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Full Version: 8 Person Tag Match
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Minerva, Drake Hemingway, Tommy Valentine & Konrad Raab vs. Chris Cannon, Lucas Knight, Christy Matthews & Glory Braddock

8 RP limit for eight person tag

*NEW ROLEPLAY RULES IN EFFECT* - 3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Please note this is for Chris Cannon not Lucas Knight. I cannot change accounts on the boards or even log out for some reason. With that said I'm trying to get a head start on things because I'm back at work tomorrow. 


Breakdown Sept 9th 2021 | 1 of 2
OOC: 1 of 2
August 28th, 2021
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

Landmark, life changing, and life altering events have occurred in human history that have forever changed the landscape of human history. On a smaller scale, certain big events can disrupt a family in its entire and force them to accept change, force them to accept a new normal. The challenge everyone seems to have these days is adjusting to a new normal. Normalcy is what everyone wants but will the normal we are used to ever return? For Glory Braddock, she has experienced many life altering events that have shaped her life and changed her life forever, forcing her to adjust to new normals. Yet nothing quite measures up to the life changing event she had to endure just over one month ago.

It started out as a wondrous change, a change that should have been celebrated; her daughter, Melinda Braddock, was engaged to Archie Van Stanton, and that coming wedding in turn brought to an end the bitter rivalry between Glory Braddock and her family and the Van Stanton family. One of her most bitter and toughest of rivals, both in the ring and in business, would become an ally as the two families made peace and joyfully celebrated the marriage of their children. It should have been a happy, wonderful moment. Instead the joy was quickly turned into grief as a home invasion and subsequent gunfire extinguished the life of Archie Van Stanton. Melinda Braddock may have survived but she will have to live with this terrible memory for the rest of her young life.

A month has passed since the shooting. Glory Braddock has kept a low profile with the exception of her appearance at SCW Rise To Greatness where she competed for the SCW United States Championship and then on Breakdown on August 26th against Xander Valentine. The British Bombshell has done her best to put this behind her, not to forget but to at least try and move on with her life the best way she knows how, and to try to adjust to this new normal. It has been a challenging month for Glory Braddock as she has tried to move on, but she has put on a strong, confident front each and every day, not just for the public but for her family. She knows she must stay strong and at least appear resilient for the sake of her daughter, Melinda, who has been staying with them in Miami ever since the shooting.

The current vibe given off by Glory Braddock is that of a confident businesswoman as she stands there staring at herself in the full length mirror in her and her husband Kurt Logan’s bedroom. Braddock is wearing a purple skirt suit and standing perched atop matching purple high heeled pumps. Her long blonde flows unrestrained to past her shoulders. Her husband, Kurt Logan, walks in from behind. He is wearing khaki dress pants, brown dress shoes, and a white polo shirt. He smirks knowingly as he leans over and kisses her on the cheek.

“I feel underdressed.” He says with a small chuckle. “Maybe I should break out a three piece suit, huh?”

“You look fine, love.” Glory’s voice sounds distant and her husband detects it, noting that something is wrong. He gently spins her around so that she is facing him. The couple lock eyes.

“Are you fine?”

“I think I look great. Unless you think I should go with the pink outfit instead?”

“I am not talking about your outfit.” Kurt pokes her on the head. “I’m talking about up here. Are you fine? Are you ready for this?”

“Yes, I am ready.”

“Look, Glory, I know it has been over a month since the shooting. And I know how terrified you were when you found out Melinda was involved. You and I got real lucky that she survived that night.”

“I know.” Braddock says, slowly nodding her head and fighting back tears.

“So what I’m saying is, if you still need more time before you jump back into the swing of your wild and crazy schedule, then take the time. Take all of the time you need. No one will blame you for taking a step back to clear your head and recover from that.”

“I know all that, Kurt. I know that not a soul will blame me for taking time off. But I have taken time off, I took over a month off from the day to day operations at Glorious Golden Enterprise. I was lucky to have Francis Taylor, Aurora Alan, and Tabitha Silverstone to maintain things while I took a much needed vacation.”

“Yes, you took a vacation from part of your work. But your OTHER work, well…” Kurt’s voice trails off. Glory sighs with frustration.

“If you mean wrestling then no, I did not take a break. I competed at Rise To Greatness. Then when SCW was back from hiatus, I competed again on the first show back. That’s just who I am. I am a wrestler and I will work every single show if I am booked.”

“Working hectic schedules like this cannot be healthy, especially after such a traumatic event. It cannot be good for your mental health. You just got a full bill of mental health from your psychiatrist. Those days of psychiatric sessions are over and behind you. Do you really want to risk setting yourself back?”

“I know what I’m doing, love. Trust me, getting back into my normal routine is the best way I can handle this.”

“You do realize that the normal we remember no longer exists, right? After what happened that night, nothing will ever be the same.”

“I know.” Glory says, nodding her head. “But this way I can at least maintain some sense of sanity.”

Kurt Logan still doesn’t buy the goods that his wife is trying to sell. He opens his mouth to respond but is interrupted when he hears the door opening. He and Glory turn to watch as Melinda Braddock enters the room. She is wearing a floral print sun dress and low heeled sandals. Seeing his step-daughter, Glory’s daughter, there makes Kurt rethink his decision to speak up...for now.

“Hi, Kurt. I just wanted to let you and mom know that the guy from Forbes is here.”

“Sounds good. I’ll go get Dawn and then we can meet him downstairs in the living room.” Kurt suggests. Glory shakes her head.

“No, I want to talk to Melinda first. We’ll meet you down there.”

“Ok…” Kurt kisses Glory. Then he walks over to Melinda and kisses her on the cheek. Kurt then exits the room and shuts the door behind him. Glory approaches her daughter and embraces her in a tight hug.

“You look lovely, Mel! Absolutely lovely!”

“Thanks, mom.”

“You know something Mel, looking at you right now is enough to bring a tear to my eye. You remind me so much of myself when I was your age.”

“Bullshit, mom.” Melinda says with a sly grin on her face. “At my age you wouldn’t have been caught dead in a dress.”

“This is true. I have changed a great deal in my life and I have made many mistakes in my life. There are many things about my life I regret. But you are not one of those regrets. Despite everything that has happened to you, even mistakes I have made that hurt you, you still overcame it and became a strong, powerful, and beautiful young lady. You make me so proud with how strong you are but…” she sighs and runs her hand through her daughter’s hair “...I know you must still be grieving. How couldn’t you be? So, are you ready for this? You don’t have to be there if you don’t want to.”

