10-01-2024, 11:10 PM
OOC: Xander Valentine and Billy Heaven Jr. used with permission. It should also be noted that the CD for this piece takes place at roughly the same time as the CD for Luz's match.
It felt strange doing this again, but one thing Amelia knew as well as Luz was the fact that if they were going to keep proving themselves regardless of the capacity it's done in, they would have to keep adapting and evolving.
Don't get her wrong, she loved training with Luz because no matter what match awaited them, even if they weren't teaming together for it, they both would ultimately benefit from it, especially because they had long since found a rhythm where they kept pushing one another, aiming for greater and greater heights just as they did in the ring. It was part of the reason why they had become so fluid together, why they always found a way to bounce back and recover whenever things didn't go their way. That said, she had already trained plenty with Luz over the last two weeks or so, and the two would definitely train together again before Apocalypse was upon them.
Right now, Amelia needed to focus on training with her Trios team if she was going to be able to walk out of that pay-per-view victorious.
She was a solid few minutes into training with Xander Valentine again, the two of them having started to mesh surprisingly well all things considered. One thing that Amelia appreciated about the SCW legend was the fact that he was blunt without being inconsiderate. It was evident how much he wanted to have a Trios contract in his possession once again, especially if it meant that contract didn't belong to Selena, and he didn't hold back on any critique he felt would genuinely help Amelia improve. It was a stark contrast to how her father had trained her so very long ago, running her ragged and berating her until her technique was flawless. No, Xander had been doing this long enough to know that pushing someone too hard never helped anybody, and it was starting to feel like he genuinely wanted to see Amelia go on to achieve great things the more she kept at this.
It was one thing knowing that Luz always wanted that for her and vice versa, not to mention everyone in their little found family that always had her back, but it was another knowing that there was someone else in the SCW locker room selfless enough to acknowledge it to her face.
It was hard not to recall that, once upon a time, Selena had been one such person. Amelia remembered back when she and Deanna had openly questioned how badly they wanted this and, despite that night ending in a loss for The Light In The Darkness, they had stepped up and answered that question. They had not only given a hell of a fight to the then-Tag Team Champions, but they had even left the decision of whether or not they were ready in Selena's hands. She and Luz had openly given Selena control of their fate, putting their absolute trust in her to decide when it was time for the two of them to step up and take control of the tag team division.
It honestly felt bittersweet thinking that was the same woman she had talked to just a week ago on Breakdown.
“Your focus is slipping,” Xander suddenly said, snapping Amelia out of her thoughts as she realized he'd taken control of the grapple they'd been in. Once she refocused, she quickly managed to twist out of the hold he was trying to apply and gain the upper hand, but one look into his eyes was enough to hit the pause button for the moment.
“Sorry,” Amelia sighed. “I think my brain was starting to focus a little too much on Selena.”
“An easy mistake to make with her,” Xander admitted, hints of a growl in his voice. Amelia was all too familiar with The Executioner's long history with The Snow Queen, for better or worse.
“Maybe this finals would've been easier if Luz's team had won,” Amelia lamented. “Not in the sense that it'd be an easier matchup, but... despite what you might think, we respect each other enough as wrestlers that we wouldn't have held back if it came down to it. It wouldn't have been the first time we've faced off, probably wouldn't be the last either. No matter the result, though, we both would've be proud of the fight we gave each other... I wish I could say I'd have that with Selena, but it's hard to know where she truly stands anymore.”
“If you ask me...” Xander started, and Amelia had a feeling he was about to tear into Selena like he no doubt would the moment he got a chance to record it. She had a feeling it would hurt a bit to hear, but in the back of her mind she knew she'd appreciate whatever he would say. There was a small part of her that doubted it, given what Selena had tried to imply during their little post-Breakdown chat, but she knew she and Xander needed to be on the same page to make this work. Anything that happened after the fact... well, she welcomed the challenge if that's what would happen.
“Nice, the gang's all here! Team BHJ represent!”
'Speaking of things that hurt to hear...' Amelia thought as she and Xander turned to see Billy Heaven Jr. practically dancing into the gym. Well, he would probably call it dancing, but Amelia shuddered at the idea of dignifying the word by using it to describe Billy's weird movements.
“I don't recall us inviting you,” Xander spat, fists already clenched for if he needed to add another black eye to Billy's resume.
“Come on man, Team BHJ doesn't work without BHJ himself,” Billy grinned. It was at this point that Amelia noticed that he came alone this time and had a gym bag with him, but he certainly wasn't dressed to actually do any sort of training.
“We never agreed to that name,” Amelia huffed.
“Or need you getting in the way,” Xander warned.
“Whoa, no need for hostility.” Billy held up his hands as he took a step back. “Of course you guys need me! You think we'd have gotten this far without me setting you up, big man?”
“The low blow was unnecessary,” Amelia responded, glaring at him. “As was just about every other antic you've tried to pull up to this point. Honestly makes me wish we could trade you out for Luz because she would at least work with us and take this seriously.”
“That's the thanks ya boy gets for standing behind you guys all the way? You know how hard it is to focus when I'm behind a baddie with your behind Amelia?” Billy couldn't resist a wink, which only made Amelia's face start to turn red with anger. “But since you brought her up, where is that spicy Latina lover of yours?”
“Out preparing for her own match and running errands relating to our upcoming wedding,” Amelia said through gritted teeth, making sure to emphasize that last word in hopes that Billy would take the hint because her patience was already starting to run out.
“Are you actually going to put in some work this time?” Xander bluntly asked. “Because I would prefer not to have to carry you to this win, especially not considering what we're up against. I know I can trust Amelia to carry her weight-”
“Of course we can! Have you seen how much weight she's carrying around back there?” Billy grinned like he'd just won the lottery. “I mean, we're talking some serious GYAT vibes-”
Billy quickly cut himself off as Xander began to approach him, what little patience he had for this clown having clearly depleted. Amelia watched this, taking slow, deep breaths to try and regain her composure even if she wanted to wire Billy's jaw shut for for every crude comment he made about her rear end and the unwarranted stereotyping of her fiancée. As badly as she wanted for this guy to get his comeuppance, she knew he likely wouldn't learn his lesson even if he got his ass kicked. Plus, as much as the thought revolted her, if they were going to go all the way then she would prefer if Billy actually earned his Trios contract like she and Xander were aiming to do. If only he could knock it off with the obnoxious attitude for just long enough to get through this match...
Suddenly, it felt like a switch flipped in her brain. She didn't know exactly what this switch was, but right now, she wasn't going to argue with it.
While Amelia was deep in her own head, Billy ended up running around behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders as he tried to use her as a human shield to make Xander back off. Amelia, surprisingly, didn't respond... until she felt his hands leave her shoulders and start reaching lower, which is when she reached back and grabbed his wrists, preparing to do some joint manipulation until Billy jerked free. As he shook his wrists out and groaned about how much that hurt, despite her only bending his wrists back just a tiny bit, Amelia held up a hand to stop Xander as she gave a look up to him that clearly said she's got this.
“Hey Billy,” she called, somehow managing to keep her tone pretty neutral. “What would you use your contract on?”
“Huh?” Billy replied as he kept worrying about his wrists.
“Your Trios contract,” Amelia pushed. “We win this match and we all get those contracts. What are some things you might consider using your contract for?”
“OH! That's easy.” He snapped his fingers. “I'd use it to go on a date with a real baddie. Like Selena Frost! Did you see the front she was putting up while we were all in the ring on Breakdown?”
Xander growled, only feeling even more pissed off now at how much this kid was underestimating Selena, something he knew was a fatal mistake that could very well cost them. He looked down to meet Amelia's gaze again, seeing that she was also trying to keep herself restrained but remained firm in showing that she had a plan.
“Let's say that's not an option,” she resumed as she turned to look at Billy again. “Any other ideas?”
“I mean, the SCW roster is full of certified hotties that could have a little slice of Heaven,” Billy laughed. “Maybe that one interviewer girl could bring the whole bakery she's packing. Or, or, you could back that slammin' dumper of yours up to the club. Hell, maybe a date with Luz will get her to stop thinking she's small with all the junk she's hauling in her trunk. Oh! Wait! I got it! A Nightclub Match, just B.H. Da Remix and all the baddies of SCW rocking the night away!”
Amelia had to fight to keep the bile from rising into her throat, hating every single idea that left Billy's mouth. It almost reminded her of whenever Luz, who had long since been confirmed neurodivergent, would go on a stream of consciousness ramble about whatever went through her mind and wherever the flow of conversation took her... except whenever Luz had one of those moments, it was both cute and therapeutic to let her get it out of her system so she could focus on the task at hand. Billy, on the other hand, was driving her closer and closer to just choking him out right then and there. Somehow, she managed to maintain her poker face, not knowing what it was about this mindset she'd found that helped her keep it together.
There was something about it that was scratching an itch in the back of her mind... an itch that she had a feeling she shouldn't be scratching at.
“Alright Billy,” Amelia finally cut him off. “Look, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you decide to use it on, because the fact of the matter is... we need to actually have the contracts before we can consider using them for anything. And to get them, we have to win this match. You really want to have the power to make any match you want, right?”
“Psh, who wouldn't?” Billy laughed.
“Then you're going to need to help us,” Amelia continued. “And I mean really help us. Maybe Xander and I can pull this off without you, but that's not a risk we want to take if we can help it, not against the team we're facing. Selena, Polly and Andrew are no joke, and if we can't count on you to take this seriously, then you can kiss all those ideas of what you can use your contract on goodbye.”
“You really think I'm a liability?” Billy demanded. “I've got the skills to pay the bills!”
“But you haven't shown that to either of us thus far,” Amelia soldiered on, her tone a little firmer but also layered with a bit of sweetness that, for some reason, was making her want to throw up in and of itself. “All you've done is put yourself on a pedestal while Xander and I have done all the work, praising our contributions in backhanded ways that nobody's buying. But what if instead of trying to annoy us thinking that it helps, you agree to tone it down, at least until after Apocalypse so we can actually win this thing. Not only would Xander maybe not want to end your career before it even truly begins, but think about what you'd prove to everyone who sees you as a liability that's going to cost us this match. What would the fans say if Billy Heaven Jr. actually put in the work and helped us win this match?”
