This Is Fate? <Blake Mason FF RP>
Supreme Championship Wrestling is officially in the darkest timeline... Bree Lancaster became the World Heavyweight Champion. Blake knew the day was coming. Bree is immensely talented. Driven to high heaven. Nothing was going to stop Bree from becoming champion, or fate was going to play a hand in the outcome (#thankyousyren), in any event, Syren's inference wasn't going to be in the history books. The end result was all that mattered. The Empire of Bree was christened at Cold Blooded. The question on some people's minds would eventually linger to how Blake Mason was going to react/respond to him existing in a company where his ex wife is a World Champion.

He didn't have one. Yet.

Moments after his match with the Big Ass, Jackass Connection he was more focused on processing that loss. Wasn't fun. He knew him and Kelsia were up against the odds, more established tag team. Their connection wound up being the difference. But still Blake felt more could have been done. They should have been better prepared to overcome the mountain they had only one shot to overcome. Kelsai didn't take the loss well. He concluded that Kelsai was mad at him. Wouldn't be the first time. She wasn't thrilled he used his contract to circumvent the Trios process, all because he didn't want to wrestle his ex-wife.

So Blake did the only thing he could do, leave Kelsai alone. There was nothing left to do.

Not bothering to stick around for the remainder of the pay per view, while he was in the backseat of the rental car; he pulled out his phone. He pulled up Kelcey's number. Figuring she was likely busy all things considered... he went into his messages. He shot Kelcey the text... “I am heading back home in the morning. Forget commercial. Fly back with me on my jet.” Blake put the phone away not expecting an immediate response from Kelcey. He wished to sit in silence on the rest of the ride to the hotel...

Blake woke up early the next morning. He was out of the hotel by 10 am. On his way to the airport he checked his phone. Pleased that Kelcey agreed to fly back with him he felt a lot better. Part of him wanted to briefly check in on Kelsai. He pushes away the thought, Blake had full confidence Victor would keep him updated. On the jet, Blake sat by the window. He kept himself distracted by reading Fortune Magazine. He looked up to notice Jaxson Sullivan standing by the door. His attention returned to the magazine.

“She's here, Mr. Mason.” he could hear Jaxson plainly state.

To his satisfaction Kelcey walked over to where he is sitting, taking a seat across from him, she gives the inside of the jet a once over taking everything all in.

“It's been awhile.” she remarks.

Blake nods. “Definitely has. Congratulations by the way. Alistaire, Owen, Peyton cleaned house. Especially Peyton. Adrenaline Champion. Engaged to a good man. You must be proud of all of them.”

Kelcey smiles. “I am. Don't thank me. Peyton, Alistaire and Owen put the work in. Aaron as well. I'm around if they need me. That's all.”

Blake half smirks. “How do you keep doing that?”

Kelcey tilts her head to the side. “Do what?”

“Stay humble.” Blake says.

Kelcey smiles. “You don't need to flatter me.”

“Flattery is a waste, we are long past that stage. Just calling how I see it.” Not breaking eye contact with Kelcey, Blake smiles. His attention would be diverted when Jaxson taps Blake on the shoulder. Blake looks up at his bodyguard.

“We're about to take off. I'll give you two some privacy.”

Jax nods at Blake first, then Kelcey, then he heads off to another part of the jet to leave his boss and Kelcey largely undisturbed. Blake fastens himself in. So does Kelcey. In a matter of moments the jet took off. It would be a matter of time before New Orleans would be left in the dust for the foreseeable future.

Time passed. For the most part there was silence between Blake and Kelcey. Not that Blake didn't want to speak to the woman he shares more than a complicated history with, he couldn't bring himself to talk. He would glance at Kelcey every now and then between reading Fortune and browsing his phone. The Kindle app came in handy during long jet rides. The trip from New Orleans to California was destined to last hours. Having reading material came in handy. Normally after an exciting night of wrestling Blake was tired. He didn't get much sleep the night previous. Staring at a screen didn't help matters. Blake drifted off into nothingness.

Not knowing how much time had elapsed Blake woke up. The first thing he saw was Kelcey. That comforted him. Letting out a yawn, he asked. “How long was I out?”

“Thirty minutes I believe.” Kelcey replied.

“Well... that's eventual.” Blake sighs. “Is there anything I can do for you? A glass of water? I have plenty of food.”

Kelcey shakes her head. “No right now. Thanks for the offer. There is something you can do for me.”


“Talk to me.”

“Alright.” Blake clears his throat. “Fatal Fortunes is coming up. Got to get Peyton ready for that, right? I assure you Kelcey, if Fortune does dictate I challenge Peyton for the Adrenaline Championship I will fight fair, no cheating like I did with Alistaire. I will give Peyton the match she deserves, promise.”

