Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: Update on Breakdown
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I hope to have it tonight. A couple of meetings ran longer than intended, but I just have a handful of segments and the main event to write. At worst, tomorrow morning, with cards for everything RTG related finalized by then too (I'll add a few more matches and what not tonight regardless). Sorry about the delay and thanks for the patience.
(07-16-2020, 04:43 PM)supremecw Wrote: [ -> ]I hope to have it tonight. A couple of meetings ran longer than intended, but I just have a handful of segments and the main event to write. At worst, tomorrow morning, with cards for everything RTG related finalized by then too (I'll add a few more matches and what not tonight regardless). Sorry about the delay and thanks for the patience.

Arigatou gozaimasu, Olek-dono!