Jake Starr vs. Bree Lancaster
SCW United States Championship

3 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 21, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC Note: Apologies for any grammar or spelling errors I missed.  

Coming off one of the biggest moments of my return, I had hoped for things to finally begin to settle down in my life.  I had at least made an attempt to make amends with my best friend's wife, but I knew at home I had some things i needed to eventually iron out.  Thankfully, my wife had kind of backed off of the matter of the "other woman," hoping that I would get it sorted out and quit letting it be an elephant in the room.  The fact that it had kind of become something of just an unspoken situation took a lot of pressure of me and her as well.  We finally were able to talk and enjoy the conversations.

Our conversations had become more and more, and lasted longer and longer over chats.  We would occasionally be able to see one another around town, and honestly I felt like things were going well.  I felt like I was finding something that truly made me happy and enjoy life.  I had someone who understood me, and seemed to care about me as a person, and not just a performer.  Throughout my travels for that big night for me, she was there wishing me good luck, telling me she was going to watch and cheer me on.  It was nice to have that support.  My wife had used to do that, but once it became the "norm" of our relationships, she just cared to know that I was physically ok.  So having this person supporting me on that emotional level was a great feeling.

The unfortunate thing is, something changed, and I don't know what.  The downside of all of this was up until recently I didn't have someone who I could truly reach out to and be open with.  Recently, another woman has shown up in my life, and turned into someone who I can confide in about everything without the fear of judgment.  Unlike others, this one doesn't have the potential romantic emotions attached to her.  She's someone who can listen, and is willing to be there for me through thick and thin.

Inside Jake's office, he sits staring at his computer, mindlessly searching the web and YouTube for things to keep his mind at bay.  He keeps looking over at his phone, laying on his desk to see if it's illuminated.  He keeps unlocking his phone, and checking the various chat apps to see if Autumn had texted him.  He hasn't heard from her in almost a week, and that is very atypical to how their relationship and conversations have gone.  He goes back to his computer, and tries watching something that normally makes him chuckle, but even that can't deter his mind.  He sighs to himself and picks his phone up and goes to his contacts and hits call on a female's number.  After several rings, an unknown woman answers.

Female Voice: Hey what's up?

Jake Starr: Something's going on with Autumn, and it's driving me crazy.

Female Voice: What do you mean?

Jake Starr: She hasn't responded to any messages I've sent for over a week.  I know her phone isn't broken or anything because I've seen some posts on social media.

Female Voice: You tried contacting her there?

Jake Starr: Eh, not really...

Female Voice: Why?

Jake Starr: Her husband is a bit of a lunatic and has access to her accounts.

Female Voice: Well maybe he's the one posting?

Jake Starr: Nah... I know it's her.  She's the only one in that house with an iPhone and those "sent from iPhone" tags are on the social media posts.

Female Voice: Well what do you think is going on?  What was the last thing she said to you?

Jake Starr: Let me look...

Jake scrolls through his phone to the apps they occasionally message on, and finds the most recent.

Jake Starr: ... Oh yeah... Her and her dickhead husband were fighting over some group chat that they were in, and somehow he threw a shit fit about me, too.  I wasn't even involved in whatever was going on.

Female Voice: So the husband knows about you?

Jake Starr: He knows OF me... He doesn't know of the relationship, though.  At least I don't think.  I'm pretty sure she can bullshit him pretty good and make him think everything is normal.

Female Voice: But yet you're the one who has to own up to everything to your wife, huh?

Jake Starr: Yeah...

Female Voice: I guess you're the honest one here...

Jake Starr: No... This lunatic has walked around with a pistol in his hand and asked her if she wanted to do the honors and kill him, or if he should just do it.  He's a psychologically abusive asshole.

Female Voice: Man... How do you know all of that?

Jake Starr: Her words exactly...

Female Voice: Well that's some fucked up shit.

Jake Starr: You're telling me.  So that always troubles me, and makes me worry about what he may be doing...

Her husband has always given me an unsettling feeling.  The stories I would hear of the types of abuses he would inflict on her, emotionally, psychologically, and even physically, would send me into fits of rage and want to take him out.  She would always say she was planning her escape for her and her child.  I believed her, but the more and more she sticks by his side, I've begun to doubt it.  I don't know what he holds over her head to keep her within his grasp, but there has to be something.

I know it isn't love...

I know I'm a bit of a hypocrite,  I have a wife but have feelings for someone else.  But I'm human.  I wouldn't threaten my family or use a gun as a toy for intimidation.  But her silence was so sudden and so out of character.  Usually when he would throw one of his temper tantrums, she would be quiet for a few hours, but then come back and talk to me.  This was so out of character.  It was so different.  I didn't know what or how to process it.

