Marie Jones vs. Konrad Raab
Marie Jones vs. Konrad Raab

- Rise to Greatness was not kind to Marie Jones, but was for Konrad Raab. Now, the two Adrenaline-style wrestlers will meet in a match that could set their paths going forward. Marie needs a rebound badly, and Raab already had that against Kordy. Rattling off another win since he return from his hiatus could be enough to turn heads. 

-2 RP Limit for singles matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, August 14, 2018
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SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

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SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: I really wished I could do more than one CD scene, but due to my cat being put down on friend on top of going to my mum's like at the last minute and that mum wanting to go out with me to sort stuff out today, I had no choice, but to do one CD scene and next RP I do, I will spend a lot of time putting in CD scenes. It sucks cos I wanted to do a lot more than this for the match and I'm sorry for this, but RL comes first and there will be a lot more to come for Konrad next time.

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Mental training day four. Orlando, Florida. Tuesday 12th June. (Off Camera)

It was a new day in the mental training camp as Konrad knows he was going to go through more hell in the camp today with going through social media training and some light training work as it was all apart of getting him mentally stronger, something he needed as Juan, Dwayne and Steven see Konrad still being asleep. The alarm went off a few minutes ago and they were concerned he was sleeping on purpose. Steven, however, went over to Konrad and poke him to get Konrad up. He does move, but to turn over to continue to sleep. Dwayne shouts Konrad’s name and that’s when he got up, but he moans to say this.

Konrad Raab: “I don’t feel like getting up.”

Juan: “You think you’ve had it hard so far?”

Konrad Raab: “It is too hard, especially dealing with Justin abusing and threatening my family. That’s what I got to go through once again. I don’t want to do this anymore.”

Steven: “I’m also finding it hard as well, but you know giving up is not an option.”

Konrad Raab: “I basically did give up with wrestling you know. I refused to take part in the rumble because I wasn’t ready for it which was the truth. I couldn’t imagine being so confident in a match I knew I’d lose again. Also, I have a feeling that somebody in SCW has put me in here.”

Dwayne: “If so, that’s not a bad thing. Our trainers well not sure about Steven, but that’s why me and Juan are here because we needed a lot of mentality work and we still do.”

Steven: “It was my coach who placed me in here as he said I wasn’t performing to my potential and needed more mental toughness in me to be champion in wrestling.”

Konrad shrugged his shoulders as he knew Fizz didn’t place him here, it was from a phone call by Neil from Fizz that he needed a lot more time in the mental training course and it felt like more of a prison camp for Konrad than anything he’d expected, but certainly better than going to a mental hospital. He gets up, knowing Peter would’ve kicked him out of bed anyway and goes to the bathroom to do what he has to do and comes back out and gets himself changed.

Juan: “Trust me when I said yesterday it will get easier as you settle in.”

Konrad Raab: “I do, but you guys know who brought you guys in here, I don’t and I can’t wait to meet Neil for the one to one chat tomorrow to find out answers I’ve been wondering the entire time I’ve been here.”

Dwayne: “I got a meeting with Neil myself today hence why I’m doing heavy training and Juan is as well, not for a one to one chat with Neil, but has the final test tomorrow and Thursday and needs to know what goes on in the last days of training before leaving.”

Juan: “He’s right. Now come on, let's get something to eat for breakfast.”

With force, Konrad nodded as he was feeling hungry, even if his mood was extremely low and he gets his breakfast from the chefs before he sits down with Steven, Juan, and Dwayne as he eats with his fellow roommates he considered as friends, while one of the guys that’s in their early twenties spotted Konrad as he says this.

A young guy: “Oh my god, are you the Konrad from Supreme Championship Wrestling?”

Konrad Raab: “Indeed I am.”

A young guy: “Can I have your autograph?”

Konrad Raab: “Of course you can.”

A young guy: “I’m John, I need to get my autograph book and my camera in my room. Stay there.”

John got up from the table and rushed to get his things from his room before coming back with a big autograph book which it seemed to have a large number of autographs in there and Konrad gladly signs it as he then asks Steven to take a pic of him and John as he takes a picture and passes the camera back to John as he says this.

John: “Thank you very much. Didn’t expect to see you here.”

Konrad Raab: “I didn’t either. Been here for almost a week now. I just started late because I wrestle in England on Fridays and due to me being in a tournament, I couldn’t stop in the middle of it.”

