Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: Erik Holland vs. Sammy Thomas Davies
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1 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Static fills our eyes and ears as we begin to watch this pre-recorded message. This lasts for about a beat of five seconds, then a jump cut brings us to a close up of an eyeball. The pupil dilates, quickly, as if the person this eye belongs to has suddenly become very panicked. The eye moves quickly around, quickly, quickly--


Bars and tone kick up, that annoying beep lasting for about three more seconds, then we see a pretty familiar face. Smeared black makeup around the eyes of one Erik Holland as he backs up enough to be seen by the camera, glaring at the screen, breathing heavy as if he's trying to hold something back. Because of the low-light, black and white filter selected for this segment it's really very hard to tell where Erik Holland is precisely, but I think that's deliberate, Reader. He wants you to focus on him, not the shiny objects around him.

"Supreme Championship Wrestling."

This message is for you, I guess, SCW.

"My Erik Holland. For nine years I've been travelling all over the world, I've been in the professional wrestling business against some of the absolute best competitors on the planet. I've held titles, won tournaments and through it ALL; I have not...been able to really find a place that sticks right here in my heart, ya' know? Like a handful of...barbecue skewers.."

As Erik holds a meaty paw to his chest, he giggles a little bit to himself, squeezing his eyes shut before the big brown orbs shoot open again.

"But then Supreme Championship Wrestling comes a'callin'. Supreme Championship Wrestling not only offers me but GUARANTEES me the type of high quality competition that is in rare form and supply these days, and me and Lyric? We couldn't possibly say no, so here we are, SCW! Here..we..are..And you bring me Sammy Thomas Davies first."

Erik stops for a moment, having been pacing back and forth in front of the camera as he's been soliliquying, and even holds up a hand to prevent himself from pacing even more. 

"I would be remiss, Sammy, if I didn't wish you good luck in this match! After all, wouldn't it be just a grand old time if you were able to come in here and spoil my debut. Spoil my welcoming party. Get me started off on the wrong foot. So I bet you're feeling nervous, feeling EXCITED, right? Sammy? You in there? Do you know what's coming? For that matter--does SCW?"

Erik now faces his whole front at the camera, the pale contacts giving his eyes a weird shine in the low light. That snarl that stays on his face seems to be pulling at his face in a variety of directions the whole time, as he carries on.

"Because I can't think of any possible way that I could lose this match, Sammy. I have prepared for every possibility. And the thing about it is, I find it so important that I make a significant impact on SCW in just my first match. That what I do to you in this bout is going to make the SCW locker room that I am now a part of, sit up and take notice. Convince them all that Erik Holland is about to be a real significant PROBLEM for them in their near future! Here's the DEAL! I owe NO ONE in this company my loyalty except that gorgeous woman standin' behind the camera, get out here--"

And as he points a finger at the camera, we hear the click of boots as a five-foot-tall woman with bright blonde, almost white hair comes strutting out, center stage with Erik Holland. This must be Lyric, who Holland referenced earlier, and an electric smile is on her face as she admires her man up close. They're not social distancing, folks, let's just say that.

"And as far as we are concerned, it's US against the SCW world until I stand on top of that bloody mountain that everybody's going to be fighting for. The TV title, the Adrenaline title, the United States title, all of it leading to a central point, that being the SCW World Championship...and because I've been a World Champion, I know what it takes to get back there. I know what I will have to SACRIFICE, I know what I will have to put my BODY through and I welcome all of it. All the agony, all the chaos, it'll all be worth it for me. It always is..."

Holland cackles to himself again as he holds Lyric in his arms.

"It's not about who's next for Erik Holland, SCW. It's about who will be LEFT! Watch what I do to Sammy Thomas DAAAAAVIS... and realize that SCW is about to be taken places it's never gone before.."

Holland looks down at Lyric now, and after getting a kiss, Lyric plants her hand over the lens of the screen. The color bars return, then the eyeball, followed by a SHRILL scream,