Supreme Championship Wrestling

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Things can change in an instant.  All of us that live and breathe air on this planet have seen that. From the eldest to the tiniest, newest baby.  Even though that newborn does not know anything about it, they have still seen it with their own eyes.  It just that they will not understand it.

Just like understandably I still do not get something.  I simply do not get why normal humans like Owen Cruze and Chris Cannon believe that three simple seconds are everything.  I have told both of them point blank that three seconds does not define a single soul.  Have they both scored wrestling victories against me?  Sure, if you want to call them victories.  But have they scored victories against me in life?  No.

I could move on from them, but in a way, I feel bad for each of them.  Maybe this is HER getting to me a little, but I want to offer them one last chance.  One more chance before they can be considered lost hopes.  With Fatal Fortunes on the horizon, they had better hope that the sun shines down on them and they end up in that ring, against me.  Both of them need this "date", per say.  They need to face this fate so they can truly learn their lesson, which is the exact same one.

That lesson is to realize that their fortunes of the near past can easily be twisted around, and that they can both easily find themselves spiraling downwards, until they hit rock bottom.  Though from the looks of things, Owen Cruze already has.  I would not mind awakening him though.  I would not mind twisting his arm and taking off his head to make him realize that he is not yet ready to take on those of you who he deems are top wrestling superstars.

Look, to me, everyone here is on the same level.  None of you here will like that statement, but it is true.  We are all here because inside us we do all have the talent to compete at a high level, both the men and the women.  Even I can eat a slice of humble pie once in a while, but then again, I have not made myself out to be the greatest wrestler ever.  I DO have powers that all of you can just dream about, but being egotistical is not one of them.  I have no time for those who believe they are better than everyone else.  I have no time for anyone that is going to mock myself or anyone else, just because of three simple seconds.  And most importantly, I have no time for those who are just going to offer up empty talk.  It is those that deserve to end up Broken and Claimed, forever. 


The clouds up above are ominous.  It is definitely going to be an outright deluge of rain later on tonight, but for now I sit alone, about ready to enjoy a hearty meal at one of your own restaurants Buffalo.  However something is holding me back from putting down the first piece of juicy meat from the steak that I have ordered.  I should have expected it too, as I can hear HER voice whispering to me.

Even coming off two defeats, I cannot believe you Lawrence.  Here you are, about to dine like you are a champion of some sort, when you are not.

I squint my eyes and raise my fork to the heavens.  Even with other people around, I am not going to let HER boss me around.  SHE is a far, FAR cry from being my mother.

I do not care about championship belts, nor do I care if some think they are better than me.  That is not important Shadron!

I take my focus off HER voice now and look around.  A few are looking at me like I am crazy, but as I stare around at each and every single one of them that is in that category, they go back to what they were doing.  SHE goes back to being not smart, perhaps because SHE is still miffed about how I reacted to HER always looking down on me, even when we are not in the same space physically.

But it is.  I do not want the world to see you as weak Lawrence.  I know you are strong, but undoubtedly the rest of them do not.  Likely many see you as a laughingstock.  I have heard them.  I have heard them laughing at you.  It pains me.  It hurts me Lawrence, to see the one I love being seen as a loser.

I reach the fork up further to the heavens, and then stand up and with both my hands I go to twist the handle of the fork, but then stop.  I drop it down on the table.

Waiter, box and check please.  I have something to go take care of.

One acknowledges me and it is not long before he is placing my meal inside a carry-out box.  Maybe I will get to silence the hunger inside me, once I silence HER.  The best part is I know exactly where SHE is.  Shadron should have known better than to look down on me at this moment in time.  Now she will meet her fate.

As I begin to walk now, it begins to rain.  I do not look up as I stomp down the sidewalk, with each stomp getting closer and closer to HER.  I can sense it, and sense what I am about to do.  SHE deserves it though, every moment of what is coming.  I continue my stomp into the hotel and do not waste my time with the elevator.  Elevators are for the weak.  I am taking the stairs, heading right for HER.  I know Shadron is alone.  I know that SHE is vulnerable.  Most importantly HER powers of love will not be a saving grace, not tonight, not ANY night.

I close my eyes and can see the room number almost immediately, very clearly.  The image is so vivid it is almost like I am seeing it for real.  I head up one more flight of steps and open the door that leads out to the hallway of hotel rooms on the floor that I have reached.  I walk just past halfway down until I see that same number that was in my head.  Immediately I hear HER.

So you are here.  Come in.

I turn the handle but it does not go.  SHE seems to have forgotten this is a hotel.

Then let me.

I hear HER shuffling around some before she opens the door to see me standing here before her.

I know that look.  Look Lawrence, I would never hurt you, physically or mentally.  I was only stating what I have heard.  Many think it is the truth.

I stomp into the room now, with each step backing her up further and further in, until I have her completely cornered in one corner of the not very spacious hotel room.  SHE is scared, as SHE should be.

I know it is not, but- but the world does not know that.  Please Lawrence, do not fault me.

Stop then!  Just stop it!  I get it.  You love me.  I am sick and tired how much you have been telling me the same thing over and over and over!  You STILL have not even revealed these other so-called powers I am supposed to have, which is making me believe that I do not have any that I do not already know of.  So why do you just leave me ALONE already!!!

I can see.  Shadron is terrified.  Terrified that I have maybe found out the truth.  Yet surprisingly she is not attempting to escape.  Thus I grab her left arm and begin to squeeze.  She grimaces, and then I hear her.

