Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Her Nightmare"
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SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Her Nightmare"

{The episode starts in the middle of no where on some grassy hil with tall green brush and the sun shines down on the hill. Time speeds up and clouds breeze by and the sun sets in the distance. The night sky sparkles with stars above. That’s when Katie Steward spring up the tall brush with her eyes wide open like she’d just woken up from a bad dream. Her blue eyes shifts from side to side as she looks around the open field trying to figure out where she is. She moves her blonde hair back behind her shoulder and fixes the floral crown she’s wearing. Katie has no idea where she is and how she got there and can’t help, but to freak out a little bit.}

Katie Steward: Where in Goddess Heaven…

{She hears something behind her and turns her head to look. A shadow figure surrounded in black smoke appears on the hill behind her. Katie is still a little freak out noticing the red glowing eyes of the figure watching her. Katie can almost see a person’s face in the shadow and wagers a guess as to who it is standing on the hill with her.}

Katie Steward: Bianca? Is that you?

{The shadowy figure shrieks and charges at Katie in a burst of speed. Katie goes to full freak out mode. She stands up off the ground in her white gown blows in the wind. She turns to run away. She spins around too quickly and trips over her own foot. While Katie begins to fall the shadow figure reaches her and disappears in a cloud of smoke. Katie lets out a scream as she takes a tumble down the hillside. She rolls down the hill and her blond hair and white dress fly around in the air. To make things even weirder a butterfly wings pop out of Katie’s back. She doesn’t notice as she is busy screaming while rolling down the hillside. She finally makes it to the bottom of the hill hitting the ground. She rolls over on her back and looks at the night sky above.}

Katie Steward: Ugh this is like some kind of a nightmare. 

{Katie picks herself up off the ground. She fixes her white gown and hair picking brush out of it that got stuck in her hair during the fall. The floral crown still on top her her head. Katie collects herself she tries to figure out where she is. She looks around and is still in the middle of no where.}

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, how did I end up here? I don’t remember anything. Was I out with Katelyn earlier? Did Bianca do something to me? Oh…

{Katie reaches up and holds her head giving it a rub as she tries to remember what she was doing prior to waking up on the hill. Nothing comes to her and she doesn’t have a hangover. So she doesn’t believe she was drinking or drugged. She glances over and spots a tall figure in the distance. She is hesitate as the last one had attack her. Unfortunately she doesn’t really have a choice as it’s the only thing around and she walks over to check it out. She gets closer to the person who is wearing a cloak with a hood over its head concealing its identity. She slows her pace a little and cautiously approaches. She checks out the person. They wear a leather outfit and did can’t see the person’s face.}

Katie Steward: Hello? Can you help me? Do you know where I am? I think I was part of some prank by my brats and left out in the middle of no where. They think they’re hilarious and I need to get back so I can show them how hilarious they are.

{The person doesn’t respond to Katie’s questions and she gets frustrated to being ignored.}

Katie Steward: Hello? Hey! I need some help. What are you blind?

{Katie shakes in her head as she is in complete disbelief at her situation. Even more so that this obvious idiot as the balls to ignore her like this.}

Katie Steward: Are you kidding me right now? Do you not know who I am?

{Katie reaches out to grab the person and goes straight for their cloak to see who this person is. With lightning fast reflexes the person pulls out a wooden stick with a snake on it and swats Katie’s hand away smacking it. Katie cries out in pain.}

Katie Steward: Ow! What in Goddess Heaven are you doing? You just hit me! I can’t believe you just did that. I just want to talk. Why won’t you talk to me?

{Katie’s eyes ball up with tears and she begins to cry as she is scared. She throws herself on the person’s chest and cries into their clothes. She wipes her nose on the person and they immediately back up from her. Katie drops the tears act like she was trying to use her acting to get the person to open up.}

Katie Steward: Did you just run away from me? What are you some kind of germophobe?

{The wheels in Katie’s head turn and she lunges forward determined to unmask the person. The person backwards and swings their wooden stick trying to fight off Katie’s attack. Their cloak couldn’t stay on and falls off revealing their identity to Katie.}

Katie Steward: Hurse! I knew this was some kind of Brat prank on me. What is Robin planning?

