Selena Frost vs. Bree Lancaster
2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET THURSDAY, May 16, 2024
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Villain of the Year

”We’re All A Little Mad Here…”

Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, Maryland
May 12th, 2024

Selena tried to force down the contents of her stomach as she walked the halls, her eyes taking in the almost disgustingly-simple design. It was so plain – with white walls that seemed to travel forward forever, an optical illusion that Selena had to turn her head this way and that a little to avoid getting too unnerved. Doors littered the blank walls, all the same color – a dark green – all closed. Lastly, the floor was a dark brown of tiled wood that looked… well, cheap, if the Snow Queen were honest with herself – at least compared to the floors she had back at Eyrie Tower.

This is what decades of loyalty gets you… The thought was an unfair one but Selena accepted it none the less. Had the SCW management simply dumped poor Jessica here the first chance they got? They sure as hell hadn’t waited more than a few minutes to find her replacement in Jaina Lancaster. Selena felt her jaw clench at that. It had taken so much of her willpower not to cold-clock the young girl in the face with a slap or a fist last Breakdown while she had been ‘interviewing’ (for lack of a better word) the world champion, the foolish child thinking she could do the job that Jessica could do better than anyone else! And Selena was sure she saw some smugness in Jaina that the ‘opportunity’ Winters’ ‘disposition’ had granted her. Maybe I should have smacked her… she mused dryly. Would have gotten Bree’s attention, I’ll bet…

She smiled at that before refocusing her thoughts. Still… what is there to expect from SCW?/i] she thought to herself. This was the same company that had turned on her and then prodded and begged her in ‘not so subtle ways’ to come back and save their company with her ‘star-power’. Of course they would ‘throw out’ anyone that made the company look bad on a whim. Again, they were unfair thoughts against SCW, but Selena didn’t care. This place – this psych-ward – was haunting! It wasn’t decorated or filled with comforts, no! It looked mid! Only a few steps up from the padded rooms and cells that she saw in movies! THIS was for her friend? THIS was for the greatest interviewer in SCW?!

Was she on edge? Of course she was – the fact that she couldn’t stop fidgeting with her hands, tugging and twisting the hem of her dark-maroon t-shirt or twisting her braid with her hands if that didn’t work at times, was proof of that. She didn’t want to be here. She was beyond uncomfortable here. She could hear people screaming from behind the doors. What they were screaming, she had no idea. It was all just muffled sounds with various pitches, but it was enough to cause her to jump a little every few steps.

[i]Get a hold of yourself…
her ‘devil-voice’ commanded in her mind. You’re the goddamn world champion!

What load of good did holding a title do in this case? Wasn’t like anyone from SCW was here besides her and her wife! Wasn’t like there were cameras here or something! And what the hell did she care if Xander or Bree Lancaster saw her like this?! Xander couldn’t do shit to her until their match at Taking Hold of the Flame, and she would deal with him soon enough. And as for Bree…

Selena welcomed the temporary distraction her past rival invoked. The current Adrenaline champion had dug her own grave in this latest stance, mouthing off on X with Josh Hudson about Selena’s opinion on the main-event at Taking the Leap. Running her mouth up and down about being the only ‘honorable champion’ in SCW or whatever just for some cheap attention from the SCW Universe. Couldn’t just mind her own business… Selena sighed a little. Couldn’t just stay in her lane and leave the main-event to me…

In truth, Selena almost felt sorry for Bree. It was beyond clear where all this stemmed from. While Selena had remarked on the main-event-issue for the good of the world title and prestige of it and SCW – basically what she had come back here to fix! – Bree was just letting her bruised ego get in the way. There had been nothing wrong with what Selena had said. The world champion was meant to close the show or start it on Breakdowns and definitely close it as they defended the world title on pay-per-views. That was the draw. That was the main-event. It was her face on the posters, her world title being the big ‘advertisement’. Not doing so was detrimental to the world title to SCW! That’s why Selena had spoke out to CHBK.