Jake Starr: ... So what do I do?

Female Voice: Well you can't FORCE her to talk to you.  You can't MAKE her leave this jerk.  All you can do is be you and care about her.  I get that it sucks.  I get that it hurts.  But the reality is simple... She's an adult and makes her own decisions.  If she's going to let this guy beat her up, that's on her, not you.  You're not Superman, dude.  You can't save everyone.  If she's going to also fuck with your emotions and not be considerate of you, that says a lot about her, you know?

Jake Starr: Or maybe she's scared?

Female Voice: Maybe... You're not a mind reader and you're also thinking about this with your heart.  You're thinking about it from a very biased perspective.  You want her to be perfect, like you already see her.  You want her to be what your heart has decided to depict her as, and that may not be who she really is.

Jake Starr: I just... I don't know.

Female Voice: You want my opinion?

Jake Starr: I called you, didn't I?

Female Voice: You need to probably cut her loose.  Especially with crazy assed husband walking around with his gun dangling off his dick.

Jake Starr: I really didn't need that mental image...

Female Voice: You know what I mean... If he's going to use a gun to intimidate his own wife, he'll do something even worse to get to you and your family.  Let's be real... You're probably the only real "competition" he's had in losing his grip of control on her...

The reality of the situation is she is probably right.  But I know my heart.  I know that I can't just stop caring and assume that everything that she and I shared together wasn't real.  I can't think that I would just give up on her.  This whole situation is still too weird, but on the surface I understand that it looks like it's a waste of time.

That day, though, was not the end of this whole real life soap opera.  No... It took a turn that I never expected, and a turn that not only hurt me even more, but took the seriousness to a level I never would have expected or anticipated.

As Jake talks to this woman, the doorbell rings to Jake's home.  Jake pulls the phone from his ear and calls out.

Jake Starr: Roeper!  Can you get that I'm on the phone...

From another room Roeper acknowledges and Jake sees her walking down the hallway toward the door.

Jake Starr: Sorry about that, someone's at the door...

Female Voice: Want me to let you go?

Jake Starr: Nah... I'm guessing it's someone selling shit... Anyway, all I know is...

Jake is interrupted by Roeper yelling down the hall.

Roeper Hart: Umm, Jake?

Jake Starr: ... Hang on...

Jake pulls the phone away again.

Jake Starr: Yeah?

Roeper Hart: There is an officer here who'd like to speak with you...

Jake is shocked, and puts the phone back to his ear.

Jake Starr: Second thought... I'll call you back, the cops are apparently here...

Female Voice: Keep me posted...

Jake Starr: Will do... Thanks for listening...

Female Voice: Oh hell you know it's my job...

Jake Starr: I won't forget that when I get more annoying... Seeyuh...

Jake hangs up and walks to the front door.  As he reaches the door he sees one uniformed officer with paperwork in his hand.  He hands the papers to Jake.

Police Officer: Mr. Starr, I am serving you with two temporary restraining orders barring any and all contact with Autumn Ross and her husband Jay Manning...

Jake's eyes go wide, as does Roeper's. as she looks at Jake with pure shock.  Silence fills the doorway, and the officer can tell this was a situation that blindsided the couple.


Jake Starr: Talk about a moment that is unexpected.  Talk about a moment I wasn't ready for, and I'll freely admit that.  SCW hasn't put me in a title hunt this quickly since I first debuted, and now, I walk into my third pay-per view with an opportunity to prove myself, win or lose.  I get the chance to show the world that I'm out to fight and represent this company at its highest point.  And I get to do that by being honored with an opportunity at the title that was the LAST, and HARDEST for me to procure to complete the original Supreme Championship run, the United States Championship.

Now before we get in-depth into that match, I want to talk about the past, my past, when it comes to championships.  They consumed me.  They were everything to me.  They were the only thing that meant you had done something successful in this business.  To me it was everything that mattered, and nothing else anyone did, could have done, or accomplished mattered if they didn't have a title around their waist.  You didn't matter if you weren't a title holder in this business.  You were a nobody.  You deserved no respect from anyone, especially me.

I was a disrespectful ass... To everyone...

SCW was simply a place to make Jake Starr feel important to himself.  It never mattered who I faced, who I defeated, what they had done in the past, the title was also what mattered, and I was just concerned with that, and not the person holding it.

