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Drake Hemingway vs. Cassidy Carter - Printable Version

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Drake Hemingway vs. Cassidy Carter - Konrad Raab - 09-14-2019

3 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 21, 2019

RE: Drake Hemingway vs. Cassidy Carter - Purity - 09-21-2019

Quote:ooc: As agreed upon by Rachel, promo only.

Loretta: “Jonathan Knots; on the 18th you said me and Drake hate fun. I see nothing wrong with wishing to purify the filth that exist in Supreme Championship Wrestling. Can you tell me with a straight face that the SCW locker room been a bastion of fun, lately? We have a monster by the name of Xander Valentine attacking fans. He won’t stop unleashing unbridled terror to anyone who chooses to stand in his way. Chris Cannon and James Evans, those men are hell bent on tearing each other apart, not giving a damn who they hurt. Casterillo and Konrad Raab are going to soil themselves by engaging in a needless Underground Rules match that will devolve both men to an animalistic state. I don’t call a company that has devolved into even more chaos since Rise to Greatness, fun. How can any rational human being believe this, Johnathan? We could potentially have a red headed demon who has no qualms running around with a staple gun shouting stabby stabby like it's adorable. How is any of this fun? How can you possibly accept having a degenerate for a tag team champion as what is best for SCW?” 

“This company has a psychopath problem. I swear, pro wrestling is one of the few professions in history that openly promotes psychopathic behavior. Thank goodness SCW at least had the common sense to separate itself from the cesspool me and Drake once called home. One small step is not good enough for us. SCW management needs to take further steps to cleaning up this sport so families can come to shows without fearing their children will be corrupted by the FILTH that pollutes SCW airwaves on a weekly basis. How many more times do children need to see other wrestlers attack fans? How can we send the message that using a staple gun is the new norm? How much longer are women going to wear scantily clad clothes, children don’t need to bare witness to any of this.” 

“Read my lips, none of this should be normal. It’s sick.” 

“Programming like professional wrestling is one of the reasons why our society is devolving more and more. There is no excuse to profit off the least common denominator. Me and Drake are not enemies of fun, we are the Champions of Progress. We care about the children. We care about the future health of society. If championing these beliefs sets us on the course of becoming martyrs, so be it, we don’t care. We have already sacrificed the approval of the weak to champion progress. Greed. Lust, have no place in the brand new SCW we will push forward. Sasha, me and Drake are giving you a chance to stand on the side of purity. Stop being a greedy corporate shill. Help us change this company for the better. We are going to whether you get off your ass to give a damn about the souls of everyone who watches SCW programming.”  

“Cassidy, It would be easy for me to rail against how impure you and your husband are. Observing how you two have carried yourselves over the course of your respective careers, me railing about your individual impurities would be a waste of time. Amazing to me Cassidy, you used the information of your husband’s parentage to a former friend of his to torture her? Has the public truly forgotten how pathetic you are? Must have. Drake and I assaulted you and your husband three days ago. I was applauded by the massive disdain from the impure in Washington, D.C. It shouldn’t shock me, the DC area is a brimming cesspool for corruption and indecent behavior, of course those lost souls would rally behind you two. I am not even going to waste my time giving you an offer to change your ways, you and Ace are beyond redemption. What needs to happen tomorrow night is the total elimination of you Cassidy, especially you, Ace. Both of you should not have a job to begin with. You offer nothing to this company. Society at large. Neither of you are fit to be a role model for children.” 

“WE are going to do what is necessary. No one will understand why. The impure will brand us hypocrites. None of them, NONE OF THEM, have the courage to commit one thousand percent to the task at hand. SCW has chosen not to fire you for god knows what reason. For the sake of SCW, for the sake of the children, your match at Apocalypse Cassidy Carter with Drake will be the last one you have for a long time. Me and Drake want you gone. We are going to force SCW to move on from the likes of you. Beating you won’t be enough to send a message. Some people are beyond redemption. For those who are beyond saving... extreme prejudice is needed. SCW’s soul is at stake, no more wasting time. No more hoping mere victories will be enough, the tone shall be set. In the name of Athena and all that is righteous.”    


Drake: “Children are sacred, they are born into this world pure. A blank slate some (not all) well meaning adults choose to write on, creating them into the impure beings they later become in life. Loretta and I lean on the nature part of the nature vs nurture divide. We believe, children must be nurtured into upstanding human beings, without the proper foundation, children become adults who cease to care about the well being of the world they leave behind. The atrocities that plague SCW, as well as the world, could have been avoided by solid nuturering. Since the impure can not rise up to take responsibility for the next generation, Loretta and I will. We will be parents to your children, we will take on the responsibility as the example to follow.No one else is capable. Jesus once said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they know?” How can you fully embrace a higher standard of living if no one has come along before us to show you the way to complete and total fulfillment?” 

“The war for your soul will be everlasting. We will continue to fight until Supreme Championship Wrestling is born again  much like I have, I was once a child whose parents led him astray. I lacked the proper foundation to cope with the worlds relentless temptations. Through Loretta Inglewood I have found peace, serenity, a sense of purpose. Most of you lack a real sense of purpose, most of your goals in life fall on the side of hedonistic pleasures that will gratify the ego for an hour, maybe two, then, you will feel empty, chasing the next high. Compromising the lives of your fellow man for your next fix, destroying your spirit in the process. I don’t understand how you sheeple choose, willingly, to live a life devoid of any real meaning, much like my opponent tomorrow night, Cassidy Carter.”

“Mrs Carter-Marshall is a prime example of a sinner who lives a vicariously empty existence. Partying. A never ending lust for the latest pairs of foot wear. Intense apathy when her position in the company is not what she believes she is entitled to. Only caring when there is external reward for her. This woman treats her husband like a possession. Fun is not the word I would use to describe this soulless creature. Mrs Carter-Marshall is the exact opposite of the way you all should live. I am all for forgiving sinners for their misdeeds, only if they change their ways. Mrs Carter-Marshall has not evolved, she is still the same vile creature as she has always been, you, the unwashed masses have overlooked her psychopathic transgressions. Your support for this heathen is troubling. Disheartening. Criminal.”

“But I still forgive you, for you know not what you know.”

“Mrs Carter-Marshall on the other hand? I will show so such mercy.”

“She needs to be stopped. Be honest with yourself, she should have been put down a long time ago, no one in this company has taken the initiative to accomplish that. None of you care. No one is brave enough to take care of a problem before it manifests. She remains dormant now. Shockingly she hasn’t committed a recent offense. All that can change in an instant. Then what? Everyone will circle the wagon, kicking themselves in the backside for not acting sooner. Loretta has chosen to act. In the best interest of Supreme Championship Wrestling, the world, especially its children, we can no longer allow Mrs. Carter-Marshall to occupy anymore influence on the SCW for one more day. It is Loretta’s mission, as is mine, to extinguish the filth from this company, one psychopath at a time.”

“In Loretta’s name I pray... a-men.”