12-10-2021, 12:27 PM
2 RP Limit for singles
3500 word max per RP
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, December 15, 2021
3500 word max per RP
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, December 15, 2021
I love AJ Allmendinger.
Marie Caedes vs. Tsunami
12-10-2021, 12:27 PM
2 RP Limit for singles
3500 word max per RP Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, December 15, 2021 I love AJ Allmendinger.
12-15-2021, 12:36 AM
Sunday, December 5th
Gretna, LA Marie’s apartment Marie groans as her alarm goes off. She looks at her phone to shut the blaring that was not helping her at all this morning. She finally finds the right button and it shuts up. She sits up and a pounding headache hits her nearly instantly. She lies back on the pillows and then remembers the night before. Dinner with Spencer and then they had a couple beers. Marie realizes it had been awhile since she drank anything Everything of the previous day was as fresh in her mind as if it happen just moments ago. Marie thinks about rolling over and going back to sleep but that part of her that said “nope you’re getting up and working out” was being loud this morning. She sits up, and runs a hand through her tousled hair then goes and finds some clean clothes, and heads for the shower. While Marie goes through the shower her mind is replaying everything that had happened. The compliments from Spencer about how she was ahead of a lot of the people at BOA, then the match with him as her tag partner, and then last night in his apartment. Marie had asked some deep questions and Spencer didn't seem to mind answering a great portion of them. She had wanted to laugh when he said that, in a way, Amy was old school. If he thought Amy was old school, he should meet her mother. Lynn was old school as well, despite what people thought. She’d asked him about Jodi, having her and the other girls gossiping, and a couple times heard her own name come up. Those comments were the ones that did hurt her,but Marie saw Spencer as a tag partner, a fellow wrestler. Did Marie want more? Maybe, that was part of the problem, like an invisible barrier that the night before was almost removed. But she knew now, as the steam helped her mind to clear some, to think things through. She was determined put work before play, focus on what she’s doing, not on other stuff. She watched her sister take that philosophy and run with it, and it made Marie jealous of Emily. for it seemed she had itit all, mostly a dad….who seemed to understand. Marie washes her hair. As she’s scrubbing she thinks of the other questions. Like what was his relation with Jodi. Spencer had said Jodi wanted more but he wasn't to that step. Spencer also didn’t deny the women, he met and spent the night with on the road. She had answered Spencer truthfully though, why hide it. She knew people would remember the rumors of Lynn being a bit of a slut. But she knew that her mom was trying to find one of two men. One she would never see again, and the man who is Marie’s father. It's why she had to find out if the rumors about Spencer were true. He hadnt flinched or hesitate at the answers. Marie sighs, rinses her hair and applies the conditioner, and again her mind wander off. They had talked about her growing up, he mentioned his father briefly. Marie had wanted to ask who the guy was, but she knew better. Spencer had asked her why, after already being in the ring before she showed up at BOA why she was there, it had been a truthful answer. Growing up in a family who knew more about the business than alot wasn't easy. But she had been truthful when she said she wanted something different. Marie had felt like people would simply say “oh yeah you know her family is….” BOA offered a chance to add to what she knew, to hone her skills with someone who knew what they were doing. But when they had talked about his father, she could feel his tension. Marie had wanted Spencer to open up about it, but she wouldn't push him to as she really didn’t want to lose her only friend in the city. Spencer had been a gentleman at least. He had made sure Marie made it across the parking lot and up the stairs. Marie had lied about the boxes, most were unpacked. The rest were stacked in the corner of the bedroom. Marie realizes she’s standing in water that is getting a bit on the cold side. She shuts the shower off and grabs a couple towels. She dries and wraps one around her, and then uses the other to dry her hair and as she does she wonders if Spencer would pick up on something. The something being that if Marie picked that one person to cross the line from friend, to more than friend, it