Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: EMERGE Season 2 - Please Read
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As you will have seen, next year, season, whatever you want to call it, we will be going bi-weekly. As I said in the Discord, I believe this is needed to keep momentum going for the fed, and it will make storylines flow a lot better.

Anyway, that isn't really the point of this thread, the actual point is because of this amendment, we will now have FIVE Invasions instead of four, and as such I am looking at ideas for locations for two of those shows.

People that have been on the Discord will know when I say locations, for these two shows I don't want it to be an Arena or Stadium, I want it to be something different, with a themed gimmick if you want. Think Bash on the Beach for example and you get the idea, but if you want to get more creative please do so. I joked about it being on Blake's jet, but it could be on an aircraft carrier for get the gist

Now by all means, have fun with this thread, but can I also have proper answers in amongst the hilarity that will probably ensue from this question Big Grin the best two that tickle my fancy, I'll use next year

Back in the SWA, we had a concept league technically based in Australia, but that competed aboard a cruise ship. This year, the Jericho Cruise is copying our idea and having wrestling on a cruise ship.

It may be a little bit outside of EMERGE's budget, but what about it?
How about at a theme park? Like set up inside Disney or Universal Studios (yeah, yeah, I know lol), an outdoor ring and stadium seats.
Don't worry about budget... SCW pays the bills ;-)
Oh, well if we don't have to worry about a budget: Can we have a show on the moon?