John: “Oh yeah, Rebellion Pro, right?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, although I’ve left GZWA now, they just don’t know it yet after the hell I’ve gone through on top of lack of competition, I’m sticking with WWH, SCW, and UGWC.”

John: “Yeah I agree, being champions for that amount of months without defending the belts is a complete joke. The tag champions don’t care for the belts, although they’ve been defending them a lot now.”

Konrad Raab: “Yes because I spoke up about it, otherwise it would’ve continued. Anyway, I’m done with them and moving on with my wrestling career with UGWC where there’s competition for me and SCW too. Thanks for coming by and I’ll see you later.”

John had finished his breakfast at that point and he went back to his room to play for a bit while Konrad continued eating, although his roommates looked shocked to see somebody else recognizing Konrad with his wrestling career and he says this.

Juan: “I never thought somebody else apart from us knew who you were as it’s pretty quiet regarding that.”

Konrad Raab: “It’s nice to get attention like that apart from you guys that are nice and respectful.”

Dwayne: “Yeah I’m surprised nobody else has spotted you here until now. Pretty amazing to see a pro wrestler coming here to get better mentally with us. I’m sure many people here are inspired by you.”

Konrad Raab: “It doesn’t feel like it so far, but it was good to get the attention I did just for that little bit.”

Steven: “Better to eat since it’s almost time to go to our rooms.”

Juan: “I agree.”

There was silence apart from eating what they were provided for breakfast as they finished their breakfast, being the last ones in the room and they left to go to their rooms and play some board games for a little while and although Konrad’s phone was on his bed, the others looked at Konrad with the phone situation as Steven says this.

Steven: “What’s that doing on your bed?”

Konrad Raab: “With Rebellion Pro, I have to tweet if I have matches coming up, but I don’t at the moment so I can’t do anything with it.”

Juan: “I don’t think twitter is necessary for wrestling.”

Konrad Raab: “I agree, but for some reason, they want you to promote matches the best you can. I’m just focused on figuring out how the hell I’m going to get through today with the social media training coming up in the afternoon.”

Dwayne: “Yeah I know what you mean, it’s pure hell in there, twisting your mind like that, especially the family threats you had yesterday, that was way too much from Justin.”

Juan: “I think they should be restrictions regarding family and death threats, but in the real world of social media, you are able to say what you want and that’s the sad side of it all.

Steven: “God, I hope I won’t have to do it.”

Juan: “Sadly, at some point in this course, you have to. Just a matter of when is the question. Because you’re still new, they won’t put you through that just yet, unless you need a lot to improve in that area.”

Konrad Raab: “I hate it, wish I don’t have to do it today and Peter said I’m doing it more than I really should as it’s my weakness. He said I have no confidence or self-esteem in myself right now. I rather do the hard tough training than doing social media training, to be honest.”

Konrad felt that because he finds the training easier to do than the social media training which obviously needed to be done to learn to ignore and if things get too hectic, hit back when necessary. Of course three hours of playing monopoly being almost a finished game, the alarms sound again as they all leave to go to do some training.

Once again like yesterday, Konrad was in the light training group with Peter Lawley smiling at Konrad for turning up on time and did a lot of cardio training with bits of weight training as well, although he did have to lift two hundred pound bag up and down the stairs multiple times just for Peter to wear Konrad completely out as he was as he stops to have a drink a few times before getting back to it.

Training finished at eleven thirty as he went to his room and wrote down what he did in the morning which was getting to be a bit more easier now with getting used to the drills, even with snacks on his bed to eat along with the others as well with a bottled of water as well. Half an hour later, Juan, Steven, and Dwayne came back and were completely exhausted from the training they’ve done and they went to eat a small lunch that’s just provided with a healthy pasta salad.

They continued where they left off with the monopoly game after eating lunch, although one of the other guys in the training course came down, it was another guy who was a fan of someone in the room and says this.

Eighteen-year-old guy: “I can’t believe you’re here.”

Dwayne: “I know, right? It’s a good place here.”

Eighteen-year-old guy: “Not you, Konrad.”

Dwayne was disappointed it wasn’t him he was after, it was Konrad as he got his pen and paper ready for Konrad to sign as he gladly does and having a camera in his hand for the guy to take a picture with Konrad which Juan does and the eighteen-year-old guy says this.

