Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: Massive apologies
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OK guys, first of all I want to apologise for the mess this transfer has been. I thought we were all set to move to the new boards for Invasion, but it turns out Proboards and any free boards in fact have some kind of censorship which I hate. No way would I ever take down someones post so we would end up being deleted. Not cool

So what happens now?

Well, Omar has kindly agree to finance a paid board, and Adam has agreed to skin it, but of course thats going to take time. Therefore, I have messaged Olek on Discord to ask if it would be ok for us to stay here in the interim. Then hopefully, the new board would be ready to go for Season 3, with a fresh new look.

I also need to apologise to Was for the banner for the new boards, but hopefully I'll be able to incorporate it into the new new ones.

If Olek agrees, I will transfer the match threads for Invasion over here and nothing changes

Also, I dont know if anyone has any thoughts on this, but I thought it might be a good idea if we had some kind of landing page that incorporated our 'family' of feds we are all involved in. If not, I will be putting a link to all on the new boards for ease

Again, just want to say sorry for all this, but I think we at least now have a defined plan *fingers crossed*

Regarding the banner, don't sweat it boss. I can always make alterations/a new one down the line if necessary.

That said, and I GET why you want to do it, but why not consider simply remaining here? Let's face it, regardless of how much new blood may or may not join, the majority of your roster is SCW-based anyway. You've had several of us already say that the separate boards thing is a pain in the hole, and we know there's no issues with censorship etc here too - otherwise we'd have no Kandis after about 2 weeks of her existence! lol.

I get it's robbing EMERGE of some identity etc, but it just seems like the best outcome all round to just remain where we are. Just my two pennies worth though fella, either way its only a blip for now.
Honestly, I've thought about it, but not sure if Olek would agree. I think what would possibly work would be if EMERGE had a website, at least then it would have some degree of separation.

(09-05-2019, 03:57 AM)ThatWasley Wrote: [ -> ]That said, and I GET why you want to do it, but why not consider simply remaining here? Let's face it, regardless of how much new blood may or may not join, the majority of your roster is SCW-based anyway. You've had several of us already say that the separate boards thing is a pain in the hole, and we know there's no issues with censorship etc here too - otherwise we'd have no Kandis after about 2 weeks of her existence! lol.

I get it's robbing EMERGE of some identity etc, but it just seems like the best outcome all round to just remain where we are. Just my two pennies worth though fella, either way its only a blip for now.

Essentially what Was said. Nothing more I can add, honestly.

Will roll with whatever the decision is however.
So MyBB allows for certain forums to have its own skin. If we really want, we could do that for the EMERGE Forums, so anything under that EMERGE category (the category itself) will be viewed underneath this new forum with a 'EMERGE' skin. I could make it so your god damn twitter replaces SCW's.

I agreed with the idea that EMERGE should have its own website. I don't get the stick regarding the seperate in form of pic bases reservations, not that it really bugs me, but I thought it's a cool thing to share pic bases. I think having a separate site with the different domain, then separate skin for this corner of the boards should give you enough of an identity
What you said works for me, Adamsama
Works for me as well, in fact I fully love that idea. What do I do?
Whatever works is fine with me, if we get a new site, great. If we stay here, great. If Adam can give it an identity on this site even better. I am still willing to get a brand new one, so whatever you decide, let me know.

As for sharing pic bases, I'm not for that. If its two different feds, fine but even EMERGE/UWA or whatever it is now, needs to make an ALUMNI section, newer characters or first timers in a Drew Bryant led promotion does not pertain to this. I have this thing about identity and personality traits within characters, meaning I'm not okay with another Carmella Rose & Cassi Colvin (EMERGE), Mickie James & Eva Marie (UWA) or any of my other old pic bases that made history in the Promotion EMERGE, UWA or any of he feds Drew Bryant is associated with being used, but I have always had this stance on the subject, its nothing new.
I had something similar on my old board, at one point we had 4 different feds running there, and one fed's forum had its own skin (I offered the other fedheads and they didn't take me up on it). It worked great, the feds had their own feel. Its a great idea. Sharing a board doesn't mean you have to be associated or similar. It was kinda the point of my old site, lol.

It'll work out great. And you get your Twitter!
Skin - Nothing. I can handle that. It's me coding/testing out a skin then changing some forum settings.

Site - You need to decide how you would like to approach. Wordpress can be hosted, but you'd need hosting. You can opt for the free wordpress as you been using for results I do so believe. There are other content management systems but no clue how they work. Honestly, I've been out of the web design game for 7 years at this point.
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