Bree was just… She sighed. Bree was just bitter. Clearly, her career had not had the same ‘elevations’ that Selena’s had. True, the woman had headlined Rise to Greatness and had a world title reign or two, but that had been four years ago for the first and three years ago since the latter. And she had done well settling – like she always did – in the mid-card but, compared to Selena or even Deanna? Clearly, the former world champion was just jealous of the success of the Frosts while the Lancasters… well, when Selena had left, SCW had fallen into disrepair. Bree’s absences? Hardly felt. It was just a matter of facts, one that Bree couldn’t seem to accept, hence all the snippy remarks and disrespect while Selena had simply let the woman rant.

Now? The two were set to meet on Breakdown in the main-event. And while Selena was looking forward to another former world champion to fight with, there was no true delight in the aspect of facing Bree. There would have been if Bree hadn’t opened her mouth about the main-event, but now? Selena had to ensure she walked out of this match the winner, otherwise her entire discourse on the main-event and her place in it would be ridiculed and disrespected. Bree did NOT belong in the main-event as the world champion. Challenging Selena? Yes, that was fine, the woman was more than deserving of that. But the main-event, as long as Selena held the world title, belonged to her and only her! That needed to be made clear. That needed to be made beyond crystal-clear…

Another scream burst out from behind one of the doors as Selena passed, causing the platinum-blonde to jump a little and forcing her eyes shut to try and recompose herself as she mentally cursed herself and everyone in the vicinity! She hadn’t even realized she had stopped her walking to do so until she felt her hands suddenly warm as they were held. Opening her eyes, the world champion saw her wife, Deanna, gazing at her gently.

“You okay?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her own red mane of hair was flowing down her back with a few, small braids tied into them. She wore a light-blue shirt that did nothing for her but she ‘liked the color’ and dark-blue jeans (Selena had chosen black pants). To answer her question, Selena gave a quick shake of her head, trying to force a smile to her face.

“I’m…I’m fine.” She answered. “Psych wards just…” her voice trailed off as she looked away, just in time for more screams to be heard from the other side of doors and a few doctors/nurses could be seen coming and going out of certain rooms. “Just…” she still couldn’t finish the thought, but she heard her wife’s voice so close to her ear.

“I get it.” Deanna answered. “You almost ended up here…”

It was enough of a remark that caused Selena to draw in a shaky breath, her eyes taking in the space once more. It still wasn’t overly glamourous, a few pictures on the walls they had passed before entering this hall, and she was sure the rooms were nothing extravagant, but still… it would have been better than Nome.

Deanna was right. She had almost ended up in a place like this. But Nome wasn’t Baltimore. Nome’s ‘psych ward’ would have been called the ‘mental asylum’ or something like that. Because no one would have paid for her to go to Anchorage’s care. No… they would have simply locked up the ‘Crazy Miner’s Daughter’ if they had had even the slightest inclination and forgotten about her. Gods knew Anastasia and Malcolm Scythe had tried… The train of thought caused Selena to slam her eyes shut. The manipulation, the drugs, losing her Elsianna… how they had pushed her to the brink of insanity – her belief in the existence of a snow child… they had almost driven her into the madhouse, which was their plan in order to acquire the gold mine of her father. It was why places like this made Selena so nervous. Seeing people not in control of their own minds… how close she had been to being someone like that…

“We won’t stay long.” Deanna’s voice rang through, full of promise and assurance. “I just want to see her. I know you do too.”

“I…” Selena exhaled slowly. “I do.” She nodded. It had been a hell of an experience that fateful Breakdown two weeks ago. She had been in her bus, prepping herself for her match with Polly Pingotti when a tech hand had come running, informing her of something that, at first, had just seemed stupid and impossible. ‘Deanna was attacked by Jessica’. There had to be some kind of mistake. Some kind of miscommunication! But it was enough to send Selena rushing out of the bus and into the arena, when she should have been focusing on her match. Still, she had quickly discovered the truth about her friend’s actions against her wife. The use of the shoelaces, the attack… all of it. Poor Deanna – Selena cast a glance at her then, the redhead appearing so strong now – she had insisted, as soon as they had gotten through with the Breakdowns in Japan and then Australia, on coming here, getting the information from Hiro Tanaka-

“Keep up.” Came the passive-aggressive voice of the staff in front of them, breaking whatever tender moment the wives were having. “I have other jobs to do.”