Hurse: Do you think I’m working with Robin to pull a prank on you after what I done to her?

Katie Steward: Nooo. I don’t think that. That would be crazy… Right? 

Hurse: Besides I’m not really Hurse. This is just one of your stupid spiritually dreams things that you have to tell you where to go next.

Katie Steward: That’s stupid. I would never have you in one of my dreams and another thing I would never scare myself to death having some creepy spirit chase me around. Also if you’re not really Hurse then why do you do his whole germaphobic thingy?

Hurse: Maybe it’s suppose to teach you not to spray your snot all over people. In which maybe this dream sequence isn’t that dumb.

Katie Steward: I wasn’t trying to blow my snot on you. That’s disgusting.

Hurse: And yet that’s exactly what you were doing. With your whole fake crying bit to try and trick me.

Katie Steward: Uh excuse me, my fake crying bit is Oscar level quality stuff. If I really wanted too I’d have you eating out of the palm of my hand. Which I did cause I figured out who was under the hood.

Hurse: I saw right through that and I only took the hood off cause it was getting stuffy under there. 

{Katie scoffs at Hurse and turns away. Hurse waves Katie off and turns away from her. They both stand there with their backs turned to one another. Both upset with the other.}

Katie Steward: Maybe we should just say the thing of why we’re here and then we can leave. 

Hurse: I can agree to that.

Katie Steward: Good. So why are you dressed like that? It’s not a comic con thing, is it?

Hurse: I wish. I’m like a High Druid of Tuatha Dé Danann.

Katie Steward: To day what?

Hurse: Tuatha Dé Danann. The people of Ireland. Well the fifth wave of invaders to Ireland. It’s a long story.

Katie Steward: Wait, did you say Ireland? Is this about my ancestry? Am I going to be visited by one of my ancestors that’s going to tell me what I need to do next?

Hurse: I don’t think so. I was just send here to give you a message from Danu.

Katie Steward: Who?

Hurse: Danu, the Great Mother Goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

Katie Steward: Wait, you have a message from the Goddess? For me? And you haven’t told me what it was yet? What is wrong with you?

Hurse: You didn’t ask me and also you’re probably going to want to take out your frustrations on me and I really don’t want that.

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, this isn’t about you. Tell me!

Hurse: Your Goddess powers have been revoked.

Katie Steward: WHAT!

Hurse: I am just a messenger, but it doesn’t take an astrophysicist to understand why.

Katie Steward: I don’t want to hear about your boyfriends.

Hurse: That’s fine, but I’m not the one in a slump. You’re not living in your own home, but with one of your Brats. You’re not the Tag Team or Television Champion. You were the one who got caught in Bianca Evans’ obvious trap even with literally everyone pointing it out that it was going to happen.

Katie Steward: (shouting) I GET IT!

Hurse: This is the beginning of your journey to find your way back. If you can ever find your way back.

Katie Steward: Is that what the spirit earlier that shape shifted into Bianca and chased me was? A nightmare that I’m not plagued with until I defeat it?

Hurse: Sure. Good Luck.

Katie Steward: Wait…

{Hurse shape shifts into a rat and scarpers away.}

Katie Steward: Of course he’s a rat. I’m powerless now? How am I suppose to fight my demons if I’m powerless?

{Behind Katie the shadowy figure from earlier appears to continue its haunting of Katie’s dreams. She turns around sensing it. It begins to wail attacking at her and Katie just falls to the ground in terror shutting her eyes as the scene fades.}


{The scene opens in Los Angeles, California at the apartment of Autumn Daniels where Katie is staying. Katie is laying on the couch with Katelyn Buehler there. Katie’s head is resting on Katelyn’s legs as she starts to wake up from her dream.}

Katelyn Buehler: Autumn, she’s waking up.

{Autumn appears standing behind the couch looking over Katelyn’s shoulder to see Katie waking up from her sleep.}

Katelyn Buehler: Wakey, Wakey Katie. You were out for awhile.