would be Spencer. She had fought inviting him in, then she kissed him on the cheek and left him standing there. She had so wanted to ask him in, but there were a few reasons she hadn’t, one being she was a bit drunk. Not much, just enough to be vulnerable But even at nearly 20 years old, there was a line that she had never crossed. Due to her parents, Marie had never dated seriously, just a few dates here and there. Marie had spent a few times parked with a boy, but she had one piece of her still intact and Marie didn't want Spencer to know that. Marie goes and finds a shirt and pants to go running, and as she dresses she remembers talking to Emily a couple of years before, when Emily was heading to New York City, leaving behind a sister who would miss her. Before Emily left, Marie said look sis, and asked Emily. Emily was more experienced than Marie was, Emily had a couple semi-serious boyfriends in high school so Marie told Emily she had questions. One of those questions was how to know if it was right and Emily had said she’d know, that two make sure whoever it was understood that she might not have much experience, and three keep it from their mom, who would freak out and with Marie’s luck remove appendages from the young man as he begged for mercy and forgiveness. Marie lays back on the bed, really wanting to ignore going for a run, and just relax. Finally she decides screw it, she would stay in this time, something she normally wouldn't do. But she didn't want to be running and not paying attention to where she was. She does go out in the front room and turns on the tv to a movie, but Marie’s not paying attention to it. She just felt so confused and ….. Suddenly Marie hears her phone ring. She runs in the bedroom and dives at it and then sees its her mom. Great, the last person she wanted to talk to, but if she doesn’t answer it, Lynn will just call back over and over until she gets Marie. Marie: Hey mom. Lynn: Where were you? Marie: Um…the shower. Why? Lynn: Not this morning, last night. Marie: Last night? Lynn: You know about 12 hours ago? They do have night time in Louisiana you know. Marie: Oh yeah, I had dinner with a friend. Lynn: What friend, where did you go, what time did you get home? Marie: Mom!! Take a breath. Calm down. Lynn: Ok….I’m calm. Now….do I need to repeat my questions? Marie: I had dinner with a friend, we had po boys, and I got home ….somewhere around 10 or 11. I didn't look at the clock when I got home (she had gone straight to bed so who knew the hour), and I got up about half an hour or so ago and took a shower. That answer the questions? Lynn: Ok that answers most of them. So are things working out? Marie: They are. Amy’s been great and I know I didn't tell you, but you probably know Amy is my ….manager. Silence from the other end. Marie cringes, feeling her mom will ask why she or Ron wasn’t Marie’s manager. Lynn: Yeah, I did see that. Marie: And you’re not mad? Lynn: Mad? Quite the opposite. In a way Amy’s watching your back, I know she’ll make sure it doesn't go too bad for you. I also see that a couple of the other wrestlers have come to, well to help you. Marie leans back in the chair and looks at the wall, wishing it would fall in on her. But she couldn't hide what was obvious. Marie: And where are you going with this? Lynn: So you’ve made some friends there? Lynn had just avoided answering Marie’s question so Marie decides to just keep going. Marie: Yeah, I mean everyone seems nice and no one has been nasty with me. I know that some of the newer people that Amy’s working with actually know my background, and know I’ve already wrestled before I came here. I had one ask why am I here. Lynn: And your answer was? Marie: You know mom you can be awful nosy when you want to be. Silence again. Marie: I told them that I need to make sure I knew things a hundred percent and….. Lynn: I think I know the answer, to get away from the family way of doing things? Kid, I did the same thing. I went to Canada which was definitely the best way to go. I get wanting to see if there was something, or break the mold and be known as part of the Brewster family. Marie: You’re skating over why you went there. Lynn had decided a few years ago, when Emily was getting ready to head to New York City, to sit both her daughters down and tell them the part of her history they had only heard of hints of. Lynn had not gone into detail, only to say that her brother told her to go to Canada, find a certain person who would help. She had broke the mold, so Marie going to New Orleans would be a good thing. It took a lot of talking on Lynn’s part to get Ron to agree to the idea, but in the end