Sam Raine & Crissy Gardner vs. Red Empire (Scarlet Grey & Ruby Amarant)
Sam Raine & Crissy Gardner vs. Red Empire (Scarlet Grey & Ruby Amarant)
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, August 28, 2018
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag team; 6 RP limit for six person tag
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Joint CD effort from the Red Empire. Still kind of shaking off the rust from not writing for this kind of thing for a while on my end, or anything at all on my partner's end, so we're kind of drawing blanks on the promo aspect and just going back to what we're at least more familiar with: trying to tell a story and seeing where we go with it.

If one were to look at the next Breakdown card, they would no doubt be surprised by the sight of the Red Empire's names surfacing upon it. True, Scarlet had made a reappearance over the past few weeks for reasons that only seemed to make sense to her, but there had been no sign of Ruby to indicate a full scale reunion. The last time either of them had been seen was months ago when, following a failed bid to take their rightful place as tag team champions, the two crimson-haired bombshells seemingly vanished into thin air. Sure, many can take credit for doing the deed, but the reality of the situation was that the Red Empire took themselves out. Of course, no one would ever accept that when they don't have a clue as to what goes on within Scarlet's little castle...



It was no real surprise that Scarlet's meltdown seemed to be a storm all its own, though the extremely small number of people that truly knew her (aka Ruby) would be the ones used to the sight before them right now. Furniture was overturned, mirrors and various other glass objects were shattered, and in general the whole place looked like a hurricane had just passed through. Still, Scarlet continued to try and figure out how to further wreck the place, having now resorted to pounding her fists against the wall in a vain effort to break it down. Her hands had become bloodied from what had clearly been a considerable amount of time spent on this task, but she was too far lost in her episode to really care.

Grey: We should be champions! Those belts should be ours!

Amarant: And they will be, but hurting yourself isn't going to help in that endeavor. Like it or not, it's back to the drawing board for us, but I promise you it will not stay that way for long.

The sound logic fell on deaf ears as Ruby tried to restrain her partner, but when Scarlet went into a full scale psychotic episode it was almost like trying to stop a train just by standing in front of it with your arms stretched forward. This wasn't the first time Ruby had put up with this... hell, this was the biggest reason why she continued to stick around the unstable succubus. Even she couldn't make sense of why seeing Scarlet in such a state bothered her when anyone else in this exact same position would result in her pulling up a chair and grabbing a bucket of popcorn as she fanned the flames, but she had always managed to find a way to talk her down before she did irreparable damage to herself. This go-around, however, was proving to be a challenge even for her, and the more Scarlet drove her torn-up knuckles into the wall the more she cringed.

Grey: I don't want to wait Ruby! I'm sick of not being a champion, I'm sick of the lack of respect, I'm sick of not getting noticed despite the fact any sane human being on this godforsaken planet knows I'm THE goddess among women and they would all commit mass murder for a chance to spend one night with me, whatever's between their legs be damned!

Amarant: Scarlet, do you think I'm just accepting this turn of events? The fact that we haven't had the level of success we're both capable of has done nothing but destroy me. Need I remind you that you had to stop me from essentially drowning myself in the pool because self-inflicted torture is how I choose to cope with a concept that's as foreign to me as common sense is to everyone beyond these walls you keep attacking?

Grey: Then maybe you should've put more effort into planning out how we worked our way through that match to stand tall instead of going out almost immediately!

Scarlet managed to shrug Ruby off of her before resuming her self-destructive task, and Ruby lightly ground her top teeth along her inner lip. The remark was easily shrugged off when you've played this game enough to know Scarlet never thought straight when she was like this, even by her own standards.

Amarant: Alright Scarlet, answer me this: what will it take for you to calm down so we can fix this immediately?

That question seemed to finally pierce her armor, and Scarlet stopped and just stared blankly down at her blood-soaked hands and the shards scattered around her boots as she contemplated her answer. The fact that she was willing to think it over was a good sign to Ruby, as bringing her back into a world where a civil and intelligent conversation would win the day gave her the opening to completely diffuse this time bomb for the immediate future, allowing them to get back to business.

Grey: I want you to leave.

THAT, however, brought about a rare dumbfounded look to the normally unshakable genius. Scarlet had suggested the last option Ruby wanted to even consider while she was in this state of mind, and that simply was going to fall on deaf ears. Ruby opened her mouth to protest, but Scarlet violently whipped around, stumbling a bit in the process from the blood loss, before giving the kind of death glare she only reserved for people she legitimately wanted to murder, a look Ruby figured she would never be on the receiving end of.

