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Sam Raine vs. Regan Street
2 RP Limit for singles matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Warning: The Comments and views expressed in this promo are those of Regan Helms and do not reflect that of the publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
“There is a song about knowing when to hold them and knowing when to fold them. About knowing when to walk away and knowing when to run. I am of course talking about Kenny Rogers’ “The Gambler”. I’m not a big fan of old school country like that, but it seems to go with the general consensus concerning my next match. However, before we talk about that we have to talk about how we got to this point that we are at now. I made no bones about it when I first came into the SCW I wanted to wrestle against Regan Street because she’s one of the best, I was once considered one of the best, but mostly because my lover, Brittany Lohan, told me that I couldn’t beat her.

Yes, the big secret is now out the reason why I had a target on Regan’s back was that my lover told me that I couldn’t beat her. Which, if you know anything about the relationship I have with Brittany Lohan then you know that is just power for the course. She didn’t have faith in me to beat Sienna Swan. I didn’t beat her in the two matches that I have had against her. I haven’t won any of the matches I’ve had against Regan either. Hell, I couldn’t even beat Angelica Jones, but once again I’m set to face off with The Hell Cat.

Do I expect Brittany to have my back and support me in the match? Sadly no, but that’s mainly due to the fact that after years of being together last year at Christmas I finally ended the relationship with Brittany. Not because it was breaking up my marriage with my husband… god no that’s not why. I did it because from my husband I have always gotten love and support, but with Brittany, it just seemed like all there was lust between us. Despite the break-up, we’re both still friends, because our daughters have been raised like sisters.

So when it comes to my relationship with Brittany… I knew when to fold them, but when it comes to Regan? I’m still very much all in. Am I borderline insane, because I keep trying to conquer someone that seemingly always gets the better of me? You know, because the definition of insanity is the fact that you keep doing something over and over again, in the same way, but expecting different results. Maybe I am, but is this time that's going to be the same as the last? The last time Regan got the better of me, because of her sister. That hasn’t changed, because I’m sure that Mikaela is going to be at ringside to be the ever dotting sister that she is.

However, things aren’t going to be the same this time, because I am not alone this time. I’ll have Woody Hoyt in my corner to watch out for Mikaela this time. Don’t worry Regan you don’t have to worry about him getting involved in the match, because he’s a straight shooter. He isn’t going to do anything to influence the outcome of the match unless your sister sticks her button little nose in it. I also don’t have to worry about Past. Present. Future. Because they have been erased from the timeline by one of Barry Allan’s trip through the time stream. Though, I have Crissy, Ember, and Ash on the lookout for The Beauty Factory.

Cause I’m just waiting for Regan to announce that she’s a member of Beauty Factory because let’s face it… Sienna and Regan members of Past. Present. Future, Sienna and Regan members of Silas World… see a trend? Regan can’t help, but surround herself with whoever Sienna is hanging out with. So no, Regan things aren’t totally the same this time around other than the fact that you are going to look down on me, chastise me for being beneath you, and declare victory before the match has even started. Will I win the match? I don’t know. Do I want to win the match? HELL FUCKING YEAH! Regan you maybe the Hell Cat, but bitch I'm bringing the rain down into hell!


After Bound by Blood there were some that wondered if Samantha Raine was going to be at next Breakdown after the spill she took outside of the ring with Slayter McKinney. Considering that both of them were unable to answer the ten count during the match. Samantha was close, but thanks to Slayter saw to it that she didn’t make it back into the ring. Samantha didn’t care that she didn’t win the pay per view match, because it seemed like it was hastily thrown together in the first place just to give both women something to do for the show.

Sam would have rather it have been a tag team match that could’ve been used to get Chance of Pain back into the talk about who should be the next in line for the tag team titles. However, fate had decided other ways… or we could say that Minka Pressler wasn’t ready to compete just yet after the death of her grandfather. Not to mention she's in between moving out of her humble apartment in Detroit, Michigan to move to South Bend, Indiana. Sam wanted to be helping her move because that’s what friends are for, but one of them had to keep the showing going because that’s what her grandfather would have wanted.

