: “That would be a stunning turn of events when Tommy, in the last month alone won both.”


The bell sounds as Blake starts off for his team. Tommy smirks and tells Kandis to exit. The crowd roars as Blake and Tommy lock eyes. They circle a bit and the crowd roars as the two lock up in the middle of the ring. They push back on one another and Blake moves into a side headlock. He pulls back and Tommy drags him back and sends him across. Blake bounces off the other side and Tommy shoulders him down. He turns and runs into the ropes. Blake rolls toward him and Tommy hops over and stops and stomps him in the head. Blake rolls over and gets up and shoves Tommy back. Tommy laughs a bit and shoves Blake back. Blake then turns aside for a moment before turning and nailing Tommy with a hard right. Tommy nails him with one of his own. Blake then goes for another shot, but Tommy drops down with a drop toe hold.


Sharper: “Tommy playing with Blake early. He knows Blake may be on edge in this one.”


Knots: “Teaming up with family and acting as the protector. Kelsai doesn’t need that. She needs a partner focused!”


Tommy gets up and locks in a side headlock. Tommy starts to pull Blake up. Blake reaches around as Kelsai looks on. Tommy then nails him with a hard right to the head. Blake falls to a knee. Blake steps up and Tommy nails him again. He then throws him into the neutral corner. Tommy kicks him in the ribs and then again before grabbing Blake and going to whip him across. Tommy runs after and Blake hits the corner and gets a boot up. Tommy stumbles back and immediately tags in Kandis. Kandis enters and runs at Blake. Blake blocks it a hard clothesline with his forearms before he knees her in the ribs. Blake then scoops her up and slams her down. Kandis gets back up and Tommy looks on as Blake wrenches Kandis’s arm. He jerks on it and whips her into the corner. Blake runs after and clotheslines her. Kandis winces and Blake grabs her and snapmares her over. He turns and tags in Kelsai. Kelsai enters the ring and hits a running elbow drop. She goes for the pin.






Kandis kicks out. She rolls over and Kelsai gets up and grabs her. She forearms her in the jaw and then again. Blake exits. Kelsai then goes to whip her into the ropes, but Kandis spins through and sends her in. Kelsai goes for a sunset flip on the rebound, Kandis ducking a bit early. Kandis however blocks it and quickly hits a hip drop. The crowd ohs. Kelsai rolls over as Kandis rolls over too.


Sharper: “Kandis struggled there against Blake Mason. Mason almost reset when she entered.”


Knots: “But now another reset. An ass to the chest tends to do that in a lot of ways.”


Kandis and Kelsai both get up and Kandis quickly kicks her in the ribs. She then grabs her by the head and elbows her in it. Kandis then scoops Kelsai up and slams her down. Kandis turns and runs into the ropes and bounces off and goes for a running leg drop. Kelsai rolls out of the way. Kandis hits hard and turns and gets up and Kelsai runs at her and hits a running dropkick. Kandis stumbles back into the corner. Kelsai then gets up and grabs Kandis and snapmares her out of the corner. Kelsai then jumps to the middle turnbuckle and jumps back, before kicking out as she falls back, catching Kandis in the face. Kandis falls back. Kelsai dives for the pin.






Kandis kicks out. Kandis rolls over as Kelsai gets up. She turns and runs into the ropes, but Tommy quickly spins around the ringpost and knees her in the back. The crowd boos. Blake walks along the apron and points to Tommy, who promptly holds up his tag rope. Kandis scoops Kelsai up and steps forward, hitting a fallaway slam. She turns and tags in Tommy.


Sharper: “Tommy with the knee. Kandis with the fallaway slam. And there goes that energy from Kelsai into a net negative.”


Knots: “She wants to let love in. Not knees to the spine!”


Sharper: “Blake is riled up but now, Tommy going after Kelsai!”


Tommy runs over and stomps her in the back over and over. The crowd boos as Tommy then stands on her head and presses down.










Blake enters and quickly Tommy gets the official’s attention. Tommy then grabs Kelsai and drags her up before hitting a snap suplex and Tommy grabs the top rope. He pulls on it suddenly allowing Kandis to flip over and into a flipping leg drop to the head of Kelsai. As Blake exits, Tommy claps his hands and exits as Kandis goes for the pin. The official turns around.






Kelsai gets her shoulder up. Kandis gets up and tags Tommy back in as Blake looks on, Amy talking to him briefly.


Sharper: “Tommy back in as a nearfall. Kandis and Tommy quickly on the same page.”


Knots: “I mean they have connection in their team name. That counts for something!”


Kelsai rolls over and Tommy grabs her and scoops her up and slams her down. Kelsai winces and turns and Tommy grabs her and hits an European uppercut. Kelsai falls to the ropes. Blake reaches out, but Tommy pulls her away. He forearms her in the jaw. Kelsai falls to the corner. Tommy then grabs her and whips her across the ring. She hits the corner and Tommy runs across and jumps up for a leg lariat, but Kelsai moves out of the way. Tommy hits and rolls down and Kelsai jumps to the middle rope and hits a twisting crossbody as Tommy gets up.






Tommy kicks out. Kelsai gets up and Tommy turns and grabs at her, but Kelsai kicks him in the ribs and jumps up and hits a snap frankensteiner. She turns and dives, tagging in Blake. Blake enters and Tommy gets up and Blake grabs his head and drives it down into his knee. Tommy pops up and Blake goes for the pin.






Tommy kicks out. Blake gets up and grabs Tommy. Tommy reaches up and goes for the eyes, but Blake pushes them away. He kicks him in the ribs and hooks his head. He then hoists him up and goes for a vertical suplex, but holds him up for a few moments. The crowd roars and Blake then throws him back.


Sharper: “Hanging vertical suplex as Blake seems to have cooled down a bit. Or maybe he’s realized he needs to.”


Knots: “While making Tommy light-headed. Just holding him up there!”


Tommy rolls over and starts to get up. Blake walks over and chops him. The crowd woos. He chops him again. He then whips him across the ring. Tommy hits the ropes, but reaches out and Kandis tags herself in. Blake catches Tommy on the rebound and lifts him up before falling back and back dropping him to the floor. Blake turns around and Kandis enters and hits a spinning back fist. Blake hits the mat. He slowly rolls over and Kandis hits a straight kick, knocking him into the corner. Kandis then moves across the ring and runs across and hits a handspring into the Booty Call. Blake stumbles out and Kandis throws him down and goes for the pin.






Blake kicks out. He rolls over as Tommy starts to get up on the floor. Kandis grabs him and throws him to the floor. Tommy turns and grabs him and pulls him up, but Kelsai spins around and runs along the apron and dives off with a crossbody, taking Tommy down. The crowd roars.


Knots: “Kelsai protecting Blake!”


Sharper: “Kelsai saw what Kandis was thinking. Kelsai wasn’t going to let Tommy take advantage of this!”


Kandis rolls over to the floor as Kelsai starts to get up and Kandis grabs Kelsai and throws her face first into the barricade. (1) She falls over and Blake starts to get up and Kandis turns and kicks him in the ribs and then again. (2) She pushes him into the ring and rolls in. Blake rolls over and Kandis runs at him and nails him with the Gratuitous.


Knots: “Ass to the face!”


Sharper: “Kandis squared him up.”


Knots: “Part of me wonders if this may be the first time Blake’s been laid unconscious due to ass to the face!”


Kandis hooks the leg.






Blake kicks out. Tommy starts to get up and moves around Kelsai as Kelsai stirs too. Kandis looks around to see where Tommy is and she grabs Blake. She gets him to his feet and forearms him in the jaw and then again before backing up and going for a spin kick to the head. Blake ducks and pops up grabbing Kandis and throwing her back with a back suplex. Blake rolls over as Kelsai starts to get up. Tommy gets up onto the apron. Kandis remains down as Kelsai grabs at the ropes. Blake then turns and runs over and nails Tommy with a hard right. Tommy falls off as the crowd cheers. Blake turns around and tells Kelsai to get up. Kandis stirs and Blake clubs her in the back and then again before dragging her over and tagging in Kelsai. Blake then scoops Kandis up as Kelsai climbs to the top rope and dives off with a leg drop/sidewalk slam combo.


Sharper: “The Masons with some teamwork. Sidewalk slam, leg drop!”


Kelsai goes for the pin.






Kandis kicks out. Blake turns and Tommy slides into the ring and runs over and nails Blake from behind with a forearm. He falls through the ropes to the floor. Kelsai gets up and chops him. The crowd woos. She chops him again and then again. She turns and runs across the ring, but Kandis gets up enough and shoulders her in the ribs. Kelsai stumbles back and Tommy then hits a European uppercut. She hits the mat and Tommy hits a standing moonsault before moving out of the way as Kandis hits the Bass Drop. She remains on top of her for the pin.






Kelsai gets her shoulder up. Kandis rolls over. She gets up and Kelsai stirs. Tommy’s forced out of the ring as Kandis grabs Kelsai and runs her into the Connection corner. Kandis then tags in Tommy. Kelsai suddenly nails Kandis with a forearm and a back elbow to Tommy before forearming Kandis again and then dives forward. Tommy enters and runs over and dives onto Kelsai, clubbing her in the back, over and over while mounting on her.


Sharper: “And Kelsai fighting! Refusing to just take it.”


Knots: “Tommy not happy. Just going right after Kelsai! She may not be fighting back for long. This may be a one and two soon!”


Tommy then gets up and pulls her up and onto his shoulders and hits a samoan drop. The crowd boos as Tommy turns and moves to the corner. He exits to the apron. He then springboards to the top rope and dives forward with a splash. He goes for the pin.






Blake breaks it up. Blake gets up and Kandis enters and hits a spinning back kick to the ribs. She runs into the ropes and as Tommy gets up, Blake scoops Kandis up and throws her into Tommy, causing her to take him down with a seated senton. Kandis gets up and turns and Blake checks on Kelsai only for Kandis to hit a dropkick. Blake falls to the mat. Kandis then gets up and Kelsai runs at her and hits a flying headscissors. The crowd cheers. Kandis rolls out of the ring. Kelsai turns and goes over to Tommy and grabs him, but Tommy lifts her up and places her chest first on the top turnbuckle. He then turns and Blake kicks him in the ribs and then again before lifting him up and placing him on the top turnbuckle of the Connection corner. Blake then looks over at Kelsai. Kelsai starts to recover as Blake climbs up to the middle turnbuckle, the official trying to restore order. Blake then hits a superplex on Tommy. Kelsai stands up and hits the Bombs Away!


Sharper: “Kelsai hit it! She hit the frog splash!”


Knots: “Do you think Tommy respects her now?!”


She stays on him for the pin.






Kandis slides in and breaks it up just in time. The crowd ohs. Kelsai rolls off. Blake fights his way up and grabs Kandis and lifts her up for the Blake Mason Experience, but Kandis elbows her way out of it. She slides down before grabbing Blake and running him shoulder first into the ringpost. Blake falls over to the apron. Kandis turns around and Kelsai moves over and chops her. The crowd woos. She chops her again and then nails her with a kick to the ribs. She backs up and goes for an axe kick. Kandis side steps as Tommy starts to stir. Kandis then hits a sweep kick to the legs of Kelsai. She hits the mat. She starts to get up to her knees and Kandis and Tommy lock eyes as Tommy gets up and grabs Kelsai and places her head between her legs. Kandis moves to the corner and steps up to the middle rope as Tommy steps back and then hoists Kelsai up before them to hit the No Strings Attached. Tommy stays down for the sitout powerbomb. Blake rolls in.






Blake dives for the break. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “And Blake somehow finds the will to enter and break it up!”


Knots: “That hand was coming down for three! Seems like Blake still had a string attached!”


Sharper: “But Tommy and Kandis in better position to keep the momentum on here!”


Blake rolls over and starts to get up. Tommy rolls over as Kandis turns and grabs Blake, but Blake elbows her in the jaw. He turns and stomps Tommy with a shot. He turns back and nails Kandis with another shot before turning to Tommy and grabbing him and nailing him over and over again. Kelsai staggers up, fighting up as Amy wills her on and she jumps up and hits a dropkick, but doesn’t get all of it. Kandis falls to the ropes. Kelsai gets up as Blake turns and helps her up. Kelsai nods as Blake and her come back and both kick Tommy in the ribs. They whip him across the ring and Tommy bounces off. Blake and Kelsai’s timing, however, is a bit off and Blake lifts Tommy up a bit early and Kelsai goes to help, but Tommy turns and lands onto Kelsai, knocking her down.


Sharper: “The lack of experience perhaps an issue there. They’re not as well-oiled!”


Knots: “Blake too early and Kelsai still hurting despite the heart!”


Blake turns and grabs Tommy and pulls him up but Kandis then hits a jumping boot. Blake falls back and through the ropes to the floor. Kelsai fights her way up only for Tommy to lift her up and the Connection hits the Welcome Distraction. The crowd ohs. Tommy rolls over for the pin as Kandis turns to keep Blake out.


Sharper: “Welcome Distraction! This has to be it!”








Phillips: “Here are your winners, via pinfall, and STILL SCW World Tag Team Champions, The Jackass and Big Ass Connection!”


Knots: “The Masons came in and had something going, but just too much chemistry on the other side.”


Sharper: “The established team able to weather through and the Connection showing they can face anyone of any level and any connection and outdo them! This was just too much for Kelsai to overcome!”


Knots: “And Blake tried to do what he could, but just not enough tonight.”


Tommy rolls off as Kandis backs up. Amy looks on as the official hands Tommy and Kandis their titles. They hold them up as the crowd boos. Kandis and Tommy smile as they then embrace in the ring before holding the titles up. Blake recovers on the floor and leans against the apron as the Connection keeps celebrating.

Backstage, we see Peyton Rice stepping out of her locker room, holding the Adrenaline Championship, having taken a quick shower as she heads over to Alistaire Allocco and Kelcey Wallace.


Alistaire: “There you are. The new champion.”


Kelcey: “Congratulations.”


Peyton: “Thanks…just…feels really good.”


