Supreme Championship Wrestling

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September 9th; 2018

Blake Mason accomplished what he set out to do, complete the drive for five. Marie Jones proved to be a challenge. He knew should would come to play. Accounting for the fact that she did beat him at some point a year ago, getting his win back felt good. With that chapter of his life behind him; onward. He had the rest of the show to watch. More importantly than that, he had a friend to re-connect with.

Having showered and dressed, Blake enjoyed the rest of Apocalypse from his luxury box, initially, he wanted to try to be “one of the boys/girls” by hanging out in the locker room with them, it soon became apparent that the locker room still didn’t trust him. He accepts that, he has has to do more to gain their trust. Being honest with himself, what is the point of having money if you can’t spend it. During the main event against Giovanni and Selena Frost, he was half paying attention. His mind was someplace else.


“So now you have time for me?” Regan’s voice called out to Blake as he continues to half pay attention to the action at ringside.

Blake turns around to greet Regan. She is dressed casually. Her match with Owen Cruze earlier in the night was more taxing than she likely expected. All and all she looks refreshed. Blake greets her with a smile.  “I wish I had an excuse for my absence, Regan. Chalk it up to me being an absentee friend.”

Regan shrugs. “Business as usual. Gotcha.”

Blake nods. “Yep. Standard.”

Blake motions to the empty couch for her to sit on. She takes him up on his request. He, however, remains standing. “Just want to say that I am proud of you tonight. Not for beating Owen. Your victory was never in doubt. The show of respect? Nice touch. Plus it helps you didn’t break his neck.”

“I’m not becoming a girl scout anytime soon, get that image out of your head. The only reason he can walk is because of his dad. That’s it. Don’t read to much into it.”

“Regan, you’re a GOOD person. Never in doubt. I don’t care what story the company tries to sell to the audience. My opinion about you will never change. I got your back. Always.”

Regan scoffs. “Funny way of showing it.”

Blake opts to sit down next to Regan. He leans back to make himself comfortable. “I haven’t publicly denounced you, have I? No. I haven’t. Just be a bit absent, that’s all. I suck as a friend. Always have. Your cousin reminds me of that every time we bump to each other. As hard as it is knowing that Kennedy can’t stand to be in the same room with me, somehow, I need to make that right.”

“Good luck with that.” Regan smirks.

“Heh. Your honesty is always appreciated.” Blake smirks. “In case you're wondering why your sister vouched for me, I asked you here for a couple reasons. Number one, I miss talking. Number two, Mikaela and I bumped into each other last night. We decided to hang out. Dinner to be more specific.”

Regan narrows her eyes. She glares at Blake. Given his history with women the reaction he was getting from her wasn’t unexpected at all. “This isn’t happening.”

“Regan...” Blake holds up his hands in a defensive posture. “We could have kept this from you, ok. I’m here, right now, being honest. You don’t need to worry about me making a play for Mikaela. I doubt I am old enough for her liking anyway.”

Blake chuckles. Regan remains stone faced. Deciding to push the conversation forward, Blake continues. “Aside from that? Going to make everything awkward. Imagine if Bree found out about Mik and I’s dinner? She wouldn’t be thrilled. That affects your alliance, more problems then we are both willing to deal with. Before some TMZ articles surfaces trying to ship me and MIk, now you know. There is enough gossip going around. The last thing we all need is more complications. Your life already has enough of them.”

Regan nods, conceding to that point. With a raised eyebrow she says, “Your one to talk. Taylor Chase?”

Blake was thrown off by Regan’ mentioning Tay’s name. “Come again?”

Regan tilts her head to the side. “She tried to make a deal with you to end Owen’s career, minus outright seduction. Am I right?”

Blake groaned. He had no intention of broadcasting to the world that Taylor Chase tried to play the role of the seductress. Since Taylor appears to have told Regan about their deal, there was no point hiding the truth. Wasn’t like Regan was going to broadcast it to the world. He trust her enough to be honest. Nodding, Blake says. “Yes. She did. Clearly I didn’t take her up on her offer.”

“Wow. This is a first. You not selling your soul when you get horny.”

Blake smiles. “How I told you how much I miss you?”

