Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: Crystal Zdunich vs. Katie Steward
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2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, February 10, 2021
What have I honestly got myself into?!
Truly there are so many different thoughts that are going through my head and I feel like I have to stand out here and defend myself to everyone because you all deserve to get nothing but the honest truth from me. It is very hard having to balance out the life that I live. It may not seem like it is but it’s ripping me apart at the very seams. I wrestle in multiple companies and away from Supreme Championship Wrestling I have been having the time of my life. I have just won my 17th World Championship two weekends ago. I also won a Rumble for another company which guarantees me a chance to become an 18th World Champion for a different company. Things seem to be building up in a very positive way. I feel like my career is back on track. I feel like I am at the top of my game and I am back!
Honestly that is how I want to feel but then I come face to face with how things have been going for me in Supreme Championship Wrestling and I realize that I have been seriously lacking here. I am not the same woman that I portray as being elsewhere. Everywhere else I am a beloved superstar. The fans love to cheer me on. They love me when I come to the ring and there are cheers everywhere.
I guess you could say that feeling propels me to be better than ever and I enjoy giving back to everybody rooting me on. It has always been what I enjoy doing. Yet right here in this company that isn’t the case. When you look at me I know you just see this evil cunt. You see a woman who you probably assume doesn’t give a fuck. You see a woman who is hardly around and it’s very rare that she can actually muster up the time to stand in front of a camera and give all of you a decent promo.
You see the woman who fucked things up and couldn’t even team up with Maria in the Tag League. You see a woman who had all of the makings to live up to so much hype but has failed miserably in living up to all of it. You see a woman who is overshadowed by that of her manager and it’s honestly leaving me in a place questioning who I am or what I am about?!
To be quite frank, it’s a very tough situation and sometimes I don’t even know how to feel about it either. I want to care though. I want to be better than what I have been and that is my main point of concern. So the question is where do I go from here?! What do I do?!
There is a strong part of my soul that is telling me that I should quit… After all it is too much and maybe just maybe I would be better being able to focus on just one company where I could excel and rise to the very top.
After all do you honestly have any idea how crazy it is knowing that I am one of the biggest stars in one company and a beloved hero just to turn around and get booed in another?!
It’s very annoying… So with that in mind quitting seems like it would be my best course of action. You all wouldn’t have to deal with me fucking things up ever again. You wouldn’t be disappointed and stars that actually can focus can take their time rising through the ranks to become the big stars they were meant to be…
That is what is rapidly going through my head, but then I remembered something…
Quitting is merely a shortcut to losing and I am not a loser. I can be called so many different things but one thing I know I am definitely not is a quitter. I refuse to quit and if anything this just gives me more of a reason to step the fuck up. I will rise back up and I will show everybody in Supreme Championship Wrestling that when push comes to shove that I am among one of the best women that could step into a ring, and Katie Steward will see for herself why that is definitely a fact, and nobody can deny that.
For the past few weeks, months even I know I have been shitting the bed. If you want the honest truth the real reason why I decided to come into this company in the first place is because I had made a very dumb decision to say some things I shouldn’t have said on social media. They are comments I wish I could have taken back. At the time I also felt very unappreciated and I felt like I could stick out somewhere new.
That plan definitely backfired on me and I have been running around in circles ever since. If there was ever a time to change the narrative about what the jury has out for me. I would say that now is definitely that time and it all starts with Katie Steward.
Katie now I have taken a look at you. Honestly I know I could get into it over what just happened on the last Breakdown. I was ready to go down to that ring and fight you but because of certain circumstances I know that wasn’t meant to be. That won’t be the case this week and I will happily fuck you up for the simple fact that I know I can. On paper you seem to have built up quite the resume in this company haven’t you?!
You have won mostly all of the major championships in this company. You have been named Female of the year on multiple occasions. On top of that if that wasn’t enough you also have had the luxury of being inducted into the Hall of Fame!
That sounds great…
That’s amazing!
That’s stunning!
Yet as great as all of that sounds the fact of the matter is I am still not impressed and I truly just don’t give a fuck. The only reason you have been able to accomplish so much is because our paths haven’t crossed one another yet. I mean I could sit here and gloat about how I am a 17 time World Champion, how I have been inducted into four different Hall of Fames and according to the OSEW polls I was ranked as the number 1 female wrestler in the year 2011. Everything I have accomplished has triumphed what you did but I guess it might not mean much because I haven’t done anything here as of yet. That’s why I plan to change the narrative about me and as great as you might sound I know for a fact that I am just that much better. I have been going all out at wrestling for the past 17 years. I got my start at professional wrestling at the age of 16 when I walked into my father’s wrestling school in Mexico City and became a Luchadora. You think I am afraid of some woman who is forty who thinks she can rule the roost and be considered a queen of queens, Goddess of Desire among other names?!
The reality I refuse to enter that ring and lose to some superficial Bitch who feels they are the best thing in wrestling. I refuse to lose to someone who isn’t as good as me. I didn’t come here to get caught up in other people’s spotlight and not amount to anything.
No I came here to be the very best and I won’t stop until I do exactly just that.
It’s not just being able to face women though as surely the names such as Syren, Holly Adams, Polly are on my list, but I just want to be the best point fucking blank. I know that if I can somehow manage to beat a former champion that will only raise my stock in the long run. I want Lexy Chapel to realize that by being at my side she has paired herself with one of the best women to have ever stepped inside of a ring and I don’t plan to let her down.
Now I know people might be confused. When they see me they might think they see a woman who is trying to use wrestling as a platform for more movies and the acting gig, but let me explain something. The truth is I am a wrestler first and foremost. The thing with movies was just a result of how great I am in the ring. Wrestling is my very livelihood and when people think I don’t take it seriously that is where I have an issue.
Wrestling is in my blood… It’s my life and I won’t stop wrestling until I physically can’t move anymore. I am sure in the past you can ride on the highs of everything that you used to be but I rather focus on the here and now.
Right now I see you as a woman who is a big enough name that I could actually turn things around on. I see a woman that I could use to get people to talk about me. After all if I can beat a former World Champion that will only make my stock go up in the long run. It will only make people take me seriously and people will be forced to respect me.
It seems like I have a lot to do in order to get people to trust me but you don’t have to worry about any of that because I am going to do everything and anything to get that respect.
I might be labeled as the Silver Screen Queen, the Multi Media Queen but there was a time where I was the Rose Goddess. There was a time where I was the Reflection of Perfection, and as the saying goes perfection certainly never fails.
So come Breakdown it’s going to be Katie and I in the ring with one another. I know for a fact that I will win because I don’t have any other choice but to do so.
This is about creating my legacy. This is about establishing my name and I won’t let anything come in the way of that. So you can bring whatever you wish Katie but rest assured it just won’t be enough…
It’s showtime!
So take a bow and cue up the final curtain because the SHOW’S OVER!!!
It’s time to roll the credits on Katie once and for all. As one star fades another one rises. My star is ready to shine brighter than anything else and afterwards it’s onward to bigger and better things. I will see all of you soon… Just watch and wait to see what I am about!
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Goddess Noir 2"