Billy opened his mouth, probably with another retort he believed would sound witty and clever that was just asking for the taste to be smacked out of his mouth, but the next words out of Amelia's mouth made him pause.
“What would your father say?”
“H-Huh?” Billy blinked, his demeanor changing almost instantly at the mention of his father. Amelia's eyes narrowed, the barest hint of a fake smile playing on her lips as she zeroed in.
“Think about it,” she kept going, her tone growing even more sweet. “Right now, all anyone ever talks about with his clients is how Leroy Adams is the Underground Champion, or what James Evans could do with your father backing him, or especially how unstoppable Waylon Creek has been... never mind the fact that my wife-to-be did technically beat him in this tournament and he's hiding behind a tired old excuse. Yeah, we could win this match and you could have that Trios contract, but what would that prove? But... if you actually tone down how obnoxious you've been, actually put in the effort, and truly, honestly, do your part to get our team this win... maybe Billy Heaven Jr. would truly be taken seriously as the real gem William Heaven brought into this business that everyone should be keeping their eyes on? There would be no doubts, no questions... just cold, hard proof.”
Billy faltered, looking like he was seriously considering Amelia's words. Xander was almost in disbelief at watching this play out, given that this was probably the most serious he'd legitimately seen this kid looking since his annoying face had walked into SCW. It was a side of Amelia he certainly hadn't seen thus far, but even he could tell by the look in her eyes that something was at play here in her own head.
“You know something? Billy straightened up a bit. “Maybe you're right Amelia. Maybe I should tone it down, at least for this one match, if it's going to help me prove I'm not some nepo baby who only got here because of my daddy. I swear to you both that B.H. Da Remix is legit, and I'm going to prove it to you and everyone else!”
“Then get changed so we can get back to work,” Amelia ordered.
“Any chance I can get a quick tap of that tight round ass of yours for good luck?” Billy grinned, though it certainly looked a lot more nervous than any of his previous attempts.
“What did we just talk about?” Amelia growled.
“Right...” Billy mumbled and nodded before he grabbed his bag and slunk off to the men's locker room, hopefully to actually get changed and put in some effort.
“I have to say... that was impressive,” Xander commented as he watched Billy walk off. “I still don't fully trust him to keep this up, but the way you manipulated him into hopefully taking this more seriously might better our odds of pulling this off.”
“Huh?” Amelia's head snapped to look up at Xander, her eyes widening as she ran through his words in her head again. “Wh-what did you say?”
“I was saying how impressive it was that you manipulated him into hopefully-” Xander repeated himself, but he stopped when he saw Amelia's reaction to his words. Her eyes had somehow gone wider, sweat rolling down her skin despite the fact their workout had been paused for several minutes now because of sorting out Billy.
“Could... could y-you excuse me...?” Amelia managed to stammer out, and before Xander could even offer any sort of response, she was bolting for the women's locker room, practically kicking the door down as she staggered to the bathroom and immediately began emptying her stomach into the toilet. She didn't know how long she knelt there, the taste of bile on her tongue as she felt like she was literally puking her guts up, but as she finally pulled away she scooted back against the wall of the stall, hyperventilating. Her hands immediately found themselves reaching for her hair, undoing the neat ponytail and pulling at it as though it would somehow help to rid her brain of the realization that plagued her.
Despite the good she was hoping would come from doing so, she had manipulated Billy into doing what she wanted, even going so far as to aim for any potential issues with the guy's own father that might exist. She had pulled a page out of her parents' playbook.
She had inherited a capability for the very things they had used to try and break and rebuild her into exactly what they wanted her to be... and that realization had hit her like a sledgehammer to the face.
Despite how bad this spiral was getting, Amelia knew what she needed to do. She had to call someone, ideally Luz, but at this point she needed to hear the voice of anyone to vocalize this problem and talk with her about it. She could feel the intrusive thoughts starting to knock on the door in her mind, trying to convince her that she truly is no different than her parents, that she's only going to become more like them. Voices echoed through her mind, claiming that Luz would call off their wedding, that someone like her who might as well be the literal embodiment of sunshine itself would never be able to love a manipulative monster like her, branching off into thoughts of how she might have to manipulate Luz into maintaining a false happiness purely for her own benefit. Each thought made the storm in her mind grow even worse, and no matter how hard she tried to will her body to do so much as crawl across the floor if that's what it took to leave the bathroom and get to her phone, her body refused to budge, leaving her stuck there hyperventilating as her muscles spasmed and her hands felt primed to risk causing any sort of physical harm that would distract her from the mental and emotional agony tearing her brain apart right now.
It felt like a miracle when she realized her body was finally moving, somehow crawling back into the locker room and towards her bag. It wasn't easy, though... her progress was painfully slow, and the storm in her mind only worsened as she could hear her parents' voices starting to join her own intrusive thoughts, berating her for how pathetic she looked right now and that she would never be a true Blythe if she didn't get her act together.
“Oh cariño... you've suffered so much all over a name that's only brought you undeserved pain. Well, I think—no, I know—my husband's spirit would agree with me that you will always have a place in our family, and if you wish to bear the Nevado name, then we would be honored if you take it.”
Through the agony attempting to drown her mind, something in her brain managed to reach out and latch onto the conversation she'd had with Luz's mother recently. Camila had known all about what being a Blythe had done to Amelia, still continued to do to her even though her parents would no longer be a dark cloud hanging over her life, and she had taken Amelia's request to officially ask for permission to change her last name once she and Luz were wed seriously, making it clear that while the Nevado name was far from perfect, especially considering her husband and at least one of her daughters didn't publicly use it according to lucha libre tradition, it was a name that would give her the opportunity to define exactly who she wanted to be, regardless of her flaws or any steps backwards she may take, unlike the Blythe name where every expectation would always hang over her head so long as she was shackled to it. Becoming Amelia Nevado would be a clean slate... and she had so many people in her corner who would continue to help her figure out exactly who that person wanted to be, because she didn't have to be perfect and any mistakes or setbacks wouldn't define her, just the path she would take to build herself up from them.
Slowly, Amelia could feel her thoughts go silent, her breathing returning to normal, her senses no longer blurring. She took a moment to look around, realizing that she had managed to crawl her way back into the locker room area and had gotten close to her bag. Using the bench, she carefully pulled herself up, taking it slow to make sure her brain and body were back on the same page. Instinctively, she retrieved her phone, and was surprised to see a text message from Luz that asked how Trios training was going and wondering if they could set aside some time to talk tonight. With a deep breath, Amelia replied back that something had happened and she'd had a pretty bad anxiety attack, but everything was alright for now and she asked if it was alright if what happened was included in whatever conversation Luz needed to have.
Being honest with Luz even over a simple text message already helped pick her back up as she took deep, relaxing breaths while putting her hair back into its ponytail, knowing that she had come a long way over the years and Luz wasn't the kind of woman who would hold such an act against her. Now that her mind had cleared up a bit more, she even remembered a conversation they'd had back when they were still just friends about Amelia's concerns over inheriting any of the less desirable traits her parents were known for. Luz had responded by not knowing what the future would hold or how they would continue to develop as people, but they would always have each other to talk through them if anything happened that worried them, and sure enough, Luz had been by her side through thick and thin.
Maybe things weren't perfect, but it was far healthier than anything relating to her parents, and knowing that the time was drawing near where she would be a Blythe no more motivated her enough to head back out.
As she stepped back out into the gym, she carefully surveyed her surroundings. Off near the other side of the gym, she could see Billy—actually dressed in proper workout attire now—working over a punching bag and actually looking like he knew how to throw hands if push came to shove, something she knew was possible based on what she had seen of him back during the first two rounds of the Trios Tournament, but seeing him actually taking this seriously felt like a breath of fresh air she desperately needed after what she'd just done to him.
She did notice that Billy's focus slipped as he occasionally glanced at something else, and she was shocked when she saw what kept grabbing his attention. At some point while she'd been trying to pull herself together, Luz had come back by the gym, checking her phone to no doubt see Amelia's recent message as she and Xander conversed about something, and given the concern she could see on both of their faces she had a feeling she was the topic. She carefully started making her way over to them, with Xander being the first to spot her as he nodded in her direction, causing Luz to turn and lock eyes with her. With a burst of speed that only Luz could pull off, she was almost immediately by Amelia's side, but made sure to stop herself and give her fiancée enough space if she still needed it.
“You're back early,” Amelia admitted, her voice hoarse. “Is everything alright?”
“I should be asking you that!” Luz worriedly exclaimed, but she took a moment to calm herself. “Sorry, it's just... a few things happened while I was out, and I know I said I needed to talk with you about something but I guess I got a little anxious and came by earlier than I'd planned to, and then Xander told me you freaked out about something and I just saw your text and-”
“Hey, deep breaths honey,” Amelia interrupted, placing a hand on Luz's shoulder as she calmed her down before she started freaking out as well. Luz did, however, pick up on the trembling still present in Amelia's hand. “I... had a bad anxiety attack because of something I did to try and rein in Billy's antics, and I didn't realize what I'd done until afterward. I think... well... I wouldn't say I'm completely over it just yet, but I'm good enough to get back to training, at least.”
“Are you sure, Ames?” Luz firmly asked.
“I agree with Luz,” Xander added as he walked over to the couple. “We don't have to go into personal details, but I can tell whatever happened is still affecting you, and I'd rather you have your head completely in the game than watch you risk injury because you're still pulling yourself together.”
“But... we don't have too much more time until Apocalypse,” Amelia lamented, “and I don't know if we can-”
“While I can't speak for him,” Xander interjected, pointing his thumb in Billy's general direction, “I can make time for another training session or two if need be.”
“I'll hang around if you really want to keep going Ames,” Luz assured her. “Maybe even pick up my own workout here, but we should probably talk and clear our heads before anything-”
Luz was cut off as a loud SMACK! echoed throughout the gym, the silence that followed becoming deafening. Luz slowly turned, shocked and horrified, as she glanced down towards her rear before she looked up to see Billy, who had wandered over to where they all were at some point, looking like he'd hit the jackpot.
“Well damn, and I thought Amelia's ass was nice and firm,” he laughed, clearly thinking he was being charming despite the danger that was coming for him.
“Billy,” Amelia growled, a dangerous edge to her voice. “Didn't we just talk about toning it down so we can actually work together and win this tournament?”
