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Jay Gold vs. Xander Valentine - Printable Version

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Jay Gold vs. Xander Valentine - Konrad Raab - 02-28-2020

2 RP limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, March 3, 2020

RE: Jay Gold vs. Xander Valentine - Adamsama - 03-03-2020

RE: Jay Gold vs. Xander Valentine - Jay Gold - 03-03-2020

OOC:  Some parts of the below actually did take place.  Sad that some people in the world act the way they do.  Figures that it actually does make sense to apply here.  Good luck Adam, even though we already wished each other luck via DM.  Just one question though Adam...  Am I dead yet? Tongue


[Sometimes people just need to stop.  They need to know when to call it quits.  I have not been back long but already I have a headache.  No seriously, I do.  Tonight I have a pounding headache, and it is not because of Gavin Taylor.  Gavin will be dealt with in a way I know how at Retribution.  He thinks he is going to get retribution against me just because he took a hit from Xander Valentine.  That was not my fault at all.  I am certain the SCW Fans out there would agree with me on that one.  After all, Gavin was the one that could not hold up his end of the bargain.  At some of the points he was tagged in, it just looked like he was going through the motions.  So maybe, just maybe, Agent Ava should have him train harder and get him to actually compete at the level of a REAL All-Star.]

[But as I said, Gavin is the pure epitome of what Xander is accusing me of being... a nuisance.  When I come across a nuisance, I take care of it.  There are still several wrestlers here in SCW that can attest to that fact.  Anyways, tonight, pounding headache, and no, it's not because I will be facing Xander tomorrow night.  Not at all.  Unlike so many others, I am not scared of this modern-day Xander Valentine.  I have eyes.  I can see what he is capable of, and the majority of what he is doing right now is simply just psychological warfare, mainly against his opponents' family members.  To me, that's just sad.  Yet another reason for why I wanted to remind Xander of who he is truly capable of being.  I have not ONCE asked for him to be this perfect angel.  Heck, I'm not.  He can go on being a bad-ass if he wants, but it can be done with doing things and getting actual accomplishments that you can be proud of!  Instead of going after Selena's Deanna just because she happens to be nearby.]

[Just thinking of this makes my head pound even harder.  The original reason for why my head is throbbing though is because something happened when I decided to take some leisure time from training to have a little alone fun time, playing Pokemon Go.  Yes, I know, you will all call me corny for playing a game that is a blast from the past, but it does help cure the anxieties I do have, even if only for a little while.  A couple nights ago however was a different story...]

DATE:  Sunday, March 1, 2020
TIME:  9:50 PM
LOCATION:  Brooklyn's At The Pepsi Center

[Not a bad late dinner I got here, without the booze as always.  I am not one to have beer and liquor.  I don't even smoke cigarettes, as all that stuff is hazardous to your health.  Probably one reason for why Xander Valentine is the way he is, but that is just the tip of the iceberg with him.]

[Anyways, I may as well take this walk back to the hotel with my cell phone on.  Haven't checked out how the Pokemon Go play is here in downtown Denver.  Probably good.  As I turn the game on I see that I'm right under a gym that is being held by Valor, with 5 Pokemon in out of the 6 slots.  I'm a level 40 Mystic player though, so no problem.  I just simply take down the gym within about 3 minutes and drop one of my favorite Pokemon in, my maxed out level 40 Milotic and then feed it one berry to get it to the max combat power of 3005.  I then start walking down the block back to the hotel, when suddenly I hear a vehicle screech around the corner and park right in the middle of the road, in the right hand lane.  I stay where I am as I am actually in a shadowy part of the sidewalk anyways and then see that he is attacking the gym while driving with two cell phones.  I just watch as I figure it's Downtown Denver and that people always take them.  However this one strikes me as different.  He takes the gym even though a few cars are honking at him until they are able to get around him on the left hand side.  Lo and behold, his five accounts load back in, one by one.  As they do I take screenshots of each Pokemon as it shows who the trainer name is next to each.  Then he speeds off, so I begin attacking it again as I'm still in range of the gym site.  I again get it all the way down, but the moment I have finished and replaced my Milotic, he whips back around the corner and actually drives onto the fucking sidewalk!!!  I leap back and immediately dial 9-1-1 as he goes to get out of his car.  He is about to approach me, but then hears who I have called.  Like a scared little rat, he gets back into his red Jeep 4x4.  As he backs up and pulls away I am smart enough to capture the license plate on my phone, upon telling the 9-1-1 call responder to hold for just a moment so I can get a picture of his license plate.  This is actually a REAL frightening experience, unlike facing anyone in a wrestling ring.] 

