Peyton Rice vs. Katie Steward
SCW Television Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Wednesday, June 12, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
SCW Goddess(?) | Katie Steward | "The Lady of What?"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at the home of Katie Steward inside of her bathroom. The scene opens to the camera focuses on the mirror on the wall and Katie walks up to it and looks at her beautiful self. She is wearing her kimono and she loosen it a little and brings the top down showing her shoulders. She turns her body and checks out her back seeing some any scars. There looks to be nothing there, but her perfect skin. She puts her kimono back on. Places her hands on the counter top and looks at herself. She takes a breath to clam her nerves. She focuses her efforts and stares intently at herself. Nothing happens though and Katie is frustrated.}

Katie Steward: Damn it.

{Katelyn Buehler walks up to the bathroom door outside and knocks on it.}

Katelyn Buehler: Katie, are you ok?

Katie Steward: Yes. I’m fine.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok. I’m just checking on you. You’ve been in there for awhile. Some people are betting that you fell in.

Katie Steward: What? What are you talking about?

Katelyn Buehler: Nothing. It’s just a joke. That Autumn made. Wasn’t really that good. I don’t think that you fell in.

Katie Steward: Autumn’s here?

Katelyn Buehler: Yes, but I’m here now. Do you need anything? I can help. If you’re really having trouble I bought this book for my girls that said everyone does it.

{The bathroom door opens and Katie reaches out and grabs Katelyn and pulls her inside.}

Katie Steward: I need you to stop yelling though the door.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok.

{Katelyn smells the scented candle that Katie had lit for her bath.}

Katelyn Buehler: Wow it smells nice in here. I knew your poop didn’t smell like normal peoples poop.

Katie Steward: Who is talking about poop, Katelyn? That’s smelling my lavender candle. After my week, I just needed a nice bath to myself.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh right, gotcha you.

{Katelyn winks at Katie like they’re even thinking the same thing right now and Katie is just weirded out.}

Katelyn Buehler: So what do you need Autumn for and not me?

Katie Steward: What? I don’t need Autumn over you. Well she’ll maybe know what’s going on with me, but I don’t know…

Katelyn Buehler: Hey, I know things. Tell me, Kate?

Katie Steward: Ok. It was last week when I was fighting with the Goddess. The night she killed Ash. After she did it, something happened to me. Maybe it’s something to do with me burning the threads of fate, but I’m not a Goddess anymore. I don’t know what I am.

Katelyn Buehler: What? That’s ridiculous. Katie you’re always going to be a Goddess.

Katie Steward: No. See you don’t believe me. I became something else. Something angry. Something hateful.

Katelyn Buehler: Like a Sith?

Katie Steward: No, it’s not Star Wars. I was like a demon. I think I was the devil.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok, I know there are rumors in SCW that, that’s true, but Kate Damian is the devil. Not you.

Katie Steward: I know, but that’s where me burning the fates comes in. What if, doing that I didn’t just save myself from my fate, but I changed everything.

Katelyn Buehler: I don’t know. It sounds a little too far fetched.

Katie Steward: See I knew you won’t believe me. I need to show you.

{Katie stands in her bathroom in her kimono and she tries to switch into whatever it was that happened to her earlier. Unfortunately nothing does.}

Katelyn Buehler: You said it felt angry and hateful, right?

Katie Steward: It was terrible.

Katelyn Buehler: Maybe it is for the best that you didn’t win Taking Hold of the Flame. It looked like you were having trouble keeping up with half of them in the ring.

Katie Steward: What?

Katelyn Buehler: And the TV Title reign is pretty mediocre…

{Katie seems to have had enough and just raises her hand slapping Katelyn across the face. Katie realizes what she had just done covers her shock face with both her hands.}

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, I’m so sorry Katelyn. I didn’t know I did that. It was just a knee jerk reaction.

{Katelyn licks her lips as she feels the sting of the slap.}

Katelyn Buehler: It’s ok Katie. I was just trying to upset you to get this demon thing to awaken.

Katie Steward: Oh, well you didn’t have to go for my TV Title. That’s just mean.

{Autumn Daniels shows up and knocks on the bathroom door.}

Autumn Daniels: Are you two in the bathroom together?

Katelyn Buehler: Uh, we’ll be out in a minute. Katie just needed some help drying off. You were right.

Autumn Daniels: You two are so weird.

Katie Steward: Autumn, wait...

{Katie opens the door and she walks out of the bathroom with Katelyn.}

Katie Steward: Autumn, you know a thing of two about the devil, right?

Autumn Daniels: I try not too.

