Corey Reyes vs. Maddy Steward
2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: Noon ET WEDNESDAY, November 20, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
SCW Dynamite Kid | Madison Steward | "Finding Her Inner Chess Goddess Game"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at Katie Steward’s Church of her Lady Goddess. The scene opens to Maddy Steward walking inside and looking around. She notices all the lit prayer candles around. She doesn’t really think too much about it, but likes the setting very much. Maddy heads down to the basement when her and Gigi met with Katie a couple of weeks ago for some meditation and relaxation to channel their inner Goddesses. Maddy makes it to the room, but the door is closed. She knocks on it and gets no answer. She tries to open it and the door is unlocked. Maddy walks inside and there is no one there.}

Madison Steward: Hello? Gigi? Katie? Huh, I guess I’m early.

{Maddy starts to walk around the room as she waits from the other Steward ladies to show up. Maddy lifts her bag up that she was carrying with her and sets if on the table. A couple of her Wonderland stories slide out in view of the camera. Maddy sits down on a chair in the room and plays on her her phone. She messages Gigi and Katie to find out where they’re at and when they’re going to get to the church for their meditation.}

{A few minutes pass by and Maddy gets a couple of replies from the other Stewards.}

Gigi replies with “Sorry. She is running a few errands and didn’t know they had planned on doing anything at the church.”

Though Katie’s reply was a little more confusing. She seemed to be rambling about abandonment and hope being lost.

Madison Steward: Weird. I guess it’s just me then.

{Maddy sets down her phone by her bag. She looks around wondering how to get started. She remembers the last time Katie started with some ambiance music. So she grabs her phone and plays some of the songs she has on it. Maddy moves from the chair and over to a yoga mat on the ground and sits down ready for some meditation. She closes her eyes and focuses herself trying to channel her inner Goddess.}

{The scene changes to a big open room that looks to be inside of a mansion or a castle. Maddy enters the room and looks around. Her black boots step onto the big black and white tiled floor that looks like a giant game board for Chess.}

Madison Steward: Hello.

{Maddy’s voice echoes throughout the room. Maddy takes a few more steps and on the center tile of the left side. The spot that the Queen piece would appear on the board.}

{Behind Maddy, Katya D. appears. She is dressed in a red gown and her hair done up.}

Katya D.: Evening Madison. Are you interested in a game?

{Maddy spins around and jumps back being startled by Katya appearance.}

Madison Steward: What? Katya… what?

Katya D.: I ask you, do you want to play a game? Do you know how? My dad taught me when I was young. He thought it’ll be good for me to know. I use to play with my sister. I wouldn’t recommend it. She cheats.

Madison Steward: Good to know.

{Katya walks ahead of Maddy stepping out onto the board.}

Katya D.: So how about it? Would you like to play a game?

Madison Steward: I.. ugh…

{It suddenly clicks in Maddy’s head that she must be in her meditation. The game that Katya wants to play has to be her finding her Inner Goddess.}

Madison Steward: Oh, it worked. I get it now. Sure. I’ll play the game.

Katya D.: I knew you would.

{Katya turns and stares at the other end of the board. She shouts to the end of the room that the red team is ready. Maddy watches on a bit confused, but excited as she feels her meditation is working. Maddy steps forward and stares at the other end of the board and awaits the appearance of the Goddess.}

{The other end of the board lights up and instead of the Goddess, Maddy sees Sasha D. at the other end. She is dressed the say as Katya, but she is in white.}

Madison Steward: What? Sasha? I thought you said she cheats.

Katya D.: Oh big time, but I promise it’ll be different this time around.

Madison Steward: Really?

Katya D.: Of course. I have you playing the game. We won’t be defeated at any cost.

Madison Steward: Right. This is my journey. I am prepared for what’s too come.

Katya D.: Excellent. Now show her that we are the future.

{Katya pushes Maddy along moving her up the board to meet her first piece, a Pond, Corey Reyes….}

{Maddy takes a breath and steps up to Corey Reyes on the chess board. She is ready for her battle as the Red and White Queen’s watch on.}

Madison Steward: Well I didn’t think I could do this all on my own. I guess that’s just what I do. I believe. Not in a Selena Frost kind of way. I’ve never back down from anyone. I always stepped up to a challenge. I’ve always had Gigi by my side…

Madison Steward: Yet still I’m trying to fight and prove myself. I keep telling myself that this time is going to be different. That this is the start of me fulfilling my dream that maybe I can be standing with Gigi and we can be holding the Tag Team Titles. That is may dream and no matter how many times I fail it will never change. Corey Reyes, you won’t break me. I’m on my journey. I’ll find my Inner Goddess. I will play whatever games Katya or the Red Queen wants me to play. I will travel across Wonderland and it will all make me stronger. I’m ready Corey. If you’re my first step then I’m ready to take Sasha’s pond and earn myself the next spot on the board and when I win this game… when we win this game. SCW is going to see Madison Steward on the same level as my sister.
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