Shootin the Breeze Podcast Ep #6 Part 2
*Heavy metal rock music plays for about thirty seconds, till eventually it fades*

Tyler: Welcome back to part two of the podcast, and the semi-final section

Connor: We just had time to watch some porn, play some games… and here we are with the results

Tyler: We didn’t do any of that

Connor: I know bro, I’m just trying to make your life seem more interesting.

Tyler: Talking of interesting, what do you think do the new EMERGE tag team division?

Connor: Honestly, I dunno… I mean they have tried to do this three times now, and with only a couple of recognized teams, it might be difficult to pull off.

Tyler: I’d tend to agree… I mean, I know when UWA did their cruiserweight division it went well with unknowns, but that was the point. I’m not sure that playing it off like this will work.

Connor: Well, I guess we will find out when Dani announces it in Cardiff

Tyler: And of cause, how can we forget Rise to Greatness being just around the corner? That’s building to be quite an event, notwithstanding the main event when Bree Lancaster will face David Helms.

Connor: Personally, I hope Bree kicks his ass… but more than anything I’m looking forwards to the debut of Holly Adams. The way she has got under the skin of everyone already has been brilliant, and she’s not even gotten in the ring yet.

Tyler: She’s a troll, nothing more

Connor: Perhaps, but she’s entertaining, which is more than can be said for 90% of the wrestling world right now. The industry needs characters, and she is definitely that.

Tyler: We will of course be talking about Rise to Greatness, and indeed Heavy is the Crown as both events get closer… but now, we have business to attend to. You ready?

Connor: As I’ll ever be

Tyler: OK, semi-final one see’s Orlando Cruze facing Amy Chastaine… two of the good guys of the sport

Connor: Roughly translated, boring

Tyler: Oh come on, they were far from boring. Orlando Cruze dominated for over a decade. Amy Chastaine is the fastest Supreme Champion of all time, you simply cannot argue with that.

Connor: I guess not, no point being an arsehole about it for arseholes sake lol

Tyler: And honestly, you the wrestling public voted in your thousands picking out your favorite

Connor: Oh get on with it you tease.

Tyler: The winner… and advancing to the final… with 53.8 percent of the vote. Orlando Cruze

Connor: Wow… The Icon makes it through, for Amy though it’s not all over as we have a 3rd Place match up in the final part of the show

Tyler: That’s correct… and now our second semi-final. I’m pretty certain this is a match that took place. Didn’t Kelcey take the World title from Blitzkrieg?

Connor: I’m not sure… listeners, answers on a postcard, I’ll send you a tee shirt or something

Tyler: Anyway, this is the classic battle, good versus evil, the monster versus the perfect ten.

Connor: It’s certainly a match that the fans would have lapped up that’s for sure.

Tyler: And again, the votes came in their thousands, and yet again it was a close run thing

Connor: You really love this don’t you?

Tyler: I do indeed… you want to know the winner or not?

Connor: Yes, we all bloody do

Tyler: The winner, and advancing to the final to face Orlando Cruze is….with 55.7 percent… The Perfect Ten, Kelcey Wallace

Connor: Crazy… wouldn’t have thought it when we started this competition, but its Kelcey and Orlando in the final

Tyler: And Amy versus Blitzkrieg for third and fourth place… I think that’s a good a time for another break Connor

Connor: Oh come on, don’t do this

Tyler: Haha, get those final votes in guys and join us in a short while as we conclude the fantasy tournament…

*Heavy metal rock music plays for about thirty seconds, till eventually it fades*

Tyler: Well, here we are Connor… been quite a ride but the voting is now officially CLOSED

Connor: It has, when we did this, we didn’t have a clue if people would go for it. I mean we think we are brilliant, but that doesn’t meant to say everyone else does. We thought we might get one vote haha

Tyler: Indeed we do… and even if no one listens after this, I’m glad we got to do it

Connor: Me too… but enough of the soppy stuff, who do you reckon will be getting the next EMERGE title shot against Jennifer Helms?

Tyler: I don’t know, I mean… Willow is in not fit state for a rematch… I’d say Tommy Wasley but he’s the RUSH Champion and you can’t be double champion in EMERGE its part of the rules. So I’m not sure. Who do you think?

Connor: I think it’s nailed on… Melissa Killgraves.

Tyler: Why?

Connor: Think about it, she’s the forefront of Unforgiven now, now way is Aiken going to let only having 25% stop him from having some backstage power. Plus, right now Killgraves is just about the only legitimate challenger, everyone else is not quite ready

Tyler: Maybe, but I guess we will have to wait and see… EMERGE of course back 13th of July live from Cardiff. So what do you think, 3rd place match first?

Connor: Why not?

Tyler: This is another match that would have captured the imagination nowadays and as we said before, worthy of any PPV. Amy Chastaine versus Blitzkrieg

Connor: Who knows, maybe one day?

Tyler: I doubt it, but I would love to see Amy in a ring one more time. However, this was about the votes, and guys this was the second highest voted for match in the entire tournament, even in this short space of time

Connor: Testament to the impact both these wrestlers had on the business and still do.

Tyler: But we had to have a winner, and that winner, pulling 51.2% of the vote and barely getting over the line… its Blitzkrieg

Connor: Third place for the Monster, fourth for Amy Chastaine.

Tyler: Both can be so happy the fans still remember what they did, and may still do for this industry

Connor: Agreed

Tyler: And so, here we are… after thousands of votes, it comes down to this, Kelcey Wallace versus Orlando Cruze

Connor: Battle of the goody two shoes

Tyler: Say what you will, both had a huge impact on the business, and if you believe the rumors, Kelcey may do so one more time

Connor: Orlando certainly won’t… sorry if I’ve offended anyone with that… but not sorry.

Tyler: And as we said earlier, the biggest vote total of them all, left us with a winner, who pulled in 53.1 percent of the vote to 46.9 percent.

Connor: Go one then… tell you what, I’ll give you a drum roll

*Drum roll in the background*

Tyler: The winner of the Shootin the Breeze Fantasy tournament… and very, very well deserved… KELCEY WALLACE!!!

Connor: Kelcey beats the Icon to take the coveted, and it was coveted first place.

Tyler: Well done to Orlando as well, but worthy winner?

Connor: Yeah, I think so… and my opinion doesn’t really matter, the people have spoken and they have chosen Kelcey Wallace

Tyler: Congratulations to her, and all in this competition. It’s been a lot of fun putting it together

Connor: That it has, even having to work with you

Tyler: Well, that’s it guys, we have our winner, and in episode seven we will be focusing on EMERGE #41 and all that went down, and looking forwards to Rise to Greatness, as well as anything else in the big wrestling world that made us sit up and take notice. Till then guys, we hope you enjoy the tournament… so long

Connor: Laters potatoes…

*Heavy metal rock music plays for about thirty seconds, till eventually it fades*

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