03-29-2022, 09:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2022, 09:31 PM by Jarvis Valentine.)
Wrestler's Alias: Jarvis Valentine
Wrestler's Real Name: Jarvis Valentine
Twitter Handle (if applicable): WILL BE UPDATED
Pic Base: Tom Hardy
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 283lbs
Birthdate: 10/28/87
Birth Place: Lincoln, Nebraska
Current Residence: Lincoln, Nebraska
Physical Description:
Jarvis is a middle-aged man who is rough around the edges, but dresses to impress. Usually Jarvis is in comfy clothes ie. Gym shorts and tank top. However when he goes to public events and has an agenda, he wears preppy clothes.
Wrestling Style: Tech, Hardcore and Submission
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Tweener
Years Pro: 10
Theme Song: Judas - Fozzy
Finishers: Q Post
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Diamond Cutter
Signature Moves: The Constitution
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Sharpshooter
Common Moves:
Strengths: Very smart and has a lot of commonsense.
Weaknesses: Doesn’t take hits well to the face. As he is always trying to get better, some blows just knock him out.
Biography: Jarvis is a former news reporter for the Lincoln Journal Star in Lincoln Nebraska. He has always been a major fan of Husker sports and has always supported his state. While working for the newspaper he found how out how things work behind the scenes.
With that being said Jarvis decided to quit his job and start his own column to write about the truth and not the fake news that was spreading like wildfire across the net.
In his free time away from finding the truth Jarvis decided to start hitting the gym and started training for his lifelong dream of becoming a pro wrestler.
Sample RP:
Handler's First Name: Gene
Email: beierle19@outlook.com
![[Image: a05e58_54f2c04981ea4708a8f218a62519644b~mv2.png]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a05e58_54f2c04981ea4708a8f218a62519644b~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_432,h_288,al_c,enc_auto/a05e58_54f2c04981ea4708a8f218a62519644b~mv2.png)