09-03-2019, 11:31 AM
Wrestler's Alias: Josh Hudson
Wrestler's Real Name: Josh Severin Hudson
Pic Base: Randy Orton
Height: 6’4
Weight: 235 pounds
Birthdate: 5-31-1977
Birth Place: Morganton, NC
Current Residence: New York City, New York
Physical Description: He looks like Randy Orton
In ring Attire: Red, black, or blue wrestling trunks, with Hudson written in white on the side of the right leg and Poetry is Disaster in white on the left leg. Elbow pads and shootfighting gloves, depending on his choice of wrestling pants.
Out of the Ring Attire: T shirts usually novelty, jeans boot cut, just a sort of grunge style.
Wrestling Style: Explosive and Brutal Striking, Calculating Technical/Submission style
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Heel
Years Pro: 20 years
SCW Accomplishments:
SCW World Heavyweight Championship(2X)
SCW United States Championship(1X)
SCW Tag Team Championship(2X)
2008 Tag Team of the Year w/Justin Davis
Ended Xander Valentine’s 25 win Streak
Broke CHBK
Overcame God and the Devil
Conquered Tactical Warfare
Made Jason Zero my bitch
Other Wrestling Accomplishments:
World Champion (9x-various feds)
US/IC Champion (4x-various feds)
Tag Team Champion (5x-various feds)
Finishers: [i]Kingdom Come, Hudson Stretch, The Angle
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed):
Kingdom Come- Go To Sleep.
Hudson Stretch- Stretch Muffler into Single Leg Boston Crab.
The Angle- Modified Muta Lock
Signature Moves: Lost Reality, Big Fat Kill, Bite the Curb
Signature Moves Descriptions (If needed):
Lost Reality-Crippler Cross face
Big Fat Kill- F5.
Bite The Curb- Hudson slides out of the ring, then drapes opponent over ring apron, placing the face on the apron. He then lifts his leg and stomps the back of the opponent's head, knocking the nose and mouth into the apron.
Theme Song: "Judas" by Fozzy
Common Moves:
Diving back elbow
Double underhook backbreaker
Double underhook powerbomb
Flying forearm smash
Bridging/Release belly-to-back
Bridging/Release/Rolling German
Overhead belly-to-belly- sometimes from the second rope
Rear naked choke
Triangle choke
Bridging dragon suplex
High speed release powerbomb
Cross armbreaker
Bridging Northern Lights suplex
Overhead belly to belly suplex
Slingshot suplex
Snap suplex
Sleeper slam
Springboard plancha
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Sit-Out Crucifix powerbomb-sometimes off of the top rope
Exploder suplex
Strengths: Hudson is very intelligent when it comes to wrestling a match. He has more stamina than most and can wrestle many different styles, and can adapt to any style of wrestling rather quickly. Has an incredible knack for taking punishment as well as dealing it out. He has extensive experience in the ring and his never say die attitude has attracted fans and gain respect from his peers. He would rather pass out than tap out. He is considered one of the best if not the best technical submission wrestlers in the history of the sport. He can command a crowd either as a hero or villain. He has the ability to hold the crowd in the palm of his hand.
Weaknesses: His willingness to take thing farther than they need to go. He may want to punish an opponent severely resulting in a DQ or the opponent being able to pull off an upset. His age could be considered a weakness, as he may not be as fast as he once was.
Entrance: “Judas" begins to filter through the sound system and out from the back steps none other than Josh Hudson, wearing a zip up jacket. He stops atop the entrance ramp, and looks out into the crowd and shakes his head, before heading down to the ring. He embraces the negative reaction with outstretched arms as he makes his way down the ramp, his body turned sideways as he faces the crowd with a smirk on his face. He continues to slowly make his way to the ring, a look of determination on his face as he slides underneath the ropes. He climbs to the top rope and stares out into the crowd, shouting, "I'm the best at what I do!!!" before turning and sitting against the turnbuckle, waiting for the match to begin.
Biography: Hudson was born into a working class family. His father was an alcoholic while his mother struggled to hold it together. Hudson vowed as a young boy that he wouldn't be poor or struggle financially. As he reached middle school, he gained an interest in pro wrestling. He signed up for junior high wrestling, coming under the tutelage of his father. His father had his demons, but was an amazing coach, with a never say die attitude that he instilled into the young Hudson.
Nearing the end of high school, Hudson's love for pro wrestling only intensified as he knew it was the path he wanted to follow. He attended wrestling shows and soon found himself learning from wrestling legends Psycho Hood and Mad J. Once he went pro, he started out in a company called Hard Core Championship Wrestling, where he worked his way towards the main event, becoming embroiled in feuds with his mentors, feuding over and winning world titles.
Hudson continued traveling the world, becoming a journeyman wrestler, learning every style of wrestling that he could, incorporating each style into his repertoire. He wrestled for numerous companies, winning top titles and big matches, earning critical praise. Hudson found the SCW in 2003 and while his tenures have been sporadic, he has always called it home. His never say die attitude still lives within, and he has grown to believe that titles, while important, are not as important as having the best wrestling matches, and being known as one of the best, if not the best, wrestler in the history of the sport.
Sample RP: [i]You can find some on the forums.
