Wrestler's Alias: Scarlet Grey
Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown (it's confirmed that Scarlet Grey is not her real name, but she's done everything in her power to remove all evidence of her original name due to a bout of paranoia through her mental instability)
Pic Base: Countess Grotesque (only pics of her with red hair please, like this one:
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 135 lbs.
Birthdate: 1/1/1998
Birth Place: Unknown
Current Residence: Unknown (Scarlet never tends to stay in one place for very long, with some paranoid bout from her mental instability fueling the reasoning why)
Physical Description: The first thing people notice about Scarlet is the red hair and skin kind of on the pale side. Her eyes are also red in color, likely due to colored contacts. She's a bit on the taller side as far as women go and has the curves to go along with it, making her very attractive to guys and girls alike which she loves using to her advantage. Tattooed on her left breast is some sort of demonic symbol that only she seems to know the meaning behind, and tattooed on the front of both of her upper thighs are evil, twisted looking grey and red pegasi facing one another (which also means they're both facing towards her private area, which was an intentional decision on her part for fairly obvious reasons). She wrestles in an outfit that resembles a black corset one piece swimsuit with red trim along the edges, her full cleavage and a generous amount of breast on display, and grey boots designed to look like they're actually cybernetic armor (they're not, but the design is so realistic the referee will likely have to check to make sure, and letting a referee anywhere close to this seductive bombshell is a bad idea). Her wrists will be taped up as well. When she makes her entrance she also wears a black cape that goes down to mid-thigh level and attaches around her neck through a ruby clip, as well as cybernetic-looking metal gauntlets (these are actually metal unlike her boots, and she's prone to using them as an illegal weapon whenever the opening presents itself).
Wrestling Style: technical/striking
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Scarlet's a heel due to how manipulative, power-hungry, and in some cases mentally unstable she's prone to being. That said, you'll usually only hear people booing her when she does something blatant that deserves it, as it's hard for most people not to cheer a very attractive woman who has no problem flaunting what she's got.
Years Pro: 1.5
Finishers: Fifty Shades of Grey, Bionic Blow
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Headscissors Crucifix Choke, Straight closed fist right hand from Scarlet while she's wearing one of her metal gauntlets (this move is illegal on two fronts due to the foreign object and the blatant closed fist, but outside of no DQ or a mental breakdown that sees her throwing the victory out the window Scarlet will do everything in her power to do this outside the referee's sight, as that dual illegality means this connecting is going to cause a legit KO on her opponent)
Signature Moves: Scarlet Fever, Hug and a Kiss, Lust For Me
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Crossface Chickenwing with bodyscissors, Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex proceeded by a deep liplock from Scarlet on her opponent while rubbing her chest against theirs as she's holding them before executing the move, Push-up Facebuster
Theme Song: Nymphetamine (Deva-Fix) by Cradle of Filth
Common Moves: clothesline, boston crab, DDT, forearm strikes, bridging fisherman's suplex, big boot, falling inverted DDT (will often try to purposely land this move in a way that drives her ample chest into her opponent's face), O'Connor roll, split-legged leg drop, stinger splash, running hip attack to an opponent seated in the corner, diving seated senton, sitout facebuster
Scarlet's sex appeal is infamous in its own right. It's near impossible for men, and even women, to not be attracted to her, and she uses this to her advantage to get inside their heads. Multi-person matches tend to see her use this to make “alliances” so she has less work to do to get the win at the end, and letting her have so much as a few moments with a referee is a guarantee that said referee will end up becoming biased in her favor.
Scarlet is far more intelligent than most people realize, usually because of the stereotype people buy into that women can't really be intelligent and attractive, and she'll purposely play this to aid in her ability to manipulate others.
The biggest reason Scarlet hasn't been more successful, despite the weapon of perfect sex appeal and the talent and intelligence she does have, is the fact that she not entirely all there. She's surprisingly good at keeping this fact hidden, but the longer a match goes on and the more her plans and moves fail her, the more obvious it becomes as she gets more frantic and takes far more risks to end a match, often times losing it to the point where she ends up getting disqualified and not realizing it until long after the match has ended (we're talking a few more matches ahead in the show). Any match that's guaranteed to go for a while, especially singles matches when she can't hide behind smitten opponents doing her dirty work for her, are almost a guarantee to see her go completely batshit crazy and run the risk of screwing herself over.
Entrance: Nymphetamine (Deva-Fix) begins to play, and once the guitars kick in the lights dim just enough for red and white lights to stand out as they sway across the stage. Out from the back saunters Scarlet Grey, a smirk on her lips as she purposely sways her hips, drawing the gaze of every fan in the arena as they are entranced by the mere sight of her walking down the ramp, putting every runway model in existence to shame without even actually trying. She slowly walks up the steps before stepping between the top and second ropes, taking her sweet time with it to show off not only her ample display of cleavage but also the greatest ass god himself ever created for a woman. Once she's in the ring she waits in the corner, eyes moving over to the referee with a look that's just begging for him to come over and 'inspect' her for foreign objects.
Biography: Not a lot is known about Scarlet Grey, partly thanks to one of the things we CAN confirm about her: she's not entirely all there. There's some kind of psychological damage, but exactly what it is and to what extent has never been properly diagnosed due to her reluctance to see a doctor, claiming she is one herself (but never producing the degrees to prove it) and falling back on the surprising intelligence she shows otherwise to skirt around it. If it's not that, then it's the fact that in terms of her looks she is a goddess among mortals and she knows it, accepting the belief that she's likely the sexiest woman ever put on the planet and easily using this to get every horny man and woman around her to make her life so much easier. It's a mystery why she ended up getting into the wrestling business, but then again, everything Scarlet does only seems to make sense to her, and in the end that's all that matters as far as she's concerned.
