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Selena Frost vs. Owen Lee - Printable Version

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Selena Frost vs. Owen Lee - Konrad Raab - 06-25-2022

Talk about a big match. Selena Frost told Adam Allocco that she could get a front row seat to prep for Breakdown. While Adam Allocco wrestled a match that showcased as little of his offense, using his experience and strength to get by, albeit barely, Selena Frost is facing the number one contender to the SCW United States Championship and potentially a future challenger for the World Title too. Owen Lee meanwhile is fresh off a challenge against Josh Hudson for a submission match. Selena and Owen are both known for their quickness, their strikes, but also their technical ability.

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, June 29, 2022

RE: Selena Frost vs. Owen Lee - Owen - 06-29-2022

OOC Note - Promo only as per agreement. Thanks again bro and good luck


Owen appears on screen, casually dressed in a SCW branded tee-shirt, a pair of jogging bottoms and Adidas trainers. He acknowledges the camera with a nod before he starts to speak.
“Selena Frost…”
A smirk forms on Owen’s face, as he shifts position in his seat.
“I don’t think that there is any dispute that right now, you ARE the very best this company has to offer. Over the course of the last few years, you have established yourself as someone who is nigh on impossible to stop. Someone who is about as determined as they come, and willing to take on whoever steps up to the plate. Anyone who wants to become a wrestler, you are the role model for others to look up to. The ‘FACE’ of the company bar none.”
Nodding his head, he continues.
“Every challenge you faced; you have never backed away from. Whether it was up against it professionally, or through threats to your personal life, you have made those sacrifices. And have placed yourself as a nailed on, future entry into the SCW Hall of Fame. Furthermore, you have done it with a smile on your face, and never lost the morals that put you on that pedestal in the first place. Or at least that’s the way the SCW Media Machine would have you believe.”
The smirk gets wider, Owen licking his lips with anticipation.
“See Selena, I don’t know if you noticed, but over the course of the last eighteen months I kinda lost the plot a little. Things got a little ‘fraught’ for me, and I lost my way. Don’t worry, it’s all good, I reckon I’m back on track now. So much so Josh Hudson has a real bug up his ass about me, but that’s by the by. But where were you when I was going through all that bullshit. You knew me quite well. You and I had stood shoulder to shoulder on more than one occasions as we tried to fight the good fight. I’d come out at risk to myself when you endured the many cheap attacks that you were subjected to. Where were you when I was literally on the verge of oblivion…”
He takes a deep breath, not wanting to lose his cool.
“No need to answer Selena, it was a rhetorical question. I know what you were doing, you were looking out for you. Chris Cannon offered an ear. There were many others not considered as the ‘good guys’ around here, that at the very least checked in on me, and offered their advice. You? Radio silence. My guess, you condemned me like many others who I considered as allies. Even though it was obvious that I wasn’t in my right mind, you turned your back on me, and I can only think of one reason why. The last time we faced off, we all saw a different side to Selena Frost, a side very rarely seen. A side that it seems to go to great lengths to hide.”
Owen shrugs his shoulders, sticking out his bottom lip.
“Do you remember Selena? I’m sure you do. You weren’t the World Champion at the time, and although your career certainly wasn’t ‘floundering’, you were embroiled in some of the biggest feuds of the year. As I said earlier, fighting the good fight. If you don’t remember what I said exactly, I’ll remind you ad verbatim. I told you that you are nowhere near as effective when you have nothing to fight for. I told you that without a ‘purpose’ the ‘belief’ isn’t anywhere near as strong. You denied it, of course you did, woe betide anyone who dare identify a weakness. And over the course of time, I’ll agree that may not be the case any longer, as you have evolved into a true superstar, off the back of some huge victories. But how do I know that I was right back then? That’s simple. The moment I mentioned it and brought it to the table, it wasn’t ignored as bullshit. You didn’t just pour scorn