The two women exchanged similar looks at the remark, both taken aback a little. No wonder this place has only a 2.2 on google reviews… Selena thought as the pair caught up, the attendant in front of them muttering on about ‘time spent’ and ‘rules’ or whatever. They had already been asked to leave their purses and any items viewed as ‘weapons’ with the front desk, and, for a moment, Selena wondered if she would even see those items again. Again… 2.2 stars and all…

Still, her thoughts ceased as the trio soon stopped in front of one of the many identical doors, the staff-member boredly digging out his keys before stuffing one into the lock and twisting it. Immediately, the door was unlocked.

“There is a red button by the bed and on the wall for emergencies.” He seemed to snap to attention as he glared at the two women. “ONLY press the button if there is an emergency!” he warned. “I don’t want to have to come running here just because someone breaks a nail.”

Before either woman could respond at such a disrespectful remark, the man was gone, marching back down the hall to… whatever was more important than this to him. For Selena, she merely shook her head. “Lot of things make sense right now.” She whispered, more so to herself.

“I can’t believe Jessica is in a place like this…” Deanna remarked, her eyes locked on the retreating staff member before lighting up. “Can we…”

“Absolutely not.” Selena stated, knowing exactly where her wife’s kind mind was going. “If it was just us, I might be lenient.” She stated firmly, turning her head to stare into Deanna’s emerald eyes. “But not with our children there.”

“Oh…” the lightbulb going off in Deanna’s head – a realization and guilt mixture – caused her to retreat a little, nodding her head in understanding. “You’re right.” She sighed. “And I wouldn’t want them to see ‘Aunt Jess’ like that.”

Selena nodded in agreement – her reasoning, thankfully, well-received. There were only a few non-Frost members that they considered family: Jean and Zoe, Greta and Kai, Regan and David, and Jessica. She was always the ‘cool aunt’ whenever the wives brought their children to the arenas… Quietly, Selena was grateful that they had chosen not to take their kids to Japan or Australia (‘you’d miss too much school work’ had been the excuse), given certain events.  

The sound of the door opening returned Selena’s attention to the present, just in time to see Deanna opening the door and step inside. “Hey…” she called out weakly, moving her head around the door to peer fully inside. “Hey Jess…” she added before stepping in slowly, so as not to spook the occupant. Selena followed behind her wife, though her eyes, unlike Deanna’s, first scanned the room.

The place was… not primitive. Like the halls, it served a purpose but it was far from ‘the best possible service’ - that much was certain. The walls were the same colors as those in the hall, there was a single window overlooking the outside buildings and parking lot, a couch by the window with a sitting chair nearby. Aside from that and the bed at one side of the room, there was nothing. No television, no pictures, not even a clock on the wall. For a moment, Selena recalled the ‘caretaker’s’ words – a security measure to ‘prevent further incidents’ he had said.

“Oh gods…” she heard Deanna’s voice, turning her attention to the bed where the redhead was gathered. There, lying on the mattress, was Jessica Winters… except it wasn’t. As Selena drew close, she saw Deanna standing over the SCW interviewer, running a hand along the woman’s soft features.

“Be careful!” she warned without thinking. “She might hurt-“
“She can’t.” Deanna replied sadly, turning a little to give Selena a better look. “Look at her, Selena.”

Again, Selena stepped forward to get a better view, gasping when she did. The woman – one of her oldest friends in SCW, the first person to give her a real chance in the federation when people only saw her as ‘a fake Frost’ because of some other family getting there first or as a ‘fake hero’ or whatever – looked nothing like the woman Selena knew.

Her brown hair was a mess and her face was pale. She wore a typical hospital gown, but none of that was what got to Selena. Rather, it was her eyes. They were distant, as if they were looking somewhere other than here. Occasionally, they would blink but they lacked focus, attentiveness, the spark of life that belonged to… well… to Jessica Winters.

“Look…” Deanna urged again, holding up Jessica’s closest hand to the Snow Queen, revealing the bindings there, preventing anything but the barest of movement beyond the bed as they tied Jessica’s arms to the bed’s railings.