Eighteen-year-old guy: “Thank you so much, you’re a hero in wrestling.”

Konrad Raab: “I don’t know about that, but thanks for the compliment you’ve made. Nice to have a fan and being apart of the sport who likes my work.”

Eighteen-year-old guy: “It’s been my dream to meet you and here I am with the great one. Shawn here.”

Konrad Raab: “One of my trainees is called Shawn as well. Nice to meet you and I’ll see you soon.”

It occurred that Konrad was getting known very well around here and he was lucky he hadn’t seen Justin yet, although he was today in the social media training, he hasn’t kept him off his mind for a while knowing the type of stuff he’ll say to Konrad once again today. He doesn’t know why he was suddenly getting that much attention around here as he expected the training to be peaceful to work on his weaknesses that's bothering Konrad’s progress in wrestling for quite some time.

Konrad Raab: “I don’t want to see him today.”

Steven: “Who?”

Konrad Raab: “Justin.”

Juan: “You have to, regardless if you want to or not.”

Dwayne: “Yeah I don’t blame you, but you have to go through with it, at least you won’t tomorrow with seeing Neil for one to one meeting.”

Konrad Raab: “You’re right, but I literally don’t feel I can ever do this social media training, it’s a curse and something I don’t think I can ever improve.”

Juan: “You will, just figure out how in the future you take things like that. I know you can’t fight him here, it’s against the rules, although I don’t really know why we don’t do wrestling here.”

Konrad wonders that as well, although he was wrestling on Friday regardless in England anyway so it doesn’t matter too much, but knows he has more to learn and gain from the social media training as the alarms went off while they’ve just finished their monopoly game and everyone, but Konrad went to the training programs.

Konrad Raab: “Hell no I’m not going after yesterday.”

He said to himself as he lays in bed, closing his eyes to rest until Peter notices Konrad’s absence again as he sighed before going to Konrad’s room, seeing him being asleep in his mind and he says this.

Peter Lawley: “What are you doing?”

Konrad Raab: “Resting my eyes as I honestly didn’t want to walk into the computer room stressed out because it caused me to almost have an panic attack yesterday. I don’t want to feel that again.”

Peter Lawley: “I don’t think that’s the case as I heard you say you weren’t going, this is just an excuse to run away from the situation you need to work on and you know it.”

Konrad Raab: “I don’t feel like it. I don’t want to go through hell again.”

Peter Lawley: “I will force your ass in there with a lead if you don’t leave this room right now. Come on.”

Konrad Raab: “I don’t know what to say or do.”

Peter Lawley: “The point is Justin hates your guts and you sometimes have to combat it by standing up for yourself which I know you can’t do very well, but you need to treat yourself better than being a piece of shit on the ground.”

Konrad Raab: “OK fine, I’ll do it since you’ll force me anyway.”

Konrad gets up from his bed and walks with Peter to the social media room and as soon as Konrad sat down, he already saw so many tweets from Justin who eventually spoke to Konrad right in his face as they were sitting opposite to each other.

Justin: “About time weak motherfucker.”

Konrad said and done nothing as he wasn’t used to this amount of intensity, although Brennan Devlin has tweeted that much about him, but not the abusive and family threat tweets he gotten from Justin. He saw some of it and he starts crying silently, knowing he couldn’t do anything about it and Peter says something.

Peter Lawley: “Well, are you going to say something then?”

Konrad Raab: “No.”
Peter Lawley: “Do you always allow people to treat you like shit?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes as it’s far easier to do that than coming back with insults that I don’t mean. I don’t want to do it today.”

Peter Lawley: “For goodness sake Konrad, just do the damn training, you aren’t even trying. Come on, put something in the tweets. Do something without resorting to violence.”

Konrad shook his head as he didn’t know what to say with Justin sitting there smiling at him, knowing right away, he got to his head. Konrad closes his eyes to take a deep breath as he tried until suddenly, he vomits on the floor from stress he’s feeling. Peter gives him a bottle of water to drink and then he whispers to give him an idea what to say and then he goes for it.

He writes something pretty mean to Justin, something Peter waited for ages for Konrad to do and wrote something about him that hit him in the chest on the feeling he had on wanting to destroy him when he has the chance to in the ring. When he said to fight him in the ring one on one, Justin suddenly turned away, saying nothing after the amount of abuse he got from Justin as Peter smiles.