on it; say I was wrong and then move on. No, what you did Selena, and I invite you to go back and check the archives to see it for yourself if you don’t believe me. Was embark on a character assassination, pulling me up for quite literally everything you could think of. One of your biggest allies, fighting for the same course as you, and you stabbed me in the back, INVENTING an issue, that wasn’t even there because I said ONE negative thing about you. ONE. The ‘Face’ of the company wouldn’t have entertained such a thing. The ‘face’ of the company would have dealt with the situation a whole lot better. Do you know why I think you reacted in that way Selena? Because underneath, that ‘frosty’ determination was just a front. Your ego was just as fragile as anyone else’s, and you refused to be seen in a bad light by anyone. Maybe you have grown now, and the same isn’t the case. But what it showed was that you were more than capable of the EXACT same putdowns you would berate Bree Lancaster for. Or even Sienna Swann. That’s a lofty high horse you sit on Selena, and in that moment, you fell off. You lost focus. And consequentially lost the match…
…My point?
As I’m sure you have figured out, it kinda left a bitter taste in my mouth back then, and because I have a good memory, that taste remains. Don’t get me wrong, it’s like water off a ducks back to me nowadays, I’ve been called far, FAR worse in the last seven days. For me personally, it’s a shift change in that the people I care about, they are the ones that matter to me. Anyone else, well there is a reason that they are excluded from that bubble. If it had been NOW let you have said these things, I would have shrugged my shoulders and moved on. And even then, I wasn’t angry, more disappointed in someone I obviously held in high regard. The point of all this Selena is simple. As a wrestler you are exemplary, the guiding light for us all and I’ll always except that to be true. But the squeaky-clean persona, I just ain’t buying. Because that kind of person wouldn’t have needed to go to the depths you did to save face. ‘FACE’ of the company Selena? Nah, not for me. Good person for sure, one of the best people to be World Champion right now… but not a person with the moral high ground you claim to command.”
Owen pauses for a moment to allow those words to sink in, and after that momentary hesitation he continues.
“And that’s why truthfully, I would prefer to be facing Josh Hudson every single day of the week. As you probably saw last time out, he left me unconscious, could have done some really damage… where were you by the way looking to uphold truth and justice? Glory was there... how about that.”
He laughs
“No matter. Thing is, with Josh I know exactly what I’m going to get. There’s no question in my mind that you will move to explain yourself Selena, but the fact is you don’t need to explain yourself to me, or anyone else, nor do I ask you to. If your feelings last time out were true, then stand by them and have courage in your convictions, it makes very little difference to me. Perhaps you’re no better than Josh, maybe you were looking to ‘teach me a lesson’ as well. Either way, it’s time to move on, I guess. But there is one thing I do want to reiterate to you though, something I want you to understand. I’m not the guy who you faced what, eighteen months ago. In that space of time, I’ve done a fair amount of growing up. I had to or face my past destroying me. I know you knew Orlando; I know you probably respect him as well. Maybe you threw a few barbs at him for no reason, who knows? But with the truth no revealed, and knowing Orlando wasn’t my biological Father, it’s kinda ironic that nowadays I’m more like him than I have ever been. I see this business and this industry for what it is, a million miles away from the fairytale that some would suggest it is. No, more than ever before I can deal with the likes of Josh Hudson with a smile, marveling in the fact I could get under his skin so much with the simplest of smiles. That kid made you lose your shit Selena, he made you for just a second drop your guard. The person stood before you right now doesn’t pander to anyone… not even you. I look at you and I don’t see the World Champion you are; I see an opportunity. An opportunity to send Josh Hudson a message that states quite clearly that no matter how many times he renders me unconscious, I’m still going to keep on coming. A message to the self-same person that his ‘lessons’ have not fallen on deaf ears, and that I have learned from each one and become stronger. But Selena, more than anything… I’m going to send a message to the rest of the SCW roster. A message shouted from the rooftops, a message in big bold letters and highlighted. That being Owen Lee is ready to take back his career and be the man he was destined to be before fate took a hand. I’m good enough, and I’m strong enough to beat you, Selena. And beating you, the SCW World Champion, is just about the biggest, boldest message I can send right now, over three years since I was world champion.