For a moment, Selena simply studied the state of her dear friend. Sadly, it made sense. Clearly, Jessica had had more violent episodes while here. The restraining, hell even her current look (probably medically induced, Selena reasoned) was meant to keep her in check, curb those violent tendencies, and prevent her from being a danger to herself. Again, it made sense… didn’t mean she couldn’t hate it and the feeling of disgust it created within her for it and for SCW for putting her here in the first place!


The word came from neither of them, but from Jessica, herself, as she continued to gaze up towards the ceiling. “Darkness…” the word was barely a whisper every time it was spoken but the Frost wives still heard it. What it meant, Selena wasn’t as sure as Deanna was, the redhead adopting a look of determination while the Snow Queen simply watched on.

“Can we untie her?” Deanna asked, earning a shake of Selena’s head.

“They told us not to.” she stated. “On the way here… we can talk to her, share things with her, but we are not to free her or leave anything here that she can use as a weapon. That’s probably why everything is so bare here.” She looked around the room as she repeated the instructions they had been given by the caretaker. “Still…” her eyes returned to Jessica’s distant ones. “How can they possibly know she’s better if they keep her like this?”

There was a moment of silence, Deanna biting her lower lip. “Should we try talking to her?”

Selena was quiet before giving a sharp nod of her head. “Yeah.” She answered, moving to the window where the chair was. She attempted to slide it forward but it would not budge, the platinum-blonde realizing, very quickly, that it was very heavy (probably weighed down or something to keep from it being swung around). With a bit of grunt work, the world champion managed to drag-slide the chair up to the bed. “Sit.” She gestured towards Deanna, grateful when the redhead simply obeyed and sat in the large chair next to Jessica. “You go ahead.” She added, choosing to simply pace the room as she watched her wife.

“Okay…” settling herself in, Deanna offered a kind smile to Jessica. “Hey, hun.” She called out, her voice a bit louder. “It’s me, Jessica… it’s Deanna. With Selena. I, uh…”

“Darkness…” Jessica repeated, effectively throwing off the redhead. For a moment, she seemed at a loss for words, stammering a little.

“Why is this so hard?” Deanna finally asked in frustration.

“Just speak your mind.” Selena advised as she continued to pace around the room. “Not like she’s going to have a ‘witty retort’ other than ‘darkness’. Although…” Selena felt guilty doing this but… Deanna needed this. “Hey, Jess!” she called out to the patient from where she stood across the room. “Finish the lyric! ‘Hello BLANK, my old friend!”

“Darkness…” came the inevitable reply.
“Ding ding!” Selena chirped, ringing a non-existent bell. “Circle gets the square!”

“Selena!” Deanna reprimanded, though there was no mistaking the quirk of a smile that came to her. “Gods, I’m going to hell for that.” The redhead whispered in addition.

“If it were up to certain religions and people…” Selena remarked without thinking, merely shrugging. “We would have crossed that line years ago.”

“Not helping.” Deanna stated. “But I…” she sighed. “I appreciate you trying.”
“Just talk to her.” Selena pressed, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the wall. Or I’ll come up with more ‘darkness’ quotes for Jessica to guess. So far, she’s 1-0.”

An irritated groan came from Deanna before the younger Frost focused her attention on Jessica. “Speak my mind… okay…” she breathed. “Umm… Hey Jess. I… Gods, I hate that you’re here. Because I want to tell you…” she kept pausing to find the right words, hoping they would be heard. Or maybe to clear her conscience, Selena wasn’t sure which path her wife was taking. “I don’t blame you and I’m not mad at what you did. I know that wasn’t you. That’s not who you are. Besides… you’d have done a much better job than shoelaces, right?!” she offered a weak chuckle to the unresponsive Winters. “I mean, I spent two years in prison and let me tell you… sheeves are so much more effective! One woman fashioned one out of a toothbrush handle! Yeah, whittled it down to a sharp point!” Deanna even made a stabbing motion with her hand.

“Please don’t give Jessica pointers on how to assault you better next time.” Selena asked sharply, allowing Deanna to release a small laugh at her own humor. It quickly faded, however, the young redhead lowering her hand to take one of Jessica’s.

“I’m going to fix this, Jessica. I promise.” Deanna whispered.
“Darkness…” came the distant reply to no one from Winters.

