Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: Now the show is posted... all please read
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OK... so at Invasion we are going to have ourselves a special match. That being that ANYONE no matter how long they have been here can compete for the big one. Similar to the EOY vote in SCW, YOU guys will choose the character that will challenge the EMERGE Champion in South Africa.

Now IC, this will take the form of a website vote on the night, when the winner will be revealed later on EMERGE #35. So no IC comments please on social media

However OOC I need you all to PM me with your choice. This choice is limited please to one choice per handler, and a further specification is your CAN'T choose your own character. Please, can I ask that these are your choices and not a group choice. I want the opinion to be your own. If someone is chosen that already is scheduled for that event (Every title will be on the line), they will do double duty that evening. I however will leave it down to the handler if they do two rps, or one for both. Unlike the EOYS, people that have challenged before can be put forward to another shot.

This vote will stay open for forty eight hours from the posting of this thread, and the winner revealed as already stated, on the show. Only votes posted to THIS account will be included

Just a further note, if I do get a tie, then it will be a triple threat. However if three people tie, I shall have the casting vote on who I think suits the storyline best.

So yeah, get your choices in asap guys... and good luck to all.

Thank you.
can we have a list of names.
Mine's in chief
Its everyone on the roster Jon
i know, just figured a list would be easier for everyone to see rather than move to the roster board lol. Anyway, my votes in.