“We did, but last I checked, this certified baddie-” Billy motioned to Luz, “-wasn't on our team, so she's fair game as far as I'm concerned. Gotta say, I think I'm seeing why you two so perfect together now. Luz over here with them T-H-I-double-C Latina genes going on, and you Amelia being what I imagine whenever I think of what a PAWG should look like? Goddamn, I-”
Any further remarks Billy may have wanted to say were lost as Xander grabbed him from behind, not even thinking twice about using his Fade to Black submission as Billy frantically tapped, hoping to no avail that it would free him from Xander's clutches.
“You two should take a moment to have your talk,” he suggested, grunting occasionally as he made sure Billy remained trapped in his hold. “Let me know if you're still certain on feeling up to continuing today Amelia. I'll make sure to remind Billy here of our agreement, maybe see if he'll actually be able to back up his word when we need him on Sunday.”
Billy tried to say something, but it was lost as Xander kept choking him out, using his size advantage to drag their obnoxious partner away. Amelia and Luz exchanged looks before heading into the locker room, with Amelia instinctively reaching for Luz's hand and being surprised when Luz hesitated in taking it, making her wonder exactly what had happened while her beloved was out doing her own thing after dropping her off at the gym. Ultimately, Amelia took a seat and retrieved her water bottle, taking a couple of big gulps to try and clear her throat and rinse the nasty taste of her own bile out of her mouth as Luz stood in front of her nervously.
“So...” Amelia carefully began once her voice was sounding more like how it should again. “Your text said you wanted to talk about something?”
“I think it can wait,” Luz quickly stated.
“Oh no,” Amelia quickly jumped in before Luz could continue. “I can tell something's bothering you Luz, and I'm not going to just let you put it off thinking it's not important. 'We can fix this together,' remember?”
“I know...” Luz admitted, though her tone suggested that she wasn't as sure as she usually was whenever their own little mantra came up. “I'm not trying to ignore it because I think we really do need to talk about it. It's just... kind of dumb to talk about right now. I mean, you said you had an anxiety attack Ames! I think whatever's going through your head takes priority if it could cause that.”
Amelia sighed and took another drink of water, knowing that Luz had a point. “You're always care so much about me... I just don't want you to forget that you're worth caring about too, dummy.”
“I love you Amelia,” Luz said with no hesitation, which helped ease some of Amelia's concerns with how genuine and affectionate she sounded. “How about this? Right now, we focus on what happened with you because it's clearly something big if you reacted so badly to it. If you're feeling better once it's off your chest, we'll go ahead and get you back training with your team and I can do something of my own off to the side. Later tonight, we can talk about my thing so we're all clear-headed and ready to show what we can do at Apocalypse.”
“You promise?” Amelia raised an eyebrow.
“I swear it on my mask,” Luz firmly stated, putting Amelia at ease. To a luchador, swearing anything on their mask was equivalent to swearing something to God in public, as they were effectively risking their honor as a wrestler if they broke their word. “Now... what happened?”
“Billy was being his usual obnoxious self, for starters, acting like he was our team captain and the only member that mattered,” Amelia started. “It didn't take him long to start trying to reduce me to nothing more than my butt, not to mention stereotyping you as, quote, my 'spicy Latina lover.'”
“Having experienced it for myself now, I would've actually snapped and knocked his teeth out if Xander hadn't gotten to him first,” Luz huffed, her hand moving to rub the spot on her butt that Billy had smacked as though she could somehow purge the feeling of his touch from her body and memory.
“Don't get me wrong, I was furious,” Amelia admitted. “Xander even started trying to wring his neck when he wouldn't shut up and actually take this seriously. But then...”
Amelia hesitated for a moment, but she began opening up to Luz about the painful mindset she'd found buried deep inside her brain, the familiar tactics her parents had used on her to great effect over the years and how she'd used it to somehow get through to Billy—or so she thought, given what he'd just tried—to coerce his cooperation. She hadn't even realized it until Xander had made note of it, and once it sank in what she'd done, she immediately spiraled, her body and mind fighting against her as she felt helpless against the thoughts of potentially being just like her parents after all, and how Luz doesn't deserve a manipulative monster like that as her wife.
“Hey...” Luz gently called as Amelia started trembling again while recounting what happened, reaching up to gently wipe away a tear that had started rolling down her fiancée's cheek. “You're not your parents, Amelia. You never will be anything like Aleister or Ophelia.”
“But... but...” Amelia choked out. “Didn't you hear me? I gaslit Billy, even used his relationship with his father against him just to try and get him to do what I wanted! I don't care if he deserved it, I don't care if he was being an ass and pushed me to that point, no one deserves to be treated the way my parents treated me!”
“I've been listening, mi amor,” Luz gently cooed as she sat down beside Amelia, stroking her hair to try and help calm her down. “But there's one big thing you're forgetting about here... the thing that proves you are not your parents and never will be.”
“You actually felt bad about doing it,” Luz pointed out. “The moment you realized what you'd done, you felt so horrible about it that it sent you into a full-blown anxiety attack because you know that's not who you are. When's the last time Aleister or Opehlia ever felt bad about doing that to anyone, especially you?”
“...never...” Amelia's eyes went wide as it fully sank in, the piece to the puzzle she'd been missing. Luz was right, her parents never gave a damn about anyone but themselves and their 'grand family legacy,' and if they had to do awful things to get what they wanted, then it was no skin off their bones. The violent reaction Amelia's body had in response to doing exactly that proved that she wasn't just their little clone molded in their image to serve their purposes. She was her own woman, and she would build her own life and her own career without their influence tainting any of it.
“To amo, Ames,” Luz said softly as she kissed the corner of Amelia's lips. “Even the worst parts of you that you think don't deserve to be loved, because they all make you into the smart, strong, incredible woman I will soon be honored to call my wife... and maybe even World Champion if you want to use your Trios contract to take a shot at the very top.”
“Lulu...” Amelia laughed, feeling all the tension of what today had brought so far starting to finally leave her body for good. “My team and I have to win those contracts first.”
“And I know you will, no matter what Selena or Polly or Andrew try to pull,” Luz grinned. “And... being honest for a sec? I think this talk actually helped put a few things into perspective for me as well and helped me out with my thing.”
“Really now?” Amelia raised an eyebrow. “Can I know what exactly has been eating away at you now?”
“Hey, I promised we'd talk about it later,” Luz raised her hands up in innocence as Amelia just rolled her eyes. “I do still want to talk about it, but right now is still about you. So... how are you feeling now?”
“Better,” Amelia immediately replied, her voice displaying confidence in that answer as she stood up and stretched a bit to try and get her body ready again. “And I do want to try and finish this workout, put this behind me.”
“I'll hang around and continue my own workout here then,” Luz confirmed as she hopped up as well. “That way, if Billy starts acting up again, I have an excuse to maybe introduce a live opponent to better prepare for my own match.”
Amelia couldn't help but laugh as she and Luz exchanged one more kiss. She could still feel that something was weighing on Luz's mind from whatever happened while she was out, but she would make sure it wouldn't be buried beneath everything else today had already brought because if it bothered her future wife, then it would bother her and she wouldn't let Luz deal with it alone. As the two of them stepped back out into the gym, she saw Xander was now working over the heavy bag while Billy had retreated to a corner of the gym, doing some curls with a pair of barbells while nervously watching as Xander beat the living hell out of the bag. It was an odd dynamic that lingered in the air, but Amelia knew it was what she'd have to work with if all three of them wanted to etch their names into the history books as Trios winners.
Besides, she and Luz had their own dynamic that maybe seemed weird at times to other people, but she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. No matter what others seemed to think about it all, it worked for her, and that was all that mattered.
The lingering memories of her parents weren't going to define her.
Billy's antics weren't going to derail her.
Selena's words weren't going to distract her.
Whoever was trying to talk her and Luz out of their wedding couldn't stop her.
This was her life, her career, and Amelia would forge her own path no matter what form that took, knowing that she had people who truly believed in her to become the best possible version of herself, scars and all.
We find ourselves in what looks to be a hotel room, and our eyes are immediately drawn to the television as it plays through what looks like a montage of the 2024 Trios Tournament. It's hard to ignore so many incredible moments as they play out before our very eyes, reminding us of how we got here. As we pan back a bit, it becomes clear that we're not the only ones invested in this trip down memory lane, as we see Amelia Blythe sitting in a chair beside the TV, watching intently. After a moment, she turns to face us, letting the montage continue as we can see the determination burning in her eyes.
“When this tournament began, I had one simple goal: prove that Amelia Blythe was just as capable on her own as she was with La Pequeña Luz by her side. Luz and I have both shown how good we are time and time again, and yet, everyone seems to always think that we're either just a great tag team and nothing more, or they believe that if we do find singles success then we're going to end up like all the other teams that came before us. Right now, I can't speak on behalf of Luz, but I will say that I'm very proud of what she proved during her team's run in the Trios Tournament this year, and I know she's going to prove just how capable she is in her match come Apocalypse. As for myself... well, I find myself in the finals of this tournament, one win away from a contract that affords me the honor of any match of my choosing as I see fit.
Many might think the very idea of such a contract is counter-intuitive to who I am, but that's because it's hard not to see the prize of this tournament as that ultimate opportunity and nothing more. After all, the temptation is certainly there, and I know many who will immediately jump to pursuing the World Championship the first chance they get. As for me? That contract could be used in a number of different ways. Maybe I could give myself an opportunity when I feel I've proven I'm ready for it and want to step up to the plate, maybe I could use it to create the kind of challenge that I know will push me to be my very best and earn my seat at the proverbial table with all the rest of SCW's elites. Whatever the case may be, that contract isn't something I plan on taking lightly.
Just like the challenge before me where I have to earn it, first.
When the teams were first drawn, I honestly didn't know what to expect. After all, Xander and I had just faced one another two weeks prior, and just because he respected me as a competitor didn't mean that would translate to becoming an effective team. And of course, Billy was a complete unknown at first, and I'd be lying if I said he would've been my first choice for a partner if there wasn't the random element to everything. But that's what makes Trios so great, the challenge of being able to adapt to the situation and put your best foot forward in order to make your team work. That perfectly sums up the two teams that will face each other in the finals, but as much as I would love to win and have that contract to my name... my ultimate goal at the end of the day is to prove, not just to our opponents, but to that entire locker room, that I am every bit a threat without Luz by my side as I am as one-half of The Light In The Darkness. Regardless of what that contract represents, there's no denying that it's the opportunity I've been looking for to expand upon my own legacy... a legacy I've been fighting to build and make my own for years now.
