Supreme Championship Wrestling

Full Version: The Enigma vs. Diamond Steele
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2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET FRIDAY, November 24, 2023**

**NOTE DEADLINE. With it being American Thanksgiving, I figured it would be too short to make deadline Wednesday and mean to make it on Thursday.** The show will act as if on Thanksgiving Thursday.
Chapter 3

Thornbrooke:  Veil of Darkness

In the heart of the nightmarish village of Thornbrooke, a place where darkness clung to every crevice like a relentless specter, a tale drenched in malevolence and horror began to unfurl its sinister tendrils. It was a place untouched by the passage of time, where the very essence of the village seemed to have been woven into the fabric of an ancient, enigmatic forest that cradled it. Elias Veil, but a mere child at the outset of his harrowing journey, was thrust headlong into a world fraught with chilling secrets and inscrutable mysteries. In Thornbrooke, the boundaries between past and present melted like a waxen nightmare, and the cobblestone streets bore witness to a haunting convergence of history and the present day. Each gnarled tree trunk, etched with cryptic symbols, whispered of the malevolent forces that slumbered beneath the surface, waiting to awaken and cast their long, sinister shadows upon the unsuspecting souls who dwelled within its oppressive embrace.

Before Elias Veil would succumb to the all-consuming grasp of the Enigma, he was a portrait of innocence, a wide-eyed boy whose vulnerability was as striking as his burgeoning curiosity. Thornbrooke, a place enshrouded in a suffocating veil of unfathomable darkness, ensnared him in its treacherous embrace from his earliest days. Every step he took, be it on the cobbled streets or amidst the looming trees of the ancient forest, seemed to lead him further into a nightmarish labyrinth of enigmatic malevolence. Here, secrets festered like festering wounds, concealed in the shadows that clung to the village like a plague, tainting the very air he breathed with an insidious sense of dread. The innocence of childhood was a fragile veneer, masking the imminent descent into a darkness from which there might be no return.

The ancient trees that loomed like silent sentinels in the heart of Thornbrooke possessed an ominous presence that permeated the very air. Their twisted branches reached out like skeletal fingers, gnarled and contorted by centuries of whispered secrets and clandestine rituals. These arboreal giants stood as mute witnesses to the village's grim history, their enduring forms a testament to the malevolent forces that had taken root in their gnarled hearts.

Unbeknownst to the young Elias, the village of Thornbrooke held within its ancient confines secrets that defied mortal comprehension. The very essence of Thornbrooke seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, an enigmatic force that whispered in hushed tones through the rustling leaves and the chilling winds. It was a place where the boundaries between the natural and supernatural were blurred, where the mysteries of the past intertwined seamlessly with the present, and where the ominous secrets of the village's history waited patiently to shape the destiny of a boy destined for legend.

In the heart of Thornbrooke, where shadows clung like malevolent specters to the timeworn cobblestones, Elias Veil roamed as an ordinary young boy, blissfully unaware of the formidable forces that lurked just beneath the surface. The village was a realm where the very air was saturated with a sense of impending doom, where the moon itself seemed to cast an eerie, blood-red hue upon its cobblestone streets.

Elias was but an unwitting pawn in a game whose rules he did not yet understand. The enigmatic forces that lay dormant within Thornbrooke's ancient heart would soon awaken, pulling him into a treacherous journey that would test his resolve and reveal the true depths of darkness shrouding the village. The path he tread upon would lead to a transformation that would forever bind him to the enigma that was Thornbrooke.

As he wandered through the village's labyrinthine alleys and hidden corners, Elias could not escape the unsettling feeling that he was being watched. The very stones of Thornbrooke seemed to bear witness to his every step, and the eyes of unseen entities followed his every move. It was as if the village itself possessed a malevolent consciousness, an entity that observed his every action with an unrelenting gaze.

The secrets that whispered through Thornbrooke's twisted alleys, secrets too dark for mortal tongues to speak, beckoned to Elias like sirens in the night. He was drawn inexorably toward the enigmatic forces that pulsed at the heart of the village, like a moth to a flame. These secrets, ancient and unfathomable, held him in their thrall, weaving a sinister tapestry of the village's history, and Elias found himself ensnared in their chilling embrace.