“You’re right, mom, it does still hurt. But I know I must move on. I cannot continue to live in grief.”

“That’s brave of you to say, but you don’t have to be a part of this if you’re not ready.”

“I know but I want to be a part of it. Besides, this Forbes guy is doing a special on you and your family. Well, last I checked I am part of your family! So I’m pretty sure that means I’m mandated to attend whether I want to or not.” Melinda says this with a smirk on her face. Glory cannot tell if she is faking the enthusiasm or not but still nods her head, holding back her reservations.

“Ok, Mel, lets go.”

Glory Braddock and her daughter Melinda turn and exit the bedroom. As they walk down the stairs Glory cannot help but think about how much of herself she sees in Melinda. Both were very vibrant, enthusiastic, and even rebellious. Both were naturals when it came to professional wrestling and were eager to learn new things about the sport. And like Glory, Melinda is also very good at hiding her pain and grief. The British Bombshell is certain that her daughter is still hurting. She just hopes that she is still good enough for this interview. Forbes Magazine wants to do a special on Glory Braddock as a woman who is successful at balancing so many aspects of her life from a corporate life, a life of a professional wrestler, and the life of a mother. Yet deep down inside, Glory still doubts her own success as a mother. She hides those doubts well, and she is certain that Melinda is good at hiding her own doubts.

Mother and daughter get to the bottom of the stairs and then turn to go down another, shorter hallway. They turn and enter the living room where they find Kurt Logan and Dawn Logan sitting together on the sofa. Seated in the recliner is a stranger in a button up white silk shirt and khaki pants. This is more than likely the journalist. The man gets up and approaches Glory with an outstretched hand.

“Hello, Ms. Braddock. I am Lee Seymour from Forbes Magazine.”

“Hi, Mr. Seymour.”

“Oh don’t be so darn formal. Call me Lee.”

Glory nods her head. “And please, call me Glory.” She and Melinda approach the sofa and sit down on the sofa next to Kurt and Dawn. Melinda and Dawn are sandwiched in between their parents, Kurt and Glory. Lee Seymour sits back down in the recliner he had been sitting in. He produces a small modern camera and sets it down on the coffee table.

“Do you mind if I record this? It will help me recall certain details when writing the article and plus we at Forbes can also publish small clips on our YouTube Channel and other social media sites. We won’t show the entire thing but our tech savvy people can tweak it and edit it to show only the good stuff. And anything we decide to post online we will make sure you view it first, does that sound good?”

“Sure, go right ahead.” Glory answers politely.

“Great!” He presses the play button on the camera. Lee reaches into his shirt pocket and produces a pen and notepad. “I want to thank you for taking the time to let me into your home, Glory. You do have a very lovely home and a wonderful family here. Do you mind introducing me to everyone?”

“Not at all. Over there at the far end of the sofa is my husband Kurt, and to his left is our daughter Dawn Aphrodite Logan, and next to me is my oldest daughter Melinda Alexis Braddock.”

“It is nice to meet you all. And you, Glory, it is fascinating to see you here with such a lovely family, living here in Miami, especially when we consider how you got started. You were born in London, right?”

“Southampton to be more precise, but I grew up and spent my entire childhood in London, yes. The memories of that place were grand, absolutely grand. My sister and I had fun pranking people, playing games, and of course trying to mimic our dad, the great European wrestler Glenn Braddock. We would wrestle each other all the time. Our mum didn’t like it too much, mind, but dad loved it. Then again, mum didn’t like dad wrestling very much, either. But there was no way she was going to get him to stop. Ultimately an injury forced him to stop, and even that didn’t stop him from being involved in wrestling.”

“I assume you are referring to when you dad started training you and your sister to follow in his footsteps?”

“That’s right, although I must admit that my sister probably had the smarter idea in waiting a couple of years. I did not wait. I jumped right into the business. I began training with my father the very moment he was well enough to begin working with me. That period of my life was nothing but wrestling. Every waking second of my life was spent on wrestling. I missed out on many things that kids normally would get to experience at that age, but I didn’t care. I had my eyes on one goal and that was to be a wrestler and make my father proud. Obviously I did achieve that goal. I debuted in Global Division of Wrestling in 2008. I have been wrestling non stop ever since in promotions such as GDW, Motor City Wrestling, Future Wrestling Alliance, Millennium Wrestling Alliance, Millennium Wrestling Enterprise and now Supreme Championship Wrestling; but I always stuck true to the place that gave me my start. I stayed true to GDW until its bitter end. In late 2011 it was suffering from bad financial difficulties so I bought all of its trademarks, licenses, and other properties associated with Global Championship Wrestling, a wrestling promotion that GDW had at one time itself owned. I took GCW and decided to start my own promotion. I brought GCW back from the dead, so to speak.”

“So you went above and beyond even what your own father had envisioned. What made you decide to transition from being a wrestler to being a promoter and businesswoman?”

“Well you have to understand that I grew up in the wrestling business. I grew up going to shows and watching my dad compete. And I grew up with my dad teaching me, even when I was a little girl about Dawn’s age he was teaching me about respect for tradition and respect for the business he loved. Now as a wrestler I had always seen dirty politics ruin a competitor’s career or ridiculous clowns turn a serious sport into a three ring circus. Wrestling had given so much to me and my family, I wanted to return the favor and do what I could to give back to wrestling by promoting what I felt wrestling should be. That’s why I ultimately decided to make the transition. But that transition…” Braddock chuckles and shakes her head “...well, it wasn’t exactly an easy one.”

“Do you care to elaborate?”

“Well I knew next to nothing about running a business. I had to surround myself with people who did in order to help me. Some of them were honestly trying to help while others tried to stab me in the back and still others tried to run me out of business. I was constantly fighting in the early years to keep my business afloat amid attempts at a hostile takeover. Then I met Aphrodite Noel.” a smile crosses Glory’s face. “Aphrodite and I did not get along at first but the more time I spent with her, the more time I got to know her, I finally saw things from her perspective. She took me under her wing and taught me everything I know today about business. For a long time I was her least when it came to business. We grew close, Aphrodite and I. In fact, I consider her like a mother figure, considering all of the wisdom she imparted upon me. And I used that wisdom to expand my business. No longer is it just about promoting wrestling. We operate a wrestling school in London, England and we even are beginning to dip our toes in modeling.”