Maybe that sounds silly to some of you, considering I'm not truly alone in this endeavor, but despite our differences, Xander and Billy both agree with me that this is a match we need to win for our own reasons and we can only accomplish that by working together. Whatever happens after that... well, I'm always one to welcome a challenge, especially from the three individuals who will be standing across from us come Sunday night in the Rogers Arena.”
It's at this point that we notice the montage playing on the TV has changed, now focusing primarily on the trio of Selena Frost, Polly Pingotti, and Andrew Raynes. Amelia glances over at this footage, taking it in for a moment before her focus returns to us.
“On the last Breakdown, all six of us involved in this match stood face-to-face, and a point was made by our opponents to paint this picture that we don't have what it takes to get the job done, that they want this more than us. Obviously, I can't speak on behalf of my partners, but I know full well what it would mean to win this match, to take that step towards proving what I want to prove. Write me off for whatever reason you can come up with, but the fact of the matter is that I'm not just going to roll over and play dead all because you say you want this more than I do. Sunday night, you'll have your chance to actually prove that, to my face, and learn for yourselves what being here means to me and the fight I will give to help my team leave this pay-per-view as the winners.
The funny thing is... I might be one of the only people in this match wanting Selena, Polly and Andrew to give me their very best and back up their words because I want that challenge to prove them wrong. I want them to do their very best to try and break me only to find that no matter how this match goes, I'm only going to come out of it stronger, hungrier, more determined to keep forging my path no matter what happens. Say what you will about that mindset, but look at where it's brought me so far and understand that as long as my heart beats, I can still keep going farther and farther, proving myself in that ring and doing my part to keep elevating SCW for years to come. Heck, if my team doesn't win this match and any of you want to use your contracts on me in one form or another, I'd welcome it. After all, one result doesn't define who you are... it's why Luz and I bounced back and became World Tag Team Champions for a third time, it's why I dusted myself off after losing to Xander and put in the effort to help him and Billy get here, and it's why I'm not afraid of anything you three have to throw at us because I know we'll hit you back just as hard.
One person who I think already knows what I'm capable of is Polly Pingotti.”
Amelia leans forward a bit in her seat, the TV flickering to show highlights from a match that feels like it happened ages ago now: the TV Title clash between Amelia and Polly that took place inside of a ball pit.
“Long time no see, Polly. I know that the last time we crossed paths in the ring with one another, you were an entirely different person. Believe it or not, I'm glad that you've left the games behind and stepped up to become the fighter you are now... even if I can't help but question some of the decisions that seem to be driving you lately if glimpses I've seen in past weeks of what you may want to use your Trios contract for are any indication. That said, I want to make it clear that I'm not judging you based on who you were the last time we met, because I'd be a fool to ignore your evolution over this past year and a half. You've made it no secret how hungry you are, how badly you want to finally break through that glass ceiling. I stood at ringside and watched it firsthand when you managed to defeat Luz one-on-one... congratulations on that, by the way, because I can tell you from firsthand experience that's no easy feat. That said, I know Luz will bounce back stronger than ever, but as far as you and I are concerned?
You're making a mistake if you think that just because you've managed to overcome my fiancée twice in the span of this past month that it means you've got what it takes to overcome me.
You're also making a mistake if you think I'm still the same woman who you forced to wrestle you in a ball pit near the start of last year.
Make no mistake Polly: just as you've gotten better and fought like heck to try and prove yourself since then, so have I. Yeah, I'm a three-time World Tag Team Champion and one-half of the current champions, but that doesn't mean I can't keep pushing myself to not only be a better champion, but also establish myself beyond that. The beauty of this business lies in how much you're willing to challenge yourself to become the wrestler you want to be, and for as much as I'm glad to see how far you've come, it's that same challenge that explains why I can't let you have this moment that easily. I know you want to prove yourself... I wouldn't be surprised if you're willing to go to any lengths necessary to pull this off, but that's exactly why my team and I are going to step up and push you like you've never been pushed before, to see if you're truly ready to be at that next level yet. If this is your time Polly, then I want you to have well and truly earned it, because I know it doesn't get any easier from here. That, in and of itself, is why I want to earn that contract for myself, why I want to help my team reach the finish line. I welcome the challenge of taking that next step, to keep proving myself, and I want you to return the favor of testing me to see if I'm ready to take it.”
Amelia glances back over at the TV, and perhaps to our surprise, it proceeds to turn off at this point. Amelia knows that might be a baffling decision to us, but she doesn't even flinch at this turn of events, instead nodding to acknowledge the blank screen before she cracks her neck and prepares herself for perhaps the most interesting opponent she knows she's up against.
“Now, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know exactly who Andrew Raynes is. I could look back at his history, acknowledge the fact that he's held the same tag team gold once before that I hold now, recognize the fact that he's a former Adrenaline Champion. The truth of the matter, though, id that Andrew Raynes is, despite that, an unknown to me... unfortunately Andrew, instead of underestimating you like you probably hoped I would, that instead makes you arguably the most dangerous opponent I have to keep my eyes on in this match, which means you get to stand in the spotlight and prove that there's more to your return than just whatever mystery you want to keep playing with regarding your actions at Rise to Greatness.
The funny thing is, while your team can question whether or not Billy deserves to earn that contract because this will only be his third match since signing on to SCW, the same could reasonably be said about you. After all Andrew, despite what you've done in the past, you haven't been in an SCW ring in years, and this will mark only your third match back, which doesn't really separate you from Billy as much as you probably believe it does. A lot can change as time marches on, after all, and the real question that you need to answer is what exactly are you capable of now. Say you win that contract... do you still have what it takes to make the most of it? Do you still have the capability of capitalizing on those opportunities you believe you deserve? Thankfully, this match will serve as a chance to answer those questions, because no matter what you pull, even if you have to spit in the face of what it means to lace up a pair of boots, you're going to learn real quick that trying to get one over on me is easier said than done when I want this far more than you could ever comprehend. By all means, though... keep telling yourself that one particular partner of yours I'll get to in a moment is where all of our focus lies, because the moment you start believing that victory is at hand is the moment you find yourself humbled and left scrambling to prove that you still have what it takes to bounce back when push comes to shove.
After all... for all your bravado about being the one member of your team we'll underestimate, you never once bothered to address me by name, proving that you're already making that very mistake yourself.”
It's at this point that the television flickers back to life, playing a very familiar match that many SCW fans will remember. Retribution 2023, the night where The Light In The Darkness had their very first shot at the World Tag Team Titles, making a statement even in defeat against the House of Frost and earning the respect of arguably two of SCW's top competitors today. There's no hiding the nostalgic look in Amelia's eyes, though the sigh she lets out carries a weight of sorrow to it in memory of that night.
“Maybe it comes as no surprise that I'm saving you for last Selena... after all, I'm sure you'd expect nothing less these days. You prefer to end every show because despite no longer being the World Champion, you consider yourself the main event. And you know what? I'm not going to sit here and dispute that. I've been in the ring with you Selena, I know full well how good you are and what you can accomplish when push comes to shove. It's the very reason why Luz and I were honored to give you our best shot what feels like ages ago now, why we put our careers in your hands and asked you to tell us when you thought we were ready. All you've ever wanted was the best for this company, and even despite everything going on around you after that classic match we put on, we respected everything that made you who you are, even when no one else was willing to show you that same courtesy.
Even now, knowing who you've become these days... I still believe, Selena.
Maybe that surprises you, but I'm not someone who will sit here and lie about what matters to me in this business. Maybe you've started to forget that yourself, but if you know me as well as you think you do, then take a good hard look at this past year and tell me if you think that the path you decided to stray from doesn't still work even in a different age for SCW. When I first walked into this company, I made it no secret that my philosophy on conducting business was to do it in the ring, fair and square, so that there would be no excuses. Even when I've faced setbacks, not once did I ever truly give up and call it a day because I just couldn't cut it. Even in my weakest moments, I still sought a challenge that would force me to step up and bounce back because I would have to earn my way back to where I wanted to be. Say what you will about the fact that I'm a three-time World Tag Team Champion because of rematch clauses... it doesn't take away from the fact that Luz and I still had to actually win the rematch and prove that we learned from our defeats to keep getting better.
Besides, considering how much you've been flaunting your rematch to make sure nobody forgets about you in the World Title picture, it'd be quite hilarious to hear you consider that as an excuse to try and put me down.
I'm going to be honest with you Selena... you don't need the Trios contract. You've made it clear that you want it as extra insurance to make sure you can get back the World Title for sure, but the Selena Frost I know will always be good enough to become World Champion again. You have fought your way back to that position how many times in your career thus far Selena? What's stopping you from proving you can do it again? Maybe you think I'm wasting my time saying any of this, but the fact of the matter is that no matter what you do, no matter how far you think you have to fall just to prove you're the absolute best, I will always respect what you can do in that ring Selena. The real question is... when are you going to start respecting what you can do again?
One thing I know for sure is that Apocalypse is a big night for me. This is a chance to truly step up and prove what I'm capable of, to cement my place here, and I'm more than ready to fight with everything I have to be able to help my team get across the finish line. Whatever I decide to use that contract on is irrelevant for right now, because it would be all for naught if I don't pull this off. Andrew, Polly, Selena, I want you to know this... no matter what happens on Sunday night, know that I will be leaving Vancouver with my head held high, proud of what I've accomplished in this tournament and ready to build on it for whatever awaits me next. And if that's something that bothers any of you... then I challenge you to step up and try to break me, because you'll learn real quick that this isn't as simple as you might believe.”
With a deep breath, Amelia slowly stands up and steps out of the shot, letting our view linger for just a moment longer on the scene of the House of Frost and The Light In The Darkness proudly holding each other's hands high after an incredible match. It's not long, however, before the TV shuts off and this memory is lost for the time being, leaving us to linger on the fight that awaits us come Sunday night at Apocalypse.
It felt strange doing this again, but one thing Amelia knew as well as Luz was the fact that if they were going to keep proving themselves regardless of the capacity it's done in, they would have to keep adapting and evolving.