World Champion… just hold onto that for a moment.
To achieve that greatness is special anyway, but at nineteen, that was a phenomenal achievement and not matched by many. And all this whilst at the same time knowing that I have so much more to give, so many more gears to go through. I was ready to quit Selena, happy to chuck it all in to escape from my realities. And yet still, I found a way to finish second in Taking Hold of the Flame 2021, even with everything going on. Josh says I quit, I left this company in the lurch, but he’s mistaken, I merely took a hiatus to come back stronger, just like so many before me, to ensure I didn’t damage the company any more than I already had. That’s something Josh is going to find out… I don’t quit. And never will. To know that I came so close to jacking it all in. To think that I would never hear that ‘Owen’ chant ever again. That’s all the incentive I need to ensure that I never find myself in that situation again.  Realizing that I never want ‘this’ to be over. Not until I have accomplished all that I set out to do four years ago. That’s a strength of character you haven’t seen from me to this point. It’s a ‘belief’, sorry couldn’t resist, that I’m finally on a road that only I will walk and following the path of others before me. Josh says Orlando would be ashamed of me, but you know what, I think right now he would be at his proudest. Knowing that I walk into the ring with the SCW Heavyweight Champion with people so hyped for this match, knowing that I could beat you. Scrub that Selena, YOU know I could beat you and derail your momentum just a few weeks shy of the biggest show in the World. And the best bit… all the pressure is on you.
Isn’t it?
With you being on a tear for what now seems like an eternity, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who would bet their house on me beating you. I could reel off a whole list of people you have beaten, some of the most talented individuals in this business, and you could compare it to my victories since I returned, and there would be no question your standard would be higher. Even at Taking Hold of the Flame just recently, I was coming fifth and being eliminated by a Hairless Penguin, whilst at the same event you were beating Aries and his ‘nirvana’. And even if I spoke about the two individual defeats, I’ve experienced this calendar year, and the fact I’ve just beaten the legendary Glory Braddock, it’s still a hard sell to explain how Owen Lee is going to shock the world on Breakdown. If you got a dollar for every person that thought I’d emerge victorious, then you wouldn’t be retiring on the proceeds, that’s for sure.”
Owen flicks his hair from out in front of his face and leans forwards so that he is closer to the camera.
“But this is what I spoke of earlier. What people believe right now is irrelevant to me, it really is. The only person that can drive me forwards and allow me to achieve all that I know I can, is ME. Orlando couldn’t have done it for me. The thousands of fans in attendance at Breakdown can’t do it for me however much they cheer or boo, and you can bet your ass the millions at home cannot do it for me. Only I can make things happen. And that’s why there has been that step change. Why before I was facing Polly Playtime, and now I’ve just defeated Glory Braddock and am about to step into the ring with you. It was a process; I was never going to be welcomed back with open arms and straight into the title picture. I had to start again. Now that I have beaten contenders, climbing back up the ladder, surpassing them, now its time to start beating champions. And what better way to kick that off by beating the holder of the most prestigious championship in the world? If there’s anything better, then let me know.”
Owen gets to his feet and walks over to the window, opening it to allow the fresh air in. His location isn’t obvious, though trees can be seen, and the sounds of trickling water merge with bird song. He stands there for a few moments, enjoying both the view and the sounds, before once again speaking…