Grey: Don't even try to convince me that it's not even an option just because you're afraid of what I'll do to myself without you. I'll survive Rubes... I've done fine without you before and this time will be no different. Hell, maybe my little rampage will just continue if you keep trying to stop me! Right now, I can't even bring myself to look at you in any light, and I just want you to get the fuck away from me before I do something you know I'll truly regret. I need space, and if you won't give it to me then maybe we should see just how much more blood I can stand to lose before you have to start planning my funeral. Do you really want that, regardless of how much you actually do or don't care about me?


In the wake of that, Ruby had managed to steady her nerves enough to grant Scarlet's wish, being allowed time to at least pack her things before she left. She'd also informed SCW that due to “personal reasons” the two of them would be withdrawing from active competition, effective immediately, and it hardly surprised her that the company granted the request without a second thought. She was hardly bothered by it, though. To her, wrestling was simply a game, not a passion like so many others claim runs through their bloodstream, and being without it wasn't like someone just ripped her child away from her. What she ended up doing afterwards, however, is not something she feels comfortable discussing, both for personal reasons and the fact that it's none of your damn business anyway to know anything that could be used against her. What can be said, though, is that getting a text message from Scarlet out of the blue asking her to finally come back after months of separation, a definite first for the tandem, was quite surprising and at least proof that Scarlet had kept to her word about putting an end to the self-destructive carnage if they split.

As Ruby walked through the door of Scarlet's little castle, she let out a sigh of relief at the sight of everything inside looking as though the entire incident had never happened, which was already a positive sign. This was offset, though, by the fact that there was no sign of her partner waiting for her return, which was odd considering she was certain Scarlet would be waiting to tackle her to the floor hoping to dive straight into a makeout session at the very least. Trying to keep herself focused, Ruby tossed her bag into a nearby chair and quietly made her way through the place, keeping her eyes peeled. It wasn't long before she finally did find the person she was looking for, though to say she was expecting the exact sight she saw would simply be akin to trying to put up a facade hoping people would buy that.

Scarlet was seated on the edge of her bed, wearing only a thong as far as clothing was concerned anyway. The more important thing to note, however, was that her otherwise naked form was painted head to toe, with a paintbrush in hand trying to cover whatever part of her thighs wasn't yet slathered in the stuff. Now, despite the truth that Ruby could care less about wrestling and SCW only meant something to her as long as Scarlet held an interest in it, she had checked in on the business every now and then on the off chance Scarlet brushed off her word to management in regards to “needing some time away” to go it alone, and while for the most part that wasn't the case, she had noticed that over the past few weeks the crimson-haired temptress had quietly returned of her own accord and seemingly taken interest in somebody else, though Ruby knew all too well what the true intent here was. Still, she couldn't help but clear her throat, and once Scarlet located the source of the sudden interruption to... whatever she was doing, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

Grey: Rubes!

Scarlet stood up and dashed towards Ruby as though she were shot out of a cannon, but put on the breaks when Ruby took a step back and held her hands up, clearly not wanting to be covered in wet paint herself right now.

Amarant: It's good to see you again Scarlet, and doing much better by the look of things. If you don't mind me asking though, why are you trying to turn yourself into some kind of surreal painting?

Grey: Oh, this? I kind of just got lost in painting on my body for the past few hours. I was trying to unleash my inner demons, but I don't think I'm doing it quite like he does. It's a damn shame too, because I was hoping to surprise him come Breakdown.

Amarant: Him?

Grey: My new love interest. His name's Aaron Blackbourne, and he's quite the creative little hunk. He even paints his body every now and then before competing to be some sort of demon, but he's got to have some secret to his methods because I look nothing like him... I still look pretty damn hot all covered in paint like this though, don't you agree?

Scarlet turned her back to Ruby and gave her ass a little wiggle, which Ruby couldn't help but smirk at for no other reason than the relief that she truly was back to normal, always willing to flirt with her partner even when she'd found a new catch of the day to focus on luring into bed. While she only worried about the members of the SCW roster when she had to deal with them in the ring, Ruby had taken note of the self-professed “creative soul” and was very much aware he was currently in the middle of his second run as television champion, and people were talking about how much potential he had as one of the many perceived “futures” of the company, an idea that simply made her gag at how much stock people put in such nonsense.