Don't get her wrong, she loved training with Luz because no matter what match awaited them, even if they weren't teaming together for it, they both would ultimately benefit from it, especially because they had long since found a rhythm where they kept pushing one another, aiming for greater and greater heights just as they did in the ring. It was part of the reason why they had become so fluid together, why they always found a way to bounce back and recover whenever things didn't go their way. That said, she had already trained plenty with Luz over the last two weeks or so, and the two would definitely train together again before Apocalypse was upon them.
Right now, Amelia needed to focus on training with her Trios team if she was going to be able to walk out of that pay-per-view victorious.
She was a solid few minutes into training with Xander Valentine again, the two of them having started to mesh surprisingly well all things considered. One thing that Amelia appreciated about the SCW legend was the fact that he was blunt without being inconsiderate. It was evident how much he wanted to have a Trios contract in his possession once again, especially if it meant that contract didn't belong to Selena, and he didn't hold back on any critique he felt would genuinely help Amelia improve. It was a stark contrast to how her father had trained her so very long ago, running her ragged and berating her until her technique was flawless. No, Xander had been doing this long enough to know that pushing someone too hard never helped anybody, and it was starting to feel like he genuinely wanted to see Amelia go on to achieve great things the more she kept at this.
It was one thing knowing that Luz always wanted that for her and vice versa, not to mention everyone in their little found family that always had her back, but it was another knowing that there was someone else in the SCW locker room selfless enough to acknowledge it to her face.
It was hard not to recall that, once upon a time, Selena had been one such person. Amelia remembered back when she and Deanna had openly questioned how badly they wanted this and, despite that night ending in a loss for The Light In The Darkness, they had stepped up and answered that question. They had not only given a hell of a fight to the then-Tag Team Champions, but they had even left the decision of whether or not they were ready in Selena's hands. She and Luz had openly given Selena control of their fate, putting their absolute trust in her to decide when it was time for the two of them to step up and take control of the tag team division.
It honestly felt bittersweet thinking that was the same woman she had talked to just a week ago on Breakdown.
“Your focus is slipping,” Xander suddenly said, snapping Amelia out of her thoughts as she realized he'd taken control of the grapple they'd been in. Once she refocused, she quickly managed to twist out of the hold he was trying to apply and gain the upper hand, but one look into his eyes was enough to hit the pause button for the moment.
“Sorry,” Amelia sighed. “I think my brain was starting to focus a little too much on Selena.”
“An easy mistake to make with her,” Xander admitted, hints of a growl in his voice. Amelia was all too familiar with The Executioner's long history with The Snow Queen, for better or worse.
“Maybe this finals would've been easier if Luz's team had won,” Amelia lamented. “Not in the sense that it'd be an easier matchup, but... despite what you might think, we respect each other enough as wrestlers that we wouldn't have held back if it came down to it. It wouldn't have been the first time we've faced off, probably wouldn't be the last either. No matter the result, though, we both would've be proud of the fight we gave each other... I wish I could say I'd have that with Selena, but it's hard to know where she truly stands anymore.”
“If you ask me...” Xander started, and Amelia had a feeling he was about to tear into Selena like he no doubt would the moment he got a chance to record it. She had a feeling it would hurt a bit to hear, but in the back of her mind she knew she'd appreciate whatever he would say. There was a small part of her that doubted it, given what Selena had tried to imply during their little post-Breakdown chat, but she knew she and Xander needed to be on the same page to make this work. Anything that happened after the fact... well, she welcomed the challenge if that's what would happen.
“Nice, the gang's all here! Team BHJ represent!”
'Speaking of things that hurt to hear...' Amelia thought as she and Xander turned to see Billy Heaven Jr. practically dancing into the gym. Well, he would probably call it dancing, but Amelia shuddered at the idea of dignifying the word by using it to describe Billy's weird movements.
“I don't recall us inviting you,” Xander spat, fists already clenched for if he needed to add another black eye to Billy's resume.
“Come on man, Team BHJ doesn't work without BHJ himself,” Billy grinned. It was at this point that Amelia noticed that he came alone this time and had a gym bag with him, but he certainly wasn't dressed to actually do any sort of training.
“We never agreed to that name,” Amelia huffed.
“Or need you getting in the way,” Xander warned.
“Whoa, no need for hostility.” Billy held up his hands as he took a step back. “Of course you guys need me! You think we'd have gotten this far without me setting you up, big man?”
“The low blow was unnecessary,” Amelia responded, glaring at him. “As was just about every other antic you've tried to pull up to this point. Honestly makes me wish we could trade you out for Luz because she would at least work with us and take this seriously.”
“That's the thanks ya boy gets for standing behind you guys all the way? You know how hard it is to focus when I'm behind a baddie with your behind Amelia?” Billy couldn't resist a wink, which only made Amelia's face start to turn red with anger. “But since you brought her up, where is that spicy Latina lover of yours?”
“Out preparing for her own match and running errands relating to our upcoming wedding,” Amelia said through gritted teeth, making sure to emphasize that last word in hopes that Billy would take the hint because her patience was already starting to run out.
“Are you actually going to put in some work this time?” Xander bluntly asked. “Because I would prefer not to have to carry you to this win, especially not considering what we're up against. I know I can trust Amelia to carry her weight-”
“Of course we can! Have you seen how much weight she's carrying around back there?” Billy grinned like he'd just won the lottery. “I mean, we're talking some serious GYAT vibes-”
Billy quickly cut himself off as Xander began to approach him, what little patience he had for this clown having clearly depleted. Amelia watched this, taking slow, deep breaths to try and regain her composure even if she wanted to wire Billy's jaw shut for for every crude comment he made about her rear end and the unwarranted stereotyping of her fiancée. As badly as she wanted for this guy to get his comeuppance, she knew he likely wouldn't learn his lesson even if he got his ass kicked. Plus, as much as the thought revolted her, if they were going to go all the way then she would prefer if Billy actually earned his Trios contract like she and Xander were aiming to do. If only he could knock it off with the obnoxious attitude for just long enough to get through this match...
Suddenly, it felt like a switch flipped in her brain. She didn't know exactly what this switch was, but right now, she wasn't going to argue with it.
While Amelia was deep in her own head, Billy ended up running around behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders as he tried to use her as a human shield to make Xander back off. Amelia, surprisingly, didn't respond... until she felt his hands leave her shoulders and start reaching lower, which is when she reached back and grabbed his wrists, preparing to do some joint manipulation until Billy jerked free. As he shook his wrists out and groaned about how much that hurt, despite her only bending his wrists back just a tiny bit, Amelia held up a hand to stop Xander as she gave a look up to him that clearly said she's got this.
“Hey Billy,” she called, somehow managing to keep her tone pretty neutral. “What would you use your contract on?”
“Huh?” Billy replied as he kept worrying about his wrists.
“Your Trios contract,” Amelia pushed. “We win this match and we all get those contracts. What are some things you might consider using your contract for?”
“OH! That's easy.” He snapped his fingers. “I'd use it to go on a date with a real baddie. Like Selena Frost! Did you see the front she was putting up while we were all in the ring on Breakdown?”
Xander growled, only feeling even more pissed off now at how much this kid was underestimating Selena, something he knew was a fatal mistake that could very well cost them. He looked down to meet Amelia's gaze again, seeing that she was also trying to keep herself restrained but remained firm in showing that she had a plan.
“Let's say that's not an option,” she resumed as she turned to look at Billy again. “Any other ideas?”
“I mean, the SCW roster is full of certified hotties that could have a little slice of Heaven,” Billy laughed. “Maybe that one interviewer girl could bring the whole bakery she's packing. Or, or, you could back that slammin' dumper of yours up to the club. Hell, maybe a date with Luz will get her to stop thinking she's small with all the junk she's hauling in her trunk. Oh! Wait! I got it! A Nightclub Match, just B.H. Da Remix and all the baddies of SCW rocking the night away!”
Amelia had to fight to keep the bile from rising into her throat, hating every single idea that left Billy's mouth. It almost reminded her of whenever Luz, who had long since been confirmed neurodivergent, would go on a stream of consciousness ramble about whatever went through her mind and wherever the flow of conversation took her... except whenever Luz had one of those moments, it was both cute and therapeutic to let her get it out of her system so she could focus on the task at hand. Billy, on the other hand, was driving her closer and closer to just choking him out right then and there. Somehow, she managed to maintain her poker face, not knowing what it was about this mindset she'd found that helped her keep it together.
There was something about it that was scratching an itch in the back of her mind... an itch that she had a feeling she shouldn't be scratching at.
“Alright Billy,” Amelia finally cut him off. “Look, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you decide to use it on, because the fact of the matter is... we need to actually have the contracts before we can consider using them for anything. And to get them, we have to win this match. You really want to have the power to make any match you want, right?”
“Psh, who wouldn't?” Billy laughed.
“Then you're going to need to help us,” Amelia continued. “And I mean really help us. Maybe Xander and I can pull this off without you, but that's not a risk we want to take if we can help it, not against the team we're facing. Selena, Polly and Andrew are no joke, and if we can't count on you to take this seriously, then you can kiss all those ideas of what you can use your contract on goodbye.”
“You really think I'm a liability?” Billy demanded. “I've got the skills to pay the bills!”
“But you haven't shown that to either of us thus far,” Amelia soldiered on, her tone a little firmer but also layered with a bit of sweetness that, for some reason, was making her want to throw up in and of itself. “All you've done is put yourself on a pedestal while Xander and I have done all the work, praising our contributions in backhanded ways that nobody's buying. But what if instead of trying to annoy us thinking that it helps, you agree to tone it down, at least until after Apocalypse so we can actually win this thing. Not only would Xander maybe not want to end your career before it even truly begins, but think about what you'd prove to everyone who sees you as a liability that's going to cost us this match. What would the fans say if Billy Heaven Jr. actually put in the work and helped us win this match?”
Billy opened his mouth, probably with another retort he believed would sound witty and clever that was just asking for the taste to be smacked out of his mouth, but the next words out of Amelia's mouth made him pause.
“What would your father say?”
“H-Huh?” Billy blinked, his demeanor changing almost instantly at the mention of his father. Amelia's eyes narrowed, the barest hint of a fake smile playing on her lips as she zeroed in.
