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Bianca Evans & Katie Steward vs. Lohan Country - Team Desire - 09-03-2018

SCW World Tag Team Championship
Bianca Evans & Katie Steward vs. Lohan Country
3 RP Limit per singles; 4 RP limit for tag
Deadline: 5 pm ET Saturday, September 8, 2018

RE: Bianca Evans & Katie Steward vs. Lohan Country - Serenity - 09-08-2018

So many vows. They make you swear and swear. Defend the King, obey the King, obey your father, protect the innocent, defend the weak. But what if your father despises the King? What if the King massacres the innocent? It's too much. No matter what you do, you're forsaking one vow or another.

--Jaime Lannister

The previous night didn’t go the way either Dawn or Abigail wanted. The Lohan’s wanted to ride into Las Vegas, put the final nail in the coffin of the True Love Twins immediate championship aspirations. Turns out Mr. D made the decision to honor the rematch of Bianca Evans. Disappointing for Abigail. She wanted to be the one to send them on their way to the back of the line, heading into the match was all but academic. Win or lose, The True Love Twins were going to get nothing out of it. Best case scenario, Kennedy would get back on track. She needed to win... and when that didn’t happen, The Lohan’s did the best they could after the match to ease a Kennedy who is way to hard on herself at the worst of times.

Abigail and Dawn were there for their sister. Both knew Kennedy would do what she needed to do to get back to the position she fought three years to climb back to. Only a matter of time. In the meantime, for the Lohan sisters, they had their fair share of interesting situations to confront, first and foremost the most anticipated tag team title defense. More importantly is a bit of news Abigail found out as she was going to bed. Dawn went to sleep early. She didn’t know. Abigail was going to change all that, fast.

Abigail woke up first. She grabs her cellphone. Getting out of bed she goes to the door connecting her hotel room to Dawn’s. Walking into the bedroom, Abigail pokes Dawn in the side. Luckily for Abi, Dawn is a light sleeper. It doesn’t take much to summon Dawn from the sleep she was enjoying. Russling a little bit, Dawn turns to attention to Abigail. With a bright smile, Abi cheerfully welcomes Dawn to the land of the wake. “Morning, Wonderful.”

Dawn yawns. She manages to get out a, “Ugh, if it’s ok with you Abi, I want to sleep in for another hour. What time is it anyway?

Abigail shrugs. She doesn’t bother to check the time that is clearly on her cellphone. “Don’t worry about it. Never too early for the mini bar.”

“Too early for that.”

“You might reconsider AFTER you learn of the latest happenings in S C Dubbya.”

Dawn sighs. “Is Laura raising a fuss over the tag title situation?”

Abigail shakes her head. “Nope. She should have took the deal. Trust me, AFTER you learn what the D Brain Trust conjured up; you’ll reconsider the mini bar. Check this out!”

Abigail shows her sister her cell phone with the updated schedule for Apocalypse. Her eyes widen when she learns that Owen Cruze is going to challenge REGAN STREET to a match.

Dawn shakes her head. “Jesus...”

Abigail takes a seat on the bed next to Dawn. “Don’t you mean ‘sweet baby Jesus’?”

If there ever a time Dawn wanted to wrap her hands around Abigail’s throat its now. She settles for glaring a hole through her sister. “Urgh. Now is not the time.”

Abigail bops Dawn on the nose. “Don’t be a sour puss.”

Dawn turns Abigail’s phone back to her so she can reread the match card. “Hello, Regan is facing Owen, how can I NOT alarmed by this?”

Abigail takes her phone back. She rest it on the dresser next to the bed. “It’ll be fun?”

Dawn folds her arms. “I thought you liked Owen.”

Abigail shrugs. “He’s not my type, I have limits.”

Dawn sighs. “I question that, sometimes.”

“There is a distinct possibility that Regan is going to beat Owen so bad he will become one with the wrestling mat.” Abigail says matter of factly. “Which would make it awkward if our match happens after hers. Can you imagine Owen melded in the middle of the ring while we are taking on Bianca and Katie? Not the most comfortable sight. Hey, it’s show business, the show must go on.”

Dawn in no certain terms says, “I need to talk to Regan.”

Up until this point Abigail has been trying to keep the mood light. The time for levity is over. Abi stares into her sister’s eyes. “You will do no such thing.”

“I’ll try to make her understand the gravity of the situation. She’ll listen to me.” Dawn says trying to reassure Abigail that everything is going to work out for the best.

Abigail is buying none of it. “Doubt that, sweetie.”

“I need to try.”

“How can I put this nicely. Dawnie, sister of mine...” Abi takes a deep breath. As forcibly as she can she lays down the law. “You are NOT going to talk to Regan.”

“Abi. This is serious.” Dawn says stubbornly standing her ground. “Owen can get seriously hurt. Regan attacked her own brother. She tried to end Selena’s career. Now she’s looking to break Owen? We both know what could happen IF Regan crosses a line Red Rayne won’t allow her to come back from.”

“Who says that is not a good thing?” Abigail winks.

Not finding Abigail’s assessment of Red Rayne unleashed a great thing, Dawn says. “Daisy doesn’t want to be that person anymore. She has worked extremely hard to reclaim her life. The last thing Daisy wants is to become that monster one more time. So if I can talk to Regan, make her understand that her actions could possibly affect Daisy. She made a promise to Orlando, to protect Owen. That is exactly what is going to happen if Regan roughs Owen up more than required.”

Abigail wasn’t looking at Dawn as she tried once again to convince her sister that getting involved was the right thing to do. Her eyes were fixated on Dawn’s half of the World Tag Team Championship resting on the chair on the other side of the bed. Abi stood up, walked around the bed, grabs the World Tag Team Title. She holds it up so Dawn could look at what they both accomplished at Rise to Greatness. “What am I holding in my hand? I signed with Supreme Championship Wrestling to have your back, Dawnie. That is what family is for, we look out for each other. You taught me that, silly. In one week we defend our belts against Katie and Bianca, I need to know that your mind won’t wander on what can possibly happen to Owen Cruze. He made his bed with The Street/Helms Family. His cross to bear. Not ours. I don’t care what I need to do, I’m going to make sure you are focused on what is best for Lohan Country. Don’t go to Regan. Don’t talk to Owen. No getting involved in any way.”

Dawn’s eyes linger on her half of the Tag Team Championship. She knew Abi was right, she can’t allow herself to lose focus. Bianca is dangerous. Katie wants to become Supreme Champion. Both of them together as champions is not good for the division. But she can’t ignore the clear elephant in the room. “This is bigger than us, Abi. I hate to admit Britt is right. She told me that no one is going to let me and Daisy adopt a child with her medical history. That sucks. Daisy would make an excellent mother. I’m concerned Red might jeopardize that. I can’t afford anything happening to Owen. Ok. I can’t.”

Abigail drops the belt. Folding her arms, in no uncertain words she says. “Dawnie, there will always be a threat to Owen. Regan is one. Next week it’ll be another. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Britt is right. Adoption isn’t a suitable option. One day, Owen is going to stand up to the wrong person. When that day comes, Daisy is going to keep her promise to a man who's already dead.. Prepare yourself for the Rayne, sweetie.”

“No. I need to believe everything is going to be ok.”

Speaking calmly hasn’t worked, Abi raises her voice an octave: “Get your head in the game, sweetie.”

Dawn is startled by the coldness Abi came across with. She is no stranger to her sister dropping the mask, revealing a harsher critic beneath the quirkiness. She just wasn’t prepared for the conversation to take this turn. Abigail sits on the bed next to her sister. “The last thing you want is the World Tag Team Titles in the hands of Katie Steward and Bianca Evans of all people. Truthfully, I don’t care. I know you do, that is my concern. Promise me that you are gonna let this Owen thing go. You are not his protector. The only one who can control Red coming out to play is Daisy. If her love for you isn’t enough to keep to demon at bay, accept that your fairytale life is not gonna be the magic carpet ride you imagined.”

There was a gaping silence in the room for a minute or so. Dawn nods. “My head will be in the game. Promise.”

Relieved Dawn saw the light, Abigail smiles. “GOOD.”

“You were right... get me a drink.” Dawn smiles back.

Abigail pats Dawn on the shoulder. “That’s my girl.”

And with that, Abigail walked over to the mini bar to indulge in the devil’s urine....

September 6th, 2018.

“The Road to HELL is Paved With GOOD Intentions.”

Abigail didn’t know why she didn’t come to Supreme Championship Wrestling sooner. Actually, that would be a lie. She knew the exact reason why she didn’t sign with SCW sooner. Complications. The one thing professional wrestling guaranteed on a daily basis is complications. At the time UWA died, Taylor Chase was in SCW, so was Katelyn Buehler. She didn’t want to get caught in the middle of there muddled history. The worst case scenario never happened. She over shot that mark. Plus when she factors in all the groups, alliances, the various friendships she has nurtured over the years, she didn’t bank on SCW being a very profitable endeavor. So far she is one half of the World Tag Team Champions. The world hasn’t fallen apart. Her sister Dawn survived the Sienna tit for tat, nothing out of the ordinary has happened, yet, which makes for a great time to get back in contact with an old buddy of hers.

Mikaela Street.

