12-03-2022, 03:11 PM
![[Image: king-william-regal-wwe.gif]](https://c.tenor.com/Bk1nOmG3v1gAAAAM/king-william-regal-wwe.gif)
Wrestler's Alias: The Time Lizard
Wrestler's Real Name: Reginald Dampshaw III
Twitter Handle (if applicable): @THETIMELIZARD
Pic Base: William Regal
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 225 lbs
Birthdate: April 25th, 1990
Birth Place: Ryde, Isle of Wight, England
Current Residence: Ryde, Isle of Wight, England
Physical Description:
Wrestling Style: Technical/Submission mixed with Brawler
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Heel
Years Pro: 9
Theme Song: “Jerusalem” by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
The Family Name (Osaka Stunner)
Cracking The Throne (Dragon Sleeper followed by multiple blows to his opponents heads, causing a referee stoppage)
Signature Moves:
Isle of Plight (Super German Suplex/Spider Suplex)
Queen's Rebuke (Rolling German Suplex into Dragon Suplex)
Running Powerbomb
Golden Buster (Vertical Drop Brainbuster)
Common Moves:
European Uppercut
Running Clothesline
Vertical Suplex
Snap Suplex
Tiger Suplex
German Suplex
Urinage Backbreaker
Koji Clutch
Octopus Stretch
Indian Deathlock
Surfboard Stretch
Diving Knee Drop
Diving Dropkick
Diving European Uppercut
Technical acumen
Reginald has trained in multiple wrestling styles
Willingness to do anything to win
Tunnel vision when it comes to hurting opponents
Very short fuse
Tendency to not be able to accept failure
The lights go out and soon, and after a few seconds, dark, technical music kicks in.
"And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen"
Dampshaw slowly comes out, cracking his neck and stretching his arms before walking down the ramp. His long, black and gold robe billows out under his legs as he walks.
Announcer: From Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, weighing in at 225 lbs, he is "The Time Lizard"...REEEEEGGGGINNNNNALLLD DAAAAMMMMMPPPSSSHAAAWWW III!
"Bring me my Bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold
Bring me my Chariot of fire"
Reginald slowly enters the ring and walks over to a turnbuckle. He climbs onto it and closes his eyes with his arms outstretched. He opens them back up, looking around at the audience before jumping down to the mat. He removes his robe and puts his arm behind his back and raises his other arm high in the air.
Dampshaw was born in Ryde, Isle of Wight, England on April 25th, 1987. His family is known throughout England for their Dampshaw Jewellery Co., one of the most successful jewellery companies in the entire world. Because of Reginald's upbringing in a rich, aristocratic family, he is extremely arrogant, snobbish and disrespectful to anyone he deems lower than him. His grandfather and father are both also named Reginald Dampshaw, hence the moniker of III.
Finding success early in everything he does, whether it comes to wrestling or life in general, Reginald's lack of dominance in wrestling caused Reginald to seemingly lose his mind slowly. Always proud of his family's legacy as rich, powerful and dominating figures, Reginald is now hearing voices of his long gone ancestors, telling him his ultimate goal is to become a "king" in wrestling, by any means necessary.
Reginald is well versed in many styles of wrestling and fighting. Even though he will cheat very heavily, he is an extremely skilled and dangerous technician in the ring. Also, even though he is very snobby and seemingly fey in character, he has a conquering and megalomaniac side that manifests in extremely dangerous ways.
Reginald will use his technical wrestling skills still as a way of taking down his opponent, but is now starting to use more brutal attacks and submissions, e.g. if he has a person in a headlock, instead of just keeping the hold, now Reginald will bend down to bite the person's face and eyes, trying to blind them.
Usually, Reginald was able to contain his more mentally unstable tendencies at times, his psychosis has now become unable to be repressed, spilling out into Reginald manifesting all of his anxieties, insecurities and shortcomings into a omnipresent, omnipotent, immortal being known as The Time Lizard.
While it appeared that Reginald was making progress in rehabilitating himself and helping his mental health problems, now it is obvious that he has cracked again, reverting back to his Time Lizard persona and it seems like he's even more dangerous than before. Proclaiming he is a part of a conglomerate called The New Dawn, it remains to be seen what the entity is.
Sample RP (optional): RD3 Boiling Point Promo
Handler's First Name: Blair
Discord: DampshawIII