So while Minka is away, Sam’s going to try her hand at improving her standing in the singles division of SCW. Having a draw against Slayter McKinney isn’t going to win her any respect among her peers. Especially, the likes of her next opponent, Regan Helms. To say that there is no love lost between the two women would be an understatement of the century. Even though they have only wrestled against one another a hand full of times since Samantha has been in the SCW… she already has an idea of what pressure points that Regan is going to attack. She’s going to claim that Sam still flaunts her previous success in the GDW despite having no to show for her name in the SCW. She’s going to no sell the fact that she’s beaten a former World champion in Ace Marshall because he’s not dependable when it comes to his work ethic.

However, she still had a little while to prepare for the next war of words with The Hell Cat. Right now she had something more important to distract her for the moment. Thanksgiving, went exactly the way that she thought it would. Her dysfunctional family came together and for the first time in four years, her father, Rick Young actually made an appearance at dinner. The food was great and she didn’t even mind the nauseating “Who done it?” when someone at the table let one rip and didn’t take credit for it. Everyone was on verge of starting the Great Food War of Thanksgiving 2018 when her father with a single glance froze everyone in their place.

It was quite the fun night having all of her family under the same roof again because she never had this sense of family with her mother and Zachary Raine. Her mother was, of course, her family, but Mr. Raine wasn’t her father, though she didn’t know that until later in life. It didn’t matter if it was Christmas or Thanksgiving their holiday dinners always seemed to be lacking something. It wasn’t until the very first Christmas dinner that she hosted that she learned what it was… which the liveliness and the chaotic mess of family members were bickering. Her childhood holiday dinners seemed more like business dinners.

Whom most of are either still sleeping, packing to go back home, or in the case of her father… Already gone. She will never understand why he can’t stay for more than a few hours at a time, but she can’t help but smile knowing that he was able to make it this year. She’s currently in the kitchen decked out in some New Orleans Saints slippers, Naruto themed pajamas and a red silk bathrobe. She’s standing in front of the sink washing the dishes that she didn’t get to last night after dinner. Her right hand is starting to throb uncontrollably to the point that it’s getting difficult for her to hold the scrub pad in her hand. It’s been a while since she’s had an episode this bad with her hand, but every once in a while the handy work of Angela Jameson rears its ugly head. She’s not sure if it’s the cold water, the change in the temperature outside, or just arthritis.

“You’re up early,” Samantha says, with a smile on her face as she thinks it’s her husband behind her. However, that isn’t the case, because it’s actually her half-sister Jesse. She has probably been up even longer than Samantha because she’s completely dressed in some workout clothes that are spotted with some sweat stains.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to work out at the school,” Jesse replied, as Sam was in the middle of putting down the scrub pad to possibly turn around to kiss, Chase. However, she just smiles upon seeing Jesse who was opening the fridge possibly looking for something to drink.

“You know you don’t have to wait for the holidays to visit us and the school for that matter,” Sam smirked because she loved her half-sister to death even though in terms of the family she’s the one that she knows the least. Jesse is the youngest of Rick Young’s children and as such has been going to school instead of living life on the road of Professional wrestling. Though she did briefly did join SWC where she was one half of “The Southern Ladies” with Stacy Singer-Young, but after a fling with Ian McKinnon, she quietly retired to go back to school to finish getting her degree in Sports Medicine.

“I know,” Jesse said, as she finally zeroed in on the bottle of Orange Juice that’s sitting in the door of the fridge. As she starts to reach for it, Sam goes to grab her a glass to pour some in it. However, when she turns to hand it to the younger woman she ends up dropping it to the floor. Jesse out the corner of her eye saw Sam drop the glass to the floor where it shattered as she was drinking straight out of the bottle. However, the thing that caught her attention the most was that Sam quickly grabbed her right hand, the hand that had held the glass with her left hand. As she started to replace the cap on the juice bottle she looks at Sam with concern on her face. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Sam said, her default answer was when he has one of these episodes and someone sees it. Luckily, Jesse is only the second person that has ever seen her have one of these episodes. The first was Brittany Lohan, last Christmas when she spilled the hot chocolate all over the corner. “Just a bit of arthritis.”