The village's elders, shrouded in the mists of time, emerged from the shadows with an eerie boldness, engaging Elias in clandestine encounters that unfolded in the darkest recesses of Thornbrooke. Their conversations were laden with cryptic meanings, their words like riddles that begged to be unraveled. They spoke of his lineage, of a legacy that extended deep into the bowels of Thornbrooke's past, a legacy that carried with it both foreboding warnings and mystifying promises.

With each encounter, Elias's curiosity grew, his young mind struggling to make sense of the enigmatic puzzle that was Thornbrooke. The revelations, unsettling as they were, held an irresistible allure, pulling him further into the labyrinth of his heritage and the ominous embrace of the cult that had silently gripped Thornbrooke for generations.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Elias Veil found himself entangled in a web of destiny, his path inexorably leading him toward embracing the very enigma that had defined Thornbrooke for generations. The village, ensnared in a darkness that seemed to have no end, awaited the day when Elias would fully realize his role in the unfolding tragedy, and the blood moon ritual loomed ominously on the horizon, a harbinger of the transformative darkness that was yet to come.

The bark of these ancient trees was etched with cryptic symbols, intricate patterns that seemed to defy the natural order. Each symbol told a story, a tale of dark rites and forbidden knowledge, etched into the trees' very essence as if by the hand of a sinister artist. Elias, even in his youthful innocence, could not escape the magnetic pull of these enigmatic symbols.

As he gazed upon the scars that marred the trees' bark, Elias felt a deep and primal connection to them, as though they held the keys to a world hidden from mortal eyes. The symbols seemed to whisper to him, beckoning him closer with the promise of untold secrets and unimaginable power. It was as if the trees themselves were sentient, their ancient spirits yearning to share their malevolent wisdom with the impressionable boy who dared to approach.

The symbols pulsed with an otherworldly energy, a dark vitality that sent shivers down Elias's spine. It was a sensation that transcended the physical realm, an eerie reminder that the origins of these symbols were lost to the annals of time. They bore the weight of countless rituals and incantations, each one binding the village of Thornbrooke further to its sinister past.

Elias, entranced by the trees and their cryptic markings, could not resist the urge to touch them. His fingers traced the contours of the symbols, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through his young frame. It was as if he had awakened a dormant power, one that had slumbered within the trees for centuries, waiting for the right vessel to unlock its secrets.

The ancient trees, their gnarled branches etched with these cryptic symbols, became a silent mentor of sorts, guiding Elias further down the treacherous path of his destiny. Little did he know that these symbols would become an integral part of his journey, leading him deeper into the heart of the enigma that was Thornbrooke.

Elias's insatiable curiosity about his father became a ceaseless undercurrent in his life, an ever-present question that haunted his thoughts like a relentless specter. It was a question that fueled his determination to uncover the enigmatic past that had given birth to his existence.

As Elias delved deeper into the cryptic annals of Thornbrooke, the more convoluted and treacherous the path of discovery became. The very essence of the village seemed to conspire against him, its cobblestone streets echoing with the sinister secrets that clung to the stones like a malignant stain. The gnarled trees, with their cryptic symbols etched into their bark, whispered enigmatic tales of ancient rituals and ominous pacts, weaving a narrative that ensnared him further with each revelation.

The villagers, with their solemn faces and guarded words, only fueled Elias's determination. He sought out those who had known his father, who had been witness to the dark dance between Samuel and the cult that held Thornbrooke in its thrall. But their accounts were always veiled in ambiguity, leaving him with more questions than answers.

"Your father, young Elias," an elder would say cryptically, their eyes betraying the weight of unspoken knowledge, "was a man of great influence in our village. He possessed knowledge that few dared to seek. But such knowledge comes at a price, a price we all must pay."

Elias, undeterred by the cryptic responses, would press on. He scoured the village archives for any hint of his father's involvement in the cult's sinister machinations. His youthful determination pushed him to confront the chilling rituals and the history that had inexorably shaped his family's fate.