{The episode opens up to an office building in Downtown. The scene opens to black and white shot of Katie’s office where we find Katie standing in front of a crime board with her case on it. She is dressing in her white button top and white pants with spenders. Her white jacket is wrapped around her office chair. Katie leans up against her desk sitting on the edge of it. She tries to figure out what is going on as the whole case took a deadly turn for her last the last time.}

{The office door swings open and TJ rushes in and goes straight to Katie to make sure she is alright.}

TJ Johnson: Katie? What happened? Are you ok? Did someone really try to kill you?

Katie Steward: I’m fine, TJ. Just a little shaken up. How did you find that bar we met up in?

TJ Johnson: I don’t know. I heard it was a popular place where people gathered. So though it’ll be good place to get some information. I had no idea it was a bad guy hangout.

Katie Steward: Well you’re right about that. It’s a place where people gather and talk. Every SCW person goes there and if one of them have Mr. D’s first championship title. It’ll definitely have the deal there. I need to go back and ask around. Find out more information.

TJ Johnson: Woah, hold up. What do you mean go back? Katie, you can’t be serious. Someone tried to kill you earlier. You know one of them will try again.

Katie Steward: Yeah they tried. Next time I’m going to have eyes in the back of my head and I’ll catch them. I can’t live in fear, TJ. You know that’s not who I am.

TJ Johnson: You’re right. I know who you are by now and you’re going to do whatever you want. You also will have me sticking by your side so whoever tried to hurt. They won’t succeed.

Katie Steward: See I’m perfectly safe. Now we got to get back to work on this case. We’ve spooked whoever took the championship. They’re going to make a mistake and we’ll be there to catch them. The club is where that’ll happen.

{Katie grabs her jacket off the chair and leaves the office with TJ following closely behind her. In the next room, Kaleyn Buehler sits up from her desk.}

Katelyn Buehler: Kate, you’re going out? TJ, I thought you were going to talk to her. It’s too dangerous.

Katie Steward: Katelyn, I’m fine. They don’t scare me.

TJ Johnson: Besides Katelyn, she’s just going to do what she wants. This way I’ll keep an eye on her if we go out together.

Katelyn Buehler: Do you want Autumn? I can call her. She enjoys tracking down people.

Katie Steward: I think you mean hunting humans and no I don’t need Autumn’s help. I’m capable of fighting my own fights. I’m SCW’s greatest star for a reason.

Katelyn Buehler: That’s exactly why you need Autumn. Someone is threatened by you.

Katie Steward: What? No. It’s not that. It’s this case that Mr. D. gave us. It’s dangerous one…

{Katie turns to TJ as she begins to think about Katelyn’s suggestion.}

Katie Steward: Right? Someone is trying to kill me for being me.

Katelyn Buehler: Some sicko. It’s shocking that someone wants to hurt you like that.

{Katie and TJ stand there in silence as they look at Katelyn shaking her head in disbelief.}

TJ Johnson: Uh yeah we can’t believe someone would want to do this either. That’s why we got to go out and find them. We’ll make sure to check in and remind you that Katie is ok.