She added before she turned away from the younger woman to grab the broom and dustpan to start cleaning up the broken shards of the glass. Even though she didn’t know what to call what was happened, but she knew that it wasn’t just simply arthritis. One moment she could feel the glass in her hand and then the next second she couldn’t feel anything until she heard the glass shatter as it the sound “rebooted” the nerves in her hand.

“And since when do you visit someone else’s home and drink straight out of the bottle like that?” Sam scolded Jesse who up till that point didn’t even realize she had done that. Maybe, because it’s second nature to her because that’s how she drinks it when she’s home. She just happened to forget for that moment that she wasn’t in her home.

“Sorry, it’s a bad habit, I know,” Jesse said apologetically, but she really didn’t care about the juice at that moment. She was worried about Sam because she could feel that she was trying to hide something from her. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s got a degree in sports medicine and knows that wasn’t simply arthritis as she was trying to claim that it was. “Have you talked to your doctor about that?”

“No, I haven’t seen him about it. I can handle it,” Sam said defiantly as she started to push the shards into the dustpan. “You might have a pinched nerve.” Jesse pleaded with Samantha even though she knew that her going to see her doctor was the decision that she needed to make, but if she is anything like the rest of the Young family then she’s going to be a stubborn as bug that keeps flying in to a white-hot light bulb until it’s cooked to death.

“Really, it’s nothing,” Sam says as she continues to clean up the broken glass. “It will pass.”

“So you’re saying this happened before?” Jesse asked as she stared at her half-sister looking to see if she was going to see another spasm or whatever that was because unfortunately, she won’t even be close to having an idea of what’s going on if Sam doesn’t let her examine her.

“No…” Sam started to say, but she stopped before she finished the sentence. She could have easily lied to Jesse, but at this point and time, she had a feeling that it was going to do any good. “Okay it’s happened before, but just once last year on Christmas Eve.”

“Sam, you need to see your doctor,” Jesse said and the tone in her voice conveyed that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer on the matter. Sam sighed, as she finished cleaning up the glass and returned the dustpan and broom back to the corner they came from. She stared at Jesse for a couple of moments before she took a seat at the kitchen table.

“I’m telling you that I am fine,” Sam said as she continued to look at Jesse. It was touching that she was so concerned about her considering the fact that they were never raised like family. With Sam not even finding out that she was Jesse’s half-sister till about seven years ago and before that the only time they interacted was at her father’s wrestling school for about two whole weeks. As Sam was graduating and Jesse was just starting to take classes.

“Sam either you have a pinched nerve in your neck or something is messed with your hand,” Jesse didn’t want to push Sam like this, but she has taken a beating over the course of her career to the point that a pinched nerve is possible. However, that doesn’t even take in the account her hand was broken almost to the point of no repair. The shot from the bolt cutters by Angela cause a multitude of fractures and breaks… both clean and jagged. The injury required the use of screws, pins, and even a bone graft to repair.

“Fine!” Sam exclaimed as she getting more than a little feed up with the tone of the conversation. She knows that Jesse means well, but it can be more than a little infuriating when someone treats you like you don’t know how to take care of yourself. Sam is just about to tell her half-sister that she will make an appointment with her doctor as soon as possible she considering the fact that it’s during the holidays and he’s probably booked solid on the days that he’s taking appointments. However, she stops from saying it, because at the moment her daughter, Alaska January “A.J.”, walked into the kitchen. Which her hesitation she hoped that Jesse would take the hint because the last thing she needs is for her daughter to start worrying about her. “Hey, baby you just waking up?”

“Good morning momma…” AJ said with a yawn as she looked at her mother, but her eyes lit up the moment that she saw that Jesse was still visiting. “Auntie Jesse, you’re still here?”

“Sure am. My flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow.” Jesse said with a smile on her face as she more than happy to spend as much time as she can with her niece. However, she knew that Sam wasn’t going to be too keen on her staying for another given how their conversation went.

“Awesome! Do you think that I can go running with you?” AJ asked, seeing that Jesse was already dressed to go for a run. Though she doesn’t realize that Jesse has already been out for her run this morning.

