07-31-2018, 12:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2020, 06:50 AM by ThatWasley.)
![[Image: jasonbio2.png]](http://thatwasley.com/graphics/jasonbio2.png)
Wrestler's Alias: Jason Helms
Wrestler's Real Name: Jason Donald Helms
Pic Base: Kenny Omega
Height: 6'0
Weight: 225lbs
Birthdate: August 12th, 1986
Birth Place: Red Bank, NJ
Current Residence: Hollywood Hills, California
Physical Description:
- Slightly under six feet tall with dirty blonde short hair and blue eyes, several days worth of stubble covering his cheeks and chin which he occasionally grows out to a short beard before trimming it back. He has a slender physique for a wrestler, built for speed rather than power, but he is well toned and has broader shoulders than his brother.
- In the ring, Jason wrestles in ‘worker’ type jeans and black converse sneakers. He has his hands and wrists taped up with black and white.
- Outside of the ring, his style is far more laid back than his older brother; he wears flannel shirts and t-shirts, jeans and sneakers unless he absolutely has to make an impression.
Wrestling Style: High flyer/Brawler
Alignment: Face
Years Pro: It’s complicated…
Back from the Dead
Finishers Descriptions:
Back From The Dead: Diamond cutter
Tourniquet: Anaconda vice
Signature Moves:
Forgotten No More
Nightmare On Helms Street
Springboard flying forearm
The Jersey Combo
Another Chance
Signature Move Descriptions:
Forgotten No More: Swanton bomb
Nightmare On Helms Street: Van Daminator (with a chair when he can get away with it)
ReAwakening: Pele kick
The Jersey Combo: Knee to stomach/elbow to back of head/dropkick to side of head combo
Another Chance: slingshot spear - standing on the apron, Jason waits for an opponent to approach before using the ropes to slingshot himself back into the ring through the ropes with a spear
Theme Song:
"Hated" by Beartooth
Common Moves:
Step up enziguri
Hesitation dropkick
Running high knee
Discuss punch
Spinning heel kick
Suicide dive
Springboard plancha
Shooting star press [from top rope or standing]
Soccer kick on apron
Stiff jabs
Mounted punches
Choke in corner
Flapjack onto topes
Stiff kicks
Stiff suplex into turnbuckles
Kidney punches
European uppercut
- Experience: despite some confusion over how many years he has under his wing, Jason IS experienced in the ring and it shows.
- No boundaries: Despite being something of a fan favourite now, Jason isn’t afraid to break rules. Simply put, he isn’t his brother.
- Fast: As you’d expect, he’s a quick son of a bitch. It's a Helms family trait, apparently... even if you're adopted!
- Arrogant: Jason plays up to the family name way more than his nephew does. Expects to be given godlike status because of it.
- Gaps in his knowledge: Rushed his initial training all those years ago to follow in the footsteps of his brother. While he can throw great punches and kickes and isn’t afraid to jump off things, his technical game is lacking.
- Short tempered: When things aren’t going his way, he can lose his temper and it will lead to disqualifications, though the fans find this funny more than anything.
The lights in the arena cut and the darkness remains for a moment before the intro of “Hated” by Beartooth starts to play over the pa system, the lyrics appearing on the big screen in time with the music.
The crash of drums and the wail of guitars kick the song in properly and as the volume doubles a spotlight appears on the stage to show a smirking Jason Helms standing there with his arms out wide and the fans cheer at the sight of him as he throws his head back to look up at the ceiling. Jason lowers his head again and he removes his jacket before tossing it to the side of the stage before sprinting to the ring.
Phillips: “On his way to the ring, originally from the great state of New Jersey but now fighting out of the Hollywood Hills, California and New Orleans, Louisianna... he is the Jackass from New Jersey and one third of The Handsome Devils Club... JASON HELMS!”
Helms hits the ring and slides under the ropes, popping straight back up to his feet and scaling the turnbuckles to throw a finger gun at the camera trained on him. He 'shoots' the gun, mouthing his brother's catchphrase - BANG! - before hopping back where he plays to the fans for a couple seconds and then settles back into the corner to wait for the start of the match.
“Younger, better looking brother of David Helms… more talented too. That’s all you need to know, now get lost.”
- Jason Helms
![[Image: helms2021banner.png]](http://thatwasley.com/graphics/helms2021banner.png)