Back in 2013, Global Division of Wrestling was a thing. She had a falling out with her tag team partner Alana Starr. A unconscious hooker and pushing her bestie over the edge in a match to decide the contendership for a championship are not the hallmarks of a stable friendship. Abi was legit heartbroken over the falling out. She was close to quitting the business because of it, that was until the guaranteed synergy of the Lohan-Street connection proved to be a great idea.

Regan and Brittany were successful.

Dawn and Kennedy were magic together.

Why not herself and Mikaela?

Dubbing themselves as The Hollywood Blondes, her and Mikaela would become the GDW World Tag Team Champions in no time. The company died with them as tag champs, leading Mik to sign with Supreme Championship Wrestling to wrestle, then become Regan’s manager. Abigail would ride the GDW wave, along with the New Eden wave, to become the IWC World Champion a year later. She has always been tight with Mik, one of the few friends she hasn’t fallen out with. Now that they work for the same company for the first time in five years, what better time to reconnect?

Abigail; wearing a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers, knocks on the hotel room door of Mikaela. Only takes a few moments for Mikaela to open to door. The gold dress Mikaela is wearing made her look like a model stepping off the pages of a magazine. Outwardly she didn’t show it, on the inside, Abigail was smirking. She asked Mik to dress nicely, she exceeded her expectations.

The two former tag team champions hug. Once the embrace is over, Mik finally soaks in what Abigail has on. “Aren’t you a bit underdressed?” Mikaela inquired.

Abigail shakes her head. “Nope. Not at all.”

“When you told me to wear my best I assumed we were going out to the club. That’s not club attire.”

“What I have planned will all makes sense soon enough.” Abi flashes a cashmere smile. “Trust me.”

Mikaela raises an eyebrow. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

Abigail places her arm around Mik’s shoulder. “Mik, you saved my career five years ago. I am not going to steer you wrong. Scouts honor.”

Mikaela chuckles. “Not very reassuring.”

Abi frowns. “I was a girl scout growing up. You saw my merit badge.”

“The ones you stole.” Mik winks.

Abigail giggles. “Still counts. Come Mikaela, follow me.”

“Ok. Lead the way.”

Abigail grabs Mikaela’s hand. She walks with her good friend all the way to the elevator. Once they step inside, Abigail contemplates Mikaela’s reaction to what is about to happen. Anyone that knows her gets the gist by now that she can be highly unpredictable. Always expect the unexpected. The elevator doors parts open. Mikaela and Abigail step out into the hallway where there are more hotel rooms. No bar. No exit. Just another floor of the hotel. Abigail caught the confused expression on Mik’s face. She quickly grabs Miks hand, guiding her to the other end of the hall where she stand in front of someone's hotel room.

“Did you forget something?” Mik curiously asked.

“This isn’t my room, silly.”

“This isn’t a high stakes poker game is it? I’ve seen this movie before. I don’t make that much.”

Abigail shrugs. “You’re a Street.”

“The Chase Family is loaded.” Mikaela reassures Abi. “I live on the beach, not a skyrise.”

“No gambling ring, promise.” Abi points at the door. “Aren’t you interested to see what is behind door number one?”

Mikaela sighs. “I don’t like this.”

“Be straight with me. When was the last time you have gotten into trouble?” Mikaela goes to answer Abigail, before she can, Abigail doesn’t allow her to finish the question. “You have had a lot of growing up lately. CHBK knocking you up. Being a manager to your sister. Making sure she doesn’t wind up making someone in prison her bitch. No one has had more responsibility thrust on than then you. You are the backbone of Past, Present, Future. You are the straw that stirs the drink. Everyone else can have their fun. Why can’t you? The Mik I met years ago was trouble. A lot of trouble. We had fun in those days.”

Mikaela slowly smiles. “We did. But we have to grow up sometime.”

“Says who? I’m not asking you to stop looking after your family. There is no crime putting yourself first. What is behind this door will put a smile on your face. Or you can just as easily kill me. I’m willing to take that chance.”

Mikaela takes a deep breath. She knocks on the door. Abigail takes one step back to fully take in the reaction of the person who opens the door. The door opens. The person on the other side is none other than...

Blake Mason.

Blake himself is shocked to see Mikaela standing before him in the killer dress she is wearing. Mik turns around, as expected, she has a flabbergasted look on her face. Abigail smirks.

“Are you serious?! What kinda game is this?” Mik sharply says.

Mikaela isn’t the only one who wants to know what is going on. Blake steps out the room. Standing behind Mikaela, Blake stares at Abigail. “What is going on here?”

Abigail holds up her hands. “Surprise?”

Blake folds his arms. “Jesus, Abigail! I should have known you were going to try something.”

Abigail walks past both Mik and Blake, stepping into his hotel room, she looks over her shoulder “Inside. Don’t want to disturb the neighbors.”

Blake and Mikaela sign conceding to that point. No point causing a scene. Both of them join Abigail in the hotel room of Blake Mason. By the time the door closes, Abigail has walked over to the couch. Making herself at home, Blake and Mikaela stand side by side, both looking at Abigail for the answer to whatever game she is playing.

“Explain yourself.” Blake says forcibly.

Abigail crosses her legs. “Yes Master.”


“Ok. Jeez. Don’t blow a gasket.” Abigail sighs. “Mikaela. Billy. I am of the opinion the two of you are what each other needs right now. Billy, we can rattle of the list of transgressions you have committed until the cows come home. What you need more than anything in the world is a level headed woman who can clearly call you out on your b.s. But, you need someone who is down to Earth. Has a GOOD head on her shoulders. That is Mikaela.”

Abi gives Mikaela a thumbs up. “And to my dearest friend, what you need is to let loose. What you need is a man you can get into a little trouble with. I know, I know, I know. Billy’s track record with women is not the greatest. To be fair, CHBK and Tim Myers are not winners either. Left to his own devices he can’t choose the right one. Have no fear. Abigail Lindsay is here. Abigail Knows Best in this situation. There you go. Abigail made a match.”

Blake and Mikaela both look at each other dumbfounded that Abigail Lindsay went out of her way to try to arrange a courtship between them. Mikaela raises her hand. “I appreciate the effort Abi... this is a bad idea. He is Bree’s ex. I am friends with her. That’s awkward.”

“Exactly.” Blake firmly says.

“So?” Abigail shrugs.

Mikaela chims in. “Not to mention, professionally it will make things complicated.”

Blake cuts in. “Mikaela is right. Even if I wanted to, it doesn’t make sense.”

Abigail yawns. “Excuses. Excuses. Thou protest too much.”

Abigail rises to her feet. She looks up at Blake. “You allowed your relationship with Bree to compromise your career. Even now. You could be United States Champion. Oh no, you wuv her?” Abigail rolls her eyes. “I fought the woman I love for the World Championship in IWC and won.”

Abigail looks at Mikaela. “Sweetie, what is life without a little trouble. The worst case scenario is Blake breaking your heart. He’d be dead. Kill Hellcat Kill.”

“Yeah--” Blake cuts in. “I’m not interested in dying. Regan wouldn’t approve of this.”

Mikaela smirks. “Scared of my sister?”

Blake sighs. “I have every right to be!”

“We’re going to die eventually. Stop being a coward.“ Abigail shrugs.

Blake points in the direction of the door. “Abigail. I think you should go.”

Abigail nudges Mikael’s shoulder. “My work here is done.”

“I’m coming with you.” Mikaela looks at Blake. “I’m sorry if we disturbed you tonight. For the record, I hope you beat Marie Jones. Show her that she isn’t in your league.”

Blake smiles. “Thanks Mik. Appreciate it. Tonight wasn’t all bad.” He gives her the once over. “Nice dress.”

Mikaela does blush. “Thanks.”

Abigail and Mikaela walks towards the exit. They leave the room. Once outside Mik pinches Abigail’s shoulder. “Really?! Blake Mason! That was your bright idea. That has disaster written all over it.”

“I know.”

“There are a million reasons why dating him is a bad idea.”

“Who said anything about dating, silly?” Abigail giggles. “William Blake Mason is a relationship disaster. Not a sexual disaster. Get laid. Don’t commit. That is the life.”

Mikaela folds her arms. “So says the woman in a committed relationship.”

“Correction. Polygamous relationship. I have carte blanche to do whatever I want.”

“Then what is the point of being in a relationship if you’re going to sleep around?”

“I don’t, actually. The freedom to do what I want means everything to me. Kate respects that. Our arrangement works. Anyway, enough about me. I am not expecting you to live happily ever after with the guy. He is fresh out of a divorce. The chances of him seeing the light is highly unlikely. Have some low key fun on the side. What is the worst that can happen?”

Mikaela hugs Abigail. “Thanks Abi. Next time, don’t ambush me like that!”

Abigail places her hand over her heart. “Ok. Scouts--” She stops herself when she sees the stare come from Mikaela. “Right. Bad Abi. Bad.”

Mikaela smiles. “Never change.”

Mikaela turns around. She knocks on Blake’s door. He opens it shocked to see Abigail and Mikaela are still there. MIk simply says. “Blake... we need to talk.”

“If Abigail put you--”

Mikaela places a finger on his lips. “This is all me.” Mik turns to Abi. “Don’t you have someplace you’d rather be?”