“Think about it,” she kept going, her tone growing even more sweet. “Right now, all anyone ever talks about with his clients is how Leroy Adams is the Underground Champion, or what James Evans could do with your father backing him, or especially how unstoppable Waylon Creek has been... never mind the fact that my wife-to-be did technically beat him in this tournament and he's hiding behind a tired old excuse. Yeah, we could win this match and you could have that Trios contract, but what would that prove? But... if you actually tone down how obnoxious you've been, actually put in the effort, and truly, honestly, do your part to get our team this win... maybe Billy Heaven Jr. would truly be taken seriously as the real gem William Heaven brought into this business that everyone should be keeping their eyes on? There would be no doubts, no questions... just cold, hard proof.”
Billy faltered, looking like he was seriously considering Amelia's words. Xander was almost in disbelief at watching this play out, given that this was probably the most serious he'd legitimately seen this kid looking since his annoying face had walked into SCW. It was a side of Amelia he certainly hadn't seen thus far, but even he could tell by the look in her eyes that something was at play here in her own head.
“You know something? Billy straightened up a bit. “Maybe you're right Amelia. Maybe I should tone it down, at least for this one match, if it's going to help me prove I'm not some nepo baby who only got here because of my daddy. I swear to you both that B.H. Da Remix is legit, and I'm going to prove it to you and everyone else!”
“Then get changed so we can get back to work,” Amelia ordered.
“Any chance I can get a quick tap of that tight round ass of yours for good luck?” Billy grinned, though it certainly looked a lot more nervous than any of his previous attempts.
“What did we just talk about?” Amelia growled.
“Right...” Billy mumbled and nodded before he grabbed his bag and slunk off to the men's locker room, hopefully to actually get changed and put in some effort.
“I have to say... that was impressive,” Xander commented as he watched Billy walk off. “I still don't fully trust him to keep this up, but the way you manipulated him into hopefully taking this more seriously might better our odds of pulling this off.”
“Huh?” Amelia's head snapped to look up at Xander, her eyes widening as she ran through his words in her head again. “Wh-what did you say?”
“I was saying how impressive it was that you manipulated him into hopefully-” Xander repeated himself, but he stopped when he saw Amelia's reaction to his words. Her eyes had somehow gone wider, sweat rolling down her skin despite the fact their workout had been paused for several minutes now because of sorting out Billy.
“Could... could y-you excuse me...?” Amelia managed to stammer out, and before Xander could even offer any sort of response, she was bolting for the women's locker room, practically kicking the door down as she staggered to the bathroom and immediately began emptying her stomach into the toilet. She didn't know how long she knelt there, the taste of bile on her tongue as she felt like she was literally puking her guts up, but as she finally pulled away she scooted back against the wall of the stall, hyperventilating. Her hands immediately found themselves reaching for her hair, undoing the neat ponytail and pulling at it as though it would somehow help to rid her brain of the realization that plagued her.
Despite the good she was hoping would come from doing so, she had manipulated Billy into doing what she wanted, even going so far as to aim for any potential issues with the guy's own father that might exist. She had pulled a page out of her parents' playbook.
She had inherited a capability for the very things they had used to try and break and rebuild her into exactly what they wanted her to be... and that realization had hit her like a sledgehammer to the face.
Despite how bad this spiral was getting, Amelia knew what she needed to do. She had to call someone, ideally Luz, but at this point she needed to hear the voice of anyone to vocalize this problem and talk with her about it. She could feel the intrusive thoughts starting to knock on the door in her mind, trying to convince her that she truly is no different than her parents, that she's only going to become more like them. Voices echoed through her mind, claiming that Luz would call off their wedding, that someone like her who might as well be the literal embodiment of sunshine itself would never be able to love a manipulative monster like her, branching off into thoughts of how she might have to manipulate Luz into maintaining a false happiness purely for her own benefit. Each thought made the storm in her mind grow even worse, and no matter how hard she tried to will her body to do so much as crawl across the floor if that's what it took to leave the bathroom and get to her phone, her body refused to budge, leaving her stuck there hyperventilating as her muscles spasmed and her hands felt primed to risk causing any sort of physical harm that would distract her from the mental and emotional agony tearing her brain apart right now.
It felt like a miracle when she realized her body was finally moving, somehow crawling back into the locker room and towards her bag. It wasn't easy, though... her progress was painfully slow, and the storm in her mind only worsened as she could hear her parents' voices starting to join her own intrusive thoughts, berating her for how pathetic she looked right now and that she would never be a true Blythe if she didn't get her act together.
“Oh cariño... you've suffered so much all over a name that's only brought you undeserved pain. Well, I think—no, I know—my husband's spirit would agree with me that you will always have a place in our family, and if you wish to bear the Nevado name, then we would be honored if you take it.”
Through the agony attempting to drown her mind, something in her brain managed to reach out and latch onto the conversation she'd had with Luz's mother recently. Camila had known all about what being a Blythe had done to Amelia, still continued to do to her even though her parents would no longer be a dark cloud hanging over her life, and she had taken Amelia's request to officially ask for permission to change her last name once she and Luz were wed seriously, making it clear that while the Nevado name was far from perfect, especially considering her husband and at least one of her daughters didn't publicly use it according to lucha libre tradition, it was a name that would give her the opportunity to define exactly who she wanted to be, regardless of her flaws or any steps backwards she may take, unlike the Blythe name where every expectation would always hang over her head so long as she was shackled to it. Becoming Amelia Nevado would be a clean slate... and she had so many people in her corner who would continue to help her figure out exactly who that person wanted to be, because she didn't have to be perfect and any mistakes or setbacks wouldn't define her, just the path she would take to build herself up from them.
Slowly, Amelia could feel her thoughts go silent, her breathing returning to normal, her senses no longer blurring. She took a moment to look around, realizing that she had managed to crawl her way back into the locker room area and had gotten close to her bag. Using the bench, she carefully pulled herself up, taking it slow to make sure her brain and body were back on the same page. Instinctively, she retrieved her phone, and was surprised to see a text message from Luz that asked how Trios training was going and wondering if they could set aside some time to talk tonight. With a deep breath, Amelia replied back that something had happened and she'd had a pretty bad anxiety attack, but everything was alright for now and she asked if it was alright if what happened was included in whatever conversation Luz needed to have.
Being honest with Luz even over a simple text message already helped pick her back up as she took deep, relaxing breaths while putting her hair back into its ponytail, knowing that she had come a long way over the years and Luz wasn't the kind of woman who would hold such an act against her. Now that her mind had cleared up a bit more, she even remembered a conversation they'd had back when they were still just friends about Amelia's concerns over inheriting any of the less desirable traits her parents were known for. Luz had responded by not knowing what the future would hold or how they would continue to develop as people, but they would always have each other to talk through them if anything happened that worried them, and sure enough, Luz had been by her side through thick and thin.
Maybe things weren't perfect, but it was far healthier than anything relating to her parents, and knowing that the time was drawing near where she would be a Blythe no more motivated her enough to head back out.
As she stepped back out into the gym, she carefully surveyed her surroundings. Off near the other side of the gym, she could see Billy—actually dressed in proper workout attire now—working over a punching bag and actually looking like he knew how to throw hands if push came to shove, something she knew was possible based on what she had seen of him back during the first two rounds of the Trios Tournament, but seeing him actually taking this seriously felt like a breath of fresh air she desperately needed after what she'd just done to him.
She did notice that Billy's focus slipped as he occasionally glanced at something else, and she was shocked when she saw what kept grabbing his attention. At some point while she'd been trying to pull herself together, Luz had come back by the gym, checking her phone to no doubt see Amelia's recent message as she and Xander conversed about something, and given the concern she could see on both of their faces she had a feeling she was the topic. She carefully started making her way over to them, with Xander being the first to spot her as he nodded in her direction, causing Luz to turn and lock eyes with her. With a burst of speed that only Luz could pull off, she was almost immediately by Amelia's side, but made sure to stop herself and give her fiancée enough space if she still needed it.
“You're back early,” Amelia admitted, her voice hoarse. “Is everything alright?”
“I should be asking you that!” Luz worriedly exclaimed, but she took a moment to calm herself. “Sorry, it's just... a few things happened while I was out, and I know I said I needed to talk with you about something but I guess I got a little anxious and came by earlier than I'd planned to, and then Xander told me you freaked out about something and I just saw your text and-”
“Hey, deep breaths honey,” Amelia interrupted, placing a hand on Luz's shoulder as she calmed her down before she started freaking out as well. Luz did, however, pick up on the trembling still present in Amelia's hand. “I... had a bad anxiety attack because of something I did to try and rein in Billy's antics, and I didn't realize what I'd done until afterward. I think... well... I wouldn't say I'm completely over it just yet, but I'm good enough to get back to training, at least.”
“Are you sure, Ames?” Luz firmly asked.
“I agree with Luz,” Xander added as he walked over to the couple. “We don't have to go into personal details, but I can tell whatever happened is still affecting you, and I'd rather you have your head completely in the game than watch you risk injury because you're still pulling yourself together.”
“But... we don't have too much more time until Apocalypse,” Amelia lamented, “and I don't know if we can-”
“While I can't speak for him,” Xander interjected, pointing his thumb in Billy's general direction, “I can make time for another training session or two if need be.”
“I'll hang around if you really want to keep going Ames,” Luz assured her. “Maybe even pick up my own workout here, but we should probably talk and clear our heads before anything-”
Luz was cut off as a loud SMACK! echoed throughout the gym, the silence that followed becoming deafening. Luz slowly turned, shocked and horrified, as she glanced down towards her rear before she looked up to see Billy, who had wandered over to where they all were at some point, looking like he'd hit the jackpot.
“Well damn, and I thought Amelia's ass was nice and firm,” he laughed, clearly thinking he was being charming despite the danger that was coming for him.
“Billy,” Amelia growled, a dangerous edge to her voice. “Didn't we just talk about toning it down so we can actually work together and win this tournament?”
“We did, but last I checked, this certified baddie-” Billy motioned to Luz, “-wasn't on our team, so she's fair game as far as I'm concerned. Gotta say, I think I'm seeing why you two so perfect together now. Luz over here with them T-H-I-double-C Latina genes going on, and you Amelia being what I imagine whenever I think of what a PAWG should look like? Goddamn, I-”
Any further remarks Billy may have wanted to say were lost as Xander grabbed him from behind, not even thinking twice about using his Fade to Black submission as Billy frantically tapped, hoping to no avail that it would free him from Xander's clutches.