“And that gets me to what this whole piece is about. I mean, how do you do all of this? You are a wrestler, a businesswoman, and a mother. How do you do it?”

“I have more than my fair share of headaches and sleepless nights, let’s just leave it at that.” Braddock says chuckling.

“Fair enough. But let’s focus now on that third piece of your identity. Talk about your family, if you don’t mind.”

“One thing I am grateful for is my family. We are strong and we always have each other’s back. I know that I can always count on my sister and she knows if she ever needs anything that she can just ask. As for Kurt,” Glory shuts her eyes and sighs with a sense of pleasure “he has been my rock. He has been a solid supporter of me, through the tough times and the good times. And he really is a great father to the girls. I’m not around as much as I wish I could be, but that comes with the territory when you are involved in this kind of business. But Kurt here has more than picked up the slack. He has been a terrific father for both Dawn and Melinda.”

“Speaking of your children…” Lee’s voice trails off a little, it is clear that he isn’t sure if he wants to ask this question.


“Well, and we can edit this part out if you’re not comfortable talking about it, but it is public record that you and Kurt only have the one child together; Dawn. Melinda is his step-daughter, correct?”

“Yes, that is true. But Kurt loves her as if she were his very own.”

“Is Melinda’s biological father in the picture at all?” Lee asks curiously. Glory shakes her head immediately and answers equally as emphatically.


“Well I have plenty to work with here, Ms. Braddock…” he catches himself and chuckles “...I’m sorry, Glory. How about we take a break while I set up some equipment outside by your pool so we can snap some photos of you?”

“Sounds good, Lee.”

“Do we have to keep wearing these itchy clothes?” Dawn whines. Glory laughs a little as she rubs her daughter’s head.

“Well I’m not sure, sweetie. Mr. Seymour may want to take photos of you and your sister too, and your dad.”

“It’s ok, Glory.” Lee responds. “This article is primarily about you, anyway. If you children don’t feel like being a part of it anymore that’s fine.”

Braddock turns and looks at Dawn and Melinda. “Well, the ball is in your court.”

“I wanna go to my room and watch tv.” Dawn declares. Melinda sighs and nods her head.

“Yeah, I think I’ll skip out on the photo session too.”

“Fair enough. You and your sister can run off then.” Glory tells them. Melinda then takes Dawn and guides her sister away from the sofa and then out of the living room. Once they are gone Lee Seymour takes his video camera and notepad and makes his own exit from the living room. This leaves The British Bombshell alone with her husband Kurt, who scoots closer to his wife on the sofa. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek.

“You did good.”

“I told you that I was ready for this, Kurt.”

“Still, what happened was traumatizing. Archie and Melinda were shot. Melinda was damn lucky to have recovered as fast as she did. But Archie…” Kurt’s voice trails off. Glory sighs and shakes her head. The painful memory returns.

“Yes, poor Archie.”

“His parents can’t be taking it too well.”

“I haven’t heard from Henry since it all happened. Henry had been helping Chastity on her project, The Julia Foundation, in England but he has taken a leave of absence from the project to grieve.”

“Can you blame him, Glory? His only son died.”

“No, I can’t blame him. But he hasn’t contacted Chastity, either. It is almost like he has gone completely off of the grid. I can’t help but think sometimes what would have happened if Melinda had been the one to die and Archie survived? Would I have sunk into that much grief and depression that I would disappear?”

“You don’t have to think about that, babe. We got lucky. Melinda is safe.”

“Yes, she is safe. Thankfully she is safe. And I am not going to take that for granted. I am not going to take her for granted. I will enjoy every precious second I can with her because I now realize that at any given moment I could lose her.”
This is for Lucas Knight not Chris Cannon. 


8 Man Tag | 1 of 2
Las Vegas, Nevada

Elysian at Centennial Hills

Loretta Inglewood walked out onto the balcony of her very luxurious apartment, placing her hand on the railing she gazed at the busyness of the city.  Anyone else would allow their surroundings to influence their state of mind. For reasons, Loretta wore a very somber expression on her face. It didn’t matter that Loretta was surrounded by literal paradise, how she felt on the inside wasn’t a direct reflection of the environment outside of her home. With a sigh Loretta turned around to walk back into her apartment. 

The kitchen wasn’t too far away. Making her way to the Keurig, she reached for the cabinet door above the Keurig. Opening the cabinet doors, she reached for the Death Wish K Cup on the shelf right in front of her. On the next shelf above she reached for a white coffee mug with the phrase ‘Carpe Diem’ in black lettering. Resting the coffee mug in place, she inserted the K Cup where it needed to be, pressed the grey button to turn the Keurig on. Once the Keurig was properly warmed up, she completed the process to produce her one cup of coffee. Loretta added three sugars and two tablespoons of creamer. Grabbing the cup of coffee she walked to the kitchen table. She sat down. Taking a couple of sips she began bouncing ideas through her mind of what exactly her purpose was going to be for today. Her thought process was immediately interrupted by a knock on her front door. 

Loretta was taken aback by the sudden interruption, she was not expecting anyone to stop by this early in the morning. Gathering her thoughts a smile appeared on her face. Maybe Cookie had decided to make a surprise visit, she wondered. 

“I’ll be right there!” Loretta said loud enough so her unexpected visitor could hear her. She runs her fingers through her hair, straightening it up as much she could, her long auburn hair was a mess. Didn’t want Cookie to see her at less than her best. 

Once she reached the front door she took a deep breath, licked her lips, unlocked the door, grabbed her hand around the door knob and opened. Her smile dropped, eyes widened, the woman standing outside her apartment wasn’t the one she was hoping for.

“Elaine?” Loretta said in shock. 

Elaine Mason, the mother of Blake, Victor, Cassie and Drake, walked into Loretta’s small studio apartment uninvited. Took a moment for Loretta to get over the surprise of seeing her former mother in law. Shutting the door behind her, she followed Elaine as she walked out onto the balcony. Loretta makes sure to grab her cup of coffee along the way. 

“Does overlooking the city ever get old, dear?” Elaine asked Loretta. 

After taking a sip of coffee, Loretta chimes in. “Still breathtaking. But ugh... what are you doing here? If I knew you were stopping  by I would have been more presentable.”

Elaine shakes her head. “Don’t be silly, this is your home.”