“Can I watch?”

Abi thought about saying “can I watch.” She pushes her luck already, no need to make it worse. She stands there as Mikaela pushes Blake into the hotel room. Once the door behind her, Abigail walks back to the elevator. She has no clue what happened in there. For all Abigail knew, Mikaela was catching Blake up to speed with all the latest happenings with Regan, the Street Family dynamic, among others things. The important thing for Abi is she nudged her good friend in a certain direction. Why care whether Mik and Blake possibly enjoyed an experience?

Were Abi’s intentions pure?

Only time will tell. Can’t spoil everything...


<Promo Time>

The scene opens inside the famed Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria in the heart of Chicago. On this day there is no customers inside the restaurant, likely due to the fact the Pizzeria has been closed off to the public during the filming of this video. That doesn’t prevent the fact that people can be seen standing outside the window looking in as Dawn and Abigail are sitting across from each other. A large pepperoni pizza is on the table. Also on the table is both of their tag team championships propped up with the plates facing the camera. Abi and Dawn look at the pizza.

”Can I go first? Pretty please?”

”The floor is yours, Abi.”

Abi turns her attention to the camera. In the meantime, Dawn grabs a slice of pizza.

Let's delve into the curious case of Bianca Evans, shall we? Part of me does respect you, Bi. We live in a world where most people overestimate their own worth. Not you Bi. From the day you stepped foot in SCW you knew your place. Your role in life is to be the supporting actress to the main act. Lenore and Chanel. Clearly the driving force behind Money in the Bank. Chad Evans, unmistakably the straw that stirs the drink behind the biggest career achievement of your life when you and him beat Team BAE. Now, you’re back. Are we getting a Bianca Evans who wants to prove to the world that she doesn’t need anyone to latch on to to set herself apart from the rest of the pack? Nuuu. You “upgraded” from God... to Goddess.

Abigail yawns.

Is that all you want to be, Lexi? Sorry. Bianca? Is the supporting role all your destined to play? You interest me. In a sport littered with wrasslers with huge egos who are one ego trip away from turning on their best friends, families, significant others, you are the one constant. Constantly latching on to a meal ticket. A professional leech. Lenore went down with injury, how long did it take for you to find GOD? Chad quit, how long before it took for you to latch on to a GODdess? That’s comforting Bi. Never change. Continue being predictable. Works for me. That only tells me Mrs. Evans that evolution is truly beyond your limited scope.

I’m not mocking you at all. Far from it. I have no doubt that you are a dangerous woman. History proves when Lexi slash Bianca Evans, whatever, is locked in on a goal, her obsession is more of a driving force than her in ring ability. What history also proves Mrs. Evans is your failure to evolve. You can only get so far in life following the same script, trust me, I know. The Beauty Factory alluded to it two weeks ago, I bounced from company to company in my quest to find a wrestling organization to call home. I told myself I bounced around due to boredom. The truth is, I would sign with a company, due my usual hijinks, the roster figured me out quick. I felt I had no other choice but to go away, find another home, that pattern would repeat itself.

Abigail expresion turns solemn.

I was a fool.

Dawn’s eyes widen. Rarely does Abigail allow herself to show humility on screen. Abi shrugs off her admission. Continuing on.

I followed the same script. Old habits die hard. I understand you better than you understand yourself Mrs. Evans. Thanks to my sister I am no longer content playing out my role as the loveable jokester who doesn’t care for anything more than playing games. I am a damn good wrestler, like you allegedly are. Why waste the talent I was born with? I can become more than a game playing trouble maker.

Why can’t I be successful too?

That is what you’ve lost sight of. That is why you and Katie Steward will FAIL to beat Lohan Country. Evolution is not a mystery. It doesn’t need to be, Bi. All that is required to evolve is to step out of your comfort zone. Take a chance. Put all your cards on the table. To compete in a company like this I needed to. I knew the same ole Abigail wouldn’t last in SCW. Took me a while, I can truthfully say, with my sister supporting me, my wrestling career is born again. When the bell rings. I am taking this more seriously than I ever have in my life. You got lucky once against BAE. History won’t repeat itself on Sunday. Welcome to Lohan Country, Bi. Enjoy your stay. I look forward to burning your aspirations to the ground.”

Abi turns to Dawn.

How was that, Dawnie?”

Dawn smiles.


Abi smirks.

Of course.

Old habits die hard. Speaking of dying hard...hello Katie.

Now it’s Dawn’s turn to look at the camera.

”Katie, I can respect that you want to become Supreme Champion. That doesn’t bother me at all. I am on the same path too, all I need is the Television and Adrenaline Championships to be the ONLY woman in history to win all the titles. Women’s championship included. Bit ironic, as soon as the Women’s was deactivated, the very belt I now wear proudly was all it took for Amy to become the first woman to net the Supreme Champion honor. Technically you need to win all active championships. In the record books it counts. But women like me, like you Katie, like Regan Street. We still have a bit of history of our own to chase. We all know how much I love being on the RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY. Ask Ravyn. Ask Alexis Quinne and everyone else I had to overcome to become Women’s and World Champion in the same night. My quest to become Supreme continues, too. Selfishly, it will be my honor to deny you what you need to become Supreme.”

What does bother me Katie is how are you going about this. How are you any different than The TrueLove Twins? They sold out aligning themselves with Laura Steinbeck. They sold their talent short by accepting her method to put the tag titles around their waist. You sold out two women who look up to you more than anything in the world. Madison and Gigi would fall on their sword for you Katie. They do your bidding. They worship at your alter. Bianca Evans attacked one of them the night she made her long awaited return. Instead of beating Bianca’s ass for crossing two women who are like family to you, once again, you sold them out; latched onto Bianca’s offer. Why? Because she bent to knee? Catered to your ego? Now she believes you are this almighty Goddess who is going to give her meaning in life because she is too much of a coward to live for herself?

Where is the justice in that, Katie?

There isn’t. And that is why I am going to do everything in my power to guarantee you DON’T walk out of Apocalypse with another notch on your claim to become SUPREME. Not. On. My. Watch.

For the watch!

Dawn chuckles at Abi’s Game of Thrones reference.

I sound like a hero, don’t I?

I’m not trying to be. I feel really passionate about this. I believe in family. I think about all the sacrifices mine made for me. For years, Supreme Championship Wrestling was home to my sister, Britt. As she watched me grow into the wonderful wrestler I am today, she decided to take a step back. She didn’t need to. Wish she was here standing side by side with me. I understand why she stepped away. Heck, I even supported her last return. Though I know she can come back anytime she wants, she stays away. In her eyes I am better than she ever was.

She wants me to succeed. She doesn’t want to stand in my way. Abigail didn’t need to come here. She is a World Champion in any company she walks into. I’m sure Abigail has a few people on the roster she wants to face. She didn’t come here for her own selfish gain. Abigail came to support me. To have my back. We are tag champions as a result. I will always be grateful to her. How grateful are you to Madison and Gigi? Not a lot. It is not The Stewards facing Lohan Country. It’s you, once again, using someone to get ahead. It didn’t work when you latched on to Silas. With God, the actual man upstairs, as my witness, Lohan Country won’t allow you to leech your way to becoming one half of the tag team champions. Family matters, Katie. This family, this country, will continue to march on whether you like it or not!

Someone’s fired up.

Dawn and Abi fist bump. Abi gives the nod for Dawn to continue. She’s on a roll. No need to stop now.

Every time me or Britt or Abi would wrestle a match in California. Whether it was San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Britt would always say our home state was Lohan Country. Always made me chuckle. It was odd at Rise to Greatness hearing us announced as Lohan Country. I had my heart set on Wonderful Chaos..

... but the more I listen to us being referred to as Lohan Country, I smile more and more. It is GOOD to be alive in 2018. Back in the company I love. Going on the road with my sister. Fighting for what is right! What is more wonderful than that?

Chaos, lots of it. Fun times are ahead ladies. The entire tag team division will glued to their seats. Lets give them a preview for what they have in store. I don’t know about you, Dawnie. I don’t want this ride to end. You have my word. It won’t. Not on our watch.

Protest that, Katie!

Dawn gives the camera a sly wink. And with that the scene fades to black with The Lohan’s turning their attention to their pizza.

RE: Bianca Evans & Katie Steward vs. Lohan Country - Foreverzerov1 - 09-08-2018

-ooc- Heres the first rp as the slightly revamped bianca evans/lexi this was fun but hard as i didnt want her to be as she was i wanted to evolve the character always fun to work with you randy and to team with you wes.

Everything has changed….

Everything is different.

Last i wrote i was a girl in love...obsessed with a cruel god.

I was the girl that was lost...that most people hated for my behavior.

I don't really blame them i was a pain in the ass.

But Today I awake a different person than i was before. Yesterday I was Lexi Von Aaron….Gods Bitch. His slave i lived to do Chad’s bidding i lived to be his property and play thing. I’d die for him...So that's what i did.

I wanted to die because Chad Lied to me. He lied to me when he didn't need to he lied to me to hurt me. He lied to me for his entertainment. And he fucked me. He fucked me hard and it hurt more than anything i had experienced...mentally i think maybe getting my head slammed into a pile of thumbtacks may have been better.

