Marie Jones & Kimberly Williams vs. The Brotherhood of the Sith
Marie Jones & Kimberly Williams vs. The Brotherhood of the Sith (Dustin Adams & Andrew Raynes)

A match we can confirm was booked by Katya. Marie Jones will rebound from facing Sienna Swann and failing to obtain the World Championship by teaming with her twin sister against a former rival who may not be happy that he’s not teaming with Bree Lancaster. Given Andrew Raynes comments toward SCW management and more, there’s plenty underlying this standard tag match.
Singles: 2 RP Limit; 2 RP Limit for Tag Team Matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, January 8, 2019
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SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

December 30th 2018 – Niagara Falls, ON

With the success of the End of the Year bash behind him, Andrew was a man that was set to go into 2019 as a man on a mission. Everything he had done in 2018 had built himself up to the point where he needed to take that next step, to move forward from being a man who carried a division on his back to a man who needed to have a new sense of focus, new purpose to move forward with. Given the way that management has been in a complete chaotic uproar and Mr D being unable to keep his stupid little girls under control, Andrew was starting to see it all happening again, a Dark House Fantasy if you will. This time though, it felt different, maybe not in the sense of the crooked booking and rigged opportunities presented to people who clearly didn’t deserve them, Andrew’s attitude towards it was something else to keep in mind. Back in the day, when he first saw this type of behavior unfold, he was angrier about it, bothered by the fact that undeserving people were being thrusted ahead and into the spotlight where they would ultimately crumble. This time though, being more of an asshole and embracing his own hate, he knew that he was doing his own thing and playing by his own rules. He didn’t have to worry as much about how others would need to suck up, kiss ass or whatever they needed to do in order to remain relevant around here. Andrew, having an 8 month title reign in his back pocket and the trust of his good friend, Bree Lancaster, in holding one half of the SCW Tag Team titles at one point, showed Andrew that his 2018 was something to build on. He wanted more than just simply being known as a man who revived an entire division, made people care about the Adrenaline Championship once again and gave it more relevant than it had seen over the past two years. He needed more than that, he wanted to show that forging his own path under his own guise was reason enough to take him to the next level, the End of the Year show for SCW was going to be something that he would hope give him the recognition that he was owed, that he deserved because he had actually stepped up and not just simply won a few matches here and there, he left a division in a better place than anyone else had and now he was ready to move on.

With that said, he was happy to be back at home following the bash, given that the SCW End of the year show was in Toronto, he didn’t have far to go to attend this, even though he wasn’t competing that night, he wanted to be there in case he was properly recognized. Dustin had made the trip with him to Niagara Falls, a chance for the two of them to settle down and relax a bit, being at home was always important to Andrew, given he’d been on the road so often now working in two companies, any change he had to come back to his own home was something he would take advantage of. Having enough room to properly house his friend to was important, he didn’t need a fancy big ass house along the vineyards of Niagara on the Lake, he had a nice house though just a few blocks away from the Falls where he could still hear them at night, one of his favourite things about the Falls.

Being able to relax though, it felt deserved, like they really needed it going into the new year.

They had a few beers and having general conversation about what their plans were for the future, mostly the next few days. Dustin wanted to square some things up in Montreal and didn't wanna bother being at the EOTY show for SCW. After their success at the bash, it was just a matter of dealing with more important shit to finish the year off.

Dustin: You sure you don't need me in Toronto?

Andrew: Nah, I'm not competing in the invitational Battle Royal, I'm really only going so I can be crowned man of the year because like hell if anyone else did better than me this year.

Dustin: You were solid, it has been a real fun ride working with you and getting a chance to really flex ourselves. We should focus on how were gonna take the SCW tag division at some point. For now though, I need to put things behind me from my past and clear my head to be ready for what comes next for us!

