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Max Kane vs. Maddy Steward - Printable Version

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Max Kane vs. Maddy Steward - Team Desire - 10-25-2018

Max Kane vs. Maddy Steward

 2 RP limit for singles; 4 RP limit for tag team
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, October 30, 2018

RE: Max Kane vs. Maddy Steward - Team Desire - 10-30-2018

Dynamite Kid | Madison Steward | "Her Magical Essence"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at Autumn Daniels’ shop where Gigi and Maddy Steward are visiting Katie. Gigi is upstairs checking in on Katie in Autumn’s apartment where she is staying until her home is finished with repairs after a fire. The camera stays with Maddy downstairs in the shop where she walks around the store checking out all the cool and interesting things Autumn has for sale. She strolls down the aisle and looks at the shelf where just some candles and essences to purchase. Maddy grabs one of the candles and gives it a sniff and then checks the flavor.}

Madison Steward: Whiskers on Kittens. That’s funny.

{Maddy puts the candle back on the shelf and continues to look at item around the shop. She checks out the mystic items from around the world. She picks up a really old looking box and checks out the craftsmanship of it. She cracks it open lifting up the top to check what’s inside the box. All there is is a pile of dust inside and Maddy is a little confused by it. She moves her face in for a closer look and ends up too close and she sneezes blowing the dust into the air. The dust flies up and falls back down around her and she breathes some of it in.}

{Autumn steps into the scene as she checks to see what Maddy is up too. Maddy sees her and freezes up looking guilty.}

Madison Steward: I’m sorry. I was just looking…

{Autumn walks over to Maddy and Maddy hands the box to Autumn.}

Madison Steward: What is it? Cause I think I kinda of ingested half of it just breathing.

{Autumn opens the box and checks the dust.}

Madison Steward: Wait, its a box from around the world, wasn’t it. Oh my Goddess, was it drugs. Did I just ingests drugs? Holy Moly, I’m going to be tripping balls...

Autumn Daniels: It’s ok, it’s not drugs. It’s just magic powder. Fairy dust. Azerite.

Madison Steward: Are you kidding right now? Or serious? Those sound like slang terms for drugs. Also I’m pretty sure the last one is from Warcraft or something.

Autumn Daniels: See. You knew that. You’re thinking clearly so it’s not drugs. It’s just a little magic.

Madison Steward: Will it hurt me?

Autumn Daniels: Shouldn’t. You might glow a little, but that’s it. So if you want it could be a really funny joke to play on Gigi if you want for later.

{Autumn pulls the chest back on the shelf as she smiles enjoying herself seemingly messing with Maddy to sell her on being magical.}

Madison Steward: So I’m full of magic right now. Ok, don’t freak out Maddy.

{Maddy continues to wander around and she exits the store. Maddy walks around outside as she waits for Gigi. She’s completely normal and not impaired at all, but still she thinks she’s full of magic. She only takes a couple of steps before she bumps into someone. They spin around and the handsome gentlemen grabs Maddy’s arm making sure she doesn’t fall.}

Nicolas: Woah, are you ok? You have to watch where you’re going.

Madison Steward: I’m sorry, I’m just a little distracted I guess.

{Maddy looks up and makes eye contact with her good looking hit and run victim.}

Madison Steward: Hi, I’m Maddy.

Nicolas: Nicolas. Are you going to be ok?

{Maddy freezes up and thinks to herself for a second. She get fairy dusts and then she meets a handsome gentlemen. This can’t just be a consequence.}

Madison Steward: Do you live around here? With your girlfriend, wife… husband?

Nichalos: Oh wow, well… I do have a place near by where I live alone. Married to the job so don’t have a lot of free time.

Madison Steward: Really? I’m usually on the road a lot with my friend for our job. Do you believe in magic?

Nichalos: Oh again, wow.

Madison Steward: I’m sorry, if I’m coming off so stereotypical. I’m just so confused right now. I was looking around my friends shop and got some fairy dust all over me and everything is just happening so fast.

Nichalos: Interesting. That is a lot to go though.

Madison Steward: She was very insisted that it wasn’t drugs. I should go back inside and check where that box was made from. It had South American markings on it.

{Maddy tries remembering the box. She shakes her head forgetting about it and turns back to Nichalos whose disappeared on her.}

Madison Steward: Nichalos?

Giovanna Steward: Maddy. Are you ready to go home?

Madison Steward: What? G, did you see a guy standing with me? He was tall, good looking and smelled like Whiskers on Kittens. Maybe that was the magic I ingested earlier.

Giovanna Steward: Yeah, we’re definitely going home.

{Gigi walks with Maddy as she head back to Gigi’s car to head home and Maddy to sleep off her magic spell she is under, maybe.}


{The scene opens backstage to SCW Breakdown where Maddy is standing at gorilla waiting for her match to start. She’s dressed in her ring attire ready for action and she adjust her white rabbit mask on her head. She notices the camera approach her. She sticks her hand in a leather pouch on her belt and sprinkles some glitter at the camera.}

Madison Steward: Tonight, I get another chance at Max Kane. G and I might not be number one contenders right now. I got to be the one that picks us back up and lead the lead. I will find the magic tonight to lead us both to what we want. If anyone can do just that, then well I mean come on, who else do you got? The Network doesn’t tell Katie, the star what to do and it’s not going to tell me either. Last time I face Max I was trying to be the Star of Tomorrow and maybe I’m still chasing that dream, but this time my main is to bringing magic to SCW. I’m not talking about the Truelove Twins magic or Har Megiddo black arts. I’m going to go out there and I’m going to find a way to win. Team Desire doesn’t care who the champions are. We don’t care who the number one contenders are. We’ll be prepare to take on the whole roster if we have too. Although I kinda have already because here I am again getting chance at beating Max.

{Maddy laughs.}

Madison Steward: I’m sorry. I know you’re probably tired of hearing this. You’re tired of the good girl act and now I reached into my pouch and pulled out some Disney magic and we’re going to try this again.

{Maddy wipes her eyes as her attitude begins to get a little darker.}

Madison Steward: You’re not going to be the Star of Tomorrow if you don’t busts someone’s balls. You’re not going to be SCW Tag Team Champion if you don’t have a little bit of a mean streak. You’re not going to be a network star if you don’t breath the fairy dust through your nose. Luckily I’m not looking to impress the network. I’m just looking to beat Max and tonight I look to magically change the Steward’s fortune for the better.

{Maddy finishes her piece just in time to hear her music start up. She heads out into the arena as the scene and episode end.}