Augustus Parker
Personal Details

Name: Randy
Contact Details:
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Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: augustusparker_

Character Details

Name: Augustus Parker
Alias: N/A
Height: 5'11
Weight: 203
Age: 30
Town of Birth: Las Vegas, Nevada.
Picture Base: Buddy Murphy
Body Type: Same as the PB
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral):  Face.

Entrance Music:
Chariots of Fire by Vangelis

Wrestler Entrance:
Chariots of Fire by Vangelis plays as Augustus Parker walks out. He gets to one knee, thumps his chest, points to the sky above, rises up. He power walks down to the ring like a man hell bent on a mission, he slides under the bottom rope, walks to the center of the ring. Drops to a knee, thumps his chest, points to the sky above. He walks over to the corner, slumps down, leaning up against the turnbuckle collecting his thoughts awaiting for the match to start.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): 
Don't call it a comeback... in the literal sense it is a comeback. Augustus competed on the indy scene for five years. Suffered an knee injury. Wasn't that serious, mentally, not “making it” (aka the “big leagues”) took a toll. Sat. Basically this is a comeback story. Everyone can get behind one of those, right?


'The Most Beautifulest Thing In This World': Running knee smash to a sitting opponent

'Don't Call It A Comeback:' (Running knee strike to an opponent seated in the corner)


Augustus is on the outside. The opponent is laying face down, there head exposed. He connects with a running high knee to a prone opponent. 

High knee from the apron to the outside of the ring

Single Knee Facebuster

Repeated shoot kicks to a kneeling opponent's chest, sometimes followed by a dropkick to the opponent's head

With the opponent laying on the lower rope, Augustus clocks them with a running knee to the opponent's head

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set: 

Jumping High Knee

Grounded Single knee facebreaker

Exploder Suplex.

Bridging German Suplex.

Discus Clothesline




Elbow Drop




Elbow drop from the middle rope.

Clothesline in the corner

Corner splash

Slap to the face.

Wrestler Biography: 
Augustus Parker wasn't what you call a blue chip prospect to begin with. The bigger companies weren't knocking on his door. He is your run of the mill hard worker, has a passion for the business, worked hard, kept his head low. Nothing like the indy darlings who got all the hype or wrestlers you have known to hype themselves up to be bigger then they actually are. Parker was content just being him, a man living a dream. Until the dream was put on hold due to a lower leg injury. Mentally (not physically) defeated, Parker sat, for two years. The itch got him, not content with how things ended, Augustus sees this as his last chance to “make it big.” He is prepared to emerge, through hell and hell water.

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