Regan offers a small smirk, nothing more. “It’s none of my business. You don’t need me to tell you Taylor is trouble. You left Bree because you felt her wanting to remove Amy out of her life borderlined on obsessed. Taylor Chase will bring you more trouble than you think Bree did. Doubt Chris will appreciate you going after his brother’s girlfriend.”

Blake sighs. “Chris has Sienna to worry about, I doubt he is a position to judge.”


“Regan. Every time Chris walks into a room Sienna is a school girl in heat. A blind man can see that. Just saying. She hasn’t gotten the hint yet. Chris needs to be a little more forceful to push Sienna to the side. We all know how badly that can end, for everyone.”

“Part of you doesn’t want that? Makes Kelcey available--”

Before Regan can continue with a scenario Blake doesn’t want to give any thought to, he interjects. “I accepted long ago I have done way to much damage to Kelcey to even entertain that. I moved on. Being single doesn’t change that. Not my business what happens in their marriage. Just pointing out facts, Regan. IF anything was going on between me and Taylor, which, for the record, it isn’t. Chris not appreciating a hypothetical scenario where I am hypothetically messing with Taylor, he should worry about keeping his house in order. If by some anomaly something did happen between Chris and Sienna. Not my problem. I can’t get involved. I won’t. At all.”

“Next thing you know, you’re going to write a book called “If I Did It.”

“Don’t compare me to O.J.”

“Wish I could believe you, Blake. Sadly I don’t. Death, taxes and your feelings for Kelcey are guaranteed. It is one thing to come to work and not get your hands dirty. Human emotions are a bitch. You love Kelcey. Doesn’t matter that there is a rift between you two. You can’t convince me you’d turn the other cheek. That’s not you.”

“It is now, Regan. It has to be.” Blake says trying to convince himself more than Regan that he can stay one hundred percent out of any drama that could occur. “I was concerned about Chris coming back. Didn’t know if he wanted my head or not. At least I don’t need to look over my shoulder; I’m grateful for that. You are looking at a drama free Blake Mason. New and improved. A bit more honest. Just wanted to let you know that Mikaela and I enjoyed a nice dinner.”

Regan pats Blake on the shoulder. “I do appreciate the honesty. Thanks. Doesn’t mean I trust you with my sister. I hope you’re telling the truth. Like you said, Bree would flip out. We don’t need that.”

“Glad you agree.” Blake nods.  “Oh, there is one thing I am curious about. I broke up a fight between Josh and your husband. Why were they fighting? What did Josh do? Never wanted to say anything before, because of the alliance, but Josh Hudson is scum. He’s not like us. We are good people who make the occasional mistake every now and then. Josh? I appreciate that he has helped you out, that hasn’t gone unnoticed. The difference between people like US and people like Josh. He is pure scum. There is no way around that. So if Josh has done anything to upset David to the point he is willing to confront the bastard in public. I need to know.”

Regan says firmly. “Its been dealt with, Blake. Leave it at that.”

“Regan... come on... don’t shut me out.”

Regan rolls her eyes. “Your one to talk.”

“I am dead serious about this.” Blake says more forcibly. “If Josh is a problem, he needs to be dealt with. I should have never allowed him to marry Rachel. He’s not good for her. He is no good for anyone. Pains me to say, I looked up to the dude. I came to accept that people like him, he isn’t good people.”

“Again, it’s been handled in house. Let it go. Back off.” Regan says adhemaly.

Blake wanted to push. He felt with every fiber of his being that Regan was keeping something from him. For the time being, he swallowed his pride. What was more important to him was reestablishing their friendship. If she was keeping something from him, there had to be a good reason. Reluctantly, he says. “Ok. Fine. Don’t want to upset you. For now, can we agree that the lines of communication are open between us again?”

Regan nods. “Your on.”

Blake leans over to hug his friend. “Thank you, Regan.”

She embraces him back. “I should get back.”

They pull apart. He figures that Regan wanted to get back to celebrating a pretty successful night for Past, Present, Future. Hudson won. Regan won. Sienna retained the World Championship. No need to give her a reason to be upset. “Of course. Talk to you later.”