For her part, Selena merely watched the exchange as Deanna gently held Jessica’s hand in hers, watching for any threat or danger that could present itself. As much as she wanted to do something about this, the Snow Queen knew that this…whatever this was… was not her fight. Deanna had been the target, which meant that her redhead needed to figure this out.

Besides… Selena thought as she gazed out the large window, to the world beyond. I’ve got much bigger fish in SCW to fry than a habitual ‘smoker’…[/i]
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
Breakdown 5-16-24 #1
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):
Villain of the Year

”My Old Friend Indeed…”

Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, Maryland
May 12th, 2024

“Well, that’s my theory so far.” Deanna wrapped up, keeping her emerald gaze on Jessica, who continued to stare up at the ceiling with her distant gaze. From her spot leaning against the wall, Selena Frost had to give her wife credit. The redhead had spent the last near hour in what the Snow Queen could only describe as ‘enthusiastic monologuing’ – to the point she could give Selena, herself, a run for her money compared to the world champion’s promos (if the other members of the SCW roster’s remarks were to be believed) – retelling Jessica all that had been happening with her in SCW since her leave of absence, the ‘great developments between Chica and Evelyn’ (Deanna had enjoyed coyly revealing their true identities), before finally returning to the theory she had crafted last Breakdown.

And for Selena’s part, it was a sound theory. Not that she believed in the idea of ‘evil spirits’ or ‘the power of the darkness’ in that kind of ‘magical’ capacity, but how far was it a stretch that some kind of hallucinogenic drug was involved?

Hell, she had a history with such people, drugs and delusions – privately (which she had no desire to go into) and career-wise with SCW. From Cid Turner believing he was some kind of old god, to Giovanni doing his bit about the Wonderland, the list of people with such ‘tricks’ and ‘tools’ within SCW had never been light. Add that Deanna was one of the most dominant champions in SCW with the longest reign out of every current champion, including Selena herself? Of course she was a target for someone like the Enigma!

It wasn’t much different than Bree fishing around last Breakdown for a match with the Snow Queen – the platinum-blonde rolled her eyes at the notion/memory. While in the process of her own interview, Bree had dropped lines and hints, opting that she and the Selena should meet up and fight one another... at the work of SCW management. More proof of a bruised ego. She almost scoffed aloud at the notion but stopped herself for fear of distracting Deanna from her conversation with Jessica. Clearly, Bree felt entitled to the main-event and had taken exception to Selena working the former world champion down into the opening match against Cassie Wolfe while Selena, herself, took the main-event.

Don’t see why she’d be upset with that… Selena thought as she gazed out the large window. She stole MY main-event. I just took it back. Did she really think her and Cassie Wolfe deserved it last week?

Giving her head a shake, the young woman returned her focus back to her wife and her friend. She would deal with Bree soon enough, and the Adrenaline Champion would regret getting so involved in the Snow Queen’s business.

“What do you think?”

The question almost caught Selena unaware, but she was quick to recover. “About what, pet?” Selena asked without thinking. Thankfully, Deanna gave no sign of annoyance at the platinum-blonde not paying attention.

“Next Breakdown…” the redhead started. “I’m thinking about confronting the Enigma. To get some answers I mean.”

“I….” Selena felt her jaw clench. She knew what she wanted to say. ‘Absolutely not.’, ‘Hell no!’, ‘Over my dead body!’. These were all answers that came into her mind first, but again… she knew Deanna well enough to know they were not the answers she needed to use. She needed to be logical and crafty. Beat her wife’s idea down with rationale.

“I think…” she spoke slowly. “That you’re better off waiting for Hiro to come back to you with something concrete. Let’s say you’re right…” she continued quickly at the sight of her wife’s expression. “Then you could be walking right into a trap. And as someone that sprung many a trap with The Brand, The Beauty Factory, and gods know who else… that’s never a good thing. And if you’re wrong – not saying you are! – but if you’re wrong… then you’re attacking an innocent person.” She gave a shrug. “You need proof first. Then you can act on that.”

“Darkness…” Jessica whispered, unheard by the Frost wives.

“I guess you have a point.” Deanna nodded. “I hope Hiro can find something then… because if we have a cause…” her face lit up. “We can find a solution.”