Andrew: Maybe if things fall through on Bree and I getting our rightfully deserved rematch after I wasted Evans one on one but the bosses daughter coalition is too busy fighting with themselves and giving people like Marie undeserved shit to see the truth. In time brother but yeah, go and deal with your shit, we can meet back up over the weekend to sort out what we'll do going forward.

Dustin finishes his beer.

Dustin: I appreciate it brother!

Andrew really enjoyed having Dustin in his corner, being able to have a friend like him has made things so much easier for Andrew to fall into who he really is and embrace himself in his new light. Whatever business Dustin had to deal with would hopefully help clear his head and give the boys a new sense of purpose going into 2019.

Montreal, QC - December 31st, 2018

Rather than trying to make the 8 hour drive from Toronto to Montreal, Dustin felt it was best for him to just take the short flight to ensure he made it in plenty of time. Given how bad the 401 would be on a day like this, Dustin didn’t want to end up getting into some accident or fucked over by a bunch of other idiot drivers on his way to la belle province. It was a short flight anyways, about an hour and half give or take, even with the weather as nice as it has been for the month of December, it was still a bit of a turbulent flight but Dustin knew he had to go there and deal with this once and for all. It was important to Dustin to try and bury things and make things right in his own way, not having Andrew there was also important, considering he knew that Andrew would be focused on whatever was going to happen at the End of the year show. They weren’t involved in anything so it didn't make sense for Dustin to stick around with him, there was no point aside from maybe an after party but Dustin had more important things to worry about.

He arrived in Montreal that evening, he had a few hours before new years and he wanted to make sure he arrived at his destination in plenty of time, hopefully before the ball drops but that was going be pretty assured at this point, he wasn't sure if Angelica would even bother trying to talk to him after what had gone down all those years ago. THey hadn’t really spoken to each other since then and even the chance encounter a few weeks ago when ANdrew and DUstin were in Montreal didn’t bode well for Dustin seemingly trying to get back into her good graces but anything was possible. It made you wonder why this was something so important to Dustin, given that this dated all the way back to their VWA days but Dustin seemed like he wanted to move forward, get that fresh start and try and do something he wasn’t accustomed to doing, making up and seeking forgiveness. Again, Dustin was looking to make his own fresh start and having the time to work with Andrew and build their friendship really helped DUstin grow up a bit and try and become someone better, in his own mind.

He ended up going to his hotel first, he didn’t just want to show up at the bar, even though he was going unannounced anyways, but he needed some time to get his shit together. He arrived about 6pm, still had a few hours before midnight and he didn't want to have it be so awkward that he would leave before everything happened. It still seemed weird that he was following through on this, iven Dustins demeanor but after they had their encounter weeks back, it had been somewhat eating away at Dustin, there was a sense of caring involved somehow and she was someone that Dustin had probably not realized at the time that something was happening there, he was more focused on his career, dealing with his throat injury and trying to get everything together. Truth is, he probably knows that it had something to do with his getting his throat nearly slit by erick kennylz that probably set everything off as Angelica came up short to reclaim her WOmen’s CHampionship from September and ultimately caused her to leave the company. You would think that after nine years you’d be able to move on but as it was seen before when Angelica attacked Dustin, that wasn’t the case. Still though, it was hard enough for Dustin to be here, to go through this and try and come out the other side, he wasn't often the type to forgive or be forgiven. He was the relentless type, more focused on destruction and lack of care for his own well-being but even as far as he went to try and win the 7th circle of hell, perhaps even he knew he was going too far in allowing Kennylz to do the damage he did. THis caused DUstin to be on the shelf for quite some time and ultimately caused the resentment in ANgelica that has lingered for nine long years.