he understood what Lynn meant. Just that the girls didn't know the reason,and Marie is willing to bet her mom wouldn't tell her now. Yep, she was right at Lynn’s next question. Lynn: So this Spencer Pryce, he seems like he’s got a lot of talent. And….you’re tagging with him. Are you ok with that? Marie: Given that I think he’s damn good, yeah I’m ready. I mean I guess I understand what you and… She stops. She knew if she said what she was thinking, she would open a wound that existed between her parents, one that she didn't really understand. Cam Davitt had also taught her alot, rounding out what Lynn hadn’t. Marie is thinking why would her mom question about tagging with Spencer. Then the other shoe does drop. Lynn: There anything I should know? Marie: What? Lynn: Like….is it a purely professional move? There it was Her mom was asking if the partnership was business or was it personal, but how personal Marie can only guess what her mom means. But hey, time to cut another cord. Marie: Yeah we’re tag partners, and yeah we’re friends. He’s a nice guy mom, plus….let’s just say I know some things you don’t so please quit worrying about your baby girl. I’ll handle it. Lynn: Ok I’m trusting you on this one because your dad would….. I would what? Marie actually sighs with relief because it meant Lynn would stop and Marie wouldn't have to tell any lies. Ron: Hey hon things going ok? Marie smiles, loving to hear from her father. She had waited so long, and she gets why he’s rather over protective. She crosses her fingers that he had not heard much of the conversation with her mom. Marie: They’re going ok Dad and by the way the apartment is just right. Ron: Not too small? Marie: I’m one person who isn’t in her apartment 24/7, yes it's fine. Ron: So how you like it there? Marie: If you’re talking about New Orleans in general, I love it. There's a lot to see here, well at least when I’m not busy. And before you ask, yes training is going great. Amy and her people have already been a great help. Ron: Gotcha. So your mom and I saw the show the other night. Good grief, here it came from the person she almost couldn't lie to. She closes her eyes and waits. Ron: That guy seems good. And he’s hungry. You two make a great team. Marie: Thanks, Spencer has been nice. He took me out to dinner a couple times **Marie bites her tongue at mentioning the second time was in his apartment** and he’s promised to take me out and let me play tourist. He’s really nice. Ron: Good. You know if you need anything you can call, right? Marie: Yeah. Ron: Ok honey, hey here's your mom. Marie lets out a huge sigh, thanks the gods that he hadn't pushed any questions. Lynn: Well I guess I better let you go. Just know….I do worry about you. Marie: Mom, I'm a big girl, have some faith in me. Lynn: That's a deal. Oh just so you know, your dad got tickets to the show in a few weeks. Great, they would see her and Spencer and both her parents would jump to conclusions. Just what she needed. Marie: Which one? Lynn: Um…the year end show? Marie: I don't know if I’ll even be part of it. Lynn: Still, we’ll be there and whether you wrestle or not, but I have a feeling you’ll be part of it somehow. Love you baby. Marie: Love you too. Marie hangs up, breathing a sigh of relief that she had made Spencer sound like a nice guy. She had bit her tongue a couple times so she didn't say anything about her deep down feelings but she knew he had a lot on his mind. His match with Christy, his training, and….who he was looking for. Marie had sworn secrecy and she wouldn't tell a soul. She couldn't. Spencer had trusted her with a secret she was willing to bet would rip at the heart and soul of BOA when it did come out. But till then…no one would know. He was here for two reasons, wrestling and his dad and she can appreciate that, not having her own when she was growing up. But Ron had come home, and had been a loving and she has a feeling that whoever Spencer’s dad is, he probably won’t react the same way. ===================================================================== Thursday December 9th After SCW Breakdown New York City, NY Marie Caedes is sitting on the edge of the bed watching Spencer Pryce pace around his room almost like a caged animal. Breakdown had definitely not gone the way Spencer wanted it to when the Jackals cost him the chance to win the SCW United States Championship from Christy Matthews. Marie had been watching the monitors from backstage and knew that Spencer could win this, he was so motivated. But then the interference, the bell, Spencer losing what was within inches of being his. Then they had started attacking him, and if she had