Yet, for all his efforts, the true nature of his father's role in the cult remained elusive. Each revelation, each piece of the puzzle, served only to deepen the mystery, like a labyrinth with shifting walls that defied his attempts to navigate it. The cult's influence seemed to have seeped into every corner of Thornbrooke, and Elias couldn't escape the creeping feeling that his very existence was a pawn in a much larger, more enigmatic game.

His mother, Eliza, watched with a mixture of worry and resignation as her son continued his relentless pursuit of the truth. She knew that Elias was treading on dangerous ground, venturing further into the malevolent darkness that had claimed her husband. She could only hope that Elias's unyielding spirit would lead him to answers that would shed light on the shadowy secrets of their family's past, rather than plunging him further into the abyss.

The village of Thornbrooke, a place where darkness clung like an oppressive shroud, bore witness to the relentless pursuit of a young boy, driven by an unquenchable thirst for the truth about his father and the enigmatic cult that had ensnared him. The nightmarish tale that unfolded within its cursed confines would push Elias Veil further down the harrowing path of destiny, where the boundaries between innocence and malevolence blurred into an indistinguishable abyss.

As Elias Veil grew older, his curiosity about his father and his family's mysterious connection to Thornbrooke's dark past became an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He felt a relentless pull toward uncovering the truth, a pull that would eventually lead him down a perilous path of discovery.

One fateful day, while searching through the attic of his family's ancestral home, Elias stumbled upon a long-forgotten chest. Covered in dust and bound with ancient leather straps, the chest held the promise of answers that had eluded him for years. With trembling hands, he carefully undid the clasps and lifted the lid.

Inside, he found a trove of documents, journals, and photographs that revealed a chilling narrative of his family's involvement with the cult that had held Thornbrooke in its malevolent grip. The journals, penned by his father, detailed the cult's rituals, its dark history, and the sinister entities it worshipped.

Elias's heart raced as he read about his father's ascent within the cult's ranks, his role as a prominent leader, and the sacrifices he had orchestrated beneath the blood-red moon. It was a nightmarish revelation that shattered his illusions of his absent father and thrust him into a world of unimaginable darkness.

With each page he turned, Elias's connection to the cult became clearer. The cryptic symbols and sigils that adorned the journal's pages were etched into the bark of the ancient trees that surrounded Thornbrooke, and he had seen them himself during his explorations of the village.

As he delved deeper into the chest's contents, Elias unearthed photographs that showed his father standing alongside the enigmatic elders of Thornbrooke, the same elders who had initiated him into their clandestine meetings. The images painted a grim picture of the extent of his family's involvement in the cult's sinister activities.

Elias's mind reeled as he absorbed the horrifying truth – his family's legacy was intertwined with the very darkness that had plagued Thornbrooke for centuries. His father, once a nameless specter in his life, had been a key figure in the cult's malevolent machinations.

Overwhelmed by the weight of this revelation, Elias knew that he could no longer remain a passive observer. The enigma that shrouded Thornbrooke, his family's legacy, and his own destiny had become too entangled to ignore. With grim determination, he embarked on a treacherous journey, vowing to confront the cult that had cast its long shadow over his life and embrace the darkness that awaited him. Thornbrooke, with its secrets and sinister allure, would bear witness to his transformation from an innocent seeker of truth into the enigma that would shape its fate.

“That same fate…” an eerie distorted voice interrupts.  “Plagues Supreme Championship Wrestling today.  All those many years ago, I was lying in wait… Lurking in the shadows, waiting for that blood moon ritual that would change the fate of Elias Veil and his entire family and blood line forever.”  The Enigma steps out of the shadows, only showing his masked face, riddled with symbols and signs.

“You see, Elias Veil got in too deep.  He went too far, and he uncovered something that he had no chance of fighting.  He uncovered something that would throw him into the abyss of eternal darkness.  The journey into the abyss was inevitable for Elias Veil.  Secrets that were lurking beneath were destined to consume him.”  Enigma’s words take on an almost hypnotic quality.  

The scene backs out to show two veiled individuals standing next to the Enigma.  In the background, we hear something that sounds like chains rattling and several voices on top of each other.