Amarant: So I take it you've gotten his attention then?

Grey: You could say that, though he's playing hard to get, hence why I thought showing him how creative and artsy I could be as well would get him to stop hiding behind what has to be this excuse of “being taken.” Seriously, what person, man or woman, in their right mind would ever refuse true perfection even if they did have someone already comforting them every night? He doesn't have to be nervous if he's telling the truth, all he has to do is catch a little bit of “Scarlet Fever” and he'll forget all about whatever little bitch thinks she could possibly compare with this work of art.

Scarlet had tried to stay on track as she talked, but it was hard to keep her voice from trembling every time she made mention of the object of her affections not wanting her in favor of someone else. Being rejected was not something she was used to, and the more Aaron tried to push her away the harder she was going to try to capture him in her web, no matter what it took. This was not lost on the ever-vigilant Ruby, but truth be told Scarlet was hoping she could still gain a small victory in their typical war of wits by getting the reserved genius on board with her plan. After all, if Aaron was telling the truth then this person who had “taken” him needed to be removed from the equation by any means necessary, and on the likely chance said person was not part of the SCW roster then Ruby would be the rational strategist that would keep her from doing anything rash that would see her deported from the company for reasons beyond her partner's intervention to help her put herself back together.

Grey: So, what have you been up to while you were obeying my orders to give me some space?

Amarant: I wouldn't exactly go that far, unless you want to think that if it helps. But that's none of your business I'm afraid.

Scarlet could only mentally snap her fingers (mostly due to the wet paint coating her body making the actual task impossible right now) as she thought the small distraction would allow her the chance to finally get some insight on the secret vault that was composed of everything she wanted to know about her partner, but Ruby still had her wits about her despite looking distracted. Clearly, she was deep in thought about what she'd heard, if for no other reason than the fact that while Ruby may not be as interested in helping Scarlet add the artistic competitor to her lists of “conquests” she was definitely interested in the idea of putting down a two time champion and “bright future” of SCW if this was to mark the return of the Red Empire to the fold, schemes already beginning to hatch in her twisted little mind. If anyone had the intellect and the means of verifying this claim of Aaron Blackbourne having a significant other already, and therefore a weakness as far as she was concerned, it was Ruby Amarant.

Amarant: What I can tell you, dear Scarlet, is that while I was away I managed to reestablish a few old connections... for better or worse... and I think I can lend you a hand if you so desire. Consider it a gift for giving me the only thing I could want right now, and that's seeing you back to your old self again. I prefer that Scarlet over the self-destructive psychopath any day, with all due respect.

There was a deeper meaning to Ruby's words and Scarlet knew it, but for the time being she let it pass. After all, this marked the official reunion of the Red Empire and the beginning of a new era for the tandem when it came to their plans. SCW wasn't going to know what hit them, and neither would Aaron Blackbourne when all was set and done, but if Ruby was going to dive back into this world she was going to make sure she left an impression this time, and Scarlet would not accept anything less than everything she had her eyes on by any means necessary. After all, how could anyone hope to truly stop her? After all, in her own mind she was a true goddess and the world was her plaything, and even if it wasn't meant to last she would soon have an emperor to stand by her side, and Ruby would have quite the example as to why she was the last person on the planet you ever wanted to engage in a battle of wits against.
Samantha Raine hates to sit on the sidelines—especially when it’s not actually necessary. Especially, especially when she’s going to be at the show anyway, but the management team decided that her extremely high level of fatigue warranted being left off the last couple of shows as a precaution, to make there was nothing seriously wrong with her and that she didn’t jeopardize the safety of any of her potential opponents. It made Samantha wonder where this of management team was when Angelica Jones’ mental health was a concern when she nearly completely destroyed Stacy Singer-Young’s knee and then set her fire, or when Angela Jameson was enraged with them to the point that she took a pair of bolt cutters and attempted to shatter Samantha’s hand, or when Brittany Lohan decided to throw Faith De Luca from the rafters during the Insanity Cage match? Where was all the concern then?

Where was the concern? Samantha at the time was carrying the company on her back? Where was the concern for her friends? They were all reliable employees. It can be argued that The GDW isn’t the SCW and shouldn’t be held to the same standard as SCW, because the latter is the big time and the GDW was just the small time.