“You two should take a moment to have your talk,” he suggested, grunting occasionally as he made sure Billy remained trapped in his hold. “Let me know if you're still certain on feeling up to continuing today Amelia. I'll make sure to remind Billy here of our agreement, maybe see if he'll actually be able to back up his word when we need him on Sunday.”
Billy tried to say something, but it was lost as Xander kept choking him out, using his size advantage to drag their obnoxious partner away. Amelia and Luz exchanged looks before heading into the locker room, with Amelia instinctively reaching for Luz's hand and being surprised when Luz hesitated in taking it, making her wonder exactly what had happened while her beloved was out doing her own thing after dropping her off at the gym. Ultimately, Amelia took a seat and retrieved her water bottle, taking a couple of big gulps to try and clear her throat and rinse the nasty taste of her own bile out of her mouth as Luz stood in front of her nervously.
“So...” Amelia carefully began once her voice was sounding more like how it should again. “Your text said you wanted to talk about something?”
“I think it can wait,” Luz quickly stated.
“Oh no,” Amelia quickly jumped in before Luz could continue. “I can tell something's bothering you Luz, and I'm not going to just let you put it off thinking it's not important. 'We can fix this together,' remember?”
“I know...” Luz admitted, though her tone suggested that she wasn't as sure as she usually was whenever their own little mantra came up. “I'm not trying to ignore it because I think we really do need to talk about it. It's just... kind of dumb to talk about right now. I mean, you said you had an anxiety attack Ames! I think whatever's going through your head takes priority if it could cause that.”
Amelia sighed and took another drink of water, knowing that Luz had a point. “You're always care so much about me... I just don't want you to forget that you're worth caring about too, dummy.”
“I love you Amelia,” Luz said with no hesitation, which helped ease some of Amelia's concerns with how genuine and affectionate she sounded. “How about this? Right now, we focus on what happened with you because it's clearly something big if you reacted so badly to it. If you're feeling better once it's off your chest, we'll go ahead and get you back training with your team and I can do something of my own off to the side. Later tonight, we can talk about my thing so we're all clear-headed and ready to show what we can do at Apocalypse.”
“You promise?” Amelia raised an eyebrow.
“I swear it on my mask,” Luz firmly stated, putting Amelia at ease. To a luchador, swearing anything on their mask was equivalent to swearing something to God in public, as they were effectively risking their honor as a wrestler if they broke their word. “Now... what happened?”
“Billy was being his usual obnoxious self, for starters, acting like he was our team captain and the only member that mattered,” Amelia started. “It didn't take him long to start trying to reduce me to nothing more than my butt, not to mention stereotyping you as, quote, my 'spicy Latina lover.'”
“Having experienced it for myself now, I would've actually snapped and knocked his teeth out if Xander hadn't gotten to him first,” Luz huffed, her hand moving to rub the spot on her butt that Billy had smacked as though she could somehow purge the feeling of his touch from her body and memory.
“Don't get me wrong, I was furious,” Amelia admitted. “Xander even started trying to wring his neck when he wouldn't shut up and actually take this seriously. But then...”
Amelia hesitated for a moment, but she began opening up to Luz about the painful mindset she'd found buried deep inside her brain, the familiar tactics her parents had used on her to great effect over the years and how she'd used it to somehow get through to Billy—or so she thought, given what he'd just tried—to coerce his cooperation. She hadn't even realized it until Xander had made note of it, and once it sank in what she'd done, she immediately spiraled, her body and mind fighting against her as she felt helpless against the thoughts of potentially being just like her parents after all, and how Luz doesn't deserve a manipulative monster like that as her wife.
“Hey...” Luz gently called as Amelia started trembling again while recounting what happened, reaching up to gently wipe away a tear that had started rolling down her fiancée's cheek. “You're not your parents, Amelia. You never will be anything like Aleister or Ophelia.”
“But... but...” Amelia choked out. “Didn't you hear me? I gaslit Billy, even used his relationship with his father against him just to try and get him to do what I wanted! I don't care if he deserved it, I don't care if he was being an ass and pushed me to that point, no one deserves to be treated the way my parents treated me!”
“I've been listening, mi amor,” Luz gently cooed as she sat down beside Amelia, stroking her hair to try and help calm her down. “But there's one big thing you're forgetting about here... the thing that proves you are not your parents and never will be.”
“You actually felt bad about doing it,” Luz pointed out. “The moment you realized what you'd done, you felt so horrible about it that it sent you into a full-blown anxiety attack because you know that's not who you are. When's the last time Aleister or Opehlia ever felt bad about doing that to anyone, especially you?”
“...never...” Amelia's eyes went wide as it fully sank in, the piece to the puzzle she'd been missing. Luz was right, her parents never gave a damn about anyone but themselves and their 'grand family legacy,' and if they had to do awful things to get what they wanted, then it was no skin off their bones. The violent reaction Amelia's body had in response to doing exactly that proved that she wasn't just their little clone molded in their image to serve their purposes. She was her own woman, and she would build her own life and her own career without their influence tainting any of it.
“To amo, Ames,” Luz said softly as she kissed the corner of Amelia's lips. “Even the worst parts of you that you think don't deserve to be loved, because they all make you into the smart, strong, incredible woman I will soon be honored to call my wife... and maybe even World Champion if you want to use your Trios contract to take a shot at the very top.”
“Lulu...” Amelia laughed, feeling all the tension of what today had brought so far starting to finally leave her body for good. “My team and I have to win those contracts first.”
“And I know you will, no matter what Selena or Polly or Andrew try to pull,” Luz grinned. “And... being honest for a sec? I think this talk actually helped put a few things into perspective for me as well and helped me out with my thing.”
“Really now?” Amelia raised an eyebrow. “Can I know what exactly has been eating away at you now?”
“Hey, I promised we'd talk about it later,” Luz raised her hands up in innocence as Amelia just rolled her eyes. “I do still want to talk about it, but right now is still about you. So... how are you feeling now?”
“Better,” Amelia immediately replied, her voice displaying confidence in that answer as she stood up and stretched a bit to try and get her body ready again. “And I do want to try and finish this workout, put this behind me.”
“I'll hang around and continue my own workout here then,” Luz confirmed as she hopped up as well. “That way, if Billy starts acting up again, I have an excuse to maybe introduce a live opponent to better prepare for my own match.”
Amelia couldn't help but laugh as she and Luz exchanged one more kiss. She could still feel that something was weighing on Luz's mind from whatever happened while she was out, but she would make sure it wouldn't be buried beneath everything else today had already brought because if it bothered her future wife, then it would bother her and she wouldn't let Luz deal with it alone. As the two of them stepped back out into the gym, she saw Xander was now working over the heavy bag while Billy had retreated to a corner of the gym, doing some curls with a pair of barbells while nervously watching as Xander beat the living hell out of the bag. It was an odd dynamic that lingered in the air, but Amelia knew it was what she'd have to work with if all three of them wanted to etch their names into the history books as Trios winners.
Besides, she and Luz had their own dynamic that maybe seemed weird at times to other people, but she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. No matter what others seemed to think about it all, it worked for her, and that was all that mattered.
The lingering memories of her parents weren't going to define her.
Billy's antics weren't going to derail her.
Selena's words weren't going to distract her.
Whoever was trying to talk her and Luz out of their wedding couldn't stop her.
This was her life, her career, and Amelia would forge her own path no matter what form that took, knowing that she had people who truly believed in her to become the best possible version of herself, scars and all.
We find ourselves in what looks to be a hotel room, and our eyes are immediately drawn to the television as it plays through what looks like a montage of the 2024 Trios Tournament. It's hard to ignore so many incredible moments as they play out before our very eyes, reminding us of how we got here. As we pan back a bit, it becomes clear that we're not the only ones invested in this trip down memory lane, as we see Amelia Blythe sitting in a chair beside the TV, watching intently. After a moment, she turns to face us, letting the montage continue as we can see the determination burning in her eyes.
“When this tournament began, I had one simple goal: prove that Amelia Blythe was just as capable on her own as she was with La Pequeña Luz by her side. Luz and I have both shown how good we are time and time again, and yet, everyone seems to always think that we're either just a great tag team and nothing more, or they believe that if we do find singles success then we're going to end up like all the other teams that came before us. Right now, I can't speak on behalf of Luz, but I will say that I'm very proud of what she proved during her team's run in the Trios Tournament this year, and I know she's going to prove just how capable she is in her match come Apocalypse. As for myself... well, I find myself in the finals of this tournament, one win away from a contract that affords me the honor of any match of my choosing as I see fit.
Many might think the very idea of such a contract is counter-intuitive to who I am, but that's because it's hard not to see the prize of this tournament as that ultimate opportunity and nothing more. After all, the temptation is certainly there, and I know many who will immediately jump to pursuing the World Championship the first chance they get. As for me? That contract could be used in a number of different ways. Maybe I could give myself an opportunity when I feel I've proven I'm ready for it and want to step up to the plate, maybe I could use it to create the kind of challenge that I know will push me to be my very best and earn my seat at the proverbial table with all the rest of SCW's elites. Whatever the case may be, that contract isn't something I plan on taking lightly.
Just like the challenge before me where I have to earn it, first.
When the teams were first drawn, I honestly didn't know what to expect. After all, Xander and I had just faced one another two weeks prior, and just because he respected me as a competitor didn't mean that would translate to becoming an effective team. And of course, Billy was a complete unknown at first, and I'd be lying if I said he would've been my first choice for a partner if there wasn't the random element to everything. But that's what makes Trios so great, the challenge of being able to adapt to the situation and put your best foot forward in order to make your team work. That perfectly sums up the two teams that will face each other in the finals, but as much as I would love to win and have that contract to my name... my ultimate goal at the end of the day is to prove, not just to our opponents, but to that entire locker room, that I am every bit a threat without Luz by my side as I am as one-half of The Light In The Darkness. Regardless of what that contract represents, there's no denying that it's the opportunity I've been looking for to expand upon my own legacy... a legacy I've been fighting to build and make my own for years now.
