Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: Wanting your thoughts: Changes to SCW roleplaying
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Hi all,

I've been giving some things some thought. There are a couple of things I should emphasize as to why I'm considering this:

1) The roster is aging but also has a lot of greater responsibility outside of the fed
2) A number of people have noted the growing issue of finding time to properly commit their characters or they suffer from burn out.

I've already made some changes to the schedule, namely adding an extra week off before pay per views. At the same time, SCW is a relic. I've made no secret that I am stubborn, having run SCW a certain way now for nearly 18 years. This includes a lack of word limits on roleplays and an encouragement for people to write as they wish (within certain parameters). But hearing that others are turning to other feds (for completely legitimate reasons) and that SCW hasn't recruited much fresh blood as of late, despite our reputation for being a strong, competitive fed with a lengthy track record, I've started to think very seriously about SCW's future. Simply put, for it to continue, it needs to rejuvenate in one way or another. Either it needs new fresh handlers to provide an influx of new ideas, stories, etc. or it needs to be friendlier to existing handlers in our circle to be able to commit to roleplaying and, I hope, enjoying SCW...or it needs to be both (and ideally, this would be the case).

As a result, I've debated changing the roleplay rules in SCW, but with a twist. For those of us who have been in the game a long time, pay per views were traditionally seen as the show people went all out for. Why not reaffirm the classic parts of the hobby we fell in love with while making the week to week less onerous?

So I propose the following option:

- Word and rp limits for Breakdown (2000 to 2500 words per RP, with 2 RP limits for singles is what I would propose - this allows enough room to tell a story, and also write a strong promo);
- PPVs only have a RP limit (allowing roleplayers to focus more on ppvs);
- Non-TV title title matches (so World, US, Tag and Adrenaline) would also operate under PPV rules, thus emphasizing their importance.
- TV Title would only be defended on Breakdowns and operate under BD rules, making it unique by emphasizing this new format.

My hope is that this would allow handlers to still be involved week to week, with less commitment, be friendlier to new handlers who may want to join SCW but are turned off by the lack of word limits, while allowing still an emphasis on storytelling and strong promo writing broadly-speaking, and especially for more important matches and events.

I will add - I will note make any changes to rping until AFTER Taking Hold of the Flame.
I think is a much-needed change. I might be biased because I've tended to write a little more for BDs than what you are opposing. I have stated multiple times recently that from my experience, judging is a massive time sink and the average length of RPs has gone up and up with people feeling pressured to boast a high word count. I think establishing a word limit will prevent people from running through material and ideas, only to end up burnt out. They also can save material for the PPV matches and go out.
I would be okay with this, but would suggest the word limit be slightly larger, perhaps 3000-3500 instead. That way if someone wants to do a CD scene and promo in one RP, they have a little more room.
I’m good with it.
My childhood is dead
You are 30 now
Sounds like a great idea for the feds longevity if that were to be the case. 

But personally for me, i look at the 2000-2500 words (which I assume isn't final and open to change) and don't see that as suitable for a good story and promo for myself personally. my promos usually end up around 1500is with narration in them, at times (its when i usually feel happy) so that would leave only 1k for story which wouldn't work. the flip side of things is i know I could do one RP as cd only and another as a promo to make up the difference but i rather not write a 2.5k promo just because I'd feel I would have to, that'd accomplish nothing other than just annoy me.

That said. If this is the way forward to benefit the fed, I say go for it. it gets my vote but whether I'd be participating post whenever this is put in place?

I couldn't really tell you unfortunately.

It would def have to be a wait and see moment for me.


If it helps then go for it. Although to be honest, I don't think I'd ever want to be booked on Breakdown then. I am not telling shit in 3k. It'll be skits and promos and if I wanted to do that there are plenty of feds with this sort of deal. You're going to likely end up with some people suddenly having fifty characters and the shows are just going to get stupid cluttered.
Personally having done EAW for a while now 2.5 isn't enough for a story to be told. I swiftly went to shoot only there as it wasn't working for me. As many have said if it keeps the fed alive go for it. I just don't think it would work for Owen
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