“Maybe later, AJ,” Jesse replied which broke the girl’s heart a little bit, but she bounces back quickly. AJ then went back to what she really came into the kitchen for which was something to drink. Much like her aunt she grabbed the orange juice bottle from the door and started to twist the cap off it. Seeing her daughter doing the same motions that her half-sister did Sam narrows her eyes a little bit.

“Alaska, don’t you dare drink out of that bottle!” Sam snapped, which froze the young girl in fear of her mother. Sam stood up from the chair that she was sitting and took the bottle from her daughter. “Get a glass of water and then go get dressed. You don’t want to drink any of this it’s spoiled.”

“But it didn’t smell funny,” AJ said she wasn’t trying to back talk her mother, but that’s how someone could read the situation at the moment.

“Trust me when I say it’s spoiled,” Sam said and AJ just looked at her mother. She didn’t know what was going on in the kitchen before she walked in, but obviously, it was something. AJ just shakes her head and lets the fridge close itself as she turns around and walks out of the kitchen to return to her room. She didn’t want water she wanted orange juice, but she wasn’t about to fight with her mother over it. Once Alaska is out of earshot, Jesse looked at Sam with a raised eyebrow.

“You let me drink spoiled…” Jesse didn’t get to finish the sentence, because she’s interrupted by Sam pushing the bottle of orange juice into her chest.

“Its fine, but I’m not letting my daughter drink it after you drank straight from the bottle.” Samantha snapped at her half-sister as Jesse reached up to grab the bottle from Sam’s grip. “Finish it and please don’t teach my daughter any more bad habits.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jesse said, as she wasn’t about to fight with Sam at the moment after grilling her about the issue she had holding on to the glass several moments before. Not to mention she wasn’t going to show her further disrespect than she already had by drinking out of the bottle in the first place.

“Good and when you are done with that finish the rest of the dishes,” Sam said, with a smile on her face at that moment, but Jesse wasn’t smiling when she looked and saw just how many dishes were still left. She didn’t have a chance to protest before Sam is walking out of the room.


The last thing that Samantha wanted to do was visit her doctor, but she knew if she didn’t agree to see the doctor that Jesse wouldn’t have stopped hounding her about it. She’s even pretty sure that the younger woman would have gotten her husband involved in the matter. So she resigned herself to having to visit with Dr. Cutler about the issue she’s having with her hand, but she was hoping that it wouldn’t have been for a while due to the holidays.

However, it was just her luck that Dr. Cutler would have an opening sooner rather than later. It was also just Samantha’s luck that it was on her daughter’s birthday. So instead of being at home right now working on getting things ready for her daughter’s birthday party, she’s sitting in the depressing pale waiting room of her doctor. Luckily the appointment was early enough to where she would be able to make it home before the guests arrive seeing as she didn’t tell Chase where she was headed this morning.

She hated that she was omitting that information to him, but much like when AJ walked in on the conversation with her half-sister she wanted to keep it secret from them because she doesn’t want them worrying about her or telling her that maybe it’s time to finally and truly hang up her wrestling boots. She knows that she isn’t going to be able to wrestle forever, but at the moment she knows that she still has more than enough left in the tank.

Though she was really wishing that Dr. Cutler would call her back soon because the rest of her body is starting to hurt from sitting in the hard chairs and the boredom despite the fact there’s a TV playing old reruns of Andy Griffith playing in the background is putting her to sleep. Her eyes droop until they are closed and even a small sound of her snoring escapes her mouth before in an instant her eyes flutter open and she snaps her head back up. She looks around the waiting room to see if anyone noticed her lapse of consciousness. Luckily, there is no one in the waiting room, but that just makes her wonder why she is still waiting to see her doctor.

It’s at that moment her nose starts to detect the smell of some delicious but reheated Thanksgiving leftovers. She yawned a little bit as it was starting to become obvious that the nurses and possibly her doctor are in the middle of their “lunch” break at the moment. So she does the only thing that she can think of and that is to reach into her purse and pull out her cell phone. Compared to most people who have the latest phone she’s still using her trusty old iPhone 6. She entered her passcode to unlock the phone and then started to look through the notes she’s saved on her phone that have to deal with things stemming from what needs to be done for the party, but also things she needs to work on before her match with Regan Helms.