“And that’s the thing isn’t it, right now there isn’t anyone better, that’s fact. I’m not going to come out here and say that you are unworthy like some, but I’m not going for one second believe this narrative that you are some unbeatable colossus, that’s just not my style. You’re known for your lightning speed; the Glass Shard having claimed many a victim without them even realizing it is coming. And yet I am one of the rare breed in this company that match your pace. That feeling in the pit of your stomach you are feeling right now Selena, that’s not because of some dodgy croissant. That’s doubt. Knowing that it’s not very often you face someone that could be perhaps even quicker than you. Someone who can finish a match in a heartbeat, just like you at any time, any point in the contest. And simply put Selena, you rely on that speed, it’s got you out of more sticky situations than I could count with all my fingers and toes. Guess who doesn’t have that reliance anymore. That’s right… ME. I’m no longer the one trick pony that you succumbed to before. I have all the tools, and all the weapons to not just trouble you, but to also put you away. An equal at the very worst. Do you accept that Champ, or are you preparing to disrespect me again? Again, a rhetorical question… it matters not either way. Win or lose Selena, you’re going to know you’ve been in a match. And I HOPE you recognize that, because believe it or not, I would prefer it if you left Rise to Greatness with the World Championship. Even with Allocco’s resurgence and attitude. Because I’m not just looking at Josh, I’m looking at you, AND that belt. Because only when championship gold is achieved can I say with total surety that my comeback is complete. Redemption achieved.”
He lowers his head to look at the ground, bringing his eyes back to the camera slightly narrowed.
“So, Selena, I hope this time you have taken my words in the way they were intended in the first instance. I KNOW that you have something to fight for, a reason to exist, and that is your fanbase, and the shiny you carry so gracefully on your waist… and of course how could I forget Deanna? Forgive me for that indiscretion. I don’t know what goes on in your personal life, but professionally, your life couldn’t be any better. But I showed so succinctly, that can all change in a millisecond. You NEED to maintain your momentum heading into Rise to Greatness where you face quite possibly one of the most diligent technical exponents of our industry. I’m not saying you can’t lose to me and then not be able to rebound. You could. But I have no problem putting a spanner in the works and introducing just a little self-doubt, not because of who you are, but because of what it could do for me. And if I must outthink you, outrun you, or overpower you, I’m more than capable of doing so. I did it before, and I can do it again. And none of this should be news to you. If you are the CHAMPION, I believe you to be, you’ve probably done the homework and watched the footage. I know I certainly have. And ultimately that is why I feel no pressure, only excitement. Excitement born from the fact this match will most definitely steal the show.
Blink, and you just might miss it.
But know one thing Selena, I’ll take a hard-fought brawl any day of the week than a five-star classic if it means that I leave Breakdown with the victory. There is no question, I don’t HAVE to win this match. Hudson made sure that I was going to get a United States title match the moment he became champion with his unprovoked actions. But rest assured, I know I NEED to win… if I am going to get to where I want to be. Redemption is a funny old thing and comes in a variety of ways. By far the most important aspect is to reestablish people’s trust. And that trust doesn’t just mean in me as a person, but as a competitor as well. Winning high profile matches will rebuild that faith, beating Konrad Raab helps. But beating you and Hudson, that’s something else. I’ve a friend who works for another company… he calls himself the ‘Next Level’. I know, pretentious as hell. But that’s where I need to ascend to… that next level. Where all the big boys and girls play… the main event. Beating you Selena, will put me there. Back where I belong? I’ll let the fans decide on that. They will let me know."
He pauses for just a second, winking at the camera before he continues.
“Either way Selena, that time will most definitely arrive someday.”
He nods his head.
“Are you truly confident that time isn’t now?”
He salutes the camera, as the scene slowly fades.

