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{EZRA: Chapter Two}

When I told the world about my "rebooted" mentality, bringing the idea of the "Misfits" to life, again, but on a new scale, a new platform, and a new mentality, I knew that there would be critics.  I knew that, what started as a theoretical "bigger plan" by Jake Starr, that evolved to me bringing the idea of the "Misfits" to life would be seen as controversial, by some.

And that has been the case, both inside the ring, and within the confines of those surrounding me.

Some of those near me have been critical, thinking I'm just coming up with a way to make a statement, when I have been down, lately.  Others have suggested that I'm just rehashing something that was fledgling before I ever came about.  To each of them, I've said the same, this is different.  A name, no matter how similar or variation of that it may be, is just a name.  It's the intent.  The idea.  The mentality.  Everything that surrounds it, is what DEFINES what that name represents.  For Jake Starr, it was the "Social Misfits," a band of outcasts who were banned from everywhere, blacklisted, not allowed to even be signed, coming together and storming the court, whether anyone allowed them to or not.  The "Misfits," however, talked about one idea... Never dying in battle.

Never giving up...

Never giving in...

And no matter the adversity I've had as of late, that's what I stand for, and that is who I want to surround myself with.  People who won't take those difficult times as a time to run away.  Those who won't look a wins and losses, and decide if "it's worth it anymore."  Because what is WORTH IT is the endgame.  The purpose.  The mission.  And for me, that was what I walked into SCW with the idea of, and that is what I am going back to.  I got away from it, and it's time I bring together the coalition I need to ensure its success.  I can't do it alone.  I can't win by myself, and that is something I have learned over these first couple of years.  It takes an army... And it's time I build it!

The problem is... Sometimes when you begin that building process, there is some animous amongst those you have entrusted with your leadership.  I am not at the point where I am the leader.  I can likely recruit, but lead and guide, it takes those who have been in the trenches, been in battle, and seen things first hand.  And unfortunately for me, it looks like I may have found the two poles of a magnet to be those two opposing viewpoints, who may have to work a lot harder to find their way to the center of our "gravitational field."

Jake Starr: ... Listen, I get it, I know you're pissed...

Pro: Yes, I'm fucking pissed, Jake.  I gave you his number so you would talk to HIM and handle business with HIM, and not act all weird with CHBK...

Jake Starr: And that was my plan, Pro.  My plan was to deal with the guy I had a history with, but that guy is obviously DEAD.  He's a fucking lackey now.  He ran to CHBK to tell him I was on the phone, and didn't handle business with ME directly...

Pro: He likely had a reason...

Jake Starr: Yes, because he's a bitch now...

Pro steps up to Jake.

Pro: I'd suggest you watch your words when it comes to him...

Jake steps back up into Pro's face.

Jake Starr: And I suggest you go visit an optometrist because you're blinded to what's staring you in the fucking face!

Pro: Oh I see what in front of my face, and I know who Dillusion is.  I know how he works... I know how this is something he is doing for his fun, and his benefit...

Jake Starr: Or he's doing it because for the past few YEARS he's succumbed to the MONEY aspect, and simply used his name as a way of staying relevant!  Huh?

Jake gets more stern.

Jake Starr: ... I'm not going to say you're some moral compass of perfection, Pro, because you and I have never seen eye to eye, but the fact is, Dillusion is just that to you... He's a farce of who he once was and it's up to YOU, as a grown up, fucking, adult, to finally see it.  If you can't, that's not my fault.  I brought this whole thing together for a reason, and that reason was to destroy the hierarchy that has hurt you, in ALL of your crazy-assed, mindsets, and those who have tried to break through.  I wanted to be that, but I was a fucking old geezer, now just with the wisdom to put forth to those who can handle the hard work.  I'm sorry you're fucking butthurt because someone you thought was a buddy of yours, decided to be a facade...

Pro: Fuck you, Jake...