“I appreciate that Blake, that's not what I meant.” Kelcey leans forward. “Tell me what's really on your mind, you've been offly quiet.”

“Your presence calms me, Kelcey. Trust me, I need it right now. We don't need to have an hours long conversation about whatever. Can't we enjoy each others company like the good ole days.” Blake flashes his million dollar smile.

Kelcey wasn't moved. “Nice try. You can tell me anything.”

“Not true-” Blake breaks eye contact looking off to the side for a brief moment. “-- certain words when spoken can't be taken back. Every action, taken, every word spoken comes with a price. And I am trying to the best of my ability to minimize those consequences. I disagree Kelcey, I can't tell you anything; but if you want to know what is on my mind right now...” Blake sighs. “I think I hate my ex-wife.”

Kelcey's eyes widen at the revelation.

Blake then launches into what happened on April 11st. Him and Bree's respective private jets were delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. They were stuck with nowhere to go, Blake at first tried his best to be polite, Bree was hostile the entire time. He did acknowledge he lost his cool, telling Bree that Dom was a nice substitute, if he was available she would not hesitate to show up on his doorstep. Things did get ugly he acknowledged, not his proudest moment.

Blake takes a moment to catch his breath. “All I could think about on the ride back was do I hate Bree? An odd thing to say, I am the one who gave up on the marriage, it has been two years. I swear she has gotten worse. More narcissistic. More entitled. More over the top, didn't think it was possible. Always knew she was emotional, there are times I ask myself, what did I see in her in the first place? Why show Bree kindness when she clearly beyond a shadow of a doubt hates me? Bree doesn't deserve my kindness! She is masquerading as the godmother to your son. What type of human being does that?!”

“A petty one.” Kelcey chimes in. “No surprise considering the company she keeps.”

“We I am consumed by hate, I'm a monster. I don't want to hate Bree. She is a decent human being. The pettiness. Allowing the weight of her own ego to drag her down. The narcissism.” Blake chuckles. “It's funny in a way. She said to me, maybe Taylor doesn't mind not being the center of my attention... isn't that what a narcissist wants? For the world to revolve around them.”

Blake pauses. He didn't need Kelcey to respond to know the answer his statement. “I remember the first time she walked out on me. I was consumed with becoming the World Champion. I didn't pay Bree as much attention as she wanted. Didn't value her input. When we got back together I poured my entire heart and soul into getting her back. Made her the center of my world once again. Everyone else I dated didn't need my world the revolve around them like Bree did. I was guilty for feeding her narcissism, I enabled it. As sad as it is to say, Bree will always be my biggest disappointment.”

Blake looks down at the table separating him and Kelcey, He unloaded a lot on her plate. That wasn't his intent. “I'm sorry. I sho--”

Kelcey rest her hand on his. That stops Blake from completing his sentence. “No need to be sorry.”

“The last thing you need to hear is me rambling on about my ex.”

“You are not the only one dealing with the fallout of a marriage.” Kelcey reminded him.

It was Kelcey's turn to share her run in with the ex. She recounted to Blake how she had a run in with Chris at the coffee shop. His entire body tensed up as she told the story. She told him how the chance meeting quickly devolved into the usual banter between them about Chris holding true to his belief he had done the right thing, Kelcey wanting her son, Chris escalating things to the point where Kelcey slapped the shit out of him. Blake's blood pressure rose the more Kelcey told him the story. He imagined if he was there how things would have gone. Blake didn't want his mind to go there. What helped was seeing the wave of emotion written on Kelcey's face. Blake got out of his seat, he sat down right next to her. Wrapped his arm around her shoulder, Blake said as comforting as he could.

“Kelcey, it's going to be ok. I have all the faith in the world you are going to make this right. There is nothing I want more for you than to snatch custody of your son away from Chris. Him and Sienna are both unstable. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see that. Continue the fight. I'll be here to listen. Promise.”

“Thank you.” Kelcey leans her head into Blake's chest. “Are you going to be ok?”

“Don't hold back, even when it comes to him.” Blake affirms. “Chris isn't my favorite person; obviously, you could have had that same confrontation with Sean Lions, Brian Dobsin, the kid from South Park. Whoever. I am always going to be protective when it comes to you. It's tough. I want to help you to get your son back. You deserve that. I can only involve myself so much. Anything involving Chris is falling into a rabbit hole. Don't know how I'll react. But rest assured, you can talk to me. That's what friends are for right, being there for better or worse.”

Blake spent more time than he should have comforting Kelcey. He wasn't feeling, in the moment he felt she needed him, so he buried what he was feeling, focused on ensuring that Kelcey returned to the calm state of being he appreciates so much. Jaxson walks into view. He signals for Blake to come join him. Blake shakes him off, letting him know now is not the time. Doing as he boss says, Jaxson walks away, leaving Blake alone with Kelcey...