Katelyn Buehler: Yes. Do that. Thank you TJ.

{Katie and TJ head out of the office to continue working their case.}

{Katelyn goes to sit back down at her desk. The door swings open again and in walks Hurse dressed in a nice suit. He walks straight into Katie’s office and looks around. Katelyn jumps out of her seat and chases after him.}

Katelyn Buehler: Hey! You can’t go in there. Steven, what are you doing?

Hurse: She’s not here?

Katelyn Buehler: No. They just left. Are you looking for her?

Hurse: No. Of course not. Do you know what she is working on?

Katelyn Buehler: What? No. I can’t tell you that. Now get out of here.

Hurse: I’m going… ok, I’m going…

{Hurse throws up his arms and slowly backs up out of the office. He leaves on his own so Katelyn doesn’t throw him out. He does give the office one last glance before leaving.}

Katelyn Buehler: That was weird. Even weirder for Steven.

{Katelyn returns to her desk and she makes a call to Katie to tell her what happened as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie and TJ walking up to the club. Katie just finished the call with Katelyn.}

Katie Steward: Katelyn just told me that Hurse was at the office. What do you think that means? Would he be somehow involved in our case? He was probably the one that tried to kill me. I knew it was him.

TJ Johnson: Hurse a killer? I know Hurse is a lot of things. Robin has call him those, but a killer. He gets squeamish at the site of blood.

Katie Steward: Ok, point taken. She did say he was in my office and looked around asking about our case. He is clearly after something. So we got to be careful.

{Katie and TJ walk into the club. It’s another pack night. Tonight’s entertainment is Crystal Zdunich on stage singing a soft ballad in a silver color dress. Katie and TJ stand by the entrance watching her.}

Gina Pierce: Crystal Zdunich. She is one of up and coming singers. Many folks enjoy her.

Katie Steward: Yes. I know who she is. I’ve had a couple of run ins with her in the past. Do kinda of like her. We have similar aspirations.

Gina Pierce: What brings you back to the club?

TJ Johnson: Someone tried to kill Ms. Steward the other night outside the club. There is a lot of customers that come through here that probably thought of it. Though one had the guts to actually do it.

Gina Pierce: I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about and have no involvement in any murder plot.

Katie Steward: That’s refreshing to know. Though someone still tried and that’s why we’re here. Do you mind if we hang around and ask questions?

Gina Pierce: I don’t mind at all, but I’m not the one you should be worried about.

{Gina walks away from Katie and TJ.}

Katie Steward: So who do we ask first?

TJ Johnson: Maybe we could start with Crystal?

Katie Steward: No. She doesn’t have anything to do with the case and she wouldn’t try to kill me. Like Gina said. She’s an up and comers. She wants to beat me. I got to make her respect me.

TJ Johnson: Is this some kind of actor’s code?

Katie Steward: As a matter of fact it is.

{The hostess walks over to Katie and TJ and has a few words. She then instructs them to follow her over to a table where Lexy Chapel is sitting.}

Lexy Chapel: Are you two enjoying the show tonight?

TJ Johnson: (defensive) You…

Katie Steward: Settle down, TJ. Sure she just wants to talk.

Lexy Chapel: Yes, you can go and grab Katie a diet coke.

{TJ begins to see a bit of red with Lexy again suggesting TJ is just an errand boy.}

Katie Steward: Calm down, TJ. She is just trying to get under your skin. Like I told you. I know her and Crystal too well. You were the one that gott her this gig here tonight?

Lexy Chapel: I know how to take care of her. Is it eating away at you?

Katie Steward: No. I have my own agent and she knows how to take care of me too. She wouldn’t order a hit on my competition.

Lexy Chapel: Excuse me?

TJ Johnson: (slamming his hand down on the table) You tried to kill Katie!

Lexy Chapel: (laughs) Do you see me drinking here for free? I’m not the ones who ruined a beautiful scenery that I worked hard to set up.

Katie Steward: Sorry.

{Crystal finishes her set on the stage and walks off. Lexy slide out of her booth.}

Lexy Chapel: I got to go and see my wife and congratulate her and an amazing week she is going to have.

{Lexy heads to the backstage to visit Crystal.}

TJ Johnson: You should’ve taken the leash off. I could’ve taken her.

Katie Steward: No. You can’t. I know these games Lexy is trying to play. I’ve had plenty of actors trying to upstage me. It never worked well for them. Nobody can out act Katie Steward. Nobody.

TJ Johnson: I can’t wait for you to ruin there amazing week.

{Lexy ruffing up TJ’s feather as him a bit on edge. Katie walks up out of the club to try and get him to settle down.}

TJ Johnson: Thanks Katie I needed to take a walk. I don’t know why she got under my skin. I’ll do better. You deserve only the best.

{TJ turns around for Katie to accept his apology, but Katie isn’t here and she is no where around.}

TJ Johnson: Katie? Oh sh… Katelyn is going to kill me.

{TJ goes around trying to find Katie to see where she ran off too. He only hopes that Katie ran off on her own and whoever is after haven’t taken her as the scene fades and the episode ends..}