RE: Selena Frost vs. Owen Lee - SnowQueenSCW - 06-29-2022

[Image: tetXUW1.gif]

The camera opens up to the interior of the Scotiabank Saddledome, the site for tonight’s episode of SCW Breakdown. The seats are empty amidst the audience and the arctic blue and white lights shine down onto the built ring, where there stands a single person. She wears a leather jacket with a magenta purple t-shirt underneath, blue jeans and black shoes. Her platinum-blonde hair is tied in its iconic braid, hanging between her shoulders and her lower back and the SCW World title sits comfortably on her left shoulder.

So… she whispers. Now it’s ‘my turn’. she gives a slow exhale of breath as she lifts her head to the camera, a pale thumb quietly tapping the world championship.

That’s what you’d like me to say right, Adam? Last week, you threw a gauntlet down at me, didn’t you? Actually, Adam, I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed. She gives a shrug of her shoulders. I mean, you told the world that for your match with Deanna, you were going to ‘show your hand just this once’ – hell, you told me to ‘watch closely’ for that! I decided to take you up on that. To do as you asked, partially out of support for my wife and partially because I was intrigued.

But, not so shockingly, your ‘promises’ didn’t really hold up and you decided suddenly. ‘Nah! I’m only gonna use a sliver of my playbook to beat Deanna’.

A scoff escapes the Snow Queen. Like I said, Adam. I learned plenty during that match. And no, it wasn’t that ‘you’re good enough to beat someone with four or five moves’. I’ve lost track of how many matches I’ve had where I’ve managed to turn the tide of a match or even pick up a victory with a single move. For Odin’s sake, I JUST retained my title against Giovanni Aries in a match that ‘could have gone either way’ according to the critics – not wanting to inflate GiGi’s ego more than it’s already become but I rather be honest.

Slowly, Selena shakes her head. I already knew you were good, Adam, okay? I already knew you were better than good. I saw it when you won the Taking Hold of the Flame royale. I’ve experienced it, firsthand, for years over the multiple battles we’ve fought. So, what you ‘think’ you showed me was actually nothing I didn’t already know.

No, Adam, what I learned last week was that your ‘word’? The supposed “Gospel of the King of HARDstyle”? Is nothing more than bullshit.
There is a second of silence as Selena stands in the ring, her words ringing through the empty space.

I learned that Adam Allocco will do and say anything to make himself look good and place himself in a better position. I learned that Adam Allocco is not only a liar… but isn’t so sure of himself as he pretends to be. A knowing smile breaks across Selena’s features.

I mean, what kind of ‘sureness’ do you have in yourself and in your ‘path’, Adam, if you’re ALREADY playing mind games here? What? You’re ‘hiding’ your move-set? You’re taking advantage that you’ve not wrestled in months and ‘revamped your moves’ and ‘not wrestled many matches since your return’? That the plan? Take advantage of your own absence to give yourself as much of an advantage as you can against me?

Doesn’t sound like ‘surety’ to me. It sounds like you’re desperate. Sounds like you’re afraid of being so exposed like that. That maybe it won’t be as ‘unstoppable’ as you think.

Because when you think about it, Adam, I’m not someone that’s hid away for months. I’ve been here, defending this title. I’ve taken on every move, style, and mind game you can basically think of. And maybe, just maybe, that’s more intimidating to you than you’d like to admit. Maybe your games aren’t to get to me, but something you NEED because you realized, just by wrestling my wife, the calibre of wrestling that comes with the Frost name – perhaps more prestigious now than the Allocco name. That maybe you realized the calibre of wrestling that you are in for and, maybe, you’re not as “sure to win” as you’ve tried to sell these last few weeks to the SCW Universe.

She gives a shrug. But you did lie, Adam. You lied to me, to Deanna, to the True Believers, to the entire SCW Universe. You promised them something and threw it all back in our faces. And that’s something I’m taking personally. That disrespect to Deanna and to SCW. And if you’re too much of a coward that you need these tricks, Adam, then yes, I promised that I would give you a SHOW and show you how it is done tonight! And unlike you, I intend to keep my word.

Refocusing herself, Selena adjusts her title on her shoulder. Which brings me to you, Owen Lee. Now, I know that you are expecting me to pick up this gauntlet that Adam had thrown down on me. “Oh, he beat Deanna using four moves – I’ll win by only using three! DROPKICKS GALORE! HA HA!” Slowly, Selena drops her overacting and shakes her head. No. I refuse.

I refuse to do that because, first of all, I will not disrespect you in such a way, Owen. You’re a former world champion. You’re one of the youngest to ever hold this title, and despite your ‘choices’ in the past, you’ve never – NOT ONCE - given anything less than 100% to every match you compete in. That’s your upbringing – that legacy that, biologically or not, you are part of. It’s inspiring. You’re the number one contender for the United States Title – a title that means so much to me and I know could be a symbol of integrity and all SCW should be if in your capable hands. And, let’s not forget, you’ve beaten me before, haven’t you?
A knowing smile returns to Selena’s features.