You are angry.  You are not yourself.  Please, let me go Lawrence.

YOU asked for this.  YOU are responsible for this!

Instead of continuing to squeeze, I suddenly twist her left arm and she immediately drops to her knees, like a subject does before royalty.  She tries to hold it in, but she now screams and is crying.  I am not going to let up.  She brought this upon herself!  I wrench even harder but when she goes to scream, it comes out only as a pathetic cry for mercy.

Please stop Lawrence!  You're hurting me!  You've proven your point, but... but... I STILL LOVE YOU!!!

I twist her arm just that tad bit more, which breaks her as she taps on my leg with her right hand, submitting to me.

UCH!  You are useless!  And you said the world sees ME as pathetic?!?!  YOU and those that say I am are the ones that are pathetic!!!  Do not EVER, and I mean EVER invade my thoughts and my mind again!  GO!  Just... GO!!!

I let go of her arm and she holds it, clearly hurt.  It looks extremely limp and she is a blubbering mess.  She made it her fate tonight though, and maybe, just maybe made it the fate of some other poor souls who clearly deserve it as well.  Instead of her leaving my sight though, I snap around and leave hers, slamming the room door shut on my way out.  Tonight I have not just broken her arm, or broken her heart.  I have Broken her, hopefully for good.


The rain is falling even harder now, but I do not care in the slightest, as I am right out in the thick of it.  It is very refreshing, after what I have had to deal with in regards to the girl who believes SHE has powers like I do.  Tonight showed SHE is just too weak, and will always BE weak.  To me, tonight is a true step on the path that I should always be on.  SHE will no longer hold me back after what befell her.  Soon, the rest will fall too, starting with whomever is unfortunate enough to draw me over these next two weeks.

Before I move forward, I went back that one step to see if SHE was still in the hotel room. SHE was not.  All of HER belongings were gone, with only an angry note from my cousin Miranda being left behind.  Clearly the war has begun, and I for one welcome it.  Just like I welcome my opponent or opponents, whatever the case may be.  They too could get their arms broken, but more importantly, whomever gets the displeasure of stepping in between those ropes against me, they will leave Changed, Claimed and Broken.

I move to under an overhang now, not to escape the rain, but only to push out what needs to be known by all of you out there.

Fate.  No one can escape it.  Not even a powerful being like myself.  I know this.  I accept this.  The rest of you though, I am not so sure you can.  You only want good things to happen to you, but you need to take the good with the bad, especially when you are doing nothing but asking for bad things to happen.  People like Owen Cruze and Chris Cannon, while they had their three seconds of fame against me, are just two examples.  Owen moved on to get his dreams crushed by Regan Street, just like we all knew he would.  Everyone out there needs to admit that we all knew it would happen.  Owen, even you yourself knew that would happen, yet you chose to go through with it.  You instilled yourself with an amount of confidence, by just hoping that you would be able to stand toe to toe with someone like Regan, and you got scratched.  In all honesty, you are lucky that she let you live.  If you are slated to face me again, things just might not turn out the same way.  Know this, you would DEFINITELY leave as a shell of your former self.  You would be forever Changed.  Not like you are not already, but it would be ever more apparent.

I put my head down, but I do not feel sorry for Baby Cruze.  He brought all that has happened to him upon himself.  Unfortunately it is just the same for Chris Cannon, who really should know better, considering his wife Kelcey is an SCW Hall-of-Famer.

So it seems ignorance is bliss.  That means Owen, and you Chris must be in total bliss, being that you two are just two of the many that are ignorant.  I am not in your category when it comes to ignorance, as I am always learning.  When it comes to you Chris, I cannot help it but to sigh, as you really should know better.  You are older than Owen and have been around the block.  You should know that getting three seconds of fame at Apocalypse is not everything.  Yet you too, just like Owen, have been crowing a bit too loudly.  Eventually you will fall.

This leads into the reason for why I attacked you in the first place Chris.  I will ALWAYS attack those that are just too proud of themselves.  Unfortunately there are far too many like you and Owen out there.  Hence, I will take all of you on, one at a time, until the lesson sinks in and people change their mindsets.  If I have to twist all of your arms to get it to happen, that is what I will do.  If I have to behead you all, that is what I will do.  If I have to bring in the Storm of the Century, that is what I will do!

A finger point outward leads to a surprise strike of lightning, but I have brought it, so it does not frighten me.  Everyone outside though, they run like scared little rats.  I shake my head as I pull my finger back.

Sadly in SCW, not many of you are ready for this Storm to be brought.  Regan Street? She is.  Josh Hudson?  He is.  We already know a few who are not.  As for the rest of you, only time will tell.  Fatal Fortunes is just not enough time to know.

I look out again and a huge bolt of lightning strikes the ground, a few football fields distance away from where I am.  While the world may not be ready, I am.  I am always ready for a Storm, and will always be ready.

With the Storm here SCW, it does not matter who is put in front of me.  It does not even matter if Lady Luck is on their side for three measly seconds.  In the end, what does matter, is that I want you all to learn what you need to.  If you choose not to do so, you will forever be Claimed by the Dark, and could end up completely Broken.

The thunder continues to rumble, but eventually does pass on to the East.  I head back out into the refreshing, cleansing rain.  A rain that so many of you desperately need, but are always looking to avoid.  You cannot avoid the Storm forever, and either this Wednesday night or next Wednesday night, at least one of you will end up with your arm twisted, Broken, for good.