“I hope so-“

“Ahem!” the voice interrupted Selena, causing her and Deanna to turn towards the door, where their passive-aggressive staff member was once again standing, his arms crossed impatiently against his chest. “Time’s up.” He stated sternly. “Time to go.”

“It’s barely been an hour-“ Deanna started but stopped when the nurse glared at her, his eyes like daggers.

“Deanna…” Selena tried. “Go with him and get us set up for our next visit. I’ll just say goodbye and make sure Jessica’s comfortable.”

“O…okay.” Deanna nodded, before casting a look back at Winters. “See you soon, Jess. Promise!” she gave the woman a hug, one that was not returned (to the surprise of none given Jess’ restraints) before quickly walking out of the room with the nurse, who cast one last warning glance at Selena, reminding her of her shortage of time before departing after Deanna.

Alone in the room, Selena released a long breath before slowly turning and taking a few steps towards her dear friend. “I hate seeing you like this, Jessica. It’s… it’s terrifying to me. You know…” she breathed. “You know where I come from and what I almost became…” she eyed the walls and the restraints tying Jessica’s arms to the bed. “It could have been me in a place like this.” She whispered, tracing a hand along the closest restraint.

“I know… I know Deanna is going to find out who did this to you. And I know her well enough to know that she will do everything in her power to help you get better… and you know I’ll step in if I have to…” her voice was a whisper as she took Jessica’s hand into hers. “You’d do the same for us, I know.”

There was a brief moment of silence as Selena gazed at her hand holding Jessica’s. “But…” she slowly tightened her grip on the hand. “I’m not buying this ‘magical smoke’ nonsense…” her voice grew a little colder in the room, her grip tightening still. “And, for all the years we’ve been friends, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that this is some sort of drug being used on you… but…” she gazed up at the dull face of Winters. “If Deanna is wrong… and I find out this is something to do with you and only you…” her voice lowered to a growl – The Devil’s Voice.

“Then friend or no… I will make sure you NEVER leave this place.”

Perhaps it was the words. Perhaps it was the pitch and tone of her voice. But for a brief moment, Jessica’s eyes became clear, her head turning to gaze up at the woman standing powerfully above her. “D…Darkness.” She stared directly into Selena’s cold, sapphire eyes. “Darkness.”

“Hello, my old friend.” Selena grinned. “Glad you understand me on this.”

It was only a moment and the light in Jessica’s eyes quickly faded, her head leaning back to stare back up at the ceiling, her voice back to its muttering rather than recognition. Slowly, Selena lowered her friend’s hand back to its side.

“I protect what is mine.” Selena whispered to the distant Jessica before turning to head out of the room.

And I’ll destroy anyone that tries to take what is mine away from me…


The Royal Letter

So… LA, California!

Do you believe?!

I mean, it’s gotta be getting to that point, hasn’t it? Cause how long we’ve been doing this? Four months now? Four months that I’ve run this place as the world champion? Beating every single person that’s crossed my path? Defending my championship without controversy, interference, tainted finishes – I mean, that’s what this is supposed to be about, isn’t it? Supreme Championship Wrestling, right? That’s what you pay for right?! You want to see a bunch of people run in and interfere, fine, we can have that in the other divisions like the tag division. You want to see overused gimmicks and cheap thrills like smoke – again, other divisions. You want to see people screwing other people… Okay, THAT you can go watch Kandis on whatever website she uploads her shit to, I don’t really care. But if you want what S-C-W stands for?! You turn to me.

That’s not hyperbole or empty promise at this point. It is fact! It is fact proven! And I get it. I had to step out of that for a moment last Breakdown to make some statements. Now, you can point fingers and call me a hypocrite or whatever, but let’s face it. One: I said that I close the show. I did that. Two: the last time Kandis jumped me from behind like the cowardly bitch that she is, I let it slide. I let SCW management handle it because I had better, more important things to concern myself with. Now, they TRIED to handle it. They TRIED to deal with her. That didn’t work out so well because she did the EXACT same thing again! Dressed in a hoodie and attacked me from behind. So, I had to do what I had to do. I had to solve the problem myself. I had to deal with the issue on my own. And I did. While Kandis made me bleed a little, I knocked that brat out once again and left her LYING in the ring once again!