Not looking Elaine in the eye, Loretta casually reminds the elder Mason. “Is this really my home when you're fronting the rent?”

Elaine rests a hand on Loretta’s shoulder. With a smile she says, “We’re family dear, what’s mine is yours.”

Loretta’s eyes finally meet her former mother in law. “I was always used to making my own way. Still haven’t gotten used to all of this. I appreciate it Elaine, you could have easily forgotten about me after--” she stops herself not wanting to complete her sentence. 

“I will never forget about the woman who made sure Drake was well taken care of. My biggest regret will always be not finding a way to keep him in my life. I failed him. Glad you were there.” Elaine removes her hand from Loretta’s shoulder.    

Loretta walks over to sit down on one of the white chairs on her balcony. She rests the cup of coffee on the small table across from her. Crossing her legs she says to Elaine, “He doesn’t need me anymore...” 

Elaine walks over to the small table Loretta is sitting at. She pulls out a chair. Taking a seat she props her elbows on the table. Leaning forward, she looks Loretta square in the eye. “I beg to differ. I didn’t stop by for a social visit, Loretta. I am here because I can no longer stand by and watch my son ruin his life associating with this... Minerva. I was hoping you could reach out, talk some sense into him.”

Loretta was caught off guard by the request her former mother in law dropped on her. This was the last conversation she expected to have. 

Elaine doesn’t give Loretta a chance to follow up on the request she made. “Are you willing to help me?” 

“Your son is a grown man. Drake can make his own decision regardless of how misguided they are...” Loretta rolls her eyes. 

“So you agree my son made a mistake?” Elaine smiles. 

“One of many--” Loretta said with no hint of bitterness in her voice. She takes another sip from the coffee mug. “I’m afraid there is nothing I can do, even if I wanted to; your son made his choice. You have my word, when his association with Minerva backfires, I’ll make myself available.”

Elaine sighs. “No. I can’t afford to wait that long. You need to act immediately!”

Loretta leans forward glaring at Elaine. “Sorry ‘mom’... family or not; no one orders me around. The only thing I need to do is continue living my life.”

Elaine leans back into her chair. Her expression remains quite calm despite Loretta’s tone being more than aggressive towards her. “When you and my son showed up on my doorstep; my initial impression of you fell in line with everyone else. I was under the impression you were a crazy woman with outlandish beliefs. One I was willing to tolerate for the sake of my son. After getting to know your Loretta, I saw past your desire to purify the world. I see you for who you truly are, a head strong. Dedicated. Mission oriented person. You’re a true Hemingway through and through.”

Elaine stands up. She grabs her chair, walks over to Loretta. Placing the chair right next to hers, Elaine takes a seat. Placing her hand on Loretta’s knee, she continues. “That’s why I choose to look out for you from a distance. We’re so much alike. Scrappy. We know what it takes to survive. I wasn’t always a socialite.  Normally I believe in not interfering, Drake’s dedication to Minerva is all my fault. The abandonment I caused still plagues him to this day..”

Loretta looks into Elaine’s eyes. She rests her hand on top of hers. “You did the best you could; I’m grateful to have met your son; he has so much potential, a shame he isn’t living up to it. There’s nothing I can do. Sorry.”

“You’re wrong.” Elaine says, removing her hand from Loretta’s knee. “Deep down my dear, you want more than living in a plush studio apartment. Has pining over a woman you can’t have gotten you anywhere?”

Loretta glares at Elaine. Not backing down from the staring contest, Elaine says, “Touch a nerve? Good.” She smiles. “What is best for Drake is for the two of you to reunite. Deep down inside---” Elaine points to Loretta’s stomach. “-- you must feel the same way. Living a life devoid of purpose is not one worth living. So, what I am willing to do Loretta is make you an offer you can’t refuse. Want your old life back? I can give it to you. Imagine, your crusade is financially backed by me.”

“Right...nothing screams purity like being bought and paid for.” she chuckles. “You claim we’re Hemingways but you’re acting like a Mason. ” Loretta rolls her eyes.

“You pick up a few lessons being married to one of the most ruthless businessmen the world has ever known.” Elaine shrugs referring to her deceased husband, Blake’s father. “Can’t blame a mother for doing what it takes to protect her family.”

“Of course I don’t.” Loretta says. She stands up. Looking down at Elaine she continues. “It pains me to watch Drake throw his life away as much as you do. Sadly that’s all I can do, watch. And hope when all this blows over that he’ll be okay. We made a promise not to interfere in each others lives. I’m going to keep my promise.”

Elaine stands up. She folds her arms into her chest. “What happened to the young lady who took initiative? Was helping you ground yourself in Vegas a mistake? I can change that...”

“Wow. What happened to you?!” Loretta shakes her head. “Drake would be ashamed.”

“Doesn’t matter. All I want is for him to distance himself from that woman. Minerva isn’t good enough for him. You are. So stop living in this fantasy land where you think being Cookie’s best friend is good enough. Live your life again. Be the agent of change the world needs. With my son by your side, and me being your benefactor, you can make progress  in leaving the world better than what you were born into.” 

Elaine hugs Loretta. For a moment she is caught off guard by the show of affection. Loretta then hugs Elaine back. She embraces her former mother-in law, using the moment to ponder the interesting conversation they shared. 

“Can I get you anything to eat?” Loretta asked. 

“No dear, I really need to get going.” Elaine says, breaking the embrace. “Enjoy your day.”

Loretta nods. “I will.” 

Loretta walks Elaine to the door. Opening the door for her; Loretta hugs Elaine one more time. Once Elaine is gone, Loretta closes the door. She walks back to the kitchen, opens the refrigerator door, reaching for the bottle of scotch she wasted no time chugging down the liquor. Not the way Loretta imagined spending her day....


Not too long after she had a heart to heart with Loretta Inglewood, Elaine Mason steps out of the apartment complex. Walking up the street she takes the first right. She heads straight towards the black limo not too far away. Opening the door she steps into the back of the limo. She closes the door. Taking a deep breath she looks to her left. She gives the man sitting next to her a nod. 

“How did you do?” the older gentleman asked. 

“About how I expected.” Elaine told the gentleman. 

The gentleman adjusts the red tie he’s wearing. “Patience sweetheart, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Loretta will come around. Promise.” 

“For the sake of our son Braedon, I hope so. I felt uneasy trying to manipulate, Loretta.” Elaine frowns. 