Regan and Blake fist bump. As she walks out of his luxury suit, Blake was more driven than ever to learn what Josh did to incite the fury of David Helms. The question he ask himself;  does he want to know? And if he found out exactly what Josh did, is he truly capable of remaining an idle party as he potentially watches the world burn around him...  

After the show was over, Blake went back to his hotel. He didn’t feel any great need to go to a club to celebrate his win. The first thing he did when he got back to the hotel was call his Fenmore.

“Good. You’re up.”


“Thanks. I have a situation.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“I asked Regan why Josh Hudson and David came to blows at the Hall of Fame induction show. All she gave me was, she handled it in house. I’m of the belief that Josh did something. David Helms is as close to a boy scout as there is. Picking a fight with Hudson publicly? Doesn’t make sense. So I need to know what I should do. Should I contact the private investigator or let this go.”

Fenmore gave a long pause to properly digest the details of what Blake had asked him. “Need I remind you the last time you asked a private investigator to dig up dirt on someone you consider a friend, the backlash to that blew up more than you anticipated.”

“Josh Hudson isn’t my friend.”

“Regan is.”

There is a silence that fills the air as Blake reflects on what Fenmore reminded him of. His silence gives Fenmore permission to continue. “For all you know, sir, Regan could be tied to whatever transgressions Josh is involved in. Digging into your friends lives is not a recipe for trust.”

Blake nods. “True. What would you suggest?”

“Ask Rachel.”

Blake shakes his head. “Right... like she is going to sell out her husband to the guy who broke her heart.”

“Doesn’t hurt to try.”

Blake sits on the bed. Laying down, looking up at the ceiling. “Suppose your right. The worst thing Rachel can do is tell me to go to hell. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“That’s the spirit.”

“Thanks Fen.”

“For what, sir?”

“Keeping me on an honest path.”

“Any chance I can convince you to stay away from Taylor Chase?”

Blake laughs. “No. Goodnight Fen.”   

Blake presses the button to end the call. Fenmore is right. Blake needed to ask Rachel if she knew anything. Easier said than done. The truth needed to come out. So much for staying out of other people's affairs...  

Los Angeles, CA.

Blake didn’t head back to Boston after the Apocalypse pay per view. He instructed his pilot to head to California... Los Angeles to be exact.  He knew exactly what he wanted when he woke up the next morning. To see Taylor Chase. Naturally; he needed to be careful. He is still a man of infinite resources, he took every precaution necessary to ensure seeing Taylor would go as smoothly as it could be. He walks up to her front door. He gently knocks. Doesn’t take long for the door to swing open. Taylor Chase looks surprised to see him.

“Living life on the edge aren’t we?” Taylor smiles. “Scott could be here.”

Blake offers a smirk. “He isn’t.”

Taylor raises an eyebrow. “You’re that confident?”

Blake nods. “One thousand percent. I wouldn’t be here if I knew Scott was inside, call it the benefits of having connections. Can I come in?”

Taylor doesn’t waste time stepping to the side to let Blake in. “Of course.”

Blake follows Taylor Chase through the house. He scans the home as he follows Taylor to the backyard. “I would congratulate you on beating Marie Jones. Your victory was a forgone conclusion.

“She didn’t make it easy.”

Taylor shrugs her shoulders. “Only because you took it easy on her. It is what it is. You won. That’s what is important.”  Once they step out into the backyard, Blake is impressed by the size of her pool.  Taylor sits down on one of chairs. Crossing her toned legs, Taylor inquires. “Enough about that small fish in a big pond. What brings you to my home?”   

He chooses to remain standing. “There are no wrestling shows coming up. Kayla is going to spend time with her mother for awhile, so, that means my dance card is free. You don’t need to pack much. We can pick up whatever you want along the way. Mini vacation. What do you say? You and me; quality time.”

Taylor is a little thrown off by how forward Blake is. The last time they shared the same space together, there was an awkwardness between them. She was hoping Blake would summon up the gumption to eliminate Owen. Since that did not happen, the last time they saw each other was a little bitter sweet. The moment of shock has worn off. “Interesting.”

“Trust me, it will be. Fenmore made arrangements. We can leave tomorrow, it’ll give you a chance to tell Scott whatever story you need to tell him to keep him off the scent. You can be very persuasive.”