The whole rivalry with The Hell Cat has been a painful experience for The Rogue Element and not just physically, but mentally as well. It doesn’t matter how much “hate” that Sam may have Regan, she couldn’t deny that she was one of the best wrestlers she has stepped into the ring. If not the best one and that she is well versed in the art of inflicting pain to someone as Sam as experienced on multiple occasions. Having been dropped on her head more than a few times with CATastrophe, she knows not to take her lightly, because that move in itself is dangerous. She’d never admit this to anyone, but the last time that Regan dropped her with that move she really didn’t remember much of anything about the match afterward. It’s likely that she suffered a minor concussion from being dropped on her head because she didn’t start recalling anything until the next day when she watched the match back.

Until that moment for all Sam knew after the move, Regan grabbed her by the hair to pull her up, because she was completely defenseless and talked down to her like she was some rookie that was way in overhead. Which maybe she was, maybe Brittany was right all those years ago when she told Sam after one of their hookups that she couldn’t beat Regan, but that isn’t going to stop her from trying. Sam’s goal is to beat Regan Helms come hell or high water and not just because she’s one of the best, but because she wants to overcome one of her greatest challenges. Though she has to admit that a part of her also likes annoying Regan and can picture the look on her face at the announcement of the match. Just like she can already see how smug she’s going to look as she delivers her vitriol laced burbs to her in the attempt to take Sam out of her head.

Sam knew that she couldn’t let Regan keep doing that. She couldn’t let that keep happening not if she wanted to win against her. She had to find it in herself to finally be able to get inside of Regan’s head and take her off her game for once. With the events of Bound by Blood, her issues with Datura, and even her own brother Dylan Howell… she had more than enough ammo to throw at her. However, at the moment she wasn’t sold on using any of it, because she didn’t want to take the “cheap heat” route to get a rise out of her. She didn’t want to think about her promotional stuff right now she wanted to focus on a game plan.

She knew that she couldn’t go straight up against Regan with power, because that would more than likely end up with her being dropped on her head again with The CATastrophe. In speed, she’d say they are equal with a slight edge to herself due to her smaller and lighter frame, but that means that it would be harder wear her out like many of her much larger opponents. So on paper one could argue that they are equal, but that Regan has the edge due to being younger, has proven she can take Sam’s head out of the match, and that she has fewer severe injuries than Samantha. However, Sam had to say determined to see the satisfying image of herself standing over top Regan with her hand raised to prove not just Brittany wrong, not to prove all of her naysayers wrong, but more importantly she knows it’s just about time for SCW to open voting to the fans to determine who is going to have their first ever World title shot at the End of the Year battle royal.

So, in essence, this match was bigger than when Samantha challenged Regan for the United States championship. However, she couldn’t take Regan lightly by thinking that she isn’t going to care too much about this match, because she’s already disqualified from the voting due to the fact that she’s a former two time World champion already. As that just makes this win all the more important for her chances of getting the votes that she needs to get the title shot. Sam already realized that she wouldn’t be able to use her knock out moves (Halestorm) or her grapple moves (Rogue Variance, The Sinful End) because Regan’s advantage in strength and her youth might be too big of a challenge to overthrow. Which leaves Samantha with just her aerial moves (Bombshell Blitz, The Perfect Storm) and of course her submission move (Star Light Lock). Sam knows not to count on those moves either, because despite the advantages and disadvantages she knows very well that Regan wasn’t going to into the night without a fight and has more than likely has scouted every one of those moves to be ready for it.

When it comes to Sam’s match with Regan there are a couple of good comparisons that can be made about what happens in the ring. That Sam is often the one that runs down like a deer caught in the headlights, or that she’s playing a game of chicken with Regan and bailing out at the least second, but the more fitting one is that they are playing cat and mouse. Not a game of cat and mouse, but playing a cat and mouse, because Regan often comes off as (Hell) cat that’s playing with Samantha’s mouse slash her food. So knowing this Sam knows that she doesn’t just have to be more violent, but maybe even a little cunning to turn this more into a game of Tom and Jerry. Or this might just be the time that Regan plays with her long enough to put her lights out for good.