"This guy just drove onto a sidewalk and tried to hit me with his Jeep!  He was on a couple cell phones at the time playing Pokemon Go!  He was definitely aiming the vehicle at me, but I backed away enough.  He could have KILLED someone, over a game!"

"Okay sir, can you please tell me where you are?  We will send a couple squad cars out there.  Is he still on the scene?"

"No, he jetted when he heard who I was calling!  But I got his license plate!"

"That will be information to give the police when they arrive.  At least he is gone.  Please stand by where you are.  Where are you by the way?"

"Outside at the restaurant right next to the Pepsi Center, Brooklyn's."

"Okay, they will be there very shortly.  Just hang tight.  Hopefully the rest of your night goes better sir."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome.  Bye."

[Fucking great!  You can't even play a game without someone being an asshole and trying to kill you just because he's mad that you took a stupid Pokemon gym from him!  I hope they get this guy, which they should.  License plate always leads back to the registrant of the vehicle at least, so even if it isn't the registrant, it's more than likely a family member.  What a dumbass!  Just a normal Valor player trying to assert their dominance I guess.  Some things just never change.  Sigh, for now I have to wait to explain the details.  I'm honestly mad and my head is pounding like crazy already, as it should!  Luckily it's only a few minutes before they arrive and actually park in the two parking spots that are right there in front of the restaurant, unlike the dumbass!  My heart is pounding too, but I immediately provide them with my driver's license, even though I'm not driving here in Denver, just so they can see who I am and where I'm from.  Both are very professional but do attempt to calm me down some so I can at least explain it all.  As I end and show them the pictures on my phone, they call in the license plate of the vehicle and tell me that maybe it's best for tonight if I just head back to where I'm staying at.]

"Will do sir.  Ridiculous that someone can't play a game."

"I know.  Just make sure to not play it if you see that license plate again for the rest of your visit.  It's a big city."

"Agreed.  Thank you."

"Have a good night Mr. Gold."

[That same officer that just spoke to me gives me one last look, possibly recognizing who I am.  However he walks away and heads back to work.  Both squad cars drive off and I immediately walk quickly back to the hotel which is a couple blocks away from the restaurant.  I do make it without further incident and without saying a word I head up right to my assigned hotel room and lock the door.]

"The chances of seeing him again are quite slim, but I'm not taking any fucking chances."

[I double padlock the door since that option is available and then check the back of the hotel room, which does lead out onto a terrace.  I make sure that door is locked.  All these precautions are obviously necessary, with none of them being because of a brute like Xander Valentine.  Once he hears he will probably laugh, but I'm okay with that.  How would HE react to a life and death situation, hmm?  He sure as hell would not shrug it off, being the Executioner in that spot could very well be executed himself.]

[I try to shake it all off, but I'm too amped up to even think about trying to go to sleep.  Now that this has happened and it's really pissed me off to the nth degree, I almost feel sorry for Xander.  He should know that I don't give even one fuck about bullies!  I've come across so many, so maybe it's time to refresh his and everyone else's memories.]

[I whip the cell phone back out and go into my YouTube account, as this one would be best set with everyone seeing the look on my face.  Right now it is not a pleasant one, but they need to see.  ALL of them need to see!]

"Apparently people don't know when to stop sometimes!  I had to go throw utter bull right now over someone being mad at me playing a game that I like to play.  If he had any idea who I was, making one more step to me would have left him remembering me forever!  Look what has happened over the years.  ALL of the bullies that came after me in SCW's past are ALL GONE!  The Mercenaries.  Shyne and his crew.  Even Greg Cherry was once a bully to me, actually pissing on the gravestone of someone close to me and my wife that died suddenly.  All of that, along with wanting to be the first SCW wrestler to 100 wins, it drove ME to being a bully.  I still hate that time of my life.  Even though Martha has long since forgiven me because she loves me and understands, I still hate it.  THAT Xander is the MAIN reason for why I gave you the opportunity to compete in the Trios Tournament.  It was not that you would give me the best chance to get my hands on one of the three contracts.  I already let all my reasons out and have been a VERY open book.  Without my pick, you would have probably been chasing down yet another girl, attempting to go after a family member of hers instead.  I know DAMN well you don't want that!  You just want to be successful and dish out pain on your way to your third SCW World Championship reign.  As much as you will call BS, I respect that.  I really do.  I would love to get there myself Xander, no matter how long it takes!  The way I see it, right now, we are both truly at a crossroads."