Taylor folds her arms. “Not persuasive enough.”

“Didn’t look like Regan played ball either.” Taylor doesn’t act shocked that Blake guessed right about her latest plan to rid Owen Cruze from the wrestling business. Blake stakes a seat next to her. “Regan was already keyed up. You figured all it would have taken was a little push to get the result you were looking for. Unfortunately for you, Regan can’t be bought or manipulated. I don’t blame you for trying.”

“I’m not going to stop.” Taylor insist.

“I know.” Blake casually says.

“You can’t convince me otherwise. Owen needs--”

Blake cuts her off. “Tay. I know.”

Blake places his hand on her knee. “Would I prefer you let this go? Sure. There has to be another way to resolve your differences with Owen. But... that’s between you and Owen. I’m not gonna tell you how to raise your kid. Not my place. As long as you know I don’t approve of your way of solving this, that’s enough.”

Blake pauses. Enough about Owen. This is about you and me... I miss you.”

Despite Taylor’s stoic demeanor, she can’t control blushing. “Blake--”

Blake runs his hand through Taylor’s hair. “The past seven weeks, I can’t get you out of my head. I’ve thought long and hard about this. There are cons. Those cons come in the form of what will other people think when they find out about us. I can see it now, people doubting my true intentions. Believing I wasn’t being honest with them the entire time. You don’t have the most PG friendly reputation. At the end of the day, reputation is what other people think. I only care about what I think.”

“What do you think about me?”

“Strong. Independant. A woman willing to go after what she wants. Dangerous. Headstrong. Stubborn. It's impossible not to admire a woman like that. There is only one Taylor Chase in the world. You only live once. Come with me. See where this adventure takes us. No promised. I have broken enough promises with the women in my life. Safe to say you’d kill me if I broke one to you.”

“Got that right.” Taylor smirks. “Blake... we have a connection. Always have. Maybe if you weren’t so hung up on my former best friend in the past, who knows. I still have my doubts.”

“I don’t blame you. I believe in our potential, roadblocks and all. One of them is knocked down. I told Katelyn.”

Hearing this does invoke Taylor to an eyebrow, not expecting Blake to be so open about their, whatever they have. “Kate wasn’t thrilled, naturally. She is not the person you think she is, Tay.  All Kate wants is my happiness. Not like she is in a position to judge, she is dating Abigail. Wish she’d go away...”

“Giving you trouble again?”

“In a roundabout way. Yes. That’s irrelevant.” Blake sighs. He grabs Tay’s hand. “I want you. Simple as that. You want me as well. I want to show you that we can work. Make arrangements. Settle your affairs. We both need to take a break from the world for a few days. Trust me, ok?”  

“I’m glad you came. Won’t hurt to get away for a couple days. Sure. Let me figure out what I am going to tell Scott.”  “I’m yours.”

“Pe--” Blake is so used to saying perfect, he has to stop himself knowing following through with the word would remind Taylor Chase of her former best friend. He takes a deep breath. “Great. That is exactly what I needed to hear. You won’t regret this.”

And with that, Blake feels more confident about the future, more than he has in along time.


The scene opens in the backseat of a limousine. Blake Mason, who is wearing a black three piece suit with a white shirt, red tie, is sitting comfortably on the drivers side of the limo. He looks charmingly into the camera.   

“I have a confession to make...”

He motions for the camera to zoom in closer. Now with a close up on Blake’s handsome features, he whispers his confessions to all who are watching.

“I hate not being in control, but you already knew that.”

Blake offers a knowing smirk. The camera zooms back out.

“Not being in control is scary, especially for me. Some people are wired that way, I guess. Ravyn, Abigail Lindsay, they thrive on chaos. Some of us, we thrive on order. Growing up in a rich family, you learn that chaos is not a sound business strategy. Throughout my career; I have gone too far to maintain what I felt was the established order. Fatal Fortunes is the one event you can’t plan for. Again, that’s scary, especially now, who knows what chaos has in store for me.”