Kelcey: “Seems there’s a lot to feel good about these days.”


Alistaire: “Of course-“


Just then, we hear some clapping as Matt Hodges comes into view.


Hodges: “Bravo…bravo…both of you.”


Alistaire: “Matt-“


Hodges: “Sorry. I figured I’d come and congratulation. The new champion…and you…dropping your father on his head and kicking him.”


Alistaire winces briefly, clearly uncomfortable.


Hodges: “Just saw what you had to do. Very good. But I figured you should see what I can do.”


Alistaire: “Oh?”


Hodges: “I’ve got a little tune-up. On Breakdown. Against someone I’ve heard is your friend…Konrad Raab.”


Kelcey: “You shouldn’t look past him. You saw what he is capable of tonight too.”


Hodges: “Don’t plan to.”


Alistaire: “Well good luck.”


Hodges: “Thank you…you should watch closely.”


Hodges smiles and points to Peyton.


Hodges: “You look good with gold.”


Hodges walks off as Alistaire watches him leave and the scene changes.

Selena Frost vs. Glory Braddock vs. Asher Hayes


The arena lights dim down, as the opening riffs of "Rope" by the Foo Fighters echo throughout the arena. At the 13 second mark, the name "Asher Hayes" blares through the sound system. As the arena lights return to normal, Asher appears on the stage, wearing a long leather jacket and sunglasses.
“This indecision got me climbing up the wall
Been cheating gravity and waiting on the fall
How did this come over me, I thought I was above it all
Our hopes gone up in smoke, swallow your crown
Choke, on a kiss, I thought I'd save my breath for you
Choke, on a kiss, I thought I'd save my breath for you”

Phillips: “The following contest is a triple threat match, scheduled for onefall and has a thirty minute time limit. First, on his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, he is Asher Hayes!”

He makes his way down the ramp as the cheers of the crowd rain down upon him. He walks up the ring steps and climbs to the top turnbuckle, lifting both fists into the air, slinging the jacket off his shoulders, saluting the crowd before dropping down and running to the opposite side.
“Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm hanging on you
Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm pulling for you now
Give me some rope I'm coming, out of my head, into the clear when you, go,
I, go, noose…”
He stands, once again, on the top rope. He tosses his shades out to the crowd, smirking and a blowing a kiss to the fans before dropping down, removing his jacket and handing it to the ref before leaning into the corner, waiting for the match to begin.


Sharper: “Asher Hayes, partially for doing the right thing, partially because of his friendship with Ace Marshall, he’s gotten caught up in this.”


Knots: “Yeah, but let’s be fair. This is a chance for him to immediately get to the top. He’s facing two of the top stars in SCW. So you make the best of it!”



The SCW Universe are on their feet as  “The Truth About Our Time” by Allen/Lande as plays throughout the arena, snow “falling” along the electronic floor and screens as, out from the back walks the Snow Queen, Selena Frost, taking in the crowd of the SCW Universe.


Phillips: “Next, from Nome, Alaska, she is the Snow Queen, Selena Frost!”

Slowly, Selena shifts her head, her sapphire eyes locked towards the ring as she lifts her front hand gracefully, extending it towards the ring, palm upward, her back arm lifted behind her to the sky. With a lift of her right foot, she suddenly slams it down into the ground, causing a crack like ice to form and sprint down the ramp and towards the ring! Reaching the ring, Selena slides under the ropes to enter it. She gets up and lifts her hand up to give a twirl as the lights form to make a massive snowflake under her. Stopping her spin and lowering her hand back down, towards the audience, once again palm upright, a smirk graces her lips, her other arm lifting to the sky once more. With a slam of her foot, Selena caused the snowflake at her feet to “crack” as the rampway did, the shards of ice streaking out to all four corners of the ring to shoot out blue sparkles of light as the lights return to normal. She looks around as the crowd roars.


Sharper: “Selena Frost wanted to do the right thing. Wanted to help Asher Hayes when the Beauty Factory attacked him. But now she’s been sucked back into these issues.”


Knots: “With the Beauty Factory. Glory Braddock stepping up and she made it clear. This is about Selena getting in the wrong place and now it’s her issue.”


The first chords of "When Legends Rise" begins to play over the PA system.

Phillips: “Finally,fFrom London, England, she is The British Bombshell, Glory Braddock!”
Glory Braddock steps out onto the stage, wearing her ring gear consisting of purple spandex pants, boots, and a purple top. She really does look like a million bucks and grins from ear to ear, gazing out at the crowd for a moment before making her way down the entrance ramp.
It's burning down, it's burning high
when ashes fall the legends rise
We burned it out oh my oh why
When ashes fall the legends rise

Throat is dry, my vision's fading
I'm paralyzed and left here waiting
Taking time just one step forward
Won't lose my mind, I'm here to stay

The British Bombshell steps up the steel steps and then onto the ring apron. She poses momentarily on the apron, allowing people to take snapshots before stepping through the ropes and into the ring.  Once in the ring Glory heads to the center of the ring and poses once more. Then the music dies down slowly...


Sharper: “Glory Braddock, part hitman for the Beauty Factory, but doing this herself.”


Knots: “Yeah. Xiomara Diaz asked her to get here on Wednesday to get involved.”


Sharper: “But let’s not forget that this is all personally motivated. Just as you said with Asher, the same the truth here for Glory and Selena. A win here is a statement, not just tied to these issues with Swann and Cannon. Or Ace.”


The bell sounds and Glory runs over and nails Selena with a hard forearm. Selena drops down to the corner and Hayes runs out and grabs Glory. Glory ducks under and goes for a roll-up.






Hayes kicks out. Glory rolls away. Hayes gets up and looks at her before Glory turns and watches as Selena starts to get up.


Sharper: “And Glory trying to win this fast. Almost trying to do it in record time.”


Knots: “That’s one way to tell them to get aside. Beat them quickly.”


Glory then moves over and goes over to Hayes and kicks him in the ribs before kicking him again. Selena gets up and Glory turns to her and grabs her, but Selena blocks it and kicks her in the ribs. She runs Glory over into the corner. Selena then chops her. The crowd woos. Selena kicks her over and over before Hayes walks over and grabs her. He hits a back suplex. Selena rolls over, holding her head and neck. Hayes looks at her and shrugs before running over and grabbing her. He goes for a vertical suplex. Selena however kicks her legs and drops down. Hayes then nails her in the ribs and whips her across the ring and Glory steps out and Selena lifts her up, launching her up. Asher turns and runs over and grabs Glory, but Selena hits a moonsault, taking both down.


Sharper: “And here we go. All three now knowing the score. They’re focusing on the win!”


Knots: “And Selena just gave herself a hell of a chance for just that!”


Sharper: “A moonsault takes down both Hayes and Braddock!”


Braddock and Hayes roll over. Selena turns and moves to Braddock and nails her with a couple of hard rights to the head. Braddock rolls over to the ropes. Hayes starts to get up and Selena turns to him and hits a dropkick. Hayes hits the mat. Selena goes for the pin.






Hayes kicks out. Hayes grabs at the ropes and starts to get up. Selena hits a shoot kick, knocking Hayes back into the corner. Selena turns back to Glory who slingshots into the ring, grabs Selena and drives her down with a reverse STO. The crowd ohs. Glory turns and hooks the leg.


Sharper: “Glory! With a hell of a move!”


Knots: “Yeah, just drove Selena right to the mat!”






Selena kicks out. Glory rolls over and gets up. Hayes runs over and clubs her in the back. He spins her around and hits a forearm shiver. Glory falls to the ropes. Hayes whips her across. Glory bounces off and Hayes scoops her up on the rebound onto his shoulders. He then drops to his knees, hitting a ribbreaker across it. Glory flips forward and Hayes hooks the leg.






Glory kicks out. She rolls over as Hayes turns and stomps her in the chest and then again. He turns around and grabs Selena. Selena however forearms him in the ribs before hitting a jawbreaker. Hayes stumbles back to the corner. Selena gets up and runs over and hits a dropkick. Hayes stumbles out and falls to the mat. Selena then turns and exits to the apron before climbing up to the top rope, but as she does, Glory runs over and pushes her off. Selena falls off and lands on the floor. The crowd ohs. Glory smirks.


Sharper: “Selena! Oh God! To the floor!”


Knots: “Glory saw the moment and Selena was too focused on Asher!”


Sharper: “And that could be all for Selena! Glory Braddock now turning to Asher!”


Glory turns and Asher starts to get up, but Glory grabs him from behind and pulls him back into a reverse DDT. Glory follows up with a pin.






Asher kicks out. Glory gets up and grabs Asher, dragging him up and kicks him in the ribs. Asher stumbles over to the corner. Glory follows up and kicks him in the ribs. He then grabs Asher and runs out and hits a running bulldog. She rolls him over and goes for the pin.






Asher gets his shoulder up again. He rolls over and starts to move to the ropes. Glory gets up and follows up and clubs him in the back and then again before running across the ring. She bounces off and Asher runs out and hits a spear. The crowd ohs. Glory rolls over in pain.


Sharper: “Asher comes back! Glory ran right into it!”


Knots: “Guess Cannon aint the only one who can throw one of them!”


Glory holds her ribs and starts to get up and Asher hooks her head, hoists her up and grabs her leg before hitting a swinging fisherman’s suplex into a bridge.






Braddock kicks out. Asher rolls over and Braddock rolls over. She gets to the ropes. Asher then turns and grabs her and goes for a German suplex. Braddock elbows out of it. Asher stumbles back. Glory then runs into the ropes, bounces off and goes up for a flying headscissors, but Asher shrugs her off and she lands on her feet. She goes for a hard right, but Asher ducks, catches her in a half nelson and hits a bulldog. He rolls her over and goes for the pin.






Glory gets her shoulder. Selena meanwhile climbs to the apron and Asher gets up and steps forward. Selena then springboards to the top rope and does a front flip into a dragonrana. The crowd erupts in cheers.






Asher kicks out just in time. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Selena returns to this match in a hell of a way. A dragonrana. The Alaskan dragonrana!”


Knots: “But only two!”


Asher rolls over as Selena gets up. Glory starts to stir and Selena jumps up and hits a dropkick. Glory hits the mat. Selena rolls over and gets up and Asher forearms her in the jaw. Selena stumbles back. Asher kicks her in the ribs. He then hooks her up and goes for a brainbuster, but Selena spins through and lands behind him. She then grabs his arm and wrenches it and hits the Paydirt. Asher falls back. Selena goes for the pin.






Glory breaks it up. Selena rolls over. She gets up and Glory chops her. The crowd woos. Selena chops her back. Glory fires back with a forearm and Selena fires back with one of her own. They then both run in opposite directions and bounce off and nail each other with forearms. They stagger back before stumbling forward and grabbing one another and Asher gets up and jumps up and takes both down with a double frankensteiner. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Unbelievable! Never seen anything like that.”


Knots: “Just the leg strength to do it!”


Selena and Glory both start to get up and Asher gets up and hits Selena with a European uppercut. She falls back to the corner. Asher turns and kicks Glory in the ribs. Asher then pulls her in and hoists her up for a buckle bomb, but Glory counters with a frankensteiner. Asher goes hard into the corner. Glory smirks and gets up and climbs up and just then Selena runs out and hits a spinning heel kick. She goes for the pin.






Glory kicks out. Glory rolls over. Selena gets up. Selena stomps her in chest and then again before grabbing her and scooping her up and placing her in a tree of woe. Glory looks around and just then, Asher runs up from behind and grabs Selena and hits a snap dragon suplex into a bridge.






Selena gets her shoulder up and rolls over. Asher gets up and sees Glory and smiles before kicking her in the ribs and then again before backing up to the middle of the ring. He runs back over and goes for a running dropkick, but Glory bridges up and Asher slides through into the ringpost, crotch first. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Hayes missed and big!”


Knots: “And in a way that effects him more than his opponents!”


Glory starts to get up to the top rope and glances back before seeing Selena still down. Glory then jumps back and hits a double stomp to the back of Asher. Asher drops down. Glory rolls back and gets up. She turns and walks over to Selena and grabs her. She scoops her up and slams her down. Glory then turns and moves to the corner and pulls herself up to the middle turnbuckle. She motions for Selena to get up. Selena slowly does and Glory dives off and hits the Prankster’s Paradise. She turns and hooks the leg.






Selena shoots her shoulder up. The crowd cheers. Glory looks at the official and grabs Selena and covers her again.






Selena kicks out again. Glory gets up and grabs Selena. She pulls her up and kicks her in the ribs. She backs up and then jumps to lock in the Shekinah Glory. The crowd boos. Selena however blocks it and keeps blocking it before moving her arms enough to grab Glory’s legs. She then lifts Glory up. The crowd roars and Selena hits a snap powerbomb. Glory hits the mat. She holds her head and neck and starts to get up and Selena grabs her and hits the Claim-Stake. Glory falls back. Selena goes for the pin.






Asher dives and breaks it up. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Hayes at the last moment makes the save!”


Knots: “Talk about digging deep and blocking out the pain!”


Asher starts to get up and grabs Selena as she stirs. He nails her with a forearm and then another before pushing her into the ropes. He fires her across. Selena bounces off and hits a kicks to the ribs. He hooks her head for a hammerlock DDT. Selena spins out of it. She goes for a hard right, but Asher scoops her up onto his shoulders and spins around, catching Glory with Selena’s feet as she gets up. Asher then goes to spin her out, but Selena drops down and into a roll-up.








The crowd roars. Asher looks up as Selena steps forward. She turns around and Glory gets up and kicks her in the ribs and hits the Beautiful Insanity. Asher turns and lunges at Glory but Glory rolls out of the ring.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Selena Frost!”


Sharper: “Selena Frost wins and for the second time tonight, a member of the band known as the Beauty Factory attacks after the bell!”


Knots: “Glory Braddock standing tall and listen to her.”


Glory: “Had to pin each other. Couldn’t beat the Best in the World! Just like the rest…needed the easy way out!”