Jake Starr: Yes... Fuck me... Fuck me for opening people's eyes to the reality they have avoided.  Fuck me for wanting something BETTER for this business.  Fuck me for being the guy who looked out for those who nobody else would...

Pro: Oh quit with this act of being all high and mighty.  You're as much of a shit-show, and conniving asshole as everyone else.

Jake nods.

Jake Starr: Yes... I am... But the difference is I'm honest about it!  I never fit in anywhere, and I had to do what I had to do, in order to make things play out in my favor.  Did you not?  Did CHBK not, by becoming family with the boss, and what-not?!  Did the Streets, and all of those other cookie-cutter pieces of garbage not do the same, just to gain a edge?!  You act like you, being Pro, being the defender of the Alter, is higher and mightier than the rest.  Fuck off... We both know we don't like one another, but we see a similar future.  So quit trying to turn this into a you versus me shit-show, and let's focus on what matters.  We don't have to like, love, or ANYTHING, one another, but we have a common purpose.  But with you, you have to understand that your "family," as you want to call him, isn't who he once was, and is now just one of those who is holding everyone else back..

Out of nowhere the door swings open, and, by the response of Kirsten, it is obvious the conversation was loud enough to be heard beyond its threshold, as she storms in with Hailey and Emma in tow.

Kirsten Scott: Ok you two, your little marital conflict can wait because we have bigger issues to deal with here!

The brashness of Kirsten completely throws off both Pro and Jake, and both become a bit annoyed at their protege.

Pro: What in the FUCK did you say?

Jake Starr: Pardon me?!

Kirsten grins, staring them both down.

Kirsten Scott: Ok good... Your little tift, whatever it may be about, is now over because now you're both focused back on the task at hand.  For once in your fucking lives you actually both are not bitching, moaning, and at each other's throats, about the future, but instead on the same page.  How does it feel?!

Pro: I'm going to be blunt on my problem, or concern, or whatever phrasing you want to give it, here.  It's Dillusion.  Putting him in a category of CHBK and Lucas Knight, that's not OK with me...

Jake Starr: But he's...

Kirsten cuts Jake off.

Kirsten Scott: Ok... Explain...

Pro: Dillusion is unpredictable.  He's not someone who you just take at face value.  Why do you think he and I got along?  He's conniving and willing to take things to extreme measures for whatever it is in his head.  So this whole ordeal, to me, is part of his plan...

Kirsten Scott: His plan for WHAT?!

Pro: That's just it... You DON'T KNOW!  He's convinced them, and you two, even, he's a suit?  It's Dillusion.  Jake has faced him, Kirsten, you've looked his history up.  Where in that do you see a "yes man?"  Where do you see this suck-up of a human being, and not someone who will play HIS GAME, just like you two, to get WHATEVER he wants?

Jake Starr: So you're saying he's doing this for a reason?

Pro: I'm saying he's not someone to be believed on face value...

Kirsten Scott: But how many years has been doing this?  How many years has he been in CHBK's pocket?  You want to talk history, you have to accept reality as well...

Pro: Don't you DARE question me and reality...

Kirsten Scott: Then open your damn eyes and see what we see.  This isn't the same Dillusion you befriended, and now he's a Dilly-Dally Do-Gooder, who just simps for the man writing his checks...

Pro: Fuck off, newbie...

Kirsten Scott: Defensiveness isn't going to save you from this discussion, Pro.  This is something YOU have to deal with on YOUR time.  What THIS is, here... This has nothing to do with your personal feelings toward someone who is, at least currently, showing himself to be in the line of fire.  You don't get to make this a "pick and choose" kind of moment.  This is all or nothing, and if there is a caveat, you have to handle that business on your own, and make sure they stay out of the way.  I'm not doing that.  We all know Jake isn't either.  If you want him to be "protected," YOU find a way for us to know he isn't playing both sides of the aisle, otherwise, in my opinion, and from what I see, he's a fucking SUIT.  He's not the old Dillusion anymore.  He walked away from that YEARS ago, and has just gone to being a paycheck collecting dipshit, like the rest...