learned nothing from her mom, at least she knew you didn't let your friends suffer, that you were there to have their backs. Spencer had been totally pissed off about that. Then the way that it seemed to Marie at least, that Spencer was brushed away. It had made anger ride up in her, but she contained it. Spencer: Can you believe that shit! Recommend I get a rematch? I know how this works, Cian could sign it now and if someone else takes over, they'd have to honor it! Marie: Look, it didn't go your way…. Spencer: Yeah I know. Thanks for the update. Marie decides her own temper has been held in just a bit too long. She gets to her feet and glares at Spencer. Marie: And maybe next time you’d just like me to pretend you got things under control? Is that what you want? Spencer stomps by her and looks out the window. Marie can tell she’s getting nowhere with this, so she grabs her jacket. Marie: Look, I’m going to my room. When you’ve cooled off and want to be civil, let me know. Spencer: Wait, I’m sorry, okay? They just ruined everything. Marie: And you’ll get another chance at it. Look I know about three percent more than you, but I know that if you prove you’re serious, they can’t ignore you. Spencer: Oh and where does that little jewel of knowledge come from? Marie: My experience AS a wrestler may be barely above yours, but I grew up in this. I watched my family fight for what they wanted, and they couldn't be kept down. That's where I got it. Now goodnight. Marie walks over to the door before Spencer finally says something. Spencer: No, don't go. You’re right, it's just the second time those assholes got into my business just because of my opponent and I'm already sick of them! Marie: Hey, remember I was there too? As I said, I had your back and I will but not until you come off this holier than thou attitude you have right at this moment. Spencer rubs his forehead as if rubbing away a headache, but it seems that he’s realizing that Marie does have some fire in her, and right now she’s ready to throw back whatever he said to her. Spencer: Alright... I said I’m sorry. Marie walks back towards him. Marie: Now you willing to cool down? Spencer nods. Marie throws her jacket on the bed and resumes her previous seat. Spencer: This was my chance to prove that I am to be noticed, and it seems the only way I’m getting some of that is because those assholes have decided to put me on their hit list. Marie: Well I probably haven't made friends with them either you know. Spencer: Let me guess, you’re blaming me for that. Marie glares at him again. Spencer: Sorry, now I'm the ass... I'm just frustrated, this wasn't supposed to go like this. Marie: I’ve been there, it is annoying, it hurts like hell, you want to kill someone, all of it. Spencer: Any advice? Marie: Don't forget it. Some day it will come that you give whoever it is a taste of their own medicine. Although I think you should consider something. Spencer is opening a beer that he pulled out of his mini fridge. He takes a drink, waiting for her to continue. Marie: I’m wondering what Amy would say if she heard you talking like this. Spencer: Seriously? Marie: I want to know what YOU think she would say. Spencer: I…. well if I look at her career I’d say she’s done it before. Give it back at the right time like you said. Marie: Exactly. I know, I’ve seen it. It drove my mom to….all kinds of things that I can’t even begin to explain. They may be different, but in a way they’re also alike. Eventually someone causes problems that you will be able to get even with them for. My mom wasn't always conventional when it came to taking those people on, and mostly it involved issues with….someone she really cared about. Spencer: Who? Marie: No, I won’t say it. You have your secrets, I have mine. I ask that we keep it that way. Spencer: Speaking of things… Marie: I told you, I won’t tell anyone. I meant that, I can keep secrets like you wouldn't believe. I’ve kept a few, and still do. She stands back up and walks over to him, trying to control her breathing and stay calm despite all the feelings churning inside. Marie: Look it's late and I told my sister I’d come see her before I headed home. I don't see much of Em these days, so I’m calling it a night. Now are you going to…well settle down? Spencer smiles. Spencer: I sure am. Thanks for… all of it. I mean that. Marie smiles, and then grabs her jacket. She gets to the door and looks back, smiles at him and leaves. She closes the door to his hotel room, and heads towards her own room, not knowing she is being watched. Amy: My gods, Marie. How am I supposed to explain this if SHE finds out? She’s going to kill me.