But the feeling of that...of fucking it was disgusting the worst thing i had ever been a part of. I still get why people love it so much. Letting someone in you...letting them violently thrust in and out it is sickening. It is the ultimate invasion yet people are so obsessed with enthralled by this act that makes me sick to my stomach.I don't understand how people could enjoy this i don't understand how people could like being invaded in such a way. The really is sickening even with someone i cared about someone i was obsessed with him in making him happy. But you can't make can't make god happy. You can't because this world around him his creation he hates it all because everything is such a colossal disappointment.

People make me sick to their stomach...Chads general attitude has infected me maybe it's an std? Because i don't just hate the world….SCW (obviously), myself...but him as well. I hate him because he makes me love him makes me care about something in a world i despise.

Lexi pretended to feel the way she did but she wanted to be accepted wanted to have her place in the world no matter what the cost. But now...I have my place. I have my purpose… And It turns out once you find out what you are suppose to do with your life. What you're real meaning could just kind of suck.

This is what i always wanted not just to be a Von Aaron. Not just to be the spoiled rich daddys girl. I am something else. I am someone else now….He killed who he was when he fucked me and told me the truth. He killed the girl that Adored him and would do anything for him. He might as well have taken a letter opener and sliced my throat.

It's not like i was the happiest person in the world...But I had hope...i had goals...i wanted to be something. But What Chad has taught me is how meaningless everything is how. Pointless existence is. That's why I tried to kill myself. Because i felt like i had lived my purpose.
My virginity was such a part of who i was i was devastated when i “thought” i lost it. Only to have the man i love take it from me after slut shaming me for months. It would seem pointless just a long game of sadism if you didn't know Chad. He played the long game with me. He knew what this would do...or knew in a way what it would do. He knew it would rock my world he knew that it would effect me in a profound way,.

The first day after i was in a haze i tried having a shower to scrub away the filth that seemed to have covered me. This feeling of being dirty...i tried to clean myself but i still felt dirty...i scrubbed and scrubbed but still i felt the same that i was just another whore like everyone else. Before i was more than them...but now i was just like them. Just like everyone else...and it sickened me.

But was Chad i wanted it to...i wanted him to cleanse me...but now i realize everything i did all the dirty disgusting things i allowed him to do...i wasn’t the whore he said i was...he made me his personal virgin whore. Part of me doesn't even get why i am so mad. I am his now...i belonged to him but in those moments after i just wanted it to stop...So i tried to hang myself.

I felt like everywhere i looked going forward was hopeless being Chads toy….that disgusted me. Being without him alone on my own trying to piece some sort of life together that wasn't something i wanted either. I took one of chads belts and tied it to a light fixture hanging from the ceiling in the bedroom. And then stepped off the bed. Hanging yourself it hurts choking losing the air trying to breathe even when you are trying to kill yourself...It's not graceful or romantic. And a light fixture falling on top of you and a light bulb breaking against the back of your head hurts like a son of a bitch. Chad heard this of course.

“What the hell” He said looking at me as i coughed and was throwing up a little onto the floor.

I look up at him with anger i wanted it to be over. I just wanted this stupid existence to end.

“Did you seriously just try to kill yourself?” He says pulling me up i was still dazed from being hit in the head with the light fixture with it gave in and it fell on the back of my head.

“Why do you had your fun” I say i wouldn't say something like this before...i would have been an obedient little dog. I would have begged him to do something to gain his favor to amuse him.

Chad looks at me with a surprised expression “So what you’ve given up that's it?”

“Isn't that what you wanted to break me. To shatter me into pieces and watch me fall apart mission accomplished. I feel completely disgusting...i look at myself and i feel sick to my stomach. You made a fool of me for all these months..”

“But you wanted it all along you wanted to be mine and now you are ashamed of what you’ve become you feel hurt what because i lied about something that by everything you’ve been saying for about a year would mean i’d changed everything for the better but now you are playing the victim acting like some pathetic emo girl whose been violated...i thought you were better than this. “ Chad says with disappointment.

I say nothing looking down ashamed of myself.

“I could have let you die that first night...I could have even pushed you off that roof. “

“I wish you had” I say softly.

Chad sternly walks up to me and Slaps me across the face “Shut the fuck up. This is not who you are...If this is who you want to be than go ahead die. “

“I hate you” I say looking up at him in a whisper.

“What was that” He says grabbing a hold of my arms his fingers pushing into the meat of my arms.

“I hate you” I say louder.

“What” he says pinching into my arms so it was hurting.

“I hate you!” I say even louder in almost a shout.

“What!?! because i fucked you!?! You dumb slut you asked for it you begged for it. “

“I FUCKING HATE YOU!” I scream in his face.

“Why why do you hate me? You said you loved me days ago and now you hate me!?” He screams back at me flakes of spit hit me in the face.

“You lied to me you saved me! And you fucking lied to me! You did the most incredible thing for me. You were my fucking hero and you lied about it and said i was raped!” I scream at him as the tears roll down my face.

“So what? “ Chad says with a slight smirk he was enjoying this.

“You made me feel like nothing. You slut shamed me when you knew you were the only man that has ever touched me in that way. “

“So what i messed with you… why does that matter.”

He says almost annoyed as he lets go of me.

“You did the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me… and the worst at the same time. And i hate you so much for it...but at the same time i love you more than anything in my life and that somehow...makes me hate myself.”

“Welcome to my world.” Chad says with a shrug sitting back in his chair looking like a king almost.

“You could have had me that played with me toyed me. “

“You are a incredibly easy person to manipulate. You were my property within an hour of meeting me.” Chad says

“I wanted to be better….i was at rock bottom...I”

“Don't act like you got nothing out of this deal here. You got to live in my got to have some fun. You got to even be a champion for the first time in your career. I gave you everything i said i would and more.” Chad says looking at me than away he looked at me than away.

“Than why does it just feel so awful i always wanted to be something to someone. But this...this feels so disgusting” I say looking down in disgust.

“Welcome to being human. You can get whatever you want. You can achieve your goals and still feel like shit after. “

“You are such a bastard.” i say with a snarl.

“You can leave any time.”

I grit my teeth i had nothing but Chad he had me discard my family, my friends the life i had...or the sad excuse one would call a life.

“Well?” He asks looking to the door.

He was in control he was always in control. I was sick of that sick of being his pawn...this was my life i loved a god and hated him both more than anything.I submitted...i didn't know what else to do in that moment i went and sat down on his lap he put his arm around me sending a chill down my spine he removed the belt from my neck.

“Go get cleaned up”

That was that...I stood up to Chad only to Submit to him….i hated it and the only person i hated more than Chad was myself. Than...he fucked me like the whore i am. He drilled into my insides during it i wish he had chosen to beat me instead of stick his dick into me. But he knows i like being hit...or i did...i am not sure i liked anything at that point. After he came and passed out i looked at his...cum...dripping from me looking like a crushed twinkie almost.It' disgusting i thought to myself I am such a disgusting pig whore…But this was the life i choose being owned by a god is better than being alone isn't it? When i slept...i had nightmares of him fucking me...of being held down and violated of being so weak. I wanted to be strong all I wanted was to be strong.

I didn't stop trying to kill myself. No...because i could leave any time but i couldn't be without Chad. But the concept of being with him disgusted me as much as i couldn't be without him. I despised my existence i hated being his puppet. Alot of them more maybe cries for attention or cries just to try to escape this existence. Because i know the truth...i was born to be with him. I can't move on...i can't just find someone else. Because he is the only just feels so awful…

I started feeling sick...more and more… it was really starting to get to me in that i would puke after getting up and i wasn't even hungover. Maybe all the drugs were taking its toll. I was laying in the bath tub just thinking how much i hated...everything. I set my phone to play everytime by Britney really seems to be an anthem to kill yourself to. I did my makeup i wanted to look beautiful for him when he found me. I wanted to look like what he wanted me to i made sure i was perfect...i wanted to hurt him...i wanted him to lose something to care for something.

I looked my naked body...and whispered “Whore” popped a handful of sleeping pills and then stepped into the bathtub. I slid slowly into the water. Maybe before it was a game just the only exit i could think of. But than...i wanted to die. I hated that even my dreams i couldn't be safe from him. He was there...fucking me there...he was there inside of me. I wanted to die not just to get out but to hurt him to hurt Chad cause if he felt for me a fraction of what i felt for him. He would be hurt by this hurt by me being dead. At the very least he’d have to fuck Sariel instead. I drifted to sleep sinking into the water.

I fall asleep…. I dream of white….I see him he smiles at me. I reach out and he takes my hand…”Don't go”....”Bye” i whisper. Than i was happy with that being the end. I was happy cause that was the Chad i wanted one that loved that needed that didn't exist.

I hear voices…

“You're friend got her just in time...But she should be fine...Did she tell you?”

I see chad and someone i don't recognize it looks like a doctor. I try to reach for him but i can't move. I see chads expression his eyes go wide...and i drift off again. I dream that chad is with me that he is brushing my hair that he is holding my hand. I was such a stupid girl.

I finally wake up my eyes fluttering open to see Chad sitting next to me with an unimpressed expression

“You're is this your thing now unoriginal” Chad says in an annoyed tone.