“Manipulate?” Braedon scoffs. “Don’t view it that way. Persuasion is a fine art. What’s wrong with giving Loretta what she really wants anyway? The purity mumbo jumbo is way over my head. If tolerating that ideology rescues our son from that cult he’s a part of? So be it; I lost way too much time with Drake. I refuse to lose him to a gypsy!”

Elaine scots closer to Braedon Manning. She rests her head on his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to question you.”

Braedon wraps his arm around Elaine. “Don’t worry about it. All that matters is getting our son back on the right path. He’ll come home where he belongs. Can’t wait for him to leave this nonsense behind.”

“Me too...” Elaine smiles. “Me too.”

Braedon knocks on the glass window in front of him. The window lowers. The driver looks back in his direction. 

“To the airport, pronto.” Braedon asserted. 

The driver nods. As the window raises; Braedon and Elaine share a kiss.

And with that, the limo pulls out into the street heading to its desired destination.
First Christy RP this week. Just as she's trying to get things in order, of course more stuff has to go down.

The following CD takes place before Lucas Knight's current RP and after his previous one, filling in a bit of the gap in between the two. it should have been posted before Jon's one, but unfortunately I got distracted this evening so it's here now.

New sig by Jon too. <3 him for that. 


Ebdon Entertainment Presents
Christy Matthews Uncensored
Motherhood: Part Twenty-Seven
My World In Chaos [Part One]
Anything with the “REC” on it is Viewable to the Public.

The Views Expressed By MInerva Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

[Image: Priscilla-Kellytumblr-4ef057f7588974a6a7...d2-640.gif]

(Click Title)
OOC: 2 of 2


August 31st, 2021
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

It is late in the evening of Tuesday the thirty-first of August in Miami, Florida. The night now rules over the day but the lights still shine on in the Braddock household. “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock finds herself sitting in the kitchen drinking a glass of red wine, still thinking of where she goes from here.

A few days ago when she was preparing for an interview with Forbes Magazine, her husband Kurt Logan had cautioned her that she was trying to return to a normal schedule too quickly, that perhaps she needed more time off or maybe she needed to see a therapist to help her overcome the shock of the shooting death of Archie Van Stanton and shooting injury of her daughter Melinda Braddock in late July. Braddock has been insistent that the best treatment she can have is to return to a normal day-to-day routine. She is hopeful that a normal routine will be the best for her psyche. Admittedly her professional wrestling career has not picked up much steam; she lost at Rise To Greatness and then lost again on Breakdown to Xander Valentine. But she is certain that taking any sort of break is a bad idea. It will show too much vulnerability and weakness. And despite what Kurt may say, she doesn't want to resume therapy. She does not want to go back to seeing a psychiatrist. She wants to put that dark part of her life behind her.

Since seeing a therapist is out of the question, the best way she knows how to deal with the loss and the grief is to keep busy. So she has already thrown down the gauntlet, demanding a match on the next Breakdown. The British Bombshell received a quick answer from none other than Jackals member Konrad Raab. Braddock hasn’t had much encounters with the group calling themselves The Jackals but from observing their tactics and their actions, she knows to expect absolutely anything when she faces Konrad on Breakdown. Will it remain one on one or will she need to keep eyes in the back of her head? Either way, The British Bombshell cannot wait to get back into the ring and keep busy.

“You are Melinda are so much alike.” It is the voice of her husband, Kurt Logan. But Glory was not expecting it and it startles her. She turns and spots Kurt walking into the kitchen from a side door. “Did I scare you?”

“No, you just startled me a little. That’s all.”

“You should come to bed. Melinda too.”

“What is she still doing up?”

“She told me she was studying. But when I looked at what she was studying it turned out to be one of your matches.”

Braddock rolls her eyes. “I see. Yes, she is a lot like me. She spends all day and night studying other wrestlers, doing her homework, trying to hone her skills. She can’t slow down.”

“And I do recall that a dashingly handsome devil told you that you needed to slow down.” Kurt says with a knowing grin on her face. Glory Braddock kisses him on the cheek.

“I know. But going full speed ahead is what I’m used to; I just can’t do anything else. And it helps me cope, you know?”

“I understand.” Kurt says, nodding his head. “It helps you forget about what happened.”


“It isn’t always a healthy coping mechanism, though. You should at least consider therapy.”

“You keep saying that and I keep telling you that it won’t happen.”

“Will you at least consider it?”

Braddock rolls her eyes. “If I say yes will you shut up about it?”

“For tonight I will, yes.”

“That’s good enough for me.” Braddock kisses him on the cheek one more time. “Now go get Dawn and put her to bed. I’ll retrieve Melinda.”

“Will do.”

Braddock takes one final sip of wine as she watches her husband walk out of the door that he had previously entered through. The British Bombshell finishes off the wine in the glass and then gets up, walks over to the sink, and places the glass in the sink. She turns and exits the kitchen from a different door. Immediately she finds herself in the living room. There she spots her daughter, Melinda Braddock, sitting on the sofa in her pajamas, watching a tape of Glory’s last match; the one from Breakdown against Xander Valentine.

“It’s time for bed, Mel.”

“I know, Kurt already reminded me.”

“Kurt?” Glory furrows her brow out of curiosity. “Why not dad?”

“He’s technically not my dad.”

Braddock shrugs her shoulders. Sometimes it is best to pick your battles and this is a battle she does not want to fight right now. She walks over to the sofa and joins Melinda, sitting down next to her.

“So you’re watching my match against Xander?”


“Not my best work.”

“I know. But still, there’s a lot that I can learn from this.”

“Fair enough. But will you at least come to bed after the match is over? It is getting late.”

“I will, mom. Promise. I just want to watch this one last match. That’s it.”

“You have been watching tons of tape today. Any particular reason?”

“I just want to be good and ready when I return to action. It has been a long time since I have been competing. You remember what grandpa always said about ring rust?”

Braddock chuckles. “Most of what he said about ring rust would have to be censored.”

“I know, right?! Well I’m not going to be stopped by ring rust. I’ve been training and working out at your home gym here in Miami. And I have been studying tape. I will be ready when I return to London tomorrow.”

“You’re returning tomorrow?” This is news to Glory. The expression on her face shows it.

“Yes. I need to get back into the swing of things, mom. I already have matches scheduled in Ireland, Scotland, and France. I can’t wait to travel and see more of Europe.”