Pro approaches Kirsten to get in her face, when Hailey steps in front of her.

Pro: ... Hailey... You watch yourself...

Hailey Brooks: I'd say the same...

Kirsten interjects.

Kirsten Scott: Both of you stand down.  This is a serious conversation, and emotions are bound to flare.  So Hailey, step aside, and Pro, if you want to get in my face, step up because I'm not backing down...

Hailey steps to the side, and Pro begins to take a step forward, and pauses, but doesn't step back or step forward, instead just staring Kirsten down.

Kirsten Scott: Pro, I'm not questioning any relationship or friendship you have with him.  I'm not questioning what you feel in your gut.  I'm questioning what I SEE on the surface.  And YOU of all people should understand that sometimes that is ALL you have to go on, am I wrong?

Pro snarls.

Pro: ... No...

Kirsten Scott: Ok... Then that's all I ask.  Not an "I told you so," but a simple understanding of where I stand.  I see him for what he has demonstrated on the surface.  If there's something under the surface you believe needs to be considered, that's on you to find out, figure out, and relay.  That's not on us.  You have a personal connection to him, whereas Jake's relationship with him is rather...

Jake Starr: Non-existent...

Kirsten Scott: I was going to say "complicated," but whatever... The fact is, Pro, you and Dillusion have understandings and relationships with one another than none of the rest of us have, or want for that matter.  But this "big picture" aspect requires us all to do our fair share of the tasks at hand, and that may mean you may need to call your own friend out on the carpet and figure shit out... Because I'm not going to play nice with one person just on the OFF CHANCE that he's still, deep down, playing the long game.  So if you want that to be in play, you have your job...

Pro growls, and grits her teeth as she stares at Kirsten.  Kirsten stands there, with a very emotionless stare back, and Pro storms off, exiting the room.  Jake goes to follow but Kirsten motions to Hailey to stop him.

Kirsten Scott: ... Let her go Jake... Seriously... This is a personal matter for her.  Let her have it...

Jake Starr: But this asshole is "one of them..."

Kirsten Scott: Yeah, in our eyes.  We don't know what she sees.  And if we are right she will find out, and if we are wrong, she'll make us feel like shit, and we will find out anyway.  But she has to be the one to discover who he really is because she's the ONLY one who he will be open with.  How else did you get that number?  How else did he put trust in ANYONE?  They have a bond.  Whether or not we understand or believe it's the same as she believes it still to be, isn't our job.  We get our opinions, leave hers to her.  And then let her make the realizations for what they are.

Jake Starr: I don't like that... I don't trust it either...

Hailey chimes in.

Hailey Brooks: For what it's worth I don't either.  I don't trust anyone.  For fuck's sake, I didn't, and still have trouble trusting you.  But I'm trusting in Kirsten to show me I'm wrong.  So, I guess, we all have to trust in Pro to show us that either we are right or wrong.

Kirsten Scott: It won't be easy on her.  Both of you need to understand that, now.  It's going to be hard if she finds out he's gone to the "darkside," or if she has to make us believe he's still this loose cannon in the business.  It's why I didn't "step up" to her, or make it confrontational.  I simply stated the facts.  I simply spoke to the PERSON, and she doesn't like that, and I know it.  Don't be surprised if she comes at me for doing that.  Don't be surprised if she lashes out.  But let her.  Let Pro be Pro.  Let her be the person she is.  In the end, the fact we don't try and "change" her, and allow her to find out for herself, hence why I said it's her "job," is because none of us could do it.

Jake Starr: So we sit and twiddle our thumbs?

Kirsten Scott: No asshole... We move forward.  She's part of this, and she knows it, but she also knows part of "this" is acknowledging shit has changed from when she was around more regularly.  THAT she has to understand on her own.  Not be "shown," or forced to see... Pro is like each of us... She's stubborn, she's fierce in her ways, and she's protective of those around her, in her case, her alter.  We have to respect that like we'd ask it of one another... Got it?