Glory backs up as Asher turns and looks at her before turning to Selena as Selena holds her head in pain.


Sharper: “Not the result anyone wanted. Selena, sure, you want the win, but not this statement!”


The crowd boos as Glory Braddock continues to head to the back. The crowd keeps buzzing before we cut away.

Backstage, we see James Evans in his locker room. The crowd roars seeing him. He starts to go through his bags, getting ready to compete as he pulls out his gear and the camera focuses on the SCW World Championship.


Sharper: “There you see the World Champion, James Evans. Looking to step through and defeat another challenge as he continues to be a step ahead of the Beauty Factory.”


Knots: “That’s the big message. They want to walk out holding both titles, but James Evans could win the US Championship tonight too.”


James continues to prepare as the camera stays on him for a few moments longer before we cut away.

Jake Starr vs. Sienna Swann


The opening chords of "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown begin to echo throughout the stadium. With each opening drum beat, the logo of the Social Misfits flashes on the jumbotron...

Yeah, I get it you're an outcast
Always under attack always coming in last
Bringing up the past no one owes you anything
I think you need a shotgun blast a kick in the ass
So paranoid


With those words, an explosion or pyro shoots high into the air from the stage and in front of the stage in another wall of sparks. Lights start to circle the arena as several spotlights turn to the stage. Jake Starr walks out from the back and looks around. He just smiles and nods. He surveys the crowd, feeling their energy and absorbing it all in. His nameplate comes up as Jake Starr starts to head down to the ring. He makes his way down the rampway before going to the guardrail and fist bumping a few fans and then going to the other side before doing the same.


Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall with a thirty minute time limit. First, on his way to the ring, from Des Moines, Iowa, he is the Only Social Misfit Remaining, Jake Starr!”

The crowd cheers as Starr runs over to the ring and jumps up onto the apron. He steps into the ring. He immediately makes his way to the far corner, climbing to the top rope. As the chorus hits, a spotlight illuminates Jake and he simply stands there looking around at the fans with a smirk on his face. He points at himself, and ultimately yells the words "I'M NOT DEAD YET!" He looks around, continuing to soak up the energy from the crowd before beating on his chest twice, and raises his "Misfit Revolution Fist" high into the air, a gesture mimicked by many fans in the crowd who have been supporters over the years. After this, he goes camera side and climbs on the middle rope raising his arm one more time. He looks around before hopping down and walking around the ring.


Sharper: “Jake Starr getting the ire of Sienna Swann simply because he’s Jake Starr, the brother of Jordan Majors, and he doesn’t like Sienna Swann.”


Knots: “So he has good judgment!”


Sharper: “And Sienna Swann has been trying to wear him down, to cause him to end his career, so Jordan Majors isn’t pulled in two directions, probably because Sienna wants someone else surrounding her to help her get whatever she wants. Glory Braddock, Bree Lancaster…they may have their own goals, but Sienna seems to have them all in the same playbook.”


Knots: “Chris Cannon too.”


A red carpet is rolled out with a few photographers positioned toward the entrance position, the woman by the name of Xiomara Diaz directs everyone to take their positions just as the arena goes dark. Suddenly one lone spotlight shines in entrance where smoke begins to come out and surround the stage. “Style" by Taylor Swift begins to play throughout the arena, the Tron plays the Video of her various photo-shoots, training, fighting, swimsuits, lingerie and walking through nightclubs with men gawking over her in skin tight dresses.
Sienna Swann walks out with her head down as the crowd boos her loudly. Sienna then extends her arms and reveals the large golden angel wings that are part of her entrance gear, she looks around at the crowd and smirks, posing as the camera flashes begin to pepper down on her from the “paparazzi” staged around her, Xiomara making sure that they take plenty of pics of The Beautiful Angel before making her way to the ring.


Phillips: “His opponent, accompanied by Xiomara Diaz, from Johannesburg, South Africa, she is the IronAngel, Sienna Swann!”


Sienna walks down to the ring. She continues to the apron, climbing up the stairs and to the top rope, posing with her wings spread wide. She looks up to the rafters as a gold spotlight like the light of heaven shines down on her as gold glitter begins to rain down on the entire arena. Sienna smirks and hops into the ring before Xiomara takes off her wings. Xiomara makes her way out of the ring and to the respective corner while Sienna stands, who looks at Starr with disdain.


Sharper: “That looks says it all.”


Knots: “It’s also a how dare am I not World Champion face. And Jake Starr knows that feeling and I’m just hoping that the Only Social Misfit Remaining has a few aces up his sleeve and we can watch Sienna Swann flounder tonight!”


The bell sounds as Starr steps up. Sienna does too, clearly annoyed and swings going for a slap, but Starr blocks it. The crowd roars. Sienna then kicks him in the ribs. The crowd boos. Sienna kicks Starr in the ribs and forearms him. She gets him again with a shot, knocking him into the ropes. She goes to whip him across, but Starr spins through and sends her in. Sienna bounces off. Starr shoulders her down. Sienna looks up. Starr turns and runs into the ropes. Sienna rolls towards him. Starr hops over and bounces off the other side. Sienna goes to arm drag Starr. Starr rolls through. Sienna then kicks him in the ribs. She goes for the Winning through Pageantry. The crowd ohs, but Starr pulls away and backs up. Sienna then smiles walking over to Xiomara and extending her hand. They high-five as Sienna turns back to Starr. Starr just looks at her, almost asking “really.”


Sharper: “Sienna tried to end it early there. She’s enormously proud of herself.”


Knots; “Probably sees Starr as beneath her. And now she’s showing it.”


Sharper: “Or trying to grab onto anything to make herself feel good. She’s been becoming increasingly erratic since Retribution!”


Sienna then steps up and Starr looks at her as they go for a lock up and Sienna knees Starr in the ribs. She then clubs him in the back. She grabs the arm and wrenches it. She looks around and then backs up and goes for a back kick to Starr’s jaw, but Starr ducks. Sienna plants her feet and Starr jumps up and hits a dropkick. Swann hits the mat and gets up and Starr hits another dropkick. Swann hits the mat and rolls to the floor. Starr then looks to his corner before shrugging and just flipping off Swann. Swann smacks the mat and rolls back into the ring. She runs at Starr. Starr ducks a clothesline attempt. Swann stops and turns and Starr scoop slams her.


Sharper: “And Starr quickly getting under the skin of Swann!”


Knots: “He has no one to high five, but let Swann know he’s number one in his book…or was that two?”


Swann gets up and Starr hits a hip toss. Swann gets back up and Starr kicks her in the ribs and pushes her into the ropes, firing her across. Swann bounces off and Starr hits a back elbow. Swann hits the mat. Starr goes for the pin.






Swann kicks out. Both get up and Starr kicks her in the ribs. He runs into the ropes and hits a running knee lift. Swann falls to the ropes. Starr then walks over and chops her. The crowd woos. Starr chops her again. More woos. Swann, incensed, forearms Starr and spins him into the corner and hits a hard forearm, a hard kick to the leg and then an overhead chop to the chest before going for a spinning head kick, but Starr ducks and grabs Swann and just muscles her up, dumping her up and over the top rope to the floor. The crowd cheers.


Sharper: “And Sienna, head over heels, landing on the floor! Starr just dumping her over the top!”


Knots: “Treating Sienna how Sienna sees him!”


Sharper: “And watch Starr. Starr has been known to fly!”


Sienna slowly stirs on the floor. (1) She staggers up to her feet, wincing, and turns as Starr runs across the ring, bounces off and hits a dive through the ropes into Sienna, driving her back into the barricade and both collapse to the floor. (1) The crowd cheers. Starr gets up and looks around before turning around and walks over to Swann. (2) She drags her up and rolls her into the ring. Sienna rolls over and slowly stirs to her feet. Starr gets up and runs over and clotheslines her down. He hits a flipping leg drop and goes for the pin.






Sienna kicks out. She rolls over and Starr gets up. He grabs Sienna and pulls her up and hits a vertical suplex. Starr then exits to the apron, but Xiomara Diaz comes around and quickly gets Starr’s attention. Starr turns to her and walks along the apron. Diaz backs up as Starr looks at her. He then turns back, but Sienna runs over and dropkicks Starr, knocking him off the apron and back into the barricade. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “Xiomara Diaz with the distraction. Getting Starr’s attention.”


Knots: “We know how dangerous she is. I don’t blame him, but he had to know this wasn’t going to straight up.”


Sharper: “Then again, Jordan Majors could’ve been out here for support. Majors still caught between these two sides. But the story now is Starr who could be hurt.”


Knots: “Exactly what Sienna would want!”


Starr winces and slowly grabs at the barricade, trying to get up. (1) Sienna however rolls to the floor. She runs over and kicks him in the ribs. (1) The crowd boos. Sienna then kicks him again. Starr winces. (2) She then starts to choke him against the barricade. The referee drops to the floor and tells her to break it up. Sienna turns and ignores him before grabbing Starr and getting him to his feet before running him into the steel steps. Starr hits them and rolls over. The official tells her to get back into the ring.


Sienna: “Okay! I’m going!”


Sienna snaps at the official as she grabs Starr and drags him to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Sienna climbs up onto the apron. Starr remains down and Sienna hits a slingshot flipping leg drop to the face. She goes for the pin.






Starr kicks out. Sienna looks at him and stomps him in the ribs and then again before grabbing him, dragging him up by the hair and throwing him into the corner. She kicks him in the chest and then again before starting to choke him again. The crowd boos.










Sienna steps back and walks around the ring.


Sharper: “Sienna is solely focused on trying to make Starr unable to fight.”


Knots: “Make him no longer a factor. Get rid of a variable. And she can feel good. Taking out a Hall of Famer!”


Sienna then walks around the ring before running back and hitting a running dropkick. Starr falls out as he gets up and down to the mat. Sienna dives for the pin.






Starr kicks out. Sienna gets up and grabs him. He then holds his head and hits a kick to the chest. Starr rolls over. He crawls to the ropes and gets up as Sienna walks over after him and Starr turns and chops her. The crowd woos. Sienna forearms him. Starr chops her again. Sienna kicks her in the ribs. She then pulls him out and goes for a neckbreaker, but Starr spins around and pushes her into the ropes. Sienna bounces off and Starr hits a flapjack. The crowd cheers.


Sharper: “Starr fighting back! Flapjack!”


Knots: “The man won’t die! He says so when he comes out here!”


Sienna pops up and turns around and Starr kicks her in the ribs and hits a DDT. The crowd cheers. Starr hooks the leg.






Sienna gets her shoulder up. Starr turns and jumps to the middle rope and dives back with a lionsault. He hooks the leg again.






Sienna kicks out. Starr rolls over. He then turns and walks over to Sienna as she gets up and Starr hooks her up from behind and hits a snap back suplex. Starr gets up and turns and hits a snap leg drop. Sienna rolls over, holding her face. Starr then gets up and grabs her. Starr kicks her in the ribs. He then hoists her up for a vertical suplex before walking over and placing her on the top turnbuckle.


Sharper: “Starr now placing Sienna in a precarious position.”


Knots: “He’s got some plans to make sure she’s going to stay down or it’s going to hurt like hell!”


Starr then nails her with a forearm shot. She chops her. Xiomara looks on concerned as Starr gets up to the middle rope. Sienna forearms him in the ribs but Starr forearms her again and then grabs her by the head. Sienna grabs around but Starr pulls her up and steps up to the top rope before throwing her back with the top rope superplex! The crowd cheers. Sienna bounces and lands on her side. Starr rolls over and crawls over to Sienna and hooks the leg.






Sienna gets her shoulder up. The crowd ohs. Starr rolls over. He then starts to get up and Sienna rolls over. She looks at Xiomara and Starr runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits a basement dropkick to the face of Sienna. Sienna falls back. Starr turns and moves to the corner. He climbs up to the top rope. He then sees Xiomara as she hops onto the apron. Starr turns and dives over toward Xiomara. Xiomara hops off and lands on her feet as Starr lands on his feet, showing he was bluffing and he then turns around as the official tells Xiomara to stay down, but Sienna quickly grabs Starr by the tights and pulls on them, causing him to fall through the ropes to the floor. Sienna then rolls over and gets the official’s attention wincing a bit and Xiomara walks around. Starr gets up on the floor and Xiomara runs at him and hits a spinning back kick to the ribs. Starr falls to the floor. The crowd boos as Xiomara turns and walks away. The crowd boos loudly.


Sharper: “Jake Starr again keeping Xiomara at bay for a moment, but it just set this up. Sienna Swann distracting Hollinsworth.”


Knots: “And Starr just found out that Diaz can crack ribs!”


Sharper: “A lot of people have said Sienna Swann has been gradually becoming more and more like Syren. But this is different. This is because Jake Starr is an imposition. An obstacle.”


Knots: “And ends justifies the means!”


Sharper: “But the win matters too. Sienna still has the World Title on her mind. She needs wins.”


Hollinsworth turns and starts to count Starr out. (1) Sienna turns and walks over and drops down, rolling to the floor. (2) Starr grabs at the barricade again and Sienna runs over and kicks him in the ribs. (3) The crowd ohs and Sienna kicks him again in the ribs. Starr falls back to lean against the ring. Sienna looks at him. (4) She then hits a shoot kick to the chest and then another and another. The crowd boos with each shot. (5).


Sharper: “Repeated kicks. That kickboxing background is punishing Starr.”


Knots: “Wishing those feet were less educated. Or at least got a few F’s in school.”


Sienna slides into the ring and grabs Starr by the arms and starts to drag him into the ring as best as she can, Starr’s weight stopping her a bit. She gets him in and then quickly waits as he rolls over to his hands and knees. Sienna then backs up to the ropes as Starr steps up and Sienna goes for the Off the Rack and catches Starr. Starr hits the mat. Sienna hooks the leg.






Starr shoots his shoulder up. The crowd roars. Sienna looks up. She then turns and stomps him in the ribs and then again before exiting to the apron. She climbs up to the top rope. She looks at Starr and looks around before diving off and going for the Swann-ton Bomb, but Starr gets his knees up. Swann grimaces in pain, holding her head and back and starts to get up and Starr gets up and runs over and hits a swinging neckbreaker. The crowd cheers.