But you guys want to boo me for that? Heh… I’m not the bad girl here. I’m not. I try and be reasonable. I try to be understanding. But when I have to do what I have to do - when my hand is forced, someone is getting taken down. If you want to blame someone for that, blame Kandis for not learning her lesson the first time she attacked me, or the last time we fought, or just ANY time she opened her mouth and got proven wrong and learned nothing!

Hey! I would love nothing more than to smile at everyone, kiss the kids, and tell them all to ‘Believe it’ again! I would. I would love to fight WITH SCW rather than against it! But then who would step up? Huh? Who would step up to the level I am at? Who would make SCW better? Who would make this world title about the wrestling rather than how many people they could get to interfere on their behalf? Who would make S-C-W about supreme championship wrestling? You all want to talk about how I’m hiding behind contracts and politics and consequences…

But how sad is it that I have to do that JUST to have a fair fight? I mean think about it! I’m being called a coward for coming up with an effective way… to have a fair fight! I’m not rigging the system! I’m not disqualifying myself. I am giving every challenger a FAIR opportunity! I’m giving every person that challenges me the chance to prove their ability against me AT MY BEST! Prove that they are at my level! But because no one can seem to do that on fair terms, they call me a coward. Because they can’t keep up with me, they say I have no ‘honour’ for a champion. All because I do what I have to do to ensure this title is held by the best WRESTLER, not the best politician or groupie!

And when… and when you work as hard as I do to raise this title to those heights, there are certain expectations that come with that. That’s what brings us back against one another, Bree. You think this is personal for me. That this is some vendetta I have against you. That I’m mad at you or something.

Bree… that isn’t it at all. I’m not mad at you. I don’t hate you. I don’t think less of you. We may not be friends, but we’ve definitely fought some battles of hell against one another, haven’t we? The roofed cage match? Remember that? I’m sure it sits in your mind just like Xander’s big RTG match with me sits in his…

Point is, Bree, I respect you. I respect what you’ve done. The titles you’ve won. The accolades you’ve accomplished. The historic moments you’ve made. There isn’t anything that is beyond your reach, Bree. We both know that! So… with all that history, all that respect for you and your accomplishments… why can’t you do the same towards me? Why can’t you respect and understand the truth about what I am doing here?

Maybe… maybe this is a bit more personal for you? I mean, let’s face it, Bree… you came back not too long ago and things… well, they didn’t quite pan out the way you wanted them to. Maybe it’s because I came back and rocked SCW to its core and put things on track to where they should be. High ratings, High viewership, High box-office sales. You name it, I’m doing it. You? Not so much. I mean, I left and SCW did all they could to get me back. They gave in to every demand just to get me to come back, which I used to only elevate the company and make it better. You? You left and… meh… they shrugged their shoulders and assumed you’d be back and the needle didn’t really move. Maybe there is some bitterness there on your part. Or maybe, maybe, you’re still a little ticked that it’s been me at the top of mountain year after year, time after time, and you? Three years it’s been, right? Since you last were there? Since you last said you were ‘the best in SCW’ and it was actually credible? Maybe that’s what’s got you all ruffled up over my remarks about the main-event.

Or… and I think this is the one here… Maybe you’re just mad that the Frosts keep one-upping you and pushing you further down the card. I mean, Deanna did last Rise to Greatness. She’s now got a U.S title reign that’s longer than any of your THREE! I got you on the opener last Breakdown to prove a point… Maybe it’s just the fact that a ‘Frost’ will always be better than a Lancaster… Maybe that’s why you’re taking this so personally.

But I’m sorry, Bree, but it’s not worth it to me to be personal where you are concerned. It’s not about being personal. It’s not about being bitter on my end. It’s about doing what I need to do for this company and for the world title.

