Big Bad Bison Jones
Wrestler's Alias: “Big Bad” Bison Jones
Wrestler's Real Name: Bison Jones
Twitter Handle (if applicable): N/A
Pic Base: Moose
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 275 lbs.
Birthdate: 06/15/1980
Birth Place: Detroit, Michigan, USA
Current Residence: Parts Unkown
Physical Description: Bison Jones is bald. He carries a thick, salt and pepper beard. His arms are covered in sleeves. His muscles are defined, especially his upper body (pectorals, biceps, triceps, shoulders, abs, etc.). On SCW programming, Bison will be always shirtless. A gold medallion hangs down from his neck. He brandishes a Rolex as well at times. He wears several big gold rings as well. He typically wears a pair of black exercise pants to the ring and black big wrestling boots.

If you caught him on the street; however, Bison is typically well dressed, preferring to wear collared shirts and dress slacks wherever he goes.
Wrestling Style: A Brawler with Limited Powerhouse Moves
Alignment: Heel?
Years Pro: 3
Theme Song: “Way Down We Go" by KALEO
Finisher: 187
Finishers Description: Jackknife Powerbomb
Signature Moves: Chokeslam, Discus Clothesline, Running Big Boot

Common Moves:
[1] Punches (Jabs, Uppercuts, Hooks, Boxing Combinations, etc.)
[2] Kicks (Toe Kicks, Big Boots)
[3] Elbows, Forearms, Knees (Especially if referee is enforcing the no closed-fists rule)
[4] Double Leg Takedown, Usually Followed By Ground and Pound Strikes
[5] Clotheslines [Corner, Short-Arm]
[6] Jumping Shoulder Block
[7] Samoan Drop
[8] Pumphandle Slam
[9] Belly-to-Back Suplex
[10] Powerslam
[11] Scoop Slam
[12] Sidewalk Slam
[13] Back Body Drop
[14] Foot Choke
[15] Elbow Drop
[16] Leapfrog Body Guillotine
[17] Bearhug, Followed By Spinebuster
[18] Snake Eyes

(1) Striking Power- Bison is formally trained in boxing and MMA. Have had limited tenures in both sports. He has experience street fighting, mostly serving as a bouncer in some tough neighborhood bars as a young adult.
(2) Incredible strength – Powerlifter.
(1) Poor cardio: Can become easily winded in extended matches due to having to carry a lot weight during combat.
(2) Slow: Doesn’t have the speed to keep up even with the less than athletic. He’s basically a tank.
(3) Slightly Top Heavy: Target his knees or base and he will fall.
(4) Inexperienced: Has only gone through the minimal training, through Adam Allocco has taught him simple moves that fit his style.

Oh, father, tell me, do we get what we deserve?
Oh, we get what we deserve.

The opening lyrics shot out into the crowd, gathering rumbling of a commotion from the crowd. The lights had shut loudly off  to cast the darkness with a single bright white strobe light flashing from the stage. The shadow of a huge man can be seen close to the light. Few more shadows join him.

And way down we go-o-o-o-o

Way down we go-o-o-o-o
Say way down we go
Way down we go

Now bright white lights illuminate the stage, where we are now able to see Bison Jones standing there. Flanked by Anastasia and Adam Allocco, Bison stands there, looking out at the crowd with a serious glare. Anastasia lifts up his arm high into the air. He starts to move slowly down the ramp.

Oh, you let your feet run wild

Time has come as we all oh, go down
Yeah, but for the fall, my
Do you dare to look him right in the eyes?

He stops in front of the ring, staring at it. Anastasia cheers him on with clapping. Bison Jones slowly walks up the ring steps and stops out on the apron. He raises one arm high up in the air before climbing up and over the top rope.

Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark

Yes, and they will run you down, down 'til you fall
And they will run you down, down 'til you go
Yeah, 'til you can't crawl no more

And way down we go-o-o-o-o

Oh way down we go
Say way down we go
'Cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall
Way down we go, ooh
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall
Oh, way down we go

Inside of the ring, he thrusts both arms into the air. He then turns to the crowd and releases a loud war cry.. He walks over to one side of the ring, where he steps up on the middle rope and keeps his fist up high. He then goes to the opposite and does the same. Adam and Anastasia go to his corner and cheer him on.

FACT. Bears eat men. FACT. Bison is not a bear. In fact, contrary to his appearance, Bison Jones is from a very well-to-do family. Upper middle class, white collar suburban upbringing but he never exactly fit in high school. Racism is rampant in the school system when Bison grew up. He didn’t belong. He stuck out as a sore thumb, not only because of his skin color but also his immense size. His sanctuary became the weight room. He didn’t want to join football, didn’t want to follow expectations. Bison went to Michigan, full academic scholarship, and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in sociology.
During college, he started bouncing at bars for extra cash, so his parents didn’t have to support him. Once out of college, he couldn’t find a job and didn’t exactly find the passion to continue his education. He drifted around, working as a bouncer at bars, this time in much rougher neighborhoods than Ann Arbor. That’s where he started brawling in the streets. This life continued, as Bison found himself adrift, for the first time lost without a direction. Eventually, his activity caught the attention of a shady boxing promoter, and he recruited Bison to box with little training. Bison found himself challenged but won many of his bouts, though for small crowds and small purses.
Not much record exists, a few of his knockouts are on YouTube today. Eventually, he ended up enrolling in an MMA fight, fought amateur MMA before he completely went off the radar, dark, at one point, his family filed a missing person report. He is married and divorced, have two kids with his ex-wife, she has full custody and he, unfortunately, has only one weekend a month to spend time with his precious kids. That’s a whole other story. Now, he has reappeared, this time as a professional wrestler, trained by Adam Allocco, but his function is much more of an enforcer, Adam’s muscle than an aspiring professional wrestler with lofty dreams. There is a mystery while he has found himself aligned with Adam in this foreign sport.

Click Here to See the Breakdown of His Supporting Cast
[Image: BisonJonesSig.png]

Big Bad Bison Jones
Singles: 4-3-0 Tag Team: 9-11-0

- SCW World Tag Team Champion (as the Golden Boys w/ Adam Allocco, 05.02.2021-06.12.2021, 0 Defenses, 42 Days)
- SCW Television Champion (05.20.2021-06.26.2021, 1 Defense, 37 Days)


[Image: GoldenBoyLogoSig.png]
Think of a little more active Wardlow-type bodyguard, primarily to be used in tag team matches with Adam, is available for the occasion singles.
[Image: BisonJonesSig.png]

Big Bad Bison Jones
Singles: 4-3-0 Tag Team: 9-11-0

- SCW World Tag Team Champion (as the Golden Boys w/ Adam Allocco, 05.02.2021-06.12.2021, 0 Defenses, 42 Days)
- SCW Television Champion (05.20.2021-06.26.2021, 1 Defense, 37 Days)


[Image: GoldenBoyLogoSig.png]
-- Changed pic base to Moose
-- Changed theme song to "Way Down We Go" by KALEO
-- Edited singles entrance to include new theme and his status as double champion.
[Image: BisonJonesSig.png]

Big Bad Bison Jones
Singles: 4-3-0 Tag Team: 9-11-0

- SCW World Tag Team Champion (as the Golden Boys w/ Adam Allocco, 05.02.2021-06.12.2021, 0 Defenses, 42 Days)
- SCW Television Champion (05.20.2021-06.26.2021, 1 Defense, 37 Days)


[Image: GoldenBoyLogoSig.png]

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