Sharper: “Swann went high-risk and it didn’t work. And now a neckbreaker!”


Knots: “Starr targeting the head and neck more!”


Swann rolls over. She slowly gets up, holding her head and neck and Starr grabs her head and runs up the corner and spins through into a tornado DDT. He goes for the pin.






Sienna shoots her shoulder up. The crowd ohs. Starr rolls over and gets up. He falls into the ropes, bouncing off and hitting an elbow drop. Starr gets up and turns and moves to the corner. He climbs up to the middle turnbuckle. He looks around as Swann staggers up to her feet and turns and Starr hits a double axe handle smash. Sienna falls to a knee. Starr runs into the ropes, bounces off and Sienna gets an elbow up. Starr stumbles back. Sienna runs into the ropes, bounces off and jumps up for a hurricanrana, but Starr catches her, falls back and drops her on the top rope, throat first. Sienna falls back. Starr scrambles over and folds her up for the pin.






Swann kicks out. Swann rolls over and starts to get up and Starr forearms her in the jaw and runs into the ropes. He bounces off and goes for a running clothesline. Swann ducks and runs into the opposite ropes. Starr keeps running and both bounce off and then jump up, hitting crossbodies to one another, colliding in the middle of the ring before both hit the mat and roll away from one another.


Sharper: “Hard collision! Both had the same idea. Both connecting!”


Knots: “Starr’s ribs have already been targeted all match and Sienna just found out what it’s like getting Jake Starr thrown at you!”


Sharper: “Both down and the official now utilizing his ten count.”


Starr and Swann remain down as we then see Jordan Majors making her way down the rampway. The crowd roars. (1)


Knots: “Look who’s coming.”


Sharper: “I thought this was up to them. Looks like Jordan Majors may have been thinking about this situation.”


Knots: “Well both are down. So who’s side is she on?”


Majors walks down to the ring. (2) Sienna rolls to the ropes. Starr crawls to the opposite side. (3) They both start to get up as Jordan gets to ringside. Swann then notices Jordan. (4) She smirks a bit as Xiomara turns to her. Jordan nods to her. (5) She then watches as Starr gets up and Sienna does too. Starr turns and goes for a running clothesline, but Sienna quickly rakes the eyes. Starr turns to the ropes. Sienna turns and runs at Starr and Starr suddenly ducks down and spins around her and into a roll-up.






Swann kicks out. Starr turns and sees his sister. He then walks over and grabs Sienna and drags her up before Swann suddenly hits a jawbreaker. Starr stumbles back and rolls over. He gets up and Sienna points to Majors before lunging and nailing Starr with the Kiss of an Angel. The crowd ohs and boos. Sienna drops down for the pin as Majors just watches.








The crowd boos.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Sienna Swann!”


Sharper: “Swann is victorious! Swann even pointed to Majors. She came down.”


Knots: “And didn’t do anything. Just watched the end. Both seemed to be distracted by it.”


Sharper: “Sienna picking up the win though.”


Xiomara looks at Jordan as Jordan pulls herself onto the apron. She then steps into the ring and walks over to Sienna as Sienna steps up. She continues to watch Jordan before Jordan grabs her arm and raises it. The crowd boos.


Knots: “That tells you that! Friendship is thicker than blood!”


Sienna smiles as she then holds her other arm up. Xiomara applauds from ringside as Jordan keeps her arm up. The boos continue before Jordan suddenly jumps up and drives Sienna down to the mat with the Cash Out. The crowd erupts in cheers as Xiomara’s glee turns to shock. Jordan gets up and turns to Sienna, flipping her off, yelling at her.


Jordan: “Fuck you, you manipulative bitch!”


The crowd continues to cheer as Jordan turns to Xiomara and rolls to the floor. Starr, who is recovering, looks up, smiling as Jordan heads to the back.


Sharper: “Jordan Majors just planted Sienna Swann!”


Knots: “Well, that’s a clear message!”


A “Jordan!” chant starts to echo throughout the arena as Jordan Majors continues to the back. Starr just smiles. Xiomara enters the ring to check on Sienna.

We cut backstage to the outside of the Beauty Factory locker room to see Bree Lancaster stepping out of the locker room.


Bree: “I have to go. She…just-“


Scott runs out.


Scott: “After! Bree! You’re facing the World Champion tonight. You could get it!”


Bree: “But Jordan just…How….I- Someone needs to talk to her.


Scott: “Can be after! After this all! Some things are more important! You’ve waited years for this moment! In NEW ORLEANS!”


Bree turns and takes a deep breath.


Bree: “You’re right….you’re right….“


Bree turns and lets out a frustrated yell as Bree storms back into the locker room. Scott just sighs.


Sharper: “And looks like this could be another frustrating night for the Beauty Factory!”


Knots: “Good!”


Sharper: “But the question now, as we try to move on. Xander Valentine and Regan Street have been coming right at one another for the last couple of months. It’s all been about respect. Well, will respect be earned in this one. We’ll find out.”


A recap video plays showing Regan Street and Xander Valentine’s many brawls dating back to last year including Xander’s matches against Selena Frost and Xander’s comments about Regan Street, and his lack of respect for her.

Xander Valentine vs. Regan Street

Street Fight


The arena goes dark. The sound of a Hellcat scratching through the screen is seen with a roar. Fireworks blast off the entrance as “Who's Next” by Porcelain Black plays throughout the arena. Regan Street walks out in her cheetah print wrestling gear and ensemble. The SCW Television Championship is around her waist. She stands at the entrance way looking out into the crowd as they shower her with cheers. Regan looks around at the crowd, screams and then smirks walking to the ring determined for her next match.

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and is a Street Fight! First, she hails from Santa Monica, California, the SCW Television Champion, she is the Hellcat” Regan Street!”
Regan Street gets to the apron and hops up to the ring as the crowd roars. Regan flips over the ropes back first to cheers from the fans. Once inside the ring Regan goes to the corner, climbing it and posing in her own confident way. She then takes off her entrance attire, and her title, before going to her corner, pacing a bit.  


Sharper: “No Delilah. No Mikaela Street. They are here. They’re staying backstage. This is not going to be pretty one.”


Knots: “And that’s how Regan wants it. That’s what Xander wants. Regan following the lead of her husband, David in this. That street fight against the Wonderland…”


Sharper: “And the Wonderland match still to complete. We’re trying to track them down too.”


The feedback over the PA system, as if a jack is plugged into an amplifier rips through the arena. While the noise attracts the attention of the crowd, spotlights, one after another shine down onto the stage. The familiar chords of "The Fade to Black" crackles on the sound system as smoke begins to hover on the stage. A shadow stands behind an illuminated curtain, by this point the crowd already caught up in a frenzy. The song's interlude cuts shorts as the lyrics begin:

“Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free”

As the final line of lyrics play and the song revs up, Xander bursts out behind the curtain onto the stage. He marches out onto the stage to the top of the ramp. Boos starts to hail down on him, but there is some cheers beneath. Behind him emerges a woman, wearing a coat with fur lining. As she stops and positions herself behind Xander. As if she doesn't exist, he stares down at the ring, regardless if occupied or vacant. A serious glare is painted across his weathered face. He starts marching deliberately down the ramp, continuing to stare at the ring. Artemis turns and heads to the back.


Phillips: “Her opponent, from San Diego, California, he is SCW’s Executioner, Xander Valentine”


Sharper: “Artemis coming out only to leave.”


Knots: “Perhaps a bit of fair play or maybe Xander is making sure Regan has no excuses.”

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this Can t be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he 's gone

The song begins to fade out at this point. Xander is at the bottom of the ring steps. He stomps the bottom step several times before moving pass the steps towards the side of the ring. In a single bound, Xander leaps up onto the apron. He poses for a moment, stretching his shoulders as he continues to look into the ring. He raises his arm high into his air, as to promise victory. He garners another response from the crowd. Xander looks over at Regan before leaping over the top rope. He steps over to the corner and prepares for the battle ahead. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Xander Valentine has the size advantage. Regan Street may have the heart advantage.”


Knots: “But she just won the SCW Television Championship on Wednesday. We said this could be a new rebound for her. Or she could be not one hundred percent!”


The bell sounds and Regan runs across the ring and jumps up, right into Xander’s face and nails him with a hard right and then another and another. Xander stumbles back to the corner. Regan then hits a shoot kick to the thigh. The crowd cheers for Regan as she then kicks him again in the third. She then rears back and goes to nail him with a hard right, but Xander catches her fist and brings it and down headbutts. Regan rolls back. She gets back to her feet and runs at Xander, but Xander sidesteps. Regan stops at the corner and hits a back kick to the knee. Xander stumbles back.


Sharper: “Regan Street right after the monster. Right after Xander!”


Knots: “Go for the legs. Take him down. Hard to defend yourself if you can’t walk!”


Regan runs over and kicks him in the thigh again. Xander shoves her back and she rolls through. Xander then runs forward and goes for a running clothesline. Regan ducks. Xander stops at the ropes and turns and Regan jumps up and hits a dropkick. Xander hits the ropes and drops down to his knees. He looks forward and starts to get up as Regan runs forward and nails him with a series of hard rights before Xander shoves her back again. Regan rolls through. She gets up and Xander steps forward, going for a clothesline. Regan ducks and runs into the ropes. She bounces off and jumps up and hits the Love Tap. Xander falls back to the ropes. The crowd roars. Regan then gets up and grabs him and nails him with a couple more hard rights.


Sharper: “Look at this! Regan Street all over Valentine!”


Knots: “They clearly don’t respect each other but Xander better respect this. Regan is kicking his ass right now!”


Regan then turns and runs across the ring. Xander pushes himself up and goes for a boot. Regan ducks it and bounces off the other side. Xander turns around and Regan hits a second running Love Tap. Xander falls back and through the ropes to the floor. He, however, ends up on his feet. He starts to get up as Regan turns and climbs up to the top rope. The crowd roars as Xander backs up and turns to the ring. Regan then dives off with a crossbody attempt, but Xander catches her. The crowd ohs. Xander then throws her up and onto his shoulder before turning and immediately powerslamming her into the entrance way. The crowd ohs as Regan yells in pain and rolls over, holding her lower back. Xander slowly gets up.


Sharper: “Right to the concrete!”


Knots: “That’s one way to put down the Hellcat. Jesus Christ!”


Sharper: “Caught her in the air and spun her up before planting her on the concrete.”


Xander turns and walks over to the steel steps. He pulls the top half off and then hoists them up. Regan slowly gets up, holding her lower back and turns and Xander runs and nails her in the head with the steps. Regan hits the mats. Xander then throws the steps down. Regan rolls over, wincing in pain before grabbing at the ring skirt. Xander grabs her and rams her ribs first into the ring apron. He then forearms her in the back of the head before turning her around. He grabs her by the hair and lifts her up before spinning around and throwing her up, causing her to go back first into the ringpost. The crowd ohs and Regan hits the mats with a thud. Xander then steps over her and starts to walk around the ring.


Sharper: “Xander just with his pure strength has hurt Regan!”


Knots: “Ribs first into the ring. Then the ringpost. This may be a street fight, but Xander’s using the ring to destroy her.”


Sharper: “And now calmly walking over here. Regan could be in for a long night.”


Regan stirs as Xander walks over to Phillips and tells him to get out of his chair. He then grabs his steel chair and folds it up. He then walks along the length of the ring and lifts it up, but Regan kicks Xander in the knee and then again before jumping up and going for Xander’s eyes. She rakes them. Xander turns briefly before swinging the chair. Regan jukes out of the way and Xander misses. Regan then steps on the chair before kicking him in the head. Xander falls to the ring. Regan grabs the chair and drives into his ribs. Xander bends over and Regan climbs up to the apron before jumping up and double stomps the chair into the back of Xander. Regan lands on the mats as Xander crumples down.


Sharper: “Regan driving that chair into Xander’s back.”


Knots: “And he just collapsed!”


Regan then looks around before getting up. She grabs the chair again and lifts it up and slams it into Xander’s back. Xander rolls over in pain. Regan then throws the chair into the ring. She then looks under the ring and moves around a bit before pulling out the Cat’o’nine tails that Regan had given Selena months earlier.


Sharper: “And look at Regan has!”


Knots: “Selena regifted!”


Sharper: “Regan gave it to her last fall to deal with Xander. Looks like Regan has it tonight!”


Xander starts to get up and Regan then swings and nails Xander in the back with it. Xander yells out in pain. He moves along the ringside area and Regan whips him a second time. Xander stumbles forward and moves to the ringpost. Regan then swings and nails him again and then a fourth time. Xander staggers off. Regan then walks over as Xander falls to a knee and Regan whips him a fifth time. Xander pops up and steps forward as we see Xander’s back getting cut up by the weapon.


Sharper: “Regan Street is wearing out Valentine!”


Knots: “Now it’s clear why she wanted a street fight. She’s going to whip the respect into Xander!”


Xander fights up and Regan then looks at him and goes for a swinging blow to his face, but Xander reaches out and grabs the flails with his hand, grabbing them. He grits his teeth, fighting through the pain as Regan looks a bit stunned too. Xander pulls it out of her hand and Regan kicks him in the ribs. Xander then turns and swings, nailing Regan in the head with the handle. Regan falls to a knee and Xander then takes the flail and places it around the face of Regan, around her mouth and starts to pull. The crowd ohs. Regan yells out as the barbs cut into her face and mouth. Blood starts to appear before Regan fights some as Xander keeps pulling and Regan then hits a mule kick. Xander drops down to his knees. He drops the weapon too as Regan falls forward, touching her mouth, seeing the blood.


Sharper: “This is off the page. Xander trying to maim Regan.”


Knots: “This is a fight. We’re not surprised there. But they’re torturing each other too!”