Handler's First Name: Josh
MSN: joshhudson21@live.com
Wrestler's Alias: Josh Hudson
Wrestler's Real Name: Josh Severin Hudson
Pic Base: Randy Orton
Height: 6’4
Weight: 235 pounds
Birthdate: 5-31-1977
Birth Place: Morganton, NC
Current Residence: New York City, New York
Physical Description: He looks like Randy Orton
In ring Attire: Red, black, or blue wrestling trunks, with Hudson written in white on the side of the right leg and Poetry is Disaster in white on the left leg. Elbow pads and shootfighting gloves, depending on his choice of wrestling pants.
Out of the Ring Attire: T shirts usually novelty, jeans boot cut, just a sort of grunge style.
Wrestling Style: Explosive and Brutal Striking, Calculating Technical/Submission style
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Heel
Years Pro: 20 years
SCW Accomplishments:
SCW World Heavyweight Championship(2X)
SCW United States Championship(1X)
SCW Tag Team Championship(2X)
2008 Tag Team of the Year w/Justin Davis
Ended Xander Valentine’s 25 win Streak
Broke CHBK
Overcame God and the Devil
Conquered Tactical Warfare
Made Jason Zero my bitch
Other Wrestling Accomplishments:
World Champion (9x-various feds)
US/IC Champion (4x-various feds)
Tag Team Champion (5x-various feds)
Finishers: [i]Kingdom Come, Hudson Stretch, The Angle
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed):
Kingdom Come- Go To Sleep.
Hudson Stretch- Stretch Muffler into Single Leg Boston Crab.
The Angle- Modified Muta Lock
Signature Moves: Lost Reality, Big Fat Kill, Bite the Curb
Signature Moves Descriptions (If needed):
Lost Reality-Crippler Cross face
Big Fat Kill- F5.
Bite The Curb- Hudson slides out of the ring, then drapes opponent over ring apron, placing the face on the apron. He then lifts his leg and stomps the back of the opponent's head, knocking the nose and mouth into the apron.
Theme Song: "Judas" by Fozzy
Common Moves:
Diving back elbow
Double underhook backbreaker
Double underhook powerbomb
Flying forearm smash
Bridging/Release belly-to-back
Bridging/Release/Rolling German
Overhead belly-to-belly- sometimes from the second rope
Rear naked choke
Triangle choke
Bridging dragon suplex
High speed release powerbomb
Cross armbreaker
Bridging Northern Lights suplex
Overhead belly to belly suplex
Slingshot suplex
Snap suplex
Sleeper slam
Springboard plancha
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Sit-Out Crucifix powerbomb-sometimes off of the top rope
Exploder suplex
Strengths: Hudson is very intelligent when it comes to wrestling a match. He has more stamina than most and can wrestle many different styles, and can adapt to any style of wrestling rather quickly. Has an incredible knack for taking punishment as well as dealing it out. He has extensive experience in the ring and his never say die attitude has attracted fans and gain respect from his peers. He would rather pass out than tap out. He is considered one of the best if not the best technical submission wrestlers in the history of the sport. He can command a crowd either as a hero or villain. He has the ability to hold the crowd in the palm of his hand.
Weaknesses: His willingness to take thing farther than they need to go. He may want to punish an opponent severely resulting in a DQ or the opponent being able to pull off an upset. His age could be considered a weakness, as he may not be as fast as he once was.
Entrance: “Judas" begins to filter through the sound system and out from the back steps none other than Josh Hudson, wearing a zip up jacket. He stops atop the entrance ramp, and looks out into the crowd and shakes his head, before heading down to the ring. He embraces the negative reaction with outstretched arms as he makes his way down the ramp, his body turned sideways as he faces the crowd with a smirk on his face. He continues to slowly make his way to the ring, a look of determination on his face as he slides underneath the ropes. He climbs to the top rope and stares out into the crowd, shouting, "I'm the best at what I do!!!" before turning and sitting against the turnbuckle, waiting for the match to begin.
Biography: Hudson was born into a working class family. His father was an alcoholic while his mother struggled to hold it together. Hudson vowed as a young boy that he wouldn't be poor or struggle financially. As he reached middle school, he gained an interest in pro wrestling. He signed up for junior high wrestling, coming under the tutelage of his father. His father had his demons, but was an amazing coach, with a never say die attitude that he instilled into the young Hudson.
Nearing the end of high school, Hudson's love for pro wrestling only intensified as he knew it was the path he wanted to follow. He attended wrestling shows and soon found himself learning from wrestling legends Psycho Hood and Mad J. Once he went pro, he started out in a company called Hard Core Championship Wrestling, where he worked his way towards the main event, becoming embroiled in feuds with his mentors, feuding over and winning world titles.
Hudson continued traveling the world, becoming a journeyman wrestler, learning every style of wrestling that he could, incorporating each style into his repertoire. He wrestled for numerous companies, winning top titles and big matches, earning critical praise. Hudson found the SCW in 2003 and while his tenures have been sporadic, he has always called it home. His never say die attitude still lives within, and he has grown to believe that titles, while important, are not as important as having the best wrestling matches, and being known as one of the best, if not the best, wrestler in the history of the sport.
Sample RP: [i]You can find some on the forums.
Handler's First Name: Josh
MSN: joshhudson21@live.com
![[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/Qk3ynkq/HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg)
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(4x)
2024 Rise to Greatness XXI Main Event Winer
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2024 SCW Male Superstar of the Year
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)