“Chad” i whisper my throat feels dry i look around i am in a room in the house not chads room...or mine im in a bed strapped in i see an iv attached to me.

“You tried to off yourself...idiot.”

I say nothing. I thought i had been successful till that moment i had thought i was dead through the haze of cloudy memories of chad...the doctor.. The memories from my mind drifting in and out of consciousness.

I had to agree to not kill myself….Chad insisted on it and he knew if i was lying i spent a week in bed. If i wanted to spend the rest of my life strapped to this bed i had to give up again. Than Chad came into the room. I agreed….to not kill myself. So I became the ideal spouse i cleaned for Chad...I didn't think i'd do that for anyone… I cooked for him...But i had a new goal...i wanted to kill Chad. I despised him i despised him for keeping me alive...I despised him fucking me every night...i wouldn't even say anything about because i wasn't in the mood because i was never in the mood. But his dick would always end the day inside me…i hated it so much.But i took it...I stopped kissing him...i don't know when but i wasn't even sure i loved him.

I earned his trust enough to be able to go out on my own. I was out shopping and i went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication. I looked over..them and noticed i didn't have any birth control. I asked if that was a mistake and they said my doctor had cancelled it. It took me a few moments to connect a memory from after my little adventure in the bathtub.

“That bastard.”

I quickly ran down the aisle and grabbed a pregnancy test and tossed some money at the girl at the till. And rushed to the bathroom….And took the test in a panic...i stared at the test….it was positive….that fucking bastard got me Pregnant and he knew it. I was connecting more and more dots...vitamins…. He was giving me in the morning… he stopped hitting me. He fucking knew. I couldn't believe it. What was he doing i didn't want kids i never wanted to torture my body i never wanted to push a child out of my cunt.That bastard figured out a new.

I’m tempted to drive the car into the house...but I don't i enter the house i want blood...I don't just want to kill him so i can off myself...I want him dead for infecting my body. I drop any fakeness any of the old Submissive lexi...This was probably the moment i became who i am now.

He looks at me and smiles is he happy to see me. Of course he is i am his living fucking baby carriage. I am about to unleash hell on god himself when he presents me with a airplane ticket...To paris. That bastard…

I’m planning my move trying to figure out Chads Game...Trying to figure out what is his next big idea to torture me. But there's nothing it is beautiful. He treats me like a queen and i am waiting for him to strip me and fuck me in the ass. I am waiting for him to shove his dick in my mouth in the elevator of the hilton hotel and make me choke on his cum. But he doesn't he instead holds my hand he instead gives me what i wanted this whole time. Is this what couples do...Well aside from going to an underground fight club...most couples don't do that but we do i wanted to see one of these for years a fight to the death. Just people beating each other till nothing's left...what was Chads game. Was he trying to protect his spawn did he know i know? I loved seeing these people fight almost in the manner i did for a living but here it was till one of them was near death or dead. It was thrilling I even got excited… Which than i thought was when Chad would decide it was time to infest me again.

It was like a movie...I think if it were made into a movie i’d be played by the bitch from the notebook maybe. That girl from princess diaries...Chad by the guy from game of thrones that got his hand chopped off or maybe that guy from blade...back than. We go up to the top of the eiffel tower. It's the perfect romantic know chad this is when he sticks something in my ass. But he doesn't. I am cautious this would be the moment...when chad does something when he tortures me so i keep an arm's length away.

“I hate so much Lexi”He says looking away from me at the beautiful paris skyline.

I hate you ...i hate this thing inside of me i think to myself.

“My whole life i’ve always been looking at things in this way that is so fueled by hate.”He says not looking at me.

I say nothing...i touch my stomach but not so much to notify him i know. Even with him not looking i don't want him to know that for once i have an advantage over him.

“I don't get it...You...This girl this ignorant selfish fucking girl.”

He says still looking away looking at something in front of him maybe in his hand.

“I don't get why i care about you….I don't get why you hold any value to me”

Because I’m your fuck toy...because i am carrying you're disgusting spawn? I think to myself.

“But you're not just are mean...and spiteful. Probably more driven than i have been in my entire life. “

I have zero idea what he’s getting at here. I assume some kind of sex thing...or maybe he’s going to break my jaw here on the eiffel tower.

“You are such a fucking idiot.And I have done so many horrible things to you...And what have you done to me...worship me...devote yourself to me...You.”

Chad shakes his head “Fuck”

I am silent i can't say anything not out of respect just i can't think of anything to say that isn't screaming how dare you knock me up. How dare you infest me you bastard the one thing i never wanted from you and you do it.

“Alexis loved me to...But not in the way you did… And she was probably a lot smarter than you just leaving me. But aren't going to leave me are you. “

“No”I whisper back.

“Well you tried to kill yourself but i guess that's on me for encouraging it daring you to do it half the time. “ He says.

I can't come up with anything to say back to him.

“But that...I don't know what i'd do without you now.”He says

What is he getting at?

“I don't get it most times why I even tolerate you there are moments I just despise you. There are moments where i hear your voice and it is like a drill right into my temple.”

“But than there are these things about you….damnit...God you are such a smug fucking bitch. Those eyes...god you just look so fucking full of yourself i just want to shove my cock down your throat and make you choke on it.”

“Is that suppose to be a compliment?” I ask tilting my head a little to the side.
“You are a bitch…”

“” i respond

“This presence you just gets me...I don't know. You are so bloodthirsty so selfish so greedy and conceited me you submit...i don't get it. For awhile I would have said when you say “I love you” You mean it but you mean it in a different way than how anyone else has said it to me.”Chad says his fingers moving through his hair.

“At first it was all a game you were this crazy girl that i thought i could mess around with… and make my boring ass life a little more interesting. But i could never predict what would have happened...not alexis leaving i was sure she'd get pissed off and leave eventually that was kind of part of the plan. But the part”

“I what? What did i do?” I ask

“You made me care about fucking bitch.”

“I’m Chad Evans I am not suppose to care about anything i am fucking god why should i care about you. A mid best Scw're not special.”

“Uh thanks.”

“No i thought you weren't you were something to pass the time to entertain me for a moment. But then you just You went and fucked things up.” He says in an annoyed tone.

I watch him in silence.

“You changed things in ways they weren't supposed to change.” Chad continues.

“Uh sorry?”

“You..Ok fuck it...It's been bothering me for weeks this isn't something i wanted to feel especially for you of all people. But...You fucking bitch i can't believe you fucking did this to me.”Chad says gripping the railing

“What Chadh what did i do to you?” I ask

“You made me love you. You bitch.”

I am surprised by this shocked my eyes go wide. Chad Turns reaching into his pocket for something. As he turns he sees me standing on the railing across from him looking down at him. One misstep than i become the prettiest splash of blood in all of paris.

“Yes were saying” I say tilting my head slowly walking along the rail.

“Get down” He says looking at me with...was that concern.

“”No but go on...what were you saying you love me...or is it more...what's in me” I say letting it be known i knew what he put into me.

“Lexi calm down i was going to tell you.” Chad says holding out his hands to me.

“What when i was 6 months pregnant wondering why i was getting fat?!!” I say taking another step.

“Lexi get down...please”

“What for the spawn you have infested me with” I say angrily

“No forget about's not because of a fucking kid…”Chad says.

“Hard to forget about something fucking growing inside of me. I gave up everything for you my family my virginity...and that all wasn't enough you had to do this to me you son of a bitch! “ I says slipping for a split second but quickly regaining my footing.

“Lexi please calm down we can talk this out.”

“We are talking Chad.” I say as i lift my leg high up ballerina style.

“Fuck it…” Chad reaches into his pocket pulling out a box he goes down to one knee

“Lexi will you marry me.”

“What the fuck.”I say stumbling Chad moves quickly snatching me by the hair and pulling me towards him i let out a scream.

“What the shit was that” I say looking at him shocked pushing away from him.

“You win Lexi...Marry me.” This game we were playing how did i win how could i possibly win.


“Do i even have a choice?” I ask

“You arent my property any more...ok Whatever…”Chad says

“What to protect you're fucking kid.”I ask

“No I want to be with you...I didn't want another kid the one i have is annoying enough as is. But with you...i warmed up to the idea.”

“Ok…” I say in a grumble.

“Is that you're answer.

“I’m not ok...with the fucking kid. But yes...I will Ok I’ll marry you.”

“You aren't just saying this to try to kill yourself again?” Chad asks.

“No...I won like you said” I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You bitch.” He says kissing me back….

So that's how Chad Asked me to Marry him. Now obviously that isn't the end of the story. We had a wedding on short notice really. I even made up with my friends in money in the bank so they could be my bridesmaids. The Wedding was great...for a short notice deal...I of course gave Chad a surprise of my own. A new hairstyle...and one more...surprise just to show God...That we were now playing a whole new game. And Me I wasn't Lexi Von Aaron Gods Bitch anymore….I am now Bianca Evans...Gods Bitch...Wife.