For three days all Blake Mason focused on was spending time with Taylor Chase, her son Sebastian and his daughter Kayla. He wanted to put Cold Blooded behind him. There were moments in the day where his bonding session with Kelcey would creep into his consciousness. By and large he knew what was important to him, a life with Taylor Chase. Not that she didn't appreciate him being home all the time. Being a wrestler like he is, she urged him to get back to work. On the third day of him being home, Blake called up Jaxson, he asked the big man to meet him at Gold's Gym. Paying off the owner to ensure him and Jaxson were the only ones permitted to work out. Money talks. Always has. Always will. He got his way. Blake, wearing black boxer shorts and a white wife beater shirt and gloves to protect his hands, unleashed unchanneled aggression on the heavy bag in front of him. Rights and lefts.  A right hook here and a left hook there to pepper in. He treated the bag like it tried to burn down one of his homes. Silently, Jaxson stood off to the side observing his boss make up for a few days of relaxing. 

“Want to talk about it, Mr. Mason?” Jaxson calmly asked. 

Blake heard what his bodyguard asked. In the zone, he opted not to respond. All he cares about is building up a sweet. He was quite successful at it. 

Jaxson tries to get Blake's attention again, “Ms. Wallace was right about one thing, it is not healthy to bottle your emotions in. I've seen it all the time with clients. The sooner we address this now, the better.”

Blake stops killing the heavy bag. He glances at Jaxson for a moment. Swiftly, he returns his focus to the bag. Clearing the sweet from his forehead, Blake goes back on the offense. He gets a couple solid shots in. His follow up was blocked when Jaxson, without noticing, grabbed Blake's arm. He shifts his attention to his bodyguard, glaring at him. “Let go!” Blake scrowls. 

Unflinching, Jaxson states. “I am not going to pretend to know the in depth history between you and Ms. Wallace. But it's quite clear that you are one step closer to having an emotional affair.”

Jaxson releases his boss's arm. Blake has an expression of bewilderment on his face. “We're friends. What did you want me to do, tell Kelcey not to confide in me?”

“I was under the assumption the plan was to keep your distance. Inviting Ms. Wallace on your private jet defeats the purpose.” Jaxson plainly stated. 

“I am not paying you to get inside my head, Jax!” Blake reminded his bodyguard. “Emotional affair is an invention of an insecure person who couldn't stand their lover having a relationship with their ex. It's pseudo silence that's one thousand percent hog wash. If you expect me to pretend Kelcey does not exist sorry Jax, that is not the real world.” 

“You are walking a dangerous tightrope; what happens if Mr. Cannon crosses a line you deem not appropriate? Are you going to be Kelcey's avenging angel? How will that affect your relationship with Taylor?” 

Blake rubs the temple to his forehead. “The gym is free to both of us, Jaxson. Didn't you bring some workout clothes?”

Jaxson shakes his head. 

Blake continues. “Go to my locker in the back, get my black card, go to a store, buy some clothes.” 

Jaxson tilts his head to the side. “By the time I come back you'll be done.”

Blake smiles. “Smart man. Look Jax, the gym is a temple, we don't discuss personal issues here. Even if you are right, which you're NOT about an alleged emotional affair; which I still maintain does NOT exist, the objective to working out is working out. This is not a therapist office.” 

Jaxson nods. “Alright. I'll let you be.” 

Blake turns around to focus on the heavy bag again. “Thank you.” 

He returns to his intensive workout not wanting to give a second thought to an emotional affair. Ha.        



The scene opens inside of a dimly lit boardroom. Blake Mason, wearing a grey three piece suit, white shirt, with a red tie, is sitting at the head of the table. Jaxson Sullivan, stands proudly to Blake’s right. To the right of Blake is a bottle of wine. He picks the wine bottle up and pours the contents in a glass that is to the left of him. Resting the wine bottle in its original spot, Blake leans back into the leather reclining office chair. 

“Welcome one and all to the Blake... Mason... Experience.” 

“The one question everyone has been blowing up my Twitter mentions with, other than why am I not going to take part in the Taking Hold of the Flame festivities, the thought on everyone's mind for some reason,  how do I feel about my ex-wife becoming the SCW World Heavyweight Champion. I have a simple answer for each and every single one of you. Sit back. Get your popcorn ready. In this world wide exclusive I am going to tell everyone how I REALLY feel about the main event of Cold Blooded.”

Blake waits a good five seconds to build up the anticipation. Taking a deep breath he relays his thoughts to the viewing public. “No comment.”  