Considering how each of these meetings seems to escalate each time Samantha’s more than a little surprised that the SCW hasn’t come to a decision to make both women sign a waiver saying that they could not hold the company responsible for what happens to them during the course of the match. As Regan always makes sure to put out what is headed Samantha’s way, but more importantly makes good on the promise as well and Sam knew full well that she was capable of committing each and every act that she describes. However, much more than any of the previous times Samantha has grown tired of hearing what Regan was going to do to her, she was through with being embarrassed, insulted, and attacked. This time she was going to make stand, she was going to push back no matter the cost, and show Regan and the rest of the world that she’s still very much the same woman that she was back in GDW.

Sam continued to just sit there, thinking everything over, about how much this match was going to test her. As she was surrounded in the silence of the waiting room, plans of how to possibly attack Regan started to take shape. She was going to need quite a few different ways to cause Regan pain before she locks in the Star Light Lock because the more she thinks about it. The more she thinks that a submission finish is the most fitting way to win the match. So if the only way to win is making Regan tap out or the referee to stop the match, because she passed out all the violence in the world was going to be necessary.

However, her thought process is soon interrupted as a ping went off from her phone. She looked down and saw that she had gotten a new text message from her husband. As smiled started to form on her face, because while some woman would get frustrated by their husbands checking up on them, but Sam cherished it. To her, it was just another way she could tell that the romance was still there in her relationship with him. However, her demeanor changed from a blissful reaction to a horrified look of panic. The text read: “Where are you? Some of the guests have already started showing up.”

“What the hell! The party isn’t until four pm!” Sam thought to herself as she looked at the time on her phone to assure herself that she hadn’t been waiting for too long. Her fears are quelled because the clock on her phone reads that it still a quarter till eleven am. She’s about to text him back to tell them all to be patient that she’s picking up one more last-minute present for AJ, but before she can even start typing the message out her phone dings again with another message. She takes a deep breath before reading it: “Never mind, it’s just Brittany and Miranda.”

Sam is a little relieved that it’s just Brittany and Miranda, but she still wished she had more time to set up the party before anyone showed up, but then again Brittany has always run on Brittany time. Hell Sam started to smile wildly envision Chase being alone in the house and turn around to find both Miranda and Brittany in the house without coming in through the door. Still, with a smile on her face she decided to send the same message still because it can still apply to the situation, but again she is interrupted…

“Mrs. Hawkins, the doctor will see you now.” The receptionist said and all Sam could think about at the moment is now of all times. So she slips her phone back into her purse and starts to stand up to head back to the office.


As visitors to the site click play on the video, the loading icon appears directly in the center of the center especially for those that choose to play the video in full screen. The video buffers for a moment before a logo with a rain cloud appears on the screen as the video starts to play.

Raine Drop Entertainment.

The cloud logo fades away to the words “With” before another logo that looks like the sound effect graphic from the 1966 Batman series with a fist in the center of it.

Serial Thrilla Productions.

That logo fades away and into the words “In Conjunction with” which gives way to the SCW logo. Which then fades away to the words “Presents: Samantha Raine in” before it fades into several different clips of her wrestling in various matches. Finally, the video fades into a logo for Breakdown with the words “Samantha Raine Vs. Regan Helms: One Last Time?” under it. As the camera comes to rest on Samantha standing in from a life-sized cut board cut of Regan Helms.

“Many of people would call me a forever fool…

Because of the fact that up till today and even behind today, I believe I have a shot of beating you, Regan. Could they be right? Maybe, but one thing I know from all of my years in this business is that to be a winner you have to have confidence. To have confidence you have to believe that you can win any and all matches that you are in. So do I believe that I can win this match against you? Damn, right I do. Now in the past, I may have wavered must like Crissy did just before her match against your son, AJ Helms. Now I’m not coming down on my friend for her lack of confidence, because believe me she had it.