Maybe that sounds silly to some of you, considering I'm not truly alone in this endeavor, but despite our differences, Xander and Billy both agree with me that this is a match we need to win for our own reasons and we can only accomplish that by working together. Whatever happens after that... well, I'm always one to welcome a challenge, especially from the three individuals who will be standing across from us come Sunday night in the Rogers Arena.”
It's at this point that we notice the montage playing on the TV has changed, now focusing primarily on the trio of Selena Frost, Polly Pingotti, and Andrew Raynes. Amelia glances over at this footage, taking it in for a moment before her focus returns to us.
“On the last Breakdown, all six of us involved in this match stood face-to-face, and a point was made by our opponents to paint this picture that we don't have what it takes to get the job done, that they want this more than us. Obviously, I can't speak on behalf of my partners, but I know full well what it would mean to win this match, to take that step towards proving what I want to prove. Write me off for whatever reason you can come up with, but the fact of the matter is that I'm not just going to roll over and play dead all because you say you want this more than I do. Sunday night, you'll have your chance to actually prove that, to my face, and learn for yourselves what being here means to me and the fight I will give to help my team leave this pay-per-view as the winners.
The funny thing is... I might be one of the only people in this match wanting Selena, Polly and Andrew to give me their very best and back up their words because I want that challenge to prove them wrong. I want them to do their very best to try and break me only to find that no matter how this match goes, I'm only going to come out of it stronger, hungrier, more determined to keep forging my path no matter what happens. Say what you will about that mindset, but look at where it's brought me so far and understand that as long as my heart beats, I can still keep going farther and farther, proving myself in that ring and doing my part to keep elevating SCW for years to come. Heck, if my team doesn't win this match and any of you want to use your contracts on me in one form or another, I'd welcome it. After all, one result doesn't define who you are... it's why Luz and I bounced back and became World Tag Team Champions for a third time, it's why I dusted myself off after losing to Xander and put in the effort to help him and Billy get here, and it's why I'm not afraid of anything you three have to throw at us because I know we'll hit you back just as hard.
One person who I think already knows what I'm capable of is Polly Pingotti.”
Amelia leans forward a bit in her seat, the TV flickering to show highlights from a match that feels like it happened ages ago now: the TV Title clash between Amelia and Polly that took place inside of a ball pit.
“Long time no see, Polly. I know that the last time we crossed paths in the ring with one another, you were an entirely different person. Believe it or not, I'm glad that you've left the games behind and stepped up to become the fighter you are now... even if I can't help but question some of the decisions that seem to be driving you lately if glimpses I've seen in past weeks of what you may want to use your Trios contract for are any indication. That said, I want to make it clear that I'm not judging you based on who you were the last time we met, because I'd be a fool to ignore your evolution over this past year and a half. You've made it no secret how hungry you are, how badly you want to finally break through that glass ceiling. I stood at ringside and watched it firsthand when you managed to defeat Luz one-on-one... congratulations on that, by the way, because I can tell you from firsthand experience that's no easy feat. That said, I know Luz will bounce back stronger than ever, but as far as you and I are concerned?
You're making a mistake if you think that just because you've managed to overcome my fiancée twice in the span of this past month that it means you've got what it takes to overcome me.
You're also making a mistake if you think I'm still the same woman who you forced to wrestle you in a ball pit near the start of last year.
Make no mistake Polly: just as you've gotten better and fought like heck to try and prove yourself since then, so have I. Yeah, I'm a three-time World Tag Team Champion and one-half of the current champions, but that doesn't mean I can't keep pushing myself to not only be a better champion, but also establish myself beyond that. The beauty of this business lies in how much you're willing to challenge yourself to become the wrestler you want to be, and for as much as I'm glad to see how far you've come, it's that same challenge that explains why I can't let you have this moment that easily. I know you want to prove yourself... I wouldn't be surprised if you're willing to go to any lengths necessary to pull this off, but that's exactly why my team and I are going to step up and push you like you've never been pushed before, to see if you're truly ready to be at that next level yet. If this is your time Polly, then I want you to have well and truly earned it, because I know it doesn't get any easier from here. That, in and of itself, is why I want to earn that contract for myself, why I want to help my team reach the finish line. I welcome the challenge of taking that next step, to keep proving myself, and I want you to return the favor of testing me to see if I'm ready to take it.”
Amelia glances back over at the TV, and perhaps to our surprise, it proceeds to turn off at this point. Amelia knows that might be a baffling decision to us, but she doesn't even flinch at this turn of events, instead nodding to acknowledge the blank screen before she cracks her neck and prepares herself for perhaps the most interesting opponent she knows she's up against.
“Now, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know exactly who Andrew Raynes is. I could look back at his history, acknowledge the fact that he's held the same tag team gold once before that I hold now, recognize the fact that he's a former Adrenaline Champion. The truth of the matter, though, id that Andrew Raynes is, despite that, an unknown to me... unfortunately Andrew, instead of underestimating you like you probably hoped I would, that instead makes you arguably the most dangerous opponent I have to keep my eyes on in this match, which means you get to stand in the spotlight and prove that there's more to your return than just whatever mystery you want to keep playing with regarding your actions at Rise to Greatness.
The funny thing is, while your team can question whether or not Billy deserves to earn that contract because this will only be his third match since signing on to SCW, the same could reasonably be said about you. After all Andrew, despite what you've done in the past, you haven't been in an SCW ring in years, and this will mark only your third match back, which doesn't really separate you from Billy as much as you probably believe it does. A lot can change as time marches on, after all, and the real question that you need to answer is what exactly are you capable of now. Say you win that contract... do you still have what it takes to make the most of it? Do you still have the capability of capitalizing on those opportunities you believe you deserve? Thankfully, this match will serve as a chance to answer those questions, because no matter what you pull, even if you have to spit in the face of what it means to lace up a pair of boots, you're going to learn real quick that trying to get one over on me is easier said than done when I want this far more than you could ever comprehend. By all means, though... keep telling yourself that one particular partner of yours I'll get to in a moment is where all of our focus lies, because the moment you start believing that victory is at hand is the moment you find yourself humbled and left scrambling to prove that you still have what it takes to bounce back when push comes to shove.
After all... for all your bravado about being the one member of your team we'll underestimate, you never once bothered to address me by name, proving that you're already making that very mistake yourself.”
It's at this point that the television flickers back to life, playing a very familiar match that many SCW fans will remember. Retribution 2023, the night where The Light In The Darkness had their very first shot at the World Tag Team Titles, making a statement even in defeat against the House of Frost and earning the respect of arguably two of SCW's top competitors today. There's no hiding the nostalgic look in Amelia's eyes, though the sigh she lets out carries a weight of sorrow to it in memory of that night.
“Maybe it comes as no surprise that I'm saving you for last Selena... after all, I'm sure you'd expect nothing less these days. You prefer to end every show because despite no longer being the World Champion, you consider yourself the main event. And you know what? I'm not going to sit here and dispute that. I've been in the ring with you Selena, I know full well how good you are and what you can accomplish when push comes to shove. It's the very reason why Luz and I were honored to give you our best shot what feels like ages ago now, why we put our careers in your hands and asked you to tell us when you thought we were ready. All you've ever wanted was the best for this company, and even despite everything going on around you after that classic match we put on, we respected everything that made you who you are, even when no one else was willing to show you that same courtesy.
Even now, knowing who you've become these days... I still believe, Selena.
Maybe that surprises you, but I'm not someone who will sit here and lie about what matters to me in this business. Maybe you've started to forget that yourself, but if you know me as well as you think you do, then take a good hard look at this past year and tell me if you think that the path you decided to stray from doesn't still work even in a different age for SCW. When I first walked into this company, I made it no secret that my philosophy on conducting business was to do it in the ring, fair and square, so that there would be no excuses. Even when I've faced setbacks, not once did I ever truly give up and call it a day because I just couldn't cut it. Even in my weakest moments, I still sought a challenge that would force me to step up and bounce back because I would have to earn my way back to where I wanted to be. Say what you will about the fact that I'm a three-time World Tag Team Champion because of rematch clauses... it doesn't take away from the fact that Luz and I still had to actually win the rematch and prove that we learned from our defeats to keep getting better.
Besides, considering how much you've been flaunting your rematch to make sure nobody forgets about you in the World Title picture, it'd be quite hilarious to hear you consider that as an excuse to try and put me down.
I'm going to be honest with you Selena... you don't need the Trios contract. You've made it clear that you want it as extra insurance to make sure you can get back the World Title for sure, but the Selena Frost I know will always be good enough to become World Champion again. You have fought your way back to that position how many times in your career thus far Selena? What's stopping you from proving you can do it again? Maybe you think I'm wasting my time saying any of this, but the fact of the matter is that no matter what you do, no matter how far you think you have to fall just to prove you're the absolute best, I will always respect what you can do in that ring Selena. The real question is... when are you going to start respecting what you can do again?
One thing I know for sure is that Apocalypse is a big night for me. This is a chance to truly step up and prove what I'm capable of, to cement my place here, and I'm more than ready to fight with everything I have to be able to help my team get across the finish line. Whatever I decide to use that contract on is irrelevant for right now, because it would be all for naught if I don't pull this off. Andrew, Polly, Selena, I want you to know this... no matter what happens on Sunday night, know that I will be leaving Vancouver with my head held high, proud of what I've accomplished in this tournament and ready to build on it for whatever awaits me next. And if that's something that bothers any of you... then I challenge you to step up and try to break me, because you'll learn real quick that this isn't as simple as you might believe.”
With a deep breath, Amelia slowly stands up and steps out of the shot, letting our view linger for just a moment longer on the scene of the House of Frost and The Light In The Darkness proudly holding each other's hands high after an incredible match. It's not long, however, before the TV shuts off and this memory is lost for the time being, leaving us to linger on the fight that awaits us come Sunday night at Apocalypse.
![[Image: uKMzpho.png]](https://i.imgur.com/uKMzpho.png)
Tag Team Record: 27-8*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 13-8
Amelia Blythe Nevado Solo Record: 9-7-1
*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.
Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe Nevado: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls
SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe Nevado - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [3] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - 109 Days) (3 - Current)
Interim SCW United States Championship (La Pequeña Luz - Current)
2024 Trios Tournament Winner (Amelia Blythe Nevado, w/ Xander Valentine and Billy Heaven Jr.)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)
2024 Tag Team of the Year