“That same fate finds one, Diamond Steele, on the precipice of finding herself held to within the confines of her own personal darkness.”  A light starts to go off around as Enigma’s distorted tone echoes throughout the chamber the three individuals are standing in. “The darkness that beckons you, Diamond Steele, knows no mercy, there is no respite.  It is a void that hungers, an insatiable maw that feeds on the souls ensnared within.”

“You have chosen this path, be it willingly or unwillingly.”  The tone of the Enigma grows colder as the two veiled figures next to him remain silent.  “The weight of your choices bears down upon you, a burden that cannot be easily discarded.”  The chains in the chamber continue their restless rattling.  The discordant voices in the background merge into a dissonant chorus of despair, their words intertwining with the shadows.

“The descent into your own personal darkness is a descent into madness itself.  As you grapple with the demons that haunt you, know that you will emerge forever changed, a fractured reflection of your former self.”  

“As you step closer to the precipice, Diamond Steele, remember that there is no escape from the abyss you are about to descend into.  The journey into your own personal darkness is one that will forever alter your existence, to which there is no turning back.”  The spectral light casts elongated and grotesque shadows on the chamber’s walls, distorting reality even further.  It’s a place where the line between sanity and madness is perilously thin.

“This Thursday night Diamond Steele, your journey takes you straight into the darkness.  Every step you have taken in this twisted dance, has been to get to this moment in time.  Your past, your desires, your very essence will be laid bare before the abyss.  The chains that bind you are not of iron and steel but of your own making.  They are forged from the choices you’ve made and the paths you’ve trodden.”  

Suddenly, Enigma’s voice become laced with malevolence.  “Crystal Zdunich, you think that you were my target this past Sunday?  You are a mere pawn in a cosmic game of chess who happened to find herself ensnared in the tendrils of fate.”

“In the midst of chaos, during the struggle for supremacy, a glimpse of darkness descended upon the hallowed grounds of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It was a night when the very fabric of reality seemed to fray at the edges, and the boundaries of mortal existence grew thin.”

The screaming of Crystal Zdunich from Sunday night at Under Attack can be heard throughout the chamber.  The chains rattle wildly, as the screaming becomes even louder.  “It was a night where destinies entwined, and the boundaries between worlds blurred.  The Enigma, harbinger of chaos and bearer of the void, extended his ominous hand towards the unsuspecting Crystal Zdunich.”

The Enigma’s tone darkens, “In the shadows of that night, as the Enigma’s malevolent influence loomed, it was not Crystal Zdunich alone who felt the weight of impending darkness.  No, for the threads of destiny were woven with a complexity beyond mortal comprehension.”

Images of the other competitors who were competing for the final Elimination Chamber spot can be seen.  Each of their faces contorted with uncertainty and dread.  

“Each participant in the grand spectacle known as Supreme Championship Wrestling harbors secrets, fears and desires hidden deep within their hearts.  To them, the Enigma’s presence was a portent of both torment and revelation.”
The eerie lighting in the chamber intensifies, casting long, unsettling shadows on the Enigma’s malefic presence.

“What transpired Sunday night was but a prelude, a glimpse into the abyss that awaits those who dare to seek greatness in the realm of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  The Enigma’s machinations continue to unfold, and the destiny of all who step into the spotlight remains shrouded in darkness, waiting to be unraveled.”

The scene remains enveloped in an eerie darkness, a backdrop that accentuates the ominous tone of the Enigma’s voice.  His masked face, adorned with symbols and signs, seems to emerge from the shadows, a spectral presence.

“Diamond Steel, Crystal Zdunich and all the competitors who dare to step into the unforgiving arena of Supreme Championship Wrestling, heed this final warning.  The shadows have whispered your names, and your fates have been intertwined with a force beyond your reckoning.  You tread upon a path that leads to the heart of darkness, where the boundaries of reality and nightmare blur.  The Enigma’s gaze pierces the very fabric of your souls, and in the shadows, he waits with insatiable hunger.”

“The blood moon shall cast its malevolent glow, and the rituals of fate shall unfold.  You are but pawns in a cosmic game, and the Enigma’s design transcends your understanding.”

The dim light surrounding the Enigma fades to black, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.  The warning hangs heavy in the air, an indelible mark of impending darkness.