Did she have doubts heading in the match? Sure, everyone does from time to time. If we didn’t have doubts we wouldn’t be human. As humans, we can make mistakes. However, in a business where looking strong, using anger and passion, in the bid to be one of the best that anyone has ever seen there are things that fall by the wayside. Sometimes at it’s just as strong to show your flaws and weakness because it just further shows everyone that we are normal human beings like everyone else. It makes us more relatable, but more than that it breaks up the norm of all of always putting on the War masks, the masks of strength.”

Samantha pauses for a moment, as she allows the sentiment of what she is saying washes over everyone.

“I’m not trying cut Regan down in the slightest, but at that moment before her match with AJ… Crissy showed more strength letting her doubts be shown than Regan always wanting to show that she is what the true picture of power is. I believe sometimes it shows more strength to ask for help than it is to go into battle alone. So yeah, I showed a little bit of my own weakness when I brought Woody in to be my manager at ringside and to have Ember and Ash also lurking around the back with Crissy.

Through showing my weakness I show my resolve to overcome it.

Do you like that Regan? I came up with it just for you, because I will overcome what you think my greatest weakness is. Every time we have faced one another you always think that I’m living in the past, trying to relive my glory days. In other words that I’m trying to make Samantha Raine great again. When you look back at what I have done since GDW I can see how some people could come to the conclusion that I became complacency, but there are always two sides to every story, but this one is more like a Rubix cube. Now normally, someone in this business wouldn’t do what I’m about to do, but it’s all about showing my weaknesses to show my confidence in my inner strength.”

Sam reaches out and out of view of the camera with her left hand. At the moment that her hand is out of view she is handed something. That something is an X-Ray that is several years old. In fact, it’s the X-Ray of her right hand after the last surgery she had to endure to have hand repaired after being nearly shattered by Angela Jameson.

“Normally competitors like you and me, Regan, would never paint a target on an injury of this magnitude. Usually, considering the fact that while it’s been healed for more than a few years there are still issues that I have with it.”

Sam raises the X-ray up allowing the light to shine through it. Upon doing so reveals to everyone watching the video that Sam has two screws in her thumb, three pins in her index finger, a small plate in between the middle joint and knuckle of the middle finger, four pins in the ring finger, and bone grafts in the pinkie finger, and in two places metacarpals as well a rod through one of them.

“I know you are more than likely going to attack me there now, but that’s okay. Through weakness, true strength will shine. Another one I came up with just for this occasion. Some could say that my fall from grace and struggle to get back to where I know I can be is because of this injury. That I don’t have what it takes to do this anymore or that I hold back because I’m afraid of hurting myself like that again.

Maybe, because in this business anything is possible. Just like it’s possible that some of the reason I’ve struggled is that of poor booking… something that you claim all of the time because you are not getting the shots that you think you deserve. That’s your right… just like it’s my right to think that Jonathan Collins of EXODUS poor booking of me took a mental toll on me, because I don’t have one bad thing to say about the SCW’s booking of me.

Two Women’s championship title shots, two Adrenaline title shots, a tag team title contenders match, and that’s still not counting the Taking Hold of the Flame that I have done well in despite not winning it… yet. It’s only a matter of time, but it also doesn’t take in account the End of the Year voting for the World title match. Now, I know I’m not a front-running in the voting right now, but just imagine how my stock will rise when I beat you, Regan.”

Sam pauses again to think about it herself.

“A win like that you could cement me as THE front-runner for the title shot at your best friend. A woman that I have no love lost with either. That’s the future and right now I’m focusing on you. Everyone has a theory why I came after you like I do and I have never confirmed or denied any of them, but I’m going to change that. It’s because Brittany Lohan told me that I could never beat you and I’m bound and determined to prove her wrong.

Yes, it’s as simple as that and now with that out of the way… maybe we can start to lay some of this animosity to rest between us. I know that you and I will probably never be friends, but maybe we will finally be able to have a civilized conversation someday. Until then though I look forward to raining on your parade and hugging this cut out of you.”

Sam says with a large smirk on her face as she does just that yet. She hugs the cut out while still holding on to the x-ray as the scene fades to black.