Katie Steward: Was I? I had a crazy dream just now. Well a nightmare, really. Hurse was in it.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh, that had to be fun.

Autumn Daniels: That’s usually what happens when you mistakenly eat the brownies on the table that’s meant for the customers down stairs.

Katelyn Buehler: Which by the way I did not know that. I know you’ve talked about having healing stuff like crystals or elixirs, but never specifically mention brownies.

Katie Steward: What? I ate a brownie. Yes, I did. I remember that now.

Katelyn Buehler: Yes, you sure did and you handle it like a champion. Is she going to be ok?

Autumn Daniels: Sure. It looks like she slept it off and had a drug fueled dream with Hurse. Whatever that’s like.

{Katie realizing what Autumn and Katelyn are saying and she sits up on the couch.}

Katie Steward: What are you two talking about? I wasn’t drugged. Definitely didn’t have any drug fueled dream about Hurse. It was a nightmare.

Katelyn Buehler: Sure it was. It was probably the worst.

Katie Steward: So that was just a dream then?

Katelyn Buehler: Sure. Why? What did you dream about? Was it really that bad? You don’t have to worry now. You’re back in the real world.

Katie Steward: Yeah. I am. Thanks.

{Katie sits there on the couch with Katelyn and she thinks to herself. She tries to make sense about what she just what through and if it was really real or not. She decides to ask some questions to someone who may know a thing or two about what it.}

Katie Steward: Hey Autumn, what do you know about Danu?

Autumn Daniels: Danu? As like the Irish Goddess? There isn’t a whole lot about her mythology or about the Tuatha Dé Danann. Other religions tried to destroy it. Why?

Katelyn Buehler: Oh Katie discovered she’s Irish so she’s been very curious about her heritage.

Katie Steward: Yeah, that’s it. What Katelyn said. I was just curious and now I know.

{Katie puts on a fake smile and laughs trying to move on without Katelyn and Autumn asking anymore questions. Katie just sits there quiet as she thinks about what Hurse told her in the dream and she knows she needs to get back what she lost and the scene fades.}


{The scene opens to Katie Steward sitting in a director’s chair in front of a green screen. She is wearing her white and gold ring robe and her make up is done and she’s ready to shoot. Though she doesn’t look like she is in too much of a mood to talk. Her head looks away from the camera and she appears to still be thinking of whatever is on her mind. The red light of the camera is on and a few seconds pass before a stage hand gets Katie’s attention that she’s live.}

Katie Steward: I’m sorry. I’m not feeling like myself anymore. I know everyone probably feels the same way. Everyone has ask repeatably what has happened to Katie Steward in the last year. I don’t have an answer to that honestly. I don’t know what has happened. I know what my goals are in SCW and I should’ve been able to achieve them easily, but alas I just… haven’t been myself. Fatal Fortunes is here and I don’t know what to expect. My mind didn’t even know how to process how I can even get though the next two weeks. It can’t possibly be any worst for me than what happened at Apocalypse. So with that said, I can now only go one way and that is up. So it’s really a good thing that what’s happen happened to me because not I need to train myself. I need to revalue myself and get back my piece of mind. To be what made me a Goddess again. It wasn’t making friends with people. Or being liked. It’s about being the best. It’s about taking what I deserve and I’ve fought my career to get and rubbing everyone else’s face in it. I have only one fortune for Breakdown and it’ll be whoever my opponent is in whatever match I put in. They’re going to be face down on the mat kissing it where my feet have walked. There is so many in SCW that need to be humbled to my presence and so many that need a remember of just who I am because I let myself forget.

{Katie begins to laugh as she amuses herself thinking about the future.}

Katie Steward: This year SCW presents Fatal Fortunes and it’s going to be a memorial one. It doesn’t matter who is it. Someone is going to have a very bad fortune on Breakdown.

{Katie leans back in her director’s chair looking very focus and ready for her upcoming match on Breakdown. She is ready to reclaim what she’s lost as the scene and episode end.}