Katie Steward: Yeah, we might a problem. I think I am the devil. Are you going to say anything?

Autumn Daniels: I’ve heard the rumors. Suspected enough.

Katie Steward: Yeah, everyone make your jokes. I’m really scared here. I lost a daughter and I don’t know what is happening with me. You remember on our Ireland adventure. I was a fairy and I had those beautiful butterfly wings. Well in the fight with the Goddess they were beautiful wings. They were evil.

Autumn Daniels: What are saying? You’re the devil in his purest form?

Katelyn Buehler: Maybe what you think happened after seeing Ash’s death in front of you send your down the dark path, but Kate you look like your glamorous hot self.

Katie Steward: I didn’t believe that both of you wouldn’t believe me.

Autumn Daniels: It’s not like we dont want to believe you, but you as the embodiment of all the evil? Is a bit of a stretch. I know that you rub some the wrong way, but you’re not all bad.

Katie Steward: Fine, don’t believe me, but you’ll see. I did something and it’s not going to be pretty whatever it is.

{Katie turns away and leaves her brats behind as she heads to her bedroom to change as the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to an unknown location of a dimly lit blue hue shade shining on some rocks that peak up from grayish smoke on the ground. The camera pans around as nothing looks to be near until Katie’s daughter Ash sits up out of the smoke gasping for air like she’s just woken up from a deep sleep. She looks around still wearing the same outfit from the church.}

Ash: What the… Is doesn’t look like Goddess Heaven…

{The camera starts to pull away from Ash as she picks her up and move around to figure out what she is. The camera continues to pull away revealing more of her surroundings and the Underworld is shown as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Hollywood, Calfornia inside a studio where Katie has her director’s chair set up in front of a green screen. Katie steps into the picture wearing her white and pink ring robe with the Television Championship around her waist. She doesn’t sit in her chair, but instead walks around it in front of the camera as she is way too upset to sit still.}

Katie Steward: Everyone in SCW continues to not take me seriously. Syren is the SCW World Champion again ad the face of this company. Does anyone really care? The answer is no. No one cared about Syren and Sienna. No one cares about Alistaire. The people want to see something new and amazing and that’s what Katie Steward is. For 14 years now I’ve continued changing the game for myself and for SCW’s betterment, but still I get no respect. Also yes, this week on the Katie Steward Show formerly known as Breakdown we’ll be doing the comedy and paying tribute to the greats. Last time, I was set to make the Television Championship something special and instead SCW got Derek Adonis and Cookie, Manvel and some Last Action Hero rip-off trying to upstage me. Then at Taking Hold of the Flame, Mr. Allocco has a problem with me. I am the star of this show and I will continue to make SCW the Katie Steward Show with or without the Television Championship. I will compete at Rise to Greatness and those I will not be in the main event with the not so much face of this company, an over rated offspring challenger and any number of desperate people trying to get into the spotlight. None of them realize that they’ve already lost because Katie Steward always steals the show and Katie Steward will forever be the Television Champion.

{Katie smiles and lets out a laugh leaving the viewers watching with the thoughts of how great she is. She takes the title off her waist and sets it in her chair.}

Katie Steward: Which brings me to tonight’s episode of the Katie Steward Show and my next challenger, Peyton Rice. Which is great. This is what the Katie Steward Show needed. Not any of the nonsense and useless faces with their ridiculous acts. No Kablamsutra, or MANSauce or stupid catchphrases. This is going to be a match between a legend vs. a young star. A chance for Peyton Rice to showcase her talent and I am honored to have this match. This is what Katie Steward Show is all about. I am the champion and now I’ve going everyone coming for me. 14 years later and I’m still me. I’m still can be that bitch and Peyton Rice is going to know exactly who that bitch is. She’s the one that doesn’t need for management to say she’s the face of the company or a World Championship. She’s not going to main event Rise to Greatness. This bitch is the greatest thing to ever happen to SCW, to the Television Title and to you, Peyton. Like I said, I look forward to defending the Television Title on the Katie Steward Show against you and everyone is going to remember that Katie Steward isn’t a joke to be played on. She is mother freaking QUEEN.

{Katie grabs her TV Title off her chair and walks off the set as the scene and episode end.}
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Career Achievements

- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 1x EMERGE Champion
- 2019 SCW Rookie of the Year
- Under Attack 2020 Elimination Chamber Winner
-Winner of the 2019 Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament
- Made her SCW Debut at Rise to Greatness XV by defending the EMERGE Championship successfully against Kandis. 7.21.18

Singles Record - |W - 61| L - 04| D - 2|
Overall Record - |W - 67| L - 11| D - 2|

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