He finally sucked it up around 11pm and finally made his way towards her bar, this wasn't going to be easy for him but he knew this was one of those moments that needed to happen. Of New YEars of all nights, it was the perfect time to do this. Inside the bar, it was pretty busy, Angelica always had her place be one of the busiest bars in MOntreal at this time of year. Mostly was a lot of regulars but she did her best to try and bring in others as well, she would generally have a packed place for people to come and enjoy new years, one of her favourite nights of the year, she loved how much money she would make off of it, even though it would draw some unwanted attention at times. She was over by one of the tables, cleaning off the bottles and glasses from one of the empty tables from people who had just dispersed. A few moments into cleaning she gets approached by someone who clearly seems to be intoxicated. He starts to get a little fresh with her, a few moves, some words but clearly is not working on the owner of the bar. She pushes him away but he doesn't repellent, he sees it more as a challenge. He tries to go in again to try and suade her but then his head is brutally smashed into the table, glasses fly everywhere as we see the man get tossed across the table and into a chair which basically explodes. Angelica looks for a second, bewildered at who would step in for her, given she can take care of herself, and looks over to see the last person on earth she expected to see in her bar, Dustin. He smirks as she just looks at him in disgust.

Dustin: YOu’re welcome.

Angelica: I can take care of myself, asshole, what the fuck are you doing here.

Dustin had been asking that himself the whole time but he knew he needed to be here.

Dustin: You could say thanks, you know, and get me a beer?

Angelica looked disgusted, hated the idea that he was here for one, and that he just disposed of a drunk creeper for her. She rolls her eyes over the idea buy plays along since it's new years and he did travel all the way here for her.

ANgelica: Fine, Dom, get him a beer.

DOminic quickly grabs a drink for Dustin and brings it over. Dustin chugs about half of it in about 10 seconds, you could tell he was apprehensive about being here too, this wasn’t easy for him.

Angelica: You still haven’t answered my question, why the fuck are you here.

Dustin: Figured you and I could finally see things through, talk about what happened so many years ago. Why don’t we go to the back office and talk.

ANgelica didn’t seem all that interested as she continues to clean up the mess.

Angelica: As you can see, you probably picked the worst night on earth to drag your ass here. WHere’s Andrew?

Dustin: In Toronto for the end of the year awards, I’m here on my own.

Angelica seemed shocked, the fact that he would actually come here after she basically kicked his ass when him and ANdrew showed up spoke volumes to her. MAybe he was actually serious.

Angelica: You know what, this is new years afterall, DOminic, mind the bar while we go to the back.

HE nods as Angelica brings the trey back over to the back of the bar and drops it. Her and DUstin then go to the back office where her shit is. He walks in and takes a look around seeing everything she had been doing with the place. As he goes to turn around to look at her, the door locks rather quickly as it closed. He turns around unsure of what to expect and as he turns he finds Angelica jumping right into his arms and they have this really odd make out session where she kisses him as if he was coming back from a deployment overseas. She had this built up tension stemming back so long ago but she had been so angry with Dustin over the years she couldn't bear to try talking to him. After they make out for a few moments, most of which even Dustin is gooped by it, she finally stops and lets go standing on her own two feet.

Angelica: You piece of shit, I swore you were gonna die when i saw what happened to you in that circle. I could have killed Eric for nearly slitting your throat.

Dustin: Is that why you never bothered to come see me as i recovered?

Angelica looks away slightly.

Angelica: I was so mad, on top of failing to beat September and my contract running out, i was just so so mad about everything, especially at you for going through that match.

Dustin: And you couldn't have bothered to contact me at all, you wait until i come back after about 9 years later and nearly kick the shit out of me?

Angelica: When I saw you, there was just a flush of rage and emotion that all just came rushing to me like a flood. All I could think of was that night at Method of Sacrifice and not being able to beat you after what I watched. You were basically dead to me until I saw you.

She touches the scar on his throat, he flinches a bit knowing the impact it had on her too.

Dustin: Look, I know we can't just pick up right away, I wanted to come here so we could actually work this out, I had always wanted to come sooner but I knew this would happen. Luckily Andrew pushed it forward and brought me here the first time so you could get it out. It's why I wasn't as concerned coming here this time and hey, at least I dealt with a drunken bum for you.