Ultimately, I disrespected a lot of people and the titles as well.  I was a complete douchebag.  I was the guy who effectively ruined titles and mocked people who succumbed to me winning.  Hell, look how I treated people like David Helms, Syren, and even going as old school as James Exeter... I never showed any of them a lot of respect as I faced them, and then subsequently held it over their heads when I would actually come out on top finally.  It garnered me quite a reputation, if you ask me.  Yeah, I brag about how much people wanted to beat me, but that desire was primarily because I was an ass and everyone wanted to shut me up.

That's why I look at this as a sense of retribution for me.  It's a feeling that maybe I've started to redeem myself and that for once in my life I've earned something the right way.  It's why this match means a lot.  I have made a lot of bad decisions lately, I wanted my comeback to SCW to be done right.  I wanted to see if I could rightfully rise back up in the rankings like everyone else has.  And I feel I've done that.  I feel coming back at Taking Hold of the Flame and doing what I did blew everyone's mind.  I feel like subsequently knocking off anyone SCW has thrown in my path since, I've beaten.  SCW recognized my effort.  They didn't recognize "oh it's Jake Starr, give him a shot."  They looked at me in equal comparison to everyone else, and Sasha said it was my turn.

Now I have to capitalize on it.  Now I have to prove that they didn't make a mistake in believing in me again.  Most importantly I have to show myself that I can continue to fight against the talent thrown in my way, no matter who it is, or how good they are.  I have to keep defying the odds because, let's face it... Nobody's believed in me, nor should they have.  Last few years I've been in a bad place, and it showed in my performance.  It was inconsistent.  It was unreliable.  It was crap.  I couldn't be counted on for anything except making excuses and claiming I deserved more.  So I feel lucky that when I was ready to come back, I was given a fair shake.  I wasn't just cast aside.  I was given a challenge, and that challenge was simple, "prove you want to be here."

And I have busted my ass to do that.

I've wanted to show management, for once, I wasn't here to be a dick.  I was here to fight and compete.  And I've done just that.  Everyone that I've been thrown has realized that this old dog isn't here for the nostalgia factor.  I'm not here for the cheap pop and feel good about the past type of run.  I'm here to know, one way or another, if Jake Starr is still capable of rising to new levels and being proud to perform for the fans.  I'm here to see if this old dog can have one more hard fight in him, where he's finally seen as the "face of the franchise."

And I truly believe that Apocalypse will be a night where that question is answered one way or another.

Jake begins to pace, in a very old school "Jake Starr promo" manner.

Bree, I know how that sounds to you.  I know that sounds like I'm saying that if I win, I prove I can compete, and if I lose, I walk away with my tail between my legs.  The fact of the matter is, though, win or lose, I can show the world Jake Starr is truly back.  It was like with Rise to Greatness.  In previous years, I was in a losing streak because my head wasn't on right.  I didn't have the right frame of reference.  I was too focused on being the "legend" of Jake Starr, instead of being the Jake Starr of now.  I took every loss as a dagger to any momentum I had, and would just be angry.  I would be pissed.  I'd run my mouth and make excuses.  This time around, I have to show people I can compete.  I have to show people I actually care about every match and every opponent.  I have to respect what is in front of me.  I have to respect every champion as deserving, and yes, that includes you.

Bree... You and I have crossed paths in the past, I believe.  I've been knocked upside the head enough times that I don't remember every opponent, but I'm pretty sure our paths have crossed inside that squared circle.  I don't remember who came out on top, and honestly its irrelevant because that was then, and this is now.  We are not the same people we were.  You have scratched and clawed and fought your way into the position you are in now.  You're not just another member of the roster.  You're not just another face in the crowd.  You're a champion.  You're a deserving champion.  You're a completely respected champion.  And I am walking into this match with pride to know you're my opponent.


Because I've watched you many times in this organization fight for respect and deserved attention.  I have seen you bust your ass to try to get where you are today.  I know you may not care about any of this I'm saying, but it's true.  I've seen you grow as a performer, and EARN the right to call yourself a champion.  Hell, you beat Giovanni to get where you are.  I've fought him.  He's beaten me.  I can tell you that shows a lot to pull off, and you did it.  So you deserve respect.  You deserve to call yourself a champion.  You deserve to have everyone look at you and PRAISE your run with that title.  You deserve to have me nervous to get in the ring with you because it is definitely possible you could take me out and ruin my chance for a second United States Championship run...

Jake pauses, and turns toward the camera with a smirk on his face.