I “Left” Scw months ago. By left i let my contract expire but really that wasn't my choice it was Chads choice and I wanted to be with him. He didn't care about the Tag titles losing them meant nothing to him. In Fact he seemed to enjoy they that from me. I loved being a champion I loved flaunting it i loved showing off i loved disrespecting conventions getting in peoples faces. And proudly stating I was “Gods Bitch” And we were the best thing to happen to the tag division ever...I was trying to make the division more. Idiot. I was trying to make it on equal ground to the singles title. I was wrong. The Tag division is the ultimate scarlet letter pretty much a id card to being a second class citizen.

The purpose of the Tag titles goes against everything this business especially SCW stands for. SCW is all about serving yourself. Doing whatever you can for yourself not caring who's back you stab.

I understand now how utterly pointless it all is. And than when someone tries to bring these titles any semblance. They are immediately dragged back into the mud and the pits of obscurity. To once again be the stepping stone to “something more”. It's depressing just thinking about the time and planning i put into making those things matter that i even thought that the tag team titles could main event anything more than a breakdown. It was idiotic the dreams of a stupid little girl.

I’ve been training since I told my husband that I’d be returning to wrestling. It's funny just saying that not just the fact i am coming back that i knew was coming. But telling Chad anything I didn't ask him. I didn't discuss it with him. I did it on my own...I may be his wife...And I will be his till i die. But at the same time I am my own woman...Lexi Von Aaron was his property. She was his toy his slut that he used as he pleased.

I take the scissors in my hand...Chad loved my hair loved how it was so long going down to nearly my ass...he loved to grab a hand full of it while he fucked me. He liked the leverage he liked to tug it to pull it like a dog's leash….Snip snip…

I am not his dog anymore...I am his wife.

It's strange how everything's changed. The events of my life that led to here and now. I don't feel like i am the same person i was before i got this ring. It's just a loop of gold with a large's expensive but it in no way changed the person i am. But this bond...i have made this silly little vow. Has changed me…

My Mother always called me Lexi….but my father named me Bianca. When I signed the marriage Certificate I signed it with my birth name...And now my my last name…

Bianca Evans.

I Looked at the name….And I realized that was who I am. The girl Lexi was dead the woman Bianca was now who stood in her place. In these last few months i changed so much it feels like i was a different person before...i know it sounds stupid. But This is my husbands gift to me… a rebirth. A chance to become a something more.

I look at the desk and I see it next to our wedding picture. A picture of Chad with Explicit Content...And more importantly Katie Steward. This is where it began this moment where i knew what i wanted to do now. With this new name this new life. I am ready to take my next step...into my's time to take...everything.


We open with a shot of Bianca Evans(Formerly Lexi Von Aaron) She is wearing a long sleeved black silk shirt her and a pair of black leggings sitting on a white couch. As the scene opens she looks away out the window behind her you can see the arena where Apocalypse will be taking place in a few days.

Interviewer: Lexi-

Bianca turns her head quick at this.

Bianca: That's not my name.

Interviewer: But that's what the audience knows you as.

Bianca: Fuck the audience. I am not the same person as Lexi Von Aaron she was a little girl that dreamed of being something. I don't dream of anything I don't sit around hoping for things to happen if there is something I want I take it. I don't wait in line. I don't be patient no…

Bianca shakes her head

Bianca: If I want something i am going to take it. If i want a title i am going to go out there and say i want it. But i don't need a title to be relevant i am something better than the champion of this...horrible place. I am god's bitch...wife. And that just puts me on a level above everyone else.

Interviewer:So what is it about Katie Steward that makes her now the center of your attention.

Bianca: What about Katie Steward makes her the center of my attention? What a stupid question. Katie Steward is the bar that all women in SCW look at and want to meet she is the reasons everyone of us is here if you are a female wrestler. If there was no Katie Steward there would be no Sienna Swann no Kennedy Street no Syren and Certainly no Bianca Evans. She was the first woman to not only main event an SCW ppv but also the first to do it against a man. She is the longest standing member of this roster. You talk about people like Savior, Wheeler, Ace, Kelcey Wallace, Syren etc being pillars of scw. Katie Steward is the one pillar that has stood her the longest and I am here because of her. I know that i appreciate what she has given to me and this industry. I’m not one of those...oh i love this sport. I do it for the money and it's what i do best in life. But I do have respect for a few things and that is Katie Steward.

Interviewer: But why not just ask her if you wanted to team with her why attack her daughters?

Bianca: I wanted her attention I wanted her to know i was back. You see Katie has a tendency to lose focus she a little off the rails at times. I want the best Katie Steward i want her to be recognized as the best. Not on the preshow of rise to greatness that isn't right...that isn't cool. That is a slap in the face that one of the greatest stars in SCW history wasn't even on the main card. That is wrong that is something that i can't tolerate. So I had this little rematch clause in my pocket We were never beaten for the titles. My husband and I. We lost by dq and in any other match the titles don't change on a dq. But this is less about that and more about Katie Steward.

Interviewer: That does bring up the point why Katie? And not Chad you're husband and partner.

Bianca: I have Chad’s full support in this. I wouldn't go and do things behind his back. Katie Steward is the greatest female competitor in SCW history. And it disgusts me that people like that Cow...that Celestial Cow Amy Chastaine are Supreme Champion and she isn't. So i am here to fix history to repair scw. And make Katie Steward a supreme Champion. And I may be wrong but the first to not only hold every title the boys can win but the Women's title as well. I am going to be a part of history at apocalypse. Because my name will be in there. My goal i will tell you right now...Is to make it into the hall of fame. I want to be like Katie Steward i want to be one of those people that changed this company that made people look at things differently. This isn't a momentary gang thing this is just one piece of a larger puzzle that lands me right next to Katie Steward among the greats in this company.

Bianca: See I’m not a good person. I know that I am not a noble person I am not doing this out of charity. Yes I respect Katie but I am doing this for myself to take another step forward. For a year Chad and I were the best part of this company...We were the reason people tuned in. We beat the very best and we were never put in our place we were the bad guys everyone hated and i haven't learned any grand lesson other than...I am STILL better than everyone else in this company. I come back and i am the most important part of the show. People were automatically asking what is she doing? What is her game? Who is her target? I do everything i do for a reason like i said one piece in the bigger puzzle that is my career. And to create that puzzle i am going to create moments...Like Katie Steward becoming Supreme Champion. By taking those tag titles...this isn't an act of kindness in any way i am doing this for me. I am doing this so I can be in the spotlight. Katie Steward may be the one that will be supreme Champion but this is about me.

Interviewer: How is this about you? This really doesn't make sense you’ve always been selfish is this a new side of you we haven't seen before.

Bianca: Like I said i do everything for a purpose and a reason. And does Katie deserve this opportunity. Yes she does definitely. But I’m not some saint doing it out of the kindness of my heart. I mean yes i look heavenly and i am god's now that i think about it maybe i am a saint. I’ll work that out later. The point is i'm not about charity and yes my goal is to help out a legend achieve some thing she both deserves and has eluded her for some time. But it's not going to be without a cost. Because nothing in life is free nothing is easy and everything has a cost.

Interviewer:What do you mean by that.

Bianca: You...Scw, Lohan Country and Even Katie Steward will see in time. But i am always about the bigger picture i am ALWAYS about how my action will serve me. And will lead me to my goals. Lohan Country are Elite talent don't think I’m under estimating them. People thought of Lexi Von Aaron as an idiot they almost consistently underestimated me,. They almost always thought i made my way to the arena on a short bus.And I always used that to my advantage because i may not be “book smart” but that really means nothing in SCW. It doesn't matter if you're background is a harvard graduate or a janitor. It doesn't mean shit when you are in that ring. It doesn't matter if you are genius or can't read a word. If you can hit someone in the face hard enough. So Lohan country can go and think i am a idiot or some sort of simpleton. Whatever they can think of me however they'd like. It really makes no difference to me it really doesn't matter what they think because every misconception is another advantage for me. Every moment of overconfidence is another i can steal. Lohan country are going to think they have the advantage of being sisters the advantage of teaming together and knowing each other better than Katie and i. We won't ever have that bond Lohan Country has. We won't ever know each other the way Dawn and Abigail. And I wouldn't want that either.

Interviewer: Do you believe that the skills you and Katie posses be enough to beat a team that is so insync as Lohan Country?

Bianca: We don't need to work together like Lohan Country. We do not need to have the bond that lohan country has. We don't need to be as close as sister or whatever. Because as much as the bond of sisters. It can be just as much a weakness as it is a strength as hard as they may want to fight for each other. They also care about each other you could even say they'd die for each other and that is a weakness. Because I may respect Katie but I won't die for her i wont burn in flames for her and I won't let her well being get in the way of what i want. I won't let it get in the way of my goals If Katie were to stand in the way of my goals my reaction will be anything but…”sisterly”. But that is the advantage we have because That makes what needs to be done easier.

Interviewer: What needs to be done you're motives are so...vague what is it you are after.

Bianca: My Goal is to ensure a goddess takes her rightful place. By any means necessary. When i first one those titles i went to war. With two former world champions. I have never even had a world title shot. I had never even won a title in this company. I doubt any one thought we could pull it off. They were beloved by all “Bae”

She says the word with complete and utter disgust.