Regan looks around before Xander fights up and Regan grabs him and knees him in the ribs and then kicks him in the knee. He grabs Xander’s head and goes to drive him down, but Xander lifts her up and just throws her forward. Regan hits the ground and rolls through. Xander follows. Regan starts to get up and Xander gets a head of steam and boots Regan in the face. Regan hits the floor and rolls through. She crawls toward the barricade and Xander follows up and Regan rips off a safety sign as Xander walks over and Regan swings, nailing him in the shoulder with it. The crowd ohs and Xander grimaces in pain. Regan then runs at him and nails him in the shoulder again. Xander falls over. Regan then throws the sign down and grabs Xander by the leg. She starts to drag him toward one of the lighting rigs. Xander reaches around, trying to stop, but Regan lifts Xander’s leg up and slams it into the ring. Xander rolls over in pain.


Sharper: “Xander’s leg driven into the rigging. Regan may try to cripple Xander Valentine here.”


Knots: “Try? He may be succeeding. When it doubt, she’s going there.”


Sharper: “This is all about respect. Xander doesn’t respect Regan an inch!”


Xander starts to slide away and Regan grabs the leg again and lifts it up and slams it into the floor. The crowd cheers as Xander yells out and rolls over. Regan then looks around and looks at the crowd, throwing her arms in the air. The crowd cheers. She wipes away a bit more blood before walking over and grabbing one of the lights from the rig. She unscrews it and then lifts it up. Xander starts to climb up to his feet and staggers up and turns only for Regan to run at her and nail him with the light. Xander falls over and staggers off. We cut to a wide shot.


Sharper: “Xander down on the ground. Regan Street takes him down again!”


Knots: “And you see the Wonderland stage in the background. We’re just getting started with the wars!”


Sharper: “And remember, this ends in the middle of the ring! This isn’t falls count anywhere!”


Knots: “Regan may need to get him back and that may be a challenge if he’s unconscious or has only one good leg.”


Regan then mounts Xander, standing over his back and hammers away on him with repeated right hands to the back of the head. She then backs up as Xander starts to crawl over to the barricade to use it to pull himself up. As he does, the crowd boos as Regan walks over to one of the production crew tables and grabs a laptop. She folds it up and turns and we see Tommy Valentine standing off to the side. Regan stops and looks at him and steps up as the crowd roars.


Sharper: “That’s Tommy Valentine! Tommy Valentine is out here…and we’ve talked about how personal things have gotten between Tommy and Regan!”


Knots: “This aint the time or place! I figured he’d be with Kandis right now!”


Sharper: “Well he’s here and Regan just took a laptop from our production crew.”


Xander starts to get up and Regan then shrugs and swings and nails Tommy in the shoulder with the laptop. He falls over. The crowd roars. Regan then turns around and heads over to Xander and Xander suddenly grabs her by the throat. He then hoists her up, runs forward, and throws her into the production crew table, chokeslamming her through it. The crowd ohs and Xander steps back. Tommy starts to get up, holding his shoulder.


Sharper: “Xander Valentine with the chokeslam. Right through that table. Those wires, the technology, all over Regan!”


Knots: “The distraction was long enough. Tommy doesn’t need to be here, but Regan let him delay her.”


Sharper: “And now Regan stopped. Xander Valentine happy to destroy her.”


Knots: “But he took the advantage!”


Xander then steps over and Tommy starts to get up and walks over to Regan, holding his shoulder. He shakes it and smirks before stepping back.


Tommy: “Looks like you’re going to fall short tonight too! Then again, maybe if you weren’t focusing on me, and on the other Valentine…oh wait…that’s why Kandis would’ve lost?”


Tommy smirks as he backs up and Xander walks over and shoves Tommy back. Tommy backs up, putting his hands up. Xander then walks over and grabs Regan by the leg and drags her out of the table. He then grabs her by the hair and drags her up. He then hoists her up onto his shoulder. He starts to walk around the area as Tommy looks on smiling.


Sharper: “Look at Tommy! Taunting Regan!”


Knots: “Getting involved to give Xander the advantage. But Xander wanted Tommy out of here.”


Sharper: “Now just carrying Regan to the ring.”


Knots: “She’s fighting though!”


Regan starts to fight a bit more as Xander carries her a bit more and Xander then throws her down with another powerslam on the concrete in the entrance way. The crowd ohs. Regan rolls over in pain. Tommy continues to look on before the crowd roars and he’s spun around by David Helms, who has come out. The crowd cheers as Helms gets in his best friend’s face. David points to her and then throws his arms up. Tommy just backs up, trying to calm his friend down.


Sharper: “And David Helms! Regan Street’s husband. He’s out here. Trying to talk to his best friend!”


Knots: “He’s getting caught in the middle of this all and it’s getting more and more hard to ignore!”


David just looks back and shakes his head. Tommy goes to walk off, but David grabs him and spins him around again. Tommy then shoves him back. Tommy turns and goes to walk off again, but David turns and heads over and grabs Tommy, spinning him back around. David and Tommy keep yelling at one another as Xander then walks over and boots David in the side of the head. The crowd ohs and boos. Xander glances back at him and then Tommy before glaring at him. Tommy backs up and then looks at Xander before his friend. Tommy shakes his head and walks off.


Sharper: “Xander walking over and blasted Helms! For what?!”


Knots: “As a thank you? To rile Regan? To just do it? I don’t know! It’s Xander Valentine!”


Sharper: “And look at Tommy! Just walking off!”


The crowd roars as Xander turns back to Regan who suddenly, having seeing what Xander did, gets up and nails Xander with a hard right and then another before dropkicking Xander in the leg. Xander drops down, falling down. Xander crawls around as Regan then dives onto his back and hammers away on him, the adrenaline taking over and Regan nailing Xander over and over and over again. Xander rolls over and away as Regan then gets up and looks at Xander. She then looks for something to keep the pressure on, before turning back and Tommy runs back out and runs over and nails her from behind. Regan falls over. Xander crawls over to something as the crowd boos. Tommy then turns around and starts to head to the back as Selena Frost then runs out and nails Tommy with a hard right and then another before Tommy stumbles off to the back. Selena turns back and follows after the crowd cheers.


Sharper: “Tommy Valentine again with a cheap shot!”


Knots: “And Selena Frost now out to get rid of him!”


Sharper: “But Xander has something! He’s got something! That cat’o’nine tails!”


Regan starts to get up, fighting up and steps forward and Xander nails her in the face with the cat’o’nine tails. Regan falls over, holding her face in pain. She rolls over as blood drips down. The crowd ohs and Xander then grabs her and double underhooks her before hoisting her up and staggering over before driving her down with the Martial Bane into the lighting rig. The crowd ohs and Regan just drops to her side. Xander then turns as David steps forward with a steel chair, ready to get involved. The crowd roars as Xander then points to him.


Xander: “Do it! Prove that she needs you to take me down!”


Helms: “Just like you needed Tommy!”


Xander smirks as Xander then grabs Regan. Xander drags her up and starts to pull her to the ring. Helms and Regan, despite being spaghetti legged, lock eyes before Helms throws the chair at Xander. Xander lets go of Regan and catches the chair before Helms backs up. Xander turns and Regan jumps up and hits a Nightmare on Helms Street. Xander falls back as Regan hits the concrete, but remains down. Xander holds his face and rolls over. Clearly, he’s bleeding from the forehead, the blood flowing down his face.


Sharper: “Xander’s bleeding! Regan Street hit the Nightmare on Helms Street!”


Knots: “But she can’t take advantage and you can see the look on David’s face. He wants to help but knows of Regan’s pride!”


Sharper: “Regan Street driven into that light fixture, but she won’t stay down! Even by being driven into a table, into technology, the lighting rig, the concrete…Tommy Valentine.”


Xander tries to shake it off and gets up and falls into the barricade. He then gets up and tries to fight through it before walking over and grabbing Regan. He drags her up and Regan manages to swing and nails him with a huge right hand. Xander stumbles back. He turns back around and Regan runs over and jumps up and hits a dropkick. Xander stumbles back to the ring. Regan now starts to pull herself up under her own power.


Sharper: “And Regan is somehow back to her feet!”


 Regan is clearly in pain and manages to get to the ring as Xander rolls in. He starts to get up and Regan slides in. She gets up and moves over to Xander, but Xander quickly knees her in the ribs, double underhooks her and hits the Martial Bane, right in the middle of the ring.


Sharper: “She walked into it! Martial Bane!”


Knots: “Xander was luring her in!”


Sharper: “And there can be a pin in the middle!”


Xander covers her.






Regan shoots her shoulder up. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “I don’t believe it!”


Knots: “How? How?!”


Xander looks up stunned and then looks to Regan. He grabs her by the hair and drags her up before hoisting her up and placing her on the top rope. He moves her legs before stepping to the middle turnbuckle. Regan however just swings, nailing him with a hard right and then another, but not as much behind them as earlier. Xander then is taken off the ropes by a third shot. He steps back and then Regan starts to get up on the top turnbuckle, but Xander moves over and boots her in the face. Regan nearly falls back before remains on the top turnbuckle before Xander steps over and grabs her, climbing to the middle turnbuckle. He then hoists her up and turns and hits the Martial Bane off the top rope!


Sharper: “A third Martial Bane! And Regan was fighting right to the end!”


Knots: “Off the top this time!”


Xander then drops down on top of her, exhausted himself.








The crowd roars and boos. Xander rolls off of Regan.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Xander Valentine!”


Sharper: “And Xander Valentine pins Regan Street!”


Knots: “He gave her everything through! And Regan Street kept fighting. Until there was just nothing left”!


Xander looks over to Regan. Xander turns and touches the blood on his face. He then starts to pull himself up. He staggers to the ropes. The official goes to raise his arm, but Xander pulls away. He falls back to the corner and looks at Regan. Regan stirs as Xander then walks over and grabs her. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “No! No! Come on! Someone help her!”


Knots: “Regan’s still moving. Xander saw that!”


Xander drags her to her feet and then both stumble back to the corner, but Xander places Regan in the corner. He lifts her arms and hooks them on the top rope and looks at her. The crowd roars. Xander just looks at Regan who can be seen telling him to punch her. Xander then slowly backs up. He then turns as David Helms reaches the ringside area. Xander looks at him as David slides into the ring and goes to Regan Street as Regan looks a bit confused too as she’s set up in the corner.


Sharper: “Xander pulling Regan up and placing her in the corner.”


Knots: “Standing her up…”


Sharper: “Was he going to do more. He stopped before he knew David was out here. Was that his way of showing that may be he respects her? Setting her up for another fight?”


Knots: “Only Xander Valentine and maybe Regan Street know!”


Xander Valentine exits the ring and drops down to the floor. He then touches his face again as David checks on Regan. Regan falls to a knee as she keeps looking at Xander. Xander then starts to walk to the back.

We cut backstage to see Jessica Winters standing with Owen Cruze who is with Kelcey Wallace in the interview area.


Jessica: “Jessica Winters here and I’m with Owen Cruze. Owen, you’re moments away from a match I’m sure you’ve been waiting for, but has special meaning for you. You’re about to face, your uncle, Shaun, in a match he’s said will be his last match.”


Owen: “And sorry, Shaun, but I’m going to win.”


Owen laughs.


Owen: “We’ve talked about it for a while and this finally happened. It’s a challenge that I could make, as I work my way up to be standing in that ring, I hope, challenging for the World Title at Rise to Greatness. But this is also as personal as it gets. I get to face my family, my uncle, one of the people who has been in this ring with me and guided me after my father died.”


Owen pauses.


Owen: “Bring it Shaun. You know I will. See you out there.”


Owen nods and turns and walks off with Kelcey.


Jessica: “This should be special. Let’s go back to the ring.”


We cut away.

Shaun Cruze vs. Owen Cruze


The lights straight to flicker in the arena as “The show must go on” the SCW / Maserati Remix kicks in over the PA system, the opening beats bringing a huge cheer from the fans.

“Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?”

Owen steps out onto the stage to an even louder outpouring of noise, looking left and right at the fans and nodding in acknowledgment of their support.

“Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore?”

Phillips: “The following contest is scheduled for onefall and has a sixty minute time limit. First, accompanied by Kelcey Wallace, from Los Angeles, California, he is Owen Cruze!”

He drops to one knee and punches the stage, as a huge burst of pyro erupts behind him. Owen getting to his feet and walking down the ramp, only focussed on the ring. Kelcey Wallace walks out behind him and follows him down to the ring. Owen slides into the ring, and climbs a turnbuckle, raising his arm as his music fades, and he jumps backwards into the ring. Kelcey walks around the ring, settling in his corner.


Sharper: “This should be a treat. This is about a friendly competition, but a competition. Owen Cruze about to face his uncle, Shaun Cruze, in what Shaun’s said will be his final match. A bit of a familial battle here.”


Knots: “Yeah, but one with a lot of pressure. Owen said this is about getting him in the right mindset while having a challenge of his own. Well he better be ready to meet it.”


The opening rifts to “You know my name” by Chris Cornell kicks in over the PA system, the arena all jumping to their feet in unison as a ‘Cruze’ chant starts to roll around the arena. After a few moment, the curtain parts, and Shaun Cruze steps through it, and onto the stage
Phillips: “His opponent, also hailing from Los Angeles, California, he is the Impact Player, Shaun Cruze!”
Shaun steps forwards and to the top of the ramp, looking out over his adoring fans, lifting his hands and applauding them as he also nods his gratitude. With a final smile, he starts to walk down to the ring, high-fiving with the fans at ringside, and shaking hands. He stands smirking next to a fan who holds a banner saying ‘Come back Shaun’ before then running and sliding under the bottom rope. He walks to the middle of the ring, and holds out his arms, the noise level absolutely off the chart. He then walks to his corner, and turns, waiting for the start of the match.


Sharper: “Listen to this arena! They’ve gone ballistic with Shaun Cruze arriving.”


Knots: “Owen already has to deal with his first problem. The crowd is behind his uncle, not him!”


Shaun looks around as the “Cruze!” chants begin.


Knots: “Don’t think Owen can take those either!”


