06-09-2019, 01:15 PM
![[Image: watsoniwcbio.png]](http://rufusrichards.webs.com/graphics/watsoncastiwc/watsoniwcbio.png)
Wrestler's Alias: The Prodigal One, The Gobshite of Professional Wrestling
Wrestler's Real Name: Ryan Michael Watson
Pic Base: AJ Styles
Height: 6 ft even
Weight: 215lbs
Birthdate: 31st January, 1986
Birth Place: Sheffield, England
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California.
Physical Appearence
- Watson is 6 foot tall with medium length brown hair and a substantial beard.
- If competing in an actual match for whatever reason, Watson wears white tights complete with his own logo on the side, blue knee pads, black and blue shin kick pads and white boots underneath the pads. On his way to the ring he wears a Tottenham Hotspur track jacket, which he takes off once he's in the ring.
- Backstage, when not scheduled to wrestle, Watson wears tailored suits.... he tends to wear a plain t-shirt rather than a shirt underneath the jacket however, going for the 'smart casual' look.
Wrestling Style: High Flyer/Technical
Alignment: Arrogant, loud mouthed heel.
Years Pro: 8 years on and off [with 3 years in indy feds beforehand]
1) Insubordination Rules
2) #NiceGuysFinishLast
3) Spirit Breaker
Finishers Descriptions:
Insubordination Rules = Christopher Daniels Angels Wings.
#NiceGuysFinishLast = Moonsault Double Foot Stomp
Spirit Breaker: Spinning Inverted Figure-4 [click here]
Theme Song: "Throne" by Bring Me The Horizon
Signature Moves:
The Leap of Fame: Standing Shooting Starr Press
In Your Face: Pele Kick
Systematic Failure: Suicides Suicide Solution
Common Moves:
1. Dropkick
2. European Uppercut
3. Running Neckbreaker
4. Lou Thesz Press
5. Full Nelson Face Crusher
6. Brainbuster
7. Tornado DDT
8. Enziguri
9. Hip Toss
10. Northern Lights Suplex
11. Shining Wizard
12. Fisherman Suplex
13. Springboard back elbow
14. Codebreaker
15. double foot stomp
16. Springboard flying forearm
A quick thinker and can surprise his opponents by pulling moves out of thin air. Will not hesitate when it comes to high risk as he believes in high risk/high reward but is equally adept at mat wrestling.
His belief in high risk/high reward can be his undoing, as quite often it will fail to pay off and he ends up hurting himself in the process.
The arenas lights cut completely, plunging the room into darkness for a second or two before blue lights begin to flash on and off all along the stage, lighting up in time with the start of "Throne" by Bring Me The Horizon, which begins to play through the speaker system. The big screen lights up, with a round logo starting to flash on and off on the screen, with "P1" in big letters in the centre of the circle. As the song kicks in from the intro, the drums act as a signal for two bright white lights on the end of the state to flash up and the curtains part as Ryan Watson steps through the curtains and the crowd reign boos down on him. He walks to the top of the ramp and throws his hands into the air, his palms crossed to reveal the same 'P1' logo printed on the gloves for a few seconds before he runs down the ramp.
Phillips: "Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring from Sheffield in England, he weighed in earlier tonight at two hundred and fifteen pounds and is the self-confessed biggest Gobshite in professional wrestling; he is the Prodigal One... RYAN WATSON!!!"
Hitting the ring, Watson jumps up and slides under the bottom rope leg first, sliding across the ring before hopping up and making his way straight to the corner where he jumps up onto the middle turnbuckle, once again crossing his hands in front of him, leaning into the camera to smirk smugly at it before dropping down and throwing the hood of his jacket back and unzipping his jacket. He tosses the jacket to the outside and leans back against the ropes, stretching out a little before waiting for the start of the match.
Ryan Michael Watson was born in the city of Sheffield in the North of England, where he lived until the age of twelve when his mother received a promotion at work which resulted in the whole family packing up their belongings and moving to London. Watson didnt react well to the move and resented his mother for taking him away from his friends and everything he knew but things seemed to look up when he met Yvonne Knight, a fellow student at his new school in London. As he grew up, Watson became heavily involved in school sports, playing on the football and cricket team but while he excelled at both, his true passion was something that he was unable to partake in as an extra-curricula activity in the United Kingdom: Professional Wrestling! Whenever he wasn't at school or engrossed in other activities, Ryan spent most of his time chilling with Ivy at her parent's house, watching her huge collecting of wrestling videos.
Ivy was the daughter of a professional wrestler and had been taking lessons from her father since an early age, which was something that Watson found out about and after several weeks of begging and pleading, Ivy began to show him what her father had taught her. It wasnt long until Watson had become a promising talent in the business and after they graduated, he joined the same Indy fed that Ivy wrestled for under the ring name of Jinx. Utilising his athletic ability from years of sports and the skills that Ivy had shown him, Watson became a prominent figure in the fed too, taking on the ring name of The Prodigy Michael Ryan.
Unfortunately, it became apparent that Yvonne and Ryan held different opinions when it came to the progression of their career and while Ivy was straight laces and committed to doing the right thing Watson would quite happily cheat to further his own career. This was often a source of bickering for the two friends but they managed to maintain their friendship throughout, right until the very end. Because of her abilities, Ivy was scouted by professional wrestling star Lucas Knight, who was in fact her half brother, although neither knew this at the time. Once they discovered the connection, they spent time getting to know each other and eventually Ivy was offered a place to stay with Lucas and his wife Christy. Taking the offer, Yvonne left for America to seek fame and fortune, leaving Watson back in England to continue grafting in the small independent promotion before it closed its door for good two years later.
Without a company, Watson decided to throw caution to the wind and made it his goal to get in touch with Lucas Knight to ask him for the same offer. At first Lucas refused; he barely knew Watson, save for a few short meetings while he was getting to know Ivy but after a word in the ear from his little sis, Lucas agreed and told Watson that he would help him out if he could get the money together to fly out to LA. Lucas, contrary to his public image, was a man of his word and he arranged for a meeting with SCW owner Sasha D. who offered Watson a basic contract where he could develop his talent further, with the offer of a better contract should the company wish to retain his services.
Watson's career began with two back to back losses that had him questioning whether he truly had what it takes to make it in the big leagues, but in his third match he truly found his feet and from there his career sky rocketed, with Watson going on to win the SCW Adrenaline Championship at Rise To Greatness, holding the belt for one hundred and eighty two days before finally losing to Andrew Samuel Pugh. Undoubtedly the lowest point of his career, Watson continued on, but things went from bad to worse with The Infamous going through troubles within the group, which ultimately led to Lucas Knight being kicked out with Christy Matthews following him by walking soon after. Just when things looked like they couldn't get any worse for the young Brit, Watson's career suffered an even bigger setback when he tore his ACL during training, putting him on the Injured Reserve list for several months Watson would go on to return to SCW eight months later, though this second run was never the same for whatever reason he actually returned as what youd call a nice guy but it didnt stick and he ended up requesting release from his contract the following year. A short stint in the IWC followed, with Watson working alongside the two women known as Wicked Intent, Kat Kelly and Lexy Chapel, but the companys closure brought that to an end and for a while it looked like Watson was done in the wrestling business but a recent return to SCW as a manager of his now-wife Autumn Valentine long story has brought about the return of the Gobshite of Professional Wrestling to the hallowed halls of Supreme Championship Wrestling, helping to guide Autumn as she looks to make a real name for herself in the company and it is fair to say that the Watson of old has well and truly returned to the wrestling world. The Gobshite is back!
![[Image: helms2021banner.png]](http://thatwasley.com/graphics/helms2021banner.png)