Bianca: Really the most disgusting word in the history of the spoken word. I beat two of the best women in SCW history not just slipping away with the win. But indisputeable fashion we beat them. And the validation i felt was amazing. I beat the woman I looked up to getting into this business. I beat Kennedy Street the woman i based so much of my early career on. My brother once managed her to the SCW title. And when i faced her that first time almost two years ago on Breakdown i remember Ethan telling me i’d never be on her level. That i didn't deserve to be in the same ring as her. That it was my honor to be used pretty much like an enhancement talent against her. For too long I allowed others words to control me. I let what the critics say about me consume me. They said i had talent they said that i could work a good match. But i just was missing something. I was destined to be one of those people that whenever it was a big match i would choke...I would fall apart...title shots...matches with big stars...i just couldn't keep it together. I always succumbed to my nerves despite any level of confidence i may have had in there.My weakness was always that… not my skill I look at the others in SCW. The best of the best the very elite of this industry and i know i am better than they are. I knew than i was better and i even said i was but i didn't believe it. I had these moments of doubt and that's what would get me. Thinking through the eyes of a former fan “i am so lucky to be here” I would just get these moments where my focus would drift and bang…. Beaten. I’d slip up and leave an opening and eat an opponent's finish or something. The ignorance of the child i know i have all the tools to become one of the greatest in this company's history. And till that match against Bae deep down everyone believed i was just going to be a name on the card. But on that night i tasted immortality...I tasted what it was like to walk with greatness. I tasted what it was like to be one of the best when i beat one of the best. And while my husband the win meant little to him...he’d been there before he’d won big matches before this wasn't some incredible transcendent experience for him because he has been elite in scw since day one. Since longer than everyone in that longer room with very few exceptions. He shrugged off the win barely even cared allowed some idiot to set the title on fire. Me i cherished it...i never had a title before that moment i couldn't even with a woman's title in developmental. Chad he didn't care about being a champion because he didn't need it. Chad could never hold another title and he could show up on any night and main event the next show. He is husband is god. And i want to be on his level hows that for motivation.

Interviewer: Speaking of Chad where is he?

Bianca: Chad is where he needs to be. This is my time this is my time to become the person i need to be. I have to do things by myself before you say it going for the tag titles with Katie Steward is part of the big picture. It is like i said about making history being a part of a moment that no one will ever forget. It will be on the highlight reels they show at the beginning of shows for years to come this is history and i will be making it. Chad was a part of Explicit Content with Katie she has always been one of the few people Chad has a soft spot for. Be it her connection to his son or the numerous times they have teamed together throughout the years. The connection is there. Trust me Chad does approve of my course of action. For years i was always just a child just a girl with dreams. A girl in her own world. But now i see clearer than i ever have my focus is like a laser if you will. I know what needs to be done i know the path i need to take. See to make your own path in this place this company sometimes to truly get recognition you have to do it on your own. Apocalypse the tag titles are just the beginning by the end of the night Everyone will know the name Bianca Evans. I am going to prove myself not just at Apocalypse not just when I help Katie Steward become Supreme Champion by defeating Lohan Country. But every night going forward every moment after this one. I will make it undeniable that I am exactly what I say I am. I am the once in a lifetime talent. I am the reason everyone in that crowd buys those tickets pays for these ppvs. No one is my equal i play this game on a whole different level as everyone else. I’m not lost any more I have been found I have found who i am suppose to be what I need to be going forward. History is going to be made I promise you that. Apocalypse isn't the end it's just the beginning.

Interviewer: Thank you for your Time...Lexi-

Bianca: Bianca. If you call me that one more time I will slap you in the face.

Interviewer: Sorry Bianca. Thank you for your time good luck at Apocalypse live on pay per view this sunday.

Bianca: I don't need Luck. Luck is for underdogs for people who think that losing is a possibility. Losing Is not a possibility at Apocalypse. Katie Steward will be a supreme Champion. And like i said...History will be made. And SCW’s Goddess will take her next step forward.

Interviewer: Thank you once again.

Bianca simply nods in response as the scene cuts to black


RE: Bianca Evans & Katie Steward vs. Lohan Country - Team Desire - 09-08-2018

 SCW Goddess of Desire | Katie Steward | "Learn Her History"

{The episode opens in Los Angeles, California at the apartment above Autumn Daniels’ shop where Katie Steward is currently living while her home is under construction from a small fire. The scene opens to Katie sitting on the couch and she has her feet up on the cushion. She is on her phone and browsing the internet for her usual interest of movies, gossip and her. She finds herself at Robin Brooks’ social media pages and looks through pictures on her intsagram of Robin with her son, Barry as they’re hanging out on a trip to some old Canadian sites of the past. She reads some of the captions that Robin is showing her son his roots and where the Brooks family hails from. Katie looks obsessed and focus on her task and she is unaware of Autumn Daniels behind with a pillow in hand. Autumn swings the pillow with her wrist and she hits Katie in the back of her head to get her attention.}

Katie Steward: Ow! What do you want? Why are you hitting me?

Autumn Daniels: Your feet. They’re on the couch. Again.

Katie Steward: I’m sorry…

{Katie moves her feet off the couch and sits up while Autumn walks around it and joins her on the other end. Both Brats with considerable distance between them}

Katie Steward: I was just checking on Robin and seeing what she was doing. Of course she’s with her son and they look like they’re having a blast. Without me.

Autumn Daniels: You wish you were staying with her right now, don’t you?

Katie Steward: No. I don’t need her. If she wants to over react just because I helped myself into staying with her that’s her problem. We can have just as much fun as they’re having. Can you be as adorable as he is in this picture?

{Katie holds her phone up to show Autumn a picture of Robin and Barry. Autumn glances at it for a second and then looks at Katie who pulls the phone back.}

Katie Steward: Never mind, I sure I can think of something we could do.

{Katie hurdles up alone on her side of the couch.}

Katie Steward: Although I am curious what Robin means by learning of his history. Do you think she means her families history? Do they have a history in Canada?

{Katie looks at the pictures on her phone of Robin’s instagram trying to figure some things out. She then gets a call from her dad on her phone and thankfully distracts her whatever she is doing. She goes ahead and answers the call.}

Katie Steward: Hi Daddy, what do you need?

Katie’s Dad: Hey pumpkin, I was calling to tell you I was going through some things in the garage and found an old box of your things and I was wondering if you wanted to go through any of it. If not then I’ll just take it to Good Will.

Katie Steward: Oh, well I’ll be over and look through it before do anything. I’ll see you in a few.

{Katie ends her call with her dad and she turns to Autumn.}

Katie Steward: Hey, do you want to come with me to my Dad’s? It could be something we could do together. We might actually bond?

Autumn Daniels: No.

Katie Steward: Ok fine, I’ll guess I’ll just call Katelyn and see what she is doing.

{Katie gets up off the couch and heads to her room to get herself ready as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to a couple of hours later to Katie Steward and Katelyn Buehler showing up to Katie’s old childhood home in California. They walk up to the garage where the door is open and Katie’s dad is there looking through some old boxes. Katie walks over and greet him with a hug.}

Katie Steward: Hi Daddy, this is Katelyn, my friend.

Katie’s Dad: Hello friend Katelyn. So Katie, you just have these boxes here. Just tell me whatever you don’t want to keep or take with you.

Katie Steward: Ok, I can do that.

Katie’s Dad: I’ll be inside the house if you need me.

{Katie’s dad leaves the two brats in the garage. Katie leans down and starts to look through her old things while Katelyn just looks around in amazement.}

Katelyn Buehler: Wow, so this is the house you grew up in? It’s so not what I pictured. Does he still have your old room? Can we see it? Please?

Katie Steward: I think so. We’ll see it after we’re done.

Katelyn Buehler: Cool. So what sort of things did you play with when you were younger?

{Katelyn leans down joining Katie in the journey that is Katie’s past.}

Katie Steward: Well we have an old Barbie doll of mine.

Katelyn Buehler: (smiling) Of course.

Katie Steward: Some of my costumes from old plays I did.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh my girls would so love this stuff. I should’ve bought them. They would’ve love seeing this place.

Katie Steward: They would love this stuff, wouldn’t they? Ok, we’ll just take the whole box with us.

{Katie grabs the box of her old things from her childhood and stands up with it under her hand. Katelyn though notices something else in the box and she reaches in and pulls out a blank tape.}

Katelyn Buehler: Wait, what’s this? Oh is this a little something from teenage Katie? Did someone make a sextape with their high school boyfriend when she was 17?

{Katelyn acting all girly as she giggles at the dirty thoughts she is thinking. Katie snatches the tape out of her hand.}

Katie Steward: I didn’t have a boyfriend in High School at 17. I had drama rehearsals for playing Mrs. Potts in another boring addition of a Beauty and the Beast production.

{Katie checking out the tape.}

Katie Steward: I should’ve been Belle at least. Had all the lines mesmerized heading into it. That’s probably what’s on the tape anyways. The whole box seems to be from my acting stuff from school.

Katelyn Buehler: (bored) Oh. So it’s not so much your tape, but your parents who recorded over the play.

Katie Steward: What? They would’ve record over my play… Katelyn, stop it. I am not talking about this.

{Katie looks at the tape and she just can’t think about it after Katelyn’s dirty thoughts and Katie ends up tossing it in a near by box labeled “precious memories”.}

Katelyn Buehler: Oh this is getting interesting. Can I be invited to the next time your family gets together and they go down memory lane?