Peter Lawley: “Did you just challenge him for a match?”

Konrad Raab: “I did because I want this to stop.”

Peter Lawley: “Although you can’t until Sunday, that’s something we can arrange actually.”

Konrad Raab: “I thought wrestling doesn’t happen here.”

Peter Lawley: “Learning wrestling moves we don’t do here, but we do have wrestling matches on occasions if something needs to be settled or there’s an ongoing storyline or feud in companies we have people here they are in a middle of, but we can arrange that, can’t we?”

Justin’s coach: “Yes of course we can and I feel that would be a way for you both to settle differences between each other.”

Peter Lawley: “See, things can be done and now, Justin knows he’s gonna fight you, how you shut him up.”

Konrad Raab: “Because while I’m never comfortable with mean words, I just want this to end and if fighting in the ring with him will shut him up, it’ll be worth it.”

Konrad saw how much of a benefit it was now that he challenged Justin to a match, although he gave no answer on responding to it, but it was a clear threat to Justin who needed to be shut up and if that’s the way it was going to go, he was willing to take it. He waits for Justin to say something about the match, but won’t say anything as he does a tweet to Justin to stop being a coward and accept like a man which he does with pure force from Konrad and instead of yesterday of Justin winning the battle, it was clear Konrad did today as the time was up and Peter pats Konrad on his back and says this.

Peter Lawley: “Great job today Konrad, I feel you’ve leaped steps above from where you were yesterday. Now for the match next Tuesday as we want you and Justin to talk trash to each other on social media and in each other’s faces on Sunday and training for the match on Monday, it would be one of the main tests for you to complete the training. Fantastic job today and I’ll see you tomorrow for the heavy training you’ll do.”

Konrad leaves with a huge smile on his face for the first time since he stepped into the mental training course as he comes in and sits down on his desk and chair, confidently writing down what he done today and was really proud of himself as Juan says this.

Juan: “What are you smiling about?”

Konrad Raab: “Me getting the chance to fight Justin in the wrestling ring next Tuesday.”

Dwayne: “What? That’s impossible.”

Konrad Raab: “They said they do wrestling matches if there’s a score to settle or there’s an ongoing feud or storylines going on if the wrestler they feuded or in a storyline with.”

Juan: “I never knew that.”

Konrad Raab: “Me either until Peter and Justin’s coach told me when I did the challenge. If it’ll get Justin off my back, I’m willing to fight him for the sake of shutting him up. It’s the one thing I’m proud of doing today.”

Steven: “I’m really glad you’ve put him into a corner he can’t get out of.”

Konrad Raab: “He didn’t say anything for a long while when I challenged him and it was only when I called him a coward that he was forced to respond. I feel proud I’ve proved my point without being nasty about it.”

Dwayne: “About time as well. He had that coming for quite sometime and glad you shut him up with that challenge. Hope you’ll kick his ass.”

Konrad Raab: “I hope so. Anyway, lets go to dinner to eat before having social time with nearly everyone in this course.”

As they did go into the dining hall with dinner provided for them to eat before they went to socialize with other people in a large room filled with table tennis, pool tables, arcade machines and a large TV to watch mainly sports as a form of being encouraged to complete tasks. Konrad went on the NASCAR machine with John, Dwayne and Shawn as they had so much fun racing, even with a win each before it came to showdown who’d get the final win which went to John with Konrad just being so unlucky to lose by a few inches.

Konrad Raab: “I’m more into bikes.”

Dwayne: “Oh yeah, your son is a motocross rider.”

Konrad Raab: “Mattheus is yeah, while Roderick is an Ice Hockey player, although he’s taken an interest in wrestling too lately, but he’s sticking with doing karate as I started with him as well.”

Shawn: “That’s awesome to do karate with Roderick.”

Konrad Raab: “I always make sure I spend time with my kids, I have thought about cutting down another company to spend more time with my kids as they need me as their dad when I come out of here.”

John: “It’s good you’ve got reasons to better yourself too with family behind you. You’re a really good dad.”

Konrad Raab: “I try to be, although I feel I don’t do enough at times, but I do the best I can to put my family first before myself.”

The alarms went off for everyone to head off to their rooms where it was almost time for bed since they had so much social time with the others in the course that he was getting pretty much a lot of attention, must’ve been something Neil told people or at least a few people that cared. Konrad was going to bed, being a happy man that he wasn’t doing anymore social media training until Sunday as he got into his bed clothes before needing the bathroom to freshen himself up before he gets into his bed and goes straight off to sleep along with his roommates in the room after they said goodnight to one another before they went to sleep.