He grabs his wine glass. Takes a sip from it. Returning the glass back to the table he resumes speaking.  “What I would love to talk about is my quote an unquote epic return. I am not going to hide from the fact I am 0-2 in my pay per view matches since returning. Some people would tell me I am being too damn hard on myself, that Alistaire Allocco, Tommy Valentine and Kandis are world class athletes, that I should feel no shame losing to them. I agree, they are world class performers. I am a guy who spent a calendar year on the shelf coming back to compete against men and women who have been doing this at a high level the entire time I was at home watching them make an impact. If I subscribed to that opinion I am being too hard on myself, that would be wrong.  I am NO POSITION whatsoever to be give myself a break.”

Blake shakes his head. “I can’t hang on that excuse, not after my last run. I went from being a whisker away from becoming the #1 contender to the World Championship to devolve into everyone else's punching bag. If I knew falling short in two consecutive pay per view matches was in my future I would not have come back. I didn’t return to relive the same ole Blake Mason story, doing well when the lights aren’t the brightest, crashing under the heat when the moment counts most. That is the narrative I play in my head each and every single day. Doesn’t matter how good I am. It doesn’t matter the few brass rings I did snatch, ask yourself an honest question. When you think of William Blake Mason what is the first thought that pops in your head? Is a successful professional wrestler the first among them?”

Blake gives the viewing public more than enough time to ponder what he just said. 

“The answer is unequivocally no. You remember me for my infamous moments. Running down people. Piledriving kids. You likely gravitate to my more than scandalous love life.  Maybe, you remember me becoming the Adrenaline Champion... the only singles championship I won in SCW by the way was a lifetime ago. You might also remember my lone  tag title reign. Right now I can hear someone yelling at me that it doesn’t matter how the fans view me. Not about the fans honestly. This is how I view myself. Losing to Alistaire. Losing to Kandis and Tommy is a big f**king deal. I am replaying the same narrative I established from the day I stepped foot in this company. And it bothers me more than you’ll ever understand. I play it cool. Act like none of this bothers me. But it does bother the hell out of me. I force myself to hold on to a level of perspective to avoid from completely going off the deep end. Thus far I have established a pattern, one I am familiar with. Chalking my recent experiences as ring rust is NOT a reasonable excuse in my eyes. If I was better prepared, me and Kelsai should be defending the tag titles at least once. If I wasn’t more focused on proving a point, I would have had a better chance at beating Alistaire. Some competitors might look at my recent setbacks as fuel to inspire them for a comeback story for the ages, I am better than this. My story should not be one where I need to make a comeback after a rough start. I should be coming out the gate swinging. So much for the best laid plans.”  

Blake takes another sip from his wine glass. “And that brings me to the most unpredictable time of the year, Fatal Fortunes. The two weeks out of the year where Supreme Championship Wrestling decides to throw caution to the wind, completely randomize the show lineup, we won’t know who we are facing until the ring announcer lets the world know who is wrestling who, what stipulation follows, what condition is applicable. The only thing certain is every championship will be defended at least once, we can guarantee one thing, I won’t face Bree for the United States and the World Championship. But I could face Peyton Rice. Regan Street. Or get another chance to take the tag team titles from the Jackass, Big Ass Connection. Maybe Kelsai or someone else will be my partner, who knows. As enticing as getting a championship match looks on paper, that is not my main objective. Nope. The only thing within my control is the goal I set. Ladies and gentlemen, as boring as this might sound to each and every single one of you. My goal, no matter what situation fate blesses me with is to win.”

“I Need To Win.”

Blake hammers home his point by slamming his hand on the table. 

“I wish I could be one of those I am wrestling for the purity of competition types. That would be a less stressful existence. To know no matter what happens, their needs are met cause yay, competition. I wasn’t brought up that way. My dad brought me up to win, to take names, to bring whoever is in front of me to their knees. I haven’t been the most consistent at bringing my competition to their knees, the competitive drive within me is still the same. I don’t need to win to receive the more lucrative end of the winners purse, I will admit, possibly becoming the number one contender to a championship would be nice. What match I find myself in is beyond my control. As well as any possible stipulations or prizes. I can only operate on how things have been for me since I came back. A bust. A failure. A disappointment. There is still time to right the ship. A victory, no matter who it is against will set me up for the future. I am not satisfied with a good performance, winning is all, that, matters.”  

“Well, I wasn’t expecting to go off on that tangent--” Blake smirks. “-- no sense holding back. I am not the veteran who is content just to be here. I am not the guy who is content allowing the new generation to do their thing without resistance. I am going to do my best to be the roadblock preventing anyone from getting what they want. If I need to kill anyones aspirations, friend or foe, to get the win I seek, so be it. Welcome, to the Blake Mason Experience, as always--” Blake takes one more sip of wine. He tips his wine glass. Licking his lips Blake caps off the promo by saying. “-- thanks for coming.” 

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