Braddock can’t help but remember the words of warning from her husband Kurt as she listens to Melinda’s words ab out wanting to quickly get back to a normal and active schedule of wrestling. Mother and daughter truly are very much alike. The British Bombshell sighs and hugs Melinda tightly.

“And I can’t wait to watch you. You finish up and come to bed when you’re ready.”

“Thanks, mom. I will.”

“Thank you.” Glory stands up and is about to leave but Melinda then speaks up…

“Mom, wait…”

“Yes?” Glory stops and turns to face her daughter.

“The other day when that reporter was here...what was his name again…?”

“Lee Seymour?”

“Yeah, him. He asked about my real father and you said he wasn’t around. Uh, it got me to thinking; who is my father? You never told me anything about him.”

This is one question that takes Glory Braddock by complete surprise. She was not expecting her daughter to ask about her father and Glory definitely was not prepared for it. The British Bombshell takes a moment to compose herself. Then she sits back down next to her daughter on the sofa. She gazes deep and lovingly into her eyes.

“Your father was a young man named Tommy Gage. I met him in secondary school.”

“Secondary school?” Melinda is confused by the term. Melinda, having grown up in America as an American, doesn’t know much of the cultural differences. She is only now getting used to living in England having lived there during her time training to be a wrestler. Glory chuckles.

“What you Americans call high school. He was very handsome. I was young and impressionable.”

“Wow, your very first love! Even before Randall?” Melinda says with a smirk. Glory nods her head.

“Yes, even before Randall.”

“Well what was he like?”

“He treated me like royalty. He worshipped the ground I walked on. Around your grandfather I was treated like the son he never got but always wanted. But around Tommy I was treated like a princess. It was a nice escape. That and the fact that he was a bloody looker didn’t hurt anything.”

“So what happened? If you two were so great together why isn’t he still part of your life?”

This is the tough part. Braddock sighs. “Like I said, I was young and impressionable. I can sit here and tell you that we were in love but the truth is Tommy and I were just kids. We couldn’t tell the difference between love and lust. We LUSTED after one another, kind of like how you and Clyde lusted after one another.”

“Oh…” Melinda’s voice trails off. She can now see where this is going.

“But don’t mistake Tommy for Clyde. He wasn’t anything like him. Tommy at least respected me that much. What we did was consensual. And we did it a lot.”

“Ok, mom! You don’t need to go into detail about your sex life!” Melinda seems disgusted. Glory smirks and rubs her daughter’s head and ruffles her hair.

“How do you think you and your sister got here? The stork drop you two off at my doorstep?”

“Let me pretend!

“Fair enough. Point is, after I got pregnant with you I had hopes that Tommy would just love me even more, that he would love the idea of being a father, and that sometimes, when we were old enough, we would get married.”

“Granddad Glenn didn’t want to kill him?”

“Shockingly no. But when Tommy disappeared off the face of the earth after I told him I was pregnant, when Tommy shirked his responsibilities as your father, then yes, your grandfather did want to kill him.”

“What about you?”

“It broke my heart.” Glory says with a tear rolling down her cheek. “It broke me. It was then that I decided that once you were born, I would fully embrace your grandfather’s vision for my life. Your grandfather had no problem helping raise you while I was training. And he got the son he always wanted.” Braddock chuckles sarcastically. “At least your grandfather got something out of it.”

“Did you ever hear from dad?”

“No.” Glory shakes her head. “Tommy has never once tried to reach out to contact me.” Glory embraces Melinda in a tight hug. “Melinda, sometimes the ones we think we love actually never really cared about us at all. And sometimes those who do not appear to care really are the ones who care about us the most. But I can promise you this, Kurt loves you and Kurt will always be there for you and for your sister. He would die for you two. Do you believe that?”

“Yeah, I believe it.” Melinda says, slowly nodding her head.

“Good.” She kisses Melinda on the forehead. “I love you, Mel.”

“I love you too, mom.”

Glory Braddock stands up and turns to walk away. When she gets to the door she turns and looks back at her daughter one more time, still on the sofa. Braddock hopes that she got through to her. Braddock then turns and exits the living room.

September 4th, 2021
Miami, Florida
On Camera

The cameras begin to roll inside of a studio set in Miami, Florida. We see a a blonde female with her back turned to the camera. She is wearing denim jeans, black boots, and a purple blazer jacket. Her long blonde hair cascades unrestrained to past the shoulders. Who is this? That question is answered when the woman speaks...this is “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock.

“Daddy didn’t raise a fool.” A low chuckle can be heard from Braddock. “Is that what you thought I was, Konrad? Did you think I was a fool? Did you honestly expect me to believe that you and I were going to have a normal one on one fight? Nothing is ever normal with you. And I don’t mean just recently when you decided to become the gimp for a bunch of bloody pieces of garbage you think are the cool kids. You donning leather and being the whipping boy for those pieces of trash is only the latest in a string of bad decisions you made.”

Braddock rises to her feet and then turns around. She smirks knowingly and taps herself on the head. “When you accepted my challenge on social media, of course I wasn’t going to back down, especially not from a gimp. But I am also smart and I also remember. I remembered the last time we fought at Tabula Rasa in 2019. I had you dead to rights back then until Damian Angel came down. You remember him, Konrad? Yeah, a lunatic, a psychopath, and you thought he was a fine young man to listen to; and boy did you listen to him didn’t you? He introduced the Black Ice mask and you went psychotic. You think becoming Black Ice suddenly made you a badass?” Glory shakes her head.

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you were FAR from badass, mate. Yeah, that mask may have been a nice little fashion statement but that was about it. Because once you put on that mask, once you became Black Ice, do you know what happened after that? I choked your ass out with the Shekhinah Glory and left you unconscious. The big bad Black Ice and little five foot eleven Glory Braddock knocked his ass out. So Black Ice didn’t exactly work out and now you are Konrad the gimp. You think you are badass because you hang around Minerva, Drake Hemmingway, Tommy Valentine, and Kandis?”