Angelica: I could've handled him.

Dustin: Yeah but then I wouldn't have gotten the rational you, you had to thank me and acknowledge me for a minute which is all I needed.

At this point, the clock was counting down to midnight. You could hear the drunken bums counting down in French and cheering as the clock struck midnight. Loud cheering ensued as Angelica and Dustin shared a quick kiss to ring in the new year.

Angelica: Joyeux Nouveau Année

Dustin smirks.

Dustin: Happy New Year

North Bay, ON – January 3rd, 2019

With the End of the Year awards done and now having entered into the new year, it was time for Andrew to really settle down and focus on what 2019 was going to bring for him. Before that though, having been crowned the Star of Tomorrow and Male Wrestler of the Year, Andrew had somewhere he needed to be, on his own, to get himself ready for what was to come. He had been focused on delivering the hate for a long time now and seeing as he was evolving at a rapid pace, he felt that he needed to go and pay his respects to his grandmother once again before moving forward. HE took advantage of Dustin still being in Montreal before the weekend to scoot up to North Bay for a few days. Even though visiting Grandma would be a little tougher given that it was actually winter in North Bay, he wanted to go and see her anyways.

North Bay was much colder than it was in Niagara Falls, it wasn’t often anymore that Andrew had a chance to come back up here and be in the thick of it. With Grandma gone, it was much harder for him to have the motivation to come and visit but this was where he wanted to bring his two awards, even if one was basically stomped into oblivion but they gave him a new one anyway. HE didn’t see a point to keeping them at home, they would simply collect dust and be an eyesore since he really didn’t have anyone over and didn’t really care all that much about whether or not he had awards in his house. Bringing them to grandma thought meant something to him. After he delivered the Adrenaline Championship before Rise To Greatness, having the two superstar awards also helped validate Andrew had made the right decision to embrace his hate and anger and be the man he was meant to be. He was proud of the fact that he had done it on his terms, under his own rules and didn’t have to have anyone else tell him who he needed to become or have to go and try sucking up to others in order to have his personality change. Andrew was a man who wanted to do everything the way he wanted to do it and what he was given as a reward was something a simple vote for a world title shot wouldn’t be able to replace. HE earned it, he went out and actually accomplished it on his own without having to resort to requiring help to win or move on.

The snow wasn’t actually that bad, about 6-12 inches deep and almost covering the entire tombstone but it did a decent enough job. Andrew could see the name plate at the top and was happy enough knowing he was with his grandma right now. He went back to the car and grabbed the two awards and brought them over to the tombstone and he just held them in his hands for a few seconds as he looked down at the grave.

Andrew: Grandma, it feels good to see you again, I know it had been a few months since I was last up here to say hi but I knew that the next time I would be here it would be because the time was right. Much like it was before Rise to Greatness where I put on the greatest performance of the year in that Thunderdome match, you would have been proud. For 8 months I carried that Adrenaline Championship and my attitude and will helped carry and revive a division and championship that were basically dead when I walked back into SCW nearly a year and a half ago. ON my own terms and on my own merit, I made that belt and division relevant to the point where you now see all the would be supreme champions coming out of the woodwork wanting that belt now to make their regime complete. Before I came into the picture, none of them gave a shit about it, the belt was so worthless that having it to complete their cycle wasn’t important. It was why I was named the male wrestler of the year this year, because I did what no one around here had the balls to do, had the guts or whatever else you want to call it had. I took the ball and I ran with it on my own, I didn’t have to answer to anyone and I took on all comers who thought they could take it away from me. It was to the point where brass had to pull out all the stops to take me down because they knew that I could have easily have surpassed Red Rayne as the longest Adrenaline Championship of all time but they didn’t want to have that blood on their hands so they decided to screw me out of it.

Well now it’s time they pay for their mistakes.