Time to continue the momentum I’m on with SCW shoot. (On camera)

“It’s good to know I finally got a win on Rise To Greatness show behind my back and proved a point to everything Kordy said to me that there’s hope of me overcoming the odds against me to come back with a whole new attitude I have and I barely had anybody talk down on me, well not as of yet anyway as I know if anybody who will do that, it’s Marie Jones and it was very unlucky she didn’t win her match at Rise To Greatness against Josh Hudson and Christy Matthews for the chance to be an Adrenaline title contender.

I do agree with the points she made about how Dylan should’ve earned a shot for the Adrenaline title and how she was robbed from a victory against Andrew Raynes because of Dylan. I can understand her frustrations because everyone wants to win a title, heck I was gutted when I didn’t defeat Autumn Valentine for the TV title after everything I’ve worked on to improve myself as a wrestler.

However what I can’t agree with is the fact you didn’t need to resort to using the bad side for the as you shown in your video before the match against Alistaire and the actions resorting to it that you chose to think about the past instead of challenging Dylan Howell for a match for revenge for what he did, there was no need for you to get angry about it, especially when it comes to you losing a chance for that opportunity to be pinned by Christy Matthews.

Because if you really wanted it, you would’ve done a lot more earlier. The only reason why I wasn’t TV champion was because Autumn countered my finishing move and hit me with her finisher to win the match. It took one small mistake for me to lose the match and I moved on very quickly, but what that match done for me is me craving that addiction I have for the TV title which I guarantee the way I’m going right now, I will get myself there.

Question is if you’ve moved on from the past and focusing on the future? I can’t say for sure, but you can’t say I’ve slipped up once since I’ve come back because I’ve been nothing, but positive and it’s got me in this spot right now. It’s motivate me than ever before to capture the belt. However right now, you’re in the way of that and I will take any opportunity that’s been granted to me without begging for it like a lot of wrestlers do.

Yes, we get it’s a terrible world out in this business and outside of wrestling itself with the shootings and the car attacks in England as of late, but do you think we need anymore people making SCW and the world worse? No, we don’t and I will be the one to stand up against all of that and beat you down for likely to be an ungrateful person who only wants the SCW title.

I got momentum behind me right now and I’ve only had one match off from SCW and that was the last Breakdown show because I’ve been busy putting my hard work into wrestling, proving the SCW roster wrong this self esteem, confident Konrad Raab change is permanent. Losses happen in the business, DQ’s happen in the business, but you learn from the mistakes you made and pick yourself up from it, not bitching and complaining about it.

I didn’t do that once since I’ve been back and if you continue to dwell in the past, you’ll only focus on that than wanting to move forward and that’s exactly what I’m doing, moving on to benefit to be the future TV champion I will be and deliver on that action as well by defeating your ungratefulness to the ground.

You are a challenge, that’s no question about it and how talented you are, but despite all of this and how badly you want to come back from the loss of the title contention match, that’s where I’ve overcome as of late, even if you fought better wrestlers than I have admittedly, the point is who wants to become champion more? It certainly isn’t you because of thinking about the time with the Andrew Raynes match, while I’m using the loss as a benefit of me knowing I’m so much closer of being champion because of what I’ve gone through and improving myself is all I’ve done since I’ve been back. 

I will beat you because I’m more confident than you right now and I’m certainly not gonna slip up at any point to allow you to win. Say everything you want about me, but I could less of a damn because I know nothing you’ll say is true until the action is being done and that’s exactly what I’ll continue to do tomorrow night as I got a good feeling about going higher than I’ve ever been and staying there too like the confidence and self esteem I have.

I will use my finisher like I’ve done with all of my opponents except for one and make sure, you’re the next person to lose to The Iceman because it will happen and maybe it’ll help you learn that being all tough and ripping someone’s throat out doesn’t get you anywhere, but being honourable and fighting you for pure competition without cheating or cheap tactics to win matches gets you farther along with standing out as well. I will be walking out of Breakdown tomorrow night as the winner of the match by pinfall or submission, tearing the house down for the fans to perform a great match of a lifetime, only with me winning the match. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iceman."
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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