It’s funny how often that the rest of the SCW roster tries to shame Samantha and her friends; they have downplayed everything that they have done, they won’t acknowledge their pasts, but then spoon feed them everything that they have ever done over and over again. Regan Helms, is the guiltiest of that sin, but that’s a closed chapter… for now.

The SCW for lack of better terms is a ball buster/back breaker of a company. This is the same company that fined Samantha for playing a practical joke on Sienna Swan’s friend, but Samantha never forced her to do it. She did so willingly, but Samantha isn’t SCW born and bred like Regan. Opps, opening that Pandora’s Box again… Samantha’s prank was harm, but Regan continually broke rules, but seemingly never faced any consequences from her actions. She wasn’t stripped of the title until she refused to defend it against AJ Helms, she wasn’t suspended until she attacked Mr. D.

Needless to say whether some are willing to notice it or not, but there is some level of double-standards at play within the SCW. However, that’s all for another day and another rant. Samantha Raine, as you can probably guess was backstage last Breakdown, even though neither she nor Minka Pressler (Crissy Gardner) had anything to do with the show. Just as she was backstage the Breakdown before that when her friend took on AJ Helms for the chance to wrestle for the SCW TV title.

Which to date is one of three titles that Samantha hasn’t challenged for since signing with the SCW. The other two are obviously the World Championship, and the tag team championship, because until Minka made her return to the company, Samantha doubts that she would have been able to find a partner to challenge for the titles willingly unless it wasn’t like a lethal lottery type of draw to make the teams.

Since Minka’s return to the company, Samantha’s number of tag team matches has tripled as a result. Which is easy considering the fact that it had been zero and now they have faced The Brotherhood of the Sith, The Stewards, and now on the upcoming edition of Breakdown they get the pleasure of taking on the returning Red Empire. However, that was still a week away and neither one of them could wrap their heads around the Television title match.

“What the hell was that?” Minka exclaimed, the moment she saw the referee call for the bell on the disqualification.

“I’m not sure… definitely a new one on me.” Sam said, with half a smirk on her face. Both ladies, have been in the wrestling business a while, but they have never seen someone fight tooth and nail to win a title opportunity to throw it away blatantly like that before.

“If he was just going to pull that crap he should have let me win our damn match.” Minka said, her face was starting to get a little red with “anger” as her temper was raising by the moment.

“He probably didn’t know that he was going do that last week.” Ash chimed in, from behind the two veterans. Samantha shrugged her shoulders at the notion, because she could be right in that regard, but there was no telling what was going on through the head of the Helms on a good day. However, Ash’s little comment didn’t seem to help calm Minka in the slightest.

“That doesn’t matter, but at least I would’ve have went down with honor.” Minka yelled, as everyone in their little “group” knew how much she loved to fight and win, but she also took great pride in going down with honor when she was defeated.

“It sucks that you didn’t get the title shot, but look at least you can take solace in knowing that he didn’t win the title off of beating you.” Ash said, again from behind both women and the moment that she said it she regretted it. Even Sam knew that she was about to get it from Minka in the moment and could only shake her head at what was about to happen.

However, Minka even though she spun around to face Ash with both of her fists clenched and ready to throw down with Mike Tyson. She never took a swing at Woody’s protégé and Patience’s assistant. Instead, she just stormed off away from the trainee and Samantha who were both just left dumbfounded in the moment.

“You are so fucking lucky right now.” Sam said, with a nervous smile on her face.

“I know… I so thought that I was dead.” Ash said, after she took a hard gulp.

“In the future, might be a good idea not to piss off one of sparring partners.” Sam added, and the moment that Ash processes what the former GDW Undisputed champion had said to her… her face when pale white in the moment. It was still more than possible for Minka to take her head clean off her shoulders.

“You think you can be my sole sparring partner for a while?” Ash asked, as some of the color started to return to her face.

“That’s up to Woody to decide depending on what skills he wants to focus on.” Sam said, she knew that it was something that Ash didn’t want to hear in the moment, but it was something that had to be said. There are only so many days that that can work on the stuff that Sam excel at like Submissions and finesse moves before they need to go to Minka for her power and striking offense and defense.

“I think I’m going to go find Woody and Patience… right now.” Ash said, before she starts to take off heading in the opposite way that Minka took off in.

“Probably be a good idea…” Sam said, but Ash never word a single word of it as she was already gone. Sam was just too focused on watching the rest of the show to notice that the she was gone.