Jake sighs, reluctantly.

Jake Starr: I suppose...

Hailey sounds more confident.

Hailey Brooks: I hear you...

With those words, the three begin to plot their next steps with their mission of "the hunt."  Kirsten feels nervous at how she confronted Pro, knowing Pro is someone who is willing to step up to anyone, friend or foe, and is concerned as to what repercussions may come of her action.  Regardless, she feels what she said, and how she reacted to Pro's anger toward her, were necessary in the future of Pro's involvement in their long term plan.  Hailey can sense Kirsten's concern, and simply looks at her and says "it'll all work out," as they get Kirsten's focus back on the plan at hand.

The scene is staged simply.  As it fades in from black, Kirsten Scott stands there, only flanked by her "Number One," Hailey Brooks.  There is no Jake Starr, nor is there Pro.  It is simply Hailey standing behind the shoulder of her best friend, and staring down the camera, as Kirsten does as well.  And with the red light atop the camera illuminated, the pair know they are being recorded.

Everyone has a purpose in life.  Everyone serves a purpose in life.  Everyone has meaning.  Unfortunately it is up to them to discover what that purpose and meaning are.  Many don't put forth the effort, and simply expect it to slap them in the face.  Many expect life to hand them simply stand there, and wait to be slapped in the face with their reason for being here so they get the easy task of just following a script.  They simply want to do what they are told because they are nothing but simpletons, lazy, and not willing to put in the effort to FIND their purpose, FIND their meaning, and EXERT the effort needed to DEFINE both of those terms...

I'll be blunt and say I am not one of those people...

I'm not lazy...

I'm not simple...

Now do I know there is a reason I was put on this Earth, yes, but I'm not the type to twiddle my thumbs, wait and see, and let it come to me, I want to FIND it myself.  It's why I've done everything I've done in my RECENT life.  See, a lot of you don't realize I used to sit on my hands and wait.  I used to be a loner who just let things happen as they may.  I didn't want to seek out what reason it was I was put here on this planet, but then I was FORCED to do so by someone who saw in me something greater, at THAT moment... And that's who stands behind me today, and beside me everytime I walk to the ring.

Hailey saw something in me that WASN'T just a loner who needed to sit in a corner with a thumb up her ass.  She saw something BIGGER.  She saw something BETTER.  She helped bring out the WOMAN you see in front of you today, who WANTS to define who she is and why she's here.  But... There came a point where more questions arose.  There came a point where I started to rest on those laurels and become the "Kit" that I had been when we met.  I didn't have the drive.  I didn't have the passion.  I just was expecting whatever was "supposed to happen" to slap me in the face, and me be a good little girl and give it the nice "HAWK TUAH!"

But let's be real... Do I look like the submissive type?

Do I look like the type who would just allow that shit to work in MY WORLD?

No... And it caused me a lot of frustration.  It caused a lot of drama within my own ranks of my FAMILY.  And you know who saw that, it was Jake Starr.  It was someone who, like Hailey, saw something BIGGER, something GRANDER, within me, and didn't want me to, again, rest on my laurels and just me miserable in life.  So those of you out there who have been constantly wondering why I have aligned myself with Jake Starr...

Our of the corner of the screen, like the "Toasty!" man from Mortal Kombat, Jake Starr's head appear.  And his voice is a horrendous imitation of the character from the game.


Kirsten looks around confused, looking at Hailey, and all Hailey can do is shrug.

For FUCK'S sake, Jake, can I not do a serious promo?

From behind the camera Jake's voice is heard.

"With me around, it's unlikely... Just get used to it..."

Hailey reminds Kirsten this is what she signed up for, before Kirsten turns back to the camera.

Jesus Christ... Ok let me get back on track... The fact is HE, I'm not risking saying his name again, saw something bigger that I could be a cornerstone in creating and bringing to life.  He realized that my vision, when I came to SCW wasn't just a pipe dream, but it needed someone with the experience and knowledge to help propel it forward.  So regardless of the... Whatever it is... He's providing right now on screen, behind the scenes he's become someone who Hailey and I can LEARN from.  Just like Hailey taught me... He now teaches us... It's a lineage that is being created.  And it is something we plan to grow and ensure the success of, one moment at a time.