... But even with that possibility championship reigns are not everlasting.  And yours, I fully plan on ending, and making Sunday night your Apocalypse.  Why?  The United States Championship is a belt that holds a special place in my heart.  Like I said earlier, it was the last piece of my Supreme Championship.  It took the longest for me to get.  I had opportunity after opportunity and kept coming up short.  It got to the point where SCW gave me ONE MORE SHOT, and had I lost, I wouldn't have had another opportunity until a new champion had been crowned, and I had then climbed back up the ladder.  I had my back against the wall that night, and I gave Ryan Watson a fight that I promise he still hasn't forgotten, and I became the United States and Supreme Champion in one night.

Now there's no Supreme Championship on the line when we fight.  I'm not backed into a corner where SCW is telling me this is my last shot at anything.  But personally, I feel like I'm still against a wall.  Again, SCW didn't have to give me this chance.  They're testing me, again.  They're testing Jake Starr to see if the old greed comes back.  If the lack of respect returns.  If I bitch and moan or complain that it should have happened sooner.  And it's not.  But I also know I have a lot of eyes on me.  I have a lot of scrutiny on me.  I have to face the reality that this match means a lot for my reputation more so than my legacy.

So like I always do, I plan on coming out swinging!

Bree, I'm not afraid of you.  I'm nervous, yes.  But those butterflies are there because I am going out there fighting for a title I didn't expect to see come my way, and I'm facing a champion who I know can fight back.  Nerves and fear aren't the same thing.  I know, just like you know, I can walk out there and beat you.  You know that Jake Starr still has it in him.  I showed that at both Taking Hold of the Flame and Rise to Greatness.  Now, it's your turn to tangle with this "new" me.  And while I am not the same person I was then, I expect you to be prepared.  I'm not going to say I have some sneaky surprise in store for you.  I'm not bringing any external help.  Hell, I'm not even bringing my bff Chairee.  This match of ours isn't going to be tainted.  I trust that you don't want that either.  You want people to KEEP that respect for you, should you beat me.  You don't want people to question you as a champion.

So I expect the same from you...

Jake takes a deep breath.

I won't lie... This match means a lot to me.  This is my chance to step up to the plate and do something I didn't think would happen for a while.  I feel I have earned this moment in the limelight.  I feel like I have earned a title shot for one of the first times in my SCW career, and it feels good.  It feels good to know that I am capable of fighting, holding my own, and doing things the right way.  For once, I don't feel obligated to be given anything.  Instead, I feel like if I am to rise back to prominence, I am going to do so like I never have.  And at Apocalypse, we see if I'm ready to see my name back in SCW headlines.  We get to see if Jake Starr is ready to hold a championship again.  If I lose, it tells me that it's still a work in progress.  It would tell me that I have a ways to go...

But I don't feel that...

I don't feel like I have a ways to go...

I feel prepared...

I feel deserving...

I feel READY!

So Bree, you and I are going to tangle and we are going to see who wants to represent that belt more.  We are going to see who is the more "supreme" superstar that night.  While I respect you and your talents, I have EVERY intention of walking in there, putting on a show, and hearing the words "AND NEW" announced, and a second reign as United States Champion begin for Jake Starr.  I'm not taking you lightly.  I'm not taking you for granted.  But I am going out there to take your title, and showing everyone that I'm back, better than ever, and on my way back to relevancy in Supreme Championship Wrestling.


Talk about a shot to the gut.  It was the last thing I expected her to do, but I knew deep down there had to be more to the story.  Why would she accuse me of these things?  Why are hers and her husbands basically written verbatim the same way?  What prompted this?  My mind was completely befuddled.  Hell, my wife's mind was even befuddled because this was so out of context, and she and I hadn't been in communication for such an extended period of time.

I think the worst part of it all was my heart.  My heart felt stomped on.  At least at first.  I felt like I didn't matter to someone who had told me I did before.  I also didn't even know how to respond or react.  Everything was just so confusing and so difficult to understand when she was so upset at what I had done to myself, cared so much to be by my side in the hospital, and then throws this at me?  It didn't add up.  Not in the least.

Jake and Roeper both sit in their living room, both are stunned in silence over Jake being served with these restraining orders.  Neither one expected this to be a situation that they had to endure, and neither are quite sure what it means overall.

Roeper Hart: ... So... So what does this all mean?

Jake Starr: Basically I can't contact her or her husband for two weeks, and then if the judge decides this is bullshit, like it is, he will throw it out.

Roeper Hart: It just seems like all of this is borderline character assassination...