All they ever wanted to do was hold me back, convinced that I would amount to nothing, which was why I had to take everything into my own hands, be the man I needed to be so I could rise above all the bullshit. Even today, as Dark House Fantasy seems to come into focus because people like Syren, Ravyn and now Marie apparently all need handouts to remain relevant, to have some sort of purpose in this company because they can’t do anything on their fucking own. I am the type that gets name the present and future of this company because unlikes everyone else, I go and get shit done on my own terms. Some people actually enjoyed the idea that there were people who could get the job done when it mattered the most and evolve into something better, whereas you see people like Marie, get broken by my hatred, suck up to the boss’s daughter and win a rigged vote so they can appear relevant, all to just get slaughtered by the Iron Angel who holds the World Championship she desperately believed she could actually obtain, what a joke.

I've watched for too long seeing people get chances they never earned, never deserved and only got them because they felt they had to go kiss the bosses ass in order to be given a chance around here. Me though, I've worked for it, created my own chances and it has been undeniable that I have gotten to where I am because unless these people, I have worked and shown that my attitude and way of life is my own, not given to someone else because I can't do it myself. Since you've been gone I have really come into my own as the man I was meant to be because now I don't have to worry about anything else, even after I lost my Adrenaline Championship nothing held me back I continued to push forward. I was given one half of the tag team titles because I earned it. My friend Bree could have picked anyone before me but she knew who she was picking. It was proof that who I am had come full circle around d here and then to be named both the future and the present further validated that.

I'm sorry I could never remain the man you raised me to be.

But the truth was, the man you raised was wearing a mask, unable to voice my true feelings and attitude because you had always taught me to be the better man, to keep my true emotions in check because you didn't want me to be the product of a mother who all but abandoned me and left to rot. Though you saved me from that, I knew that I needed to be better, to evolve. My upbringing with you allowed me to better channel my rage and anger and allow me to focus it into something pure instead of raw and out of control like when I was a child. I took all of that and I have been able to transform it into the pure talent that I have embraced since coming back to SCW and I've done more in 15 months than most people do in a career. He'll, I've done more in 15 months than I had done in my whole career as a good guy, regardless of how decorated I was back then, today, now, feels like I'm the true syndicate I was meant to be when I won the Vwa royal rumble match. My evolution of hate continues to grow as I find myself in the best place in my career and in the best shape I've ever been in. The validation I received from SCW, though resented by everyone in the back, shows that I chose to do things the right way, by not caring about how others think or what consequences my actions would bring upon me, i made sure to do everything on my terms and I will refuse to let anyone stand in my way and i refuse to let anyone back into my life who doesn't deserve to be a part of it.

Andrew walks over and places the two awards in the snow by her tomb. He backs away slowly and smirks.

These deserve to be here grandma because you need to see just what I've done, so you can be proud of who I am even though you may not approve. How I will continue to evolve and let the hate guide me. Thanks to you I have been able to channel into a force to be reckoned with and all these jealous hacks can suck my dick after I continue to prove why I'm not only the star of tomorrow but the man of today. I love you grandma, I will continue to make you proud.

He smiles, he always loves coming to see his grandma as it's a reminder of who he was as a man of hate. After a few moments his phone buzzes. Assuming it's Dustin, he whips his phone out and looks at it. It's an unrecognized number but the two words he sees do not resonate well. His happiness turns to a slight bitterness as after a few moments, he remembers the area code of the number and whose decided to text him. Two simple words he thought he'd never see again and represented everything he didn't want to be anymore.

”Hello Son”

Shoot - present day

Raynes: Tell me again how that Works Championship feels, Marie?

Oh wait, you lost.

Tell me again about how you were so smug walking past me as I accepted my Male Superstar of the year award, a token of everything I accomplished in the last year while you arrogantly walked down that ramp assuming you were going to actually beat Sienna Swann after she was crowned Female of the year.

Yet, you lost.

