Cassius James
Wrestler's Alias: Cassius James
Wrestler's Real Name: Cassius James
Pic Base: (Click here to make sure your choice has not already been taken) Lenny Kravitz
Height: 6’5
Weight: 245
Birthdate: 7/2/93
Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Current Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Physical Description: Cassius James has a lean muscular build with a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm. He has a short afro. He has a pierced nose.

Wrestling Style: Technical
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Heel
Years Pro: 4
Finishers: The Affirmative Action
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Single Leg Crab while stomping the back of the opponent's head into submission.
Signature Moves: The Double Standard
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Brainbuster.
Theme Song:This Is America by Childish Gambino

Common Moves:
Snap Suplex
Rolling Fireman’s Carry
Dragon Screw
Chin Lock
Side Headlock
German Suplex
Northern Lights Suplex
Spinning Armbar
Half Nelson Suplex

Strengths: Technical Prowess and Focus

Weaknesses: Temper and chip on his shoulder.


This Is America by Childish Gambino begins to play throughout the arena as Cassius James steps out behind the curtain with a black sleeveless hoodie on with solid black trunks and boots. He has a black gloves on his left hand. Cassius James stops at the top of the ramp looks at the crowd to an echo of boos before making his way down to ramp ring completely focused on the ring. He slides into the ring as he stands in the center of the ring before raising his left arm and making a fist with his hand as he points to himself before dropping his arm and moving to his corner of the ring.

Biography: Cassius James was born in a middle class family just outside of Philadelphia. In high school he played sports. He was on the wrestling team and football team. He had football scholarship offers from div II schools. ut passed up the offers to attend the University of Pennsylvania where he was wrongly accused of theft which he believed to the color of his skin. So Cassius was kicked out of Penn as Cassius then transferred to Georgetown after charges were dropped. At Georgetown Cassius majored in Psychology while he minored in African American Studies. He graduated Magna cum laude and after college he decided to try and change culture. He wanted to open the issues still affecting African Americans. He wanted to be a true role model that spoke truth yet he needed a platform. So he relied on his ametuar wrestling to try and make it in pro wrestling. Though he wasn’t going to be a flashy wrestler rather a calculating wrestler.that let his actions speak in the ring while he opened ears on the mic. Now after four years on the indy scene, he is at the doors of the SCW.

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Handler's First Name?
[Image: NEWHAUS_copy.png]

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