“I can handle getting an opportunity for a championship... except if it is the United States Championship. Said it before, I’ll say it again. If I am put in a position where I have to wrestle Bree, I won’t do it. I’ll forfeit. There is all there is to that. The other championships? Awkward situation, I can handle it. Andrew Raynes. Still a friend of mine. Sienna? We were never close anyway, that wouldn’t be a problem. Josh Hudson? He was a hero of mine. These days, I can’t stand him. Held my tongue due to the professional alliance I had with Past, Present, Future. Don’t have to hold my tongue anymore, I would have zero remorse taking the Television Championship away from him this week if my number is called. Becoming a champion is what I’m here for. Now hesitation there.”           

“Fatal Fortunes could test my path to... redemption. I have no clue what half the locker room thinks about me nowadays. I don’t speak to a lot of people. I keep to myself, mainly. I show up, wrestle, do my job. Don’t cause trouble. I’m not a boy scout by any means. I can understand IF there are a few people in the locker room who still believe my shift in priorities is smoke and mirrors. Take Konrad for instance. He is a man who spoke out against me last year on more than one occasion. To my knowledge he hasn’t spoken about me lately, who knows, I don’t know him, I don’t know what he thinks, what is in his heart. For all I know, he may want to cash in on those threats from last year when I attacked Simon in his home.

“Bianca Evans. No clue what I did to her to cause her to hate me, maybe she is still bitter that she wasn’t given credit for Amy’s concussion, I don’t know. She is friends with my cousin, I allowed Bianca to live in my home for a time, you’d think that would inspire kindness. She turned on Katie. Who knows what is in the heart of Bianca Evans these days.”

“The list of people I could draw at Fatal Fortunes is endless. Like I said, I have no clue how people feel about me. It is one thing to face Owen Cruze, I saw that coming. Thirteen, I saw coming. Cassidy Carter... sorry, Marshal.. I saw coming. The control freak in me wants to plan for every infinite scenario, formulate a plan. And I could do that. I am gonna try my best not to worry to much. Trust me, that’s hard. I teamed with Brett Sinclair last year for crying out loud. We could have became contenders for the tag team titles. For all I know, I could draw an enemy for a tag partner this year, win a contenders match, face gosh knows who for the tag team titles. Hell, Owen Cruze could be my tag team partners for all I know. Imagine that, the son of Orlando Cruze and Blake Mason, your brand new SCW World Tag Team Champions. How is that for fate?”

Blake half smirks wondering if fate can be that ironic.

“I am NOT completely powerless. I can’t control who I’m facing. I can’t control what situation fate demands of me. But what I can control is my attitude. How I am going to approach Fatal Fortunes? I am taking whatever comes as my own personal  challenge. We can’t grow unless we tackle situations that makes us uncomfortable. Cage matches don’t faze me. Being chased by an angry mob doesn’t make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Been there, done that. Not being in control of my fate is something I need to get used to very soon, I know, at some point, despite how good everything is going for me, career wise, there will come a situation like the one I had to face when I learned Chris Cannon was coming back to SCW. For obvious reason we know why that made me uncomfortable. The last time we competed... no need to rehash that. Naturally I was afraid. You would be too if you had done what I did, I came close to not resigning with SCW, I initially didn’t want to share the same ring with him again, who knows, maybe Fate will decide Blake Mason versus Chris Cannon happens over the course of the next two shows. Eventually I calmed down. Kelcey was right, I do owe Chris this. Whenever that match happens, I will face it like a man, not a coward.”  

“The Chris Cannon possibility aside, how will I react facing one of my former professional allies?”

“How will I respond to facing someone I was close to in the past, like Kennedy Street? Could I man up to face her considering our history?”

“There is a chance someone from EMERGE is called up? Could wrestle my own brother for all I know.”

“Either way, it is up to me to respond to what fate has in store for me. In the past I know how I would have responded. Doesn’t sound sexy to say this, during these next two shows, Fate gives me the chance to respond differently to a circumstance I may not like. I will respond with grace. Class. With enthusiasm. I will grow as a person. Yeah, doesn’t sound sexy talking about personal growth in a wrestling promo. You are not watching this to get a lesson in self talk.”

“Fortune favors the bold, in that spirit, Fatal Fortunes, bring it. We’ll see if I thank for you coming.”

Blake nods, signaling that he is done talking. With that, the scene fades to black.