Shaun smirks as Owen nods and says something to Shaun. Shaun says something back as they step back to their corners. Steve Hollinsworth checks on both before calling for the bell. The bell sounds and the crowd roars as Owen and Shaun walk out of their corners. The crowd roars as they start to move toward one another. Owen and Shaun keep talking to one another, almost as if psyching the other up before they lock-up in the middle of the ring. They push back on one another as the crowd roars. Owen turns into a side headlock. Shaun reaches around and then gets Owen back to the ropes and fires him off. Owen bounces off and Shaun shoulders him down. The crowd roars. Owen looks up and rolls over. Shaun smirks and Owen then looks around before lunging and locking up again. They push back on one another. This time, Shaun turns into an arm wrench. He holds on and Owen reaches around. He then flips forward, nips out and cartwheels out. He moves into a side headlock. Shaun however, again, pulls him back to the ropes and fires him off. Owen bounces off and Shaun goes for a back drop. Owen spins through and lands behind him. Owen then goes for a dropkick as Shaun turns, but Shaun swats him down. Owen hits the mat and Shaun dives over and grabs him by the head in a headlock before hitting a standing headlock takedown. Shaun rolls off as Owen turns and looks at his uncle.


Sharper: “And Shaun looks crisp. He looks good here!”


Knots: “Looks like he’s not lost a step. But then again, wait until Owen starts to run.”


Owen gets up and then flips forward and Shaun jukes out of the way. Owen nips up and turns and goes to grab Shaun, but Shaun hits an arm drag. Owen rolls through. He gets up and Shaun hits a hip toss. Owen hits the mat and rolls over and Shaun scoops him up and turns and slams him down. Owen rolls over and moves to the ropes. He looks up and looks around before running at Shaun. Shaun sidesteps and sends Owen in. Owen bounces off the other side and Shaun goes for a clothesline. Owen ducks and bounces off the other side and Shaun suddenly jumps up and cracks Owen with a huge dropkick. Owen hits the mat. Shaun goes for the pin.






Owen kicks out. He looks up a bit surprised and Shaun gets up and grabs Owen. He then chops him. The crowd woos.


Sharper: “Owen I think is a bit surprised Shaun was ready to go here.”


Knots: “More little rust. And Owen’s realizing what he’s in for.”


Shaun chops him again. More woos. He then whips Owen into the ropes. Owen bounces off and Shaun kicks him in the ribs. He hooks him up and hits a vertical suplex. He floats over for the pin.






Owen kicks out. Both Cruzes get up as Kelcey looks on and Cruze forearms Owen in the jaw. Owen falls to the corner. Shaun grabs him and whips him across. Owen however flips up and over and lands on the apron. Shaun runs after and Owen catches him with a forearm. Shaun stumbles back and Owen springboards to the top rope and dives forward, but Shaun side steps. Owen flips through. He gets up and turns into Shaun who dropkicks him again!


Sharper: “Another dropkick and Owen may be more agile, but Shaun right now, showing the experience.”


Knots: “He’s not forgotten his way around that ring at all.”


Owen gets up and Shaun grabs him and spins him around. He kicks him in the ribs. He then whips him across and into the opposite corner. Shaun runs after and nails him with a running clothesline. Owen winces. Shaun grabs him and scoops him up and slams him down again. He runs into the ropes, bounces off and hits a running elbow drop. He then gets up and hits a leg drop before going for the pin.






Owen kicks out. He rolls over and starts to get up. Shaun follows up with a kick to the ribs. He then takes him over with another vertical suplex. Owen winces. Shaun gets up, exiting to the apron. He then climbs up to the top rope as the crowd cheers. Owen gets up to his feet and Shaun dives off with a double axe handle smash. Owen hits the mat. Shaun follows up with another pin.






Owen kicks out. Owen turns and Shaun grabs him and locks him into a side headlock for control. The crowd roars as Shaun slowly gets up.


Sharper: “Shaun is keeping Owen under control. This is a stunning start.”


Knots: “Shaun came in with a plan and he’s keeping it simple and effective.”


Shaun gets up with Owen in his grasp. Owen starts to push around and then gets him back to the ropes. He fires Shaun out. Shaun runs across the ring. Owen drops down. Shaun hops over and bounces off the other side. Owen jumps up for a leapfrog, but Shaun stops and Owen lands. Shaun kicks him in the ribs. He then whips Owen into the ropes. Owen bounces off and Shaun scoops him up and hits a backbreaker. He goes for another pin.






Owen kicks out and rolls over. He then looks out and crawls to the ropes. He gets up and Shaun chops him again. More woos. He then whips him across the ring. Owen bounces off. Shaun scoops him up again, but Owen backflips through. He then jumps up and hits a pump kick to the head. Shaun hits the mat. He gets up and Owen hits a dropkick. The crowd roars. He goes for the pin.






Shaun kicks out. Both get up and Owen goes for another dropkick, but Shaun catches his legs and Owen falls to the mat. Shaun looks around.


Sharper: “A volley from Owen, but Shaun keeping calm! Maybe a slingshot?”


Knots: “Looks like Owen’s going to get launched!”


Shaun then falls back and slingshots Owen, but Owen lands on the top rope. He glances back and Shaun gets up and Owen hits twisting corkscrew moonsault. He reaches back for the pin.






Shaun kicks out. He starts to get up and Owen kicks him in the ribs and nails him with a hard forearm before grabbing Shaun and whipping him into the ropes. Shaun bounces off and Owen jumps up for a frankensteiner, but Shaun counters with a sitout powerbomb!






Owen gets his shoulder up. He rolls over, but Shaun rolls with him and right into a single leg crab. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Shaun had Owen scouted! And now into the single leg crab!”


Knots: “And Owen Cruze still has no answers for his uncle!”


Shaun leans back as the crowd cheers. Owen reaches around as Kelcey urges him on from ringside. Owen starts to crawl to the ropes as Shaun keeps holding on. Owen drags his uncle toward the ropes too as Shaun keeps the hold on. Owen reaches, touching the bottom rope before grabbing it. The crowd roars.










Shaun lets go and walks forward. He walks around the ring as Owen winces. He grabs at the ropes and starts to get up. He staggers up and turns around and Shaun kicks him in the ribs, hooks his head and then his leg and hits a fisherman’s suplex into a bridge.






Owen gets his shoulder up. He turns and reaches out and moves to the ropes. Shaun steps over and grabs him in waistlock but Owen catches him with a back elbow and then another. Shaun stumbles back and Owen jumps to the middle rope and dives back for a springboard crossbody, but Shaun catches him and drops down right into a ribbreaker. He then goes for another pin.


Sharper: “Owen keeps fighting, but Shaun just a step ahead every time! Ribbreaker out of the crossbody!”


Knots: “And another cover! Right after forcing the air out of him!”






Owen gets his shoulder up. Shaun gets up and pulls his nephew up. He then scoops him up and drops him with a back suplex. Shaun then turns and exits to the apron again. He climbs up to the top rope. Owen starts to roll over and fights up to his feet as Shaun gets up and Owen then gets a burst of speed and jumps to the middle rope before the top rope and jumps up and snaps Shaun over with a top rope frankensteiner. The crowd roars. Shaun rolls over as Owen looks over.


Sharper: “And Owen finally gets Shaun down for a more than moment.”


Knots: “He dug deep there. He knew he needed to figure out a way to stop him there.”


Sharper: “Owen did just that, but can he start to build some momentum.”


Owen slowly fights up to his feet as Shaun starts to get up. He then staggers up and pushes off the ropes before turning into Owen who chops him. The crowd woos. He chops him again. More woos. He then kicks him in the ribs and runs into the ropes. He bounces off and goes up for a flying headscissors and Shaun flips through. He gets up and Owen jumps for another frankensteiner, but this time, Shaun holds him upside down, steps through before then stepping between Owen’s legs and locking in the Shaunshooter. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Shaunshooter! Again! A great counter!”

Knots: “Shaun has read every book on Owen!”


Sharper: “Owen needs to fight out this one now!”


Owen bridges up as Shaun sits down. The crowd roars as Owen looks around. He reaches out for the ropes as Shaun keeps sat down. The official checks on Owen. Owen shakes his head. He tries to crawl to the ropes, but Shaun keeps Owen where he is. Owen looks around and bridges up again. He lets out a yell as Shaun grits his teeth. Owen then reaches down and starts to pull on the leg of Shaun. Shaun keeps trying to replant before Owen pulls again and again before getting Shaun’s leg out and Shaun falls forward. Owen then manages to kick his way out and gets some distance as Shaun crawls forward and back up to his feet. He then turns and walks over to Owen. Owen suddenly jumps up and hits a dropkick. Shaun hits the mat. He gets back up and Owen staggers up to his feet and Shaun turns and goes for a hard right, but Owen ducks and then jumps up and hits a Zig Zag. Shaun hits the mat. Owen rolls over and moves to the ropes.


Sharper: “Owen fighting and not staying down. Then gets Shaun down again!”


Knots: “He’s showing heart. But at some point, that ends too. He’s got to keep it on this time!”


Shaun rolls over and Owen runs over and hits a senton backsplash. He then gets up and hits a standing moonsault. He rolls Shaun over and hooks the leg.






Shaun kicks out. He rolls over and starts to get up and Owen follows up and kicks him in the ribs. He then nails him with a forearm shot. He grabs Shaun and whips him across the ring. Owen runs after and Shaun gets an elbow up. Owen stumbles back. Shaun then runs out and goes for a clothesline. Owen ducks and runs up the corner and hits a moonsault onto Shaun.






Shaun kicks out. Both get up and Shaun hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He hooks the leg.






Owen gets his shoulder up. He rolls over as the crowd ohs. Shaun then gets up and walks over to Owen. He pulls him up before scooping him up and slamming him down with authority. Shaun then exits to the apron and climbs up to the top rope. He looks around and looks at the crowd and then at Owen, who starts to get up. Shaun then hits the Cruze Missile. The crowd cheers. Shaun crawls over, hooking the leg.


Sharper: “Cruze Missile! That has to be it! Shaun with a dominant showing!”






Owen shoots his shoulder up. Shaun turns and smirks before looking back at Owen. He nods and starts to get up. Owen rolls over. He slowly starts to get up and Shaun starts to motion for him to get up. Owen slowly does and staggers to his feet. Shaun then lunges and goes for the Morality. Owen ducks. The crowd roars. Shaun steps forward and turns and Owen nails him with the Morality. The crowd erupts in cheers.


Sharper: “Shaun missed! Owen didn’t!”


Knots: “Owen caught Shaun right under the chin!”


Sharper: “But Owen can’t take advantage!”


Owen rolls over as the referee counts.










Owen gets to the ropes and uses them to pull himself up. (5) Shaun rolls over, holding his chin. He shakes his head, trying to get the cobwebs loose. (6) He starts to get up and Owen runs up behind Shaun, pushing him into the ropes and rolls him up with an Okana roll.






Shaun kicks out. Owen steps forward. Shaun rolls over and starts to get up and Owen scoops Shaun up and hits a back suplex. Owen then turns and exits to the apron. He climbs up to the top rope as the crowd cheers. Owen looks around before diving forward and hitting a frog splash. He hooks the leg.






Shaun gets his shoulder up. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Frog splash hit! But only two!”


Knots: “Now Shaun showing some of his heart, but this has turned completely. The Morality the difference!”


Shaun rolls over as Owen starts to get up. He grabs Shaun and spins him around and hits a forearm shot and then another. He whips him across the ring. Shaun bounces off and Owen hits a spinning heel kick. He turns and runs into the ropes. Shaun however rolls over. Owen cartwheels through. Owen lands on his feet. He turns and Shaun hits a basement dropkick. Shaun then gets up and turns and staggers into the ropes. He bounces off and Shaun goes for a clothesline, but Owen ducks and runs into the ropes. Shaun stops and turns and Owen runs at him and hits the float over DDT. The crowd roars. Shaun rolls over. Owen goes for the pin.






Shaun gets his shoulder up again. Owen then rolls off. He staggers up to his feet and turns around and grabs Shaun by the head. Shaun nails him in the ribs and then again before Owen pushes back and then kicks Shaun in the chest. He pops up and Owen nails Shaun with another Morality superkick. Shaun hits them at. Owen staggers to the corner. Shaun rolls over.


Sharper: “And Owen now with all of the adrenaline. Everything’s clicking! He’s got all the answers!”


Knots: “Shaun’s not go many anymore!”


Shaun slowly pulls himself up and Owen moves to the corner, pushing himself to the top rope and then standing on the top rope. Shaun looks around, trying to find him before turning and Owen hits the Cruze Missile himself! The crowd cheers. Owen goes for the pin.






Shaun gets his shoulder up again. Owen rolls off. He looks around as Kelcey tells him to keep on it. Shaun rolls over and looks up at his nephew. He smiles as Owen comes over and grabs him and knees him in the ribs and then again. He runs into the ropes, bouncing off and Shaun gets a back elbow up. Owen stumbles back. Owen then comes off the ropes and walks over as Shaun then runs past him. He jumps to the middle rope and dives back, going for the CKO, but Owen ducks. Shaun ends up to a knee, and Owen jumps to the middle rope and dives back and hits the Cruze Stomp!


Sharper: “Shaun missed with the CKO, but Owen hit the Cruze Stomp! Owen now, the last gasp.”


Knots: “The adrenaline dropping off. He just fell on top of Shaun!”


Owen stumbles forward and then falls back onto Shaun as he rolls to his back.








Owen remains on top of Shaun as the crowd cheers. The bell sounds.


Phillips: “Here is your winner, via pinfall, Owen Cruze!”


Sharper: “Shaun Cruze came here to compete. He had an answer for everything and only at the end, when Owen just knew he had to fight through everything. After he hits the Morality, he had the opening, and he knew he couldn’t stop.”


Knots: “Shaun tried, but Owen kept it on. He finally had he momentum. But Shaun pushed Owen to the limit!”