You need to look at it from my perspective, Bree. I know it’s hard with your head up your own ass about ‘honor’ and ‘integrity’ when it was me actually making them worth something last year and me doing it now, but try, Bree, okay? Try and see things from my perspective. I’m the SCW world champion. I’m the supposed company-carrier. I’m the one that’s supposed to be the best SCW has. The title I hold? The most sought-after, or it should be, right? The biggest prize in the game? And yet, at Taking the Leap…

Let me break that down here, actually! You’ve got Simon Lyman. The man that failed TWICE to capture the world title, losing to Kandis and Asher Hayes – both of whom I soundly beat. The man that lost to me. The man that lost to you. The man that can’t seem to win the big matches…

And then we have you… credible, talented, all I that I said before, but let’s face it, Bree, not on my level. I mean, if we check the balance – the Statera if you will – your few accomplishments since coming back have been outshined by your failings. Did you get the tag-titles with Datura? What happened to her, anyway, Bree? Right! You drove her into quitting because you failed as a tag-team partner. You settled in the Adrenaline division because you failed to recapture the United States title and… while I hate to go there, all people want to talk about with you now is… “How’s Dom doing?”.

I’m not trying to be cruel, Bree. I sympathize with your personal issues. But I’m just telling you like it is. You’ve made your drama more important than anything you do here. Your divorce? Your ‘break’ because of it? That’s all people are talking about. Not your title. Not your abilities. Just that your marriage failed.

And here I am… being told by CHBK that those two things: You and Simon - The failures of SCW, are bigger and more important than me and the SCW world championship. More important than the world championship match. More deserving of the main-event than everything I have worked for for this place…

And then, for you to brag about that. For you to mock me for talking out against such a notion. What does that say? That you think you’re ‘better’ than the world title? That you’re ‘better’ than me?

Because if you are, Bree, then why the hell are 40 people going to be fighting like hell in a few weeks in a battle royale just to get a shot at this title? Why did Xander Valentine supposedly go through ‘hell’ just to get a shot at me? Why the hell are people ready to destroy themselves for the main-event at Rise to Greatness where I WILL be?!

Because if you’re so much bigger than me, so much better than me, so much bigger than the world championship and the main-event, Bree, than it should be YOU that’s the prize for THOTF, right? Should be YOU that should be the endgame for Rise to Greatness, right?

You see where your mouth has gotten us, Bree? You should have just kept quiet and let things be. Let things go back to where they should with me as the closer and you opening. There’s nothing wrong with being the opener for you, Bree. “If you can’t be in the main-event, you want to be the opening match”. That’s you! You set the pace for the entire show! You set the bar at a level that gets people excited. That’s how good you are! Then, when I come out for the main-event, I raise that bar and show the true meaning of S-C-W. You should have just understood that – after all the demands you made as world champion, or do I need to bring up the Boston Bree party again? Do you still have that banner somewhere in your collection?

You should have just kept your mouth shut, Bree. But you didn’t. You had to try and discredit me as a champion. You had to disrespect your world champion and her rightful place in the main-event…

So now… once again, I’ve got to do what I have to do. I’ve got to put you in MY main-event and show you the difference. And I hate that I have to, Bree, because now, I can’t just enjoy fighting you. I can’t just enjoy the challenge you’ll bring with your skills. I can’t just cut loose and enjoy fighting a former world champion in the main-event and pushing my abilities to the limit for fun.

No, Bree. I have to dismantle you now. I have to tear you apart like I did Polly. Like I did with Kristen Scott. I’ve got to shatter you in the middle of the ring and embarrass you. Because you are NOT the prize of every promise breathed for THOTF. I am. You are NOT better than the world champion or the world championship! And you are, at this point, NOT deserving of the main-events of SCW.

I am.

I’m sorry, Bree, but this is not going to be a fun, little exhibition tonight in LA. It could have been! But now, thanks to you, it has to be a lesson. It has to be a tough, hard-learned lesson… for you and for anyone that opens their mouth and thinks they are bigger and more deserving of the main-event picture than the world champion! This is going to be a dream-smashing, ego-bruising reality-check, Bree. Because I’m going to beat you worse than anyone ever has. And I’m going to send you back to the openers and mid-card matches with that lesson burned into your self-centered, fragile mind!

That this title belongs to me!
This main-event scene belongs to me!
This company belongs to me!

I am YOUR world champion, Bree Lancaster. YOUR main-event. And there is no ‘or not’ about that. Tonight, Bree, for your disrespect… I am going to MAKE you believe it!

And you’ll only have yourself to blame for such a lesson…
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
Breakdown 5-16-24 #2
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):

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