08-05-2018, 02:50 PM
Tag Team Name: Red Empire
Members: Scarlet Grey and Ruby Amarant
Combined Weight: 260 lbs.
Alignment: Heel (though with a good amount of fan appeal despite this because this is two sexy women we're talking about here, and one of them loves actively flaunting it)
Theme Song: Scarlet by In This Moment
Entrance: Scarlet begins to play as the entire arena in engulfed in red lighting, feeling so much like a thick red veil has overtaken the arena that it's suffocating. Through the smoke that begins to cover the stage, Scarlet Grey and Ruby Amarant slowly saunter out onto the stage hand-in-hand and hips bumping as they walk, drawing the gaze of every fan in the arena as they are entranced by this sight. Scarlet slowly turns to Ruby with a smirk and slowly starts running a hand up and down her body, trying to intentionally shift some of the focus over to her as Ruby just smiles back at her, and when Scarlet rises back to full height the two share a brief but passionate kiss before they begin heading down to the ring, Scarlet catching the lingering gaze of some of the fans and winking to them as Ruby just keeps her smile, pleased that Scarlet's enjoying herself. As they reach ringside Scarlet slowly walks up the steps before stepping between the top and second ropes, taking her sweet time with it to show off not only her ample display of cleavage but also the greatest ass god himself ever created for a woman. She then spreads her legs as she leans back against the ropes and allows Ruby to slide into the ring between her legs. Ruby slowly twists around and rises as Scarlet approaches, taking Ruby's hands to run them up along her own body as well. This ends with the two of them locking lips again, one leg slowly rising from each of them before they separate. As the lights return to normal, Scarlet saunters over to try and start flirting with the referee as the look on Ruby's face changes, making it clear that at least she's flipped the switch and is ready for war.
Finishers: Crowning Moment, Fifty Shades of Red, Sweetest Dreams
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Legsweep (Ruby)/Big Boot (Scarlet) combination, MKUltra (Ruby)/Boston Crab (Scarlet) combination, While Scarlet has the Fifty Shades of Grey applied Ruby will lay on top of the opponent as the legal participant for a pin attempt as she makes sure their legs are tied up (because of how the opponent is trapped this move is almost guaranteed to score a win if the opponent's partner is out of commission, but unless it's under tornado tag rules it's at the referee's discretion if he'll actually count the fall or refuse to until Scarlet leaves the ring)
Signature Moves: Aided Ruby Cutter, Lustplex, Crimson Sunset
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Aided Rolling Cutter/Bravado Brothers' Gentlemen's Agreement, Ruby lifts the opponent up in a wheelbarrow position for Scarlet to drive them facefirst into the mat with a sitout facebuster before using her legs to push the opponent back up into a wheelbarrow suplex from Ruby, Ruby slingshots herself over the top rope to attempt a sunset flip powerbomb to an opponent off the apron and Scarlet big boots them to knock them off an into the powerbomb onto the floor
Biography: Scarlet Grey and Ruby Amarant are a mysterious duo that no one seems to know a lot about. From what is known, they are both very attractive (though Scarlet openly flaunts this a lot more than Ruby will and if the latter does so it's usually at Scarlet's insistence) and also very intelligent and manipulative albeit in different ways. Ruby also seems like the closest thing to a true friend and guardian Scarlet has, helping her through any of her mental breakdowns and psychological episodes. While the two also flaunt the idea that they're in a relationship together and Scarlet proudly boasts about this, the reality is that there is no relationship and while there is intimacy between them, Ruby will never commit because of Scarlet's fluctuating mental state and very sexual openness making it seem like she'd prefer being in a relationship with anyone and everyone instead of just one person. Still, Ruby chooses to go along with Scarlet's dream of a Red Empire where they are the queens who rule over all, seeming to find happiness in Scarlet being happy more than anything else.
Members: Scarlet Grey and Ruby Amarant
Combined Weight: 260 lbs.
Alignment: Heel (though with a good amount of fan appeal despite this because this is two sexy women we're talking about here, and one of them loves actively flaunting it)
Theme Song: Scarlet by In This Moment
Entrance: Scarlet begins to play as the entire arena in engulfed in red lighting, feeling so much like a thick red veil has overtaken the arena that it's suffocating. Through the smoke that begins to cover the stage, Scarlet Grey and Ruby Amarant slowly saunter out onto the stage hand-in-hand and hips bumping as they walk, drawing the gaze of every fan in the arena as they are entranced by this sight. Scarlet slowly turns to Ruby with a smirk and slowly starts running a hand up and down her body, trying to intentionally shift some of the focus over to her as Ruby just smiles back at her, and when Scarlet rises back to full height the two share a brief but passionate kiss before they begin heading down to the ring, Scarlet catching the lingering gaze of some of the fans and winking to them as Ruby just keeps her smile, pleased that Scarlet's enjoying herself. As they reach ringside Scarlet slowly walks up the steps before stepping between the top and second ropes, taking her sweet time with it to show off not only her ample display of cleavage but also the greatest ass god himself ever created for a woman. She then spreads her legs as she leans back against the ropes and allows Ruby to slide into the ring between her legs. Ruby slowly twists around and rises as Scarlet approaches, taking Ruby's hands to run them up along her own body as well. This ends with the two of them locking lips again, one leg slowly rising from each of them before they separate. As the lights return to normal, Scarlet saunters over to try and start flirting with the referee as the look on Ruby's face changes, making it clear that at least she's flipped the switch and is ready for war.
Finishers: Crowning Moment, Fifty Shades of Red, Sweetest Dreams
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Legsweep (Ruby)/Big Boot (Scarlet) combination, MKUltra (Ruby)/Boston Crab (Scarlet) combination, While Scarlet has the Fifty Shades of Grey applied Ruby will lay on top of the opponent as the legal participant for a pin attempt as she makes sure their legs are tied up (because of how the opponent is trapped this move is almost guaranteed to score a win if the opponent's partner is out of commission, but unless it's under tornado tag rules it's at the referee's discretion if he'll actually count the fall or refuse to until Scarlet leaves the ring)
Signature Moves: Aided Ruby Cutter, Lustplex, Crimson Sunset
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Aided Rolling Cutter/Bravado Brothers' Gentlemen's Agreement, Ruby lifts the opponent up in a wheelbarrow position for Scarlet to drive them facefirst into the mat with a sitout facebuster before using her legs to push the opponent back up into a wheelbarrow suplex from Ruby, Ruby slingshots herself over the top rope to attempt a sunset flip powerbomb to an opponent off the apron and Scarlet big boots them to knock them off an into the powerbomb onto the floor
Biography: Scarlet Grey and Ruby Amarant are a mysterious duo that no one seems to know a lot about. From what is known, they are both very attractive (though Scarlet openly flaunts this a lot more than Ruby will and if the latter does so it's usually at Scarlet's insistence) and also very intelligent and manipulative albeit in different ways. Ruby also seems like the closest thing to a true friend and guardian Scarlet has, helping her through any of her mental breakdowns and psychological episodes. While the two also flaunt the idea that they're in a relationship together and Scarlet proudly boasts about this, the reality is that there is no relationship and while there is intimacy between them, Ruby will never commit because of Scarlet's fluctuating mental state and very sexual openness making it seem like she'd prefer being in a relationship with anyone and everyone instead of just one person. Still, Ruby chooses to go along with Scarlet's dream of a Red Empire where they are the queens who rule over all, seeming to find happiness in Scarlet being happy more than anything else.