Shaun remains down as Owen remains on top of him. Shaun can be seen saying something to Owen as Owen turns to him. They talk briefly before Owen rolls off. Kelcey enters the ring as the crowd cheers. Owen slowly starts to get up and falls to the ropes. Shaun remains down for a few moments longer before slowly sitting up. He looks around as the crowd cheers him. Owen just looks at Shaun as he leans in the corner. Shaun turns and lightly applauds Owen who gets a smile. Owen applauds him back. Owen’s music then stops as Shaun starts to get up. A “Thank you Cruze!” chant begins as Shaun looks around. He staggers a bit as Owen looks on at his uncle. The chants continue.


Sharper: “Final match…hell of a way to go out.”


Shaun looks around, raising an arm to the fans as they cheer him. The chants continue as Shaun remains in the ring. Owen and Kelcey stand to the side as the scene slowly fades to black.

We see a shot of Steve Griffin hitting the Decimator on CHBK at the first Rise to Greatness before cutting to a shot of Kennedy Street holding the SCW World Championship over her head from Rise to Greatness XV. A shot of David Helms standing on the top of a scaffold follows before showing Shilo Valiant walking to the ring. Shots of Dark Fantasy holding the SCW World Tag Team Championship, Rachel Foxx hitting the Foxx Girl Stunner, assisted with a plane of glass, on Shorty Jr. and Simon Lyman having his arm raised by Donovan Kayl followed.


“Want to experience history? Or make it?”


Several shots from past Rise to Greatness events fly on the screen before cutting to black. The Rise to Greatness XVII logo comes up on the screen.


“Rise to Greatness XVI

July 26, 2020

Minneapolis, Minnesota”


The scene slowly fades to black.

Jason Helms vs. Giovanni Aries

Wonderland Match


Backstage, the pick-up truck driven by Jason Helms pulls up to the loading dock of the arena. Jason opens the door and Lucas steps out.


Lucas: “He’s still not moved.”


Jason looks around and then undoes the tailgate.


Jason: “And David’s not heard from Adams or Ames. Don’t like any of this.”


Giovanni then suddenly revives and dives out and tackles Jason down. Jason rolls over. Giovanni then turns and grabs the cameraman’s camera and turns and throws it at Lucas. Lucas blocks it, but goes down as we cut to a shot of a cameraman running through the backstage area.


Sharper: “Giovanni is suddenly up!”


Knots: “Playing possum or something!”


Sharper: “And Lucas is down. Now he’s back on Jason!”


We then see Giovanni grabbing Jason, both covered in dirt, and runs him into a wall. Jason stumbles off and Giovanni nails him with a hard right and then another before grabbing him and running him over into a storage crate. Jason falls over as the crate rolls away. Giovanni then looks around before trying to pull off the covering over some wires that have been run. He gets part of it up and tries to pull on the wires before stopping and turning back to Jason who nails him with a hard right. Giovanni falls over. He gets up and Jason kicks him in the ribs. He then grabs him and spins him around and throws him onto a table with some coffee and snacks on it. He snacks fall over and Jason turns to the coffee carafe.


Sharper: “Jason ready for the fight. It’s one on one. David Helms apparently telling them that Ames and Adams haven’t done anything. We’ve heard nothing too.”


Knots: “Jason? What are you doing?”


Jason then grabs the carafe and holds it up and turns dumping it on Giovanni. Giovanni yells in pain and rolls away. Jason then lifts up the carafe and throws it into Giovanni. Giovanni rolls over, yelling in pain. He then crawls away a bit as Jason walks through, nearly slipping before diving onto Giovanni with a hard clubbing blow. He then gets up and grabs him and grabs one of the plastic plates that did hold snacks and lifts it up and slams it into the head of Giovanni. It just bounces off, making a comical tink. The crowd roars. Helms shrugs and nails him with a hard right. Giovanni rolls over and gets up.


Sharper: “Jason scalding Aries. Now just using anything to keep him down.”


Knots: “Aries will keep coming up and Aries already has played possum once.”


Giovanni leans on the wall and Jason moves over and nails him with a hard right and then another and another. Jason looks around and walks off and then goes down another hallway. He opens up the fire hose latch and starts to pull it out. He then drags it out and goes to wrap it around Aries, but Aries kicks him in the ribs and then again and again. He then grabs the hose and wraps it around the head and neck of Helms. He pulls back as Jason reaches around. Aries then turns, such that Jason and him are back to back and he pulls on the hose, starting to choke him, lifting him off the ground. Jason kicks his legs and tries to get free. He grabs at anything he can before grabbing at the wall and using it to flip through. He then kicks Giovanni right between the legs. The crowd ohs and Aries falls over. Jason then takes a few moments to catch his breath. He then stomps Aries in the head.


Sharper: “Jason just saving his own life.”


Knots: “They’re destroying each other all in this. This is just a weird level of personal and all because of Giovanni’s weird obsessions!”


Jason grabs Aries and starts to pull on his hair, dragging him through the hallway. Aries reaches around, kicking around before Helms stops and stomps him again. He then grabs him and lifts him up and grabs him by the head and drags him through the backstage area before running him forward and into a wall. Aries stumbles back and we cut to see a curtain. The crowd roars. Aries turns and Helms kicks him in the ribs. He then throws him back with a mat slam on the floor. Aries holds his head in pain. Helms looks around and then walks over and grabs a steel chair. He folds it up and turns back and Aries then low blows him. Helms falls over, dropping the chair.


Sharper: “Aries recovering and returning the favour with the low blow.”


Knots: “And they’re near here. There are the curtains that lead to the area on the floor. I think I can see the tunnel in the background.”


Aries slowly starts to get up and Helms rolls over and Aries stomps him in the face. He then nails him again before walking over to the legs of Helms. He looks down and grits his teeth and lifts it up. He starts to spin him around and around with the Peyote Experience. He continues to spin around, getting a bit more speed before stepping to the side and driving Jason into the wall. The crowd ohs and Jason just rolls over, half out of it. Giovanni spins around and then turns and walks over to Jason.


Aries: “Time to take you back to the Wonderland…”


Aries grabs Jason and slowly drags him up. He then stumbles him over and drags him through the curtain. He then throws him forward. Helms stumbles forward and to the floor next to the stage. The crowd looks on, sheering before the crowd boos seeing Giovanni Aries walking out.


Sharper: “Aries may have knocked him unconscious!”


Knots: “You saw how he went into the wall!”


Sharper: “And it could maybe be just a matter of time.”


Aries walks over to Helms and grabs him by the hair. He starts to drag him over to the Wonderland stage and pulls him up the side of as Aries climbs up himself. Aries then clubs him in the back and then again and again. He pulls him up and hooks Helms’ head and sets up for the Bad Trip, but Helms fights out and spins out and pulls him into a knee. Aries stumbles back before stepping forward and Helms turns and hits the Wake-Up Call. Aries falls to a knee.


Sharper: “Jason Helms! Wake-Up Call!”


Knots: “Gio needs a few of those!”


Sharper: “Aries right next to the hole!”


Jason Helms then starts to get up before suddenly, we see Aries lunge and grabs him from behind, locking in the Embrace of the Wonderland! The crowd roars and Aries then pulls Jason back and they both dive through the hole. The crowd roars and then the bell sounds. The crowd starts to boo a bit as we see some green smoke billow out of the hole.


Sharper: “They both went in!”


Knots: “Wait? So who wins?!”


Sharper: “I don’t know. No one? Giovanni and Jason just dragged into the Wonderland!”


The crowd looks on, as there are some more boos. We then see Amy Chastaine come out from the back with David Helms and Lucas Knight. They look around before Lucas heads over to the Wonderland hold and reaches in before the smoke gets more and more. The crowd looks on booing as the scene slowly fades to black.

We see a shot of several match types flashing on the screen before cutting to a shot of Tommy Valentine falling off a ladder, before showing David Helms hitting the Nightmare on Helms Street, driving a chair into someone’s face, before cutting to show Selena Frost moonsaulting off the Chamber.


“One night…everything is decided by the spin of a wheel…”


Shots of several match types flash across the screen before we cut to show a shot of the SCW World Championship, then the US Championship before showing Regan Street holding the SCW Television Championship, followed by shots of the Adrenaline and World Tag Team Championship belts.


“Every title will be on the line…”


We see Bree Lancaster and Sienna Swann looking at one another before cutting to show James Evans and Xander Valentine standing across from one another and then showing Alistaire Allocco and Owen Cruze standing across from Dark Fantasy.


“Potential Dream Matches or clashes no one ever thought they’d see…”


We then see a shot of more match types flashing across the screen before the Fatal Fortunes logo comes up on the screen.


“Fatal Fortunes, comes to you live on Breakdown, May 13 and 20, 2020!”


The scene fades to black.

We open up with a panning shot of the crowd, showing many still checking on the Wonderland stage as “We Will Rock You” plays. The Cold Blooded logo comes up on the screen before we see a still of Bree Lancaster vs. James Evans.


Sharper: “This crowd still buzzing from what we saw in the Wonderland match. We know Fatal Fortunes coming up in just three week’s time, but who will be the World Champion? What about the US Champion? Both titles on the line. Bree Lancaster faces James Evans!”


Knots: “And it may be the Beauty Factory’s last stand?”


Sharper: “Let’s take a look at James Evans and Bree Lancaster and their history.”


A recap video plays showing James hitting Bree with the chair in the Thunderdome match at Retribution, before cutting to show Bree hitting James with the SCW United States Championship and some back and forth both on the microphone but also from the past.

Bree Lancaster vs. James Evans

SCW United States Championship

SCW World Championship


We open up to see a shot of Jason Phillips in the middle of the ring.


Phillips: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for onefall, with a sixty minute time limit and is your main event of the evening. It is for both the SCW United States Championship and the SCW World Championship!”


The SCW US Championship logo comes across the screen before it’s followed by the SCW World Championship logo before both go to the bottom corners of the screen. The lights dim as a voice backed by piano music fill the arena.

{That's the price you pay.... Leave behind your heartache, cast away
Just another product of today.... Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge, face up... 'cause you're a NATURAL}

As the heavy music of Imagine Dragons kicks in the lights come back up and Bree Lancaster is standing on the stage, her arms spread wide, the United States Championship belt around her waist. Bree looks up as white sparks shower down behind her from the top of the set to the stage. Scott Burnside appears behind her. The crowd gives a very mixed reaction. The chorus continues as Bree and Scott make their way down the ramp, Bree holding her arms out all the way to the ring. She stops at the steps and Scott goes up ahead of her. Bree follows and Scott holds the ropes open for her to step through. He goes to the apron as Bree walks to the center of the ring, turning as she does. She then walks a circle in the ring showing off, before going to the corner.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster is returning home and hoping tonight she can be the one to end James Evans’ reign. She’s wanted to become World Champion for a while.”


Knots: “Sienna can’t go. She steps up. She got her receipt against James Evans for that chair shot at Retribution. But now she wants his title!”


The opening of “Door to Door Cannibals" can be heard blaring through the PA system.  The camera will pan through the curtain as the face of James Evans appears, igniting a positive reaction from the crowd, as they shower him in cheers. The camera remains on James as he breaks through the curtain. The cheers intensify as James looks out at the crowd, holding the SCW World Championship.
"Your name isn't proud demented man
Hold tight to the lie you sold to them
Take God and the case below
It falls on the day with much to learn
But you didn't get it
No you didn't get it
But you didn't get it
No you didn't"
James slowly makes his way to the ring, as images of him winning various championships and hitting various moves appear on the screen. James reaches the ring and makes his way up the ring steps, before turning and facing the crowd.
"They're like cannibals full of grass stealing lives
And I swear I won't be found
See a door like advice, like a light
I'm getting out alive
I'm getting out alive"
James then steps into the ring and walks to the center of it, removing his black hoodie, maintaining his focus. James then goes to the corner and sits on the top turnbuckle, his back to the crowd, as the screen shows James powerbombing Ace Marshall through the barricade, as well as James lifting the SCW World title above his head, as his music comes to an end.


Sharper: “And this crowd very divided. Many here James Evans fans. But Bree, she’s home. She’s got some support.”


Knots: “James won’t care. He’s planning to walk out a double champion!”


Jason Phillips steps up.


Phillips: “First, to my left. She is the SCW United States Champion…accompanied by Scott Burnside, from New Orleans, Louisiana…”


The mixed reaction clearly pronounced.


Phillips: “Bree Lancaster!”


Bree steps up and holds up her SCW United States Championship, getting the mixed reaction back. Bree looks around before stepping forward and handing senior official Aaron Demitra, the SCW US Championship.


Phillips: “Her opponent, to my right…from New York City, New York…”


More mixed reaction.


Phillips: “He is the SCW World Champion, James Evans!”


The crowd roars and some boos come from through and James Evans just steps up and hands the title to Demitra. He steps back, looking at Bree. Demitra holds both titles over his head before he hands them off. Phillips exits the ring. Bree and James look at one another as Scott exits to the floor.


Sharper: “Both titles on the line. Someone could walk out as a double champion tonight.”


Knots: “But the issue here is what will happen. Champion’s advantage available too.”


Sharper: “That’s right. In the event of a disqualification or countout, neither title changes hands.”


The bell sounds and Bree and James step out of their corners. The crowd roars as Bree watches James before lunging for his leg. James tries to stop her and does, pulling her up and clubbing her in the back over and over before throwing her down. Bree rolls over and to the ropes. James run at her and swings. Bree drops down and rolls to the floor. She reaches into the ring and pulls on James’ legs. She pulls him to the floor. Bree backs up and goes for a hard right, but James blocks it and knees her in the ribs. (1) He goes to send her into the ringpost, but Bree hugs the ring skirt, stopping him. (2) James turns and knees her again before Bree reaches up and rakes the eyes. (3) Bree then rolls into the ring. James turns and rolls in himself and Bree runs over and stomps him in the back repeatedly.


Sharper: “Bree quickly trying to wrestle smart. Using the ring. Using distance.”


Knots: “She knows James is like the terminator. He’ll keep coming. She wants to stop him early!”


