Wrestler's Alias: Ronin
Wrestler's Real Name: “Unknown”
Twitter Handle (if applicable):
Pic Base: Rorschach(The Watchmen)
Height: 6’1
Weight: 230lbs
Birthdate: 8/7/1992
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California (Little Tokyo)
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California (Little Tokyo)
Physical Description:
Everywhere Besides In Ring Competing: A black trench coat with his matching fedora hat that has a light red stripe, leather gloves, black pants, and black wrestling shoes. The most important item of his costume is his ink-blotted mask. Think of the rorschach character with black clothes instead of brown.
In Ring Competition: Once he takes off his trench coat it reveals a black Gi with a red belt and black wrestling shoes along with his trademark mask.
Personality: Bi-Polar. He flips the switch simultaneously between serious with the Rorschach/Batman rough voice and a Jim Carrey from the mask silly/meme kind of character. Personality change can also affect him in the ring. Whether its getting very aggressive when in his darker side or sort of playful with his other side.
Wrestling Style: Fast Paced Striker, technical chain wrestling, hardcore/daredevil
Striker, technical chain wrestling, with a mix of high flying/hardcore to fit the occassion.
*Writers Note* I like to think of him as if HBK, Beniot, and RVD had a love child. He’s HBK’s size and heart. Beniot’s technical chain wrestling. RVD’s striking, fast pace, and hardcore edge. If you can imagine them doing something I can imagine him doing it if that helps you with writing.
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Years Pro: 5
Theme Song: “Shaolin Style Hip Hop Instrumental” on Youtube(Link Here)
Finishers: Kissaki “Point Of The Blade Of A Samurai Sword” , Nagasa “Length Of The Blade”
Finisher’s description:
Kissaki- A quicker and more athletic William Regal Knee trembler
Nagasa- Moonsault Leg Drop(Houston Hangover but starting with a backflip instead of a front flip. Can be Springboard or a top rope maneuver)
Signature Moves: Superkick, Mumei “A Blade Without A Signature”, Triple German Suplexes
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Mumei- Arm Triangle Choke
Common Moves:
Leg Kicks
Variety of springboard/top rope strikes
Variety of suplexes
Headlock takedown into a sidechoke
Scoop Slam
Back drop
Tornado DDT
Snap DDT
Wheel kick
Drop kicks
*You can get creative this is just an idea*
Strengths: Speed, relentless, and will put his body on the line to inflict damage with pretty good ring IQ as well
Weaknesses: He can be overpowered by bigger wrestlers and out gunned by the smaller ones. He can be crafty but keep in mind he’s only been doing this for 5 years and never against this level of competition. Experience can be a factor.
Bruce Lee: “I said empty your mind...be formless, be shapeless...like water…”
The beat of “Shaolin Style Hip Hop instrumental” kicks in as Ronin comes out in a high knee jog before stopping at the top of the entrance. He looks in both directions before tossing his black fedora hat out into the crowd revealing the white bald look at the top of his head from the mask. He rips his black trench coat open and off of him immediately tossing that into the crowd as well. A black gi with a red belt is revealed as he walks down the ramp slapping any fans hand who sticks their hand out. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp he proceeds to run and slide into the ring. He jumps onto the nearest right top turnbuckle and flexes to the crowd before hopping down and awaiting his opponent.
Biography: To be added as more is unraveled.
Wrestler's Alias: Ronin
Wrestler's Real Name: “Unknown”
Twitter Handle (if applicable):
Pic Base: Rorschach(The Watchmen)
Height: 6’1
Weight: 230lbs
Birthdate: 8/7/1992
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California (Little Tokyo)
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California (Little Tokyo)
Physical Description:
Everywhere Besides In Ring Competing: A black trench coat with his matching fedora hat that has a light red stripe, leather gloves, black pants, and black wrestling shoes. The most important item of his costume is his ink-blotted mask. Think of the rorschach character with black clothes instead of brown.
In Ring Competition: Once he takes off his trench coat it reveals a black Gi with a red belt and black wrestling shoes along with his trademark mask.
Personality: Bi-Polar. He flips the switch simultaneously between serious with the Rorschach/Batman rough voice and a Jim Carrey from the mask silly/meme kind of character. Personality change can also affect him in the ring. Whether its getting very aggressive when in his darker side or sort of playful with his other side.
Wrestling Style: Fast Paced Striker, technical chain wrestling, hardcore/daredevil
Striker, technical chain wrestling, with a mix of high flying/hardcore to fit the occassion.
*Writers Note* I like to think of him as if HBK, Beniot, and RVD had a love child. He’s HBK’s size and heart. Beniot’s technical chain wrestling. RVD’s striking, fast pace, and hardcore edge. If you can imagine them doing something I can imagine him doing it if that helps you with writing.
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Years Pro: 5
Theme Song: “Shaolin Style Hip Hop Instrumental” on Youtube(Link Here)
Finishers: Kissaki “Point Of The Blade Of A Samurai Sword” , Nagasa “Length Of The Blade”
Finisher’s description:
Kissaki- A quicker and more athletic William Regal Knee trembler
Nagasa- Moonsault Leg Drop(Houston Hangover but starting with a backflip instead of a front flip. Can be Springboard or a top rope maneuver)
Signature Moves: Superkick, Mumei “A Blade Without A Signature”, Triple German Suplexes
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Mumei- Arm Triangle Choke
Common Moves:
Leg Kicks
Variety of springboard/top rope strikes
Variety of suplexes
Headlock takedown into a sidechoke
Scoop Slam
Back drop
Tornado DDT
Snap DDT
Wheel kick
Drop kicks
*You can get creative this is just an idea*
Strengths: Speed, relentless, and will put his body on the line to inflict damage with pretty good ring IQ as well
Weaknesses: He can be overpowered by bigger wrestlers and out gunned by the smaller ones. He can be crafty but keep in mind he’s only been doing this for 5 years and never against this level of competition. Experience can be a factor.
Bruce Lee: “I said empty your mind...be formless, be shapeless...like water…”
The beat of “Shaolin Style Hip Hop instrumental” kicks in as Ronin comes out in a high knee jog before stopping at the top of the entrance. He looks in both directions before tossing his black fedora hat out into the crowd revealing the white bald look at the top of his head from the mask. He rips his black trench coat open and off of him immediately tossing that into the crowd as well. A black gi with a red belt is revealed as he walks down the ramp slapping any fans hand who sticks their hand out. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp he proceeds to run and slide into the ring. He jumps onto the nearest right top turnbuckle and flexes to the crowd before hopping down and awaiting his opponent.
Biography: To be added as more is unraveled.