Update on Dogfight in Dusseldorf and Schedule
Obviously, it's coming along and while I've had some good time to put it together, it's realistically going to take a few more days for me to do what I need to do. Rather than rushing it, I'm going to make the following decision.

The schedule will be pushed back one week. Basically, every show moves back 7 days and we'll eliminate a show in May (keeping Taking Hold of the Flame where it is) to get the schedule back on track. This allows me to get a good show up (And so far, I'm really liking what I've written) and also have a moment where I can also catch up on my own work a bit so I can finally get on top of things, instead of continually playing catch up.

Hope this makes sense and I hope everyone understands. Again, I want to maintain quality of shows, but I also want to get the schedule back on track and start getting shows up more generally on time.

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