Katie Steward: (taking the tape back and putting it the box with her things) We’re not watching the tape. They didn’t record over my performance from High School because I was amazing in it and upstaged that bitch that played Belle.

Katelyn Buehler: Well of course you did. How could you not, but you said it was another boring Beauty and the Beast play and I’m just trying to fill in the blanks here. Besides you said your mother was a model so why not?

Katie Steward: She was. We’re still not watching the tape.

Katelyn Buehler: You said they wouldn’t record over your play. So you’ve got nothing to worry about. Unless you think I’m right.

{Katie turns around to walk away from Katelyn having enough of this conversation with her. She ends up bumping into some boxes in the garage and knocking one over. Katelyn moves her feet quickly and not getting crushed underneath the falling box that hits the ground and tips over spilling its contents.}

Katelyn Buehler: Do you think anything important was in there that broke?

Katie Steward: I don’t know, but you’re partly responsible it anything important was damaged. Like a mirror.

Katelyn Buehler: What like we’ve both take our share of 3 and a half years of bad luck?

Katie Steward: I’m not getting bad luck anytime soon.

{Katie sets aside the box she is carrying aside and leans down to check on the one she knocked over. She sets the box upright and goes through the items on the floor.}

Katelyn Buehler: How does it look? Is it seriously? I don’t want your dad calling my dad and getting me trouble. I can’t be grounded. Not now.

Katie Steward: It’s ok. Nothing broke. It’s just a mess on the ground.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh good. I was so scare there for a second.

{Katelyn leans down to help Katie pick up the mess. They gather some papers and pictures and put it into the box. Katie browses through some of the pictures and most seem rather old.}

Katie Steward: Wow I’ve never seen these pictures before. They’re so old. Like before my parents.

Katelyn Buehler: You mean like your grandparents.

Katie Steward: Some seems a lot older than that and look at these. These papers are really old letters from a long time ago. Do you think this is from my family tree stuff?

Katelyn Buehler: Woah, that’ll be so cool.

Katie Steward: I was on Robin’s intsagram earlier and she was talking about her family history and taking Barry to old places where he’s from. Maybe this is the universe sending me a message.

Katelyn Buehler: I don’t know Katie that sounds like a dangerous road to travel if you pursue it. Don’t you watch all those shows like “Where do you come From?”. You’re a white girl. Whatever happens it’s probably going to end up own slaves and you’re going to be embarrassed about the past. It happened to Ben Affleck.

Katie Steward: Oh no, not Ben. What are the chances that’ll be my history as well.

{Katie looks at Katelyn just hoping she’ll tell her something she’ll want to hear. Unfortunately Katelyn doesn’t give Katie what she wants and replies by shaking her head no.}

Katie Steward: Alright, you’re probably right. If my family history does tell that story it’s going to be hard to run away from the past knowing that. Although TJ is my closet friend.

Katelyn Buehler: You mean the black guy that does literally everything that you’ve ask of him?

Katie Steward: He is so much more than that. Stop trying to make me look bad. Ok we’re not going to do anything. Katelyn just please take the box to the car for me and I’ll go see if my old room is still the way I left it and I’ll show you.

Katelyn Buehler: Do I look like TJ to you?

Katie Steward: Katelyn, just please.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok fine, since it’s for my girls.

{Katelyn grabs the box with Katie’s old things in it and leaves the garage. Katie quickly grabs the box she knocked over on the ground and rushes inside her dad’s house before Katelyn can see her as the scene fades.}


{The scene chances to inside Katie’s dad home and Katie walks through the place looking for her dad. She finds him sitting at the counter in the kitchen.}

Katie Steward: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…

Katie’s Dad: Oh, that takes me back. It’s almost like you never left.

Katie Steward: Daddy, I have to know something. I knocked over this box in the garage and I was looking through some of the pictures. Is this like a family history thing?

Katie’s Dad: Well let me see it.

{Katie’s dad takes the box and sets it on the counter in front of him. She begins to search through it. Katelyn comes into the home and finds Katie. She immediately realizes what she’s doing.}

Katelyn Buehler: You lied to me. You said you were going to find out. Do you even have a bedroom here?

Katie Steward: I’m sorry, Katelyn, but I have to know.

Katelyn Buehler: You’re not going to like where this takes you. Every episode I’ve watch it always ends the same way.

Katie Steward: Well as someone that knows a thing or two about the world of television. That’s the way how they usually do things. Daddy, just tell her. Our family didn’t own slaves, did they?

Katie’s Dad: Our family didn’t own slaves.

Katie Steward: See, there you go never to worry about.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh of course you would take her side.

Katie’s Dad: Our family came to the US in the 1800s after the potato famine in Ireland. It’s possible, but some of these letters don’t suggest any of that.

Katie Steward: So were Irish. Great. I can’t wait to share this stuff with Gigi and we can share all this newfound wealth about who we are.

Katelyn Buehler: Wait, Katie you came up with this after stalking Robin’s instagram?

Katie Steward: No. I wasn’t stalking anything. I just wanted to check in to see how Barry was doing as I haven’t seen him in awhile.

Katelyn Buehler: Do you stalk my girls on their instagram?

Katie Steward: No. They follow me on mine.

Katelyn Buehler: Cool.

Katie Steward: Anyways Daddy, if I can could I take this with me too? I’d love to go through it some more and really understand it.

Katie’s Dad: Sure. It’s your history. Just make sure you take care of it.

Katie Steward: I will. Come on, Katelyn. Let’s go.

{Katie grabs the box off the counter and turns to leave. Katelyn reminds about wanting to see her bedroom she had. Katie reluctantly leads the way to show her and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to almost an hour later and Katie puts the boxes in her car. She and Katelyn get inside the car as they’re ready to leave.}

Katie Steward: This is so cool. I’m Irish. What does that mean?

Katelyn Buehler: We could go to a bar and celebrate.

Katie Steward: Is that how I embrace it?

Katelyn Buehler: I believe so.

Katie Steward: When is SCW next European Tour? I’ll have TJ call and…

{Katie looks at Katelyn for a second and changes her sentence around.}

Katie Steward: I’ll call TJ and tell him that I’ll talk to SCW about some ideas for the next European tour.

Katelyn Buehler: (laughing) Very good.

Katie Steward: Yes. It’s real funny, isn’t it. I wish Autumn wanted to come with me here instead.

{Katelyn’s jaw drops as she looks shocked and Katie starts her car up and drives off as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie Steward sitting in her director’s chair wearing her white and gold ring robe. There is a green screen set up behind her and she lifts her head up to the camera that’s focus on her.}

Katie Steward: Tonight at SCW Apocalypse there can be only one word to describe it perfectly for what it will be. That magic word is drama. It is a word that of course I am all, but so familiar with. Being an actress that I am and also for the most part causing trouble. That is why I agree to Bianca Evans’ offer to being her partner tonight for this Tag Team Championship match. Because she and I are a lot alike in some ways. Though Gigi has been very vocal the last week with her concerns for me heading into this match. I do hear and I promise that I’ll keep at least one eye open on Bianca, but like I said. Drama.

Katie Steward: (laughs) And tonight we challenge Lohan Country. Who for some reason show up at Rise to Greatness last month and won the Tag Team Championship. While Gigi and I were stuck on the pre show. Wrestling Sam Raine and Crissy Gardener. They on the other hand were winning the tag team titles. Am I jealous? Nope because what I need is the biggest trouble maker in SCW to help me cause some problems for everyone. Bianca Evans is taking Katie Steward back. Back to when Katie Steward was the problem for every women in this company. Back when I was the one that was on top. I need to be that woman again. The Stewards need to take a stand and fight back against everyone in this company because we are being pushed around. Madison can’t even find herself a character without a paranoid Giovanni Aires flipping out. After tonight, after I win the Tag Team Championship I will have a talk with Bianca and we’ll dive into what really happened a weeks ago. Until then though all that I need to be focus on is Lohan Country and ending the reign of Abigail Lindsay and Dawn Lohan.

Katie Steward: Now I know what everyone is thinking and trying to make me the villain of this story once again. That I’m abandoning Gigi for an opportunity of checking off another marker at becoming Supreme Champion. I’m sure Abigail and Dawn will spread that rumor as if its the truth. Here is the real truth. Here is what people need to understand about Bianca and I. Bianca was the one that came to me and offered me this opportunity to be her partner. I don’t need to be Supreme Champion. I don’t need to have everything done in the first year of my SCW career and retire by 30. Oh no, Bianca chose me because 13 years I’ve been in this company and I’ve made myself a legend in an SCW ring. Why did Bianca chose me? Who else would she have chosen? I am the Goddess and the Goddess is out for a sacrifice or else the Apocalypse just may happen tonight. When we are done with Lohan Country tonight and we take the tag team titles away. We’ll see just how big of a fluke they really are. Rise to Greatness could’ve been Gigi and I’s crowning moment, but now. Now the drama is going to hit the fan and SCW will be stuck with Bianca Evans and Katie Steward.

Katie leans back in her director’s chair and the studio lights above dim down to only the background lights lit as we just see Katie’s sillhouette on the screen before the scene and episode end.}