“FUCK!” Minka yelled, as she swung her right fist slamming it in to the side of a production crate. The crate shifted with the punch thankfully due to the fact that it was on rollers, but Minka still felt a pop in her knuckle. She couldn’t feel it in the moment that to the adrenaline that was pumping through her veins, but she could tell from first glance at the middle knuckle that she dislocated her finger.
Which just the sight of that was enough to get her smirking and laughing, because she knew in this moment that most of the roster would be running for the trainer’s room. Minka on the other hand with having grown up with a mother that was a nurse, her background in fighting in underground fights, and of course having an abusive ex-boyfriend she picked up a thing or two about fixing dislocation. So without batting an eyelash and without giving her adrenaline levels to dip any she relocated her finger in mere seconds.
Even though she couldn’t feel the pain from it at the moment she could already see it swelling. So she held he hand to her chest just above her heart, as that will help minimize some of the swelling, but she needed to find some ice quickly. After taking a look around to get her bearing on where she was in the arena to figure out where catering was, but before she could take a step in any directions…
“You’re hopeless.” Said a familiar voice, which belongs to another friend, Patience Young. Patience knew Minka even better than Samantha did despite the fact that Sam was Minka’s first tag team partner. They weren’t together very long and never accomplished anything… unlike Patience’s partnership with Minka. They were former tag team champions a couple times over and spent years together.
“Here to lecture me?” Minka asked, as she turned to see Patience standing right behind with an ice pack in her hand. Without saying another word to her friend, Patience handed the ice pack to Minka. Minka quickly placed it on her swelling knuckle that’s also starting to bruise.
“What you do your body is all on you.” Patience said, with a smile as she was accustomed to these little temper tantrums. She knew that it would blow over quickly, especially if Minka was able to hit something like she has already. However, she still needs to remind her that actions like that could end up costing not just her, but Samantha more down the line. “Though, was punching that crate worth potentially losing your next match? Or better yet, your next tag team match?”
“It’s just a dislocation. I’ll be fine by next week.” Minka said, as she knew how fast she was going to be able to bounce back from this type of injury. Could it still hurt next week when she clocks someone with her fist? Probably, but it’s nothing that she hasn’t had to fight through before and under fewer rules than in the SCW.
“You’re missing the point… what if it was it broken?” Patience asked, Minka and for a couple of moments she was lost in what to say. She didn’t think about what would happen if it was broken. She just knew that she needed to hit something and even though it would have been much easier and safer to hit Ash… she couldn’t do that to her.
“Okay… I didn’t think it through, but it’s not broken and neither is Ash’s face.” Minka says, “All is well and next week whether if it’s just Sam, me, or the two of us in tag team action we will totally kill it.”
“Still not the point, but I should know better that you are going to be you no matter what.” Patience said, with a half smirk on her face.
“Hey what’s that supposed to mean?” Minka yelled, when she realized that Patience had said.
“Nothing.” Patience said, as she quickly turned away from Minka and started to brisk fully walk away from her friend. Minka not one to let go of what her friend said takes off after her. In a moment the both of them were full fledge running through the arena halls weaving in and around the stage hands that were working trying to keep the show going smoothly.

Sam Raine: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a little on both Crissy and I since we’ve been in the SCW. It’s definitely been a learning curve from the places that we are used to, but with time we’re only going to get better.
Crissy Gardner: Maybe not good enough to challenge for the tag team titles, because Samantha and myself have our own goals we want to accomplish before conquering the tag team division.
Sam Raine: Which conquering it is what we would do. Crissy is a former tag team champion with my cousin.
Crissy Gardner: Hey Sammy, don’t forget that you are a seven time tag team champion with multiple partners. So to say that we could take the tag team division would be an understatement.
Sam Raine: This week we take on Red Empire… what a name.
Crissy Gardner: Hey don’t hate it, because our former team name wasn’t much better.
Sam Raine: Yeah, but Law and Disorder was at least marketable.
Crissy Gardner: There you go again talking about marketing… not everything is about the money.
Sam Raine: Yeah well everything isn’t always about the fight either.
Crissy Gardner: In this line of work it is always about the fight.
Sam Raine: Whatever, Red Empire… be prepared, because it’s about time…
Crissy Gardner: For some disorderly conduct!
Sam Raine: Not what I was going to say!
Crissy Gardner: I know, but it isn’t all about you either.
Sam Raine: You better be glad I love you like a sister.
Crissy Gardner: I love you too.

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