And don’t worry, I’ll get to that, but my point is that I am not going into this match ready to play by “Allocco’s rules”. That may be ‘what he wants’, but it’s not what I am about. It’s not what SCW is about – disrespecting the heart that someone of your calibre and the heart that my wife puts into this ring every night. No, SCW is about exciting matches! Not trying to bury your opponent by only needing a ‘sliver of your playbook to win’.

For me, I don’t care who you are, and I’ve proven that! Whether you’re the biggest star in SCW or Samuel Davis, you are always going to get my best. You’re going to get all I can give. You deserve that for coming into the ring and facing me. You deserve my absolute best.

So, I’m going to be throwing everything I have at you, Owen. All of my abilities and moves. I’m going to be digging deep because I know how good and how fast you are. Hell, you might just be faster and quicker than me. You might just be – and that’s something I’d like to test.
She bites her lower lip playfully, the excitement clear in her voice.

Which leads me to my second reason why I’m not interested in playing this match with “Allocco’s rules”. Because this is more than just a ‘show’ to Adam, Owen, and you know it. This is a statement. Because he didn’t just slap my wife in the face with his arrogance and proclamations of “you’re not ready” and his ‘four moves of doom’.

No, Owen. What if it had been you he was facing? What if it was you that he was just hitting with scoop slams and vertical suplexes, refusing to take you seriously?

It would have been a slap in the face to you, wouldn’t it? Because it was a slap in the face to you. It was a slap in the face to me. A slap in the face of my wife and a slap in the face to every person that puts in the months, both on camera and off it. Who puts in the heart and passion day after day, month after month, year after year. People like you. People like my wife. People like Glory Braddock and Syren and the countless others that have gone years here with no break. People that fought tooth and claw, just as much as he did in that royale, to become the number one contender, to win a title, or just be MORE than what they had ever thought possible!

But Adam thinks that he can come in here after being gone for months, wrestle a few matches, and then dictate how ‘things are’ here in SCW. That he can look down from his self-erected pillar and tell people they ‘aren’t ready’ or that ‘this is how SCW matches can be wrestled’. That certain matches only deserve a ‘sliver’ rather than everything you have!

I say, ‘No!’.
Her voice echoes a little. And I refuse to showcase that. I say you and I, Owen - we put on a clinic! I say we show Adam and Josh Hudson just what they are in for at Rise to Greatness! I say we show them that SCW is more than just ‘four moves in a match” or attacking someone from behind and making them pass out from a submission hold out of bitterness. I say, Owen, that the ‘show’ we put on defines not only Rise to Greatness but SCW as Supreme Championship Wrestling – the kind Adam ‘promises’ but fails to provide and the kind Josh knows you can achieve far better than him!

Taking a moment, Selena takes a slow inhale and exhale. But… that also means, Owen, that you are going to get me at my most dangerous. Because, just like I come into every match prepared to give everything I have, I come into every match to win. To re-establish and prove – just like I do every time I defend this championship – that I am STILL the Face of SCW, still the best here, and still the new standard of this title and of SCW.

And with you, Owen, that’s something I feel I NEED to prove against you. Because, let’s face it, Owen. You and I? Owen vs. Selena? There’s a day like that that still lives in my mind. Under Attack 2018. A night I doubt you forgot. A night where you, Owen, straight up outwrestled me. Beat me. Now, I’m not going to use words like ‘luck’ or whatever. I gave you respect for that match when I raised your hand that night and I will give you respect now. You beat me…

But that was four years ago…

And to me, that’s a long time to have something like that in your head. And while I did beat you in a multi-man tag match years later at Day of Infamy, I can’t recall another time where I was given another chance to make up for that singles loss against you. To see if I could go and compete with you and, this time, beat you.