Our first moment... It was Breakdown.  It was Gigi.  We warned her that she would be the first head on our mantle of trophies.  She would represent that "first kill" in the new days of SCW.  And what happened?  She fell.  We wounded her, saw her struggling, and I put her out of her misery.  I sent her back to the Steward family on her shield.  I didn't hold back, and no, she didn't either, but in the end it was a mercy killing on our hunt for the bigger picture.  So I sent her back, on her shield, with respect and dignity.  I could have done more.  I could have inflicted all the pain and suffering I wanted.  But that wouldn't have amounted to, as the Southerners say, a hill of beans.  It would have made me arrogant.  It would have made my purpose about ME, and not the bigger picture...

See that's what people aren't hearing.  That is what people are turning a blind eye to.  This is about something bigger than any ONE person in SCW.  This is about the LANDSCAPE.  This is about the FUTURE.  This is about REBUILDING something, something that had been disgraced for too long, but instead of doing it as a vigilante, taking the steps, the approach, the path, to get there.  This is about making sure EVERY MOMENT resonates and reinforces what is going on, and those behind the scenes, those who are pulling the trigger, they are the ones who will have to SEE it first, before it ever slows down.  If the fans or the locker room see it first, great, it won't stop.  It won't be until that stalwart, that one guy, that wannabe puppet master who thinks he has his hand up every one of our asses to work our mouths in HIS VISION, sees it, that things will change.

And CHBK, you were warned... And then you made your second mistake...

You were warned, and you STILL allowed the announcement and the go-ahead of Fatal Fortunes!

Kirsten grins out of one side of her mouth.

You see, CHBK, Fatal Fortunes is an OPPORTUNITY for me.  It's an OPPORTUNITY for me to cause more chaos than I could with you, Dilly, and Lucas all having your friendly circle jerk and booking matches.  It is something that takes the power OUT of your hands and puts it into CHANCE.  Everyone is available.  Every title is available.  Every one of your precious superstars is potentially the next head on my mantle.

And how does that make you feel?

How does it feel knowing I could be one of the champions you have to go out and PROMOTE?

How does it feel knowing I could embarrass someone you planned to book in a big moment after Fatal Fortunes?

I would take it all down in ONE, SINGLE, MOMENT!  And that is where I say SCW's weakness is you.  It's the fact that you have created this idea that you know better than everyone else, and WE, this new collective of "Misfits," will slowly be bringing that idea crumbling to the ground.  SCW's "cornerstone," as you like to view yourself, is nothing more than the equivalent of the O-ring on the Challenger disaster.  It's a flaw just waiting to be exploited.  And THIS moment is one where, guess what, exploitation is, not just PLAUSIBLE, but LIKELY!

So I want everyone on the roster to listen up, and listen closely.  I don't care if you're a champion, a contender, an up and comer, a nobody, a former somebody, or CHBK himself, Fatal Fortunes will be a night where everyone's jaw drops when they see what I have in store.  Because the hunt is still on.  The "trophy" has not yet been acquired.  And until then, we will be taking down larger and larger "game."  Gigi... She was a pheasant, a duck, a Billy Big Mouth Bass, compared to what our final "trophy" will be.  And once we have achieved that, it will then be time to establish OUR version of Martial Law, and begin showing SCW what it means to be "in control" of the situation... That will be when you see Kirsten Scott leading the brigade against anyone else who fails to realize where they stand, and what this place is now...

And it's the TRUTH... Just like death, taxes, and ME, Kirsten Scott!

With those final words Kirsten crosses her arms, and Hailey lifts her elbow onto Kirsten's shoulder.  As the camera fades to black, one more time Jake's head slowly begins to appear and wave, as Kirsten simply shakes her head, as the final shot is taken.