Braddock shakes her head. “First of all, they are not exactly as badass as you think. Tommy Valentine is a veteran who COULD still be great but is too busy lusting over Kandis to actually bother to improve himself. Hell, the bloke has been leaning on his big assed asset as a crutch for a long time now. He is content with being known simply as Kandis’s sidekick, her boy toy. As for Drake, he used to work for me. There is a reason he isn’t working for me anymore. You figure it out. As for Minerva, she is the only one who I do have some modicum of respect. I fought her before, I know what she can do in the ring. So as a competitor, yeah I respect her. Do I respect her tactics? Do I respect the lengths she is willing to go to get her way? Hell no.” Braddock holds up two fingers. “And second, just because you hang out with badasses doesn’t make you a badass. That is true especially for this business of professional wrestling. What you do on your own is what makes you great, what makes you a badass. And all you have proven to me so far is that you are either incapable or unwilling to do anything on your own, Konrad.”

The British Bombshell shakes her head. “Pathetic, Konrad. Absolutely pathetic. You have the potential to be great but to be great you have to take initiative. Instead of taking the initiative, instead of being bold, you choose to be the follower. You followed The Wonderland, Damian Angel, and now The Jackals. You always find someone to latch onto, to leech off of their charisma and personality, because you cannot find any of your own. And of all of the people you choose to leech off of now, you chose The Jackals.” Glory sighs with disappointment.

“Do you know what is the most disappointing thing about that entire group? Each and every one of you have talent, some more than others, and each and every one of you could be even better. The Jackals has already make an impact and will most definitely be remembered in SCW lore forever; but will it be remembered for its great achievements? The short and obvious answer is no. The path you lot have chosen is the path of chaos and carnage. You choose to have your legacy written in blood, in crippling innocent people, invading people’s privacy just to make a damn point, and just overall trying to burn down the very fabric and institutions of this company. And why? Because you think it makes you look cool? Because you think it makes you badass?”

The British Bombshell sneers. “It makes you just a carbon copy of every other tantruming child or lunatic delinquent to ever set foot into SCW. Katya tried to burn the SCW that we knew down and remake it into her image but she failed. Giovanni Aries and The Wonderland tried to destroy SCW and while the fool may have taken out Mr. D, the fact remains that SCW is still here. And no matter the amount of carnage and mayhem that you spread in this company, no matter how many people you injure, no matter how many lives you destroy, this company is not going to burn down anytime soon at anyone’s hands, let alone yours.”

“I have spoken at length about my disdain for The Jackals, but allow me time to speak about Chris Cannon, Lucas Knight, and Christy Matthews. I haven’t always seen eye to eye with them. I’m sure there have been times that they would just assume knock my damn head off than team with me. But whether we are opponents or allies, at any given moment in our careers I respect them and I am pretty damn sure that they respect me. Respect isn’t the only thing the four of us have in common. We also fight hard to uphold the traditions and history of professional wrestling. All four of us respect this business too damn much to let you lot ruin it. So yes, on Breakdown I will proudly stand with them to fight you. I look forward to fighting Minerva, Drake, Tommy, and especially you, Konrad. Because it is like I said, you are the newest threat to the sanctity not just of SCW but of professional wrestling. You lot are tyrants and your tyranny of chaos has gone on long enough. I know I say this quite a bit, but I think it is damn sure appropriate to say it right now…” Glory pauses for a moment and sighs deeply. Then she opens them and glares fiercely and intensely into the camera.

“...sic semper tyrannis.”
The Mason Estate.

Boston, Ma.
One Year Ago.

Drake Hemingway opened the large double doors of the mansion his mother raised his half siblings in. He took two steps outside. Taking a moment to breathe in his surroundings, he steadied his mind to remain in the here and now. Never imagined having an extended stay inside a large mansion. Was never in a position to afford quite a luxury. Helps that his  mother, a woman of former modest means, married a wealthy man, one that was responsible for his exile. That is the past. The here and now is what mattered. He felt someone's hand grab his. Looking to his right he saw Loretta Inglewood. She warmly looked up into his eyes. Somberness appeared to overcome her. He tried his best to keep a solid poker face. He didn’t want what was on his mind to be easily readable by her. A tough task since she knew him all too well. 

She squeezed his hand. 

He lightly squeezed hers.  

A black Toyota pulled up in front of them. 

Her grip tightened. 

“Do you really have to go...?” Loretta asked the man she has known for most of her life. 

Drake took back his hand. Turning to face Loretta, he placed his hands on her shoulders. She made no effort to hide her sadness.. 

“We agreed we needed to walk down separate paves to grow as individuals. Stagnation is death.” Drake assured her. 

Loretta sighs. “I know, I know but... I don’t want your path to lead to her.” 

Drakes takes one deep breath. “I could make the same argument about your kinship with Cookie.”

Loretta rolls her eyes. “Don’t. Cookie is a great person. What is wrong with a delightful human being wanting to put a smile on everyones face? She has made a difference in so many people's lives. She’s not our enemy. Not anymore.”

Their conversation is interrupted by a beeping from the driver inside the Toyota. Drake turns to the car. “Just a moment!” Drake says loud enough for the driver to hear. 

He returns his attention back to Loretta. “A woman like Cookie can’t be trusted. People of her ilk adopt these naive beliefs believing they are the beacon the world needs to smile. All she represents is a distraction; nothing more. One day that woman is going to disappoint you. And when she does, what will you do then? Hm. Tell me.”

“You're wrong.” Loretta says defensively. 

“Not about this. You taught me better. Remember that. Until we meet again.” Drake removes his hands from her shoulder. He goes to walk away. 

“No Drake, you don’t get to walk away from me like this!” Loretta called out. “Don’t go. There is a big world out there we explore together. I don’t care about saving the world. This planet can burn for all I care. As long as we are the last two standing, what could be better than that? Nothing.”

Drake chuckles. “Really? Did you tell my brother the same thing?”

Loretta lowers her head. “I was stupid for not listneing to you, ok! Don’t punish me like this!”

Drake shakes his head. He walks back to Loretta. Running the back of his hand on her cheek, he calmly states. “Don’t perceive my departure as a punishment.  I am not that cruel. For you I can overlook your transgressions. My fault for not protecting you from the snake oil salesmen my brother has always been. Be honest with yourself, you fell off the path a long time ago, allowing detrimental influences like my brother and Cookie to contaminate your essence. Our time apart is more about you finding your way than me.” 

Drakes kisses her on the forehead. “I wish you were the woman who helped me come into my potential. My path leads me elsewhere. Your path I hope brings the fruits of clarity. Don’t allow this world blind you to your ultimate truth. Be the woman I once knew, helps others, like I am.”

Loretta wipes the tears from her eyes. She shakes her head. “Don’t do this!”

“I must. Fate is calling. Don’t be afraid.” 