I admit I shouldn't have bother trying to lunge at you while you were having your moment, I knew that you would ultimately fail to get the job done because I've proven to you on so many occasions that I was better than you, proven time and time again that I shouldn't have needed to cool as you tried to have your cake and eat it too. I mean look, after breaking you at bound by blood, after you swallowed whatever pride you had left and sold out to Katya because you somehow expected her to give you everything you could wants I mean she even rigged the end of the year vote for you win , you thought you probably had it in your back pocket having the boss's daughter as leverage that you would prevail. Knowing that I was everything you wish you could be, how I've managed to carve my own name out without having to sell out or be something I'm not. I embraced who I was I made my own opportunities because I knew I could go and achieve them. Why else do you think I chose to revive and carry an entire division on my back for a year? I wanted to go prove that I could rise up in my own way, in a way that would defy everyone's expectations because they expected me to fail, Mr D expected me to fail and I forced him to play all his dark cards in order to stop me.

That has only made me stronger.

Dustin: Andrew and I have taken no prisoners since we have arrived, walked the beat of our own drum because we don't give a shot about management and the corrupt games they wanna play to advance people. We watch as those people, you, ultimately fail to get the job done in those situations, just like Syren won't get what she wants because she's having it handed to her. Like you were never meant to be anything relevant and now forced to be nothing more than a lackey to serve Katya's needs and desires

When you fail though, you shouldn't be surprised that Katya, not Sasha, would feel the need to punish you for your failure by making you take another dose of reality by being forced to face both Andrew and I and now punish your sister too who's probably smarter than you ever could be.

See Sasha didn't need to make this match, your inability to get the job done when it counts is how you end up getting fed to the wolves and why Katya felt the need to teach you a very painful and powerful lesson. This isn't the first time I've seen this play out. My time in jail, with the house, always had people getting served because they couldn't live up to the expectations set out by people who put too much faith in under talented people who wanted a fast track to the top. You thought you'd just dust yourself off after the loss and go kiss some more ass for another chance you don't deserve.

Oh this is gonna be so much fun.

Andrew: it's why I'm smarter than you ever could be, Marie, because I'm not gonna rely on others to gain chances that are undeserved. It's why I never joined the house, bothered associating with people like dark fantasy or D for all that matter. I've never waived dispute never being a world champion myself because I know that I will eventually get to that point and done on my terms and not someone else's where they can hold it over my head. See, unlike you, I can go and walk the walk I talk because I have proven time and time again that I am simply the better person around here. Why I am named a star and the best while you need the boss to hand you golden cookies you choke on because you stuff it too quickly down your own throat.

After watching you fail to beat Sienna, having the chance to best you and your sister is going to be just plain fun and a great way for Dustin and I to start the new year. We don't care if we have faced you before, to us this is a chance to prove who really is better around here. If you can finally step up and write a check your ass can finally cash. I mean we know it'll bounce but the sheer fun of it is something completely different.

Dustin and I beating you two sets the stage for 2019 to get off to the start it needs to be because the sky's the limit for The Brotherhood, all while you'll be forced to crawl back to Katya and beg for forgiveness after you've failed once again. Only this tkmrz your actions have forced your sister to be dragged into it as well and no amount of twin magic is going to help solve your way out of this storm that's coming.

Dustin: While we may not have proven it so far here, the Brotherhood is out to establish being one of the premier teams in this business, period. That the power and attitude we possess will carry us further than sucking up to the boss ever could. We've been there, seen it and know how it ends. You may be too stupid and annoyed by facing us to understand now but after we carry out our sentencing on you both, maybe then you'll see just what we are talking about.

Andrew: 2019 picks up where we left off in 2018, only now the world sees who we really are and how we are the future of this company. While everyone else decided to drop the ball and make themselves irrelevant, Dustin and I have forced people to see us and understand that the brotherhood is the team to watch and take note of. We've been given the chance to start off on the right foot and we will be damned if we let you two get in the way of that.

The hatred is coming

The Code Of The Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

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