"You see me as weak because I have just recently returned to the fold.  You believe I have actually sat on my ass for the majority of the last decade, but that is where you are wrong.  Didn't you watch what I did to Autumn Valentine and also to our beloved Gavin Taylor?  I have trained on and off for the past ten years, staying in the best shape possible, and believe you me, I am READY to take someone like you on Xander!"

"I just think it's sad that we are having this match because Gavin Taylor is too scared to face you himself.  Sasha actually bought into Ava's crap too, which actually bewilders me.  I don't hate Sasha and never have.  I have only ever told her that she needs to run this place better than she has been.  Not many have had the guts to tell her the truth, but I have Xander.  Just like I will tell YOU the God honest truth now.  YOU DON'T FRIGHTEN ME ONE BIT!  There are no psychological games that you can play with me, and well, I can take your physical games.  I have done it before, and even with this "new you" Xander, I can take whatever you have to dish out!  I don't care about the physical pain that you can afflict.  Gavin though?  He cares because he knows he's not what he's making himself out to be.  He will NEVER measure up to wrestlers like you or like me.  It hurts him, but it's the truth.  That's why he wants me to do his dirty work for him.  He's going to find out that it was not a wise decision at Retribution, whether he is healed up from his "neck injury" or not."

"As for our match tomorrow night Xander, I'm sure Gavin will be watching.  If he was smart for once in his existence, he would stay far away and just watch us fight.  Maybe he would actually learn something for a change.  Maybe this new you will learn something too.  That it's far better to be squaring off against someone like me, instead of going the psychological warfare route like you have with Selena and Regan.  As much as I'm okay with Selena, she showed her weak side and you prayed on it.  Same with Regan.  The bad news for you Xander is that I am NOT like them in the slightest.  You don't see my wife and my daughter here in Denver, do you?  NOPE!  So you have no way of getting to them, unlike what you did to Deanna and Regan's family member.  It just burns me up inside that you clearly don't know when to stop these simple bully tactics and go back to what actually made you a fucking champion!  This road, this path, this shit that you're doing right now is NOT going to bring you a third SCW World Championship reign Xander.  That is after all what you want, right?"

[Sigh.  I put my left hand to my head as it is still fucking pounding like a bitch!  But it doesn't help so I lower it.  I guess I'll have to go back out to the drug store next door.  But before I go, I do need to finish taking care of business, being I have made it clear where my head is at, even after what has just happened tonight.]

"Right.  But you are going to do whatever it is you want to do.  Being Trios Tournament is long over, go right ahead Xander and blow the rest of your career away on playing your games with the ladies of SCW.  Since that's what you want to be famous for, go for it!  You will find out that those tactics alone will not get you victories against the Selena Frosts and the Regan Streets and the countless other female talents that we have here in SCW.  Yet you don't care, right?  You're just like, if I get to them and make them cry, I've won.  If that is your thought process Xander, you've LOST!  So come on, come down to that ring tomorrow night, and actually show me and the world what made you famous.  I'll give you a hint.  It was wrestling.  Not anything that you are doing on the side now.  I will be showing what made Jay Gold a household name.  You will see that even after all this time away, that I am still the Jay Gold of old, and can still go at the necessary level... and beyond!  I know you will take me to my absolute limit and attempt me to rock me to my core, and I welcome that.  But if you're just going to throw it all away and continue being this Xander that you have become, I'm sorry to say that this match won't mean much."

"See Xander?  I'm not promising victory tomorrow night.  I'm not like the rest of those that you have been facing.  I take things as they come.  I always have and I always will.  Perhaps it is YOU who doesn't know ME as well as you thought you did.  But that will be determined tomorrow night in that ring.  The one thing that I WILL promise is this.  Neither you or I will be the same by the end of the night.  I will do my absolute damn best to make sure the fans and all of SCW remember tomorrow night until the day they all die!  The question is... will you?  Or will you just continue to be something I thought you weren't... a Sienna Swann, a Chris Cannon, a Bree Lancaster... in two words... a bitch."

"It's up to you Xander.  To me though, you are not going to be a headache for me.  Nor will Gavin.  Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get some painkillers for my head, something you are probably very familiar with."

[I stop the recording and upload my video to YouTube, so the whole world can see it if they choose to do so.  I don't care if they do or don't.  Right now though I need to something to mend this throbbing headache.  Hopefully THIS time around that I'm out that the headache is gone.]