Bree stomps him a third time as the official calls for the break.










Bree steps back and extends her arms. Demitra warns her as James turns and grabs at the ropes, starting to get up and Bree runs over and kicks him in the back of his left leg. James staggers to the corner. Bree follows and stomps him in the left knee again.


Sharper: “Bree’s quickly going for that knee!”


Knots: “You think she’ll try to make him give up.”


Sharper: “I’m sure she’d love it. Sienna would too. Then again, Bree’s probably trying to give herself something to focus on, especially with Jordan Majors so clearly choosing Jake over Sienna earlier!”


Knots: “That was great, wasn’t it?”


Bree then grabs the leg, but James grabs Bree and pulls her in by the hair and headbutts her. Bree stumbles out and James walks out and nails her in the ribs with a hard right. He then kicks her in the ribs before whipping her into the ropes. Bree bounces off and James goes for a clothesline. Bree ducks and bounces off the other side only for James to elbows her down. Bree pops up and moves to the corner. James follows up and kicks her in the ribs before kicking her again and again. Bree drops to a seated position before James starts to drive his knee into the side of Bree’s head.










James steps off and walks around the ring. Bree starts to pull herself up and James walks over and grabs her and whips her across the ring. Bree hits the corner hard and James runs across and clotheslines her down.


Sharper: “And James using his brawling to make sure Bree knows this is just getting started.”


Knots: “Bree was starting to go there. James just anted up!”


James turns as Bree starts to get up and moves to the ropes. James walks over and clubs her in the back before spinning her around into the corner. James then pushes her back before hitting a back elbow. He then grabs her and pulls her out and scoops her up and slams her down. James runs into the ropes, bouncing off and hitting an elbow drop. He goes for the pin.






Bree kicks out. James rolls over as Bree stirs. She moves to the ropes and James walks over and Bree reaches up and elbows him in the ribs and then again before James grabs her and clubs her in the back. Bree fights and hits a drop toe hold to the middle rope. James winces and Bree rolls to the apron. She gets up and looks at James before diving and nailing him with a diving elbow drop. James rolls over back into the ring. Bree walks around on the floor. (1)


Sharper: “And Bree with the elbow. We’re seeing her throw down in ways we’ve not seen her really do.”


Knots: “She’ll do anything to win. We may just be seeing the start.”


James rolls over and starts to get up and Bree enters the ring and goes for the left leg, chopblocking it. James hits the mat. Bree then gets up and stomps him in the chest. James rolls over. He starts to get up and turns around to Bree before walking into a Bree dropkick. Bree follows up with a pin attempt.






James kicks out. Bree gets up and grabs James by the head. She slowly drags him up to his knees and then hits another dropkick. James falls back. Bree then grabs the left leg and kicks the back of it. James winces. Bree kicks at it again. James pulls away and moves to the ropes, pulling himself to the apron. Bree sees this and runs across the ring. She bounces off and James gets up only for Bree to throw herself into James with a tackle, knocking James off the apron and hard into the barricade. James rolls to the mats. (1)


Sharper: “Bree using herself to launch James into the barricade.”


Knots: “Can’t lift him up. Can’t do that. But can hurt him a lot of ways!”


James rolls over, wincing. (2) He slowly starts to get up and Bree watches him. (3) The referee tells her to get back. Bree just ignores him. James gets up to his feet and Bree runs across the ring. She bounces off and dives through the ropes, hitting a crossbody onto James, taking him down. The crowd gives a roar before we hear some boos. Bree gets up and looks around, playing to the crowd. (1) James rolls over. Bree grabs him and drags him up. (2) She rolls him into the ring. Bree hops onto the apron and then climbs up to the top rope. James slowly stirs in the ring and turns as Bree dives off with another crossbody. This one turns into a pin.






James kicks out. Bree rolls off. She gets up and James starts to get up. Bree kicks him in the ribs and then drives her elbow into the back of his head. She turns and runs into the ropes. She bounces off and James suddenly lunges and drills her with a diving clothesline. The crowd roars. Boos follow.


Sharper: “And Bree got a bit too fancy. James nearly took her head off!”


Knots: “Got all of that clothesline!”


Bree slowly gets up as James turns and gets up and walks over to her and knees her in the ribs. He then gutwrenches her up and throws her down with a suplex. Bree rolls over and moves to the ropes. She starts to get up and moves toward James and goes for a kick, but James catches it. He then pulls her in before hoisting her up and running her into the corner, spearing her in the ribs. He rears back and spears her again before backing up and grabbing Bree and pulling her out of the corner before pulling her into a powerslam. He hooks the leg.






Bree kicks out. Bree rolls over and James gets up. He grabs her by the hair and drags her up before running her across the ring and into the top turnbuckle. Bree turns, falling to a knee and James pulls her out, hooking her up by the head and hoists her up, placing her on the top rope. James then walks over and grabs her, but Bree suddenly forearms him in the jaw and then again and again. She shoves James back and Bree then dives off with a splash to both legs of James Evans. James grimaces in pain and pulls away, holding his left leg.


Sharper: “Bree countered and then landing right on his legs!”


Knots: “Back to the legs. And not like there’s not an inconsiderate amount of weight landing there!”


Sharper: “Easy there!”


Knots: “Well more than a sack of potatoes!”


James grabs at the ropes and starts to get up and Bree runs over and grabs his leg and James hops on the other before Bree hits a dragon screw leg whip. Bree moves into a legbar. James grimaces in pain as the crowd gives a mixed reaction. Bree looks around as she pulls back. She nods as James grabs at the mat before looking around. He then grits his teeth as he starts to plan a counter. Bree keeps nodding, trying to hyperextend the knee, but James then lifts his right leg and kicks her in the arms and then the chest before bringing his leg up and down repeatedly. Bree loosens her grip with each shot and James rolls over. Bree rolls away and holds her chest before shaking out her hand. James slowly gets up in the corner and Bree turns and runs at him. James however ducks under at the last moment and waistlocks her before hitting a snap German suplex. The crowd ohs as Bree rolls back and to her stomach.


Sharper: “James Evans dropped Bree Lancaster!”


Knots: “Bree taken on the shortest long ride of her life!”


James gets up and turns, limping a bit as Bree looks up, starting to get up and James steps over her and pulls her up before double underhooking her up and hitting a sitout tiger bomb.






Bree gets her shoulder up and rolls out of it. James rolls over. He starts to get up as Bree crawls to the ropes. She starts to get up and James grabs her and turns and whips her into the ropes. She bounces off and Bree jumps up for a crossbody, but James catches her. He then just dumps her down with a scoop slam. Bree starts to get up and James grabs her by the head and hooks her up and hits a snap vertical suplex. James then gets up and hits an elbow drop before getting up and hitting a second elbow drop. He then drops down for the pin.






Bree kicks out. Scott smacks the mat, trying to get Bree going, and the crowd behind Bree. The crowd meanwhile chants for both. James gets up and grabs Bree and drags her up. He then hits a back suplex.


Sharper: “Back suplex plans Bree Lancaster.”


Knots: “James just starting to do what he does. He mauls you until you just can’t go. Bree’s finding out he won’t stop.”


Bree rolls over and James pushes her back onto her back and hooks the leg.






Bree kicks out. James gets up as Bree rolls over and James grabs her and whips her into the corner. James run after and clotheslines her in the corner. He then steps out and goes to whip her across. She bounces off and James lifts her up, but Bree spins through and lands behind him and hits the Priceless. James hits the mat. He grimaces in pain and Bree frantically moves to his legs and grabs his left leg and hoists it up and slams it into the ring. The crowd roars.


Sharper: “Bree quickly knowing she had to do something. The superkick to the spine! Then back to the knee!”


Knots: “A bit more urgency!”


James winces and rolls over and Bree grabs the leg again and then drives her elbow into it. She grinds her elbow into her thigh and James again grits his teeth and grabs Bree and just starts to hammer the back of her head with repeated right hands. The crowd roars as Bree holds on for a moment longer before pulling away. She rolls over. James rolls over and moves to the ropes. Bree then turns and runs at him but James hoists her onto his shoulders. Bree starts to elbow out of things before James falls back with a Samoan drop. He rolls over and the crowd roars. James winces as Bree looks up.


Sharper: “And a violent back and forth.”


Knots: “Evans tried to get the Middle Finger, but Bree saw it coming.”


Sharper: “And instead he fell back just forcing the air out of her!”


James slowly starts to get up as Bree turns and grabs the ropes. She starts to get up and James runs at her and goes for a clothesline, but Bree pulls the top rope down. James goes up and over, but lands on the apron. Both get up and Bree hits a kicks to the left leg of James. James falls to a knee and Bree steps out and grabs him and hits a DDT on the ring apron. The crowd ohs. Bree rolls to the floor. (1) She turns and pushes James into the ring. She crawls in and goes for the pin.






James gets his shoulder up. He rolls over as Bree starts to get up and turns and grabs at the left leg. She kicks at it before kicking at it again. James rolls over.


Sharper: “Back to the leg after driving him down with that DDT. Only getting a two.”


Knots: “You know Bree is trying to do something fast. She knows each shot hurts like a truck from Evans!”


Sharper: “Evans has so much behind everything and he’s still moving. Still fighting.”


Bree then grabs the leg and kicks him in the knee before stepping back. She then looks around and starts to go for the Crescent lock. She spins through and locks it in. The crowd roars. She then starts to bridge up. James however moves a bit. Bree slips. She resets and bridges up as the crowd cheers, although many boo. James yells out in pain. He reaches up, trying to go for the leg, but Bree keeps bridging.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster! Crescent Lock!”


Knots: “James! You need to get out of it! You need to!”


James keeps moving before dropping down to his back.






James gets his shoulder up and reaches out. Bree keeps the bridge on as James starts to move, trying to drag himself and Bree. Bree loses the bridge as a result and tries to keep it on. James drags himself a bit more and then again before grabbing the bottom rope. Bree keeps the hold on.










She lets go and rolls over. James remains down. Bree starts to get up as the crowd gives a mixed reaction and Bree stomps James’ left leg. She then grabs the leg again and starts to pull him away from the ropes, but she leans forward too much only for James to counter with an inside cradle.






Bree kicks out.


Sharper: “Nearfall with the cradle!”


Both get up and Bree turns to James who scoops her up and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. James collapses as Bree rolls over in pain. She holds her lower back. She moves to the ropes, grabbing at them before starting to stir. James slowly pulls himself up and limps over to the corner. Bree drags herself up and stumbles up and runs at James, but James steps up and grabs her and belly to belly suplexes her into the turnbuckle. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “James Evans just again driving Bree down hard to land awkwardly!”


Knots: “Bree never had a chance. Just snapped her off and she may be done!”


James slowly rolls over and winces as Bree stirs too. She falls in a heap and slowly rolls over. James moves to the middle of the ring and slowly starts to stagger up to his feet. He grits his teeth as he limps around a bit. Bree starts to get up and gets up to her feet and James then grits his teeth and lets out a yell, fighting through the pain to run across and nails Bree with the Laces Out. Bree falls back to the corner and then down to the mat. James rolls her away from the ropes and hooks the leg.






Bree shoots her shoulder up. The crowd ohs.


Sharper: “And Bree Lancaster kicks out! James nailed her with the Laces Out and she still kicked out!”


Knots: “Unbelievable. She wants to walk out World Champion.”


Sharper: “She wants to walk out with both titles, but James, practically on one leg, is trying to do the same!”


James then starts to get up and grabs Bree. James drags her up to her feet and knees her in the ribs. He knees her again and Bree manages to grab his knee and pulls. James falls over and into Demitra. Demitra rolls over and holds his face. James rolls over and grabs at the ropes. He starts to get up as the crowd boos. He turns around and Bree smiles before getting up and running at James but James hoists her up and throws her forward with a spinebuster. James rolls off. He starts to get up and Scott looks around. He walks around the ring as James starts to get up, wincing in pain. We then see Sienna Swann running out from the back. The crowd boos loudly as Sienna starts to jog down before we see several officials coming out and quickly stopping her. The crowd roars. James smirks before walking over to Bree, but just then, we see Syren crawling into the ring, having come over the barricade and grabbed the SCW World Championship.


Sharper: “The referee is down! Sienna out-“


Knots: “Syren! We’ve not seen her in weeks! But she has a score to settle with James!”


Sharper: “No! Not like this!”


Knots: “She has the World Title!”


James turns and ducks, but Syren instead goes low, nailing him in the knee with the SCW World Championship. James grimaces in pain and Syren rolls out of the ring. Syren throws the title down and Sienna stops, looking shocked as Scott’s eyes widen. Bree slowly starts to get up as Scott yells at Bree to get up. James grimaces, getting back up and limping heavily and he turns around as Bree looks over and pushes herself up and drills him with the Classifier. The crowd roars. Bree falls on top of James. Demitra turns and sees the cover.










The crowd roars and some boo as James Evans remains down. Bree slowly rolls over. Sienna pushes her way past the officials and runs to the ring. Scott runs around as Syren is walking through the crowd, glancing back. She storms off as Scott grabs the SCW World Championship.


Phillips: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, the SCW United States Champion and NEW SCW World Champion, Bree Lancaster!”


Sienna slides into the ring as Bree stirs and immediately hugs her. Scott yells out a yes as he rolls into the ring with the World Title. The official is handed the SCW US Championship and hands it to them.


Sharper: “Bree Lancaster has won…She is the new World Champion!”


Knots: “Syren though with the assist. And she hates them. But she hates James Evans more. His past sins coming to haunt him tonight!”


Sharper: “And in the process, Bree Lancaster has the richest prize in this sport and is a double champion. And look at Sienna! Grasping at her. Hugging her. Clinging to her!”


Bree looks around before she realizes she’s World Champion. She just smiles as she takes the World Championship and looks at it. The crowd gives a mixed reaction.


Sharper: “Oh man…the consequences from this one…will be felt. We’re out of time. Good night everyone from New Orleans!”


Bree celebrates with her titles as Sienna celebrates with her as the scene fades to black…