Jake Starr: Exactly.  I have a feeling she didn't do this willingly.  Like saying she told me to never contact her again?  Where is that message?  Where and when did she say that?  And on his, saying I stalked him at parks?  For fuck's sake the only time I was at a park with him was when I took Mara for one of those Pokemon raid things.  When I saw he was there I stayed on the other side so we didn't have any ordeals.  This was for Mara to have her fun, not about me.

Roeper Hart: Did you try and talk to her that day?

Jake Starr: I texted her once just to say hi and I was staying away so there wouldn't be a scene.  Then he also says in here that he talked to me to tell me to leave him and his family alone?  That motherfucker hasn't ever had the guts to say word one to me.  I'm sure he's a wonderful keyboard warrior, but if he wanted to talk his little shit like this, he had that opportunity at the park.  Hell I'm sure he's so controlling he can steal her phone and force her to let him see whatever he wants.

Roeper Hart: He sounds like a gem.

Jake Starr: From what I've heard, he is a bigger piece of shit than I could ever be.  I mean, he threw a loaded gun in Autumn's lap with their child sitting next to her, and said go for it.  He's a manipulative piece of shit.

Roeper Hart: Sounds like it.  And also, this is so out of her character, from what I know... I mean, she knows all of this is fucking bullshit.  She basically purgered herself...

The allegations were harsh to say the least.  I was called a sexual predator, a danger to myself and their family, and a stalker.  Coming from someone who said she'd always be there for me, no matter what, it hurt.  It killed me inside because I believed her.  I did so much to try and make her happy and make her smile and I was repaid with a restraining order?  It's as if she wanted me to potentially relapse by trying to just stick a knife in my heart and twist.

Jake Starr: I just don't get it...

Roeper Hart: Me neither... I mean, I won't lie, it makes me nervous about her and her husband.

Jake Starr: How so?

Roeper Hart: If they're willing to throw these lies your way and try and smear you, what else are they willing to do?

Jake Starr: Deep down I don't believe this was all her doing... I believe she was coerced somehow...

Roeper Hart: Coerced how?  She wrote it, it's all her handwriting, and she signed it.  She obviously knew what she was doing.

Jake looks at the two side by side and sees some tells.

Jake Starr: But compare the two.  The verbiage is the same.  Look at the vitriol in his and how she basically writes the same thing with less malice.  She was coached on what to say.  She was forced to write this for some reason.  You can see how shaky her hand was writing it.  Her husband had to have threatened her, or threatened someone she cares about with violence.

Roeper takes a closer look and does see the similarities Jake is referencing.

Roeper Hart: You think he threatened her?

Jake Starr: My gut says he threatened us and Mara.  She would do anything to protect Mara.  Hell she'd do anything to protect us from violence...

Roeper Hart: Even completely trash you?

Jake Starr: These are two-week orders.  Then in court the judge gets to hear the case with evidence.  And I have plenty of that to show that none of the accusations are true.  She isn't going to want any of it to be heard by that psychopath she's married to.  She'll drop it before it gets that far, I can almost promise.

Roeper Hart: Well I wouldn't count your chickens, though.  I'd go in with evidence and a lawyer.

Jake Starr: I intend to.  But I also intend on being sure that I don't go in there and inadvertently cause World War III and put the three of us in even more danger.

Roeper Hart: Just promise me you won't take this lightly?

Jake Starr: I promise...

It's a promise that I knew I wouldn't break.  I may have issues in my relationship life, but putting people in harm's way was not something I was going to do.  I had to protect my daughter and wife, but I also had to think about myself.  I knew I would have to reveal this to my job in case they ever showed up for an event, and he tried to state I was in breach, even though it explicitly states my work environment is not a place where it is to be enforced.

My other worry is how my management would view me when I brought this to their attention.  Would they think that I still was my old self, and making stupid and poor decisions?  Or would they trust me and know that all of these allegations are garbage?  These restraining orders are issued to anyone with any allegation, and after the two week term, the onus is on them to provide evidence that I had actually done what they had suggested.  They didn't need evidence to get this order.  They will need evidence to keep it.  But it happening, and word potentially getting around, could hurt my reputation.  That's when I would have to decide on whether or not to seek my own legal action against her.

Is this ultimately what he wants?

Does he want us battling one another so she thinks he has been right this whole time?

Regardless I have truly put myself in a situation where I have a lot of decisions to make and a lot to evaluate about my personal life.  That's the one thing I can accept the blame for.  The rest of the nonsense is just that, and I am not going to let anyone put that kind of shame on me and my family.... Ever.
OOC: Appearance with approval. Good luck!

Apocalypse 2019
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):


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