She tilts her head. But nearly four years is a very long time, isn’t it, Owen? How much things can change. Now, I’m not fighting some rookie. I’m fighting a past and future World Champion! And for me, I am chomping on the bit to prove just how much things have changed. To prove just how far along I’ve come since that pay-per-view. How far the standard of SCW has come along. How much the standard of this… she eyes the world title on her shoulder. Has come along…

You know, it’s funny…
she smiles a little good-naturedly. I’ll never forget something you said in your promos to that match, Owen. And you can check my history – I’ve mentioned this before. You said that if Selena Frost didn’t have something personal in a match, she wouldn’t have that killer instinct. She wouldn’t have that edge she often has that’s compelled her to victory…

You were talking about how I didn’t have anything personal in my match with you because I didn’t hate you. I didn’t disagree with you and you had done nothing to make our match personal… so my killer instinct was dulled and I wasn’t at ‘my most dangerous’.

For a moment, Selena looks off into the audience, has if mentally chewing on the words that has sat with her for years.

After all this time, I haven’t forgotten that message from you, Owen, and not because it was unprofessional or rude or even wrong. Because, I have to admit, you were right at the time, Owen. Yeah, I am far more dangerous when things get personal. I am far more deadly when a line is crossed. Ask Giovanni Aries. Ask Bree Lancaster. Ask Xander Valentine. You were right about me in that regard, Owen… at the time.

Again, a knowing smile comes to Selena’s lips. But like I said, four years is a long time. And in that time, I have survived some of the most dangerous matches in SCW. Chambers, Last Person Standing, Unsanctioned, Scaffold, the list is a massive one… and I realized when I am actually at my ‘deadliest’, when my desire to overcome the odds and all the pain and bumps that come my way is…

Sapphire eyes narrow. It’s when I have something to prove.

When someone says “this is the way things are” and I say, “no”. When someone says “you can’t win” and I say, “Watch me!”. When someone says “This is just how SCW is!” and I say “The hell it is!”

I prove them wrong.
I show them something different.
I refuse to surrender simply because of what someone ‘tells me to do’.

The Snow Queen takes a slow breath. You are, beyond question, Owen, the rightful contender to the prestigious SCW United States title. You are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a future contender for this title, and I know you will only continue to improve as you find your way through SCW once more, Owen. I would bet any money on that…

But tonight, this isn’t about the United States Title. It’s not about the world title. It’s not even entirely about Josh Hudson or Adam Allocco. It’s about you and me and it’s about how we want SCW to be.

Do we want these mind games like ambushes and ‘half-assed matches’ by people to be what this is about?
Do we want to fill the arena with disappointment as fans expect and deserve more from Supreme Championship Wrestling than ‘a sliver of effort’?
Do we want to say ‘this is just how SCW is’?

Or do we want to state loudly, Owen, that Josh Hudson and Adam Allocco do NOT dictate the terms of our careers? That Josh Hudson and Adam Allocco do NOT set the pace for how we are as wrestlers? That Josh Hudson and Adam Allocco do NOT decide how WE set the standard for SCW?!

She pauses for a moment. This is OUR story as much as it is theirs! This is OUR time as much as it is theirs! This is OUR season! Our Road to Rise to Greatness! Just like it’s each and every member of the SCW Universe’s - people that are ready to see us tear the goddamn house down!

And when we do, Owen, I will show what four years has done to Selena Frost. I will show how far I’ve come – and I hope that I inspire you to see how far you’ve come and how far you can still go! Because I won’t say ‘you can’t win’, Owen. I won’t be making that mistake again…

A playful smile comes to the world champion’s face. You could win tonight, Owen… but against me… She winks at the camera. You just won’t. And when I prove that, I’ll offer you my hand just like I did four years ago.

Because I am certain that you will be beyond good enough to earn it… and beyond good enough to take it.

Believe it, Owen. And let’s show them how this is truly done!

The camera slowly fades on the excited Selena before fading entirely to black.