Drake turns around and walks towards the black Toyota. He opens the back door. Once more he turns to face Loretta. He notices she puts on a much braver look. She waves him goodbye, possibly for the last time? He nods. 

“Take care of yourself.” Drake says. 

Loretta nods back. “You too.”

Drake steps into the steps, slamming the door he immediately looks to his left. 

“You’re doing the right thing.” a man in a black mask says to him.

“I know Mr. Gunari, I know.” Drakes says without looking at him. 

And with that, the car pulls away from the Mason Estate. Drake left one part of his life behind in exchange for another...       


The scene opens in an undisclosed location. Drake Hemingway can be seen sitting on the floor within a room that isn’t brightly lit. The sea of candles that form a circle around him provide enough lighting so the audience can see that he is wearing all black. What stands out is the golden crucifix he is wearing around his neck. He takes a deep breath before he launches into what’s on his mind. 

Drake: “I always fashioned myself to be a pragmatic individual. Part of my early training required me not to allow emotions to become a detriment in the completion of the goal that stands in front of me. Thanks to Minerva’s father, the stakes of this ongoing war have been raised to the zenith. The occupation of Tombstone, a sacred ground to Minerva, is officially up for grabs. It is quite a shame that the sins of the father have led to each and every single one of you vermin to offer your mental, emotional, and spiritual well being upon the altar in which we, The Jackals, will feast upon.” 

“Remember what Tombstone represented for the wrestling world. Remember The Dark that Cindy Todd wanted to spread like cancer throughout the now defunct Triad? Tombstone was responsible for ensuring this company did not become swallowed in the belly of darkness. You no longer have to worry about a New Eden or any other outfits of terror due to the influence of Tombstone. We go from that to Goddard believing by offering Tombstone as a prize that it will stop his own flesh and blood from carrying out the mission that has been decreed by her?” 

“If it was up to me, this eight person tag team affair would be the last vestige of any real hope for you Mr. Cannon. You should have stayed away. Raised your unborn child. Lick your wounds, never come back. But you’re content to drag the likes of Mr. Knight. Mrs. Braddock and Ms Mathews down into the pits of darkness?  So be it. Just realize Mr. Cannon, your allies might not make it to see you fall one final time. As for you? You’ll be allowed to exist until the upcoming apocalypse. Your sins are the ripest among your champions, for that, Minerva will have the pleasure of driving the final nail in a coffin that should have been extinguished one year ago. Fate has finally arrived to claim your soul, Superman. Doomsday is coming, this time, there will be no rising up from the dead.”       

Drake closes his eyes. He allows the silence to fill the room so the audience can process what he just said. Now he reopens his eyes. His focus more zeroed in than ever before. 

Drake: “Knight. Matthews. Braddock... there is one name I wish to focus on above all others.”

“Hello Mrs. Braddock. I used to work for you once upon a time. Those days are long gone. We find ourselves inching closer and closer towards the heat of absolute battle. I wish to start this discourse with the following...” 

“You are in an interesting position in your SCW career. You stand across from us tomorrow night a former SCW World Champion among other accolades in THIS company. Yet Rise to Greatness wasn’t friendly to you; neither was your battle with Xander Valentine. The referee took pity upon you, declaring you weren’t physically capable of competing. Somehow you took offense to this company protecting you from yourself, like many a valiant warrior, your pride became your undoing. Funny thing about open challenges Mrs. Braddock, you never know who might answer them. Was Mr. Raab a bit overzealous in accepting your challenge? Heh, perhaps, we’ll never turn down an opportunity to make our presence felt.”

“Now that we are on this path Mrs. Braddock, can’t say I am not inspired. I am quite frankly. I am overcome with unmistakable joy. In your mind me, Tommy, Kandis and Raab are mere puppets in the grand design, you wouldn’t be the first person to bow to that theory.  TheJackals exist to push the limits of mortal men. We want to see how much punishment you can withstand. Are you weak or are you a step above everyone else. A person like yourself, driven by this egocentric notion that you are the best in the world, answer this Mrs. Braddock, if you are the best in the world, wouldn’t that mean there is no one on the planet better than you are? Why continue to push yourself if you believe in your heart of hearts that no one on the planet can touch you inside of a wrestling ring? Why wrestle at all Mrs. Braddock? Is there another reason why you are content to believe there is nothing else for you to do?”

“I wish to test that premise. Tomorrow obviously we’ll do battle. An eight person tag team match doesn’t allow us a chance to truly get to know one another so I propose this. On a date of SCW managements convenience, how about you and me Mrs. Braddock. One on one. I want to push you past limits you didn’t know existed. If you can survive my onslaught, bravo, maybe you are the so-called  best on the planet. Deep down we both know that isn’t true. I will be the one to show you beyond a shadow of a doubt, when you believe you are the best, there is always someone waiting around the corner to humble you where you stand. People of your ilk are in desperate need of humility. Speaking of humility---”       

A devilish half grin forms on Drake’s face.  

Drake: “Mr. Knight, we cross paths once more. No hard feelings about Rise to Greatness. You succeeded in one minor battle in a war that shall end when Minerva puts Christopher down one final time. Not this week. She’ll savor that honor for another day. It’ll be so much sweeter when her father is forced to hand over Tombstone. Mr. Cannon can exist in a world where he failed EVERYONE. For you Mr. Knight, humility comes in the form of you coming to terms with how powerless you are to stop us from taking exactly what we desire. Tommy and Kandis wanted to become tag team champions again. Despite your insistence that they didn’t deserve that chance due to your criteria, Kandis and Tommy once again stand as champions. If I want to lay claim to the SCW United States Championship, whenever the interim nonsense is accounted for, then I shall claim the United States Championship as my own. Why? Ultimately Mr. Knight, despite your holier than thou view of this company not rewarding the chaos we have inflicted in your eyes, The Jackals will take everything we desire, and there is not a goddamn thing you can do about it.” 

“We are taking Tombstone.” 

“We are taking the championships this company uses to symbolize who the elite are.”

“We will take whatever fight you bring us Mr. Knight, even if it takes a thousand years you and your ilk will break long before we do.”

Drake raises his right hand. He snaps his fingers. Instantly, the scene fades to black.
The Jackals vs Glory Braddock, Chris Cannon & The Order of Chaos

Here it is, I wanted to do a joint effort with Cannon involved but my body just won't let me write anymore. So I'm posting what I got.
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