Wisteria Waltz

Registration Date: 10-16-2020
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-02-2024 at 11:36 PM
Status: Offline

Wisteria Waltz's Forum Info
Joined: 10-16-2020
Last Visit: 12-01-2024, 05:23 PM
Total Posts: 115 (0.08 posts per day | 0.98 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 7 (0 threads per day | 0.17 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 19 Hours, 33 Minutes, 54 Seconds
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 1 [Details]

Wisteria Waltz's Contact Details
Email: Send Wisteria Waltz an email.
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Wisteria Waltz's Signature
[Image: uKMzpho.png]

Tag Team Record: 25-8*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 11-7
Amelia Blythe Nevado Solo Record: 8-6-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe Nevado: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe Nevado - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [3] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - 109 Days) (3 - Current)
Interim SCW United States Championship (La Pequeña Luz - Current)
2024 Trios Tournament Winner (Amelia Blythe Nevado, w/ Xander Valentine and Billy Heaven Jr.)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)