12-16-2021, 12:54 AM
The camera opens to see Marie Caedes sitting on the tiny balcony of her hotel room, enjoying the warm air. She's sitting on the concrete in jeans and a yellow button down shirt, looking like she has no other care in the world. But nothing could be further from the truth because she is thinking of Breakdown that is about to take place. She reaches for her water bottle, takes a drink. She sets it down before she finally lets everyone, especially a certain someone, whats on her mind.
Marie: Tsunami, this isn't the first time we’ve met, it's the first time we’ve met one on one. A few weeks ago we were in the same match as four other people fighting for a shot at a championship, and it seemed your father, manager, whatever the hell he wants to call himself this week, seemed very certain that you would be the one to win that shot. Mr. Howe said it was because of your size, because of your ability, and that none of us could hope to beat you. Well, what happened? Oh yeah….I have this sneaking feeling that you found out you aren't nearly as talented as maybe you, but definitely Martin seems to think you are. See it's not size that always determines who will win. Am I giving up a great deal in size and weight? Yes, but you can still be taken down. I know that if I go for the top rope, you can catch me. I know I have no prayer of lifting you into moves that would require me to do so. But I have something you don’t. The ability to think for myself. You come across as a mute, and as someone who is being told what to do. What's the matter Tsunami? You can’t talk….do you even know how to think for yourself? Because seriously, I don't think so. And that Tsunami is a weakness. Oh my! I found a weakness. I've watched you take on the others in SCW and yeah, you’re a big guy, but you’re a clumsy big guy. I’d love to see you do something but grab a person and throw them away like you might….well a piece of trash, but can you pull off an honest to goodness move? Marie takes another drink from her pink water bottle, and thinks as she closes it. Then she keeps hold of it as she talks. As for me, I’ve proven since my debut that I can do exactly what I said you can’t. Let’s start with that I can talk for myself. I dont have anyone ….well essentially putting words into my mouth. I know how to analyze my opponent, look for weaknesses and then use those weaknesses and tell you that I can exploit them better than your buddy Martin does. He tries to talk you up, make you sound so wonderful, but all you are is someone who will be stuck at the bottom for a while. Yes, one of those weaknesses is, as sI said, speaking for myself. So I’m telling you now that SCW isn't my first stop in this business. If you paid any attention to what a lot of the locker room is talking about and that's the fact I’ve already been wrestling for two years. Those two years gave me lots of experience taking on others, and I’ve taken on men your size, and still won. I mentioned size, and what I know I’m facing. But unfortunately a lot of big men like you are clumsy, they lose quickness, they try to use their size to get their way. See I can run circles around you and while you’re trying to grab me, I’ll slip right through your fingers, So I’m talking just a circle or two, but go around you so fast that it makes you dizzy,which will make you even slower and give me the chance to attack. Marie stands up, the water bottle in one hand, and she looks across the trees toward houses in the distance as the wind whips her hair around her face. She pushes back some of it, tucking it behind an ear. Plus, and I admit this might be the hardest but all I have to do, and I can go to the top rope and nail you and drop you to the mat. And then it's a matter of pining you. But let's go a step further, humor me. What if I locked in a submission? Think of it, Tsunami, I have you in a submission that has your neck feeling like I’m about to break it and your big clumsy arms won’t be able to grab me. I wrap your legs up, and without your legs, you can’t get up. There it is, I proved I can talk for myself, I can think for myself, that I don't need anyone going around making promises, hoping that they can be kept. Tsunami, I’ve heard people talking about how you are Martin Howe’s son, which if that is true, I do feel sorry for you. My mom, she was a wrestler, one with a pedigree that some of today’s stars wish they could have. But she’s not out here saying I’ll do this or that, I don't need her. So Tsunami, I’ll see you in the ring. I’ll be the one taking on a man who, right now, is a mute, talentless gorilla who thinks being big is reason enough to win. Well I’m about to change that thinking and you’ll know it for sure when I defeat you. Marie walks inside as the camera goes black. |
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