Max Kane vs. Damian Angel
Max Kane vs. Damian Angel

He has wanted it for months. He will get it finally. Damian Angel will face off against Max Kane in what should be a hard-hitting, intense showdown between one of the most sadistic wrestlers in SCW and one of the most careless. 
-2 RP Limit for singles matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, August 14, 2018
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Damian Angel can be seen sitting in front of a black backdrop, glaring into the camera alone.

Damian: "Hello, Maxwell. Congratulations on FINALLY getting that which you craved so mightily, which you spoke out so frequently about. For Supreme Championship Wrestling has decided it prudent to lead you like a lamb to the slaughter and set you in the ring across from me. Can you feel the anticipation building in the pit of your soul? Do you feel like you have finally made it? Like YOU are going to be the ONE PERSON out of EVERYBODY that has tried to put me down for good? You join an extensive list… a list of Hall of Fame talent that has tried to eradicate me, only to find that they, too, are simply incapable.”

Damian grins.

Damian: “Such hubris is foolish, for I will always be a thorn in the side of Supreme Championship Wrestling… of those who laud it’s ideals and champion it’s existence. Although, in honesty Maxwell, I see a bit of myself in you. When I came onto the scene, I did so with but a whisper. It was not until I saw the Canadian Heart Break Kid, the cancer that he is, and set upon him with laser focus. I fought with him. I sought to destroy him, to cut the cancer of CHBK out of SCW. But, I failed.”

He lowers his head, resigned to a fate that only he inflicted upon himself.

Damian: “I failed to kill the cancer and, because of that, he still reigns throughout SCW to this very day. But he is not alone. His influence had spread. Ultimately, I take that as vindication for everything I had done. I martyred my own self in a war of attrition against him, and in the end, I was the one who was vindicated. So, for you to take up this stand against me, Maxwell, is something that I admire. Now allow me to explain to you why you shall fail as I did.”

Damian lifts his head again, resting back in his seat as he clutches his cane.

Damian: “In the simplest terms, you are incapable of being able to do what all those names… all those supposed legends that rest now in the hallowed Hall of Fame… had failed to do against me. Sure. There may be victories here and there. You may be able to stand tall and lift your head in victory, and that may come tomorrow night. But I do wish to inform you that, regardless of tomorrow night’s result, whether you defeat me or I grind the mat with your face, to me, you are essentially inconsequential. There is nothing you can do to me that will drive me away from my true purpose of ridding the wrestling world of the cancer known as Supreme Championship Wrestling. You merely provide me with a speedbump. But allow me to define for you what will happen at Breakdown.”

Damian leans forward, resting his hands on his canes as his stony gaze pierces the camera.

Damian: “You and I, Maxwell, will have our engagement and that will be it. You will do your reckless, daredevil shit, and I will carry out my plan with surgical precision. And then, when it is over, I will cast my gaze elsewhere. I shall look to the very foundation of Supreme Championship Wresting, and I shall rock it to its very core. These are things that have already been spoken of. These are things that no man shall be able to stand in the way of. So, it is written, so it shall come to pass. When Breakdown has come to a close, my name WILL be on the lips of wayward observers… but not for what you and I do in our contest. It shall be for what I do beyond that. Consider this your only warning.”

With that, the lights around Damian immediately cut out. His laughter floods the scene as we draw to a close.

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