Wrestler's Alias: Scarlet Grey
Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown (it's confirmed that Scarlet Grey is not her real name, but she's done everything in her power to remove all evidence of her original name due to a bout of paranoia through her mental instability)
Pic Base: Countess Grotesque (only pics of her with red hair please, like this one:
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 135 lbs.
Birthdate: 1/1/1998
Birth Place: Unknown
Current Residence: Unknown (Scarlet never tends to stay in one place for very long, with some paranoid bout from her mental instability fueling the reasoning why)
Physical Description: The first thing people notice about Scarlet is the red hair and skin kind of on the pale side. Her eyes are also red in color, likely due to colored contacts. She's a bit on the taller side as far as women go and has the curves to go along with it, making her very attractive to guys and girls alike which she loves using to her advantage. Tattooed on her left breast is some sort of demonic symbol that only she seems to know the meaning behind, and tattooed on the front of both of her upper thighs are evil, twisted looking grey and red pegasi facing one another (which also means they're both facing towards her private area, which was an intentional decision on her part for fairly obvious reasons). She wrestles in an outfit that resembles a black corset one piece swimsuit with red trim along the edges, her full cleavage and a generous amount of breast on display, and grey boots designed to look like they're actually cybernetic armor (they're not, but the design is so realistic the referee will likely have to check to make sure, and letting a referee anywhere close to this seductive bombshell is a bad idea). Her wrists will be taped up as well. When she makes her entrance she also wears a black cape that goes down to mid-thigh level and attaches around her neck through a ruby clip, as well as cybernetic-looking metal gauntlets (these are actually metal unlike her boots, and she's prone to using them as an illegal weapon whenever the opening presents itself).
Wrestling Style: technical/striking
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Scarlet's a heel due to how manipulative, power-hungry, and in some cases mentally unstable she's prone to being. That said, you'll usually only hear people booing her when she does something blatant that deserves it, as it's hard for most people not to cheer a very attractive woman who has no problem flaunting what she's got.
Years Pro: 1.5
Finishers: Fifty Shades of Grey, Bionic Blow
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Headscissors Crucifix Choke, Straight closed fist right hand from Scarlet while she's wearing one of her metal gauntlets (this move is illegal on two fronts due to the foreign object and the blatant closed fist, but outside of no DQ or a mental breakdown that sees her throwing the victory out the window Scarlet will do everything in her power to do this outside the referee's sight, as that dual illegality means this connecting is going to cause a legit KO on her opponent)
Signature Moves: Scarlet Fever, Hug and a Kiss, Lust For Me
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Crossface Chickenwing with bodyscissors, Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex proceeded by a deep liplock from Scarlet on her opponent while rubbing her chest against theirs as she's holding them before executing the move, Push-up Facebuster
Theme Song: Nymphetamine (Deva-Fix) by Cradle of Filth
Common Moves: clothesline, boston crab, DDT, forearm strikes, bridging fisherman's suplex, big boot, falling inverted DDT (will often try to purposely land this move in a way that drives her ample chest into her opponent's face), O'Connor roll, split-legged leg drop, stinger splash, running hip attack to an opponent seated in the corner, diving seated senton, sitout facebuster
Scarlet's sex appeal is infamous in its own right. It's near impossible for men, and even women, to not be attracted to her, and she uses this to her advantage to get inside their heads. Multi-person matches tend to see her use this to make “alliances” so she has less work to do to get the win at the end, and letting her have so much as a few moments with a referee is a guarantee that said referee will end up becoming biased in her favor.
Scarlet is far more intelligent than most people realize, usually because of the stereotype people buy into that women can't really be intelligent and attractive, and she'll purposely play this to aid in her ability to manipulate others.
The biggest reason Scarlet hasn't been more successful, despite the weapon of perfect sex appeal and the talent and intelligence she does have, is the fact that she not entirely all there. She's surprisingly good at keeping this fact hidden, but the longer a match goes on and the more her plans and moves fail her, the more obvious it becomes as she gets more frantic and takes far more risks to end a match, often times losing it to the point where she ends up getting disqualified and not realizing it until long after the match has ended (we're talking a few more matches ahead in the show). Any match that's guaranteed to go for a while, especially singles matches when she can't hide behind smitten opponents doing her dirty work for her, are almost a guarantee to see her go completely batshit crazy and run the risk of screwing herself over.
Entrance: Nymphetamine (Deva-Fix) begins to play, and once the guitars kick in the lights dim just enough for red and white lights to stand out as they sway across the stage. Out from the back saunters Scarlet Grey, a smirk on her lips as she purposely sways her hips, drawing the gaze of every fan in the arena as they are entranced by the mere sight of her walking down the ramp, putting every runway model in existence to shame without even actually trying. She slowly walks up the steps before stepping between the top and second ropes, taking her sweet time with it to show off not only her ample display of cleavage but also the greatest ass god himself ever created for a woman. Once she's in the ring she waits in the corner, eyes moving over to the referee with a look that's just begging for him to come over and 'inspect' her for foreign objects.
Biography: Not a lot is known about Scarlet Grey, partly thanks to one of the things we CAN confirm about her: she's not entirely all there. There's some kind of psychological damage, but exactly what it is and to what extent has never been properly diagnosed due to her reluctance to see a doctor, claiming she is one herself (but never producing the degrees to prove it) and falling back on the surprising intelligence she shows otherwise to skirt around it. If it's not that, then it's the fact that in terms of her looks she is a goddess among mortals and she knows it, accepting the belief that she's likely the sexiest woman ever put on the planet and easily using this to get every horny man and woman around her to make her life so much easier. It's a mystery why she ended up getting into the wrestling business, but then again, everything Scarlet does only seems to make sense to her, and in the end that's all that matters as far as she's concerned.